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  1. RVD_86

    WWE's Next Star?

    none of the above. I don't believe WWE has even recruited their next big star. Quite frankly I don't think the WWE will ever find any person who will be a bigger star than The Rock or Stone Cold. The golden era has flourished and passed us by never to return by the looks of things. Thanks PG era...
  2. RVD_86

    WrestleMania Which match should be the main event at Mania?

    I'm talking about the real main event here. The last match of the night. At the moment, it's shaping up to be Reigns v HHH for the WWE Title. WWE are yet again making the claim that they have three main events for the one night, but we all know that the last match is the real main event. I...
  3. RVD_86

    Titus O'Neil is Done After Contract

    Who cares really?!?!? He has not much in the way of talent. Yet another member of the roster these days who 10 yrs+ ago wouldn't have got anywhere near the WWE. Big guy with a good build, proper heavyweight. However, has no character/gimmick other than his stupid seal noises which have no...
  4. RVD_86

    5 Things "The Undertaker" is yet to achieve in WWE

    They forgot a match with Sting! Paul Bearer will be spinning in his grave....:mad2: and he has never won the Diva's title....:21-1:
  5. RVD_86

    Styles Clash Banned!?

    It's just typical of today's far too health and safety conscious style which hampers the product and weakens certain wrestlers overall performances which is a shame. The Big Show put it well in an interview I saw recently where he said that every wrestler knows they take a huge risk and...
  6. RVD_86

    Why are Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy not in the main roster?

    I really hope these guys don't fall foul to bad booking. This is a great chance for WWE to start fixing a lot of these wrongs they've been making in recent months. They have a potential gold mine they're sitting on with these guys who could be as big as The New Age Outlaws were back in the day I...
  7. RVD_86

    Why are Enzo Amore and Colin Cassidy not in the main roster?

    These two guys are just super talented. They literally have it all in NXT, the look, the wrestling ability and the promo skills. The crowd goes wild for them every week and their matches are full of entertaining creative stuff. I just cannot understand how they have not been fast tracked to the...
  8. RVD_86

    Shane O Mac's impact - Good or Bad and its impact on WM32

    No way of possibly knowing. if it's a good or bad thing. Only time will tell and the result of his match at Mania. If he sticks around after that and takes active involvement in the company again things may be shaken up a bit. But if he disappears after Mania like some expect he will, it'll be...
  9. RVD_86

    Would WWE save Wade Barrett?

    Yeah well it would make sense and I'm sure he is capable of doing well on the side of the business. But it would take multiple persons including him to make an impact and turn things around. They need guys like Bret Hart who have been around the business for years and have a wealth of...
  10. RVD_86

    I think Ryback needs to be pushed

    Ryback has always had the look of a WWE star but it's about so much more than that to become successful. I don't think even after his improvement in the wrestling ring that he is good at all. I think his performances in the ring are boring. There's nothing new or creative about it. His promos...
  11. RVD_86

    Would WWE save Wade Barrett?

    Bad booking has been the main problem in WWE for years now and Wade Barrett is yet another victim in a long list of victims that has fallen foul to this. The reality of the WWE is that this will always be the case until Vince McMahon lets go of his company which is never going to happen...
  12. RVD_86

    Reigns isn't ready - Stone Cold SAYS!

    WWE have done all they can with Reigns. They have tried every approach you can possibly get and it just hasn't worked and will never work in my opinion. It's the fans telling the WWE that this isn't our guy and we want something else. Yes the WWE screwed up with some of the booking for Reigns...
  13. RVD_86

    Cactus Jack vs Vader 1994

    Definitely. Two absolute greats! ....and two of the most underrated of all time.
  14. RVD_86

    10 Wrestlers That Should Ask For A Release

    Barrett, Sheamus, ZIggler and Titus should not be on this list. Arguably Tyler Breeze either. The rest are flops:dealwithit:
  15. RVD_86

    Lawler now getting death threats over Trump tweet...

    Bottom line is Lawlor should have known better than to post that. If you're in the celebrity limelight you should just keep your political views to yourself or your asking for trouble. I mean when will celebs learn!!! :damn:
  16. RVD_86

    Anyone else sick of the Wyatts?

    Another disastrous result of poor creative and bad booking The Wyatt's. WWE yet again failing miserably to capitalise on a fantastic group talent that they have at their disposal. This will continue to happen until the WWE has an overhaul of their current script writers and creative teams. They...
  17. RVD_86

    The Big Slow Is FINALLY Going To Retire

    Big Show is one of the greatest of all time. The fact he still does what he does in this day and age on a full time schedule near enough, is what makes him one of the greatest of all time. He's been a loyal employee to the WWE and has never turned his back on the business like others have...
  18. RVD_86

    Who is the bigger star?......Reigns or Ambrose

    Wouldn't be the first time a wrestler has held the heavyweight and IC Title simultaneously! The timing is right for Ambrose to be the next person in history to do this so you never know!
  19. RVD_86

    Awesome Kong (AKA Karma) Coming back?

    Pfffffft! ......This signing will save the WWE :booker2:
  20. RVD_86

    Cesaro & Styles Rumored Feud In The Future

    As much as I think Cesaro is an absolutely amazing talent that is underused by WWE and badly booked, I don't think he is the right person at this point in time to take on Styles. Don't get me wrong, they would both put on a legendary match but Cesaro is damaged goods at the minute which is the...