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  1. Citan

    Bret Hart has prostate cancer CAN THIS GUY CATCH A FN' BREAK?!
  2. Citan

    John Cena spills CM Punk's diet Soda Oh the drama...
  3. Citan

    What wrestling shows have you attended?

    I only attended WWF / WWE events. All of them took place at the Bell Center in Montreal: -WWF Smackdown!, October 18th 2001 -WWF Raw, March 18th 2002 -WWE Raw, March 2002 -WWE No Way Out 2003 -WWE Raw, July 7th 2003 -WWF Raw, May 2004 -WWE Smackdown, January 20th 2005 -WWE RAW ...
  4. Citan

    Mankind / Mick Foley wins WWF title against The Rock The biggest pop pop ever? I'd say so.
  5. Citan

    The Rock makes fun of John Cena
  6. Citan

    Nintendo producer and CEO Satoru Iwata passes away Well geez. That came out of nowhere :/
  7. Citan

    ITT: We use Gene Snitky's "It wasn't my fault!" in every day situation

    Gene and his family are watching TV. Suddendly, a power outage occurs. Snitsky: It wasn't my fault!
  8. Citan

    Highlights of HBK Vs Hulk Hogan (Summerslam 2005) Good times. Good times.
  9. Citan

    Kane nearly kills Zach Ryder If there ever was a metaphor for the "Embrace the Hate, Cena..." angle completely destroying Zack Ryder's push, this was it...
  10. Citan

    Final Fantasy VII remake officially on the way
  11. Citan

    Next Halloween film to be titled 'Halloween Returns'

    Halloween Returns? Not the most inspired title, but still light years better than Halloween Resurrection.
  12. Citan

    Rank the Jurassic Park/World films

    Jurassic Park: 8.5/10 Lost World: 6.5/10 (actually haven't seen the film in its entirety since its theatrical release. But from what I recall I enjoyed it) Jurassic Park III: 4.5/10 Jurassic World 7.5/10
  13. Citan

    The "death" of Little Jimmy As JR would say: What kind of human being is Daniel Bryan??
  14. Citan

    Rumor: Ewan McGregor to be starring starring in three Star Wars spinoff films If true, then I'm in. McGregor should have been given much more screentime in the prequels.
  15. Citan

    WWE RAW is wrestling for morons, according to Steve Austin
  16. Citan

    Hogan laying down for Sting at Halloween Havoc 1999

    What in the world was that about?
  17. Citan

    Favorite / least favorite heel turns?

    My faves: 1. Hollywood Hulk Hogan: I'm gonna give Hogan all the credit in the world. He was reluctant when he was asked by Bischoff to be the third man. But he did it and ended up reinvigorated not only his career, but WCW in general, giving WWF/E a serious run for its money. 2, Rock joins the...
  18. Citan

    Hideo Kojima fired from Konami Well, that's it. Konami is dead...
  19. Citan

    WWE Talent upset with fans about Reigns losing at Wrestlemania
  20. Citan

    A tribute the "great " Bobby Lashley "Do we love Bobby?" "NO!"