Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
October 18th, 1986
Baltimore, MD

Tonight; We meet Hillbilly Jim's grandma.

Match#1 Hercules Hernadez w/Slick vs SD Jones
Danny Davis lets Herc cheat throughout, and it's very nice of him. Rotundo has a cut in saying Danny had knee surgery will be back soon. The fans chant boring at Herc as he slowly beats up SD for nearly 4 minutes. Slick talks shit about Hogan at ringside, so i assume that's the next short feud for him. Rack ends it

WWF Update-
-We go to a vide of Don and Bob watching the attack on Piper over and over to the point where Bob says they've nearly worn the tape out. Bob says he heard Piper is coming back to fight them, and Don laughs it off and says he's never coming back. They then watch the tape again.

We go to Johnny V and his newest protégée Dino Bravo. Ah, fuck off dude. Dino says he's proud to be here and to reach the top of the WWF with Johnny V by his side. Life sucks.

Match#2 Dino Bravo w/Johnny Valiant vs Tony Parks
i promised Sky and myself i wouldn't skip matches any more, but bless Dino for testing me. Really dull and bland musclehead stuff for a couple of minutes. He does throw a sweet Lariat to his credit, but the rest of his offence looks crappy for the most part, and the jobber isn't the best dude for this. Don wins with a German Suplex.

Killer Ken-
-Piper will be facing Don in Boston.
-Piper says the people in Boston are insane just like him. Don really thinks he gots it all together because he battled Jimmy Snuka and had the IC title, but he's the guy who put Snuka out of work. He got the job done when Don couldn't. Last time he got tired of beating him up, so this time lets get rid of the ref and just have a good old fight. I'm Roddy Piper and you're not.

We go to another pre-tape for the Dream Team where we see Hammer getting a massage from a very pretty girl. Hammer says wrestling is the toughest sport on the body and he needs this every night.

Match#3 Killer Bees vs Bob Bradley & Tiger Chung Lee
TCL is now wearing boots for some reason and Jesse is shocked about it because Asian wrestlers don't normally wear them. Good squash from the Bees as they're throwing far better strikes this time and really laying it all in. Jim in particular throws some motherfuckers of knees to the face, and good on him for doing it. Blair rocks as always. Dropkick right to the mush does it

Killer Ken-
-Randy says Ricky is a fantastic athelete and the IC title will be on the line in Boston. That's where he won the big one which was Ricky has failed to do. He fought Steele all over the building and he's lucky to have his brains left. Ricky couldn't handle Don and Jake, and now he's a three time loser. He can look at his title, but he's never getting it. Randy kisses the title and walks off to end it.

Match#4 Butch Reed w/Slck vs Ricky Hunter
Butch takes it to the mat this week and shows off what he can do with some cool holds and work on the neck, and he makes the jobber fight like hell to get out of it. Butch moves onto moves and beating the guy down and it's awesome as hell. Shame he's not getting above the mid card in this run because holy shit him as IC champ is the dream. He wins with a flying Closeline.

We go to Piper's Pit with the new set. Piper says he wants to start with Hart and brings on Jimmy Hart. Jimmy comes on with some gifts for him such a new crutch he can lean on and some panties he can wear under his kilt, and Orton sends him a new pink hat s he can be tough as him. He brings out a rope and says he can hang himself with it. Piper says he's a funny guy and forces him to sit down so he can give him a present. He knocks his glasses off and forces him to shut his eyes as he ties him to the chair and says he's indeed a funny guy. He gets a bottle of soap and says it's time to wash out his dirty little mouth. He pours the bottle down his throat and onto his face and makes him spit it out into the cowboy hat and then shoves it back onto his head. Piper then hops out on the crutch. Fantastic bullshit.

We go to another tape where we meet Jim's grandma drinking a bottle of moonshine. He sings her a son about how much he loves her. He then wrestles his dog until his granny yells at him for it.

Match#5 Ricky Steamboat vs Iron Mike Sharpe
Mike cracks Rick in the mouth with his loaded forearm and beats the shit out of him on the outside. OH MY GOD KILL HIM. He stays on him and beats him up until Steamer throws him into the post and then rail and beats his ass in classic fashion. He ramps up the karate and batters him over and over. Crossbody does it

Killer Ken-
-Don Muraco says this started at the KOTR when he fought Piper and had the greatest match the world had ever seen because they were friends at the time. It was there Piper learned what magnicgancme looked like and what Don would do to defend his title and honour. Piper reminds him of the used to be's when they were together in big moments in wrestling and outside of it, but those days are gone and Piper has never said sorry to him. As the days have been cast he's seen whose now the fool and those days will live in infamy for Piper. He rocks Boston Garden like no man has ever rocked it, and this will be another.

Next week; Tito/Pedro vs Sheik/Nik.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
October 18th, 1986
Salisbury, MD

Match#1 Koko B Ware vs Steve Lombardi

In a cut in, Koko says Frankie is on his way to Hollywood. Koko gets to the fight the best jobber in the company and it's good stuff. Steve has a nice little run before Koko uses his speed to shut him down and beat him over the place. Brainbuster kills him dead.

We go to a pre-tape of Wonderful getting his haircut and nails done because this what he demands is done for some of his quality. He spends what people make in a year in a week to look this good. He yells at one of the women to clean his shoes and make them look wonderful. He bitches her out for being terrible at her job and screams at the others for not doing well either.

Match#2 Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan vs Tony Parks
V joins commentary and loves Wonderful to the point where he pretends anti Wonderful signs are pro ones. Gorilla tells him to get glasses, and V says he will because he doesn't want to walk into a wall. Short and brutal squash for maybe 90 seconds. Piledriver does it

Killer Ken-
-Tito says he's glad to see Piper turn the corner and fight some bad guys for once, and he's got his back should he never some help.

Match#3 Dick Slater vs Bob Bradley
Danny Davis another cut in telling the fans to stop sending letters because it's not going to do any good or change how he does his job. Dicky gets nearly 3 minutes and has a display of great offence and fire as he beats Bob up. Flying Fistdrop ends it

Match#4 Dream Team vs Ricky Hunter & Jim Powers

Another good on for DT as they're still kicking butt and taking names and making jobbers eat shit every time they get in there. Figure Four ends it

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says he loves doing this because he can make anyone and everyone wait because he makes the rules. He's going to make his idiot of a guest wait...nah, JYD walks out and stands next to Jake. Jake asks what the chain is for, and JYD says his mama raised no fools and he doesn't trust that snake. Jake says if a man was arrested and tried and sentenced to death for being a great wrestler they would kill an innocent man in JYD. JYD says he's got cotton for brain and he needs to be careful. Jake warns him to think, and JYD says he doesn't listen to anyone and he's black until he dies.

Match#5 Sika w/King Curtis vs Jose Luis Rivera
More good stuff for the wildman of the Bloodline. The coolest thing is watching how hard he hits these kids as he flys around for a man his size. JLR does some fun token offence before Sika takes his head off with a lariat and then wins with a running splash.

Match#6 British Bulldogs vs Rudy Diamonds & Steve Regal
Dogs are on with a really mean squash with a ton of nasty power stuff with a ton of snap to it all. It's funny that DK has his rep when it's Davey that's really brutal and killers in this squashes for the most part. Ode ends it
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Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules Hernadez
This is a 20 minute draw and as soon as i saw the result i needed to watch it for the freaks and geeks who read my nonsense. They have a test of strength to start and it's evenly matches out to start before BJH shows he's faster and get him up quickly and manages it a few times to throw the big man around, and he rattles him as a result. Herc stalls for a good 3 minutes and jaws with fans and whatnot, and BJH gets mad about it but never goes after him because he's actually being smart for once. BJH grabs a headlock when he gets back in and holds it for a few minutes and it's boring as sin, but it beats him actually wrestling. Herc gets to his feet and drops him throat first on the ropes to take over, and his control is super lame as he can't fill time with anything cool and just does bad strikes and some choking for a while. BJH at least attempts to sell the beating and it's not that bad to his credit. Herc keeps slowly beating him up and looks near death as he's sucking wind and moves like a snail in between stuff. BJH crotches him on the ropes and makes a bad comeback where he botches a backbreaker and drops Herc super hard on the mat, and then throws very ugly looking chops. BJH locks in the Full Nelson but the time expires as he's about to make Herc tap.

Post match, BJH demands another 5 minutes, so Herc gets back and they have a punch off before Herc bails and leaves.

Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Honky Tonk Man (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Had to watch this purely based on the reversed roles before their famous feud. The crowd already hates Honky and boos him and sides with Randy without any type of fight, and it's very heartwarming as someone who can't stand this hack and is dreading the next 4+ years of him being here. He has a very dull opening flurry that Randy does his best to sell and stooge for, but it's the weakest stuff he's dealt with all year. Randy gives him a lot of moments but HTM is either too slow on stuff, or does really crumby bumping like he's a kid playing wrestler. They fight on the outside and it's a little better as now Randy has shortcuts to help him and he pushes him into Liz and slides back in to win via countout.

The worst Savage match all year. Congrats Honky, you horses ass.

edit; Accidentally submitted before i got to the main event.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan ( WWF World Championship - Hogan Can Lose Title on DQ)
Paul jumps him coming in and they have a sick brawl showing and letting all the hate out after months of trying to kill each other. Hogan punches the shit out of him with the best rights and lefts he's had on months, and he even cracks Heenan with a nice shot to the face. Heenan comes too and throws Hogan a chair and the big man comes close to taking Paul's head off, but he chucks it away and whips his ass the right way. Wonderful slides in from behind with a knee to the back and beats the fuck out of him with kicks to the head and puts on another fantastic shithead control seg. Paul lays in every single shot and blasts him over and over, and Heenan gets on commentary and shouts we're looking at our next champion. Wonderful gets Bobby to distract the ref so he can brain and bust Hogan open with a chair shot to the skull!! Wonderful beats him up on the outside and smashes a headset into the cut and drops a table on top of him as well. Hogan is thrown back in and his entire face and beard is covered in blood, and WONDERFUL DROPS HIM WITH THE PILEDRIVER AND HOGAN ROLLS OUT TO THE FLOOR AND HE'S DEAD. Wonderful gets him back and pins him but Hogan gets his foot on the ropes. Paul stays on him with offence but Hogan won't die and Hulks Up and beats his ass in revenge in amazing form. He kills him with the legdrop and then turfs him to the outside and picks up a chair, but he realises he can't and drops it and keeps beating his butt. Heenan distract the ref again, but it backfires as Hogan finally uses the chair to knock Wonderful out and wins via countout. Fantastic finish

Hogan punches his ass some more and runs him off. Adore this feud.
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WWF Houston Summit-19/20

Vince has decided to come to Houston and hold a show to try and get a foothold in the city, and probably fuck with Bill Watts after stealing some of his biggest names (and a few more he'll take soon) so lets see if he can put on a show that might entice some fans to watch more WWF events.

Match#1 Mike Rotundo vs Jim Brunzelle
This isn't how i would have started this show at all given how boring IRS is, and the fact Jim is the lesser of Bees by a mile. They have a perfectly acceptable battle on the mat that's lead by Mike, but Jim does well hanging with him and in no way looks like a slouch or anything. Gorilla and Ken do a good job of talking about the friendship between these two and the respect that comes from it, and it's nice to have Killer here actually adding insight and making Gorilla better. They keep on the mat and work arms and legs and sell it well enough, but then WWF is weird again and goes to a time limit at 13 minutes

Post match, they shove each other and Jim walks off. Guess they're not pals anymore.

Match#2 Brutus Beefcake vs SD Jones
Wait, is Vince trying to kill Houston off completely by running a terrible card? That's genius if he is, but i also have my doubts. Anyway, this is a 5 minute showcase for Bruti, which would be fine if he was going nuts like he has for the last 6 months, but he's back to be lazy and not caring so no dice. SD is also an awful, awful wrestler who has never offered anything good, so it stinks on both ends. Beecake wins with the knee.
Breaking your toilet seat.

Match#3 Big John Studd vs Big Machine

This is thankfully Studd's last week in the company until late 1988. It's 3 minutes of sloppy giant battles as Blackjack is washed as well and looks very gassed a minute in after one slam on the big man. This match is sort of the middle ground between the new amazing stuff WWF/NWA/UWF is doing, and the old boring shit of yesteryear that is still happening because the old heads can't, or won't adapt to change. Big tries a slam but Studd falls on top and gets the 3 even though Big kicks out right on 3 like a turd.

Match#4 Greg Valentine vs Gatrwolfe

Hammer is tasked with 8 minutes of getting anything out of this scumbag. Hammer keeps it as simple as possible and works the arm instead of beating him to death with an actual hammer to the temple, so it's boring and whatever as Gator doesn't both to sell anything, and Hammer isn't killing himself for this goober. Hammer eventually wins with a Suplex.

Match#5 Iron Sheik w/Nikolai Volkoff vs Davey Boy Smith

Why? 6 minutes of an ok back and forth and the second best match after the last 30 minutes of crap we've endured. Sheik has a fine control seg with some good throws and strikes and the like, and DBS sells it well enough. Davey gets his hands on the ropes to break up the clutch and grabs a Powerslam out of nowhere to win.

Post match, the heels attack until DK makes the save.

Match#6 Hulk Hogan (c) vs Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship-Hogan can lose the title on a DQ)
Same as last night as Paul jumps him coming into the ring and beats his ass. Paul's arm mist be bad as he's got both taped up and he's not throwing shots with full force as he did last night, and it sucks as this means his peak is coming to an end as he wreaked his arm a few months in a weightlifting accident and worked through it for this feud, and it cost him. He weakly beats on Hulk for a while until Hogan makes his comeback and kicks his butt for a while. They do the same finish as last night as well.

Match#7 Nikolai Volkoff vs Tama
Wait, why isn't he facing DK after the last match. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHOW???? Tama at least shows some goshdarn fire and hits this old bastard very hard and makes me smile, but Nik is another old head who works one way and thus forces this into boring ass rest holds and shitty clubbering from his end as he dominates most of the match and eats the kid alive. He rolls him up with his feet on the ropes.

Match#8 Dynamite Kid vs Moondog Rex

DK finally gets a match going in the right way as he forces Rexy to have a fight and hit each other hard, and bless them for it. It doesn't last long before it turns into a neat little back and forth, but it smokes everything else. Rex throws him into the corner and kicks him in the face and tosses him to the concrete, and DK takes a nasty bump to his back which isn't going to do wonders for his future. Rex beats on his back with a bearhug and some clubbing and it's pretty fun for a couple of minutes, and DK sells well. DK fights back and runs through him with some forearms and speed and Rex has no answer for it. He cradles his arms and drags him down into a crucifix for the win

Match#9 The Moondogs, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff, The Dream Team, King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd, Hart Foundation, The Machines, Rougeau Brothers, Killer Bees, S.D. Jones & Mike Rotundo, Islanders, Steve Gatorwolf & Chief Jay Strongbow, and the British Bulldogs. (50 Grand Battle Royal)

Hey, this sucks too because there's too many bodies and not enough good wrestlers getting enough space to actually get anything going to make it at least watchable or good. Also, some of these teams are the most random bullshit ever and have zero place here or anywhere in a world i'm living in. Raymond and Bret push each other out and fight on the outside, so the other partners jump down and fight to the back. It gets down to the Dogs and Nik/Sheik and in the theme of this horrible fucking show, the heels win

Easily the worst WWF show i've seen thus far
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WWF MSG-20/10

More live events as WWF is now going to balls to the wall with them, and we get to reap the rewards.

King Kong Bundy vs Super Machine
Way better than the bullshit from last night as this is the two best wrestlers in the main feud going at it for 4 minutes in a battle of fat meets clubbing. SUPER RUNS RIGHT AT HIM AND DROPS HIM WITH A CROSSBODY BLOCK AND MSG COMES UNHINGED. Bundy is now pissed when he gets back up and unloads huge clubs and Super meets him right there with some of his own, and they have a wonderful back and forth of beating the shit out of each other as they give as good as they get. Bundy flings him into the corner and hits a flash Avalanche to win.

Dynamite Kid vs Jim Neidhart

Love to see these two getting singles matches as Anvil's improvements deserve to be rewarded after the last few months. Hayes says DK is the fattest wrestler in the world and no one can match him, and it's a cool thing to say. Anvil finds out as DK works at a breakneck speed and catches him a bunch of times and puts him on the backfoot and makes him the fool. Anvil finally catches him running with a knee to the stomach and goes to work. Awesome body blows are thrown along with some cool power stuff that targets DK's shitty back. He slams him on the concrete and pounds the hell out of it, and DK is badly hurt as the beating is ramped up. Anvil misses a headbutt off the top, and DK powers up and beats the crap out of him and gets an Oklahoma Roll to get the win.

Super long and killer segment that i in no way can do justice to. Especially when VLAD THE SUPERFAN shows up and is involved. Watch it.

Greg Valentine vs Davey Boy Smith
Oh, hell yeah. They have a fun battle over control of an arm and Davey uses his freaky speed to win out, so Hammer knees him in the ribs and kills him with a backbreaker and goes to work. Hammer grinds him down as only Greg can, and DBS sells his ass off far better than DK did earlier, so that's another reason i dig him more. Hammer beats the shit out of him and even breaks out a sick shoulderbreaker to hurt him further. He cuts him off in more nasty ways with knees to the back and works the leg so Davey is double fucked, and it's such an awesome thing to watch. Davey fights out of some of it and locks in a Sharpshooter, but his knee is trashed and can't fully stand up and Hammer is able to get to the ropes to break it. Hammer is able to keep at the knee and put him back down and stop any comebacks, and locks in the Figure Four and murders the leg for another two minutes. Davey gets to the ropes but he's screwed. They fight some more and Hammer double legs him and grabs the ropes to steal it. Bad finish for an otherwise great match.

Bret Hart vs Raymond Rougeau

Ray breaks Bret's glasses like a big bully and then schools him with armdrags to make it worse. Ray stays on him catching him trying to sneak in, so Bret goes for the eyes to turn the tide. Love that he just "fuck it" and went cheap. He beats him with his looping punches and kicks as he's now a great striker on top of everything else, which is kind of terrifying to think about. Ray is a good FIP as he takes a good beating and fights like hell from underneath. He throws two sweet punches right to the temple and then drops him with a mule kick to the guts to start his comeback, and then flings him around the ring and beats him up with a lot of fire. He kicks Bret into the corner and stupidly mounts him and it lets Bret shove him back and get his feet on the ropes to steal it as that's the theme of the show.

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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
October 25th, 1986
Syracuse, NY

Tonight; Tito & Pedro vs Sheik & Nik.

Match#1 Koko B Ware vs Moondog Spot
Jesse actually makes Bruno break by saying even he's slapping his knee to Koko's music. Butch has a cut in saying Koko needs to get tough or he's getting punched in the face. Holt shit, yes please. Koko cooks again for 3 minutes and some and has the dog for his lunch. He's just this wonderful little ball of fire and heart and i love him a lot.He breaks out a gorgeous dropkick off the top and then hits the Brainbuster now dubbed "The Ghostbuster" to win.

-Blackjack Mulligan is hog tying cattle as he wants everyone to see the hard work he's doing out here, and he invites the likes of Savage and Bundy to come down here. He's watching Hogan and Piper's backs from now on. He wants to run Bundy's big butt all over his land so he can get him down to 120 pounds.
-The Machines are thankfully dead, but it means we've got washed Blackjack for a few months. Take the good with the bad, i guess given the other two Machines are going to be some of the best parts of the next few years.

Match#2 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick vs Tito Santana & Pedro Morales
The faces jump them during the song and beat them up, and it's fine thanks to Tito, but maaaaaan i am so done with the other 3 at this point. Davis helps the heels turn the tides by letting them double team the faces for a bit, and Vince is none too pleased. He refuses to count for anything the faces do to the point Tito pulls him away and yells at him. Davis gets rid of Tito as Nik kicks Pedro in the face and steals the win despite not being legal.

Post match, Tito snaps and goes after Davis, but he runs away and hides behind some cops.

We go to a pre-tape with Jesse and the Dogs. They introduce Matilda again as the mascot and promise she's housetrained.

Killer Ken-
-Killer hypes up the upcoming Boston show.
-Randy says Ricky has all the chances to make a fool of himself on Halloween, but this is November 1st and he'll do it for him. You're talking Macho Madness and he controls his own atmosphere and time and space, and he's very good at it. Ricky is going to find out what he's all about.

Match#3 The Islanders vs Barry O & Steve Lombardi
Tama has a cut in at the beach saying he's going to get down on these funky islands in Tonga. Jesse is confused as to why they have the same name as the NHL team, and Vince has to quickly cut him off before he goes too far. Awesome squash from the boys as they're a killer mix of speed and offence and they blast the shit out of the jobbers for 3 minutes. They give them nothing and eat them up time and time again. They use double headbutts to kill Lombardi, and it's such a cool thing to watch. They use a Gordbuster/Flying Splash combo to win.

Killer Ken-
-The Dogs are interviewed and say Matilda will become the best manager in the WWF and lead them better than the likes of Hart or Valiant ever could. DK says her short legs reminds him of Valentine and she's hungry for hammers.

Match#4 Jake Roberts vs Mike Kelly
Jake gets to kill a young Shane Douglas. Slater has a cut in saying down south they call snakes geese and he's coming for him. Jake gives the kid some offence and it's basic and fine enough, and then he cuts him off and quickly kills him and hits the DDT to win.

Post match, Jake goes for Damien but the ref gets Shane out of the ring. Booooo.

Piper's Pit is next with Mr Fuji. Fuji gives him Fortune cookies and it says one man with a good leg can't hop to a win. He reads some more making fun of his bad leg and throws the paper on his head, so Piper threatens to kill him. Fuji sticks his cane in Piper's throat and challenges him to a match next week so he can pay and be a big loser. Piper calls him a fat pig and happily accepts.

Match#5 The Rougeau Brothers vs Jack Funk & Steve Regal
Dino has a cut in saying they make him sick calling themselves the best French Canadians in the world. oh no. Killer squash from the boys as they clean house on these dorks with offence and a ton of cool double teams. They win with the assisted Seated Senton

We go to a video Sika and King Curtis on a beach. Sika is chowing down on a live fish and having the time of his life. Curtis says he's going to eat this fish like he's going to eat Hulk Hogan.

Match#6 Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan vs Lanny Poffo
Hogan has a cut in saying Paul is in the wrong for using his music after all he's done to him and the Hulkamaniacs, and he's going to get him. Paul lariats Lanny out of the ring right away and kills him with a suplex on the floor! He beats the shit out of him and quickly wins with the Piledriver

Next Week; Randy Savage in action. Roddy Piper vs Mr Fuji


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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
October 26th, 1986
Rochester, NY

Match#1 Bob Orton & Don Muraco w/Jimmy Hart vs Mike Kelly & Nick Kiniski

They're still using Piper's music and wearing kilts, and it's such a shithead thing to do. Very fun 2 minute outing for the boys as they're getting more in sync and working like a well oiled machine as they beat the dogshit out of these poor little kids. Don's beard makes him look like a Miami Vice bad guy of the week, and it;'s soooooo awesome and gross. Tombstone drops Kelly right top of his skull for the win.

In a pre-tape, King Race says it ticks him off anyone thinks they can get in the ring with true royalty

Match#2 Hillbilly Jim vs Al Navarro
Bobby shows some clips of farm animals and says they're Jim's fan club members. Our country boy puts on a bad squash tonight as he's missing on offence due to his knee, and just looks really bad compared to normal, which is startling because he stinks for the most part anyway. He wins with the bearhug.

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts loves to be called cold blooded as it means he's doing his job. When he drops someone they don't get up no matter who it is. You can bring anyone to fight him and he's dropping them. Hell, you can bring on Koko's bird Frankie and he'll be gone as well. That's the kind of man he is. He treats this as a serious business and he wants to be a champion. He's got his eyes on the IC title as it means you're close to Hogan. Randy something for you to think about, could you handle the snake, or would you even want to??

Match#3 Butch Reed w/Slick vs Don Driggers
Slick is now doing the ring announcement for Butch as he doesn't think anyone else can do it as well as him. Butch shows off his power by tossing the kid around with ease and beats his head in with cool elbows and forearms, and it's a ton of fun. He wins with his sick flying closeline.

Killer Ken-
-Honky Tonk Man cuts a dreadful promo about how he's been doing the two step with Peggy Sue and singing songs and showing everyone how talented he is. He's here to wrestle every day except Saturday's when he sings and dances. What a dickhead.

We go to a video of the Machines trying to buy a car from a used car salesmen, but they're too big to fit and leave very sad.

Match#4 Dino Bravo w/Johnny Valiant vs Sivi Afi
More lame power stuff from Dino as he can only do basics and nothing cool or dangerous to a jobber, so it's a massive waste of my time. He wins with his back Backdrop Suplex

We go to the Snake Pit with HTM. Jake brings up Honk'y mum and makes fun of her for thinking Elvis is still alive, and Honky gets very upset like a big nerd. Jake says this is his show and does what he wants, and he wants to know if he's ever been this close to a real man. HTM calls him a sick freak who plays with snakes and he needs to get grease in his hair and be more like him. Jake says he's playing in the 50's and he needs to get to the 80's and play with him and Damien. Honky says he's not scared of him at all. Jake warns him he's not a hard man to find if he wants to.

Match#5 The Killer Bees vs Jimmy Jack Funk & Moondog Spot
Gorilla defends the masks by saying it's just another weapon in their arsenal, and Heenan thankfully calls bullshit and says he wouldn't say the same if he was doing it. YEAH FUCK YOU. Dave Hebner has a cut in saying it's very hard to be a referee, but Danny needs to be up on review. The fans outright turn on match and chant boring, but it's quite good as the Bees have some duelling arm work along with their normal array of offence, and i enjoyed it so fuck em. Dropkick ends it.

PSA with Ricky Steamboat. Say no to drugs as they can kill. Steroids are fine though, right Ricky????

We see footage from TNT with Kamala when he was being managed by Freddie Blassie. Freddie says he's not going to change how he wrestles and mess with something that works, so he's free to hurt anyone. They bring on a live chicken and Freddie says he has to be fed at the same time every night, and Kamala looks inside the cage as Blassie says he's going to eat it alive. Kimchee gets it out of the cage, but it flys away as Kamala gives chase.

Match#6 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Tony Nardo
"There's a thousand pounds right there" -Heenan talking about Curtis. Another super fun fat man murder of a skinny little jobber. He pounds his belly and murders the kid with clubs and fat for 90 seconds. Running Splash does it

We go to clips of Kamala with feathers in his mouth showing he got the chicken in the end.

Killer Ken-
-Steamboat says he admires a man that admits defeat and Jake is that man. He beat him on SNME and they're moving onto different things and people, and this is a good thing for both of them. He thinks Hogan is right about praying and training hard and that's what he's doing. He would like to wear that IC title and Randy is the only man in his way and he's a great champion, but he only defends it every 30 days and that's smart on his part. George Steele jumps out of nowhere shouting for Liz and says he's worried about Liz, and Ricky will be champion.

Next Week; Randy Savage vs BJH for the IC title.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
November 1st, 1986
Syracuse, NY

Tonight; Roddy Piper vs Mr Fuji. Special interview with Hulk Hogan.

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Silvi Afi
BJH has a cut in saying Randy is a tough champion with Liz by his side, but he had him beat and he's going to find him down the road soon. Awesome squash for Randy as he goes to the mat for something different and works an arm, and then gives the kid some cool offence so he bumps his ass off in cool fashion. He fires back and kicks his ass in an even more crazed way as now he's hurt and pissed off. He drops him face first on the rail in a great moment and then kills him dead with the Elbow.

-Hulk Hogan drinks a special nutritional drink that helps him stay big and strong. He outright says milk isn't in it because it's for babies, and as someone who hates milk, i have to agree with the Hulkster.

Match#2 Junkyard Dog vs Moondog Rex
Battle of the puppy dogs. Woof woof grab them cakes and bones. Wonderful has a cut in saying JYD will not get in his way of the WWF title as he doesn't have the body or the moves, and he's got nothing to stand in his way. JYD throws lots of headbutts and has some sloppy but super endearing moves, and fuck it he's fun despite being washed as hell. He beats him with a huge old THUMP

Post match, he dances with some kids. Hell yeah, grab them cakes.

Killer Ken-
-Ken hypes up tonight's Boston show. Savage/Steamboat for the IC title. Muraco/Piper. Dogs/Foundation for the tag titles.
-Ricky says it's getting old and tired hearing Randy tell everyone he's the best in the world, but it's a dispute on how he won the title against his friend Tito. He's not going to play that game as he's watched the tape and he's coming at him full gun just like the Red Sox.

In a pre-tape, Race demands fans bow to him when he leaves the ring in victory. Seems more than fair.

Match#3 King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Jose Luis Rivera
Bruno says he would never bow to anyone, and Jesse is disgusted by his disrespect. In fact, he says with the coronation it's proof he's not just calling himself a king. Hell yeah. Race beats the shit out of poor old JLR for 90 seconds with nasty knees and elbows and eats him alive. Fisherman's Buster does it.

Post match, Heenan demands all the fans get on a knee and bow to him, and that don't because they're bums.

Killer Ken-
-The Hart Foundation are planning the biggest party Boston has ever seen after the win the titles. Bret has a girl in Boston who tells him he has everything, but he's missing the belts and tonight he's going to get them and rule for a long, long time.

We go to another pre-tape with the Machines and the Heenan family sitting in an office arguing about signing contracts for their upcoming matches.

Match#4 Honky Tonk Man vs Al Navarro
So, hey, let's go to a little note from the OBSVER– T"he Honky Tonk Man character has been a complete flop for Wayne Ferris thus far, since he’s supposed to be a babyface but gets heavily booed wherever he goes. However, the gimmick is the personal brainchild of Vince McMahon, so any objections will be cheerfully ignored and he’ll be repackaged until he gets over somehow" Yeah, we're all going to suffer this complete hack dweeb because Vince thinks this shit will work. The fans HATE him and the boos reign down on his head, and it's good for the soul. This is a short and crappy squash with bad offence and the like. He debuts the Shake, Rattle and Roll to win.

We go to another video of Steele visiting a zoo and having fun with the animals. This following a HTM squash feels like a personal attack on me.

Match#5 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Don Driggers
"I'd like to see Kamala make a can of soup out of Sammartino" -Jesse. This fucking rules as he does a massive leap frog and kicks the kid in the facer and murders him with the best running splash of his life to take it in 50 seconds. Fuck yeah

Match#6 Roddy Piper vs Mr Fuji

Piper takes the bandage off his knee as he's fully healed!!! He punches the crap out of Fuji like a madman and starts eye poking and punching him in the throat. Fuji jabs him in the dick and tries a splash but he misses, and Piper mounts him and punches the hell out of him for a good minute. Muraco and Orton come out and circle the ring, and PIPER DARES THEM TO GET IN AND LIES DOWN IN THE RING AND LETS THEM COME AFTER HIM. The numbers are too much and they beat the shit out of him as he does his best to fight, but he just can't do it. He gets ahold of his crutch and swings for the fences and runs them off and the match ends.

Post match, Danny Davis DQ's Piper and gives the match to Fuji. Piper snaps and chases after him with his crutch. Jesse says he used a foreign object and this is more than fair.

Killer Ken-
-H O L Y S H I T



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Steamboat (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Randy seems hesitant to engage for once and goes right to stalling after the first lockup, and it's a fantastic way to build this story of Ricky being his complete equal and maybe even better than anyone other than Randy can see. Steamer goads him and works the arm with those deeeeep armdrags and controls, and hey it's really good as you'd expect it to be. Knees to the shoulder along with twisting and turning it, and Randy's selling rocks. Steamer uses his speed to stay on it and stop Randy from cutting it off, and he starts to get cocky by standing all the way up with the arm between his legs and he falls down on his back and rips the arm all the way back when he lands. Fucking god yes. They fight near the ropes and Savage manages to get a knee to the kidney to hurt him, but Steamer powers through and keeps beating him down with arm drags and the fantastic work from before. Randy gets free but his arm is useless, so he gets something out of his tights and rubs it into Ricky's eyes to blind him and finally is able to get something going. He sells his arm incredibly well in transition as he uses a sick lariat to turn Ricky inside out and grabs it right after and holds it super close to his body. He keeps selling it as mounts more offence beating the shit out of Ricky, and now Randy goes nuts and slams him on the hardwood floor and bashes the crap out of him. Steamer won't die and his attempted comeback rules as does Randy's cut offs with the object he uses when the refs back is turned. Savage misses a charge when Ricky is leaning on the ropes and he crotches himself, and now Steamer goes insane with offence and pinballs Savage all over, all while selling the ass kicking he's taken. Randy's not dead yet as he manages to catch Ricky running at him and he tosses him out of the ring and Ricky smacks his body off the floor. RANDY GOES FOR THE AXE HANDLE BUT STEAMBOAT MOVES AND RANDY HURTS HIS KNEE AND RICKY CLIMBS IN TO WIN VIA COUNTOUT.

Post match, Ricky throws him back and kicks his ass and leaves super pissed off. Fuck yeah.

Roddy Piper vs Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji
Piper flips out right away and turns into a knockdown drag out gutter war, and it's perfect as hell. A million punches and classic goofy Piper moments happen throughout, and Don bumps his big ass for it. Piper puts him in the ropes like a swing and runs at him with these insane punches and Don bounces back and forth on each one and somehow doesn't fall and eat shit. Muraco finally cutches him with a thumb to the eyes and then Fuji hits him with his cane, and Don sends him headfirst into the post to bust him wide open!!!. Piper won't die as he comes back to life and mounts Don in the ring and they punch the crap out of each other, and Piper forges ahead because blood is cool and makes you fight. Piper sends Don into Fuji and rolls him up to win

The British Bulldogs (c) vs The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart (WWF World Tag Team Championships)

A year + later after their last fantastic match and we're finally where this division has needed to be with the best two teams in the company going at it. Bret and DK start us off in a killer battle of speed vs technique that DK wins out and rattles Bret. Davey gets in next and they have an even better fight for control that Davey wins, and now Bret loses it and tags in Anvil to make them pay. Awesome power fight happens between him and Davey as neither can back down and just run at each full tilt. Anvil kills him with a sick powerslam, and then Bret gets back in to pick the bones and control him in another sick HF control seg full of body work and cool power stuff, and Davey sells his ass off and is continually cut off in new ways like Bret throwing a knee in his back from the apron, or Anvil hurling him to the floor and Bret following up with a slam. Mean and petty as all hell. They keep it up for a good 5 minutes and never let him get a chance to breath, and he has to earn every moment of space to get DK into it. Davey finally manages to pick Bret up and crotch him and tags DK. DK goes insane on the hot tag beating the fuck out of them all over the joint with so many cool things with that famous snap to them all. Anvil jumps off top to break it up and he takes the ref out as well by mistake. He throws Bret on top and gets a 2.9 that i truly bite on. Davey gets back in and rolls Anvil up despite neither being legal and the ref counts and the champs retain. Awful finish for an otherwise great match.

Post match, HF attack the champs and lay Davey out with a Spike Piledriver.