Breaking News: Michael Jackson Dead

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Luke Flywalker

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Dude, look at MJ's record sales pre-death. Look at people around him when his case was settled outside of the courthouse. People LOVED Michael. And the guy's been quiet for quite some time, his death is a death that's damn near unmatched in human history in terms of his fan support.

When you look at what the guy did musically, what he did for music, what he did for entertainment, and the barriers he broke down with his music and videos, you realize just what he was... and that was possibly the greatest performer/entertainer in the history of humankind. Musically alone is enough to ignore his "personal" trials and pay respects to a musical legend.

4th best seller of all time is fucking incredible, especially considering how many artists in as many genres as we've got, fail to even break double platinum. Thriller (both the original and re-release) sold more copies than any other album, and sold more copies than most artist's entire catalog. You're throwing Elvis and The Beatles in this conversation... those two names themselves are recognized as the most legendary of legends in the music business, and Mike is right there with them respectively.

And let's take your key argument here... and let's flip it at you dude. As far as I'm concerned, you're never allowed to talk about any artist when their name comes up in the news, because I don't see you talking about 'em on the regular here. Dude, that's absurd beyond absurdity. Just because you don't talk about your favorite artists everyday doesn't mean you don't favor them. That's a ridiculous theory on your behalf. The guy just DIED... of course people are going to talk about the guy, and considering (as said above) the billions of people who attended his concerts, lined the streets to watch him drive past, flooded the steps of the courthouse during his trials, bought his albums, downloaded his music, bought his books and DVD's and movie and watched his videos or turned the radio up when he was on in the car... of course it's going to be an incredible outpouring. And again, he was a musician who actually made some pretty damn good music in most people's opinions, so sure he's going to be talked about. He bridged crazy gaps in music, of course people left and right are going to talk about him.

You just come off as someone who is disgusted by the accusations of his personal life.

The Rated R CMStar

- Do you know for a fact that Michael did any of the things he was accused? You keep saying that just because the system didn't plead him guilty, doesn't mean he is innocent. Then again, it doesn't mean he's guilty, as you are clearly assuming and trying to indicate.

- I agree with the guy above. So, just because you don't wake up and say "damn, Michael Jackson is awesome", you really don't believe it? By that logic, if any of us don't log to the forum one day and don't talk about wrestling that day, then we really don't like wrestling.

- Of course the death of Michael will bring talk about him. It's the hot topic. People that always liked him now actually have a reason to talk all the time about them, instead of just randomly saying "Michael Jackson is the best"

- Geez, only fourth of all time. Tough break right?

Moonlight Drive

Firstly, The Beatles > Michael Jackson.

Secondly, MJ was not a pedo (In the process of educating myself, so I may be a little off). What that family did was extortion, flat out. Child molesters don't stop at just one, so if the accusations are true, there would no doubt be a hell of a lot more people than just one kid coming forward. On top of that, no parent would take money over justice.

Plus, the media simply painted Jackson as a 'wacko'. There were three busloads of underpriveleged kids getting into his concert for free in London. Laugh if you will, but it's pretty fucking stupid to continually accuse him of being a pedophile because of one child and his greedy parents.


So if we say Elvis is the best of all time, we are hypocrites because he is dead?


Firstly, The Beatles > Michael Jackson.

Secondly, MJ was not a pedo (In the process of educating myself, so I may be a little off). What that family did was extortion, flat out. Child molesters don't stop at just one, so if the accusations are true, there would no doubt be a hell of a lot more people than just one kid coming forward. On top of that, no parent would take money over justice.

Plus, the media simply painted Jackson as a 'wacko'. There were three busloads of underpriveleged kids getting into his concert for free in London. Laugh if you will, but it's pretty fucking stupid to continually accuse him of being a pedophile because of one child and his greedy parents.

There were actually 2 different trials. And as big of a fan as I am, I really think he did it.


Sep 6, 2007
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What I don't get everyone says he is great and stuff and talk about his record sells and crap like that but I was told once before just because you have alot of albums sold don't prove your good. :smh so yeah give me another reason he was the greatest or w/e.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

whoever told you just because an artist's album sales are good doesn't mean the artist is good is an idiot. The only way that could possibly be true is with one hit wonders. MJ had 13 songs go to number one on the charts. Thriller stayed at number one for 37 weeks, was in the top 10 for over a year and a half and is the second highest selling album to date. His career lasted over 30 years which means he survived the child star curse. His music videos revolutionized the genre. And I haven't even touched on his dancing. Look at any dance group or dancer on America's best dance crew or so you think you can dance and who do most of them list as an influence? That's right-MJ.

Here's something I don't understand. R. Kelly fucked an underage girl ON VIDEO and peed on her and yet he gets maybe a third of the shit MJ gets.


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He is THE greatest of all time, not ONE of the greatest of all time.

JoMo would disagree with you. Michael Jackson won't have annual riots and parties at his grave.

He's worthy of praise for sure, but he's never going to be one of those forever lasting cultural icons like Hendrix, Morrison, Tupac and Cobain.

Evil Austin

I was talking with my friend and he said that it will only be a couple of months before the rest of the old 'Jackson five' will come back for one more 'remember Michael' tour that will sell millions.

Do you guys think this will happen or nah?


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
JoMo would disagree with you. Michael Jackson won't have annual riots and parties at his grave.

He's worthy of praise for sure, but he's never going to be one of those forever lasting cultural icons like Hendrix, Morrison, Tupac and Cobain.

LMAO - You are kidding right???? MJ won't be a cultural icon like Hendrix, Morrison, Tupac or Cobain???? Are you being serious???

Jackson's Thriller remained at number one for thirty-seven weeks, the longest-ever stay by a non-soundtrack album and second only to West Side Story.

Thriller spent a record 80 consecutive weeks, more than a year and a half, in the Top 10 of the Billboard 200. It was the first of only three albums to remain on the Top 10 for more than a year (along with Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill and Celine Dion's Falling into You).

"Thriller" is the second-best-selling album in U.S. history, at 28 million (AND THE BEST SELLING ALBUM WORLDWIDE WITH MORE THAN 100 MILLION). Only a greatest hits compilation by The Eagles has sold more in the U.S.

Thriller is the only album in the United States to have sold more copies than any other in two separate years, topping the sales charts in 1983 and 1984.

Four of Jackson's albums, Bad, Dangerous, HIStory, and Invincible, debuted at number one in the United States.

Jackson was the first artist to have four Top 10 singles from one album (Off the Wall).

Jackson was the first artist to have seven Top 10 singles from one album (Thriller), a feat matched only by his sister Janet and Bruce Springsteen.

Jackson was the first artist to simultaneously have the number one album and number one single on Billboard's Pop Charts and Black Charts.

Jackson was the first artist in the 1980s to have two simultaneous Top 5 hits ("Beat It" and "Billie Jean" on April 16, 1983).

Jackson is the only artist to have five number one hits from one LP, Bad ("Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man in the Mirror", "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", and "Dirty Diana").

Jackson had nine number one singles in the 1980s, more than any other artist during the decade.

Jackson was the first artist to have a song debut as high as #5 on the Hot 100 ("Scream" in 1995).

Jackson was the first artist to ever have a song debut at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 ("You Are Not Alone").

Jackson's album Bad remained in the top five of the Billboard 200 for 38 weeks, longer than any other album to date.

Jackson has had 13 number-one singles on Billboard's Hot 100 singles charts, trailing only The Beatles (20), Mariah Carey (18) and Elvis Presley (18 or 17, depending on source).

Jackson had 28 top ten hits on the Billboard Hot 100, trailing only The Beatles (29), Elvis Presley (36), and Madonna (37).

Jackson had 37 top 40 hits on the Hot 100.

If all of the FIRSTS and ONLYS above don't get you to understand that MJ TRANSCENDED the CULTURE of MUSIC and ENTERTAINMENT then something is seriously lacking on your end.

Oh yeah - he was the FIRST BLACK artist that MTV EVER played on their station - the FIRST. He made music not about color but about THE MUSIC. He will live on forever with his music and his influence on the WORLD will never be forgotten and ALL of the people in the actual industry AGREE so um, yeah, anything else champ?


Sep 6, 2007
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whoever told you just because an artist's album sales are good doesn't mean the artist is good is an idiot. The only way that could possibly be true is with one hit wonders. MJ had 13 songs go to number one on the charts. Thriller stayed at number one for 37 weeks, was in the top 10 for over a year and a half and is the second highest selling album to date. His career lasted over 30 years which means he survived the child star curse. His music videos revolutionized the genre. And I haven't even touched on his dancing. Look at any dance group or dancer on America's best dance crew or so you think you can dance and who do most of them list as an influence? That's right-MJ.

Here's something I don't understand. R. Kelly fucked an underage girl ON VIDEO and peed on her and yet he gets maybe a third of the shit MJ gets.

Well it was some of the members here and it was not with a one hit wonder either.

I posted about how Taylor Swift's was staying at number one longer then anyone this decade and they said record sales don't mean shit. Yet there some of the people here saying he was great because of that.

So I need a better reason.

Moonlight Drive

Blaze said:
Well it was some of the members here and it was not with a one hit wonder either.
How is Taylor Swift NOT a one hit wonder?

Blaze said:
I posted about how Taylor Swift's was staying at number one longer then anyone this decade and they said record sales don't mean shit. Yet there some of the people here saying he was great because of that.
That was me (well, I was one) and this is an entirely different situation. You were trying to justify Taylor Swift as a good artist because of one album. Firstly, Michael Jackson is one of the best songwriters ever, Taylor Swift is not. To even bring her up in this discussion is muiscal blasphemy. And secondly, once Taylor Swift outsells almost every single artist in musical history, you can start using that as an argument.

monkeystyle said:
He's worthy of praise for sure, but he's never going to be one of those forever lasting cultural icons like Hendrix, Morrison, Tupac and Cobain.
Jackson is to Pop Music what Hendrix is to guitar. He'll be a forever lasting cultural icon, hell, he already was really.

Lol @ Cobain & Tupac.