Great One

Sick. Can't fucking wait for monday. Last time I was this excited was probably for The Rock's promo on SD, lol.
Sick. Can't fucking wait for monday. Last time I was this excited was probably for The Rock's promo on SD, lol.
wtf? Triple H has been collecting a cheque for years. Not doing nothing for anybody but being there pretending he's still a big name.
A stunner...on Hornswoggle. Now, I want you to sit and think about that for a minute, then come back to me.
I'm not saying that anything is in fact wrong with it. If anything that is how all old wrestlers should feel (Hogan, Flair, Taker, Foley etc.) I think that walking away before you get to a point where your once loyal and rabid fanbase grows to be annoyed and tired of you and just wants you to go away. *cough*Taker*cough*
But that doesn't mean that if Austin announced one last match I wouldn't mark like a bitch.
G1 is excited for a big muscled up man.
A stunner...on Hornswoggle. Now, I want you to sit and think about that for a minute, then come back to me.
Am I really the only person here who doesn't give a shit about SCSA appearances (guest GM, ref or whatever) ?
Orton, Cena, Batista, J.Hardy, Legacy (vs. DX) and (soon) Seamus all say "hi".