Re: Huge news regarding Brock Lesnar and WrestleMania 29
Ok fine. Why the fuck would Brock say that Rock left as a phony actor. That's exactly what John Cena did. And how can Brock insult Rock for leaving if he left. It doesn't matter how he left, the point is he left. And if you beat someone your not just gonna come back to beat him again. If you came back you'd want a fresh opponent, someone new that you can prove yourself against. Brock already proved that he can beat The Rock, now he wants Randy Orton.
John Cena's "all I do is win" promo is more cocky than anything Randy Orton has ever done and CM Punk/Jericho BOTH refer to themselves as "Best in the World". Gee, I wonder who is cockier?
Also, you took one line out of what I wrote and tried to paint that as my entire story. You didn't bother to comment on anything else that I put in there because you goddamn well know that my idea is better than your silly one but you don't want to admit it because of some stupid sense of self-importance on your part. Grow the fuck up dude, if I honestly thought your Orton idea was better than mine at least I'd admit it.
Ok fine. Why the fuck would Brock say that Rock left as a phony actor. That's exactly what John Cena did. And how can Brock insult Rock for leaving if he left. It doesn't matter how he left, the point is he left. And if you beat someone your not just gonna come back to beat him again. If you came back you'd want a fresh opponent, someone new that you can prove yourself against. Brock already proved that he can beat The Rock, now he wants Randy Orton.