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  1. Citan

    I could stare at this for days on end... She's gorgeous and the guy's work is amazing.
  2. Citan

    NWF - National Wrestling Federation

    Staff: Ring Announcer: Howard "The Fink" Finkel Backstage Interviewer: Mean Gene Okerlund Commentarors: Tony Schiavone & Mike Tenay Roster: Superstars: Kurt Angle, Owen Hart, Batista, Davey Boy Smith, X-Pac, Ken Shamrock, D'Lo Brown, Jim 'the Anvil' Neidhheart, Gangrel, Luther Reigns, Kenzo...
  3. Citan

    Your favorite segments of 2011?

    1. CM Punk's worked promo (yeah, obvious pick is obvious) 4j2PFjNOx4U 2. R Truth confronting Triple H: Hilarious! K6JvdygFNDA 3. Miz assaulting Cena and people elbowing him during his promo. Gold! 4. Basicallly anything CM Punk had to say about...
  4. Citan

    The Halloween Series Discussion Thread

    Title says it all. Whether you want to talk about the original classic and its numerous sequels. Whether you're a die hard Thornie, or a fan of Zombie's work, this is the place to talk about it! Let me break the ice by saying that while I love Carpenter's original film, I think H4 has more...
  5. Citan

    How would rate 2011?

    My rating: 7.0 Pros: -We finally got to see new and deserving champions such as Christian, Del Rio and Henry -Punk 's "worked promo" and him becoming pretty damn over since. -Punk's title win at MitB -Dolph Ziggler keeps getting better and better -The Rock's return, better than I expected...
  6. Citan

    The "Miz Girl" lol
  7. Citan

    Money in the Bank match returning at Wrestlemania?

    - As of this week, the plan is to bring WWE's Money in the Bank match back to WrestleMania 28 in Miami. The match was not featured at this year's WrestleMania event. You know what? That wouldn't be such a bad idea. I order one WWE each year (WM), and the MitB matches have always...
  8. Citan

    Randy Orton's status (spoilers for Smackdown tapings)

    As noted earlier, Randy Orton was injured at last night's SmackDown tapings in Indianapolis during the Falls Count Anywhere main event against Wade Barrett. Orton has been removed from this week's live events. Word backstage was that Orton suffered some sort of back injury and it has to do with...
  9. Citan

    Who should be inducted to the 2012 Hall of Fame?

    My first pick would be Owen Hart. However, according to JR, he may never be inducted due to potential estate issues (which I sincerely hope will be resolved eventually). So my next pick would be The Rock, since WMXXVIII is in Miami Florida, his hometown. Maybe he plans to retire after his...
  10. Citan

    Jack Swagger (repost)

    What in the world happened to this guy?! He had all the tools to be a main eventer. But the WWE failed to push him correctly, and thus was thrown in our faces long before he was ready. He was clearly pushed too quickly, and now, he's a little lost, to say the very least. Three factors occured...
  11. Citan

    Scream 5 on its way after all? *Spoilers* This is good news, as I felt Scream 4 was surprisingly good, and I'm not the only one here who felt that way. Now, the possibility of another sequel seemed bleak due to the comme-ci, comme-ça Box Office performance of S4. I guess for a sequel of a...
  12. Citan

    What are you currently reading?

    I've been reading Le Feu Dans le Ciel (The Fire in the Sky), the first of 12 books in the Chevaliers de L'Émeraude (Knights of the Emerald) series, a french-canadian young fiction series of books. You?
  13. Citan

    Greetings from Canada

    Hi there. I'm Citan. I'm a geek (dork?). I like movies (my favorite being Back to the Future), horror films, sci-fi TV series (Stargate SG1, Atlantis...I don't really like Universe, sorry)...I used to be a huge wrestling fan. I'm also a fan of video games. And I love animals, especially...