Michael Cole: Oh this man...
Booker T: You know what Michael, shut up! Edge's my boy here and he gonna walk out of this match as the winner! That's my pick tonight!
The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.
Josh Matthews: If I can step into it guys...
Cole: No you can't Josh! I'm here for steping in and not you, so sit down and listen how true proffesionals are doing it!
Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.
Booker T: look at Edge!
ge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off as...
Matthews: Wow, here we go!
the fans get to their feet, booing and cheering, making a mixed reaction. The Straight Edge Superstar, our only CWF Savior, walks his way to the ring without any posing, just smiling...
Cole: Oh my god shut up guys! Now this should be my match and not his!
He enters the ring and looks at Edge...
after few, second, referee call for a bell...
Both men lock up in the middle of the ring as...
Booker T: What the?!
Lita comes out of the back and step on the stage and pose for the fans and CM Punk step to the ropes and look at the ramp at Lita. Lita wave him and then Edge from back grab CM Punk and put him into school boy pin position and ref goes for a cover.......
Matthews: Never trust a women!
Cole: What you idiot can know about it huh?
Booker T: Edge did it haha!
Edge quickly rolls out of the ring and run to the stage and grab Lita's hand and go with her to back and CM Punk is shocked and he's standing in the ring and then he get to the corner and make some funny faces and then camera turns to dark...
Michael Cole: Oh this man...
Booker T: You know what Michael, shut up! Edge's my boy here and he gonna walk out of this match as the winner! That's my pick tonight!
The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.
Josh Matthews: If I can step into it guys...

Cole: No you can't Josh! I'm here for steping in and not you, so sit down and listen how true proffesionals are doing it!
Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.

Booker T: look at Edge!
ge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off as...
Matthews: Wow, here we go!
the fans get to their feet, booing and cheering, making a mixed reaction. The Straight Edge Superstar, our only CWF Savior, walks his way to the ring without any posing, just smiling...

Cole: Oh my god shut up guys! Now this should be my match and not his!
He enters the ring and looks at Edge...
after few, second, referee call for a bell...
Both men lock up in the middle of the ring as...
Booker T: What the?!

Lita comes out of the back and step on the stage and pose for the fans and CM Punk step to the ropes and look at the ramp at Lita. Lita wave him and then Edge from back grab CM Punk and put him into school boy pin position and ref goes for a cover.......
Matthews: Never trust a women!
Cole: What you idiot can know about it huh?
Booker T: Edge did it haha!
Edge quickly rolls out of the ring and run to the stage and grab Lita's hand and go with her to back and CM Punk is shocked and he's standing in the ring and then he get to the corner and make some funny faces and then camera turns to dark...