CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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Apr 24, 2011
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WAR is rolling, with the nielson ratings high as usual, the crowd are getting slightly antsy waiting for something to happen, when suddenly the one thing they didn't want, just behind CM Punk retiring, happens.


Chris Jericho's theme song, the CWF edit of "Break the Walls Down" hits the PA System as crowds boo their hearts out for all the misery this week has had. Jericho himself appears, but not alone. He appears to have the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoudler, but it is significantly smaller.


Jericho ignores the fans' reaction as he reaches the ring. He solemnly walks up the steel steps and into the ring. Jericho looks across the fans who are booing him eagerly. He smirks, and walks over to the other end of the ring. He is instantaneously handed a microphone by the ring technician, and he stands in the middle of the ring, staring across the crowd for a good few seconds before speaking.


Jericho:Tonight, a ceremony was carried out. A funeral, you could say. A laying to rest of the career of one man in particular, CM Punk. As far as I'm aware, Punk is popular with you hypocrites so it wouldn't surprise me he'd want to stay away from anything on national television. Any man foolish enough to accept your cheers, and thrive from them is like an obese man who will outright refuse to stop his self-killing habit of raising his cholestorol. Punk left, it was a smart thing to do. It's fortunate for all of us that we no longer have to listen to his pathetic whining about how he's the best, and how everyone but him is some sort of anus-licking troglodite. From all that I've seen, Punk, this is the smartest thing you've ever done, and it's the only smart thing you'll EVER do. You sat in this ring, singing Finlay's praises because you know if you came near him again he'd bash in your skull with his shilleleagh, and you're too incompotent to do ANYTHING about it.

The crowd start to boo and for once Jericho seems to lose his patience with them, shouting "DON'T BOO ME! DON'T YOU BOO ME, YOU PARASITES!" as he does this, they laugh and boo even harder and a CM Punk chant breaks out. Jericho regains his composure and takes the title off his shoulder, and looks at it, presenting it to all.


Jericho:Don't even pretend you don't know what I mean, Punk. You see this belt? This is a replica. A remake of the CWF World Heavyweight Championship. A championship you just couldn't cut it for. You went out and tried your best to become the World Heavyweight Champion, and to no surprise your best was no problem for Finlay. And his best will be no problem for me once management has opened their eyes. Perhaps Punk, they're even stupider than you. No, what on earth could I mean? I'm talking about the man who claims to be "Straight Edge", he claims to be "Pure." Punk, I'm not sure if you're aware, but you have a Pepsi logo tatooed on your left shoulder. As if this wasn't stupid enough, are you even aware that caffeine is a drug, you complete and utter IMBECILE!? I'm shocked that for even 2 seconds, some have compared us, the only thing we should be compared in is two opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to pure intellect!

Jericho shakes his head in disappointment as once again they boo for his relentless verbal attack on Punk.

Jericho:There is no real way to describe, there is no single word to show the absolute failure of a career you've had. Like myself, you started in ECW, but unlike me, you were trapped in that cesspool like so many others, like ants to a dead animal, you kept eating away at it and away at it until it was no more. Once you and the rest of the overweight trash can swinging maniacs known as the ECW roster were jobless, you were hired once again, wrongly. You could NEVER cut it, Punk. You talk about people using management, Punk, you're the biggest hypocrite of all. You hid behind Teddy Long when it came to the Undertaker, because you couldn't beat him. Your world title wins and reigns have been mediocre at best, twice they came about due to a Money in the Bank cash in, where you won a match, which you can win by luck, that I invented. I invented this match so people who couldn't get their opportunity could get one, and although I'll always be the best, when I was gone someone could take the reigns, and feebly try to hold this business together.

By this time, Jericho has put the replica belt back on his shoulder, and the crowd is dead silent now. They don't know what to make of this.


Jericho:And guess what, Punk? Once again, here in CWF, your incapabilities have shined through. You've never got anywhere close to winning a championship, you made promises you knew you couldn't keep, you've been given opportunity after opportunity but you fall down on your face every time. And luckily for all of us, it happened one time too many. You were injured very badly Punk, at least by your standards, and you've been temporarily forced to retire, is that it? Did Punk get a booboo? It seems to me, once again, you can't cut it, PHIL. If you want to use your name, I will reserve the right also, and I can imagine the disgrace it must give to anyone to read that birth certificate and to realise what a sham you are. You claim to be The Best Wrestler in the World, but you can't handle a simple injury. I've had injuries far worse, and each time I've come back better than before, and I've won championships. Do you know why Punk? Because I'm THE Best in the World, at what IIIII Do.

Jericho:Tazz put you in matches to see if you could handle things. You complain about a broken neck? Kurt Angle won a gold medal for YOUR country with a broken neck, and guess what? I'm better than HIM too. I sat there, backstage in my locker room, watching you pour your heart out trying to gain sympathy from these parasites, these troglodites, these hypocrites, and I just must your father feel? As far as I'm aware, he's an alcoholic, but what a DISGRACE you must be to him. You try to lead a lifestyle to seperate yourself from him, and I bet he's very glad you did, if I was any member of the Brooks family I would cut all ties with you immediately after the pathetic showing you've given. Punk, you're a failure, a screw up, a mistake, you always have been, and you always will be. You want to know why we won't sign your buddies, Bryan Danielson, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Michael FACADE, quite a fitting name for someone who associates himself with you, and others?

Jericho leans forward towards the screen with a condescending look on his face.

Jericho:They're failures too.

After all this, the crowd have had just about enough. Various bits of rubbish are being thrown at Jericho for all the things he's said, and he actually cracks a smile at the uproarious boos that can probably be heard outside the arena. It sounds like there's going to be a riot over what Jericho's done as he laughs at them.

normal_PDVD_029.jpg you want to know the reason, the motivation, that brought me out here? Other than your complete and utter amoeba of a career, I heard you say something in your little speech. You mentioned yourself. You said, "Tazz screws over guys like me and....Jericho." I'm personally insulted. You may be correct, Tazz may screw me over, perhaps for reasons of his own agenda, perhaps someone else's, but don't you EVER, EEEEEVEEEER, mention your name and mine in the same breath. Do not even think about it. If you even dare to try that again, I will take your pathetic Chicago flagged boots, and I will shove them so far up your intestines, you're going to have to use them as shoelaces, Punk. You're disgusting, you're the gum on my shoe, the worm under the tiles of a garden, the speck of imperfection on a perfectly clean window, you are the blemish on this company, on this industry, on the careers of all you work with. Punk, you are a CANCER, and I am glad that you've been permanently wiped from this business, and I hope you never come back. You will listen to me and what I have to say, because I am the very essence of this sport, I am at the top of my game, not a single man nears my abilities, I am the beating heart and soul of this industry, pumping blood across the globe, I am the Best in the World at What I do, Punk, maybe you haven't noticed, but I AM CHRIS JERICHO.

Jericho drops the microphone to the canvas and the title with it. His theme sounds, as the crowd is once again dead silent. Nobody knows quite what to say as the camera zooms in on the replica title lieing in the ring, as we cut to commercial.​

OOC: Andrew asked me to do it. All shall be explained soon, I gather.
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Apr 24, 2011
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Cole: Booker, I have no idea why I'm asking you this, but who do you think will win our next match?

Booker T: Well, Cole, I been in the ring with both these men, and they some tough cats, but I think that...


Booker's going to have to hold his predictions till later as the theme song of the unpredictable Texas Rattlesnake sounds. Stone Cold Steve Austin marches out from the curtain as the crowd are going absolutely nuts for the Rattlesnake, before he's made it to the ring and stands on the turnbuckles, and one by one gives all the fans the two finger salute, and they return it to him. He paces in the ring as the theme of his opponent sounds.


"I Walk Alone" by Saliva hits as The Animal, Batista is ready for this one. He walks down to the ring, and once there, demands his spotlight as Austin stares on from the corner. He finishes and stands in the opposite corner, staring a hole through Stone Cold as he does the same. The bell rings three times to signify the start of this match.

Booker T: Ohhh yeah, now we gone get it on!

Michael Cole puts his head in his hands as Batista and Austin lock up the middle of the ring. Batista begins to overpower Austin as he forces him down to a knee, but slowly Stone Cold starts powering back, and all the people in the crowd start to clap their hands slowly to motivate him further. Finally, to the shock of Batista, Austin pushes him back all the way to the corner and holds him there as Batista calls the referee to get him off.

Cole: Batista, doing the smart thing and getting the referee to prevent Austin doing anything illegal.

Booker T:Personally Cole, I think Batista's just a bit overwhelmed wit' Ol' Stone Cold.

The referee pulls Austin off as he's having none of it, and once again advances on Batista but suddenly he gets a poke to the eye as Batista kicks him the gut and clubs him in the back. Austin collapses to the floor as Batista laughs and the crowd boos. He fires Austin off the ropes and nails him with a spinebuster to their dismay. He makes his thumbs down signal as he picks up the Rattlesnake and puts him between his legs in the center of the ring, looking for the Batista Bomb.

Cole: This early? Stone Cold hasn't lasted 5 minutes.

Booker T: Don't count out Austin yet, Dawg.

Booker's right, as Batista lifts Austin he uses the momentum to force himself forward, Batista lands on his back and Austin is in the perfect position to hit Batista with shot after shot in the Lou Thesz Press! The crowd are going nuts for Austin, he walks around the ring not noticing Batista recovering, as Batista charges looking for a spear, Austin moves out of the way as Batista hits the ring post. Austin grabs Batista and spins him around looking for a Stone Cold Stunner but Batista counters and hits a clothesline. Austin gets up instantly as Batista looks for another clothesline but Austin ducks as he bounces off the ropes and hits a Thesz Press as Austin begins punching away. The referee makes the five count but Austin stops at four, Austin gets up as Batista gets up as well and goes to kick Austin in the abdomen as Batista prepares for a Batista Bomb but Austin backslides and rolls Batista holding his tights.


Cole: Wrong Show, Booker.

Booker T: Oh. My bad.




Austin gets up as he kicks Batista in the abdomen and looks for a stunner, it connects but all of a sudden Jericho begins walking down the entrance ramp as Austin notices this.

Booker T:

Jericho slowly walks down the entrance ramp as Austin looks behind as Batista is barely recovering, Jericho walks down a bit faster as Jericho gets up on the apron as Stone Cold goes to punch him but Jericho drops down quick enough. Austin turns around to see Batista recovered as Batista hits a spear as he goes for the count.




Your winner at 4:58, Batista!

Booker T: Man, that was bulls***!

Michael Cole: Jericho sending a message to Austin... Invasion is Sunday.

Booker T: My homie Stone Cold is gonna whoop his ass on Sunday boi!

Batista celebrates his win as he heads back up the ramp as Jericho leaves the ramp... Stone Cold rolls out of the ring as the referee goes to check up on him as we go to commercial.

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Apr 23, 2011
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Bronzista! We're gonna feud one day amiryte?

The Hoov

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The scene opens on “The Texas Rattlesnakeâ€￾ Stone Cold Steve Austin standing backstage with a microphone in hand. The crowd goes crazy for him as he starts in.


Stone Cold: Chris Jericho. Tonight, ya' came out here and ya' ran ya' damn lip off again. Only this time it wasn't about Stone Cold Steve Austin, but CM Punk. Now, I ain't the biggest fan in the world of CM Punk's, but your ass ain't got a leg to stand on when it comes to talkin' smack to someone like CM Punk. But, truth be told, CM Punk ain't the sum bitch who should be on your mind right now. Right now you should be focusin' your mind on Stone Cold Steve Austin because at CWF Invasion, it's gonna be me and you steppin' foot in the middle of that ring and I gotta' tell ya': It ain't gonna be no walk in the park. Jericho, ya' blind-sided me with a damn microphone and opened me up. Now, I don't know how sum bitches usually react to somethin' like that in Canada, but I know in Texas, you get your ass whipped for pullin' a damn stunt like that.

The crowd is so behind Austin as he continues his rant on Jericho.


Stone Cold: And ya' sit there with your little replica title belt and sayin' CM Punk didn't have what it took to win the belt. That may be the case, but swing that statement back the other damn way. Your ass ain't had what it took the whole time you've been in CWF. Jesus Christ, son, I beat the CWF Champion Finlay a couple of weeks ago on WAR and this week I'm gonna beat Batista's ass in less than 10 minutes because that's just the kind of sum bitch I am. Who the hell are you, Jericho? What? I said, who the hell are you? Ya' come out here callin' everybody hypocrites and callin' people fake when the only fake person I see around here is your ass. Look me in the eyes, ya' silly bastard and know I'm serious when I say, at Invasion, I am gonna open up a whole six pack of Whoop Ass on ya' and when I go to stomp that mudhole in your sorry ass, I'm gonna take great pleasure in walkin' that sum bitch dry!

Austin pauses briefly to gether his thoughts as the fans are going crazy listening to Austin tear Jericho a new one.

Stone Cold: Jericho, for too long I've heard you run ya' damn mouth off about bein' “The Best in the World at What You Doâ€￾. Do you not know who I am? My name is Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'm the toughest Son of a Bitch to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring. I'm the baddest man to ever lace up a pair of boots and put on trunks. I'm the Best in the Whole Damn World and ain't nobody, especially some mealy-mouthed bastard like you, gonna tell me any different. Jericho, Invasion is just around the corner, and I can guaran-damn-tee you that I am gonna take my ass up to Cleveland, Ohio and I'm gonna whip somebody's ass and that somebody is you, Chris Jericho. AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE 'CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

The scene fades as the crowd is absolutely going nuts for Austin.​


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Dres or Tap

Please let me know who does what for INVASION!

The Hoov

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The crowd pops loud as John Cena emerges from the back. He raises his arm and salutes the crowd before sprinting to the ring.

Booker T: My man John Cena all fired up here tonight!

Cole: Isn't he always, Booker?

As Cena enters the ring, his music is abruptly cut off by the music of Kurt Angle.


The crowd boos as Angle makes his way down to a CWF ring for action for the very first time. He looks to be all business here tonight.

Mathews: Here he is, debuting here on Monday Night WAR is the “Olympic Gold Medalistâ€￾ Kurt Angle!

Cole: Yes and my pick to win this match!

Booker T: Way to be impartial, Cole!

As Angle enters the ring and stares opposite of Cena, another familiar theme hits.



The crowd is mixed here tonight as Triple H, along with his wife Stephanie McMahon make their way down to ringside.

Booker T: And now returning is “The Gameâ€￾ Triple H after a long hiatus from the CWF.

Mathews: One must wonder if there are any signs of ring rust?

As Triple H reaches the ring and enters it, the bell is rung. Angle and Triple H look at each other and nod then both men double-team Cena, attacking with right hands, eventually backing Cena up into the corner. Triple H then starts hitting shoulder blocks to Cena's abdomen area as Angle continues to hammer away at Cena's face. Angle and Triple H then each grab one of Cena's arms and irish whips him hard into the opposite corner. Cena then drops to the mat. Angle goes to pin Cena but Triple H drags him off. Angle and Triple H then start to argue.

Mathews: Uh oh! There seems to be dissension in the ranks!

Cole: It is every man for himself in this match.

Angle shoves Triple H then Triple H returns the favor. Then, Angle and Triple H start exchanging right hands. Triple H gets the upper hand and sends Angle into the ropes. Triple H catches Angle on the rebound and hits a thunderous spinebuster. Triple H goes for the pin.



Cena interrupts the pin. He then mounts Triple H and starts hammering away on him. Cena lifts Triple H to his feet and hits a fisherman suplex to the King of Kings. Angle gets to his feet and goes to hit Cena in the face. Cena ducks and hits a spin-out suplex to the Olympic Gold Medalist. Cena lifts his hand high into the air as the fans go crazy.

Booker T: Man, you know what's next!

Cole: I can only guess.....

Cena puts the hand in front of his face and waves it back and forth as the crowd yells “YOU CAN'T SEE ME!â€￾ Cena bounces off the ropes but before he can nail the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, Triple H gets to his feet and blasts Cena with a high knee. Triple H goes to pick Angle up but Angle catches Triple H in a small package roll-up.




Triple H somehow kicks out. Both men quickly get to their feet and start exchanging right hands once again. Triple H then swings a punch and Angle ducks. Angle then latches on and connects with a German Suplex. Angle continues to hold and hits yet another suplex. After that, he completes the hat trick and Triple H is out. Angle then goes for the pin.



Cena breaks up the pin. Cena grabs Angle and shoves him out of the ring. Cena lifts Triple H up and connects with the F-U. Cena then pins Triple H.






Booker T: John Cena did it! John Cena defeated two of the best in the world and now he's goin' to Invasion to fight Sheamus for the Hardcore Title. What a hard fought victory right there!

Cole: Angle was robbed!

Mathews: Make no mistake, despite Cole's claims, that John Cena deserved his win here tonight!

Cena rolls out of the ring and walks to the back celebrating as Triple H and Angle start to stir and make their way to the back as well.​


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Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Belive Them!


Theme of Celtic Warrior and also called Irish Curse Sheamus, but also new Primetime Champion hits the PA System of the arena. Sheamus comes out of backstage area with championship belt on his shoulder and goes straight to the ring. On the ramp, while he's walking, he's hitting his chest as a sign of his great power. He stops in front of the ring and look at both sides of the arena. The crowd cheers loudly, but Sheamus gives attendance just a sarcastic smile and continues his way to the ring over the steel steps to the apron, where he stands for a while and looks at the crowd again. Then over the second rope he enters the ring and starts to hit his chest again. The crowd cheers even more louder as...




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd as Hornswoggle goes to the apron as Finlay looks at Sheamus.

Tony Chimel: The GM has set a reminder that this match is a Belfast Brawl, Falls Count Anywhere is included as well!

Booker T: Oh mah lord, I forgot... Things are goin' to get brutal 'ere!

As the bell rings, Sheamus instantly goes for a punch but Finlay is quick enough to block as Finlay kicks Sheamus in the abdomen section as Finlay then begins giving right hooks several times before Irish-whipping Sheamus to the ropes. Sheamus springs off the ropes as Finlay clotheslines Sheamus. Finlay then grabs Sheamus' right leg and kicks the calf, Finlay then twists it as Sheamus rolls over as Finlay looks for a Single Leg Boston Crab but Sheamus manages to roll back and kick Finlay sending him to land on his backside. Finlay gets up quickly but Sheamus kicks Finlay in the shin as Sheamus walks back as he looks for a Brogue kick but Finlay manages a double leg takedown as Finlay begins delivering multiple punches. Sheamus then reverses and rolls Finlay before hitting a few punches as they both roll out of the ring. Sheamus grabs Finlay and looks to Irish-whip him towards the barricade but Finlay counters and hits a short arm clothesline. Finlay then goes for a leg drop which connects as Finlay looks under the ring as Hornswoggle stops him and gives him a Shillelagh instead, Finlay smiles as he goes to use it but Sheamus who's on the ground kicks Finlay's hand which knocks off the Shillelagh as Sheamus kicks Finlay in the shin again as Sheamus gets to his feet and Irish-whips Finlay towards the barricade.

Booker T: Both Irishmen are startin' off strong 'ere!

Sheamus then takes a few steps back as he goes for a Brogue Kick but Finlay moves out of the way as Sheamus goes over the barricade and into the crowd. Finlay gets up to his feet as Sheamus gets to his feet and looks to get back into the arena side, Finlay grabs him as Sheamus' leg is on the barricade as Finlay hits a DDT as Finlay goes for a pinfall.




Michael Cole: I'm surprised Sheamus kicked out of that DDT!

Booker T: Sheamus has been a great champion as of late, don't rule him out dawg!

Finlay looking disappointed by what just happened, Finlay yells at Hornswoggle as Hornswoggle grabs a small kendo stick as Sheamus slowly gets to his feet. Sheamus looks at Hornswoggle who uses the mini kendo stick and begins hitting Sheamus but it has barely any effect. Sheamus grabs Hornswoggle and tosses him to Finlay as Finlay catches him, Sheamus then connects with a Brogue Kick as both men go down. Sheamus doesn't even look for a pinfall instead he grabs a drink from under the ring as Sheamus grabs Finlay and gets him to his feet as Sheamus then spits green liquid over Finlay's face. Finlay stumbles back like a drunken man as he tries to clean his eyes as Sheamus kicks him in the abdomen as Sheamus lifts him up looking for a Crucifix Powerbomb but Finlay spits green liquid at Sheamus as well as Sheamus lets go as Finlay lands on his feet. Finlay manages to find a towel under the ring as he wipes his eyes as he shakes his head as he looks at Sheamus as Finlay hits a German suplex as he looks for a pinfall.



Kick Out!

Booker T: Dey both had green liquid on 'em, lucky charms I say!

Finlay gets to the apron as he looks at Sheamus who's on the floor laid down as Finlay leaps off the apron with a leg drop which misses as Sheamus rolls to the side as he grabs the towel and wipes his eyes. Sheamus gets to his feet as he grabs Finlay to his feet as Sheamus hits a side slam backbreaker. Sheamus then checks under the ring as he grabs a Shillelagh, Sheamus then begins hitting Finlay in the abdomen section with the Shillelagh, Hornswoggle gets to his feet and sneaks by behind as he leaps off the apron grabbing Sheamus in a sleeper hold as Hornswoggle tries to bite Sheamus' back. Sheamus bends over as Hornswoggle flips over him, Sheamus grabs Hornswoggle and lifts him into a powerbomb position before slamming him against the apron/steel post as Hornswoggle bounces off and looks absolutely motionless.

Booker T: Sheamus just killed Hornswoggle 'ere, mah God!

As Sheamus turns his attention back to Finlay, Finlay is already on his feet as Sheamus looks for a clothesline but Finlay ducks and turns around and grabs Sheamus onto his shoulders before connecting with the Rolling Hills. Finlay then walks over to the announce desk as he demands a steel chair which is then given to him, Finlay walks over to Sheamus as Sheamus connects with a big boot as the chair whacks Finlay across the face. Finlay falls back against the announce table, Sheamus then pushes Finlay off as Sheamus takes off the top part of the announcers table as he takes off the televisions as the commentators move back. Sheamus grabs Finlay and places him on top of the announcer's desk. Sheamus goes for a Crucifix Powerbomb but is unable to lift Finlay up, Finlay pushes Sheamus off before delivering a low blow.

Booker T: Da hell ya think ya doin' Finlay?

Michael Cole: It's perfectly legal Booker...

Sheamus drops down to his knees as Finlay grabs Sheamus and looks for a Tombstone Piledriver but finds it hard to lift Sheamus to his feet, Sheamus counters as he lifts Finlay for a Crucifix Powerbomb attempt but Finlay backslides as he quickly jumps off the table. Sheamus looks around as Finlay uses his hands and grabs Sheamus' feet as Sheamus falls back, the table doesn't break. Finlay grabs Sheamus and pulls him off the table as Finlay charges Sheamus into the corner steel post, Finlay then runs at Sheamus looking to spear Sheamus against the steel post but Sheamus moves out of the way on time as Finlay's left shoulder hits the steel post. Sheamus then grabs Finlay and lifts him up with the Crucifix Powerbomb but Finlay backslides and rolls Sheamus up for a schoolboy.




Sheamus and Finlay take their time getting to their feet, Sheamus is first to get up as he slides into the ring as Finlay does as well. Sheamus begins stomping away before lifting Finlay to his feet, Sheamus then Irish-whips Finlay to the ropes who springs back as Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but misses, Sheamus turns around as Finlay grabs Sheamus and places Sheamus on Finlay's shoulder but Sheamus uses his elbow as he connects to the jaw of Finlay. Finlay lets go as Sheamus hits a reverse DDT backbreaker before connecting with a German Suplex. Sheamus then hits a knee drop to Finlay's head which connects, Sheamus repeats it two more times as Sheamus then grabs Finlay before placing him against the corner turnbuckle. Sheamus then lifts Finlay to the top rope as Finlay tries to fight back but Sheamus hits a strong right hook as Sheamus turns around grabbing Finlay's wrist before hitting a Crucifix Powerbomb which connects. Sheamus then goes for the pinfall.

Booker T: Sheamus done it now!




Booker T: You've got to be kiddin' me dawg! NO WAY!

Sheamus is looking furious by this, he grabs Finlay and has him in the middle of the ring looking stumbled, Sheamus bounces off the ropes as he goes for a Brogue Kick which connects. Finlay falls back to near the ropes, Sheamus goes for another pinfall.

Booker T: He gon' do it this time! That's me boy!




Michael Cole: Wow...


Sheamus gets up, looking absolutely pissed off. He kicks Finlay in the guts as he sets him for a Crucifix Powerbomb but Finlay counters and backslides as he grabs Sheamus and hits the Rolling Hills. Finlay then grabs Sheamus's leg and locks in the Celtic Knot!

Booker T: No way, Sheamus can't tap 'ere! He just can't!

Finlay holds it in for a while, Sheamus struggling to escape. Edge rushes down the entrance ramp!

Booker T: Edge gon' help Sheamus dawg!

Edge breaks up the submission hold as he sets himself at the corner turnbuckle as he waits to spear Finlay. Finlay slowly gets up as does Sheamus, Edge charges at Finlay but Finlay moves out of the way and pushes Edge into Sheamus.

Michael Cole: Huge mistake here with Edge spearing Sheamus by accident.

Edge slides out of the ring and realizes what he's done, he looks absolutely shocked. Finlay grabs Sheamus and gets him to his feet as Finlay then connects with the Celtic Cross as Finlay goes for a pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, Finlay!

Booker T: DAMN DAWG, Can't believe Finlay outsmarted Edge 'ere, I know he didn't mean it!

Finlay walks up the entrance ramp as he grabs Hornswoggle as they celebrate the win.

Edge slides into the ring as he grabs Sheamus as Edge apologizes and offers to shake Sheamus' hand. Sheamus shakes Edge's hand as they look at Finlay as he heads up the ramp as the show goes to fade...
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Tap, I see you online like 3-4 times while I'm on.

Communication is important around here, can you please at least respond?

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Booker T: And we go straight to our next match!


JR: Wow here goes the master mind!

Cole: This guy is jerk!

The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.

JR: Wow, we are maybe looking at our next World Heavyweight Champion...


Cole: Oh don't be pathetic JR!

Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.

Booker T: In my opinion, this guy is my favour tonight!


Cole: In my opinion, you are idiot Booker...

Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as the fans are ecstatic that WAR has finally come to their city and they lie in wait to see their favourite superstars such as Finlay, Edge, and Kane, they're bitterly disappointed by who turns up instead.

JR: Oh shut up Cole!


Booker T: Wow!


The theme of the best in the world at what he does hits the arena PA as you can hear actually quite a positive reaction for Jericho here and Jericho step into the ring and referee quickly calls for a bell...

JR: And here we go!


Cole: Let's go Jericho!

Both men lock up in the middle of the ring and Jericho quickly put Edge down on the canvas and grab his head and hold it in the hard head lock. Jericho makes sure that Edge will stay down and then he put Edge to sit position and Jericho get up and jump from back right on Edge's head with a sitting dropkick. Jericho quickly grab Edge and help him to get up on his feet and then he send him straight to the ropes and Edge runs right on the Jericho, that is looking for a clothesline, but Edge ducks down before Jericho can hit him and he still running and Jericho tries another clothesline, but again he miss and this time Edge jumps up to the air before Jericho and hit Jericho with huge flying elbow and Jericho quickly gets up and Edge grab hand of Jericho and send him to the corner and run after him and just when Jericho hit turnbuckles and turn over, Edge from back grab jericho's head and put Jericho down to the canvas with a Running Bulldog and Edge quickly goes for a cover....

JR: Wow, what a move by Edge...


Cole: This could be it!


Booker T: Stay down Jericho!

Jericho kicks out!

Right after Jericho kicked out, he slowly rolled to the apron and grab ropes to help him get up and when he did, Edge walk to him and grab his head, but Jericho reverse it and slap Edge to the face and Edge turn over and fall on his knee to the middle of the ring and Jericho jump on the third rope and jump right on the Edge with the huge Springboard Crossbody and Edge quickly get up again and Jericho grab hand of the Edge and again sand him to the ropes and then throw him over him and Edge fall before ropes and then just roll on the apron and just Jericho did moments before, Edge with help of ropes gets up and Jericho run to the ropes and jump on them and with their help hit Edge and send him out of the ring after Springboard Dropkick and Jericho after Edge fall out of the ring, run again to the ropes and jump through the second rope with the suicide dive and referee begin to count...


[B]JR:[/B] Wow what a moves by Jericho!


[B]Booker T:[/B] That guy is making me proud!


[B]Cole:[/B] Not so great in my opinion...


JR: What the hell are you talking about Cole?


Jericho gets up first and step on the apron and want to get back into the ring, but Edge already get up as well and from back grab leg of Jericho and put him back out of the ring and Jericho turn over and Edge connect his head with few punches and then he grab head of Jericho and connect it with the floor and Edge get back into the ring...


Booker T: Oh my gash!


[B]JR:[/B] Look at Edge, he's awesome!


Cole: And Jericho is out!

Ten... NO!

Right before ten, Jericho roll back into the ring and Edge looks shocked and can't believe that Jericho get back and he go to argue with referee about slow counts and Jericho in the meantime get up and grab all of his strengh and wait till Edge turn over, Jericho grab his hands and put him up and down with the Double Underhook Backbreaker and Edge fall down to the middle of the ring and Jericho quickly get up and run to the ropes, jump on them and turn over in air and hit Edge and then wait for him to get up again and look for The Codebreaker, but Edge reverse it and give few punches to the head of the Jericho and fight back for his live and Jericho fight back as well and Edge fall down to his knee and Jericho run to the ropes and look for a clothesline, but Edge was quicker and connect jericho with a spear and goes for a cover...




Cole: This is it!


Booker T: WHAT?! My boy did it!



Edge quickly jump up on the corner and raise his hands and fans get crazy for him...

JR: Oh my god!


Cole: That was awful...

While Edge is on the corner, into the ring runs Finlay with the shalleilah in his hand....


Booker T: What the?!

Edge doesn't see Finlay, that get into the ring and with shalleilah in his hand wait for Edge. Edge jump off the corner and from back takes shot with shalleilah and fall down to the canvas and fans loudly boo at Finlay. Finlay run to the ropes and jump down right on Edge with a Flying Bomb and then ask Hornswoggle for his title. Hornswoggle gie him his title and Finlay wait for Edge to get up and when he did, Finlay hit Edge with his title and then step over him and show his title to the world and we turn to black....



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How them writing assessments going?

I'll do my match tomorrow.


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Id offer to help but Im at the match tomorrow so the likelyhood is I wont be able to


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This is absolutely pathetic.

Communication has fucking pissed me right off this week. I set match assignments and there's no communications, barely any fucking promos for a PPV.

It'd help if I knew how everyone's progress are seeing the PPV is tomorrow and I'm not putting it up on a Monday because I have work and I won't be on. I'm also busy tomorrow and here I am with 3 hours to spare to write a match but I see at least 4-5 matches not even completed yet.

We need to start looking strong because right now every time I try contact Staff members, I get absolutely no response.

so I for one can know where you're at and what's needed.

When I have no response, I feel like nothing has been done... I'm at the point where I'm just going to tell you all to get fucked. I apologize if you guys get offended but we do use this Staff Chat for a reason.

We have 6-7 writers... Why isn't anything being done?

Batista/Kane... Who the fuck is writing that because on assessments it says Hoov but it looks like Hoov's off to work and is busy...

I have no time to write a second match, this is just absolutely fucking pathetic. We need to do better than this.
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