Personally, I don't consider myself a weak RPer, and I let Jacqui cuss as much as she wants. It's just the way the character talks, and I let her talk freely, if that makes sense. With Jack Ripper, I never swear harder than a "damn", because he doesn't like it - it's a character trait. Brandi, Lord Vycious's wife, abhorred swearing - she never ever ever EVER swore, and used to criticise Jacqui for doing so. Ditto Lord Vycious, who is too polite to swear. But Darren does swear.
Do you get where I'm going with this? If it's a character trait, then why not? If it's a cheap gimmick for shock value, then I agree it's extraneous.
It's like saying St. Anger is a bad album, and rating it a 1/10, because you think it's a bad album, vs saying it just so people will read your review. If, again, that makes sense.