scum chose not to execute blaine, probably because he's on their team but maybe notwhy did the execute thing go through on juice but not on blaine
or am i understanding the mechanics incorrectly
ok so there's two lynches if a duel is incited?Duelist starts a duel (a separate lynch vote) between two players of his choice, variants commonly used here include the duelist needing to be apart of the duel and thus he would choose someone to duel again in a separate lynch.
Mafia chose not too, why has been a debate but most agree Blaine doesn’t look too good here.why did the execute thing go through on juice but not on blaine
or am i understanding the mechanics incorrectly
don't like this either. look at his case on jeff last game.
WS Mafia II: THE REBUILD - Game Thread
What makes you feel it is suspect? defensive Juice did you actually find me suspicious? You didn't really answer me defensive what was odd about me giving a town vibe, exactly? Is that something that out of the ordinary for me? defensive @Blaine why did you feel the need to
he specifically mentions that in jeff's town games he's found over 10 instances of inquisition but in this case he points out 3 but town reads him? he also shown last game that there was inquisition by jeff but there were just more defensive posts and he's implied that it's the same here but has town read him?
Vote Haza
yes and it was tedious and useless both times it was discussedsmark and tweet were literally just talking about it in my read backyou plum