NO! NO! NO! NO! WHY DO THE WRITERS KEEP HAVING TO KILL OFF THE GOOD CHARACTERS? MIKE DIDN'T NEED TO DIE. I am incredibly sad after watching that episode and how his death happened. Just why?

I was a big fan of Mike and he might of been my favorite character. The writing of the character was superb and the performance Banks gave each and every time he was on screen was perfect and he served his purpose so well every time. Powerful character. Starting to hate Walter White now after that. I think the show is telling us that Walter is gone, he has crossed the line, there is no love for him anymore. He is now Heisenberg. All he has now is the meth business and blood. There is no happy ending for him. He's going to go downhill.
Two positives, opening scene was amazing and I liked what happened with Todd and Walter.
Can't wait for the scene in next week's Breaking Bad when Walt pulls a gun on Skyler for not engaging in small talk over dinner.
