Bin Laden 'Murdered' By Omar Sheikh?

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I believe Osama Bin Laden is just some fictional character created by them, and so is Al-Qaeda. Yes, they are terrorist, but the Islams & Middle Easterns are all peaceful

Are you fucking joking me? This is going off topic for a second, but c'mon. Are you honestly saying that middle eastern people are peaceful? Sure, there's plenty of peaceful people. But the levels of violence over there on a large scale of things is hundreds of times more than in North America. I'm not saying I have anything against middle eastern people, it's more the opposite, but to pretend they're peaceful is a joke.

Anyway, on to this...
I'd say he's probably dead. Not necessarily because of this interview or what this person says though. I just think somewhere along the line he died.
As for the conspiracy theories people are talking about... I don't really believe in those. I don't reject them either. But I'm not gonna compeltely jump on the bandwagon, and make an ass out of myself by pretending to be 100% sure that everything to do with the wars, world events, etc is fake. That'd be stupid. But I'm not ruling it out...
What bugs me is people who completely dismiss the idea, and insist all the conspiracy theories and 100% false. You have to keep an open mind.

The Member

Apr 12, 2009
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Are you fucking joking me? This is going off topic for a second, but c'mon. Are you honestly saying that middle eastern people are peaceful? Sure, there's plenty of peaceful people. But the levels of violence over there on a large scale of things is hundreds of times more than in North America. I'm not saying I have anything against middle eastern people, it's more the opposite, but to pretend they're peaceful is a joke.
Read the entire conversation rather than just one post.

LOL @ the Illuminati. Dude, every major war on Earth has been started by religion. The Middle East is one of the most violent regions on Earth, throughout the history of mankind.

The Illuminati is a dead belief. It's gone, past it's time. It doesn't exist anymore.

Firstly, the Illuminati isn't dead. Yes, maybe the evil Illuminati can be dead. Which I doubt, but the general Illuminati isn't dead. One of my football team mates father is a free mason. He's very open about it, and discusses it commonly. Illumnist's don't have too worship the devil. They can just be wealthy & powerful, and they can be in the public Illuminati.

Next, I have my reasons for believing the Illuminati is still in existant. Skull & Bones Society is still alive, which is a branch of some sorts for the Illuminati. Research it.

i'm actually part of them too, ranked as Komtur.
Hey fuck you okay. That just gave me an eerie feeling. What if we are chatting with 'Enlightened Ones'. :shifty:

Luke Flywalker

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Firstly, the Illuminati isn't dead. Yes, maybe the evil Illuminati can be dead. Which I doubt, but the general Illuminati isn't dead. One of my football team mates father is a free mason. He's very open about it, and discusses it commonly. Illumnist's don't have too worship the devil. They can just be wealthy & powerful, and they can be in the public Illuminati.

Next, I have my reasons for believing the Illuminati is still in existant. Skull & Bones Society is still alive, which is a branch of some sorts for the Illuminati. Research it.

First of all, Skull & Bones is just a fraternity, there's NOTHING to suggest that it's got anything to do with Illuminati. And research it? I've studied about as much as the average person can study on it. And your friend's father isn't a free mason. The only members allowed to speak about it have to be granted permission to do so in an interview with supervisors there. If he was a free mason, he'd have more respect and not talk about it. Furthermore, if they found out, they'd boot him.

But seriously...

You want some background on the Freemasons? They were the remaining Templar Knights who were fleeing the Middle East, couldn't find safety in Europe, so they abandoned their arms and coat, changed identities, and boarded Spanish and English vessels to head to the New World, America.

Savages, devil-red-skinned natives... wore face-paint beneath their black, evil, eyes. They were marked by the beast, as the beast.

To establish a "New World Order" was to set up government in the New World (America) and found a stable group of peoples to represent security (the aforementioned Templar Knights). They took upon a new name, the Freemasons. Break that word down... free, masons. They laid the groundwork of a country destined for freedom and democracy. They served to hold it up, support it, until it was stable enough to hold it's own weight.

But like every group, stories follow. The Templar Knights/Masons had treasures from the Holy Temples, even holding religious fortunes in the Chalice and the Ark, among other items of priceless value for which the country was established on and used to back it's worth greater than that which exists anywhere else in the world.

These treasures were never seen, found, claimed, etc., so the United States was forced to develop it's own currency and mint in order to create value based on other goods which would back it. This is where the theory gets deep, because if the Masons had this priceless treasure, why wouldn't they just use it to create a currency backed by pricelessness and dominate?

The reason was because they knew people would be lazy and turn to crime and try to overthrow 'em, so they allowed all of these mysteries to be fueled, hiding "clues" of their treasures on the mint so people would understand the great value and need for this new currency.

The Member

Apr 12, 2009
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You'd only know so much if you yourself was a free mason :shifty:.

But in all seriousness my understanding of the free mason's was that after fleeing scientists left European cities, and as they traveled the continent for a place to regroup, a safe harbor per say. They encountered another secret society. A brotherhood of wealthy Bavarian craftsmen named the Free Masons. Mason's have currently five million members world wide, and half of them reside in the United States, and the other half in countries world wide.

Originally, Masons weren't satanic, but they fell victim to their own benovolence. After harboring the fleeing scientists in the 1700's, the ,ason unknowingly became a front for the Illuminati. The Illuminati grew within their ranks, gradually taking over positions of power withing the masonic lodges. They quietly reestablished their scientific brotherhood deep wthin the Masons-a kind of society withing a secret society. Then the Illuminati ised the worldwide connection of Masonic Lodges to spread the influence.

Their covenant was to destroy religion, and they feared that if religions continued to promoted pious myth as absolute fact, scientific progress would halt, and mankind would be doomed to an ignorant future of senseless holy wars like we have today. "My god is better than your god".

They grow more poweful, and set their sights on America. The fledgling goverment whose leaders became Masons like George Washington, Ben Franklin- whom were all honest, God-fearing men who were unaware of the Illuminati stronghold on the Masons. This is more than likely what is occuring with my team mates father.

In conclusion, they may have been defunct for years, but how can a brotherhood so open, and wide spread just vanish? I doubt it.

Luke Flywalker

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You'd only know so much if you yourself was a free mason :shifty:.

But in all seriousness my understanding of the free mason's was that after fleeing scientists left European cities, and as they traveled the continent for a place to regroup, a safe harbor per say. They encountered another secret society. A brotherhood of wealthy Bavarian craftsmen named the Free Masons. Mason's have currently five million members world wide, and half of them reside in the United States, and the other half in countries world wide.

Originally, Masons weren't satanic, but they fell victim to their own benovolence. After harboring the fleeing scientists in the 1700's, the ,ason unknowingly became a front for the Illuminati. The Illuminati grew within their ranks, gradually taking over positions of power withing the masonic lodges. They quietly reestablished their scientific brotherhood deep wthin the Masons-a kind of society withing a secret society. Then the Illuminati ised the worldwide connection of Masonic Lodges to spread the influence.

Their covenant was to destroy religion, and they feared that if religions continued to promoted pious myth as absolute fact, scientific progress would halt, and mankind would be doomed to an ignorant future of senseless holy wars like we have today. "My god is better than your god".

They grow more poweful, and set their sights on America. The fledgling goverment whose leaders became Masons like George Washington, Ben Franklin- whom were all honest, God-fearing men who were unaware of the Illuminati stronghold on the Masons. This is more than likely what is occuring with my team mates father.

In conclusion, they may have been defunct for years, but how can a brotherhood so open, and wide spread just vanish? I doubt it.

They didn't "just vanish". The Mason's you see today, tell tales of the past and how to better the world. You do realize that the fortune 500 all have ties to the freemasons? They're currently trying to pump unused money that wouldn't be spent on taxes, bills, or personal items into America's economy.

The Illuminati is not legally allowed to operate. They've never taken over or worked within freemasonry with their own cause. The Illuminati were supposed to be able to know the truth about God, creation, and other various "conspiracy" theories. They weren't about ending religious wars. Otherwise they'd have told the "truths" from the beginning and just got it all over with. The idea that there's a grandmaster who controls our planet today and is feeding world leaders propaganda is preposterous. This isn't Star Wars.

The Illuminati is an excuse for everyone who needs someone to blame for anything when they have the slightest doubt about anything. The freemasons don't exist in form today as they did 200 years ago. And fraternities that are rumored to have ties, only do stupid things that frats do and catch a rep.

The Member

Apr 12, 2009
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I'm going to hand the win to you here, just because you are better informed, and almost have me convinced.

But, I will stay true to what I believe in, and I do disagree with the latter paragraph of you last post. Not all of conspiracy buffs use them as an excuse for anything. Its hard to believe this world functions without one sole group of people running the show, and thats where Illuminati comes in imo. As you say, they have the money. They have the power. They pretty much fit the bill for the people pulling the curtains backstage. Anyways, back on topic.

It doesn't matter if Bin Laden is dead or alive.

Wrestling Station

It doesn't matter if Bin Laden is dead or alive.
Tupac is dead but they still produce new albums for him lol.

Anyway, the media places a huge role in diverting the truth to another twist of things for people who are not within or living that occassion or region, then they will know whatever the media explains and delivers to them.

Middle east actually is the safest place imo. In my country, the crime rate is super low, while comparing it to USA... LOL so badly LOLOLOL. So yeah, internal affairs and police are really busy trying to bust criminals in the USA, but here its more safe and its a fact.

★Chuck Zombie★

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Middle east actually is the safest place imo. In my country, the crime rate is super low, while comparing it to USA... LOL so badly LOLOLOL. So yeah, internal affairs and police are really busy trying to bust criminals in the USA, but here its more safe and its a fact.

Yeah, you may be safe from criminals, but are you safe from the government?

Wrestling Station

^ yes, here we have democracy at good levels. Ranked one of the top as regional and international too.


Did you guys know:

Ramzi Bin Yusuf, one of the planners of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing studied Chemical and Mechanical Engineering from Germany and had a degree in both of them? Also, he was born in Kuwait. :shifty:

Another terrorist, Khalid Shiekh Mohammad (see my post on the last page to see his plans to destroy the west) was born in Kuwait as well.

Amazingly, many of the Taliban in South Waziriztan in Pakistan have come from Kuwait as well. And in my opinion, Kuwait is the reason why we're into this. And coincidently, our super moderator Wrestling Station is from Kuwait as well. >_>
Apr 22, 2009
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^ yes, here we have democracy at good levels. Ranked one of the top as regional and international too.

Can I ask a few questions without offending anyone here? Why are Muslims so gosh darned awful to their women? I mean not letting women go to school, killing them if they get raped(which isn't their fault btw), treating them with no respect, and finding any excuse to stone them to death for offenses a man wouldn't be punished for. Why? Why do Muslims hate women so badly?


Can I ask a few questions without offending anyone here? Why are Muslims so gosh darned awful to their women? I mean not letting women go to school, killing them if they get raped(which isn't their fault btw), treating them with no respect, and finding any excuse to stone them to death for offenses a man wouldn't be punished for. Why? Why do Muslims hate women so badly?

I know you asked him. But I'll reply anyways.

Muslims are generally very calm people, they're straightforward, educated and encourage women to study. The whole concept of women being kept away from education, not being respected and being killed when they're raped is bullshit. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, it might exist in minority groups of our society, but this doesn't happen in today's modern world of Muslims.

The Muslims you're referring to are the Muslims of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and such organizations.
Apr 22, 2009
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I know you asked him. But I'll reply anyways.

Muslims are generally very calm people, they're straightforward, educated and encourage women to study. The whole concept of women being kept away from education, not being respected and being killed when they're raped is bullshit. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, it might exist in minority groups of our society, but this doesn't happen in today's modern world of Muslims.

The Muslims you're referring to are the Muslims of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and such organizations.

I mean I was just wondering because you always hear on the news about some poor woman getting her face burned with acid, or something horrible like that , and I was just wondering if that stuff was justified.Even some Christians ain't all that great at treating women like people. All because some mythical woman might've eaten from a forbidden tree. You seem like a good person C4,and I have met some very good Muslims, and I know Bin Laden doesn't represent you all just like David Karesh didn't represent all Christians. I was just wondering what the deal was with women though. Do most Muslims oppose extreme groups like Al-Queda, and Taliban? And how the Hell did those groups manage to twist teachings into vehicles of what they do? A Muslim once told me that the Koran says nothing to justify terrorism. How does shit like this happen?

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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Muslims are generally very calm people,






as for the women, it depends on how much fundementalist the country is. the more you take quran by the letter, the worse it is.