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  1. Citan

    Your first video game console?

    Mine would be the NES. Mario Bros 1-2-3, Megaman series, Zelda I&II, Adventures of Lolo Trilogy, TMNT (though in restrospect I wouldn't exactly call it a well designed game), Back when we didn't care about graphics and all that mattered was having fun.
  2. Citan

    Video Game Memories

    In this thread, we share our video game memories as a child. Here's a few stories of my own childhood. -I was so obsessed with the Mega Man series when I was a kid. I fell in love with 2 and 3. I thought 3 would be the end of the series. When I saw MM4 in a video rental store, I had this...
  3. Citan

    Someone please kill me...

    For about 15 months, I was taking talking a minimal dose of Synthroid (0.0125MG). When I had it renewwed last December, I started getting all kinds of symptoms ("hyper" feel, for one. ). After checking out the medication carefully, I noticed that the dose is double of what I actually take...
  4. Citan

    Aurora by Hans Zimmer Wow....Beautiful.
  5. Citan

    Halloween 4 and 5 making their Blu Ray Debut 30 minutes of new footage for H4?! FUCK YEAH! More Halloween related news. Halloween II and III are officially being released on Blu Ray, via Shout Factory: Oh but there's more...
  6. Citan

    Most ridiculous moments in wrestling history?

    Let's start with Cena throwing Edge in the water. idy9KNQMLW8 The fight was fun...until Edge gets thrown in the river, and JR and King act as if he was thrown off a 30 foot building or something. Worse thing is, Lawler says "Get some help!". I mean, was the water highly acidic or something...
  7. Citan

    Rate this film: Mortal Kombat (1995)

    Mortal Kombat: B+ I wouldn't dare calling Mortal Kombat a great film, but by God is it an entertaining one. I saw this film twice in the theaters and it still has a powerful on me these days. The casting was dead on, in my opinion, Linden Ashby being my favorite actor of the film. I never...
  8. Citan

    Movies you like but critics hate?

    Man in the Iron Mask (1998 version) for me. I also liked the Negotiator (1998 film). But it seems critics didn't.
  9. Citan

    Best use of the F word in a film?

    I vote for this scene from Trains, Planes and Automobiles. nWRxPDhd3d0 Also my favorite Steve Martin scene.
  10. Citan

    Most awkward lines in movie history

    I vote for: "I have a date with a six year old boy!" -Chucky, Child's Play
  11. Citan

    Rank this series: Child's Play/Chucky

    Child's Play: B+ Child's Play 2: B- Child's Play 3: C Bride of Chucky:: B- Seed of Chucky: F- 1 > 2 = Bride > 3 > Seed
  12. Citan

    Lilian Garcia makes a mistake during the Smackdown tapings

    Lilian Garcia messed up Zack Ryder's entrance last night at the Smackdown tapings in Newark, NJ. She announced Zack Ryder as "Long Island Iced Z" Jack Swagger. This led to John Cena bringing out ring announcer Tony Chimel, who Garcia replaced, and Zack Ryder for the dark main event cage match...
  13. Citan

    Your favorite movie theater experience?

    Mine's gotta be when I saw Jason X with a friend about a decade ago. In the opening scene, when Jason frees himself and impales the guy with a metal rod, my friend was on his feet, cheering and shouting "YES!". Later when Jason kills the two Innocent Campers, the whole crowd in the movie...
  14. Citan

    How would you rank the Star Wars films?

    Phantom Menace - C+ Attack of the Clones: C- Revenge of the Sith: B+ A New Hope: A Empire Strikes Back: A Return of the Jedi: B+ IV = V, III= VI, I ---> II
  15. Citan

    How would you rank the Star Trek films?

    The Motion Picture: 5.5/10: I didn't think it was THAT bad, but I understand why it's called the Slow Motion Picture. The pacing is very bad. Not a bad start, but the three immediate sequels are much better. Wrath of Khan: 8.5/10: Originally I didn't like it too much due to the Ceti Eels...
  16. Citan

    The Random Movie Quote Thread

    "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to ERASE that mistake!" Your turn.
  17. Citan

    Wade Barrett out 6-8 Weeks

    Good job, Big Show! :shifty:
  18. Citan

    Most ridiculous plot twists in video game history? *spoiler alert*

    Mine would be the reveal of Mr. X in Mega Man 6.
  19. Citan

    Most underrated game?

    I vote for Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
  20. Citan

    The best thing since the Angry Miz girl... Angry Miz girl vs Concerned Ryder girl. Make it happen, WWE!