CWF - Staff Trash #10 (Merging Issue)

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Matches & Assessments for 5th September 2011

Finlay vs. SCSA - Awesome Miz
CM Punk vs. Edge - Andrew
Eddie Guerrero & R-Truth vs. Sheamus/Morrison - Hoov
Chris Jericho vs. John Cena - Rock

These are the assessed assignments.


Morrison is turning heel, so have him take out Sheamus after the match or something.

The Hoov

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The crowd immediately starts to boo as Matt Hardy Version 1 and his “MF'erâ€￾ Shannon Moore emerge from the backstage area.

Cole: Yes! Our Savior is here!

Booker T: Look who's in the house!

Mathews: Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore have come out here to address the audience here tonight!

Matt screams out at the crowd “I'M VEEEEEEEEE-ONNNNNEEEEE-AAAAAHHHH!â€￾ much to their chagrin.


The screen is displaying what it's calling “Matt Factsâ€￾. Tonight's Matt Fact is “Matt Knows How To Solve A Rubik's Cube.â€￾

Booker T: What the hell is that? Matt Facts?

Mathews: It seems Matt Hardy is trying to give us an insight into his personal life.

Cole: Booker, you hush Mr. 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time WCW Champion!

He walks with Shannon into the ring and demands a microphone. Shannon scales the top rope with what appears to be some sort of book in his hands.


Matt slowly walks around the ring waiting for the crowd's boo-ing to die down a bit. It certainly takes a while for it to do so but it finally does and Matt begins to speak.


Matt Hardy: Greetings CWF faithful. My name is Matt Hardy Version 1 and, as you saw at StarrCade, myself along with my Mattitude Follower, or MF'er, Shannon Moore have arrived on the scene and I just wanted to take this time to personally address all of the fans who were too cheap to actually purchase the PPV or those whose illegal stream died during my arrival. Like I said last Sunday, I have arrived here to teach you people just exactly what Mattitude is all about. You see, it's not just about winning matches. It's not just about winning championships. Mattitude is a mindset that just plain makes you better than everyone else. That's why I'm here, to prove to each and every one of you that mediocrity is nothing to accept or be proud of. Excellence is the only thing worth striving for. And by the looks of you people out in the audience here tonight, I can see excellence seems like an unreachable and impossible goal.

The crowd really hates Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore here tonight. Matt has a smile on his face as he signals for Shannon to come closer.

Matt Hardy: But I assure you it is not. You see, Shannon here is a prime example of just how I can mold anyone into a bonafide success. Shannon, would you please open your Book of Mattitude to page 1.....

Booker T: The nerve of this cat, for real!

Cole: Shush!

Matt Hardy: Lesson 1: Shannon, I want you to tell these people exactly what you think of them. Go ahead and take it away, sport!

Matt hands the microphone to Shannon and Shannon starts his shoot on the people.

Shannon Moore: What do I think exactly about these people? I think these people wouldn't know real talent if it came up and bit 'em on the ass. My friend and mentor Matt Hardy is trying to do all of you a favor and all you do is boo him. So go on, continue to boo him. But just remember one thing: At the end of the day, when it's all said and done, you will all thank Matt Hardy and you will all worship Matt Hardy and Mattitude will become the biggest thing in the entire world.

Shannon hands the microphone back to Matt as Matt gives him a big hug. The crowd is absolutely hating these two.

Matt Hardy: You see, things are going to change around here. First: We take the CWF Tag Team Championships. Next: The World. Be warned and until then......

Matt drops the microphone and he and Shannon head towards the back.

Mathews: More stunning and bold comments from Matt Hardy Version 1.

Cole: They will definitely be a force to be reckoned with here in the CWF.


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War is having a quiet moment, setting things up for the next contest. But all of that is paused when....



Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Batista walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring, to get a microphone, and when he gets it he stands dead center in the middle of the ring and waits. Waits for the lights to shut off, leaving one spotlight on him, and he clears his throat to speak.


The Animal, Batista: You see this. This is my spotlight....and it is brightening my face for you all to see in the middle of MY ring! And at this point in time, I should be representing MY brand in the main of event of Invasion to claim MY World Heavyweight Championship! But no, thanks to a certain grubby hooker.... and Lita...... that's not exactly happening yet. I get screwed out of a championship opportunity, and our manager Tazz just stands there and lets all this happen?! I mean, what kind of idiot is running this place?! You know, I have a good mind to say screw this, and just walk out the door and go somewhere I'm actually appreciated!

The crowd cheer Batista threatening to quit.

The Animal, Batista: Oh yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you? You'd like me to just walk away. Well, I don't see why I shouldn't. I lost the match to no fault of my own, so I'm not number one contender... but not only that, do I have a match tonight? Am I competing, no. No, I'm not..... It's absolutely ridiculous! Who in their right mind would keep their best fighter off their damn show! I don't turn up here to be told I have the night off, they could have rung me or text me and told me not to bother coming in. So, I've taken matters into my own hands. I've come out here and of commandeered MY spotlight. I am standing in the middle of my ring, and this show is not going a step further, until someone comes down here and gives me the respect I deserve, and gives me someone to take all of my frustrations out on! I'M WAITING!

Batista stands his ground in the ring until.....



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God Save Our Gracious Queen!


The boos from the Canadian crowd hit as soon as The English National Anthem hits. Everybody begins to wonder why it is playing on the PA system but it soon becomes quite apparently when the arrivals of William Regal and Wade Barrett appear on the stage, singing along to their theme tune.


The boos become louder and drown out the singing as the new theme song gets into full swing and the duo make their way down the entrance ramp. They are both dressed in robes and they climb up the steel steps, led by Wade Barrett who steps into the ring first and then puts hit foot on the second rope so Regal can get in easier. Their theme song dies down and they begin.

William Regal: How ruddy dare you boo our national anthem. I suggest you learn some respect before we beat it out of you. Now we are here in this company that has seen a lot of hype recently. I will say one thing though, I for one am not impressed. I mean, why the hell travel to Canada?


The crowd rain down boos on Regal & Barrett but they are cut off this time by Barrett

Wade Barrett: Shut up you no-brainers. To be quite frank, I’m sick and tired of people like you who have no respect what so ever. We Englishmen are talking now and it makes me sick that you creatures would dare to interrupt us. We will very soon be on top of this tag division so you had better get used to us. Now before we have to punish somebody, I suggest the general manager just give us a tag team title match before the current champions are forced to vacate it.


The crowd boo Wade and William Regal continues on.

William Regal: Learn your manners stupid people. You are looking at The Emperors of Royalty here. Now, if I were to tell you the truth, by this time next month, we will also be the emperors of the Tag Team division. Now I don’t care who the champions are currently as they can enjoy it while it lasts but when they in the sights of me and Wade, I promise you that the inevitable will happen, me and Wade beating them and taking their gold because to be perfectly honest, CWF needs some real champions, some English champions. Everybody deserves some creditable champions and we are here to give you all what you deserve.

Again the crowd cut them off with their booing and Wade Barrett silences them.

Wade Barrett: Enough! Dare I ask what part of your pointless brains can’t understand the two simple words of shut up! I am getting tired of the nonsense spewing from your idiotic lips. You are nothing but a bunch of fools who are fed and believe the nonsense that those idiots like Sheamus or John Cena tell you. The ones who are the supposed ‘good guys’ in this business. Well I have got some news for you, good guys finish last.

Wade is cut off by boos and there was a nice pop for the names of John Cena and Sheamus.

William Regal: I suppose you want to know why we came here? Well, I’ll tell you the truth, we are sick of these idiot Americans and Canadians running their mouths and making professional wrestling look like a disgrace. We are here to put the ‘W’ back into CWF. I’m sure you all know what the ‘W’ in CWF stands for. That’s right, it stands for wrestling. All these men, these supposed ‘professional wrestlers’ are all rolling around the floor like a bloody gay gangbang and to be honest, it’s really embarrassing. The North Americans are the worst culprits and we are here to show you what wrestling is all about. We’ll show you how us Englishmen wrestle and I’m sure you all will get a shock.


Boos erupt the arena at Regal’s comments and it takes a while for them to die down.

Wade Barrett: I think it’s about time you showed us some respect and as your superiors I demand that you shut your filthy mouths. It is a disgrace the way you filthy Canadians address us. You should address us as Sir as we are here and we are the emperors of this company. We will be taking over and from this point on, there isn’t a soul in that locker room that dare to challenge us. Everything from this point onwards is just little obstacles in becoming what we so rightfully deserve, CWF’s Tag Team Champions. So I suggest that Beer Money enjoy their last few weeks as champions because once they are on our radar, they won’t get off it until we get what is rightfully ours. We also have a message for every single superstar in this company, if you are not English, then you best stay away because we are targeting every single wrestler that is a culprit for giving professional wrestling the bad name that it has received and unfortunately, if you aren’t English, expect a little payback.

Wade Barrett throws his mic down with force and is followed by William Regal. They get out of the ring and walk down the entrance ramp as the boos are raining down on them. They point out a few fans before bad mouthing them before heading to the backstage area.

OOC: My promo for WAR


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So how is everyone going with matches n such?


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OOC: I'm leaving it as it is but I'm absolutely annoyed that you completely out-bombed me in the 2nd post.

549 words to your 1019 (Which is over the limit).


1,000 words tbh

1,000 words or not. You're a part of staff and you pulled a complete dick move by going double then what I've posted in my 1st and 2nd post then you call it quits...


Ive just asked you to go 3-3 you said u didnt want to TT more.

Okay, this is where the Honor head writer steps in.

Andrew, Ellis did nothing wrong. There is not rule against posting more then your opponent. He kept in in the word length which is totally acceptable.

What's unacceptable is the face that you're the OWNER and you're acting this way.

Ellis, nothing you did here was the wrong. They way Andrew handled it was wrong. Totally unbelievable and unacceptable.
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I took your advice Andrew and I'm writing it day after day, so it's still unfinished, yet pretty long.


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Hoov - In the tag match, don't have Morrison out at all, he's going to do a promo (Heel Turn)

The Hoov

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Apr 24, 2011
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WAR comes back from commercial to show Jericho and Jack Korpela backstage in an interview studio. The camera is mainly focused on Jericho, as it should be, rubbing his face with a scowl cut across it. Korpela does the stupid thing and asks him a question.


Korpela:Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Chris Jericho. Now Chris, you're coming off what some would call an embarassing loss to Brock Les-

Jericho breathes deeply as he sticks his hand out to slowly move the microphone away from Korpela's mouth while giving him a look that hardens the hearts of children. He grabs Jack's wrist and methodically moves it so the microphone is placed near his face.


Jericho:Embarassing? Who are you? Who are you, to tell me, a man who just under a decade ago, became the first Undisputed Champion of all time? Who are you to tell me, the 11 time Intercontinental Champion, The man who shines the light of truth onto the hypocrites in the stands, The greatest thing to ever happen to this industry? Who are tell Chris Jericho, that he was embarassed? You're nobody. You're a man who sits back here one day hoping you'll get a big time interview or story and thing that's your big break. Don't you even dare to try and make a career out of my expense.

Korpela:Chris, I'm so-


Jericho:Don't call me Chris. I told the last man standing here the same, when you learn decent manners, and perhaps when I've gone senile in about 40 years, then perhaps I'll allow you to start calling your superiors by their first name. You will refer to me, as Mr.Jericho, or you will refer to me, as SIR. Are we perfectly clear?

Korpela:Yes, Chr- Mr.Jericho.

Jericho:Well done. If I find some dog biscuits around here, you'll get your reward. As for what happened at Starrcade, it was blatant abuse of power. Even Tazz realised that Lesnar couldn't try and win off a double countout victory, he couldn't deny me. So he wisely restarts the match, I win, 1, 2, 3, and this is where it starts to go downhill. You see, I proved I can beat Brock Lesnar. I did what I said I would, I became an eleven time Intercontinental Champion. Tazz just could not accept that his favourite coud lose, so he restarts it AGAIN, and allows Lesnar to grab me by the hair, which is ILLEGAL, by the way, and attack me from behind, hitting me with two F5s and a frankly awful looking Shooting Star Press. This is the THIRD time, that Tazz has allowed assaults to be carried out on me, two of them by Brock Lesnar.

Jericho takes a deep breath through his nose and looks at the screen, while pulling the microphone from Jack's hand.


Jericho:I refuse to accept this anymore. Not only has Tazz allowed this, but he books me in a match against one man I hate so much more than any other man. John Cena. John Cena is the epitome of hypocrisy, and tonight, I expose him for the cheater and the fraudster that he is, out there, in that ring, tonight. Not only will I do that, I have to show that I am not settled with letting other men take my place. I've beaten The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night, The Rock was granted a world title shot, and Austin gets his shot at the world champion, Finlay, tonight. I have to make an impression, once again. So tonight, I make an example of John Cena.

Jericho drops the microphone and storms off camera, and WAR quickly fades to the next segment.​

OOC: I'm aware that's Josh Matthews, I just couldn't find any pictures of Chris with Jack Korpela. Sorry.


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Haha all good.

Dres - Don't worry

Awesome Miz will cover Finlay/SCSA


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The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off and gets the microphone.

"The Rated R Superstar" Edge
When I told everyone that things were going to change when I come back, I know all of you had faith I would. A few months later, here I am standing before you as your number one contender. It has been a long journey since coming back but I've never had a doubt in my mind that I can't make it to the top. The injuries have torn me up internally and physically yet it hasn't brought me down. I promised all of you I will save you from the boredom and stupidity that has been at the main event of the roster. We have seen the likes of Batista and Christian just bore us to death and give us splitting headaches. Those days are over, because it's now my time. I still have the one major obstacle and that's earning the most prestigious title in this company. I can talk all I want, but the fact is my mission isn't done without that title around my waist. It's been so far very successful for me here in CWF, but the job is far from complete. My new objective is you Finlay and these next few weeks your going to be tested like you haven't been tested before!!

The crowd pops at that, as Edge starts to nod his head with a sadistic look in his eye before speaking again.


Edge: Now I have a lot of things to address right now, because their a lot of questions swirling about how everything went down. Before I invite a special person to the ring, I like to get to on why I speared Kane. It's simple big fella,, I want Finlay and you weren't going to take that away from me. The grudge I have for him is big and after that little schoolboy pin, he needs to get what he deserves. So it's nothing personal, but I had to do what I want to. Plus I think it's smart on my part, since I think anyone would rather face an old Irish man that a 7 foot 300 pound Big Red Machine that shows no mercy. It's all about thinking head and that's what I excel at. It's one of the main reasons on why I have succeeded so much in my life. Now another thing about ya Finlay is I see you have that little guy with you. He has been a thorn in a few guys side and I see you can be a threat somehow. Nevertheless, I have officially signed someone as my manager. I had no idea she would come back, but after some negotiations for now she will be back. Without anymore time wasted, here is the legend and close friend of mine LITA!


Lita comes out to a huge pop, as she gets on stage and dances for a little bit. She has a huge smile on my face, as Edge is clapping. Lita runs to the ring like her old self and shows huge excitement. She hugs Edge, as the crowd is loving it. Eventually they hand her the microphone, as she can't help but smile.


It's a pleasure to be back everyone!! I missed all you guys so much. Now everyone knows why I had to step out of the ring after all the abuse I took which was rightfully so. I messed up and I paid the price, although if you have been on the internet lately you can see why I did what I did. Yeah I know that still burns deep down buddy. Anyway to things that actually are relevant and basically why I am back. It warms my heart to see Edge back in a ring. I still watch the action from time to time again and I notice what's going on. One thing I did notice was how our world champion has a little sidekick. This midget has caused havoc and has helped Finlay with some of his success. It would absolutely burn me if Edge lost the match if that little bitch cost him. This is where I step in and I will make sure nothing happens. I can still go in the ring and if I have to, I will squish Hornswoggle like he should have been already. This is Edge's time to shine and I want to be there in person to see the celebration. No there won't be any sex celebration sorry boys, were simply friends and I think seeing Edge back on top is the best thing that can happen!!

The crowd pops to that and starts a "Lita chant". Edge chuckles for a bit before going on.

Edge: Damn no sex celebration for old times sake? Ah sorry people, but in all seriousness their is a lot to be happy about. I am a huge CM Punk fan and I can't wait to see him in the ring tonight, but the fact is he couldn't get the job done. I will get the job done and put an end to this reign of the evil Irish man to bed along with his little puppy of a son. It's time for a new era that I promised you when I came back. We have had some good times here but lately it seems like I'm the only good thing going on. We go terrorists taking control, whining Canadians that don't include me, and fantasy monsters from video games. We have had good, but it seems like the negativity is overlapping. This will change when I become your champion and THE RATED R ERA BEGINS ONCE AGAIN!! I do what I want when I want and that will never change. Some people hate me in the back because I have that attitude but I could care less. The Edgeheads across the globe better be ready because soon you will see The greatest era in any wrestling company return. Hide your kids and hide your wives, because it's the return of RATED R!!

Edge drops the microphone as the crowd pops while the music is blasting. Edge poses for the crowd as Lita is clapping. We head to commercial as Edge continues to pose.




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Really hoping the matches are handed in and promos.

I'll add my Tazz bits once I get the matches and such handed in.

The Hoov

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Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


The crowd pops as “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus emerges from the back with his Primetime Championship clutched around his shoulder. He beats his chest and stomps down the ramp to the ring.

Booker T: Man, I tell you guys I love me some Sheamus, dogg. He's just a big, powerful behemoth!

Cole: Yeah, Booker, but can he win this match all on his own? John Morrison won't come out to help him.



"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans aren't sure how to react or what to think. As they all rise to their feet, inspired to do so by their peaked curiosity, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. They reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes.

Cole: Now I REALLY like these guys.

Mathews: You would, Cole.

As Eddie and Truth enter the ring, both men immediately attack Sheamus. Eddie and Truth start pummeling Sheamus with right hands and back him into a corner of the ring. Sheamus slumps down into the corner as Eddie and Truth stomp away at the Primetime Champion as Jesse Ventura cheers them on. The referee finally gets some sort of control and manages to get Truth onto the apron so we have Eddie vs. Sheamus 1-on-1.

Booker T: This tag team, as unusual as it may seem is actually working together quite well. Can't say I agree with their tactics but whatever, man!

Cole: You don't have to agree, Booker. In fact, who cares if you do?

Eddie lifts Sheamus to his feet and grabs him in suplex position and proceeds to execute a textbook suplex. Eddie rotates his hips and hits another suplex. Again, Eddie then hits another one, successfully completing his 3 Amigos. Eddie gets up and starts taunting Sheamus and the crowd here. Eddie goes to lift Sheamus again to his feet but this time Sheamus shoves Eddie off. As Eddie comes running back, Sheamus nails a big axe clothesline.

Mathews: That gloating really cost Guerrero here tonight.

Sheamus lifts Eddie to his feet and hurls him across the ring with a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Eddie crashes to the mat. As he does, Truth tags himself in unbeknownst to Sheamus. Truth jumps Sheamus from behind with a big forearm. Sheamus stumbles forward but turns around and nails another big axe clothesline to Truth. Just as he does, this theme hits the P.A.



The crowd starts to boo as John Morrison emerges from the back and does his usual slow-motion entrance routine.


Booker T: Yo man, I thought Morrison wasn't comin' out here?!

As Morrison makes his way down to the ring, Sheamus has his eyes focused on Morrison. As he turns around, Eddie has a chair in hand and whacks Sheamus right in the head, causing the referee to call for the bell.


R.E.M.E.D.Y. Walks out of the ring leaving Sheamus to the mercy of John Morrison.

Mathews: What is John Morrison planning here?

Morrison climbs into the ring and grabs the chair Eddie left behind. Morrison looks down at Sheamus and then starts hammering away at Sheamus with the chair over and over again. Morrison is unloading onto Sheamus with chair shots.

Booker T: Man, somebody stop that dude!

Morrison takes the chair and starts choking Sheamus with it. Sheamus is struggling for air. Morrison lets up as Sheamus lies flat on the mat. Morrison goes outside the ring and grabs the Primetime Championship.

Mathews: What is Morrison doing now?

Cole: He's just admiring what soon will be his again.

Morrison smirks at Sheamus in the ring and then starts walking towards the back with the Primetime Championship.

Booker T: Man, Morrison is stealing Sheamus' Primetime Title! That ain't cool, dogg!

Morrison starts walking up the ramp but then stops at the top to admire what he has done to Sheamus.


Morrison then leaves as Sheamus slowly makes his way to his feet as we fade into a commercial break.​
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Monday 5th September
'Enter The WarZone' - Episode 1

Live From,
Rexall Place, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


A brand new theme song is played 'Nonpoint - There's Going To Be A War' is playing throughout the PA System. The crowd is red hot as we go to ringside as we see Booker T with Michael Cole and Josh Mathews.


Booker T: Dawg, I cannot wait for tonight. Finally a new era is happenin' 'ere and mannnnnn I'm excited to see what's goin' down 'ere!

Michael Cole: It's going to be an exciting night that's for sure, John Cena taking on Chris Jericho in what should be a great match-up.

Josh Mathews: They've got history outside of CWF, It will be very interesting to see how things pan out. REMEDY are taking on Sheamus & Morrison tonight...

Booker T: Tensions are risin' boy, my main man Morrison has been a bit peeved since the Celtic Warri-ah Shay-must has taken the belt off him. They takin' on Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth who are claimin' there's some conspiracy goin' on around 'ere... Oh mahhhhhhhh lord.

Michael Cole: That tag match will produce either way, battle of the Edges tonight with CM Punk facing Edge here. With CM Punk suffering a defeat at Starrcade and Edge becoming the number one contender, what will we see here?

Josh Mathews: Edge has been on a hot-streak lately, but lastly the main event. Finlay against Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Booker T: Man, that match is gonna be hotter than what Texas can get boy! Stone Cold is gonna deliver some whoop-ass and give us a beer or two, I tell ya that! Let's roll onto the show!

Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


The crowd pops as “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus emerges from the back with his Primetime Championship clutched around his shoulder. He beats his chest and stomps down the ramp to the ring.

Booker T: Man, I tell you guys I love me some Sheamus, dogg. He's just a big, powerful behemoth!

Cole: Yeah, Booker, but can he win this match all on his own? John Morrison won't come out to help him.



"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans aren't sure how to react or what to think. As they all rise to their feet, inspired to do so by their peaked curiosity, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. They reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes.

Cole: Now I REALLY like these guys.

Mathews: You would, Cole.

As Eddie and Truth enter the ring, both men immediately attack Sheamus. Eddie and Truth start pummeling Sheamus with right hands and back him into a corner of the ring. Sheamus slumps down into the corner as Eddie and Truth stomp away at the Primetime Champion as Jesse Ventura cheers them on. The referee finally gets some sort of control and manages to get Truth onto the apron so we have Eddie vs. Sheamus 1-on-1.

Booker T: This tag team, as unusual as it may seem is actually working together quite well. Can't say I agree with their tactics but whatever, man!

Cole: You don't have to agree, Booker. In fact, who cares if you do?

Eddie lifts Sheamus to his feet and grabs him in suplex position and proceeds to execute a textbook suplex. Eddie rotates his hips and hits another suplex. Again, Eddie then hits another one, successfully completing his 3 Amigos. Eddie gets up and starts taunting Sheamus and the crowd here. Eddie goes to lift Sheamus again to his feet but this time Sheamus shoves Eddie off. As Eddie comes running back, Sheamus nails a big axe clothesline.

Mathews: That gloating really cost Guerrero here tonight.

Sheamus lifts Eddie to his feet and hurls him across the ring with a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Eddie crashes to the mat. As he does, Truth tags himself in unbeknownst to Sheamus. Truth jumps Sheamus from behind with a big forearm. Sheamus stumbles forward but turns around and nails another big axe clothesline to Truth. Just as he does, this theme hits the P.A.



The crowd starts to boo as John Morrison emerges from the back and does his usual slow-motion entrance routine.


Booker T: Yo man, I thought Morrison wasn't comin' out here?!

As Morrison makes his way down to the ring, Sheamus has his eyes focused on Morrison. As he turns around, Eddie has a chair in hand and whacks Sheamus right in the head, causing the referee to call for the bell.


R.E.M.E.D.Y. Walks out of the ring leaving Sheamus to the mercy of John Morrison.

Mathews: What is John Morrison planning here?

Morrison climbs into the ring and grabs the chair Eddie left behind. Morrison looks down at Sheamus and then starts hammering away at Sheamus with the chair over and over again. Morrison is unloading onto Sheamus with chair shots.

Booker T: Man, somebody stop that dude!

Morrison takes the chair and starts choking Sheamus with it. Sheamus is struggling for air. Morrison lets up as Sheamus lies flat on the mat. Morrison goes outside the ring and grabs the Primetime Championship.

Mathews: What is Morrison doing now?

Cole: He's just admiring what soon will be his again.

Morrison smirks at Sheamus in the ring and then starts walking towards the back with the Primetime Championship.

Booker T: Man, Morrison is stealing Sheamus' Primetime Title! That ain't cool, dogg!

Morrison starts walking up the ramp but then stops at the top to admire what he has done to Sheamus.


Morrison then leaves the ramp as we go to commercial.



Bob Marley.


We return from commercial.

Booker T: Man, I cannot believe my main man did just that, ain't cool man, ain't cool at all.

Josh Mathews: It was a shock move, I didn't expect it at all.


The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off and gets the microphone.

"The Rated R Superstar" Edge
When I told everyone that things were going to change when I come back, I know all of you had faith I would. A few months later, here I am standing before you as your number one contender. It has been a long journey since coming back but I've never had a doubt in my mind that I can't make it to the top. The injuries have torn me up internally and physically yet it hasn't brought me down. I promised all of you I will save you from the boredom and stupidity that has been at the main event of the roster. We have seen the likes of Batista and Christian just bore us to death and give us splitting headaches. Those days are over, because it's now my time. I still have the one major obstacle and that's earning the most prestigious title in this company. I can talk all I want, but the fact is my mission isn't done without that title around my waist. It's been so far very successful for me here in CWF, but the job is far from complete. My new objective is you Finlay and these next few weeks your going to be tested like you haven't been tested before!!

The crowd pops at that, as Edge starts to nod his head with a sadistic look in his eye before speaking again.


Edge: Now I have a lot of things to address right now, because their a lot of questions swirling about how everything went down. Before I invite a special person to the ring, I like to get to on why I speared Kane. It's simple big fella,, I want Finlay and you weren't going to take that away from me. The grudge I have for him is big and after that little schoolboy pin, he needs to get what he deserves. So it's nothing personal, but I had to do what I want to. Plus I think it's smart on my part, since I think anyone would rather face an old Irish man that a 7 foot 300 pound Big Red Machine that shows no mercy. It's all about thinking head and that's what I excel at. It's one of the main reasons on why I have succeeded so much in my life. Now another thing about ya Finlay is I see you have that little guy with you. He has been a thorn in a few guys side and I see you can be a threat somehow. Nevertheless, I have officially signed someone as my manager. I had no idea she would come back, but after some negotiations for now she will be back. Without anymore time wasted, here is the legend and close friend of mine LITA!


Lita comes out to a huge pop, as she gets on stage and dances for a little bit. She has a huge smile on my face, as Edge is clapping. Lita runs to the ring like her old self and shows huge excitement. She hugs Edge, as the crowd is loving it. Eventually they hand her the microphone, as she can't help but smile.


It's a pleasure to be back everyone!! I missed all you guys so much. Now everyone knows why I had to step out of the ring after all the abuse I took which was rightfully so. I messed up and I paid the price, although if you have been on the internet lately you can see why I did what I did. Yeah I know that still burns deep down buddy. Anyway to things that actually are relevant and basically why I am back. It warms my heart to see Edge back in a ring. I still watch the action from time to time again and I notice what's going on. One thing I did notice was how our world champion has a little sidekick. This midget has caused havoc and has helped Finlay with some of his success. It would absolutely burn me if Edge lost the match if that little bitch cost him. This is where I step in and I will make sure nothing happens. I can still go in the ring and if I have to, I will squish Hornswoggle like he should have been already. This is Edge's time to shine and I want to be there in person to see the celebration. No there won't be any sex celebration sorry boys, were simply friends and I think seeing Edge back on top is the best thing that can happen!!

The crowd pops to that and starts a "Lita chant". Edge chuckles for a bit before going on.

Edge: Damn no sex celebration for old times sake? Ah sorry people, but in all seriousness their is a lot to be happy about. I am a huge CM Punk fan and I can't wait to see him in the ring tonight, but the fact is he couldn't get the job done. I will get the job done and put an end to this reign of the evil Irish man to bed along with his little puppy of a son. It's time for a new era that I promised you when I came back. We have had some good times here but lately it seems like I'm the only good thing going on. We go terrorists taking control, whining Canadians that don't include me, and fantasy monsters from video games. We have had good, but it seems like the negativity is overlapping. This will change when I become your champion and THE RATED R ERA BEGINS ONCE AGAIN!! I do what I want when I want and that will never change. Some people hate me in the back because I have that attitude but I could care less. The Edgeheads across the globe better be ready because soon you will see The greatest era in any wrestling company return. Hide your kids and hide your wives, because it's the return of RATED R!!

Edge drops the microphone as the crowd pops while the music is blasting. Edge poses for the crowd as Lita is clapping. We head to commercial as Edge continues to pose.


Booker T: Dawg, I'm diggin' Edge's new attitude. It's growin' on me. I hope he beats that drunken lard at Invasion!

Michael Cole: The crowd is behind Edge in every way possible. We've got Finlay's celebration party coming up next too.




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, and continues to take it all in before walking over and grabbing the mic.

Finlay: Finally, after being this company’s champion for one and a half months, I am being celebrated for what I truly am, and that is the best in the business. I am the king of the CWF, the number one man, not only on this brand but also, the other brand, more commonly known to us as “The B Show.” You see, all these other blokes requesting for a fresh start on Tuesday Night Honor, all they are going to be is big fish in a very small pond. The only reason they want a fresh start is for the simple fact that they are scared. They know they will never amount to anything here, because as long as I am champion here, they would be squashed weak after weak. At least over there, they may have a chance to win some gold, as fake as it would be, because everyone knows that the real champ is right here on War. Now speaking of War, and specifically to those who are staying here for the time being. I commend you on your strength and desire. You see, you wish to stay here to try and be the best you can be. And the only way you can do that is by beating the best that there is, and that ladies and gentleman, is me.

The crowd boos, but Finlay ignores them and continues.

Now, this is supposed to be a party, and I’m quite certain you don’t need to hear me talk throughout the party. I have a couple of things planned, and I think you are going to like it. So first things first, if you would like to turn your attention to the titantron.

On the titantron is the photo of a brand new t-shirt of Finlays.


It’s nice isn’t it? I thought to myself, considering I’ve been so mean to people lately, the least I can do, on top of coming out here and celebrating with the millions…
Crowd boos

And MILLIONS of my fans, I thought I may as well bring out a few gifts. The only problem is, I only have half a dozen to give away, mainly because I couldn’t be bothered getting more, and also because I’m sure there will be so many people wanting one of these shirts that there will be high sales, so the fewer I give away, the more money I can make. Understand?

More boos, and some Finlay sucks chants are erupting in the crowd.

Never mind that. Now Hornswoggle here is an expert at using this little gun to shoot t-shirts into the crowd so Hornswoggle, if you please can you go get the gun the gun that you left under the ring.
Hornswoggle nods and talks in a way that noone else can understand him, and jumps out of the ring, and under it, before pulling out a t-shirt gun. He gets back in the ring and starts jumping around, excited at the prospect of being able to shoot things at the crowd.


Alright Hornswoggle are you ready? Ok. 1…2….No, no, no, no, no, no!

Finlay grabs the gun out of Hornswoggle’s hand and throws it out of the ring to the floor where it breaks, a couple of t-shirts coming out of it when it hits the ground. The crowd boos, and Finlay laughs his maniacal laugh.

Did you actually think that I of all people was going to give you all a freebie? You have got to be kidding yourself. You are all so far below me in life, it sometimes feels as though all of this is a waste of time. You know what I mean, me coming out here and entertaining you all, how is it going to fix you in the whole scheme of things? I mean you come here, most of you probably spending your weekly payments that you get from the government because you don’t have the mental capacity for full time work, you boo for the baddies and cheer for the goodies, and what for? Does it actually make any difference? Of course it bloody doesn’t. Coming here doesn’t make you feel better about your own lives, all it does is take you away from it all, just for the one night. Tomorrow you’re going to be back home, sitting on the couch, eating chocolate and drinking beer til you pass out, and all you do is wish you were back in a little fantasy land cheering idiots like CM Punk and Edge because they play up to you for your love and admiration. Each and every single one of you are a disgrace to your families, and a disgrace to yourselves, and there is no way in hell that I am going to celebrate with you. You aren’t going to get a t-shirt, you aren’t even going to get a balloon.

Finlay suck chants erupt, but Finlay simply talks over them.

I’ll tell you what I’m going to do instead. I’m going to go back to my locker room, watch my plasma screen television for an hour or so, and prepare for my match later against Stone Cold Steve Austin, another bonehead who you cheer because you have nothing better to do with your time. I’m then going to come back out here, teach him a lesson he will never forget, and go back to my homeland of Ireland and celebrate with people who actually know the meaning of the words hard labour. See you later.

At that, Finlay drops the mic and leaves the ring with Hornswoggle behind him. Hornswoggle puts the t-shirt gun back under the ring and runs up to Finlay and jumps up into his arms. Finlay carries out of the arena to more boos of the crowd, and Finlay sucks chants, but Finlay and Hornswoggle simply smile at the camera and disappear at the end of the ramp.



The fans in the arena erupt as John Cena comes running out from behind the curtain spinning in circles. He stops as he looks out into the back rows of the pavilion as he preforms his signature salute towards the chain gang soldiers.


He then runs down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into to ring raising both hands into the air as the women and children pop as he waits for Jericho.



The theme of the best in the world at what he does hits the arena PA as you can hear actually quite a positive reaction for Jericho here in the great white north. Jericho never takes his eyes off Cena as he approaches the ring.

Jericho quickly steps inbetween the ropes and approaches his opponent.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Booker T: Oh boy, my boy John Cena 'ere is gonna pull a victory.

John Cena and Chris Jericho lock up in the middle of the ring, Cena gains the advantage by placing Jericho in a headlock, Jericho struggles as he drops to the mat, Cena tosses him over his torso as Jericho gets into a sitting position as Cena still locks on the headlock. Jericho slowly gets to his feet as he begins to elbow Cena in the abdomen section, Jericho repeats as Cena lets go of the hold. Jericho then Irish-whips Cena to the corner turnbuckle as Jericho charges at him only for Cena to lift his arm as Jericho crashes into him. Cena then hits a shoulder-block followed by another one as Jericho swings for a punch and misses as Cena hits a side-slam. Cena then raises his hand in the air and does the 'You Can't See Me' taunt as he bounces off the ropes and performs the maneuver.

Booker T: It's time for the FU!

Josh Mathews: Could this match be over already?

Jericho gets to his feet as Cena places Jericho on his shoulders looking for the FU but Jericho elbows Cena in the jaw as Jericho backslides and rolls Cena in a pinfall.



Kick Out!

Both men get to their feet as Chris Jericho clothesline Cena sending him over the top rope to the outside. Jericho slides out of the ring and begins punching Cena. Jericho then Irish-whips Cena to the steel steps as Jericho is looking slightly frustrated as the referee begins counting both men out.




Jericho walks up to Cena who somewhat places Jericho onto Cena's shoulders.



Cena smiles as he then hits the FU onto the steel steps!

Booker T: Ohhhhhh mahhhhhhh lord, did you see that?!



Cena slides into the ring.


Winner by countout, John Cena!

Michael Cole: John Cena didn't win Booker... Countout means nothing. Jericho could have won.

Booker T: Man, the hell you talkin' bout dawg. Cena won fair 'n square 'ere!

Jericho slowly slides into the ring looking disappointed by his rare loss, he looks at John Cena and goes to extend a handshake but Jericho kicks Cena in the guts before connecting with a Codebreaker. Jericho then slides out of the ring and grabs a chair as he slides back into the ring. Jericho goes to slam the chair on Cena but from behind a man jumps over the barricades and manages to stop Jericho. Jericho turns around as the man is masked and hits a Stunner on Jericho!

The man unmasks and it's Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Booker T: Ohhhh boy, Stone Cold is here sucka! You're a fool Jericho, you just got some whoop ass handed to ya!

We go to commercial.



Tap the F*CK out!


WAR comes back from commercial to show Jericho and Jack Korpela backstage in an interview studio. The camera is mainly focused on Jericho, as it should be, rubbing his face with a scowl cut across it. Korpela does the stupid thing and asks him a question.


Korpela:Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Chris Jericho. Now Chris, you're coming off what some would call an embarassing loss to Brock Les-

Jericho breathes deeply as he sticks his hand out to slowly move the microphone away from Korpela's mouth while giving him a look that hardens the hearts of children. He grabs Jack's wrist and methodically moves it so the microphone is placed near his face.


Jericho:Embarassing? Who are you? Who are you, to tell me, a man who just under a decade ago, became the first Undisputed Champion of all time? Who are you to tell me, the 11 time Intercontinental Champion, The man who shines the light of truth onto the hypocrites in the stands, The greatest thing to ever happen to this industry? Who are tell Chris Jericho, that he was embarassed? You're nobody. You're a man who sits back here one day hoping you'll get a big time interview or story and thing that's your big break. Don't you even dare to try and make a career out of my expense.

Korpela:Chris, I'm so-


Jericho:Don't call me Chris. I told the last man standing here the same, when you learn decent manners, and perhaps when I've gone senile in about 40 years, then perhaps I'll allow you to start calling your superiors by their first name. You will refer to me, as Mr.Jericho, or you will refer to me, as SIR. Are we perfectly clear?

Korpela:Yes, Chr- Mr.Jericho.

Jericho:Well done. If I find some dog biscuits around here, you'll get your reward. As for what happened at Starrcade, it was blatant abuse of power. Even Tazz realised that Lesnar couldn't try and win off a double countout victory, he couldn't deny me. So he wisely restarts the match, I win, 1, 2, 3, and this is where it starts to go downhill. You see, I proved I can beat Brock Lesnar. I did what I said I would, I became an eleven time Intercontinental Champion. Tazz just could not accept that his favourite coud lose, so he restarts it AGAIN, and allows Lesnar to grab me by the hair, which is ILLEGAL, by the way, and attack me from behind, hitting me with two F5s and a frankly awful looking Shooting Star Press. This is the THIRD time, that Tazz has allowed assaults to be carried out on me, two of them by Brock Lesnar.

Jericho takes a deep breath through his nose and looks at the screen, while pulling the microphone from Jack's hand.


Jericho:I refuse to accept this anymore. Not only has Tazz allowed this, but he books me in a match against one man I hate so much more than any other man. John Cena. John Cena is the epitome of hypocrisy, and tonight, I expose him for the cheater and the fraudster that he is, out there, in that ring, tonight. Not only will I do that, I have to show that I am not settled with letting other men take my place. I've beaten The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night, The Rock was granted a world title shot, and Austin gets his shot at the world champion, Finlay, tonight. I have to make an impression, once again. So tonight, I make an example of John Cena.

Jericho drops the microphone and storms off camera, and WAR quickly fades to the next segment.


The crowd immediately starts to boo as Matt Hardy Version 1 and his “MF'er” Shannon Moore emerge from the backstage area.

Cole: Yes! Our Savior is here!

Booker T: Look who's in the house!

Mathews: Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore have come out here to address the audience here tonight!

Matt screams out at the crowd “I'M VEEEEEEEEE-ONNNNNEEEEE-AAAAAHHHH!” much to their chagrin.


The screen is displaying what it's calling “Matt Facts”. Tonight's Matt Fact is “Matt Knows How To Solve A Rubik's Cube.”

Booker T: What the hell is that? Matt Facts?

Mathews: It seems Matt Hardy is trying to give us an insight into his personal life.

Cole: Booker, you hush Mr. 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time 5-time WCW Champion!

He walks with Shannon into the ring and demands a microphone. Shannon scales the top rope with what appears to be some sort of book in his hands.


Matt slowly walks around the ring waiting for the crowd's boo-ing to die down a bit. It certainly takes a while for it to do so but it finally does and Matt begins to speak.


Matt Hardy: Greetings CWF faithful. My name is Matt Hardy Version 1 and, as you saw at StarrCade, myself along with my Mattitude Follower, or MF'er, Shannon Moore have arrived on the scene and I just wanted to take this time to personally address all of the fans who were too cheap to actually purchase the PPV or those whose illegal stream died during my arrival. Like I said last Sunday, I have arrived here to teach you people just exactly what Mattitude is all about. You see, it's not just about winning matches. It's not just about winning championships. Mattitude is a mindset that just plain makes you better than everyone else. That's why I'm here, to prove to each and every one of you that mediocrity is nothing to accept or be proud of. Excellence is the only thing worth striving for. And by the looks of you people out in the audience here tonight, I can see excellence seems like an unreachable and impossible goal.

The crowd really hates Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore here tonight. Matt has a smile on his face as he signals for Shannon to come closer.

Matt Hardy: But I assure you it is not. You see, Shannon here is a prime example of just how I can mold anyone into a bonafide success. Shannon, would you please open your Book of Mattitude to page 1.....

Booker T: The nerve of this cat, for real!

Cole: Shush!

Matt Hardy: Lesson 1: Shannon, I want you to tell these people exactly what you think of them. Go ahead and take it away, sport!

Matt hands the microphone to Shannon and Shannon starts his shoot on the people.

Shannon Moore: What do I think exactly about these people? I think these people wouldn't know real talent if it came up and bit 'em on the ass. My friend and mentor Matt Hardy is trying to do all of you a favor and all you do is boo him. So go on, continue to boo him. But just remember one thing: At the end of the day, when it's all said and done, you will all thank Matt Hardy and you will all worship Matt Hardy and Mattitude will become the biggest thing in the entire world.

Shannon hands the microphone back to Matt as Matt gives him a big hug. The crowd is absolutely hating these two.

Matt Hardy: You see, things are going to change around here. First: We take the CWF Tag Team Championships. Next: The World. Be warned and until then......

Matt drops the microphone and he and Shannon head towards the back.

Mathews: More stunning and bold comments from Matt Hardy Version 1.

Cole: They will definitely be a force to be reckoned with here in the CWF.

The duo leave the ring as they head backstage as a theme song is quickly played over.

God Save Our Gracious Queen!


The boos from the Canadian crowd hit as soon as The English National Anthem hits. Everybody begins to wonder why it is playing on the PA system but it soon becomes quite apparently when the arrivals of William Regal and Wade Barrett appear on the stage, singing along to their theme tune.


The boos become louder and drown out the singing as the new theme song gets into full swing and the duo make their way down the entrance ramp. They are both dressed in robes and they climb up the steel steps, led by Wade Barrett who steps into the ring first and then puts hit foot on the second rope so Regal can get in easier. Their theme song dies down and they begin.

William Regal: How ruddy dare you boo our national anthem. I suggest you learn some respect before we beat it out of you. Now we are here in this company that has seen a lot of hype recently. I will say one thing though, I for one am not impressed. I mean, why the hell travel to Canada?


The crowd rain down boos on Regal & Barrett but they are cut off this time by Barrett

Wade Barrett: Shut up you no-brainers. To be quite frank, I’m sick and tired of people like you who have no respect what so ever. We Englishmen are talking now and it makes me sick that you creatures would dare to interrupt us. We will very soon be on top of this tag division so you had better get used to us. Now before we have to punish somebody, I suggest the general manager just give us a tag team title match before the current champions are forced to vacate it.


The crowd boo Wade and William Regal continues on.

William Regal: Learn your manners stupid people. You are looking at The Emperors of Royalty here. Now, if I were to tell you the truth, by this time next month, we will also be the emperors of the Tag Team division. Now I don’t care who the champions are currently as they can enjoy it while it lasts but when they in the sights of me and Wade, I promise you that the inevitable will happen, me and Wade beating them and taking their gold because to be perfectly honest, CWF needs some real champions, some English champions. Everybody deserves some creditable champions and we are here to give you all what you deserve.

Again the crowd cut them off with their booing and Wade Barrett silences them.

Wade Barrett: Enough! Dare I ask what part of your pointless brains can’t understand the two simple words of shut up! I am getting tired of the nonsense spewing from your idiotic lips. You are nothing but a bunch of fools who are fed and believe the nonsense that those idiots like Sheamus or John Cena tell you. The ones who are the supposed ‘good guys’ in this business. Well I have got some news for you, good guys finish last.

Wade is cut off by boos and there was a nice pop for the names of John Cena and Sheamus.

William Regal: I suppose you want to know why we came here? Well, I’ll tell you the truth, we are sick of these idiot Americans and Canadians running their mouths and making professional wrestling look like a disgrace. We are here to put the ‘W’ back into CWF. I’m sure you all know what the ‘W’ in CWF stands for. That’s right, it stands for wrestling. All these men, these supposed ‘professional wrestlers’ are all rolling around the floor like a bloody gay gangbang and to be honest, it’s really embarrassing. The North Americans are the worst culprits and we are here to show you what wrestling is all about. We’ll show you how us Englishmen wrestle and I’m sure you all will get a shock.


Boos erupt the arena at Regal’s comments and it takes a while for them to die down.

Wade Barrett: I think it’s about time you showed us some respect and as your superiors I demand that you shut your filthy mouths. It is a disgrace the way you filthy Canadians address us. You should address us as Sir as we are here and we are the emperors of this company. We will be taking over and from this point on, there isn’t a soul in that locker room that dare to challenge us. Everything from this point onwards is just little obstacles in becoming what we so rightfully deserve, CWF’s Tag Team Champions. So I suggest that Beer Money enjoy their last few weeks as champions because once they are on our radar, they won’t get off it until we get what is rightfully ours. We also have a message for every single superstar in this company, if you are not English, then you best stay away because we are targeting every single wrestler that is a culprit for giving professional wrestling the bad name that it has received and unfortunately, if you aren’t English, expect a little payback.

Wade Barrett throws his mic down with force and is followed by William Regal. They get out of the ring and walk down the entrance ramp as the boos are raining down on them. They point out a few fans before bad mouthing them before heading to the backstage area.

Booker T: We're supposed to respect these bunch of morons? I ain't gonna do anythin', I'm glad these guys are gone 'cos it's time for Edge vs. CM Punk!


Michael Cole: Oh this man...

Booker T: You know what Michael, shut up! Edge's my boy here and he gonna walk out of this match as the winner! That's my pick tonight!

The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.

Josh Matthews: If I can step into it guys...


Cole: No you can't Josh! I'm here for steping in and not you, so sit down and listen how true proffesionals are doing it!

Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Booker T: look at Edge!

he runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off as...


Matthews: Wow, here we go!

the fans get to their feet, booing and cheering, making a mixed reaction. The Straight Edge Superstar, our only CWF Savior, walks his way to the ring without any posing, just smiling...


Cole: Oh my god shut up guys! Now this should be my match and not his!

He enters the ring and looks at Edge...

after few, second, referee call for a bell...


Both men lock up in the middle of the ring as...


Booker T: What the?!


Lita comes out of the back and step on the stage and pose for the fans and CM Punk step to the ropes and look at the ramp at Lita. Lita wave him and then Edge from back grab CM Punk and put him into school boy pin position and ref goes for a cover.......


Matthews: Never trust a women!


Cole: What you idiot can know about it huh?


Booker T: Edge did it haha!

Edge quickly rolls out of the ring and run to the stage and grab Lita's hand and go with her to back and CM Punk is shocked and he's standing in the ring and then he get to the corner and make some funny faces and then camera turns to dark...




Heading to FCW, Tenille Tayla's the name.


War is having a quiet moment, setting things up for the next contest. But all of that is paused when....



Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Batista walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring, to get a microphone, and when he gets it he stands dead center in the middle of the ring and waits. Waits for the lights to shut off, leaving one spotlight on him, and he clears his throat to speak.


The Animal, Batista: You see this. This is my spotlight....and it is brightening my face for you all to see in the middle of MY ring! And at this point in time, I should be representing MY brand in the main of event of Invasion to claim MY World Heavyweight Championship! But no, thanks to a certain grubby hooker.... and Lita...... that's not exactly happening yet. I get screwed out of a championship opportunity, and our manager Tazz just stands there and lets all this happen?! I mean, what kind of idiot is running this place?! You know, I have a good mind to say screw this, and just walk out the door and go somewhere I'm actually appreciated!

The crowd cheer Batista threatening to quit.

The Animal, Batista: Oh yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you? You'd like me to just walk away. Well, I don't see why I shouldn't. I lost the match to no fault of my own, so I'm not number one contender... but not only that, do I have a match tonight? Am I competing, no. No, I'm not..... It's absolutely ridiculous! Who in their right mind would keep their best fighter off their damn show! I don't turn up here to be told I have the night off, they could have rung me or text me and told me not to bother coming in. So, I've taken matters into my own hands. I've come out here and of commandeered MY spotlight. I am standing in the middle of my ring, and this show is not going a step further, until someone comes down here and gives me the respect I deserve, and gives me someone to take all of my frustrations out on! I'M WAITING!

Batista stands his ground in the ring until.....




CM Punk: Hi Dave! So what I'm sensing here is you're not happy about your loss at Starrcade and you want to be recognized, well... I lost too to a drunken Irishmen, now I'm thrown into the mix... You want a-



Taz's theme song hits the arena and the crowd erupts into cheers. Batista look towards the entrance ramp as Taz makes his way down the ring and stops at the bottom of the ramp.


Tazz: Well, well, well... Look what we got 'ere. We got a whinin' CM Punk over there and we got you Dave not willin' to get out of the ring until ya get ya spotlight. Well, ya lost fair 'n square at Starrcade as did CM Punk 'ere. Seein' ya both ain't happy with how things are goin', the fact I've already booked Finlay vs. Edge at Invasion. What I'm goin' to do is do somethin' spectacular, I'm goin' to book Batista vs. CM Punk at Invasion, but it won't be an ordinary match, Na, Na... The name of this brand is WAR and we're goin' to show Honor how things are done 'ere. I'm goin' to book ya both in a Last Man Standing!

Booker T: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Mahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lord. Batista and CM Punk in a Last Man Standing. This goin' be brutal dawgs.

Tazz: But that ain't all... next week on WAR we're going to hold the very first WAR Roulette and I'm goin' to return the Highlight Reel. Chris Jericho is goin' to come out 'ere and interview Stone Cold Steve Austin! Now that's what's up... and if you guys want a bit of a 'Warzone'... The time will come but survive if I let you!

Michael Cole: Oh things are finally shaking up here on WAR!

Tazz: Now it's time for Finlay against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Goodnight folks, enjoy the main event. I'll see ya next week!

Tazz leaves backstage as CM Punk and Batista are still looking towards Tazz. Batista grabs Punk and turns him around before kicking him in the guts and delivering a Batista Bomb. Batista then steps out of the ring as he leaves yelling at the crowd.

Josh Mathews: Oh boy... This ain't pretty.

Booker T: What the hell man?!

Batista gets to the top of the entrance ramp as CM Punk slowly recovers and gets to his feet. Batista walks backstage as CM Punk slides out of the ring as he holds his back as he slowly walks towards the back. As CM Punk leaves, a theme song is played as we're ready for our main event of the night.

[Finlay vs. SCSA]

Andrew - Jericho vs. Cena, Tazz Promo, Putting up the show
Tapout - Finlay vs. SCSA
The Hoov - Tag Match
Awesome Miz - Edge vs. CM Punk

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