Well unless you are currently training to be a pro wrestler, I doubt any of those three guys have any influence on your real life whatsoever. Unless your a crazy old fuck, in that case Terry Funk would be a huge influence lol.
Mister J is just a smarky ass old school wrestling snob who seems to not be able to accept the fact that wrestlers from 1998 and beyond have had just as much, if not more of an impact than guys like Hogan. I honestly believe that what Austin did for the WWF in the 90's is much more impressive than what Hogan did in the 80's. When Austin first rose to become the Austin that we all know the WWF was on the verge of going out of buisness if I am not mistaken. He saved the company. Did Hogan ever do that?
Lol Mister J it seems to me that your just attempting to piss others off for your own personal amuesment. I enjoy a good laugh as much as the next guy but how bout you take it to Hell in a Thread and let us have a real wrestling conversation.
Why are you people even arguing about this? You people are talking based out on opinions, neither of you are bringing actual facts or truthful information into this to make an actual case of who is the biggest name ever in wrestling, Stone Cold or Hulk Hogan.
Bottom line is, the people who do have the facts, the info, WWE and The Mcmahons, they have said time and time again Stone Cold is their biggest name ever. They have said it to the wrestling world in times when they weren't mad at Hogan (they were even thinking of having Hogan wrestle at Mania 25 yet they said Stone Cold was the biggest name), they told it to people who don't know squat about wrestling like The Congress. Bottomline is, the people who do know, are telling us Stone Cold is the biggest name.
Besides, Hulk Hogan has whored his persona and character so much it has lost way too much luster. Stone Cold, despite all of his random appearances, unless it happens at Cyber Sunday, always generates interest. The build up for the confrontation against freaking Santino Marella was praised as fuck and everybody was expecting it. His Mania 25 appearance was awesome and we haven't seen him for an entire year.