Honestly imo no matter what anyone says about not caring about Austin hosting is in a way lying to themself. As soon as you hear the glass shatter, everyone I am sure will automatically reminise on all of the great Austin memories.
^^^^^ You really are an idiot
I could really care less as well. It's sad that they still have to rely on stars from 10 years ago to generate excitement in the product right before Wrestlemania.
And wait, let me just save someone the trouble... "Stars from the past generating excitement...THAT SOUNDS LIKE TNA! hurhurhur"
That's a contradiction that you pointed out to yourself. Why is it ok for a promotion to build itself on that pretense and for the E to use guys in one offs it's sad? Especially if the E is using famous wrestlers so infrequently, as I imagine they'd rather use more celebrities but how many celebs really want to host Raw?That's like saying Bush is a bastard for spending so much money but Obama is ok because he is spending five times that amount. That's not fair, that's just the way it is. And Austin is no ordinary name. He's the biggest draw ever.
I'm pretty sure Austin would have been used sooner but this coincides with his movie and the plugs WWE will give him, and why not get as much hype surrounding WM as possible? And of course they want that hype, WM's buyrates were fairly down last year. I'm no Rockerfeller but that just seems like smart business to me.
I'd say probably bigger than Hogan. I don't have the numbers or figures to prove it (so don't throw them up and pull the OMGZZ UR WR0NG!).
Honestly imo no matter what anyone says about not caring about Austin hosting is in a way lying to themself.