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Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..
They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, before walking over and grabbing the mic.
FINLAY: I’m going to keep this short and sharp for two reasons. Reason number one, I don’t have a match tonight and I don’t really want to be here. Did you know they actually refuse to pay you if you don’t do something every week. What a bad rule. Anyway, reason number two, I actually don’t have a whole heap to say. I know big shocker there, tell me about it. You see, last week I came out and had a match just after retaining my title at Starrcade in a brutal match for the ages. Just like a month ago, I had a brutal match against the Rock where I won the title, and then was expected to compete the very next night again. Both matches, I lost cleanly through nobody’s fault but my own. No excuses out of me at all, I was defeated by men who were better on there respective nights.
Mixed reaction from the crowd due to Finlay’s sincerity.
Yes they were indeed better on the night, but now that I think of it, why were they better on the night? Am I maybe losing my touch? Am I becoming over confident, and expecting to win every match without putting in an effort? Perhaps, the pressure of being the champion is getting to me? I could be losing my nerve? Or maybe, just maybe, there is a conspiracy amongst managers here on War? I think I am going to stick with the last one. and the reason, for that is because I have proof. One month ago after beating the Rock I was forced to compete with Christian the night after winning the title. Christian on the other was coming fresh off a match with Randy Orton that was over within minutes. CONSPIRACY!!! Last week, one night after retaining my title I was forced to compete with Stone Cold Steve Austin who was coming fresh off no match at Starrcade at all. CONSPIRACY!!! Managers, and those are higher up in this business are pitting me in matches the night after brutal clashes against 100 per cent fresh men in order to create a complex. That complex is that of a perception that I am beatable. They are making others think that hey, if this guy can do it, then maybe they can as well. Why else would you make your champion compete week after week, and against blokes who are clearly fresher, with no battle scars whatsoever. Now I don’t mind competing every week, really I don’t, but really, the night after a pay per view, you cannot expect me to give a performance anything like the night before. It is impossible. I am a 57 year old man, and despite being fit for my age, I need days between matches where I am able to regain composure, and recover. It is simply unfair, and a conspiracy that needs to stop because I am sick of people thinking they are better than me because they beat me the night after I have put my body through hell. What big heroes you both are, picking on a man when he’s down. No wonder you are never going to amount to anything successful in this business, you’re both as weak as water.
Crowd boos its disapproval, and Finlay simply ignores them and continues.
Now I said I was going to keep this short, and that’s what I plan on doing. At Starrcade, a man earned the right to face me at Invasion. That man being the self proclaimed, Rated R Superstar, Edge. This I have no problem with, he is a man that had an opportunity, and by defeating Batista, he has earned his spot, just like I did a few months ago. The only thing that pains me about the whole thing is that he needed a woman by his side to help him get the job done. Now I know a woman is essential to get certain jobs done for a man, but really, in a match where the winner gets a shot at the biggest prize in this business, surely they simply do not have a place. CWF doesn’t have a women’s division for a reason, and that’s because this isn’t about entertaining the crowds, it’s about professional wrestling at its best, and women have no place. Now some of you might say, “but Finlay, you have Hornswoggle by your side each and every match, why shouldn’t Edge have someone with him.†To that I simply say, look at the size of Hornswoggle. Anybody who thinks Hornswoggle is threat needs to take a long hard look at themselves and re-evaluate whether they are a man or not. He barely comes up to my waist and weighs less than a child and yet people blame him for losing matches to me? Yeah right, get a life people. Lita is a former women’s champion has proven in the past that she can compete with men, and thus that makes her a threat to me if she is at ringside. I think Tazz needs to do the right thing and fire her immediately if he wishes for this company to remain a pure wrestling business and not a laughing stock entertainment company.
More boo from the crowd and Finlay sucks chants are beginning.
And speaking of entertaining, I think I have done enough to earn my pay cheque for one day, I’ll see the rest of you fools next week.
Finlay drops his mic and leaves the ring to the boos of the crowd and Hornswoggle follows him out of the arena.

Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..

They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, before walking over and grabbing the mic.
FINLAY: I’m going to keep this short and sharp for two reasons. Reason number one, I don’t have a match tonight and I don’t really want to be here. Did you know they actually refuse to pay you if you don’t do something every week. What a bad rule. Anyway, reason number two, I actually don’t have a whole heap to say. I know big shocker there, tell me about it. You see, last week I came out and had a match just after retaining my title at Starrcade in a brutal match for the ages. Just like a month ago, I had a brutal match against the Rock where I won the title, and then was expected to compete the very next night again. Both matches, I lost cleanly through nobody’s fault but my own. No excuses out of me at all, I was defeated by men who were better on there respective nights.
Mixed reaction from the crowd due to Finlay’s sincerity.
Yes they were indeed better on the night, but now that I think of it, why were they better on the night? Am I maybe losing my touch? Am I becoming over confident, and expecting to win every match without putting in an effort? Perhaps, the pressure of being the champion is getting to me? I could be losing my nerve? Or maybe, just maybe, there is a conspiracy amongst managers here on War? I think I am going to stick with the last one. and the reason, for that is because I have proof. One month ago after beating the Rock I was forced to compete with Christian the night after winning the title. Christian on the other was coming fresh off a match with Randy Orton that was over within minutes. CONSPIRACY!!! Last week, one night after retaining my title I was forced to compete with Stone Cold Steve Austin who was coming fresh off no match at Starrcade at all. CONSPIRACY!!! Managers, and those are higher up in this business are pitting me in matches the night after brutal clashes against 100 per cent fresh men in order to create a complex. That complex is that of a perception that I am beatable. They are making others think that hey, if this guy can do it, then maybe they can as well. Why else would you make your champion compete week after week, and against blokes who are clearly fresher, with no battle scars whatsoever. Now I don’t mind competing every week, really I don’t, but really, the night after a pay per view, you cannot expect me to give a performance anything like the night before. It is impossible. I am a 57 year old man, and despite being fit for my age, I need days between matches where I am able to regain composure, and recover. It is simply unfair, and a conspiracy that needs to stop because I am sick of people thinking they are better than me because they beat me the night after I have put my body through hell. What big heroes you both are, picking on a man when he’s down. No wonder you are never going to amount to anything successful in this business, you’re both as weak as water.
Crowd boos its disapproval, and Finlay simply ignores them and continues.
Now I said I was going to keep this short, and that’s what I plan on doing. At Starrcade, a man earned the right to face me at Invasion. That man being the self proclaimed, Rated R Superstar, Edge. This I have no problem with, he is a man that had an opportunity, and by defeating Batista, he has earned his spot, just like I did a few months ago. The only thing that pains me about the whole thing is that he needed a woman by his side to help him get the job done. Now I know a woman is essential to get certain jobs done for a man, but really, in a match where the winner gets a shot at the biggest prize in this business, surely they simply do not have a place. CWF doesn’t have a women’s division for a reason, and that’s because this isn’t about entertaining the crowds, it’s about professional wrestling at its best, and women have no place. Now some of you might say, “but Finlay, you have Hornswoggle by your side each and every match, why shouldn’t Edge have someone with him.†To that I simply say, look at the size of Hornswoggle. Anybody who thinks Hornswoggle is threat needs to take a long hard look at themselves and re-evaluate whether they are a man or not. He barely comes up to my waist and weighs less than a child and yet people blame him for losing matches to me? Yeah right, get a life people. Lita is a former women’s champion has proven in the past that she can compete with men, and thus that makes her a threat to me if she is at ringside. I think Tazz needs to do the right thing and fire her immediately if he wishes for this company to remain a pure wrestling business and not a laughing stock entertainment company.
More boo from the crowd and Finlay sucks chants are beginning.
And speaking of entertaining, I think I have done enough to earn my pay cheque for one day, I’ll see the rest of you fools next week.
Finlay drops his mic and leaves the ring to the boos of the crowd and Hornswoggle follows him out of the arena.