CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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That's why I said Sunday 1pm your time

Take time and write a little, you have literally 6 days. Shouldn't be hard


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How is Honor shaping up?

I've seen nothing in assessments.

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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alright, sorry guys that I didn't show up this week, my network was absolutely crazy, I'm really sorry, but I will now gonna fully write for Honor guys... sorry..


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Scott Hall's theme, "Marvelous Me" by Dale Oliver floods the PA System and The Bad Guy himself enters through the curtain. He stops to strike a pose at the top of the entrance ramp, before walking down to the ring.


Scott Hall stops at ringside to throw his signature toothpick at a camera man. He then climbs in the ring and demands a microphone. He pauses for a second, before speaking.

Hey yo...!


What is it I once said? You know who I am but you don't know why I'm here! Yeah that's it. However, The Bad Guy in CWF won't be a mystery like my debuts have been in the past. I don't have time for the Tom Foolery. I have came to The Championship Wrestling Federation and I have came to make an impact! I have came here because I have something to prove, mang. CWF is where the best wrestlers in the world are. I want to prove to the world that I am one of those guys. I have competed in the biggest companies in the world but never before have I had a match in CWF. In my time, in the other big companies around the world, I have seen them come and I have seen them go. I have also had a bad reputation of being a politician. People claim that I am a bad guy both in and out of the ring. And I have to admit, they are right. Not only am I a bady guy, but I am damn proud of it! I will do whatever it takes to make it to the top of the wrestling world.

A fan in the front row is flipping Hall the bird and continuing to cuss at him. Scott Hall leans over the top rope and yells at him in return.


Security attempts to calm the fan down.

Back off of him. I want to hear what the guy has to say. Why don't you come on in here and say it to my face, mang? Come on guys, help this guy into the ring.

Security assists the fan over the guard rail and into the ring.

You are in here now. You are in here with the big boys. In fact, you are standing eye to eye with the baddest man in wrestling history, mang. So what do you have to say? You want to voice your opinion, well go ahead.

The Fan hesitates but follows through.

I think that you are a disgrace to the wrestling business! You are a liar and a cheater! And you Scott Hall, are a sell out!

Scott Hall punches the fan in the face, and drops him instantly. Hall stands over him and begins to talk.

It's funny how you claim these things about me, when you don't know shit about me, mang!

Hall uses his foot to roll the fan out of the ring.

That right there was a message. It was a message to the CWF lockeroom. Don't mess with Da Bad Guy!

Hall throws down the microphone and exits the ring as his music hits.

The Wrestling Addict

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Scott Hall Debut Promo

I sent this to Andrew so he could decide which show to put me on. I just thought I'd post it to see what everyone thought. It's something I threw together right quick and a bit of a preview of what is to come with Scott Hall in CWF. Also, I want to make sure I did this right. :doh:



Scott Hall's theme, "Marvelous Me" by Dale Oliver floods the PA System and The Bad Guy himself enters through the curtain. He stops to strike a pose at the top of the entrance ramp, before walking down to the ring.


Scott Hall stops at ringside to throw his signature toothpick at a camera man. He then climbs in the ring and demands a microphone. He pauses for a second, before speaking.

Hey yo...!


What is it I once said? You know who I am but you don't know why I'm here! Yeah that's it. However, The Bad Guy in CWF won't be a mystery like my debuts have been in the past. I don't have time for the Tom Foolery. I have came to The Championship Wrestling Federation and I have came to make an impact! I have came here because I have something to prove, mang. CWF is where the best wrestlers in the world are. I want to prove to the world that I am one of those guys. I have competed in the biggest companies in the world but never before have I had a match in CWF. In my time, in the other big companies around the world, I have seen them come and I have seen them go. I have also had a bad reputation of being a politician. People claim that I am a bad guy both in and out of the ring. And I have to admit, they are right. Not only am I a bady guy, but I am damn proud of it! I will do whatever it takes to make it to the top of the wrestling world.

A fan in the front row is flipping Hall the bird and continuing to cuss at him. Scott Hall leans over the top rope and yells at him in return.


Security attempts to calm the fan down.

Back off of him. I want to hear what the guy has to say. Why don't you come on in here and say it to my face, mang? Come on guys, help this guy into the ring.

Security assists the fan over the guard rail and into the ring.

You are in here now. You are in here with the big boys. In fact, you are standing eye to eye with the baddest man in wrestling history, mang. So what do you have to say? You want to voice your opinion, well go ahead.

The Fan hesitates but follows through.

I think that you are a disgrace to the wrestling business! You are a liar and a cheater! And you Scott Hall, are a sell out!

Scott Hall punches the fan in the face, and drops him instantly. Hall stands over him and begins to talk.

It's funny how you claim these things about me, when you don't know shit about me, mang!

Hall uses his foot to roll the fan out of the ring.

That right there was a message. It was a message to the CWF lockeroom. Don't mess with Da Bad Guy!

Hall throws down the microphone and exits the ring as his music hits.



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The camera's shoot backstage, showing a couple walking through the backstage area, looking like they have just arrived. The couple walk closer to the camera, revealing that the couple is in fact, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.


The couple look in a good mood as suddenly a voice is heard from outside the camera shoot.

???: Excuse me, Triple H.

The couple ignore the voice as they continue walking but then a figure runs across the screen. The couple stop in their tracks, staring at the figure as he takes deep breaths, trying to catch his breath back before he starts to talk. The figure is now revealed as Todd Grisham, the interviewer.


Todd: Excuse me Triple H, Stephanie, I was wondering if I c.....

Todd gets cut off mid sentence by Triple H who places his hand onto Todd's, ripping the mic out of it and staring him down with a look of disgust on his face.


Triple H : Let me guess Todd, you wanted to ask me and my wife some questions, even though we are quite literally 10 seconds through the door? I mean i'm use to a welcome party but I just don't think you quite make the icing on the cake Todd but I will give you something. How about i'll agree to take this microphone from you, I will give my thoughts on what questions I want to answer here right now while you just stand there looking like a geek, I mean that's what your best at Todd, it certainly isn't picking your spots I have to tell you.

Todd nods his head as Triple H motions for him to back up a bit. He looks towards the camera now as he speaks into the mic.

I bet all of you are thinking the exact same thing that John Cena and William Regal woke up thinking last week after I knocked both of them out. What business did I have interfearing with that match and costing John Cena his Hardcore Championship, then destroying both men on top of that titantron, even after I told all of you that I was finished with that Hardcore Championship and I Was moving on from Cena. Well my reasoning is quite simple, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, it doesn't take a brain scientist to figure it out, it doesn't even take Albert Einstein to figure it out, all it takes is a little bit of thought. I want all of you to take a few minutes out of your time, whether you are here at War live, watching at home or listening to this in the bathroom because you haven't quite made it back from a Chris Jericho interview yet, close your eyes and take your mind back to last week.

Triple H pauses, looking at Todd and motion for him to close his eyes. Todd obliges and Triple H taps his chin as a few moments pass. Triple H clicks his fingers before he starts to speak again.

Alright, that should be long enough, now if you are all like Todd here and couldn't quite think of why I did it, I will shed some light on the situation. Last week I told everyone, I told the world that I was done with John Cena and someone that was in that Elimination Chamber match should get ready to play the game, everyone fell for it, including John Cena but everyone should know that I don't take kindly to being embarressed and thats exactly what John Cena did to me when he beat me inside that house. This war between me and John Cena is far from over, in fact I would say it hasn't even truly began yet, I have alot of ass kicking saved up with his name on it. The new and improved Cena did what he wanted to do when he pissed me off, he wanted to get under my skin and he succdeded but I know that he that it would be over after Elimination Chamber, well John, I'm still here buddy, I'm still pissed and I'm still out to get your blood so I hope your not here tonight, I hope you don't try and get a little bit of revenge tonight because the frame of mind I am in, it would be stupid for you to even try and get at me.

Triple H seems to get a bit angry as he breathes heavily towards the camera, smoke nearly coming out of his ears. He seems to take a while to calm down as Todd looks a bit scared at the side of the camera. Triple H nods his head as Steph massages his shoulders. He looks towards Todd before looking back at Steph, getting back to the calm look as he finally ends up looking at the camera.

Now as for you Regal, what happened last week had nothing to do with beef between myself and yourself, you were just simply at the wrong place, at the wrong time winning the wrong title so what happens between us tonight becomes important. You see Regal, I'm not impressed that you got John Cena to say 'I quit' for the first time in his life because everyone watching knows that it was in fact The Game that made him say those words, I wasn't impressed with your win against Beniot at EC but I will be impressed at Cyber Sunday if you manage to stay out of mine and Cena's way, maybe even have yourself a little fun with the prisoners while we go at it and to be honest with you, I might even let you beat Cena at the end of it if your lucky, but tonight, you have my full attention Regal which doesn't bode well for you so just go out there and try your best, I'm telling you right now that your best won't be enough, i'll see you out there 'chap'. Come on Steph, lets go to our lockeroom.

Triple H starts to walk off, handing Todd back his microphone before storming out of the camera shot. Stephanie starts to leave but quickly turns back towards Todd, asking for him to put the mic towards her mouth as he once again obliges.


Stephanie: I have a question for you Todd, are you the only interviewer CWF has employed because every week it is you that decides to bug myself and Triple H for an interview? You know what, don't bother answering that, I will just get my Daddy to employ some more, possibly women.

Todd: Umm Stephanie, I don't think your dad will be able to help you with that anymore.

Steph takes a step back, seeming surprised by the response that was given by Todd as the mic is put back to her lips.

Steph: And what do you mean by t.......

Triple H: Steph, hurry up, I wanna get settled in before my match with Regal tonight.

Triple H yells this from out of shot as he cuts Steph off just before she can finish. She looks at Todd, looking like she wants to finish that sentence, then sighs and runs off after Triple H as Todd sighs in relief, wiping his forehead as the shot switches to somewhere else in the arena.
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Apr 23, 2011
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ANDREW: Please post your match in the assessments. Today's show is gonna be late. It's because I have injured my right hand, I've done something with my muscles, it keeps shaking and it hurts like fuck to write. However, I am a man and I will do what I have promised and I'll write the rest of the show and put it up no matter what.


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I have already done my match.

I edit it in Dredson's post.


Apr 23, 2011
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Honor so far.





The fans go crazy and the theme of Honor blares through the sound system and the pyro keeps exploding all around the arena kicking off this awesome show! The camera shows the commentary as they welcome us to the show!

Striker: Good evening, wrestling fans around the world, welcome to Thursday Night Honor, my name is Matt Striker and sitting next to me is the legendary Good Ol' JR!

JR: Thanks for the introduction Matt, you're right, it's such a nice atmosphere in the O2 Arena in the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic, and oh boy, I'm surprised how many CWF fans have we got here!

Striker: For sure we do, we are a worldwide known product! Anyways, we're gonna kickstart the show with an announcement from our very own new CWF Owner, Jim Connelly, who is situated in his office and has something to tell the world.

The camera goes to the office of Jim Connelly.


Jim Connelly; The owner of CWF:

Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jim Connelly and I am the new owner of the Championship Wrestling Federation. The reason I'm going to say what I am going to say is simple; I want you to meet me. I've been working for such worldwide known sports federation as the WWE or NFL. After Vincent Kennedy McMahon was brutally assaulted by Christian, who was a one night only champion and was rightfully stripped off his then awarded CWF Championship, the former owner and my close friend Vince isn't anymore in the condition to run such a company and therefore the Board of Directors decided that he is going to be relieved of his duties due to his serious health issues. From what I have heard, Christian was arrested and fined afterwards, but he is on the black list of the O2 Arena from now on, which means that the police will make sure that Christian will not be able to anyhow affect the show tonight, and therefore you will have a peaceful night full of fun and action!

Fans cheer Jim Connelly.

The second thing I want to talk about with you is that we don't have a General Manager at the moment. However, I am a man with experience and therefore I decide to do only the best for my company and thus I personally chose a person to lead the Honor crew and book the matches for the show and I am going to reveal who the person is later on tonight. Until then..

Jim Connelly is interrupted by two well known persons. The Tag Team champs.


Fans cheer as Storm starts talking.

Storm: Ay there boss!

Connelly: Hello, guys may I somehow help you?

Storm: Damn sure you may! What's this, man? We already told you we're damn sore from the last week, we already told you Bobby got injured during the trainings, we already told you that we're maximally able to say a few things and entertain the awesome Prague crowd n such, n what do you do, you book for two matches? What the hell, Jimbo? Whatcha gonna say? Cause if you say you're sorry bout our damn luck, I'm pretty sure I'll..

He's cut off by Connelly.

Connelly: Whoah, easy there pal! That's what you would do. Don't jump the gun. We gotta do something to fix the situation.

Roode: Damn sure we gotta!

Connelly: Right, but let me finish. What's already booked is already booked. That means we cannot pull you out of your respective matches because we would let the fans down. I know you're injured Bobby, I know you're injured, James, we can't do anything though. I'm afraid you're just going to have to man up and wrestle tonight, but, I'll let Bobby have his rest. Bobby, you're going to have a week off. Is that ok?

Roode: Fine with me, thanks boss.

Connelly: That is not all yet. However, you James, you are not injured, just tired, and after tonight, make sure you have a lot of rest for the next week, because then, you will face one half of the number one contenders for your championships; you'll go one on one with the legendary Mr. T! Now please, gentlemen, if you could leave now.. I've got job to finish.

Storm: You gotta be kiddin' me.

Beer Money walks away as we cut back to the commentary.

JR: Wow, what a bombshell from our new owner.

I can't wait to see who's the GM!

JR: And I can't wait to see how's James Storm gonna do next week against Mr. T!.. Now onto the next match!


As the theme of The Viper hits the PA system of the arena, fans give mixed reaction to Randy Orton and when Randy comes out few of cheers are heared around the arena and Orton slowly begin to walk down to the ring....


JR: Well after one hell of a main event last week, I know this match will be nothing short of a classic.

Striker: Orton suffering defeat last week, will it be a repeat performance against Alberto Del Rio?

Orton slides into the ring and he quickly step to the corner and slowly climbs up to the second turnbuckle and fans again make some noise for him as...


In the ring, Justin Roberts and Randy Orton have been joined by Ricardo Rodriguez.

Justin Roberts: Everyone please welcome Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!

The whole arena of fans begin to boo and chant, "You Suck“ at him, as suddenly the theme of Del Rio begins to play.


As the theme hits the sound system, fans in the arena leap to their feet and show huge disrespect to their newest sensation – Alberto Del Rio. As Alberto arrives in his new car, to make sure everybody in the arena knows who just arrived, he beeps the horn. Alberto gets out of the car after pulling to a complete stop with a huge smile on his face, ignoring the booing.

Del Rio points to his own face to let the fans' know they aren't getting to him as Ricardo begins to introduce him.

Ricardo Rodriguez:
Señoras y señores,
El gran momento ha llegado,
cuando las personas son capaces de estar en la presencia de ese gran hombre
Es un hombre apuesto y muy poderoso,
A diferencia de usted las personas que son gordas, feas y pobres.
Él es la esencia de la excelencia y el orgullo de México
Él es Alberto del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!

As Ricardo finishes his introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto begins to slowly walk on the entrance ramp and with a huge smile on his face, he yells something to these peasants sitting in the crowd and booing at him like idiots... Alberto steps on the entrance ramp and poses for people in crowd and the peasants, that are sitting at home, as the flickering pyros fall behind him. Alberto then carries on down and into the ring to a huge negative reception

Matt Striker: It's good to see Ricardo back this week.

Jim Ross: I'm sure he missed you too, Matt.

Matt Striker: Del Rio's entrance just isn't the same without him.

Jim Ross: Let's just get to the match.

The ring bell is sounded again.


Del Rio and Orton lock up in the middle of the ring, Orton gains the upper-hand after he breaks hold and delivers an uppercut. Orton looks for the RKO but Del Rio pushes him. As Orton turns around Del Rio delivers an Arm-Breaker before quickly locking in the cross-arm submission hold. Orton has no choice but to tap out!

Winner by Submission, Alberto Del Rio!

Matt Striker: It's over? I thought I blinked my eyes for a moment!

Jim Ross: Del Rio made quick work of Orton... Where from here for Orton?

Del Rio and Ricardo head backstage as Orton looks on holding his shoulder as he then leaves the ring, we go to our next segment.


393158_2122647627486_1284716240_31775155_656665806  _n.jpg

Self explanatory pretty much.


Accept the Lord of Darkness as your Savior. Allow the purity of evil to guide you.


As the voice is spoken the lights go out and the bell begins to toll. The light from the lighters of fans spring up around the arena but soon that isn’t needed as the arena is filled with a bluish purple aura. Then on the stage the throne of the Undertaker begins to rise. After the throne has completely come up does the Undertaker arise from it.


He slowly raises his head to address everyone.


Undertaker: Creatures of the Night… your Lord of Darkness is here. The purification of an entire species takes time and cannot be done alone. I went to Kane to assist me in what was to be done but he showed that he was not yet ready. When Kane disappeared was when Bad Meets Evil collapsed. But the time will soon arise when the eradication of all that is wrong with the CWF will happen. The time will come when the darkness will rise and will take over all that is deemed good. Right now the CWF is what is deemed good, Christian is what is deemed as good, Honor is deemed as good. War is deemed as good.

All that is good is what blinds the mortal eyes from the truth. For their perception is what is showing them what it is they wish to see. Their eyes are playing tricks. While their minds are telling them the truth they are choosing to ignore the truth and continue to live in these lies. These lies are what create these good moments, these good deeds, this faux light that you see before you. This light that illuminates the arena… the light that you all wish to see… that you wish was present now. To erase the darkness, to eliminate all that is deemed as wrong and evil. Behold the light.

Undertaker extends his arms as the lights in the arena come on.


Undertaker: May the truth return.

The dark aura returns.


Undertaker: To combat this army of lies… I will once again return to Hell. I will look Satan in the eyes and will demand that he release to me a Ministry. A Ministry of Darkness that will corrupt, that will eliminate, that will destroy all that is deemed right, true, and holy in the CWF. The Ministry of Darkness will bring havoc upon CWF unlike that ever seen by anybody. The teams that have tried before will fail in comparison. The ones that have attempted to imitate the darkside will be exposed for their falsehood.

So CWF, consider this your warning. Continue to count down the hours for you will not know when the time will come. You will not know the hour that we will arrive. You will not know when the Ministry of Darkness will come upon you and devour each of you like lions as they shred apart their prey.

The Undertaker returns to his throne.


Undertaker: The weak and putrid souls of all of CWF will soon belong to the Lord of Darkness. And then will salvation be realized. Only then will CWF have a purpose, have a meaning. Only then will all of these weak minded people that only see with their eyes pluck them out and listen to their minds as the truth is being told to them. And the truth tells them that the hour that the Ministry arrives… all will be over for CWF. The CWF that you see and know it as will cease to exist. All that will stand in its place will be my Ministry of Darkness. And for the sins … may the CWF never

Rest… In… Peace.

The lights in the arena go out and all that can be seen on stage now the burning symbol.


We fade back to commentary.

JR: Wow. This freaked me out. Undertaker always freaks me out.

Striker: Yikes. He freaked me out too. What's the next match?

JR: What was that Yikes? Anyways.. I believe that the newly formed tag team of Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio is going to take on our Tag Team Champs, Beer Money, who are apparently injured, but let's see how will they do tonight.


ONE OK ROCK - Liar' begins playing as the crowd are on their feet to see who this could possibly be. Rey Mysterio jumps up from the stage to his feet as the crowd gets to their feet.


As Rey lands on his feet, Ziggler walks out from behind the curtain as they both run down the ramp and slide into the ring.

Justin Roberts: From San Diego, California and Hollywood, Florida respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 389 pounds. The team of Rey Mysterio and Dolph Ziggler, the Masters of Destiny!

Rey and Dolph taunt the crowd as Justin Roberts continues the introductions.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents...



The CWF Tag Team Champions emerge from the back, Storm on his beer cooler and Roode walking as the crowd goes wild and totally apeshit for them! They high five the fans on their way down the entrance ramp as they make their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Leiper's Fork, Tennessee and Toronto, Ontario, Canada respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 470 pounds. They are the former CWF Tag Team Champions. Bobby Roode, James Storm, they are Beer Moneeeeeeey!

Roode and Storm make their way up the steel steps and enter the ring, James handing off his t-shirt, cowboy hat, and sunglasses to the ringside official before the match begins. The ring bell sounds.


Storm and Mysterio start things off and Storm quickly runs after Mysterio and he looks for a Clothesline, but Mysterio ducks down and he give to Storm few kicks into his knees. Mysterio then runs to the ropes and jumps on the second rope and hit Storm with huge Splash body and Storm quickly gets up and Mysterio from back jumps on his head and spin over and over storm and then he throws Storm between second and third rope and Mysterio runs to him and turn over with ropes and hits the head of Storm with huge 619 and then Mysterio jumps on the third rope and hits Storm with Frog Splash and he goes for a cover, as Dolph Ziggler gets to the ring and takes Roode out with a clothesline...


JR: Oh this is it!


Striker: What else than yes!




JR: Wow.. an another squash match? I'm starting to wonder about what's going on with the roster backstage.

Striker: Well, Beer Money warned us via satelite at the same time when they warned Jim Connelly. They told us they're injured.

JR: You're right Matt. Anyways, Honor's own Todd Grisham is backstage with Muhammad Hassan!


Todd Grisham: Please welcome my guest at this time...Muhammad Hassan.


*Hassan walks on screen and Grisham continues*

Grisham: Mr. Hassan what are your thoughts going into this Battle Royal tonight, it being your first opportunity at a World championship shot since your debut here in CWF months ago.

*Grisham holds the mic to Hassan*


Muhammad Hassan:

First...To all those watching I would like to note, what you see here, what you see here is what I said I would do. As a month ago You interviewed me, but you showed me disrespect and because of that you were laid out by Khosrow. And now you call me Mr. Hassan, to those watching that is the prime example of showing me disrespect only for me to beat the respect into you. As far as your question goes, the fact that the man whose taken out no less than three superstars from this company who have yet to return to this day, the man whose been rising ever since he got here and yet still is pushed down. The Fact that this man is only given an opportunity when the ENTIRE Roster gets one, is not only disgusting, it is exactly what I've been talking about since I came here. Prejudice, bigotry, and Disrespect.

But tonight, out of that disrespect shall rise my glory, my honor comes to fruition as tonight I do what everyone is afraid of. You people cheer mediocrity, because losers...They love Losers. Tonight I put the entire roster in relation to you, as I fulfill my destiny of becoming the first Arab American CWF Champion in history. and not only that but I defeat the Intercontinental Champion before I take his title from him on the same night I gain the world title.

*Hassan is about to leave when Grisham speaks up*

Grisham: Mr. Hassan...I'm sorry however I would like to get your thoughts on the rumor that if you do win the Battle Royal Tonight, you would have to give up the Intercontinental title shot at Cyber Sunday.

*Hassan seems almost offended before speaking up*

Muhammad Hassan:

That Rumor, well let me just say that while we do have new management in the form of a new owner. That if that travesty is to occur, then my followers and I will have some very serious things to talk about with said Owner. Because I signed the contract stating I would be in the Intercontinental title shot, and when I do win the Rumble that contract would still be signed. If that is taken away from me, then life around CWF would become very...Very uncomfortable for the guilty parties once I become CWF Champion...Now if you'll excuse me I have my destiny to fulfill.

Hassan exits the backstage area and gets ready for the match, which is up next.

The opening bell is heard.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...



The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Washington, D.C. Weighing in at 245 pounds, Alex Riiiiiiiiiley!

Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his arm in the air.

Jim Ross: Riley has continued to be more and more impressive since capturing that Intercontinental Championship.

Matt Striker: Yes but can he maintain that impressiveness against a daunting force like Muhammad Hassan?

Jim Ross: The way things go tonight will certainly play into the match at Cyber Sunday, one would think.

The CWF Universe cheers for Alex Riley as he gets off of the turnbuckle and stands there, prepared for his match.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...


*Hassans theme hits and the crowd immediately stand up and boo, Muhammad walks out on stage looking up towards the crowd before he spits down at the ground and begins to walk down the ramp. He stops mid ramp, he looks up in the sky and lifts both hands in the air, this signals backstage as Khali emerges through the curtain with Daivari following behind him. Both all three men walk down the ramp and to the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 243 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by The Great Khali and Daivari, the "Arabian Nightmare" Muhammad Hassan!

*Khali and Daivari remain ringside as Hassan enters the ring. He looks up in the sky and lifts both hands in the air again as the crowd rains down on him with boos.

Jim Ross: There he is folks, just one of several men that will challenge for Alex Riley's Intercontinental Championship in a few weeks.

Matt Striker: Alex Riley's always looking for someone to say what they have to say to his face, I think he's getting his wish with the ever vocal Hassan.

As Hassan hands his headdress to Daivari and gets ready for the match ahead as the ring bell is heard again.


Both men lock up in the middle of the ring and Riley quickly throws Hassan over him and he puts him down to the canvas and grab his head and lock it into a Headlock. Hassan quickly tries to get up and when he gets on his knee, he delivers hard elbow to body of Riley and Riley has to let him go. Hassan quickly gets up and he runs after Riley and puts him down with huge Clothesline and Riley falls down to the canvas. Hassan stomps on Riley and Riley tries to fight back, but Hassan wih huge Elbow drop puts Riley out. Hassan goes to the corner and climbs up to the third turnbuckle and when he looks to jump off, he mentions that Riley is already back on his feet and Riley jumps on third turnbuckle as well and with Super Hip Toss throws Hassan down to the canvas and Rile goes for a cover....

JR: Wow!


Striker: What a move by Riley!


JR: This could be it!

Th.. Hassan kicks out!

Striker: Not yet!


What the?!

Randy Orton walks out of backstage right on the stage and he looks into both men in the ring that are asking what is he doing here and he begins to walks down to the ring...

Striker: What is Orton doing here?!


JR: What's in the mind of the viper now?

Randy Orton stands before the ring and both Hassan and Riley looks at him as he runs in and slides into the ring and Riley runs after him, but Orton ducks down and Riley misses the clothesline and Orton kick him to the guts and delievers few punches into his head and then he jumps up into the air and with huge Dropkick puts Riley down to the canvas. Riley is down holding his head in pain and Orton turns his attention to Hassan, that is looking at him as well, but Hassan gets out of the ring and he slowly walks back to the stage as...

Striker: Who's that?!


JR: Christian's here! He can't do that, he's on the blacklist!


Christian walks on stage and then he quickly runs after Hassan that is standing on the ramp and both men fight off on the ramp, but Christian is fresh guy here and he delivers few huge punches into head of Hassan and Christian then grabs the arm of Hassan and he throws him back to the ring where is Orton and he is on the other side than Hassan and he looks like he's going for a punt kick and Hassan is in perfect position, so Orton runs to him, but before he can kick him, Hassan wisely rolls out of the ring and jumps over barricade and runs out of the ringside and Christian walks back on stage...

Striker: What's going on here?!


JR: I really don't know Matt!

Attention goes back to the ring, where stills Randy Orton and Alex Riley and Orton holds head of Alex Riley and he delivers huge DDT to him and Alex Riley rolls to the ropes and he grabs them and with their help, he slowly gets back to his feet and when he turns over, he quickly and from a nowhere runs after Orton, but he misses the Clothesline and when he turns back, Orton jumps up and delivers huge RKO and Orton goes with Crazy look to the corner and gets set for a Punt Kick...


Striker: Oh this isgonna get bad!

JR: Somebody stop him!


Striker: Del Rio!!!

Randy Orton looks on stage but no one comes out, as Alberto jumps over the barricade and grab Randy Orton and throw him over the ropes out on the floor!


JR: And now Del Rio!

Alberto looks at Riley that is on his knees and Del Rio runs after him and with Dropkick puts Riley out of the ring as well and Del Rio sits in the middle of the ring, celebrating!


Striker: Undefeated, unbeatable Del Rio once again proves, why he's real deal!


316697_309050089110036_100000151430968_1399944_164  0724249_n.jpg

LMFAO is coming to Prague!! And what's the best.. the hand on the picture is the hand of my GF.. which means I'm gonna see them live!!!!!



JR: So this is the awesome Prague, Czech Republic. For sure we have seen some breathtaking sightings in this video package.

Striker: We sure did, it's really a nice city and I hope that we're gonna return very soon here, because the crowd is amazing just like the city is!

Fans pop.

JR: They are! Now I'm being informed that The Roster Rumble is up next!

Striker: Damn, I am so excited JR! The rules of the match are the following: Everyone from the Honor roster will compete. A person can be only eliminated by being tossed over the top rope and touching the ground by both feet. The winner of the match will then become a contender for the CWF Championship, which is vacant at the moment. Let's see the very last commercial break now.



From now on, the last commercial of this and the upcoming shows will be dedicated to facts about Derrick. The fact #1: I'M A HEAT MANIAC BITCH!


We come back from a commercial break to see the ring full of wrestlers.

Jim Ross: And now it's time for the roster-wide battle royal to determine the new number one contender to the CWF Championship, a man who will be added to the triple threat Hell in A Cell match at Cyber Sunday.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is the roster wide, Battle Royale!. It is everyman for themselves, to be eliminated you must be put over the top rope and have both feet touch the floor, and last man standing in the ring will be declared the winner and will in turn enter the triple threat Hell in A Cell match with Kevin Thorn and Christian to determine the new CWF Champion!.

(Mason Ryan, Rob Terry, Alex Riley, The Miz, Gangrel, Judas Mesias, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Randy Orton, Muhammad Hassan, The Undertaker, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio)

The match begins with all fourteen men standing in the ring looking at each other shaking with excitement, chomping at the bit before the bell rings. As soon as the bell does ring they all meet in a big fracus in the middle of the ring. All taking different opponents they begin to try and get people out of the ring as soon as possible. Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio work in tandem against Gangrel and Judas Mesias, fighting back and forth. Muhammad Hassan and The Undertaker are trading blows reminding many fans of the wars past between the men. Storm and Roode are beating down Alberto Del Rio as Mason Ryan and Rob Terry beat down Randy Orton. And The Miz and Riley have some back and forth action. There is some breakdown between Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio once they took down Mesias and Gangrel and this allows for Mason Ryan to take both men over the top rope with a big Double Clothesline. Both men go flying over the top rope and down to the ground.

Dolph Ziggler and Rey Mysterio eliminated by Mason Ryan

Mason Ryan turns round and faces a Double Clothesline at the hands of The Coven, but quickly he dodges and then takes on both men and Clotheslines them over the top rope as well.

Gangrel and Judas Mesias eliminated by Mason Ryan.

Mason Ryan stands leaning on the ropes looking down at his fallen foes as the crowd look on shocked by the strength of Mason Ryan and how two top tag teams have been eliminated quickly, single handedly.

Jim Ross: And just like that, the Welsh Warrior has taken out half the tag team division, unbelievable from the Cymru Collossus!.

Mason Ryan and The Undertaker then go ahead as The Undertaker wraps his large hand around Mason Ryan's throat, but Mason Ryan breaks off the grip and hits Taker with a Headbutt. In one of the corners The Miz is beating down Alex Riley, in another James Storm and Bobby Roode as double teaming Alberto Del Rio. At the same time Ezekial Terry and Muhammad Hassan are having a tussle. Ezekiel wins slamming Muhammad Hassan to the ground with tremendous force, but from the side comes a flying Miz who takes Ezekiel with a Dropkick. Mason Ryan has Undertaker up in the air above his head, but Miz kicks him in the gut, Ryan drops Taker and Miz hits him with a couple of shots before Randy Orton comes around and teams up with Miz to double team Mason Ryan, irish whipping him across the ring, when Ryan comes back, Miz and Orton lift him up before dropping him down to the mat. Miz and Orton soon begin attacking each other though and Miz takes the upperhand taking Orton into the corner. He takes a few steps back before hitting Orton with his running jumping corner Clothesline. Miz then grabs Orton by the head and lifts him up, he tries tossing him over the top rope, but Orton keeps himself in the ring and instead turns the situation around and ends up having Miz in position for the rope hung DDT. Miz gets himself out however and grabs Orton around the head before lifting him up and over the top rope in a Suplex style, dropping him down to the outside ring mats, eliminating Orton.

Randy Orton eliminated by The Miz

Matt Striker: Oh!, there goes The Viper at the hands of The Miz?, I must say, that's one I didn't expect to see!.

The Miz stands outside the ring, his hands on the top rope, he grabs a hold of it as Alex Riley turns gets to his feet in front of him after being flattened by Terry, The Miz springboards into the ring with a Clothesline taking down his former apprentice. Almost everyone in the ring is down except Beer Money and Mason Ryan. Beer Money are working over Mason Ryan, and eventually hack the Welsh Goliath down to size, taking him down with a Double Powerbomb. Beer Money stand up and look around, Storm raises his fists in the air and shouts 'BEER!'... Roode then raises his hands in the air and shouts 'MONEY!' but it's at this point two unidentified individuals rush the barricade and get in the ring behind Beer Money, they proceed to assault and toss Beer Money over the top rope. The men then take down their hoods to reveal that they are Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth, R.E.M.E.D.Y!.

Beer Money eliminated via Outside Interference



Guerrero and Truth high tail it out of the ring as security runs after them, they run out through the crowd as we're now down to The Miz, Alex Riley, Rob Terry, Mason Ryan, The Undertaker, Muhammad Hassan and Alberto Del Rio. Mason Ryan and Rob are the first to their feet alongside The Miz. Both men look to each other and are almost licking their lips at the thought of destroying The Miz. But at this point, The Undertaker is back to his feet and he turns Mason Ryan around and puts his hand around his throat again, this time lifting the big Welshman into the air before dropping him with a thunderous Chokeslam. Big Rob has The Miz by the scruff of the neck and proceeds to lift him in the air to toss him over the top rope but The Miz drops out behind Rob and proceeds to lift Rob's hind legs up in the air, but Rob is too big to manouver, this is when Muhammad Hassan comes over and both men get try and get Rob over the top rope and are succesful in doing so, eliminating the big Cardiff native.

Rob Terry eliminated by The Miz and Muhammad Hassan.

Jim Ross: And there goes Big Rob Terry, that's one goliath out of the ring, but The Undertaker and Mason Ryan still remain.

Taker has Mason Ryan up, he lifts him into position for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Ryan reverses it into a Tombstone of his own and he goes and drops Taker right on his head in a sickening fashion with a Tombstone Piledriver. Ryan stands up, lifts The Undertaker up before tossing his carcass over the top rope.

The Undertaker eliminated by Mason Ryan

The crowd look on in shock at the style in which Taker was simply manhandled and destroyed. We're now down to just Mason Ryan, The Miz, Alex Riley, Muhammad Hassan and Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio has been hiding outside the ring for a while and Alex Riley has noticed and so Riley slips out under the bottom rope and runs after Del Rio. Del Rio rolls into the ring, and Riley does so right behind him, but as Riley gets up Del Rio meets him with an attempted kick in the gut, but Del Rio is reversed and Riley gets him in a Belly to Belly and throws the wealthy Mexican over head, Del Rio lands on the ring apron, he drags Riley out with him and both men stand on the ring apron fighting. This is when Muhammad Hassan comes out of nowhere and grabs both men by the head and knocks them together, meaning both men clash and slump to the outside meaning they are both eliminated.

Alex Riley and Alberto Del Rio eliminated by Muhammad Hassan

We're down to our last three, The Miz, Mason Ryan and Muhammad Hassan.

Jim Ross: Now it's just three, one of these men will enter Hell in a Cell at Cyber Sunday, who will it be?!.

Muhammad Hassan, Miz and Ryan come face to face to face in the centre of the ring before Miz and Hassan begin double teaming Mason Ryan. They take swings at him and connect with right hands and kicks to the midsection rocking the big man, they eventually take the big Welshman down with a Double DDT!. But as is a recurring theme the two men quickly stop working in tandem as The Miz tries to backstab Hassan quickly, but Hassan quickly sidesteps the Miz and ends up tossing The Miz over the top rope instead!.

The Miz eliminated by Muhammad Hassan.

Hassan walks over to the fallen Mason Ryan and proceeds to stand over his body which faces down to the mat, Hassan then quickly grabs Ryan under the chin and squats down, sitting on Ryan's back locking in the Camel Clutch. Hassan wrenches it and Ryan looks in some pain but Ryan begins to get to his feet, taking Hassan with him as he does so, he rises to his feet with Hassan on his back and runs backwards into the ring corner. He then turns round and proceeds to hoist Hassan up onto the top rope, it's at this point, unbeknownst to Mason Ryan or Hassan it seems that The Great Khali comes walking down to the ring. Ryan heads to the top rope and goes for a Suplexplex!. But Hassan fights him off, Ryan drops back down, Hassan jumps off with a Crossbody attempt but Ryan catches him and quickly throws him over the top rope but Khali is waiting for him and catches him in his arms. Ryan looks infuriated!.

Jim Ross: GAWD DAMMIT!, The Great Khali may have just caused Mason Ryan this match, that cheatin' son of a bitch!.

Suddenly from the other side of the ring comes Daivari who runs up behind Ryan and hits him with a Low Blow. Khali rolls Hassan back into the ring. Ryan seems in deep pain as Daivari stands over him, mocking him in Arabic. Hassan and Daviari then go to quickly eliminate Ryan, but Ryan fights them off knocking both men down, it's at this point The Great Khali enters the ring. Khali goes to grab Mason Ryan, but the Welshman wastes no time and lifts Khali up before dropping him with a Scoop Slam that shook the foundations of the ring. Ryan gets rid of him and then quickly gets shot of Daviari. He then lifts Hassan up but from nowhere Hassan fires a fireball in the face of Mason Ryan!.


Hassan then quickly runs at Mason Ryan and tosses him over the top rope as the crowd boo heavily!.

Mason Ryan eliminated by Muhammad Hassan!.

Winner: Muhammad Hassan!.


Hassan drops to his knees and proceeds to do a prayer as the crowd boo heavily. Daivari and Khali join him in the ring eventually and Khali hoists Hassan up onto his shoulders as the team celebrate Hassan's victory. Ryan is being seen to by medical staff on the outside.

Jim Ross: He used every dirty trick in the book, but regardless, Muhammad Hassan is now the number one contender to the CWF Championship... all we can hope for is that the cell keeps Davari and Khali out, or I fear for the absolute worst for CWF...

As Hassan celebrates his win of winning the Rumble. He goes to the top rope to pose as being part of the Triple Threat to the CWF Champion. All of a sudden the titantron comes alive.


Once the Christian hype video finishes playing a voice-over is heard.


Hassan is standing in the middle of the ring looking to the titantron, all of a sudden Christian somehow gets into the building and jumps over the barricade before grabbing Hassan from behind before connecting with a killswitch!

Matt Striker: How on Earth did he get here? He was arrested last week, plus he's on the black list of the arena, for Christ's sake!

Christian then grabs a microphone.


If you inbred morons are wondering how I got back here... The Czech Repulbic isn't really what you make of it, the police instantly released me after I offered them $100 and to shout them all a beer. They then drove me back and allowed me in the building. As for Jim Connelly, how dare you strip that Championship off me?! I deserved it with every right. At Cyber Sunday, I'm going to prove to you, Kevin Thorn and Muhammad Hassan, why you're all just a complete joke to me. You're luck is running out where as I, Christian... constantly get screwed over after being allowed to be Champion once again. You can put me in Chambers, Hell In A Cells, stipulation matches... I'll continue to out-shine you all, Jim... you've just met your worse nightmare as for my opponents at Cyber Sunday.... Let me quote Vince... you stand... NO CHANCE IN HELL!

The titantron comes alive once again with Jim Connelly.


Jim Connelly: You just can't keep away can you? Because of that... It will be the only thing the fans won't get to vote on. Your special guest referee is also the new HONOR General Manager. He is...

'The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!


HBK's Theme Song hits the arena as he makes his way out as pyrotechnics explode and the fans go apeshit!

HBK then makes his way down the ramp as he gets into the ring where Christian is watching on.

Instantly HBK connects with a Sweet Chin Music on Christian!


OOC: Pretend that's Christian

HBK then grabs the microphone  g

Shawn Michaels:

What a feeling that was... If you didn't like that Christian then I've got two words for ya!

Crowd: SUCK IT!

Just like that! Anyways.. Thursday Night Honor, the citizens of the beautiful Prague and fans all around the world.. ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEW ERA?????

Fans pop!

That's what I wanted to hear! You know, Jim Connelly is was and always will be a great friend of mine, we've known each other from the WWE days. When I heard that he took over CWF, I was really happy for him. I was even happier when I found the letter in my mailbox inviting me to come to the headquarters. What was awesome in my opinion was that the top point of our meeting was Jim Connelly asking me to become the GM of Honor. I said.. yes! Not just that.. but we settled some new terms and conditions and facts about the show, and.. I have to tell you, boys and girls.. there will be Honor no more.

Fans are silent in surprise..

Because.. there will be Friday Night Riot from now on! Yes, ladies, we're moving to Friday nights! And why Riot? Well how else would you name the show after all what's happened lately? Riot is the only name that explains the atmosphere on our show and oh boy, I'm excited to show you people how things should be ran, and believe me, what happened to Christian is a sneak peak of what could happen to the one who would attempt to piss me off, so yeah. My show, my rules. Next week on Honor, Christian, you will not be in wrestling action due to your tonight's actions. But, I won't leave you out. Next week we will have a blockbuster match. It will be the team of Kevin Thorn, Gangrel and Judas Mesias versus Mohammad Hassan, Daivari and The Great Khali! And you Christian.. you better prepare for the match too, because you will be the Special Guest Referee and you know.. if you somehow mess the match result up.. I'm sure that the boys will be well.. angry with you.. if you know what I mean by that..

and if you're not down with all of this.. I've got two words foooorrrr yaaaaa...



The theme of our GM plays as he poses on the top turnbuckle as the screen fades to black and the show is over..


BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE: Sorry for the lateness of the show, it's partially my fault, but I was injured so writing was painful for me. More in the OOC. Also, Awesome Miz is no more a part of staff, he was planning on quitting and now he's gone due to the lack of free time to write n shit, so Riot is only my show from now on.

Honor/Riot's Cyber Sunday card:

CWF Championship Hell in a Cell. Special Ref HBK
Muhammad Hassan vs. Christian vs. Kevin Thorn

Intercontinental Championship Falls count anywhere elimination match
Alex Riley(c) vs. The Undertaker vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Randy Orton vs. Muhammad Hassan

CWF Tag Team Championship 3 Stages of Hell
Beer Money vs. Mr. T & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

CWF Tag Team Championship Contendership Extreme Rules
Mason Ryan & Rob Terry vs. Dolph Ziggler & Rey Mysterio


James Storm vs Mr. T

Team Hassan vs Team Thorn with Christian as the Special Guest Ref.

Promos: The TTers.
Entrances of all matches: Dres
Del Rio vs Orton, Christian/Connelly segment: Andrew
Beer Money vs Ziggler/Mysterio, Hassan vs Riley+post match mayhem: Awesome Miz
The Rumble Match: Sam
Beer Money/Connelly segment, HBK promo at the end, Everything else, putting the show up: Derrick a.k.a. my-awesome-self.

OOC: First of all, we're sorry that the show is late. We all in Staff are kinda responsible for it, but also is the fact that the forums were down for a short while, so the internal deal was to put it during Saturday my time. The move to Friday Nights is for sure a big change just as the name change is, it's due to the fact that I have free time space to write the matches and the show only during the weekend, and this is in my opinion the best way to solve that problems and give you A+ shows in time. I've done my best to make this week's show as best as I could, and it's kinda short due to my right hand injury, and it is really painful for me to write, but I didn't wanna be a pussy and therefore I wrote it. The preview will be up in a short while.​
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War’s titantron lights up with a vignette, on it is a world in chaos, it looks like a bomb has gone off. A Church lays in ruin as a young girl cries in the streets covered in mud and dirt. The crowd doesn’t know what to think about this until we see a black boot and the end of what appears to be either a cape or coat. A voice much like a narrator promoting a new movie Trailer in America speaks.​

Voice: A company on the verge of destruction. The Death knell is here at last. They will all pay for their sins in blood. Vengeance lives, and its coming to CWF.

The titantron turns blood red and the lights dim red as well.​

Voice: Be prepared. The End is nigh! He is angry, he will seek retribution, and the weak will be destroyed. CWF your time has come and gone. Prepare for your END!

The Titantron shows a montage of past superstars in CWF. Punk, Jericho, Finley, Edge, Sheamus, Cena, all of which are covered in blood and lay motionless on the map.​

Voice: The venom that will slowly kill CWF is coming! You’ve been warned!



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The Camera has shot back to the ring, as it seems a match is about to get started, the crowd are getting restless waiting for some action to happen when a voice is heard throughout the arena.

???: Sorry to interupt this CWF War, but I have a very special announcement to make.

The crowd are looking around everywhere, recgonizing the voice but can't see the superstar who it belongs to. The titantron is blank and the ring empty but sooner or later, a figure gradruly acsends from the stage, similair to what Rey MYsterio does but doesn't jump up, just stands there and everyone sees that MVP is the one that was speaking. MVP looks around the arena, all dressed up in a suit, massive smile on his face as flicks his arms, preparing himself to speak again as he raises the mic to his mouth.


MVP: Actually I'm not sorry for the interuption homies as I am MVP and this time should automatically be given to someone like me. Now before we get started with my announcement, there is only one thing that I can say to start this off, me being here can only mean one thing and that one thing means that Big Things are popping while little things are stopping because MVP is better then you.

The crowd MVP for his cockyness as he just smiles and ignores them, continuing on his merry way.

All of you should remember who I am but if you have been blowing your brother all the time that I graced you with my presence, I will remind you all of what special talent I truly am, now dawgs, I am Montel Vontavious Porter, don't even worry about all of y'all trying to say that, I know anything with more then one syabell is a effort for you so just call me what I rightfully am, The MVP of CWF, thats right my dawgs, MVP is once again inside the CWF business and once again a CWF superstar. Now Bret Hart wanted to keep a secret for a bit longer, Bret wanted people to get sick of CWF so I could be his ace in the hole, but I'm not like that, I didn't wanna sit in the back while I watch little stars sparkle sparkle, I wanted to get started and show you that I'm the big star and I certainly shine. Just like I did in my first time in CWF, do y'all remember that? You remember me and Mark Henry dominating team after team after team after team, I can't even remember how many teams quit the business because of us but not only that, you are listening to one half of the first ever CWF Tag Team Champions, there is only one other person in this world that can say that and I bet all of you are expecting to hear from him shortly, am I right?

The fans scream and shout, not really knowing what will happen, some of them cheering for Mark Henry, but most of them just booing MVP as he shakes his finger at them.

Well thats really sweet that you love the big oaf but he ain't coming back here with me, you see I have brought a Tag Team partner with me but I brought a tag team partner that I wouldn't have to carry, Mark Henry was nothing more then the shadow of MVP, he always hid behind me and got a the little bit of spotlight leftover that managed to miss me, but thats all changed, MArk Henry is gone and I have brought a new tag team partner to dominate the Tag Division even more, all I can see in the future is total destruction and easy nights for MVP, so without further ado, let me introduce my new Tag Team Partner, he should all be familar with you all.

MVP points to the back, nothing happens for a while as the crowd get to their feet, wanting to know who it is. MVP waves his arm, motioning for them to make an appearance as suddenly Bubba Ray Dudley walks out onto the ramp, with a serious look on his face.


He looks around the arena, all booing him as he just shakes them off and walks over to MVP who gives him a hug, then a high five before raising his arms in the air. MVP starts to clap as he hands the mic over to Bubba Dudley to say a few words.

Bubba Dudley: You all can boo me and my new partner but at the end of the day, we don't give a flying crap. MVP was the first ever CWF Tag Team Champion while I am the most successful Tag Team Champion of all time, do you really think that all the people you cheer for can stop us? I'll give the answer so you don't fry your brain thinking to hard, hell no. The forming of this time pretty much spells the end for the tag division as sooner or later, everyone will get sick of us dominating, of MVP and Bubba Ray Dudley being on top of that mountain and pushing people down 2 by 2 straight down to the bottom.

Bubba hands the mic back to MVP as he smiles and puts his hand on his shoulder.

MVP: You know what Bubba, we've wasted enough time out here speaking to these lot, how about we get out of here, I have the local V.I.P section booked for the nightclub just down the round and we can go and get some drinks down us and have all the women we want, I wouldn't set your standards high though buddy, look where the hell we are, I hope you like scares from where the other head was cut off.

MVP starts to laugh as Bubba Dudley nods his head. Both men start to turn and walk towards the titantron as the boo's are heard all around the arena. MVP and Bubba vanish behind the curtain as the action is about to start again.


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OOC: First of all, we're sorry that the show is late. We all in Staff are kinda responsible for it, but also is the fact that the forums were down for a short while, so the internal deal was to put it during late Friday my time. The move to Saturday Nights is for sure a big change just as the name change is, it's due to the fact that Lukáš and I have free time space to write the matches and the show only during the weekend, and this is in my opinion the best way to solve that problems and give you A+ shows in time. I've done my best to make this week's show as best as I could, and it's kinda short due to my right hand injury, and it is really painful for me to write, but I didn't wanna be a pussy and therefore I wrote it. The preview will be up in a short while.​

There won't be any moving to Saturday Nights.

Due to PPV being on a Sunday, I won't allow it.

Friday Night RIOT however can happen. The latest you could post is Saturday Morning.


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Derrick & Awesome Miz (Lukas) wants to change the date of HONOR and rename it.

Question is; should we?

I don't mind but I will only allow FRIDAY NIGHT RIOT at this moment.

A Saturday show is something I will not allow, secondly... before you even change the name. I want you guys to at least put two shows up on time therefore I know you can get the job done.

Right now in the Writing Assessment, stuff all has been done and that's quite disappointing. What's going on? Why is communication still not improving?

I really expect better.


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Welcome SBS

Welcome to staff SBS!

A great writer who will be helping both shows. Do NOT ask SBS to cover your matches unless he offers in Staff Chat.

He will be on a light work-load here, welcome to staff buddy!


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Thanks Andrew for the welcome. As Andrew said I'm going to be busy for the next month, month and a half, but I believe old Andrew brought me in to help you boys out a bit here and there. I will take matches when i am able but please as Andrew said don't ask I'll come to you when I have free time. Question for you Andrew, what do you want me to do exactly? Do you want me to work with the boys on Honor and help them with booking and am I allowed to make opinions on all of these threads here. I'd lke to think my experience may count for something. I just don't want to step on anyone's toes.
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