CWF - Staff Trash #10 (Merging Issue)

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awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Michael Cole: Oh this man...

Booker T: You know what Michael, shut up! Edge's my boy here and he gonna walk out of this match as the winner! That's my pick tonight!

The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.

Josh Matthews: If I can step into it guys...


Cole: No you can't Josh! I'm here for steping in and not you, so sit down and listen how true proffesionals are doing it!

Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Booker T: look at Edge!

ge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off as...


Matthews: Wow, here we go!

the fans get to their feet, booing and cheering, making a mixed reaction. The Straight Edge Superstar, our only CWF Savior, walks his way to the ring without any posing, just smiling...


Cole: Oh my god shut up guys! Now this should be my match and not his!

He enters the ring and looks at Edge...

after few, second, referee call for a bell...


Both men lock up in the middle of the ring as...


Booker T: What the?!


Lita comes out of the back and step on the stage and pose for the fans and CM Punk step to the ropes and look at the ramp at Lita. Lita wave him and then Edge from back grab CM Punk and put him into school boy pin position and ref goes for a cover.......


Matthews: Never trust a women!


Cole: What you idiot can know about it huh?


Booker T: Edge did it haha!

Edge quickly rolls out of the ring and run to the stage and grab Lita's hand and go with her to back and CM Punk is shocked and he's standing in the ring and then he get to the corner and make some funny faces and then camera turns to dark...



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The crowd ignites as “The Texas Rattlesnake†Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down to ringside. He has his usual no-nonsense look on his face as he walks down the ramp.


Austin steps up the ringsteps and into the ring. He scales every turnbuckle and salutes all of his fans in attendance. He then hops down and throws off his shirt, waiting for his next victim.




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin.


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd and then takes a quick look at Austin, before continuing to take it all in. Hornswoggle takes his place at ring side for the start of the match.


Finlay and Austin lock up immediately. Finlay backs Austin up to the ropes but Austin quickly puts him on the back foot. Austin snaps a headlock onto Finlay. Finlay throws him away; Austin comes back off the ropes and knocks Finlay down with a shoulder block. Austin bounces off the other ropes and comes back. Finlay stays on the mat and let’s Austin jump over him. Finlay gets to his knees but Austin has stopped and managed to hit him with a drop kick to the face. Finlay falls to the floor and Austin taunts the crowd. Finlay gets back up whilst he is doing this and kicks him in the back of the leg. Austin hobbles for a moment before Finlay clotheslines him too the canvas.
Finlay uses this to grab a break. Austin recovers. Both men use the turnbuckles to pull themselves to their feet. Finlay shakes his hands ready for another lock up. Austin advances towards him. Austin goes for the lock up but Finlay slips underneath him and locks his hands around Austin ’s waist. Austin struggles and manages to get his hands over Finlay’s and drags them apart. He turns around and kicks Finlay in the gut. He goes for a DDT but Finlay holds onto the ropes. Finlay goes for a bridge pin but Austin kicks out straight away. Finlay snaps a headlock on Austin but the Texas Rattle Snake pulls his head free and clubs Finlay in the back. Finlay falls over into the corner and the men pause again.

Matthews: Neither man can get an advantage here.

Cole: What a great start.

Booker T: I'm tell you dog, these two are HOT!

Finlay and Austin go in for a lock up once more. Austin punches Finlay quickly and follows up with a surprisingly quick amount of jabs to the face. Finlay wipes his mouth and smiles. He holds his fists up as if going into a boxing match. He moves in and feigns a punch before kicking Austin in the knee. He then hits a modified chop block to the front of that knee. Austin falls to the mat and Finlay immediately grabs the leg. He twists it around his foot before hitting the floor, wrenching Austin ’s leg. Finlay gets up quickly and stomps on Austin's leg. He quickly begins to pound it as hard as possible. Austin grabs it and writhes on the floor in pain. Finlay smiles, he has found a weak spot.

Booker T: Oh! I've seen that look before! That look as been on my face before. Oh I'm telling you, this is NOT good for Austin dog, this is not good.

Finlay picks the leg up and locks in a figure four leg lock and snaps it shut as hard as he can. Austin screams in pain and writhes on the floor. He is stuck, surely he has too tap out. Austin begins to claw his way to the ropes. He makes it too within inches but suddenly Finlay locks the hold in tighter, rendering Austin to agony. Austin once again tries to reach the ropes. Finlay sees it coming this time so he stands up. Just as he is about to drag Austin over to the centre of the ring, Austin kicks out and pushes Finlay over to the ropes. Finlay holds onto them and Austin rolls quickly out of the ring. He is buying himself valuable recovery time.

Matthews: Smart move by Austin.

Cole: Well, I think he would have tapped if Finlay did not try and pull him back to the center of the ring.

Austin gets back slowly into the ring, he is hobbling slightly as Finlay approaches him. Austin holds onto Finlay’s legs. Finlay begins punching Austin in the head repeatedly. Austin rolls sideways quickly and pushes Finlay into the turnbuckle Finlay’s arm gets the full impact, he turns around holding it and Austin begins boxing his left arm. Shot after shot flies on to Finlay’s arm. Finlay swings his right arm at Austin. Austin ducks it and grabs the left arm. He hits an arm wrench. Austin wrenches the arm again and again as Finlay screams in pain. Austin begins to punch the arm repeatedly again. Austin pounds the arm with his head. Finlay swings another punch but Austin snaps on a crossface and brings Finlay crashing to the canvas.

Booker T: This right here is a fight ya'll!

Cole: Both seasoned veterans, can work the mat, or just work a straight out fight.

Finlay tries to get out and uses his spare arm to elbow Austin in the face as hard as he can. Finlay pulls himself towards the ropes but just can’t reach. He raises his hand and looks as if he is about to tap out. Austin wrenches even harder but Finlay refuses to tap. He tries to punch Austin in the head once more but just cannot reach. He leans over and manages to get ahold of the bottom rope. Austin lets go in shock. He cannot believe that Finlay reached the ropes. Austin crawls back and grabs the turnbuckles as he pulls himself up. He looks at Finlay in disbelief. Finlay struggles over and gets to his feet. Both men stare each other out, respect has been earned.

Matthews: What is it going to take to separate these two?

Cole: One big move is all it takes, get to grips with this!

Booker T: Now hold on now. Just because someone hits one big move, don't been they're out.

Finlay gets to his feet and runs at Austin, he swings a clothesline, Austin ducks. Finlay bounces off the ropes and uses his good arm to hit a shoulder block. Austin falls to the floor. Finlay bounces off the other ropes, Austin is on his feet. Austin snaps a headlock in. Finlay picks Austin up and hits a great back drop. Both men get to their feet relatively quick. Austin runs at Finlay and goes for a spear. Finlay manages to reverse the move into a swinging high-impact DDT. Austin is laid out on the floor. As Finlay gets to his feet, still nursing the injured arm. Finaly goes to lift Austin up off the mat, but Austin sweeps Finlays legs out, and he crashes back first onto the mat.

Matthews: A burst of energy by Austin here!

Booker T: It's about to get good dog! It's about to get good!

Cole: What is with you and dogs?

Austin gets to his feet and begins to use his good foot to stomp on Finlay repeatedly. Austin then picks Finlay up. He uses an Irish Whip to send Finlay over to the opposite side of the ring. Finlay comes back and Austin hits Lou Thesz Press. Austin gets to his feet and looks pumped. Austin goes to the corner and waits for Finlay to get up, mocking him, and taunting him. Finlay slowly gets to his feet. Austin walks over, flips the Champion off, and goes for the Stunner! But Finlay throws his head back and Austin has nothing to grab hold to. He falls to the mat in the sitting position. Austin grabs his back in pain. He gets up and is met with a kick to the gut from Finlay. Finlay lifts Austin onto his shoulders for the Celtic Cross! Austin drops off though. Finlay turns around, is met with the Flip off, and STONE COLD STUNNER! Perfect connecting as Finlay whiplashes up and falls to the mat. The crowd cheers to their feet. Austin yells in Finlay's ear, then covers the fallen Champion.







Booker T: He did it dog, he did it! The toughest SOB has beat the Champion! What a match.

Cole: It was more like a fight to me partner.

Matthews: Fight or match, one thing is certain, Stone Cold Steve Austin got the Champions number. What does this mean for the championship?

Austin walks out of the ring with two beers in hand, about to celebrate his victory over the world champion.​


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CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy w/ Shannon Moore at the corner - NO DQ
Edge vs. Morrison - Submission Match
Batista vs. Sheamus - ??? Mystery Match (Tazz picks it as a Tables Match)
Air Boom vs. Barrett & Regal - Special Referee Roddy Piper!
Jeff Hardy vs. Eddie Guerrero - Player's Choice (Eddie Guerrero will make the pick)



Chris Dredson - CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy
Andrew - Edge vs. Morrison
Hoov - Hardy vs. Guerrero
Awesome Miz - Tag Match
Bronzy - Batista vs. Sheamus


What is needed;

Highlight reel to set the feud of Jericho vs. SCSA.
CM Punk to attack Batista after match with Sheamus which will have Tazz out announcing their match at Invasion.
Lita is to be on commentary (Edge is a face)

I will be asking Lub to send in a promo as well as Awesome Miz, sets up Morrison/Sheamus feud.

Cena promo as well as Jeff Hardy promo, HHH is returning and Kurt Angle is on WAR now... Fatal Four Way is possible for a shot at PRIMETIME to happen at Invasion.
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The Crowd POPS as the music hits and and Kurt Angle appears, rising from below the stage draped in the American Flag


Angle looks all business as he makes his way down to the ring. He poses on the ring posts before calling a mic to address the crowd.


Well that's a hell of welcome!!! For those of you that have been living under a rock for the past decade, I'm Kurt Angle....the best damn wrestler in the business today and I'm ready to make my mark here in the CWF

Crowd POPS big, and chants of Angle break out across the arena

I appreciate the love, it's obvious the fans of the CWF know when there in the presence of greatness. But let's get one thing straight, I'm not here to be the people's champ, or a fan favorite...I'm here to win titles and show every single person on this roster why there nowhere near my level. So basically what I'm saying is I don't need your applause, cause I could care less what the guys in the back think of me, and I certainly don't give two s***s what a bunch of out of shape out of work fans think about me.

Crowd quickly turns on Angle and the cheers he got earlier are near doubled with boos and heckles.

That's more like it. Didn't want you guys to start warming up to me on the first night. Anyways enough about you and more about me. I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone on the CWF roster. You want to get in the ring with a Olympic here, a wrestling champion, let's make it happen I'm here to make my prescience known, and the Angle era starts tonight.

Angle drops the mic, leaves the ring, and makes his way up the ramp to the back​


Apr 23, 2011
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Who is Angle?

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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The scene opens on Eddie standing in a pitch black room.


Eddie Guerrero: Well whaddya know, Jeff, kharma has knocked your skinny ass down again it seems. You see, I told you before that your fate was out of your hands, which would by default place it in mine. That was before the Roulette Wheel was spun ese', now it's a certainty. Now I have complete control of the situation, and I can mold the battlefield in any way that I please. Well, my decision is this, Jeff. The fate I have chosen for you will be an ironic one, because it is a scenario that you've been known to shine. Our match will be a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match holmes.

The crowd cheers for this as Eddie wears an evil smirk on his face.

Eddie Guerrero: That's the exact reaction I expected from your creatures of the night, Jeff, and you're probably cheering in your dressing room along with them. Why? Because you think there's no way you can be beaten in your own element, vato, and that's what will make this all the sweeter for me. Tonight, there indeed will be no more words Jeff, because your droves of followers will be too choked on their tears to speak, and you'll be too broken. You marquee yourself as the Charismatic Enigma, well this evening I humble you, and make you the Charismatic Catalyst.

Eddie walks offscreen as WAR heads elsewhere.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, R-Truth makes his way out with Jesse Ventura in tow. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Jesse Ventura would be on their left. They reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes. Jesse Ventura hands a microphone to Truth as the music fades out to silence.


R-Truth: Last week, me and Eddie lost our debut match in CWF because while Sheamus was distracted by John Morrison, who decided to show up after all, Eddie decided to blast him in the head with a chair and get us disqualified. Now ya'll already know I'm not happy about the loss, but that's the only thing I'm not happy about. I'm not mad at Eddie, I'm not mad at Jesse, just about the loss. No one likes ta' lose, 'specially not me, but ya know what, it is what it is. We had to break a few rules to get our message across, and just as Eddie pointed out, just cuz the record books show it as a defeat, in the grand scheme it's a victory. Now the whole roster knows just who they're dealin' with when they see R-Truth and Eddie Guerrero comin'.

As for tonight, well, things are gonna go a whole lot diff'rently this week. You won't see Eddie gettin' disqualified, you won't see him gettin' pinned, you ain't gon' see him lose at all. Jeff Hardy is exactly the type of guy we're lookin' ta' get rid of. Ya see, he used to be one of us, but then he got a taste of the greed and never looked back. He used ta' get stepped on and held down, but now he's doin' the steppin'. That to me is justification ta' get someone, and best believe, Jeff Hardy is gon' get got! Eddie's gonna take all his little crayons that he draws on his face with and break 'em. And then, he's gonna break Jeff himself, and make a painting of his own right on the ring mat. And that's the truth!

R-Truth lowers his microphone and steps back as Jesse steps forward, raising his microphone.


Jesse Ventura: I wasn't scheduled to speak tonight but here I am anyway with a microphone in hand, standing in front of all of you. So now, I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen. What you saw at Starrcade, what you saw last week, and what you're gonna see tonight is the growth of what I promise you will be the most dominant faction to ever come through this neck of the woods or any other wrestling promotion that decides to pop up. Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth are anarchists, refusing to abide by anyone else's rules but their own. So what chance does Tazz have of keeping them in line? None whatsoever. Only I have the experience to govern such a bloodthirsty duo, and my time at the head of it is not dictated by any pre-determined term, as you would see in a political office.

Anyone you place in our way to try and knock us down will be conquered, and anything that is here to achieve will be achieved. The Great Hassan stood to overcome what they saw wrong with this company, but couldn't get the job done. Well I assure you, this collection known as R.E.M.E.D.Y. can and will. Kane speaks now and has spoken of bringing destruction to all who oppose him, yet it was a man with a stick and a vertically challenged sidekick that shamed him not once, but twice in front of all of you. So make no mistake, the only force that will spare those for the cause and do away with those against the cause is standing here before you with the third piece in the back getting ready. This brand is diseased, this company is diseased, and so are all of you for having watched it. But we are the antibodies, and we are here to fight this disease, and we will cure you.

Jesse lowers his microphone and "Coma White" begins to play again as he and R-Truth exit the ring and make their way up the ramp to the back.

The Hoov

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All of a sudden, the screen cuts to nothing but static.


Then, after a brief period of static, this logo pops onto the screen.


It then fades into a close-up of Matt Hardy Version 1's eyes.


Matt Hardy: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the first ever edition of Mattitude Television, or MTV if you will. My name is Matt Hardy Version 1. And right now, I'd like to address a few things. First things first, I heard through the grapevine that my brother Jeff has officially signed a contract to compete here in CWF. Oh, what's that? Oh my. It's come to my attention that he's already been suspended for 30 days due to a drug test failure. Well, who didn't see that coming? I mean, after all, it is Jeff we're talking about here. But, enough about my no good brother. How about we discuss more important issues, as in when Matt Hardy Version 1 and my MF'er Shannon Moore will receive an opportunity at the CWF Tag Team Championships. One day it will come, I assure you. Management cannot ignore us forever, especially if we continue to raise awareness around here about the importance of embracing your Mattributes and accepting Mattitude into your life.

The camera pans back a bit as we get an entire shot of Matt's face. He seems to have a real intense look on his face.


Matt Hardy: And will all realize what an opportunity at significant life change you have all been given just by being graced with my presence. Shannon has realized it. It all starts with him but let me reiterate something: More will follow.........and then more.......and soon not only the entire CWF locker room, not only the CWF viewing audience, not only the United States, but the entire world will eat, sleep, and breath Mattitude. Take care, be well, and until then......

The camera again cuts to static.



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We come back from commercial.

Booker T: Y'all ought to check out Honor boy. Their last show was good, watched it from home and it didn't disappoint. Now we got mah homie Tazz comin' out!


Tazz comes out as he makes his way up the steel steps as he enters the ring, he has a microphone in his hand.

Tazz: Now Ladies & Gentlemen, I managed to catch Honor on Thursday and I gotta admit CWF is rising better than ever. Things are about to change around 'ere and that's a DAMN guarantee. Ya see Morrison and Sheamus just before the commercial break got into a bit of a brawl and it made me think, with Morrison's new attitude and Sheamus becoming a fan favorite so quickly... I'm scrapping the Primetime Championship.

The crowd delivers a massive WHAT? Chant.

Tazz: Instead, I'm replacin' it to something better. Something that gives WAR a true meaning... The days of Extreme Championship Wrestling will be brought back right here on CWF Monday Night WAR. I'm talkin' about a Hardcore Championship!

The crowd pops huge for this, knowing War is finally becoming a Warzone.

Tazz: This right here, we're not calling it 'the ring'... We're calling it 'The Warzone' because it's where WAR takes place. You people wanted violence, we're goin' to give you exactly what you wanted and mind you seeing Morrison ran off with the old Primetime Championship... we're goin' to see a match between the two at Invasion for the Hardcore Champion. Now Sheamus was the Primetime Champion, this means he's now Hardcore Champion. The stipulation for the match is a Sadistic Madness Match, most of you are not so familiar with the rules so I'll explain the rules, but first... Weapons are allowed, There's no Disqualifications, No Countout, nothing.. Just your opponent has to bleed before a pinfall or submission can be made.

The crowd pops absolutely insane for this, Tazz leaves the ring as the cameras show Booker T, Michael Cole and Josh Mathews.

Booker T: Dawg, someone's gon' get hurt bad 'ere!

Josh Mathews: I'm lookin' forward to this match, it's exactly what the WAR brand needs.

Michael Cole: I might have to blindfold myself for this Sadistic Madness match between Morrison and Sheamus.



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Invasion Writing Assessments

Finlay© vs. Edge - CWF World Heavyweight Championship - Andrew
Batista vs. Kane - Bronzy
Jericho vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Andrew
Sheamus vs. John Cena - Hardcore Championship (last man standing) - Bronzy
Christian vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Thorn - Triple Threat for the CWF Championship - Chris Dredson
The Coven vs. New Age Outlaws vs. Matt Hardy & Shannon Moore vs. R.E.M.E.D.Y. vs. Emperors of Royalty for CWF Tag Team Championships - Hoov
Jimmy Jacobs vs. John Morrison in a Cleveland Free-For-All - Andrew

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The show will be good
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awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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As WAR is in a full swing, we heads backstage, where we can see Josh Matthews standing alone with microphone in his hand ...

Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest of this time ... The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus ...

Camera shifts right and we can see both, Sheamus, The Hardcore Champion and Josh Matthews standing next to each other. When Josh Matthews introduced his guest, Sheamus pats on Matthews' shoulder and smiles to the camera and Josh Matthews continues ...


Josh Matthews: Sheamus, what do you think that was the main reason for John Morrison to attack you so viciously last week?

Sheamus: Well, I tell ya Josh. John Morrison thinks, that when he will become a bad guy, that he's gonna take my titel, but he's wrong. Morrison can behave how he wants, but tha result will be always the same, and it is me standin' with titel on my shoulde' and Morrison lyin' down on tha mat. Ye know Josh, nothin' what will Morrison do, won't change tha fact, that I'm bette' than 'im. He's always cryin' that we we'e neve' one on one, but the'e's no reason fer that, because everyone knows how this battle would have ended. Ye know Josh, guys like 'im should get a life and a bette' job, because obviously this is not a job fo' people like John. Oi don't know, why he doesn't get tha fact, that Oi am tha most dominant fo'ce in this company and the'e's not'in' and I mean not'in' that can stop me. Morrison, if ye want me one on one, then ask a general manage' and we can solve this fo'eve'. And believe me, I will beat ya so much, ye won't eve' have a match. And the main reason of attackin' me? Because Josh, Morrison is afraid of meself, it is just that simpel ...

Josh Matthews: Well Sheamus ... ehm ... John Morrison left you a message and I was asked to play it here on this television ...

Camera cuts to backstage where is standing John Morrison with the microphone....


John Morrison: I know this gonna be a little problem for you, my girls... Because I know you all want my body more than my words. I know you never wanted me really to fight for you. I know you never wanted me to hold the now Hardcore championship just because my wrestling and parkour abilities... You wanted me to hold that title, because I'm even more sexy with it. You wanted me to see me in the ring, just and only, because you know that when I'm in action, you girls are feeling something unbelievable. I know why you come out here each and every single week, with my signs and with my photos and wanted me to give you a sign or something and then when I speak something to you, you are cheering like for no one. But that's not because you really listen to what I 'm saying. It's only because you know, that when Guru of Greatness speaks, girls in audience are getting.... well... getting a feeling, that they never feel with no one else... That's magic that Shaman of sexy has... That's magic, that Shaman of sexy radiates around him when he comes down to the ring and girls in audience wants to get a bit of me. But unfourtunetly for you, you can't get any of me. Not anymore. Last week, I changed the world. I changed everything... Last week, I once again proved, why I am the Monday Night Delight, The Honcho of Hotness and why I deserve to be called.... Champion...

Morrison look into camera and then continues...

John Morrison: The thing is... I'm still champion. Last week, I just proved it. I did, what was needed to do long, long time before... When I destroyed Sheamus and showed to world, that Monday Night Delight still shining like never before, I proved, that I didn't lose the Hardcore championship. It was that Kevin Thorn... Kevin Thorn comes out from a dark place with a dark side but remember, I am John Morrison and beyond good and evil.... And because that loser got pinned by that so called „ Celtic Warrior“ should not be my problem. When that dark Kevin Thorn got pinned I lose my title? Seriously? I don't think so.... And last week, I took what should be mine... I took what is mine. I took what now I have in my locker room on my wall and with what I will come out each and every week to the ring.... And what Sheamus did about it? Nothing!... That's how true champion act? That's how champion should fight?... If yes, then HOORAH! Cause we finally found out true champion. Congratulation Sheamus, you became first ever champion of...losers...

Morrison shake his head and again talk...

John Morrison: Sheamus... you're going to have to walk through me. And remember... Guru of Greatness still has his rematch... You will never be the Hardcore Champion after I'm done with you and you will never see that title again unless you beat me. And at Invasion... We gonna met in the ring... You gonna finally feel, true Monday Night Delight and trust me... It will not gonna be nice meeting for you... Because no one can compare with the Shaman of Sexy... Remember... You faced angel, but now.... You have to deal with the devil... Fella.........

The camera fades as Sheamus is looking somewhere for a while than we can see a smirk on his face and he starts to talk again ...

Sheamus: Well Josh, this totally proved what I said a second ago. He should be somet'in' like a model, but not a wrestle'. And he thinks, that he's still a champion? Well Oi am the on who won that Triple Threat match at Sta'cade. As I said befo' Josh, if he's got some problem, well, let's solve it as soon as possible, because Oi don't have much time ta waste it on a guy like 'im ...

Sheamus looks straight to the camera ...

Sheamus: Morrisen, if ye want to face Tha Celtic Warrio' fer a last time, Oi am okay with that. But remembe', I'm givin' ye one ... last ... shot. and if ye won't be succesful, it is not my problem anymo'. Remembe' one last shot, that's all I'm givin' ya. And ye completely changed tha fact, that Oi am tha champion and if YA want it, ya have ta walk through me. Doesn't matte' if yer a bad guy or a good guy, ya will always be ... A LOOSE'!
As Sheamus has finished what he said to Josh Mathews the lights flicker... suddenly the lights go off backstage. In the distance we see a dark purple hue as there's writing on the wall but it cannot be read from such a distance. The lights flicker once again as we hear a door slam loudly, the lights come back on as the writing says...

The cameraman goes towards the parking lot, we see 3 people wearing a long black trench-coat jacket who's back are faced away from the camera. They enter the limo except one person, the camera zooms in and we see it's Morrison with a black bag covered over his head, he is also handcuffed and then thrown into a limo.

Booker T: What the hell is going on here?

The limo drives off as a letter is thrown out from the window, the cameraman runs as he grabs the letter and reads what it says. The following words are said;

'There is no more happiness in this world, while it's a clear night out... You've been taken away. We've watched closely and we saw your attitude change but it's got nothing to do with the darkside but jealously. What you're about to experience is the darkside, a big black cloud will hover over the CWF Universe... The rain won't be of water, but blood.'

Michael Cole: This is just disturbing Booker.

Every day I've seen you John, you've been thinking everybody loves you. You're trying to showboat the crowd with your looks, I was never the good looking kid, I was never able to socialize like you have John. What I'm doing here is showing you what it has been like... trapped all alone, with nowhere to go because NOBODY cared at all. John, the days of your Guru of Greatness is over. I'm going to destroy everything the Honcho of Hotness had. These girls in the front row who adore you will have their eyes stitched... They will never see you the same again and that's a promise. Now look at the titantron Mr. Cameraman.'

The titantron comes alive as the lights are off everywhere else in the building.


Booker T: I cannot believe my eyes here!

Michael Cole: Who could this person be that has kidnapped John Morrison?

Booker T: I don't know man but we gotta watch Honor to find out!

Michael Cole: I'm not going to like what's going to happen on Honor...

The show then goes to fade as WAR ends.

Chris Dredson - CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy
Andrew - Edge vs. Morrison
Hoov - Hardy vs. Guerrero
Awesome Miz - Tag Match
Bronzy - Batista vs. Sheamus

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The Hoov

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BronzyCoder said:


WAR is creating a buzz for the fans here as usual, as we cut to the titantron coming to life with the theme song of a familiar man.


"Break the Walls Down" blasts through the PA as another image reaches the eyes of the fans in Chris Jericho strolling his way from the back, with a scowl across his face, clearly feeling the effects of an FU onto the steel steps. He walks up those very same steps and into the ring, the set of the "Highlight Reel" behind him as he sits on one of the stools, and picks up the microphone from him.


Jericho: It may not be something you hypocrites are used to, but...welcome. Welcome to the Highlight Reel. A show where I demonstrate exactly what has happened within the last week, no smoke and mirrors, no lies, I'm an honest man who last week, was FU'd onto steel steps so John Cena could steal a countout victory from me, and then to make matters a worse, a certain drunkard of a man, one man who happens to be my guest tonight, one Stone Cold Steve Austin, decided to take matters into his own hands, and assault me after my match, it was unprovoked and unnecessary and he's lucky I don't sue. Frankly, I thi-


The crowd comes alive as “The Texas Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin emerges from the back. He walks down the ramp with a scowl of his own on his face. He reaches the ring, stomps up the ringsteps, and enters the ring. He scales each turnbuckle and greets his fans.


He grabs a microphone from one of the chairs and addresses Chris Jericho.

Stone Cold: Listen here, ya' silly bastard, next word out of your damn mouth better be somethin' philosophical because I'm gonna brand that on your ass with my boot. But, I suppose I'll answer the question everybody's been askin': Why the hell did Stone Cold Steve Austin whip your sorry ass after your match with John Cena? Well, to get straight to the point, ya' piss me off. What? I said ya' piss me off. Ya' come out here and run ya' little mouth off about how all these people are hypocirtes and parasites and how you're “The Best In The World At What You Do”. If by “Best In The World At What You Do” you mean get your ass whipped in the middle of this ring I'd say you're pretty spot on, son, but the fact that you say you can beat just about anybody in this ring.....that includes me and there ain't no way in hell you're gonna beat my ass!

The crowd cheers loudly and starts chanting “AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN!” Jericho does not seem amused as he starts in.  g

Chris Jericho: Frankly, Austin, I'm not surprised I'd make you angry. You're upset that finally, someone's revealing the truth. That finally, someone's showing that you're not all you seem to be. You're no role model, you're no example. You're far from the man that should be facing the world champion. I beat The Rock, and then I beat you, in the same night. If there's one man who knows about getting beaten, Austin, it's you. You only proved my point last week, you claim to be a straight talking, beer drinking, bionic redneck, but all I see is a man who's too scared to actually say something to my face. If I'M the one who's so good at getting defeated, Austin, why don't you prove it?

A smile creeps on Austin's face as he pulls out a clipboard from his back pocket. He looks over at Jericho, lifts his microphone back up, and speaks again.


Stone Cold: The only truth you're revealin' right now is just how big of a jackass you really are!

The crowd pops loud at Austin's rebuttal. Jericho still has a scowl over his face.

Stone Cold: Ya' sit there and bring up the past so how 'bout I give the devil his due. Ya' pinned The Rock and then ya' pinned me in the same night, I'll give ya' that, but there's a big ass difference between pinnin' and beatin' and Jericho, your sorry ass ain't never beat me. But, hey, I'll give you an opportunity to prove me wrong. Hell, I ain't even gonna ask ya', you're gettin' it because I just came from Tazz's office and he made a match official for me at CWF Invasion. Ya' see, I'm sick of ya' flappin' ya' damn gums off around here. At Invasion, one-on-one, it's gonna be Chris Jericho versus Stone Cold Steve Austin! AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE 'CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

Jericho wipes his chin and lifts his microphone back up. A smirk comes across his face.


Chris Jericho: Well, Steve, that sounds-

All of a sudden, Jericho cracks Austin over the head with the microphone. Austin falls to the mat. Jericho then keeps hammering away with the microphone until blood trickles from his forehead. Jericho then starts delivering right hand after right hand until tiring himself. He stands up and looks down at what he has caused. A close-up of Austin bleeding and shirt ripped off of him is shown.


Jericho smiles as he walks up the ramp. The crowd is boo-ing him right out of the arena. We then cut to the next segment.

The Hoov

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The crowd immediately starts boo-ing as Eddie Guerrero, member of R.E.M.E.D.Y. makes his way down to the ring. He is taunting the crowd the entire way down the ramp.

Booker T: Yo, dogg, I got mad respect for Eddie Guerrero, but I don't see why he's aligned himself with R-Truth and Jesse Ventura.

Cole: Isn't it obvious? I mean, together they are a forced to be reckoned with in the CWF.

Mathews: Yes, but can Eddie get it done in this match alone?



The crowd comes alive as “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy emerges from the back. Jeff has a ladder in his possession as he makes his way down the ramp.

Mathews: Making his CWF debut in fantastic styles. As per the wishes of Eddie Guerrero, this match is a TLC match.

Cole: Eddie has to have something up his sleeve. He just has to.

Booker T: Well, he does Lie, Cheat, and Steal so who knows, man.

As Jeff reaches the ring, he tosses the ladder inside. He climbs onto the apron just to have Eddie dropkick his knees out from under him. Jeff hits his head on the apron and falls to the mat.

Mathews: What a cheap shot by Guerrero!

Eddie climbs out of the ring and grabs a nearby chair. He rears back to nail Hardy with it but Hardy kicks Eddie in the midsection. Eddie drops the chair and bends over. Jeff grabs the chair and hits Eddie across the back. Eddie falls to the mat in pain. Jeff finds a table nearby and sets it up. He grabs Eddie and puts him on the table. Jeff then sets up a ladder inside of the ring and scales it.

Booker T: Oh my God, man! He must be about 20-25 feet up.

Mathews: Good lord!

Jeff goes to hit a Swanton Bomb onto Eddie but Eddie rolls off before Jeff can hit it. Jeff climbs down and hits a somersault plancha to Eddie but Eddie dodges it and Jeff hits the mat. Eddie grabs Jeff and hits a big suplex to him on the outside. Eddie has enough and signals for something. All of a sudden, R-Truth and Jesse Ventura make their way down to ringside.

Booker T: Now, what the hell are they doing out here?!

Cole: Obviously to cheer on their comrade, Booker.

Eddie picks Jeff up and throws him onto the table. Truth and Ventura hold Jeff down so he can't move. Then, Eddie scales the ladder in the ring and hits a big frog splash to Jeff through the table.

Mathews: GOOD GOD!


Eddie then collapses onto Jeff as the referee makes the count.






Truth and Ventura peel Eddie off the carnage and help him to the back as we fade into our next segment.​
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