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  1. Your 5 favorite Dvds

    Doco's 1. Eddie Guerrero 2. World Class 3. Pillman 4. Benoit 5. Road Warriors I am xpecting Curt Hennigs dvd to surpass this though and it isnt released here until August 25 PPV 1. ONS 2 2. ONS 1 3. Survivor Series 2002 4. Wrestlmania XVII 5. Wrestlemania XX
  2. Favourite Factions Ever

    The Four Horsemen Thats it, nothing comes near what this faction was - Flair, Tully, Arn and Windham with JJ Dillon
  3. Mr Perfect's final WWF run....

    X Pac cut off Michael Hayes ponytail on the flight, ythe flight from Hell as it is refferred to as and then Waltman pinned it up on a notice board at the next RAW taping Hennig had a match on RAW where he had to sell for RVD and you can clearly see him wriggling over closer to the corner at...
  4. On a Level of 1 to 10, how botched was the Champion(posted above you)'s title reign?

    2/10 D'Lo's chest protector was more over than his IC belt Lol Carlito's SD! US Title reign that he won on debut
  5. Favorite "old school" match

    Flair v Funk, Steamboat, Windham, Hennig in WWF, Dusty, Kerry VE, Savage Hennig v Flair, Bret, Kerry VE, Bockwinkle, Hogan Hogan v Bossman, Warrior, Savage, Muraco Savage v Steamboat, Di Biase Jake v Steamboat, Savage, Di Biase, Hogan Von Erichs v Freebirds, Adams & Hernandez...
  6. Who Would You Compare Dynamite Kid Too?

    I got two words for ya Davey Richards Richards reminds me so much of Kid it aint funny, looks like him, moves like him and can take a pounding just like Dynamite could before his back went 'see ya' I have a Dynamite comp and it is a beauty with a lot of his pre WWF stuff in Britain...
  7. Talent WWE Wasted

    I voted for Monty Brown and then saw Joey Mercury, WWE missed the boat with him and I am very much enjoying his OVW and ROH work at present
  8. Favorite Recently Released WWE Superstar

    I voted for Daivari, the guy has unlimited potential and I just hope TNA dont blow it with him, his promo n this weeks Impact was awesome He coulda really done wonders for the CW title if he had ever got a chance with it, I woulda loved to have seen Daivari v Helms
  9. PWG Sells Out

    Ordered this - Sells Out and Its a Gift.....Its a Curse - on friday and very much looking forward to adding it to my PWG collection Now if only PWG would release a Best Of Super Dragon I could die happy Lol