Blaze is a cockriding smurf

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I've decided to sign a Legend's contract for IWF much like Noodle, so my appearances will be more sporadic. However that means that they shall be far more special.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Axis stalks people..

not in the serial killer way..

more like in the "Predator" way...

he's in the trees , copying our laughs and such..

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Get the fuck out of my thread.

*knows he is about to get into something he doesn't want or need at the moment*

It would be alot easier to stop posting in these kind of threads asking for peace if you could just LET GO. Honestly, you won. You exposed Kirsty and Matt. You flamed the hell out of Blaze to the point where its quite frankly become boring and repetitive, there is no point left to this.

No joke, i have had friends in the past who quite literally have killed themselves due to shit that goes down on the internet. That's why i'm taking this personally, because you just WONT. SHUT. UP about Blaze.

Long gone has it been since you proved your dominance and yet still, you sit here and flame him? I mean honestly, talk about a grudge LHR. Its like someone hating another person so much, that they get into a fight with them, end up killing them with a blunt object, and yet continually beat the body for hours after the deed is already done because they have so much hate spewing from them that they simply can't stop themselves.

There are tons more things you can do on IWF than continuously bump these topics and attack a guy that is totally defenseless. For 24 years old, you're being nothing more than a high school bully, and i am getting sick of it on a very very personal level. I know you could give two shits about what i think, but even if it means i have to endure 3 more months of having you creating topics about me and flaming me about it, i'm not going to keep sitting here and letting you pick on Blaze. Enough is enough. You won. Find something else to complain about, you should be old enough to be mature enough to know when there no longer is a need to do this needless bashing.


*knows he is about to get into something he doesn't want or need at the moment*

It would be alot easier to stop posting in these kind of threads asking for peace if you could just LET GO. Honestly, you won. You exposed Kirsty and Matt. You flamed the hell out of Blaze to the point where its quite frankly become boring and repetitive, there is no point left to this.

No joke, i have had friends in the past who quite literally have killed themselves due to shit that goes down on the internet. That's why i'm taking this personally, because you just WONT. SHUT. UP about Blaze.

Long gone has it been since you proved your dominance and yet still, you sit here and flame him? I mean honestly, talk about a grudge LHR. Its like someone hating another person so much, that they get into a fight with them, end up killing them with a blunt object, and yet continually beat the body for hours after the deed is already done because they have so much hate spewing from them that they simply can't stop themselves.

There are tons more things you can do on IWF than continuously bump these topics and attack a guy that is totally defenseless. For 24 years old, you're being nothing more than a high school bully, and i am getting sick of it on a very very personal level. I know you could give two shits about what i think, but even if it means i have to endure 3 more months of having you creating topics about me and flaming me about it, i'm not going to keep sitting here and letting you pick on Blaze. Enough is enough. You won. Find something else to complain about, you should be old enough to be mature enough to know when there no longer is a need to do this needless bashing.

Wow, TSS, you sure this isn't you?

First off, you have no idea how things got started (unless you're TSS). Blaze is FAR worse than I am. I told him plenty of times to leave me alone and he continued to talk about me on AIM to people who don't even know me and he made threads about me in other forums. I left anything I had to say about him HERE while he went around the internet talking shit so don't even try to play it like I am the one who can't seem to leave someone alone. I left Blaze alone for a LONG time. Then, he started getting annoying again so here we are.

Second, don't even fucking bring my age into this. This is the internet. I don't give a shit how immature I look online. It's REALITY that matters. You don't know my life and how I live it so don't try to assume anything. Go fuck yourself if you want to even attempt to act like you know my life.

Third, your three little friends here have brought me up NUMEROUS times elsewhere when I DIDN'T EVEN ATTACK THEM. Hell, I hardly post at 5*, never even said one word to kirsty/mat, yet both of them randommly talk shit about me. Didn't see you jump in to my defense, not that I need you to, but at least get some facts before you point your finger and accuse someone of something.

Incase you failed to read any of the threads here, go back some pages and you'll see how many threads I have dedicated to me so, again, don't act as if I sit here all day thinking I am awesome on the net making fun of people. I get my share, sometimes for no reason, and I don't get butthurt about it. It's the internet. It's NOT serious fucking business and the fact that you have feelings on a personal level is laughable.

Who needs to find other things to do? Certainly not me, kid. Go outside once in a while and you might not take the internet so seriously. Hell, even Blaze can sometimes not take it seriously.

Just shut the fuck up and stop reading the threads if they bother you that much, moron. No one is forcing you to click it and if Blaze wants to say something, I'm sure he will do it on his own. He doesn't need you to hop on his cock.

It's the internet. Flaming is childish fun. Brandon talks to me on Facebook and knows how I am. I get annoyed with him here but when he's not being a jackass, I am friendly with him so go ahead and ask him, fool. If you can't handle the world of flaming, get the fuck out of the flame-alation chamber.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Once again LHR, you fail to see my point at all. I'm not going to degrade into insults about hopping on someone's cock or calling someone a smurf or gay or whatever you like to do. Because as an adult, i realize i can have a serious discussion without needing to degrade my argument with slang that is best left to teenagers and immature adults. I am quite frankly shocked about your view of the internet, which i have already discussed why i take it seriously.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the internet is STILL reality. It doesn't matter if someone is pretending to be black, or older than they actually are, but you are STILL dealing with REAL people. To act like who your talking to is just a figment of your imagination that you can talk trash and pick on all you want is extremely childish.

Like i said, i have known friends who have committed suicide, because she was being harassed on the internet by people on a forum, who were ragging on her about her grammar and how she looked like a "dyke". Nitpicking on the littlest most insignificant issues of her personality and ability to type, and her home life was already shit enough. The internet was her escape, it was her way of being able to escape the troubles of the world, and when people like yourself who think they are just doing the flaming for the lols were picking on her, she gave up hope on life, and took it from herself.

If the internet is so fake that people shouldn't be taking it seriously than why is it that most sex offenders get their victims through online chats? That's certainly just the lols. Because we shouldn't be taking talking to strangers on the internet seriously.

You are dealing with real people LHR, and Kirsty, Matt and Blaze are certainly not my friends. I don't know them on even the most remote possible levels, and i wasn't defending Matt and Kirsty in the first place. I was defending Blaze because of your incessant and unruly actions against him, long after the battle is already won, you just can't shut up and move on. You're still stuck on the same stupid argument, arguing against the same people. So here i am. I've given you now a new target. A new person to flame. A new plaything for you to get yourself stuck on for another week. Because i won't back down from you, i won't be intimidated, and i certainly won't degrade myself to calling you vulgar names such as "Slut" "Whore" or whatever else somebody else has tried. I am more intelligent than that, and i am shocked that you feel as if you need these words for emphasis on your argument.

Go on, call me taking the internet seriously being laughable. Say that i have zero time beyond the computer and that i need to walk outside. But to counter, i don't take the internet seriously, i take people seriously. And for what? The third fourth time, we are dealing with real people whether you want to admit it or not. Also, i have a job that i go to every day, i work mid day shifts unless i have a day off, so i post on here late at night before i go to bed, and early in the morning before i go to work.

Yes i have little social life outside the internet itself, but eh, that doesn't bother me. Shall i list off all of the things you can target me about again like in the last thread we had like this? Because i can name off all my faults again. I don't know much about you, granted. But there is literally nothing you can tell me beyond petty insults that is going to get under my skin. So give me your worst, after all, its just for the lols right? I beg to disagree.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Whether you want to admit it or not, the internet is STILL reality.

God I thought you were gonna bust out and say serious business. lol


Once again LHR, you fail to see my point at all. I'm not going to degrade into insults about hopping on someone's cock or calling someone a smurf or gay or whatever you like to do. Because as an adult, i realize i can have a serious discussion without needing to degrade my argument with slang that is best left to teenagers and immature adults. I am quite frankly shocked about your view of the internet, which i have already discussed why i take it seriously.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the internet is STILL reality. It doesn't matter if someone is pretending to be black, or older than they actually are, but you are STILL dealing with REAL people. To act like who your talking to is just a figment of your imagination that you can talk trash and pick on all you want is extremely childish.

Like i said, i have known friends who have committed suicide, because she was being harassed on the internet by people on a forum, who were ragging on her about her grammar and how she looked like a "dyke". Nitpicking on the littlest most insignificant issues of her personality and ability to type, and her home life was already shit enough. The internet was her escape, it was her way of being able to escape the troubles of the world, and when people like yourself who think they are just doing the flaming for the lols were picking on her, she gave up hope on life, and took it from herself.

If the internet is so fake that people shouldn't be taking it seriously than why is it that most sex offenders get their victims through online chats? That's certainly just the lols. Because we shouldn't be taking talking to strangers on the internet seriously.

You are dealing with real people LHR, and Kirsty, Matt and Blaze are certainly not my friends. I don't know them on even the most remote possible levels, and i wasn't defending Matt and Kirsty in the first place. I was defending Blaze because of your incessant and unruly actions against him, long after the battle is already won, you just can't shut up and move on. You're still stuck on the same stupid argument, arguing against the same people. So here i am. I've given you now a new target. A new person to flame. A new plaything for you to get yourself stuck on for another week. Because i won't back down from you, i won't be intimidated, and i certainly won't degrade myself to calling you vulgar names such as "Slut" "Whore" or whatever else somebody else has tried. I am more intelligent than that, and i am shocked that you feel as if you need these words for emphasis on your argument.

Go on, call me taking the internet seriously being laughable. Say that i have zero time beyond the computer and that i need to walk outside. But to counter, i don't take the internet seriously, i take people seriously. And for what? The third fourth time, we are dealing with real people whether you want to admit it or not. Also, i have a job that i go to every day, i work mid day shifts unless i have a day off, so i post on here late at night before i go to bed, and early in the morning before i go to work.

Yes i have little social life outside the internet itself, but eh, that doesn't bother me. Shall i list off all of the things you can target me about again like in the last thread we had like this? Because i can name off all my faults again. I don't know much about you, granted. But there is literally nothing you can tell me beyond petty insults that is going to get under my skin. So give me your worst, after all, its just for the lols right? I beg to disagree.

Are you fucking SERIOUS?

Buddy, this is a fucking flame chamber. When people insult each other here, that is the point of this section. If someone doesn't want to be flamed, they better stay out of this section. Otherwise, it's all fair game.

Outside of this section, I don't bash anyone to death. I post like a normal person does. You fail to realize this. I have spoken to Blaze SEVERAL times outside of the flame section in a normal convo.

Seriously, what the fuck are you getting at here? You're complaining about flaming in a flame section. Don't like it, get the fuck out.

As Blue as Blaze can be at times, I'm pretty sure he doesn't need you to stick up for him. He can do it all on his own so shut the fuck up and cry to your mother. We don't like babies in the flame section.

You sure you aren't an alt account? Strange how someone so new cares so much about Blaze.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
You're complaining about flaming in a flame section. Don't like it, get the fuck out.

No, i'm complaining about your uncontrollable desire to flame someone who has been flamed on quite enough. He might as well be a giant pile of E-ashes at this point because you can't just let go of this whole situation.

Here is where i am getting at, i will list off my main points ONCE AGAIN, so that you can clearly understand why i think you should drop this fiasco.

1) You already proved Matt and Kirsty wrong, Blaze doesn't have a leg to stand on in defending them. You were attacked, and you defend yourself well, you can now stop gripping your mouse or laptop with fiery rage, and let go.

2) Blaze was simply telling you the exact same thing i'm telling you. He told you to let go of the Kirsty/Matt argument, so you decided you were going to flame the hell out of Blaze for trying to be reasonable. So now i am saying you need to let go of this whole Blaze argument. Your holding onto this grudge for way too long.

the most important point i should add.

3) Like i said before, there is so much more on IWF you can be doing than bumping these threads and making fourth and fifth new threads for the sole purpose of flaming Blaze and Kratt. You're telling me i should get out of the Flame section, i advise you to do the same for a little bit. Find something else to be mad about, there is no longer any point to this. Can't you see that? Flame section or not, just look at this for a second. Honestly can't you see how ridiculous this has gotten?

Just answer me this one question, and if your answer is one that is logical, reasonable and understandable, then i will drop this fight with you "Why is it that you feel the need to constantly pick on Blaze, long after you've already won the fight?"


Oh wow, GTFO! You obviously take the internet WAY too seriously, kid!

Go talk to Blaze RIGHT NOW and ask him what we were doing just a few hours ago. We were joking around, haing a good old time on 5*. He knows I bug him for shits and fucking giggles so you can dismount yourself from his dick now.

Blaze is a good kid but he can be a real annoying douchebag at times. He knows I don't hate him and he rolls with the punches for entertainment so fuck off with your bullshit pity trip. You're coming off as much more of a pussy ass bitch than Blaze ever was. At least the guy has fun with shit and doesn't whine like a fucking baby about flaming in a flame forum.