CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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Jun 3, 2010
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I'm still here at the moment, I can cover a couple of matches a week but don't expect much more from me because I'm usually swamped with homework, essays and the sort, but catch me early in the week and I can usually plan ahead and get my stuff in.


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Feb 20, 2011
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Dude so you are all gonna let me and SBS do things by ourselves? A huge fuck you goes to all who left, cept Dres who did it due to real life problems, the other two wankers did it because it's no longer fun for them. And I would not be so pissed if you quit on Monday or Sunday, that would be cool, but it's now like the last day when I really need them matches and you just fuck me over. Really thanks, son of a bitch. Still friends, but I'm pissed.


No, fuck you, it's not a job. I have a social life sorry.


Apr 23, 2011
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No, fuck you, it's not a job. I have a social life sorry.

Dude I get you, I've got a social life too, but man, if you knew you're gonna quit, you should have done that earlier in the week, you left Riot hanging like shit and there's no way I can cover such a lot of matches this week. So now I've got to search and beg people to cover matches from you guys who are unavailable. Really unfair. It's not a job, Ellis, but still a responsibility.

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Dude so you are all gonna let me and SBS do things by ourselves? A huge fuck you goes to all who left, cept Dres who did it due to real life problems, the other two wankers did it because it's no longer fun for them. And I would not be so pissed if you quit on Monday or Sunday, that would be cool, but it's now like the last day when I really need them matches and you just fuck me over. Really thanks, son of a bitch. Still friends, but I'm pissed.


.... Once again, you are just proving to me, that it was great step to left u... Seriously, as much as I hate to say this, I am realist and I can see, that CWF is slowly being ruined down... U have to pick up and once again do your job and don't bitch and cry like babies as always or left matches to someone else.... I see, another late show... Whatever, it's not my business now...


Apr 23, 2011
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Now I don't wanna go all Itch, but you, my friend can be sometimes very rude. You know what I mean. Oh, and. You suck at English.

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Alright... I don't really know how u want to run the show, when you never write match. This week, you have to write 3 matches and I will be honest, you seriously are not able to do it. I was the one that saved your ass so many many times. I was the one, that always wrote 3 matches for a show, but now, you are alone in it. Nobody's here to help you. And for Andrew, I don't know what's wrong with you, but you have to see, that somethings wrong in staff when everyone is leaving. Derrick, my english maybe sucks, but I am still writing much batter matches than you. Oh wait, we never saw any match from you, so maybe that's the reason... Cya guys, oh and by the way, I will not write the match, so yeah, cover it Derrick ;)

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Oh and one more thing. Cause you are the one that started bitching against Ellis without any serious reason, it was his clear decision, let me bitch as well. Let me bitch on you and mr.Andrew.... Ellis will agree with me on this, we already had a little conversation before about this. I seriously don't know reason why you got the post of Honor's head writer. You just don't deserve it. You never write what are you suppose to, you never do what you should. Just look to this week Riot? What's in? 1 promo and 1 unfinished match. How can you make the show works huh? We all know you will not write 3 matches, at least, not 3 great matches for the quality of this week's TTing so yeah, you are in serious shits. But, I know why you are where u are. It's because you are ass kisser. It's nothing personal in real life, it's just around here. Everybody can see this. Everybody sees, how you and Andrew are doing things only how you want. Andrew is happy with you ass kissing, but every single one of us is sick of it. Just ask anyone in e-fed and I'm sure, he'll agree with me. Andrew was bitching about my Alberto and boom, you months before got the title shot and you was doing exact same thing. Why? Answer yourself first...


Apr 23, 2011
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Who kissed whose ass? Dude, are you blind or what? Andrew can tell you how many times I told him to go fuck himself in the ass. Facebook, MSN, name it. I'm the guy who's gonna do whatever the hell I want, Imma do whatever the hell I want, I can even post the show up and put a picture of a hairy cunt in it and no one's gonna do nothing about it (Jk, that would ban me.). Well, yeah, CWF is facing hard times lately, but I assure you that I, SBS, Andrew, Hoov and Bronz will make this fed the best on the webs and when we get through this hard part, when you're gonna want to go back, guess what Imma say and name them two words, I don't have to write them here, you know 'em broski. Well, yeah, neighbor, we can meet at Na Rolích and hug, kiss and embrace, but bro, you just made me your enemy in feds. Well done. If you were a tough guy, a CWF faithful, you'd stay here and help CWF rise up the ranks once again. You left like a pussy. A pussy. Nothing more, nothing less than a pussy. Why I was made the headwriter? Well it's kinda simple, you know, even though my life fucks me daily in the ass, I'll do my best to do what I was asked to do, Andrew's decision kinda surprised me too, because honestly I think that I suck at writing matches, yet they are still original. While your matches, Lukáš, they are too much SvR 2011 WWE Universe Modeish. Get me? Also my ideas are better.

Oh, and I'm fly and SS7. Beat that biatch.


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Lukas, I have stated many times that we are not to bitch and fight here.
I didn't pick to give Derrick a title shot. He had the chance and lost it

We allow everyone a chance here in CWF. I'm quite sure you will eventually be pushed as del rio as its good


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Also, Derrick is head writer cos u walked away and refused to work as a team


Apr 23, 2011
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Also, Derrick is head writer cos u walked away and refused to work as a team

quoted for truth. you've had the chance to cooperate. you bitched, lukáš.


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I'm not online using my phone because I had a funeral to attend and I'm an hour away

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Ah andrew and Derrick. I left like a pussy? Only pussies are two of you. Andrew can't do the right thing, yes, that's right, you was trying to strike me or what and that was just a signal. Reason why I left is not because I'm sick of the writing. In fact, I love writing. But I will not gonna work under this management or staff or however you call yourselves. I was doing everything and when I finally got my show, only thing I was hearing was Andrew bitching and doing everything behind my back. HBK new manager? Why not, Derrick and Andrew agreed, it's closed. Well guess what, neither you was supposed to made that decision. When I wrote nearly whole PPV months ago, I covered over 3 matches, I heard little thanks and end of story? Well, then I was said I have to comeback under condition that I will not gonna have to write more matches than I was supposed to and what happened? 2 weeks ago, I wrote 5 matches! Andrew, you are doing exact same thing with WAR. Doing it all yourself and with SBS now. Well, you have to clear things up around here, cause if this is the way you gonna run it, then CWF will slowly go down under ground...


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To an extent I agree with you there Lukas.

I did write last week for WAR, this is why we need writers.

Now Lukas... I'll make a proposition to you.

If you choose to stay here the writing team can look like this




Awesome Miz

That way there's 3 writers per brand and who ever comes join us can help RIOT?

What do you say?

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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It is time for a new era in CWF to begin. The days of Thursday Night Honor are a thing of the past, and the future is Friday Night Riot. What began as Joey Styles' brainchild and became Jim Cornette's pet project is now in the hands of the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Tonight's show is only the beginning of what promises to revolutionize e-feds as we all know it. This, is Friday Night Riot...


The pyrotechnics display goes off, lighting up the stage and the arena with its splendor, bringing thousands upon thousands of fans to their feet, cheering with excitement and overcome with anticipation. As the pyro ceases, leaving smoke in its wake, the camera pans to the commentary table where "Good Ol' J.R." Jim Ross and Matt "The Teacher" Striker are standing by to call the action.


Matt Striker: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the debut edition of Friday Night Riot! Different night, different name, same great CWF action. I'm Matt Striker, your teacher.

Jim Ross: And I'm Good Ol' J.R. Folks this truly is the genesis of a new era in CWF, Riot is certainly going to be something special, and it won't disappoint either.

Matt Striker: That's right, Jim. For starters, how about a huge tag team match pitting "The Viper" Randy Orton and the Intercontinental Champion Alex Riley against the "Instant Classic" Christian and the "Mexican Aristocrat" Alberto Del Rio?

Jim Ross: Sounds good to me, Matt. Also on the agenda we have The Miz taking on the colossal Mason Ryan and one half of the CWF Tag Team Champions James Storm taking on one half of the number one contenders, Mr. T.

Matt Striker: And in our main event, it's a clash of factions as The Coven takes on The Great Hassan. I can't wait!

Jim Ross: Neither can I, Matt. In fact, let's not wait, let's get right to things!

The camera pans to the inside of the ring, where Justin Roberts is standing by, ready to assume his announcing duties.


The ring bell is sounded, signifying the time to begin introductions is now.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...



"I Came to Play" by Downstait begins to play over the PA System. The Miz and the always sexy Maryse come out to the stage to loud boo's from the audience. They walk down the ramp ignoring the fans.

Justin Roberts: From Clevelend, Ohio, weighing in at 225 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Maryse, he is the Miiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzz!

They get to the ring and they both do their usual taunts on the ring apron, Miz entering the ring while Maryse remains at ringside.

Jim Ross: Knowing I had to face someone like Mason Ryan in mere moments, I don't think I'd be smiling from ear-to-ear right now, even if I was someone as cocky as The Miz.

Matt Striker: Mason Ryan, though impressive in stature, I feel lacks the grace and ring presence of the "Awesome One". On top of this, Miz is flanked by the ever lovely Maryse. How can you not be smiling if you're The Miz right now?

Jim Ross: You don't have to be graceful to do what Mason Ryan does, and that's absolutely destroy his opponents. It's going to be a slobberknocker of homicidal proportions if it's allowed to go on too long.

The camera returns to Justin Roberts, who is ready to introduce The Miz's opposition for the evening.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...


"Here and Now or Never" pumps through the speakers, the crowd try and boo the roof off the arena as out onto the stage walks Wales born, Mason Ryan! He turns round lifts his arms, and tenses, showing the impressive shape on him before turning round to look at the CWF Universe.

Kanevs_MasonRyanWWETagTeamChampionKanevs_MasonRyan  byDisqualfication_May22011-12_crop_340x234.jpg

Justin Roberts: From Cardiff, Wales. Weighing in at 289 pounds. Mason Ryan!

Ryan, looking very focused, makes it down to the ring, and jumps up onto the apron. He enters in-between the top and middle rope keeping his focused look as he stares down Miz, who has a changed expression.

Jim Ross: And the realization seems to have set in for that young man. I'd say his life is flashing before his eyes right about now.

Matt Striker: You aren't even giving Miz a chance, J.R., this could go the opposite of how you think it's going to go.

Jim Ross: I won't hold my breath.

The ring bell is sounded again, signifying it's time for the match to begin.


With the ringing of the bell, the two men were off. Mason charges Miz, hitting him in the chest with his shoulder as he fell to the mat on his back. Ryan drops an elbow into Miz's abdomen and kicks him in the side, Miz rolling over onto his stomach as a defensive tactic. Mason began raining down on his back, shoulders, and head with punches as Miz covered the back of his head with his hands. He began to get up as Ryan continued the attack, turning to face him once he returned to a vertical base. Miz threw an open hand, catching Mason in the mouth as the crowd, "oohed" at the impact and the sound it made. Miz threw a punch with his left hand but Ryan grabbed his wrist with both hands, kicked him in the solar plexus, and turned quickly, throwing Miz around him and to the mat on the other side with a form of hip toss. Mason still had Miz's wrist as he fell to a sitting position, one leg on Miz's shoulder and the other wrapped around his arm so that his feet were touching as he fell to his back quickly, wrenching back with a gruesome looking armbar.

Jim Ross: Well I certainly wasn't expecting this.

Matt Striker: He's going to tear his arm out of socket!

Miz writhed in pain in the move as he turned onto his side, throwing punches with his free hand onto where Mason had his grip applied. It had no avail in breaking the move but assisted in ticking off Ryan as he sat up quickly, knocking heads with Miz. Miz fell back in agony and Mason fell back from daze, still able to wrench the arm however. After shaking off the effects of the collision, Miz was back on his side, throwing himself onto it quickly which gave him enough reach and force to punch Ryan in the mouth and break the hold. Miz got to his feet holding his arm in pain then saw an opening as he sized up Mason as the Wales native began to get up. Miz tried to hook the arms for the SCF but Mason threw an elbow backward, catching Miz in the side of the head. Ryan turned around, taking advantage of his opponent's daze as he grabbed him by the throat and lifted him, planting him against the mat with a quick and devastating chokebomb.

Jim Ross: Somebody get the medics out here, Miz's back may have just been shattered!

Matt Striker: A slam like that will wake your chiropractor up from a coma, that was brutal!

Mason covered Miz and hooked the leg as the referee came over to make the count.




Before the referee could count three, Ryan rolled out of the cover and got to his feet. Miz rolled over onto his stomach and pushed himself up with his arms, holding there as he shook the cobwebs loose and tried to come back to. Mason ran over and caught Miz in the side of the head with a knee, causing him to fall on his face as Ryan grabbed his arm and fell to the mat, applying another armbar, wrenching back at an angle so Miz's arm was twisted slightly backward.

Jim Ross: He's going to snap the bone clean in half!

Miz was crying out in pain, beating the mat with his fist, but not tapping out. Masonwas doing his best to break his arm as Miz was reaching his limits quickly. Miz unclenched his fist, opening his hand as he went to drop it. Before he could, Ryan let go of the hold and rolled him over, covering him. The referee counted.



No! Miz gets the shoulder up!

Mason stands up as Miz rolls over onto his face, lying at his opponent's feet. Ryan seizes the opportunity and delivers a series of stomps to the shoulder of the arm he was just twisting in the submission hold. Miz put an end to this after a few stomps by rolling over onto his back, the front of his opposite shoulder now absorbing the punishment. Miz turned onto his side quickly and threw a punch at Mason's groin but Ryan kicked his arm away, his toes connecting with the small of Miz's forearm. Miz sat up, looking at his arm and writhing in pain, his back turned to Mason as Ryan swung his foot around and kicked him hard in the back of the head.

Miz rocked forward, his chin touching his abdomen, then fell backwards to the mat. Mason grabbed him by the hair on the top of his head and pulled him back into a sitting position, throwing an arm around his throat, his hands locking behind Miz's head. Ryan also placed a knee in between Miz's shoulder blades as he pushed forward with it and pulled back with the sleeper hold. Mason released the hold after a moment then modified it, locking both arms around his neck as tightly and as far apart as they would go and placing both knees in the small of Miz's back, laying down with the move so that Miz was arched backward across Ryan's knees being pushed upward while simultaneously being pulled down and choked out.

Matt Striker: This is just sick. It's not even a wrestling match anymore, it's like Mason's punishing him for some sort of crime in there!

Jim Ross: Miz's best option is to give up while he can, that is if Ryan lets him.

Miz's arms were flailing wildly and his legs were kicking as he tried to handle the pain and fight out of the move. In an act of sheer will, Miz threw his legs back and up, carrying his upper body through as he rolled backward and landed behind Mason, breaking things up as Miz stumbled backward and fell on his butt, breathing heavily as he sat against the ropes. Ryan stood up, shaking his head at Miz like, "you shouldn't have done that" as he pulls him to his feet. Mason's holding Miz by both sides of the head then lets go and takes a few steps back. Miz staggers around as Ryan grabs him and connects with the House of Pain swinging side slam! Mason covers Miz as the referee comes over to count the pin again.





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Mason Ryan!


Mason celebrated his win as the camera panned over to the commentary table for their post-match thoughts.

Matt Striker: Well J.R., you called it from the beginning. That was a mugging, you were right.

Jim Ross: After some of the things we just saw happen in that match, I don't want to be right.

Matt Striker: Well folks, this past match was only a taste of what's to come tonight. Right now we're going to go to commercial, but we'll be right back. More Riot after this, stay with us!



Big Daddy V(Aniking) vs. Joker Sting(Dresden) vs. JBL(rawisrey)? It's true, and it's happening at UCW No Mercy. Why so nervous?



Jim Ross: There it is folks, the Beogradska Arena, where tonight's show is emanating from. We are coming to you live tonight from Belgrade, Serbia.

Matt Striker: It's certainly a beautiful place to be, J.R., and what better thing to do at a beautiful place than have some wrestling?

Jim Ross: I could think of maybe one thing, but I'm going to keep that thought to myself. Coming up next, the action keeps rolling when Randy Orton and Alex Riley take on Christian and Alberto Del Rio.

The camera pans back to Justin Roberts. The bell is sounded.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a tag team match! Introducing first...



"Highway to the Danger Zone" by Versus The Ocean begins playing as the crowd erupts into boos. Soon after this, the "Instant Classic" himself makes his way onto the stage.


Justin Roberts: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 227 pounds, Christian!

As he looks out at the crowd, Christian makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, preparing for the match ahead.

Matt Striker: The first of two times we'll be seeing Christian tonight.

Jim Ross: Once is too much.

Christian and Justin Roberts have been joined in the ring by Ricardo Rodriguez.

Justin Roberts: Everyone please welcome Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!

The whole arena of fans begin to boo and chant, "You Suck“ at him, as suddenly the theme of Del Rio begins to play.


As the theme hits the sound system, fans in the arena leap to their feet and show huge disrespect to their newest sensation – Alberto Del Rio. As Alberto arrives in his new car, to make sure everybody in the arena knows who just arrived, he beeps the horn. Alberto gets out of the car after pulling to a complete stop with a huge smile on his face, ignoring the booing.

Del Rio points to his own face to let the fans' know they aren't getting to him as Ricardo begins to introduce him.

Ricardo Rodriguez:
Señoras y señores,
El gran momento ha llegado,
cuando las personas son capaces de estar en la presencia de ese gran hombre
Es un hombre apuesto y muy poderoso,
A diferencia de usted las personas que son gordas, feas y pobres.
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México
Él es Alberto del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!

As Ricardo finishes his introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto begins to slowly walk on the entrance ramp and with a huge smile on his face, he yells something to these peasants sitting in the crowd and booing at him like idiots... Alberto steps on the entrance ramp and poses for people in crowd and the peasants, that are sitting at home, as the flickering pyros fall behind him. Alberto then carries on down and into the ring to a huge negative reception

Matt Striker: There's a tag team you can get behind, a combination of royalty and charisma.

Jim Ross: I'm going to have the timekeeper fetch you some chapstick, your lips are starting to crack from all the butt you're kissing.

Things return to Justin Roberts again.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents. Introducing first...



The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Washington, D.C. Weighing in at 245 pounds. The Intercontinental Champion, Alex Riiiiiiiiiley!

Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his arm in the air.

Jim Ross: One has to wonder how he and Randy Orton are going to work together tonight, given the Viper is going to be one of four opponents at Cyber Sunday when that Intercontinental Championship is up for grabs.

Matt Striker: Well Alex Riley doesn't look worried, that's for sure.

The CWF Universe cheers for Alex Riley as he gets off of the turnbuckle and stands there, prepared for his match.

Justin Roberts: And the partner...


The fans look confused as General Manager of Riot Shawn Michaels makes his way out, microphone in hand as he makes his way to the ring. Shawn marches up the steps, walks along the apron, and steps through the ropes. His music fades out as he raises his microphone to speak.


Shawn Michaels: Sometimes this job isn't all it's cracked up to be. Earlier this week, Randy Orton told me he refused to compete in this tag team match. At the time, I figured he was just mad about losing to Christian a few weeks ago, and that if I just gave him some time he'd calm down and show up. Well, as you can see, here we are the night of the show and no Randy Orton. So I'm going to do two things. One, I'm going to suspend Orton indefinitely. Two, because there's no way I'm putting Alex Riley in a Handicap match, one of his opponents has to leave the ring, I'm making this a singles match. And because I dislike Del Rio less than I dislike Christian...

Shawn suddenly superkicks Christian.

Christian: It'll be him that goes. Enjoy the rest of the show everyone.

Shawn exits the ring as Christian rolls out of it to the outside. As Riley and Del Rio look at one another, the ring bell sounds again.


Alex and Alberto each get in a wrestling stance and begin to circle one another, sizing up their opponent. Alex calls for a test of strength as Alberto locks up with him. Riley exerts force forward as Del Rio delivers a kick to the side of the shin as Alex breaks his hold and grabs his shin as Alberto leaps from the situation, tapping the side of his head with his pointer finger a few times. Riley looks frustrated as Del Rio signals for the two to lock up again. Alex goes to lock up but Alberto slaps him in the mouth and leaps back again, hopping back and forth on his feet with energy, taunting Riley as he held his arms at his sides, shaking his hands and wrists frantically.

Alex looked slightly more annoyed than before as Alberto continued to laugh at what he was doing. He insisted that he was serious this time as he signaled for them to lock up once more. Riley looked to take the bait again as he went for the lock-up, then he planted a stiff right to the forehead of Del Rio and began teeing off like a boxer, alternating right and left jabs as the two men moved across the ring. Riley headbutted Alberto after a moment, knocking him backward. Alex put his arms out in front of him, gesturing for Del Rio to bring it on. Alberto shook the cobwebs off and went after Riley, seemingly stomping across the ring as he hauled off with his right, grabbed the top of Alex's head with his left hand, and punched him in the forehead.

He grabbed Alex's head again and punched him, then repeated the grab once more, this time connecting with Riley's head using the point of his elbow. Alex fired back with a stiff right to the jaw, then a stiff left just to catch Alberto off guard, then followed up with a European uppercut before he grabbed Del Rio by the wrist and whipped him towards the corner but Alberto got himself and whipped Riley towards the corner but Alex caught himself and turned, connecting with another stiff right to the jaw.

Matt Striker: These two men are wrestling a very technically sound match so far.

Jim Ross: I don't think simply throwing punches qualifies as a technically sound wrestling style, Matt. I will say the way they have each other's offense scouted at this point is very psychologically sound.

Alberto fired back with a right of his own as Alex looked to return the favor once more but instead dove at Del Rio's leg, clipping the knee as Alberto fell forward to the mat, catching himself with his hands so he didn't land on his face. Del Rio turned to face Riley and kicked him right in the face before putting his foot back on the mat and returning to a vertical base. Alex was to his feet as well as he walked toward Alberto, who tried to catch Riley off guard by going for a big boot but Alex saw it coming and sidestepped as he ran up to Del Rio and hooked his arms around his waist, popping his hips as he hurled the Mexican Aristocrat through the air.

Alberto used his legs and rolled through over Alex's head, landing on his feet as he staggered all the way across the ring backwards before catching himself in the corner as Riley smacked the mat back first, nobody home. Alex turned and got up, holding his lower back with the back of his hand as Del Rio charged out of the corner with a leaping lariat, Riley hitting the mat hard, his neck snapping with the impact. Alberto stood over Alex as he delivered a stomp to his abdomen, then up his left side before delivering a stomp to the shoulder before focusing on his head.

Jim Ross: This one could be over soon, one can only take so many kicks like that to the cranium before suscepting to permanent damage.

Riley put his arms up to block the kicks, so Alberto turned his attention back to Alex's abdomen. Riley latched onto Del Rio's leg suddenly and brought him onto his face, beginning to get up and seemingly attempt an ankle lock. Del Rio rolled and kicked Alex in the chest, knocking him backward as he moved quickly to a crouching position. Alberto went for a spear but Riley moved and pushed him into the turnbuckle. Del Rio put his arms out in front of him and stopped himself from hitting the corner as he turned around, Alex charging him and going for a body splash. Alberto dove to the mat and rolled out of the way as Riley hit the corner chest first and popped out of it. Del Rio slid in behind him, slipping his arm up between his legs and rolling him through for the pin.




Riley kicked out as Alberto attacked him immediately, attacking with mounted punches. Alex smacked his arm away and delivered a headbutt to the forehead as he came off the mat with an uppercut. Once he was to a vertical base, Del Rio took a swing at him but Alex dodged and hooked his arm, executing a T-Bone suplex. Riley began stomping on the ankle of Alberto repeatedly, then delivered an elbow drop to it.

Once he returned to his feet, he reached down and grabbed Del Rio's ankle, dragging him to the far end of the ring, stepping through the ropes and landing on the outside. He grabbed Alberto's ankle and dragged him closer to the corner, pulling his ankle away and then slamming it into the ring post as hard as he could. Del Rio writhed in pain, kicking and punching the mat as Alex went to do it again. Alberto got up on his other leg though and spun, falling into a sitting position. He bent his free leg towards him then released it under the middle rope, hitting Alex in the chest, knocking him backward a few steps. Del Rio pulled both legs back into the ring then dove through the ropes, hitting Alex with a spear of sorts into the ring barricade. Riley hit back and back of the head first, slumping forward over Del Rio's arm and shoulder. Alberto hit head first, laying there on his face, his arm still around Alex from his delivering of the move.

Jim Ross: What a reckless move! This young man probably just cost himself the match!

Matt Striker: A riskless man reaps no reward, Jim.

Jim Ross: An unconscious man reaps no reward either.

Alex began to stir as he got up and rolled Del Rio off of him, Alberto getting to his feet. Riley rolled Alberto into the ring and followed after. As Del Rio was getting up, Alex grabbed him and connected with a spinebuster, hooking the leg not long after impact and going for the pin.





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, the Intercontinental Champion Alex Riley!


Jim Ross: Well the dynamic of the match changed due to a refusal to work on Randy Orton's fault and ended suddenly, but I still think it was quite a spectacle.

Matt Striker: Agreed. Something else we can agree on is it's time to return to commercial. More Riot after this!




Jim Ross: Welcome back to Friday Night Riot, ladies and gentlemen, we hope you are enjoying the show so far.

Matt Striker: And if not, that's fine, not like we have that wrestling columnist to critique us anymore. What was his name?

Jim Ross: I believe the young man's name was Chris Dresden.

Matt Striker: Ah right. Good riddance. Speaking of good, it's time for our next match-up, Mr. T versus James Storm!

Justin Roberts is standing in the middle of the ring, getting ready to do the introductions for the upcoming match. But as he raises the microphone to his mouth to do so, he is cut off by the playing of an entrance theme.


The acoustic version of "Coma White" by Marilyn Manson begins to play, inspiring the fans in attendance to rise to their feet and boo, as they know who is about to join them. Surely enough, Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth walk out onto the stage, with Jesse Ventura walking behind them, joined by a fourth man that was concealing his identity with a hooded jacket. Their music fades to silence as Eddie raises the microphone he's holding to his mouth.


Eddie Guerrero: I'm sure you weren't expecting to see us around these parts again, were you? Don't be ignorant, ese', CWF is our company and there is still work to be done. You see, management was trying to make sure our mission failed by trying to create dissension among the team by pitting me and R-Truth against one another. They tried to put Jesse Ventura out of commission by putting him in a match against The Undertaker. Well they failed at both, because we weren't going to have any of it. So what we did was bow out of the picture until Jim Cornette inevitably lost his job, and wouldn't you know it ese', it came about a lot faster than any of us could have hoped. And here you all thought after months of talking, Beer Money finally got one up on us and ran us out of the company. Wrong again pendejos. As I said, we knew our sabbatical would be a temporary one, we just didn't know how temporary. Either way, we couldn't just walk away without leaving ourselves something to come back to and pick up where we left off, and judging by what's happened to this company as well as its tag division, I'm glad we didn't do that.

To leave the company, we had to lose the CWF Tag Team Championships, so we threw the Bar Room Brawl to Beer Money, to both make sure we lost the titles and to lure them into a false state of security, as well as the other tag teams. As you've probably figured out, holmes, we don't like Beer Money very much. And last week, much like tonight, we have again proven our dominance over them, but I'll get to that momentarily. Because Beer Money isn't the only group that should be worried, any two men that call themselves a tag team should be worried, whether we've faced you before or not. Mr. T and Roddy Piper, Mason Ryan and Rob Terry, Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio, The Rock and Santino Marella, Zack Ryder and Robbie E, Team Mattitude, The Coven, The Great Hassan, Vader and Big Bossman, we are going to see each and every one of you destroyed on our way to reclaiming our Tag Team Championships, and long after we do so.

That brings me to tonight. Tonight Mr. T and James Storm were supposed to have a match. Well apparently neither of them felt it was important to come out here before you and even talk about it during the week, ese', so we made sure that match isn't going to be happening.

The fans erupt into boos as Eddie smiles, snickering at the fact as R-Truth raises the microphone he's carrying to his mouth.


R-Truth: Shut up! We didn't come back ta' be disrespected! Ya'll hiss and boo but at least when we was da champions, we actually came out here and got on the microphone. We came out here and competed in matches, and the thanks we get is you boo us but cheer da ones that think they're too good ta' do that. That's alright, cuz like Eddie said we gettin' rid of every last one of 'em, startin' with Beer Money and endin' wherever the line ends, we ain't got no order after that, it'll be whoever whenever once we get those belts back. And please believe, we will get 'em back, 'specially since James Storm and Robert Roode can't be bothered to show themselves, whether it's for Cyber Sundee or a match on what's now bein' called Riot. They don't care ta' defend them belts, and the boys challengin' for 'em, they don't care ta' try ta' win 'em, in fact I heard it through the grapevine they might be leavin' the company. And the two teams that are competin' for the next shot, they don't want it. You can disagree and boo all you want, fact is if they did give a damn, I wouldn't have ta' be the only man ta' talk about the matches since Jim Cornette announced 'em!

Mr. T is layin' in a pool of his own blood right now in the backstage. So is Roddy Piper, so is Robert Roode, so is James Storm. They all got got, and just like we keep tellin' ya'll, they gonna keep gettin' got until we see fit ta' quit gettin' em. Ya'll got that?

The fans continue to boo as Jesse Ventura now takes his microphone and raises it to speak.


Jesse Ventura: Now that all that has been addressed, the final matter of business will be left up to me to discuss. I've said it in the past, when it comes to this team, I don't mind gettin' physical if I have to, but let's keep it out of the ring. My wrestling days are done. You want to book someone in R.E.M.E.D.Y. besides Eddie and Truth, that's fine, but it's not gonna be Jesse Ventura, instead it's going to be the newest member to the group. Why did we add a new member? Who is he? Well he's got a microphone and a functioning set of vocal cords, I'll let him tell ya.

The camera closes in on the hooded man as he hands his microphone to Jesse, grabbing the sides of his hood with both hands, jerking it down quickly, revealing his identity.


Tommy Dreamer: I wish you could see the looks on your faces right now, the expressions on them are priceless. Why Tommy why, they're asking me. Why? Because after years of putting my body through hell, after years of being the Innovator of Violence and the last ECW Original to leave the WWE, I have nothing to show for it. None of you appreciate a damn bit of it, you didn't then and you don't now. Well let's see you look the other way now, when...

Tommy Dreamer is suddenly knocked to the stage after having a beer bottle smashed over his head. The fans can see the attacker is James Storm as he delivers the Last Call superkick to Jesse Ventura, sending him falling to the stage. Truth spins James around and is sprayed in the eyes with beer as he steps back and delivers another Last Call, laying out Truth. Eddie runs over and hits him with a double axe handle, then begins lighting into him with punches. Someone grabs Eddie and spins him around, it's Robert Roode as he lays him out with his CWF Tag Team Championship. The music of Beer Money begins to play as they pose for the crowd, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. layed out on the stage, the Champions finally getting a measure of revenge.

As Beer Money leaves and R.E.M.E.D.Y. is tended to by paramedics, the camera pans back to the commentary table.

Matt Striker: It's certainly been a personal war between these two teams. What do you think of their bombshell announcement of a third member?

Jim Ross: I say Tommy Dreamer fits right in with those anarchists. I wish those two would've just stayed gone, Jesse Ventura too. But there's nothing that I can do about it but watch and commentate.

Matt Striker: Well ladies and gentlemen, while everyone is medically tended to, let's take it back to commercial. Stay with us.



My only regret is there's no way for them to wrestle a match. Always thought it'd be funny to see Kermit do the Dudleyz table spot. Just Fozzy saying, "Kermit, get the tables!" would be priceless to me.


Jim Ross: And so, another end is upon us.

Matt Striker: Yes, another show in the bag almost, because it is now time for the main event.




The Coven vs. The Great Hassan-?
Everything else-Chris Dresden​
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