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We're definitely going to do Roleplay of the Month at the end of the July.
We could also do roleplayer and I'm guessing SOTM is staff of the month if people want to.
Prestigious to who? To me it looks pompous. While we have people that can run it do we really have enough people to require it.
Should we not automatically assume champs are the rpers of the month? or have they just been very lucky in the right place right time?
We have three members of staff one acts as a figure head (John) One posts things for eveyone to see (bdc now King) and as far as the people no pete just writes - this is not the case how would anyone outside of staff know who is doing what in staff?
Everyone likes to know they're doing a good job but does anyone else want to know that they aren't? We already do that once with titles. I know its a blunt way to put it but that's how I percieve it. Perhaps since this would be voted upon we should take a vote to see if we should do it anyway.
A Champion won't always be RPer of the month. My stint as Champion in our previous fed was my WORST ever period with that character. And another guy became Champion and went AWOL. And yet he still had the belt...
Yeah the champion isn't always going to be the defacto Roleplayer of the month cause there could be someone lower on the card that is consistent and always delivering just as hard but because of his placement on the card just isn't up there and a champion yet. Same for superstar of the month... or something.