PWG Sells Out

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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I got this DVD on Saturday, and I have to say that it's a STEAL. It's really good, and I think this is the best compilation DVD out of all the promotions that had one. CM Punk was the main headline on the cover, he was the main picture and his name was the biggest. I have maybe 7 or 8 PWG DVD's, and this really sold me for them.

And the production was so good, they had a nice little promo opening before the match showing the wrestlers like they do for the upcoming Raw matches. And the camera shots were so clear, they kind of showed ROH up.


Jan 24, 2008
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I Will deff look for this DVD the next time i go to FYE. if not i will probably end up getting it off e bay or something just because im cheap like


Where can i pick this up...Is it at FYE...cause i prefure not buying stuff offline...

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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^can u get ROH DVDs at FYE

they have 4 out, and they have them at every FYE I go to when I go malling. I only have one, but the ROH DVD's are pretty good because they focus on one thing.

Bloodstained Honor

Stars of Honor

Best In the World

Greatest Rivalries


I found it at the best buy near my housing surprisingly. They only had one copy, but i dont think they even carry ROH dvds. They should have added the matches on the back of the dvd imo.


Apparently i have no life, because in the past 4 days I've pretty much watched all three dvds. Heres my thoughts...

Disc 1:

Im not going to lie. I was kinda dissapointed with this first disc. Not really for what is on the disc, but more whats not on the disc. I dont think it was a good introduction to PWG at all. The dvd kicks off with excaliber saying how great pwg is and you got your moneys worth with this dvd. Nice small little intro, but i was hoping for a little more history. Perhaps introducing some of the wrestlers PWG has to offer and what makes those wrestlers special/different. What makes PWG different and better than the other companies, in this this respect, i think they dropped the ball. Most all the matches on this disc were 3.5-3.75 stars range.

(minor spoiler warnings)
But as for what was actually ON the disc. It kicks off with Joe / Danielson (already in the ring) as they brawl to a draw. I kinda wanted to see a finish to the match. Super Dragon was featured very nicely on this disc and the dvd overall. He's on the cover of the dvd, i thought they hope have hyped him up between matches. I think they only added Punk vs Super Dragon to the DVD, just to have Punks name on the dvd. Some good wrestling action on this disc however you could tell it was early PWG. The top match imo was AJ/Gibson at ****.

Disc 2

WOW!!!! The dvd took it to another level on this second disc. disc 1 was alright to good, this was great. After watching the first disc, you kinda realize you just watching a pwg match compulation, rather than a intro to PWG. Maybe that was my misunderstanding or assuming. They start off with heat and continue it through this disc. The commentary and crowd appears to be much better on this disc too. I thought the 4 on 4 match would have been a great opener to the whole dvd. Lots of action, with most of the top PWG guys in one match. Then we have Steen vs. Super Dragon which was a insane brawl. One of the better hardcore matches i've ever seen . ****1/2 if not better. Two matches later was a steel cage guerilla warfare match with Joey Ryan vs. B-Boy. Never really seen much of these guys, but they impressed me. Joey Ryan is a true great heel. His heel performance made the matches that much better. That cage match was about ****1/2. The disc ended with some great wrestling with pwg stars Pac, Generico and Cima.

Disc 3

Great stuff here. As the third disc continues, it kicks off with my favorite match on this best of dvd. Joey Ryan vs Human Tornado. It was damn close to 5 stars in my book, although it was a hardcore heavy match. Again, Joey Ryan's heel antics took this match to another level. See thumbtacks, and beer bottle spots. One minor beef with this second disc, is too much PAC. Now PAC is a great wrestler, but I couldnt grasp to him as a face. Like i just didnt care for him, and i think it hurt the matches a bit. He's got like 5 matches on here too. Most are about **** though. Does incredible spots, dont get me wrong, i just think 1-2 of those matches could have been left off. The disc ends with a few solid tag matches and a very emotional Generico vs Danielson matchup.

Overall thoughts - Easily worth the 15$ for all this excitement. The show probably featured close to 12-15 **** + matches. I think if i produced this dvd, it would have been a lot different though. I would have added in some comedy matches to the show as well. They put a couple matches back to back that were similar in nature. There really wasn't any comedy, except from the announcers. I also would have profiled a few top PWG guys before their matches. I probably would have used the first disc as a bonus disc, but i didnt really feel the excitement as much with the first disc, as the last two. This dvd could have also featured some MCMG, and more Bosh/Lost/tornado. I probably would have taken off Pac vs Hayashi. Strong/Pac vs Steenerico. Joe vs Danielson (camera work bothered me in this match) Just about every match was 20 + minutes too. I think a few short and sweet matches could help move the show a little faster.

Added HUman Tornado vs. COlt Cabana....MCMG vs Bosh/Lost, and Strong vs Aries.

Thats my thoughts. Although it may not seem like i am pleased with it, i am VERY Satisfied. I am sure i am going to be pulling out this dvd again, and i am going to pay more attention to PWG now, and pick up volume 2 when it comes out.


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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Ordered this - Sells Out and Its a Gift.....Its a Curse - on friday and very much looking forward to adding it to my PWG collection

Now if only PWG would release a Best Of Super Dragon I could die happy Lol