CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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The camera goes backstage, and The Animal Batista is just grabbing a drink of water, getting ready for his tag team match tonight.


Batista then looks at the camera, and stares into the lens while talking.

The Animal, Batista: Tonight.... it begins. Last week we saw the start of my rise to the top. I took out Cody Rhodes in one of the quickest matches ever to come off of CWF Television. The dominance, is not going to culminate here however, oh no you see. This will only get worse tonight. Sheamus.... Edge...... you two, I just don't even see why your getting title shots. One lost the Hardcore title last week and the other lost against Finlay in his big chance at the championship at Invasion. Now, this week, my partner in my tag match, is Finlay. But here's my problem. Dave Finlay has not spoken out about this match, he has not replied to my messages about the tactic for this match and nor has he even showed up here tonight yet. Now, for this, Finlay is going to get his come-uppance. But for me, all this does is change my game plan.... to all out attack.

I don't care if this ends up being a handicap match, or if I have Dave Finlay in my corner. I'm the real champion.... I'm the real superstar in this business, everything revolves around me. You might be two of the biggest superstars in this company, but mark my word I'm THE biggest... and the gulf in class between me, and either of you is astronomical. I am the face of War... I proved that when I sent Kane down to the depths of Honor Hell, and represented War, showing that it is indeed the best brand in this company. And the only way to better that, is by being the World Heavyweight Champion. And once I'm done finishing the two men, that are only in the Elimination Chamber to fill up pods, I will make my mark tonight.... and it will happen at Dave Finlays expense.

I don't pussy foot around anything, that's not my style. I'm cold, heartless, and the only thing I care about is me. Sheamus, you'll do well to take heed tonight, and wait for your fate in the Elimination Chamber. Edge.... you may know a lot about my daughter, but tonight, your the one that's going to look like a bitch!

Batista's stare fades out as the screen goes black and CWF heads elsewhere.

The Hoov

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Is anyone gonna post their matches? I have zero matches for the show besides the two I wrote. It's the day of the show.


Apr 23, 2011
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If no one posts their matches for the show, if I'll be awake/alive at the time of WWE RAW, I will maybe maybe maybe, if nothing is in and I am awake, write a short match if really needed.

EDIT: I suck at tags. If HHH vs R-Truth remains unwritten at the time of RAW, I will write it. MAYBE. If you see me online on MSN or WS at that time, holla at me.


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"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. Both men have their respective tag title over their shoulder as they reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes.

HHH's Theme Music is about to start up but the camera pans in and we see John Cena attacking HHH from behind. Cena begins punching away as Cena grabs a chair and whacks it over HHH's back, Cena grabs HHH by the back of the head and rolls him into the ring before R-Truth delivers the 'SHUT UP' on HHH. Cena slides into the ring as the bell has yet to sound, Cena grabs HHH and lifts him to his shoulders before delivering the FU. Cena slides out of the ring as he rings the bell, R-Truth makes the pinfall straight away.




Winner by Pinfall, R-Truth!

Booker T: Dat was disgraceful, Da hell Cena think he doin' out 'ere?!

Tazz: Guess we're about to find out...


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OOC: Lack of TT is the reason why the show is once again Promo Heavy. If you're wondering why the show isn't top-notch, you can look at Staff who bailed out last minute without informing us. We have a Staff Chat in the Staff Room which is barely used and communication really sucks, we're holding a Supershow next week and hopefully... Just hopefully the show will be a WOW FACTOR.

I apologize if you're not enjoying the show. I will be sending out PM's over the week and I'll be asking a few questions to my valued CWF Monday Night WAR Members, I expect all to reply to those PM's.


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So... Where's the matches at?

It's 1.15am and I'm still expecting stuff here...

I expect it by 9am.

8 hours, I'm getting extremely let down here.


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Sheamus vs. Rhodes - Derrick
Regal vs. Cena - Andrew
Batista vs. Matt Hardy - Andrew
Edge vs. Finlay - Hoov
Jericho vs. HHH - Hoov

It was originally going to be Thorn vs. Christian vs. Hassan for the title but now Kane's cashed in on my Christian. Kane vs. Punk isn't likely to happen anymore. Therefore, CM Punk Hype Video and I'll have him attack someone, maybe EDGE and set up a feud then.

Staff will be voting in another thread;!?p=39560#post39560

More matches will come after.

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The action has been good all night, going from matches to backstage altercations but the crowd want more. The crowd start chanting superstars name when suddenly two familar faces pop up on the titantron. The two figures are inside what looks to be a bar as the crowd give a mixed reaction, mostly cheer for the two. THe camera zooms in and its confirmed what everyone already knew to begin with, the figures are in fact Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Both look into the camera as Steph starts to talk.


Stephanie: Hello all you CWF fans, I hope your enjoying tonight's show, I know my daddy can certainly put on a show worth watching but in saying that, the show just got that much better. Now, you may wonder why Triple H and myself are backstage, in a spot that isn't exactly somewhere you would go to warm up for such an important match like Triple H has against Chris Jericho tonight, and you may wonder what business we have asking for this camera time right now. Well we don't want to take up too much of your time but Triple H has something to get off his very muscular chest and well the scene behind us, its just to get us in the mood for such a massive night, over to you my sweet pea.

Steph turns her head to the right, looking at her husband that is still bruised from his match at Elimination Chamber. He nods at her, turning his head towards the camera before starting to talk.

Triple H: Thanks Steph, now my business tonight concerns none other then myself and Chris Jericho, a man that I have defeated numerous amount of times but he has also hurt me plenty more times, but I want everyone to cast their memories back to Elimination Chamber, mostly to the point that John Cena gave me that FU down those stairs and through that table, pinning me and taking my Hardcore Title, when is the last time anyone has seen the Game man handled like that? I can't even remember the last time I was in that much pain, I couldn't even breathe after that match John, you certainly took the most out of me, congrats on that and I hope you have a long reign as champion but something you won't have to worry about any time soon Cena is Triple H coming after you or that title for a little revenge, so you can rest easy Cena knowing that my attention has since moved on from you, my plans have changed which doesn't bold well for this one individual, i've been watching him ever since his come into CWF and I don't like him one bit, everytime I see him, I wanna pedigree his face to the mat so badly, I wanna cripple him and put him in the hospital and I hope to get my chance sooner rather then later. I am of course not going to reveal this person tonight as I don't wanna have to worry about him just yet, but I will give you a clue, anyone that was in that Elimination Chamber that Chris Jericho managed to win, look out because The Game is coming after one of you.

Triple H snarls at the camera as Stephanie smirks from ear to ear, nodding along with every word he man says.

Triple H: But onto tonight, Jericho, I'm currently inside this arena bar to show you how much i'm sweating you, I will continue drinking whatever I want from behind here, its free bar to work myself up, to get me ready for all the crap that you will try to pull tonight but just let me tell you this, don't try to pull anything too smart for that puny brain of yours because my baby doll will be looking over my shoulder for all tricks. I'm ready to go to War with you Chris and I hope this is one fight in a massive battle that we will have sometime in the near future because tonight, you find out that I AM THE GAME AND I AM THAT DAMN GOOD

Triple H picks up a glass that was placed behind him on the bar as he takes a sip. He looks towards the camera, smiling before he launches the glass at the wall, smashing it everywhere, scaring Stephanie a bit as the camera fades away into darkness.


awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Here are my ideas for future plans on HONOR...

Christian vs Thorn vs Winner of Rumble ( I believe in Hassan )
this week's Honor will nothing happen between these three, but next week, it gonna be Thorn with Mesias with Gangrel vs Hassan with Khali with Daivari in a 6 men tag team match and after the match, Christian will come and some action with like all 6 men in the ring and Christian slides in and he'll looks for fight and they all gonna look like they want to kill him, so he goes out and then one team will take another out and then Christian comebacks to the ring and he'll put either Hassan or Thorn down with a spear and before their partners can get him, he will run out... That's for future shows... Also, week before Cyber Sunday, all three options for Special Referees will meet in the ring..

For IC championship:

With probably Hassan winning RR and Undertaker gone from CWF, it gonna be as well Triple Threat between Orton, Rio and Riley. I personally asked Slim for his farewell promo and we came out with Rio, taking him out. So yeah, he will hand in a promo, with using something about Kane and then Del Rio runs in and take him out and breaks his arm... After that, Riley's music hits and he'll go to save Undertaker, even in fact he took his title, so Riley gonna look for fight with Rio, but Rio runs out and Riley takes his title back and than BANG and Orton over the barricade hits him with RKO and holds his title upon his head. For next week, it will be Del Rio vs Orton once again and in this match, Riley will runs in and beat everybody down and then from at a nowhere, Ricardo will return and jump on Riley and Del Rio this time gonna take everybody out...

Tag Team championship:
No real plans for this, just some heat between those two teams..

Ryan and Jackson vs 61 Perfection...
Planning to change this match into a handicap match - Ryan and Jackson vs Mysterio or Ziggler....

The Miz's match gonna probably be canceled...

Also, with Hassan winning the rumble, I'm thinking this...
after the 6 men tag match, heat will get bigger and out will come out HBK and announce, that by the looks, everybody wants to represent their leader. So at Cyber Sunday, it will be Khali and Daivari against Mesias and Gangrel in either Tornado Tag Team match, into hell and back match ( rules like that - every 3 minutes, announcer will change the stips of the match - so first, it would be extreme rules, then it can be steel cage and so and so... ) or it can be Parking lot Brawl ..

What u think?


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Finlay vs. Jericho© for the CWF Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Edge vs. Sheamus - #1 Contender's Fatal Four Way
William Regal vs. HHH - Non Title Match
Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore vs. Dolph Ziggler & Rey Mysterio

The CWF Heavyweight Championship match will be determined at the end of this WAR next week with who faces who.

Regal/HHH/Cena are looking to be in a program for the Hardcore Championship, Cena will cut a promo about how he's lost the title once again. - Stipulation will not be chosen by the CWF Universe, instead... The one who gets pinned goes to HONOR!

Depending on Fatal Four Way result... Losers will be in some sort of feud.

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The titatron lights up with the image of Justin Roberts running backstage to a man with a title over his shoulder the arena fills with boos as the Justin reveals his interviewee.


Justin Roberts
Um John excuse me could I just ask you a few questions. I know it is a busy night for you but would really mean alot to me and the fans.


John Cena
You think I give a damn what these ungrateful idots think, you think I care what you want. You see this title on my shoulder, this is evidence of what I am capable of when I dont have people holding me back. I spent the majority of my wrestling career trying to do things for other people but now, now I am the CWF Hardcore Champion. This is what I have promised I would do from the moment I stepped foot in this company almost 3 months ago. And tonight I am going to show the world exactly how brutal John Cena is when I beat William Regal in one of the most brutal matches in the history of wrestling an 'I Quit" match. Because you can be damn sure that this title is staying around my waist for a long long time. And no one is going to cut MY reign short.

Justin nods his head as John looks at himself in the reflection of his title and seems to scratch something from his teeth as Justin asks him another question.

Justin Roberts
Interesting now you touched their briefly on the fact that you do indeed have a match with William Regal tonight. How do you feel that you are going to face a man that has done not that much since he joined this company?

Clearly furious from Justins question Cena becomes aggressive as he answers and Roberts flinches not sure if John will turn physical at any moment.


John Cena
How do I feel?? How do I fe-- How do you think I feel about it? It is a pathetic joke. I worked my ass off in this company to get my shot at this title and this joker just walks in and is lucky that our pathetic General manager Brett Hart is out to get me because he thinks that 8 days after winning this title I will not be fully recovered from the match that I had with Triple H at Elimination Chamber. But Hart you can be damn sure that I am ready to take on some one little threat such as William Regal. I am not interested in him. What I am interested in is why Triple H has been booked in a match against the new World Champion Chris Jericho. Why is it that a man who I beat for the title has a match against a man who I have beaten twice in recent history. But Brett still resists the urge to challenge me.

Justin Roberts
So John I was thi--

Cena cuts of Roberts clearly still angered by his previous question. He fumes as he continues to address the arena, who boo to show their disapproval of his cockiness.


John Cena
Shut up you idiot I am talking. Now here is an idea for our General manager how about you give me a shot at Y2J and if I beat him then you can be damn sure hat I am the future of this company. I know Brett that you only care about what is good for buissness and screwing me over. So how about we go down this path I get my shot at Jericho again and you will have your biggest star the Hardcore Champion John Cena vs the biggest tool on this roster and the new World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho. Imagine the sales Brett imagine how much money you could make. Imagine al the ways you cold screw over John Cena. Because honestly it seems like that is the only way I can get booked in a match I mean what have I had me vs Jericho for a shot at the Hardcore title on the line, a triple threat match against Triple H and Kurt Angle and then two brutal matches at pay per views. And now an I quit match. Hell I am beginning to get the feeling that you dont like me Brett.

Roberts takes a step back before asking his next question which he has clearly thought about how John will react.

Justin Roberts
So it is evident that you feel there is a problem between you and Brett. It has also come to our attention over recent weeks that you seem to have a problem with Booker T. Can you fill us in on this angry and where it has risen from.

John laughs and then answers the question obviously thinking this is a joke.


John Cena
Yo Booker T is exactly like the idiots I was taking about when I turned my back on these fools. He is just riding my coat tails for success and he turns face to suit whoever he can to make HIM look good. "Yo Bro this dude in my fav five fo shaw" You see what I mean Booker either put your money where your mouth is and step in this ring or shut the hell up and sit down and do your job. No one cares who your favourite five are bro to be honest I think there are about 15 wrestlers in that "fav five" and they are all jokes. You think I care if you think Im awesome or not to be honest you could hate my guts and I would probably have more respect for you. Not that you would know what respect is. I mean what that line your famous for "Can you dig it sucka? I dont know what I am meant to be digging because you are kind of pathetic to be honest. So Booker T you better watch out because were coming for you nig--. Wow not going to make a NWO mistake there "sucka"

Clearly shocked at some of the things John has said Justin hesitates as he asks a final question of the Hardcore Champion.

Justin Roberts
Wow John I really dont know what to say. It seems that you are well know for being a member of the chain gang, their leader in fact. But since you turned your back on the CWF universe you have been the lone soldier. Do you think that their is a possibiity of more men joining the cause?

John just adjusts his title on his shoulder and answers his question clearly fed up with this interview.


John Cena
Well homie to be honest with you I am actually in the middle of recruiting a few followers to help me out and make sure that John Cena keeps his Hardcore title around his waist once I defend it tonight. So be certain that over the coming week John Cena will have some men joining him at ringside and becoming involved in physicalitys seems to get results so they will add a little more influence into the decisions which get made around here. But thats enough about that because I am bored and need to get ready for my match so move your pathetic ass out of my way. Or ill show you exactly what Regal has instore for his inbred british ass.

John walks off and leaves Justin standing in the camera puzzled by what has just happened and the statement Cena has made. War goes to its next segment as the camera fades.



Apr 24, 2011
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The theme of Chris Jericho shakes the PA as the crowd boo in response, and the set in the ring indicates that it's time for none other than the Highlight Reel. The CWF World Heavyweight Champion walks out from the curtain with the title slung over his shoulder and his his swagger incomporable, as he strolls down with the straightest face to perhaps ever appear on national television. He reaches the ring and climbs up the steps, onto the apron, and through the ropes, walking in front of the screen, staring out to the people in this arena.


Jericho:Welcome to the Highlight Reel, I'm in a good mood, so let's recap what's been going on lately. As you can see, I am the CWF World Heavyweight Champion, and that is because I am the BEST in the World at what I do. Now, my guest tonight...he also likes to think he's the best. His delusions of grandeur aside, he's proven himself to be competent in the ring now and again, although he has the tendency to act like a spoiled brat, and frankly, the sight of him makes me regret breathing. So, without further ado.

Jericho sits on one of the stools available and motions at the titantron. There's another stool next to him, with another microphone placed on the seat, as suddenly a theme song rings out that causes a huge pop from the crowd.



CM Punk emerges from the back to a massive roar/pop.


He doesn't do his typical "it's clobbering time" and similar gestures, however, he walks down the ramp with a grin on his face telling something to his fans. His facial expression tells the whole story: "I'm back". Jericho you better don't piss him off. He'll kick your savior ass. That's pretty much all you need to know about his entrance. Anyways, he walks his way to the ring, raises a microphone he brought with himself and kicks the epicness of 2011 off.


CM Punk:

Why such a stoneface Chrissy? You mad? Sad? Happy? Let's fix that, before I say anything I'll promise you I'll make you be in a mood, because that certainly is NOT a good mood as you said!

Fans randomly pop, because it's CM Punk. He continues.

However, ladies and gentlemen, it's official- don't you interrupt me Jericho, I know you couldn't care less- I'm full time back in CWF! Now, no, it's not that anything has changed, it's the fact that I couldn't stand the spamming done by Vinnie Mac himself and Johnny L too, so apparently we somewhat agreed on a new deal, so yeah.

Fans pop again. For basically no reason.

Anyways. I've been informed that Chrissy here invited me to be the guest of his show, because he probably thinks it's, the way he'd say it, "froot". I somewhat however still reckon that it's much "frooter" than when Christina here got raped by a ladder back in 2004.. So yeah, here I am. Now before I pass the word to your so called "host" of this.. "show", I've got something on my mind here. Chrissy.. I'd like to correct you. The fact that I call myself the best, and that you call yourself the best is cool to me. However, it's ARE NOT the same. You see, both of us are right though. I am the best.. THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD. You are THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO.. which is right, you are THE BEST at being the most annoying, boring, idiotic, ponderous, unamusing, draggy, dreary, humdrum, call it however the hell you want, boring champion. I said boring twice, I know, don't you correct me, Jericho. Hell you are still the only champion that made me fall asleep during his promo, for the sake of God! Anyways.. I'll make myself feel comfortable, you okay with that?


Fans cheer again as Punk smiles and takes a seat on one of his chairs.

So apparently he is, and if he isn't I don't care, it's still my show, boys and girls. Now.. what did you want from me Jericho?

Jericho stares at Punk like he's said something completely ridiculous, but decides to sit down down on the other chair. He talks while doing so.


Jericho:Pardon me, but I think I may have missed the part where I was supposed to take you seriously. Among the sea of childish puns and cheap shots, it must've gotten lost. But you've once again, made quite a mistake, Punk. The only man in this ring who's worthy of being called the Best Wrestler in the World, is me. I am the Best in the World at What I do, and that's whatever I choose to do, and I choose to wrestle, and I've PROVEN that I'm the Best. Unlike you, I don't need to try and hold the company at ransom to try and attain another title shot. Because you see, unlike you, I don't lose in one on one matches with 52 year old men. I beat Finlay, I beat Batista, I beat Edge, I beat Matt Hardy, I beat Sheamus. Anyone that was relevant on this show has been cascaded to the side because I'm downright better than them. I fail to see how it's still your show when I'M the champion, and you don't even seem to want to be on it. But that aside...

Jericho leans to the left slightly in the chair, the World Championship over his shoulder. He has a table in front of him, and decides to lay the World Heavyweight Championship right across it. He smiles up at Punk looking rather smug and starts off again.

Jericho:That aside, I'm interested, Punk. Interested in what you've been doing. You've been parading yourself around here as The Best in the World, as an honest man, although we all know who the honest one is in this ring, the one who, when he says he's going to win a title, he does it. But what interests me is your downright, what seems to be, hatred of management and authority. There's been a few guys like that. There has been Christian, Matt Hardy, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and now you. Two of those men I've beaten and the other is on Honour, so I think I know how to deal with your type. I deal in the truth, Punk. And what I want is the truth, I want to know why you do what you do. THAT'S why you're out here. Now, are you going to answer my inquiry, or are you going to throw a bunch more childish remarks at me?

Jericho leans on the table with the microphone in his hand and raises his eyebrow inqusitively at CM Punk.

CM Punk picks it up from that point.


CM Punk:

Now let me correct you a bit, Jericho. I'm here BECAUSE I WANT TO. Not because you want me to do this and do that and similar crap. Anyways, back to the topic. Back to the topic 'Why am I doing what I am doing'. If you meant wrestling, well I am wrestling because I want to do things at which I am the best in the world. In my opinion I have proven to the world, to CWF that I am the best. No one was ever in CWF undefeated such long as I was. Again, I have proven that I am the best, which gained me my title shot. Which I have unfortunately lost. Well, I'm not here to analyze my Starrcade match, but-uh, I'm pretty sure I've got screwed right there, and I'm not a little whining whore so I'm not going to whine, but I'll move on. However, that match almost ended my career, because I was diagnosed with 5 broken ribs and a possible broken neck, plus my spine got permanently damaged from that point, and I was to be honest quite sure that that was the last time you've seen CM Punk in CWF.. plus there was a real lot of anal licking backstage, which disgusted me and therefore I left. My phone was spammed during the time I've spent rehabilitating from my injuries and after several surgeries, I was somehow cleared to return, but the problem is that I did not want to.. so why am I doing this.. I am doing this because I know that I am the best and I will be the best, because I was the PAST, I am the 'NOW' and I'll be the FUTURE.

Fans somehow pop again.

Now what's one of my problems here tonight is that I am sitting on this very chair face to face with Chris Jericho who went and mocked my retirement after I left, just because he didn't have the balls to do it when I was in the ring. See, even CM Punk can get serious. And due to all of the aforementioned, I desperately wish to kick your ass. And believe me, your inches away from the asskicking of your life. See, this very belt on this very table is yours just due to the fact that you got lucky, you lost almost all of your weekly matches in I don't know how long, because I don't freakin' care about Chris Jericho, plus you are an annoying little bitch whose face I really, really wish to stamp with my knee, and that very title belongs to the best, and the best am I. I'll spoil the surprise now a bit and I'll tell you that next week on WAR a huge battle royal is happening and the winner of it is facing Chris Jericho at Cyber Sunday. Guess who's gonna make his in-ring return and Bushwhacker Luke is the wrong answer, because the Chicago Made Punk is ready to bring in his A-game again.. so if all of that was not booked for next week, I'd just simply challenge you for the title just for the, as internet marks would say 'lulz' and to take it where it should be. That's why I am competing. I mean, you are more experienced and a pretty good wrestler and such, in fact when I was an amateur, you were headlining WWF shows, which is unquestionably impressing and incomparable with my wrestling experience at that point, but past was the past and will be the past forever, but now is now and I am pretty sure that these people want to see who is better NOW.

The crowd pop for the idea of a fight as Jericho simply smirks and lifts his microphone looking condescendingly at Punk.

Jericho:Well, wasn't that a mouthful? Let me help you out here, the reason I deserved a title shot is because I beat Finlay, the Then-World Heavyweight Champion. Something you seem to be incapable of doing. You really don't want to fight me, Punk. Do you know why? Because you're so caught up in yourself and this idea that you're the best wrestler in the world, that you don't actually know what it's like to be in a FIGHT. I've been in a fight, Punk. The Elimination Chamber, I threw Edge through a pod, I punched glass in Matt Hardy's face, and I stuck it in Batista's throat, those three men were supposed to be the most dangerous, hardcore, and unstable in the chamber, and I brutalized each and every one of them. And that's the thing Punk, you aren't the past, the now, or the future. Because you see, in the past all you were was just another hack, an internet darling, a character incapable of achieving anything himself, your world title reigns were mostly due to Money in The Bank cash-ins, from winning a match I invented. NOW, you're still that talentless hack, but you threatened a company and used a bit more cursing on television, so they let you pass and you found yourself with a world championship opportunity. But once again, you proved exactly why you just can't cut it, Punk. You lost, because you're a liar, I won the World Heavyweight Championship, like I said I was going to do, because I'm an honest man.

Jericho leans back in the chair and looks at Punk almost in disappointment.

Jericho:Punk, if I want to make fun of the fact that you took one injury and thought you were going to have to retire, I'll do it as much as I damn well please. I'm speaking to your face now, and I'm telling you, you are nothing. You are an amoeba, you're a parasite, you are the insect beneath my shoe. You say this title belongs to you, well last I checked it belongs to the man who's actually capable of winning it, Punk. The only word you got right when talking about me and you, is incomparable, because let's face it, compared to me, you are but a speck on the wrestling world, and you always will be. You try everything to make yourself better, you try and make yourself better than everyone with a Straight Edge lifestyle, you try and do it by calling yourself the Best in the World, and now you try and do it by insulting THE Best in the World at what he does on national television, and inching that much closer to that broken neck being for real. Everything you do, your lifestyle, your facial expressions, your childish temperament, your wrist tape. All it is is a pathetic attempt to make yourself seem better than what you really are, a worthless, lying slug. I am the only honest man in this company, in this entire business, so kindly explain to me why, in any kind of fathomable logic, you think you're the best in the world.

Punk smiles and looks like he's going to speak, but Jericho leans over the table and manages to nail him in the forehead with the microphone. The crowd boo even louder know, as Jericho tips over the table and advances on Punk, pulling him to his feet and looking to hit him with the microphone again, but Punk ducks, and has Jericho on shoulders and quickly nails him with a Skull cracking GTS! Jericho collapses to the mat as the crowd pop loudly and chant Punk's name. Punk eyes the World Heavyweight Championship and picks it up, putting his foot on the downed Jericho and shouting "KING OF THE WORLD!" while raising the title. He laughs and drops the title back on the champion as he gets out of the ring and strolls back up the ramp. Jericho seems to shake the cobwebs and stares over at the man who just left him lying as WAR fades to commercial.




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Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand, with Hornswoggle by his side to boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, and continues to take it all in before walking over and grabbing the mic. He has a quick glance at the crowd before making his address.

FINLAY: One year ago when I first signed on to compete here in the CWF I wondered to myself I was merely delaying in the inevitable and trying to prolong a dead career. I wondered if there was any point in training and working as hard as someone in this profession has to work, if the reward was simply going to be a pay cheque. That all changed when I was given the opportunity to prove myself against the best that this business had to offer. I beat them one by one, and eventually I was given my chance in a one-on-one match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship, the first chance I had at a world title in my entire 35 year career. That moment, hell, I will remember the moment that I pinned The Rock for the rest of my life as possibly the greatest ever moment. The moment that David Finlay finally made a name for himself after years of being less than successful, and jobbing to everyone in sight. I know a lot of people thought that it was a fluke, but I proved them wrong, first in feuds with CM Punk who was unstoppable before he ran into me, and in a feud with Edge, a man who has won every title there is to offer, and was probably in even better form than Punk when I defeated him. To successfully defend my title against two men of that calibre was simply icing on the cake for me, and it really made me feel that no matter how long me being at the top lasted, at least I wasn’t just a fluke champion. It made me realise that there was always light at the end of the tunnel, and belief and perseverance allowed me to reach that light and stand on top of the mountain for 85 long and tedious days.

Finlay pauses and there is a mixed reaction from the crowd, due to pure hatred but sincerity on the other hand.

At Elimination Chamber I was drawn to face 5 other men, probably 5 of the best we have on our roster. The amount of putting down I may have done before the event will not take away from the fact that they are all highly talented and gutsy competitors to enter into that demonic structure. The night came and the adrenaline was pumping for me, only to have to stand in a pod and watch other men guts it out for 20 minutes before I had my chance. It ended up being a chance, I probably had too much time to think about, as I was the last man to enter, but the first man eliminated. I must admit, I was embarrassed by my showing, I’m a proud man and to be eliminated first when defending the belt was something I probably will not live down for the rest of my life. It did lead me to a realisation that times are changing in this business. One-on-one matches, tag team matches, hardcore matches, I can do all of those in a heart-beat, and I can probably almost match anyone on this roster. The realisation that those multiple man matches, in structure that are seen too often these days made me think that perhaps my time is up. I always said that I didn’t want to be one of those men who would fight and fight week after week, and year after year if all it was doing was prolonging a dead career. By coming here, I gave myself a chance to resurrect it, and I did so successfully, but I think it is officially time to call it a day.


Again, a mixed reaction from the crowd, and Finlay waits for it to die down before continuing.

Now I know that people will be thinking that it is a cowardly move to take my bat and go home so to speak after losing one match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship. The fact of the matter is, watching those younger blokes beat the living hell out of one another made me realise that I couldn’t do that anymore, at least not to that level. And if I cannot be effective at the top level, I don’t want to compete at all.

Finlay pauses for a moment, looks around and smiles before continuing.

Now, before I officially call it a day, I think there is something in my contract that refers to a rematch that you have if you lose a championship belt. I thought to myself last night, that there is no better time than the present. I know we both have matches tonight, so I’m not going to drop the bomb on you and ask for it this very minute, but Chris Jericho, if you’re listening, I propose that I invoke my rematch clause next week right here on Monday Night War. The match being for the CWF Heavyweight Championship! The catch is, if I win the belt, I will still be leaving this business, and thus the title will be left vacant, and I will leave knowing that I was still one of the best that this business had to offer, something that will be a great feeling for the rest of my life. If I am to lose on Monday night, I will still know that I put on one hell of a contest and that I retired in a match where I was competing for the greatest prize this business has to offer. So, as simple as that, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, whoever the hell is in charge of this show these days, I ask that you accept my proposal, and we book this for next week!

Finlay drops his mic and waits for someone to come out with a response, as the crowd goes wild at the prospect of a big match on live television.


The Hoov

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Go ahead and start this match directly after Finlay's promo.


The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.[/I]


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off.

Booker T: Yo, man, I can't wait for this match! It's gonna be one of Finlay's last.

Tazz: Let's see if he can get the job done!

The bell sounds as Finlay and Edge lock up. Finlay puts Edge in a headlock then connects with a headlock takedown. Finlay wrenches it in but Edge kicks his legs and gets momentum. Finlay releases the hold and both men get to their feet. Edge irish whips Finlay into the ropes. Edge goes for a clothesline but Finlay ducks. As Edge turns around, Finlay catches him on the rebound with a forearm smash. Edge falls to the mat. Finlay then goes for the cover.




Finlay lifts Edge up and sinches in a sleeper hold. Edge tries to fight it but is having a really hard time doing so. As hard as he tries to fight out, Finlay locks it in tighter and eventually Edge falls to sleep. The referee then check his arm.

Booker T: This match might be over right here!

Tazz: Wouldn't that be something, huh?



Edge gets some new-found strength and fights to get out of the hold. He manages to get to his feet and starts hitting Finlay in the midsection. After a while, Finlay releases the hold and Edge runs against the ropes. Finlay goes for a clothesline but Edge ducks under and when Finlay turns around he is met by a flying sidekick. Edge then picks Finlay back up and connects with a suplex. Edge then pins Finlay.




Tazz: What a back and forth contest we've got on our hands!

Booker T: You ain't lyin' dogg!

Edge decides he's had enough and goes to the corner and sets up for the Spear.

Booker T: Oh man! He;s goin' for it!

Tazz: Edge lookin' to end this thing early!

Edge stalks Finlay as he slowly gets to his feet. When he does, Finlay spots Edge running towards him and sidesteps him. Edge goes shoulder-first into the ringpost. Finlay then grabs Edge and connects with a DDT. Finlay then pins Edge.




Finlay lifts Edge to his feet but Edge reverses and tries to go for his Edgecution DDT. As he does, Finlay lifts up and places Edge on his shoulders. This leads to Finlay hitting the Celtic Cross. Finlay then pins Edge.






Booker T: What a win for Finlay here tonight!

Tazz: You said it! He's got some major momentum going into next week's retirement match!

Finlay makes his way back towards the back with Hornswoggle and eventually Edge does the same.​
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