Being that your a Hogan Fan, what do you think made Hogan what he was, his in ring skills or the fact he was a great entertainer?
Favorite wrestling match of all time?
I think it was that he was a great entertainer. He was average in the ring, but he knew and still can get a crowd behind him.
My favorite match of all time is Steamboat/Macho Man WMIII
How did it feel when you were arrested for shitting on a stray cat? You still on probation?
Never got probation for it and the cat was your mom. Cougars don't count
So, how is it being co-moderator with yours truly so far? I'm sure it's pretty fucking great, huh?
It is a privilege and an honour to be a co-mod with you.
It's so great. I am like Adam Sandler and you are like Kevin James in "I Now pronounce you Larry and Chuck"
Another question. How did it feel when you were arrested for shitting on the band The Stray Cats?
Oh and as for the gay question, you all do realize I have one of these of my own right?
It was amazing. They all wanted fucked up the ass and then wanted me to shit on their chests. I don't understand it but I felt 20lbs lighter afterwards.
Fuji, we all know that you have one of these. I will ask you in your thread, when done. It all comes full circle.