If you were getting the Xbox One before these changes, you probably were on crack, or just supporting that article.
Probably fanboying though.
or you have an internet connection, prefer the better games, enjoy the kinect settings, and dont mind spending a little extra cash.
I love the fact ps3 owners were so huge on NEVER HAVING FEES! NO ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION! when they bought their 700$ system. Now xbox is 100 whopping fucking dollars more expensive, and im supposed to switch to a shitty new playstation network and pay for it? No.
I get skype video calls, fantasy updates, live tv, tv on demand, free games, dont need to borrow shit, have the fucking internet, and enjoy a BETTER SELECTION OF GAMES for online play. Ps3 has 1-2 games i give a fuck about, xbox has about a dozen. Xbox > Ps4, and id rather get a wii u but i enjoy actual console gaming.