Blaze is a cockriding smurf

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Oh what a weak ass comeback i been drinking real booze long enough
sweetheart & seen everything so come talk to me when you seen what
i seen'

and btw, you didn't have to go dumpster diving for that bottle, you could've waited til Recycle day.

Actually, I borrowed it from a dirty prostitute dying of AIDS.

Her name was kirsty.

Shierly Temples? Well I don't drink those either, but whats wrong with not being a drinker? Maybe you don't like the taste or smell of acholic beverages.....

It's just an insult to go back and drink his kiddie drink because vodka is obviously too "adult" for him.

Whats wrong with not drinking?

Nothing. I HARDLY ever drink, to be honest (I think I mentioned that in another thread a while back). I've only had shots of vodka one or two times in my life. It burns and that sucks. It just happened to be sitting on the kitchen counter so I grabbed it, spur of the moment, and took a goofy picture with it. The problem with idiots like Matt is, they have nothing else to make fun of you for so they assume that you're an alcoholic because you took a picture with a bottle in your hand.

Funny because I never look wasted in any of my pictures. So much for being a raging alcoholic.

This Guy

Personally i don't see how LHR can find Vodka that attractive, at all.

Attractive? Seriously? So like Rowdy Roddy Piper is a type of Vodka now? Just cause you don't like it though doesn't mean others don't

It's just an insult to go back and drink his kiddie drink because vodka is obviously too "adult" for him.

Well I guess that kinda makes scense...after all he's still never revealed himself with pictures in the real you either. Many people think he and Kristy are the same person and lets be honest, theres no proof that they aren't. So for all we know he's some 10 year old making up a story about having a gf and what not....we'll probably never know for sure, unless we get invited to the wedding.

Nothing. I HARDLY ever drink, to be honest (I think I mentioned that in another thread a while back). I've only had shots of vodka one or two times in my life. It burns and that sucks. It just happened to be sitting on the kitchen counter so I grabbed it, spur of the moment, and took a goofy picture with it. The problem with idiots like Matt is, they have nothing else to make fun of you for so they assume that you're an alcoholic because you took a picture with a bottle in your hand.

True. Though I find it bizzare that you two fight so much. Did it all start just because of the whole thread you made about all there lovey shit in the sb?

Funny because I never look wasted in any of my pictures. So much for being a raging alcoholic.

no, but you always look more happier then anyone I know without the help of alcohol. :D


wow this thread is random... poor Blaze gets dissed in every damn thread nowadays lol


for those of you that are lazy, this is what that link will lead you to



Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
In my beard
Sorry, everytime i try the code to actually embed the video, it doesn't work for me. It just doesn't. Let me try it again.


Yay i got it to work!


True. Though I find it bizzare that you two fight so much. Did it all start just because of the whole thread you made about all there lovey shit in the sb?

I'll have to do a search on my posts to find the exact post where it started but it was in a random thread where people were all joking around, not even flaming, and he took it seriously and suddenly quoted me and rambled on about how whoever we were joking with was a nice person and how he's been a member here longer than me. I never did anything to this kid at that point, he just started going on and on. That's how it all started.

Of course, his slutbag alter ego had to suddenly jump in for the double team effort and since then, these two idiots can't seem to let it go and even start with me over at 5* and I have NEVER bothered them over there (not until like two days ago because they keep carrying on with me).

It's ridiculous how these "two" morons can't seem to get off each other's dicks and take the internet seriously.

Mr. Mat

:laugh:I Take it seriously last time i check it's you that's always in this section not me this is cracking me up:laugh::roflmao:.

BTW:I beg you to stay out of this section for a week IMO you live in this section so stay out of
here for a week & prove me wrong


:laugh:I Take it seriously last time i check it's you that's always in this section not me this is cracking me up:laugh::roflmao:.

BTW:I beg you to stay out of this section for a week IMO you live in this section so stay out of
here for a week & prove me wrong

You really are as dumb as you post.

If you didn't take things seriously, you A. wouldn't have rambled on to me the first time you spoke to me about you being here longer than, blah blah blah, in a thread where everyone was joking around and B. you wouldn't carry it on in other forums.

Like I said, smurf, I never bothered you at the other forum yet you still can't let things go and you mention me over there all the time so who takes things seriously? Yeah, the answer is you.

Please grow some pubes, thanks, and stop telling us you don't care. You clearly care because you can't stop talking about me.

Lack of sex from your "woman" can make you irritable....if only she really existed.

Kind of strange how "kirsty's" profile has a picture of Matt as the profile pic. You'd think that either her picture would be there or a picture of herself AND Mr.Matt....unless she just REALLY looks like a boy.

This Guy

:laugh:I Take it seriously last time i check it's you that's always in this section not me this is cracking me up:laugh::roflmao:.

BTW:I beg you to stay out of this section for a week IMO you live in this section so stay out of
here for a week & prove me wrong

I've been asking you to prove that you and Kristy are two different people with some pictures, yet to date no one knows what she looks like? So does she exist?

Kind of strange how "kirsty's" profile has a picture of Matt as the profile pic. You'd think that either her picture would be there or a picture of herself AND Mr.Matt....unless she just REALLY looks like a boy.

I don't think its that odd that she has a picture like that, I've seen that before. But usually with girls under the age of 18. Oh wait, she is suposedly only 18....well then never mind. Mommy must be proud that she got knocked up by a man in his mid 20's. And If I'm right and Kristy is just made up, then Mat if your going to create a fictional knocked up gf at least make her a little closer to your own age.