RA just lost any chance at gaining noumenom's e-respect lol.
who is RA.....oh wait
RA just lost any chance at gaining noumenom's e-respect lol.
Trust me it can be regained >_>RA just lost any chance at gaining noumenom's e-respect lol.
Trust me it can be regained >_>
Anyways, ya Chris Jericho is amazing so your opinion doesn't matter Mr. Styles
Jericho is god.
The worst wrestler alive is Mark Henry. By farrrrr
I'd give Punk the best blowjob of his life
im not spammin or trolling but im tired of everybody saying, y2j rules and all that, chris jericho sucks period, and he is the worst heel wrestler alive too.
cm punk is much much better
How long have you been watching wrestling?
Jericho has been great these past few years. He was good in his comeback Save_us.222 gimmick (Most predictable moment of the year btw) and he's doing a good job with the stale and boring Edge. Recently, Jericho hasn't preformed great due to his feud with Edge but that isn't his fault. Edge is the one saying "Spear" every minute of the program, How can anyone work with that?