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  • Excellent! :D happy to see. Oh, here, have this: Kevin Nash Photos by shaneamania | Photobucket and this Kurt Angle Photos by shaneamania | Photobucket
    Haha I was fucking around man, a joke on people normally being happy to make the final four etc :) the match was quality! Well done on your first show back
    Alright boss bring on week 2! Need anything done prior to the preview going up.. besides getting you alcohol? :p
    So yeah I just posted the match. Sorry I was out for most of the day then had to go to an emergency denist appointment after my tooth cracked and was hitting my nerve. Shit really sucks. :(
    Considering that was my first match for UWF, I'm not entirely sure how I did. I think that in all 1000 words, only a few moves were actually hit, so maybe I describe a bit too much? Should I focus more on the moves next time?
    I don't think I'll have time to do the commentating since I've started it without and I'm 490 words into it. I can get the entrances and everything else done but I'm afraid I have to disappear soon and won't be back for an hour so I won't be able to get any of the commentating done.
    I'm pretty slow with them too, I think I describe things a little too much. I see other people here writing them like "He hits a dropkick and then picks him up and knocks out a DDT. He gets him back up and lifts him up for a suplex before running against the ropes and hitting a legdrop." But that's never really been appealing to me. I mean sure it shows there's a lot of action going on but it doesn't really paint the picture.
    I enjoy writing matches. I don't believe I'm the best at it but it's still a hobby of mine.
    Oh okay. Well if you need any help with any other matches in the future, just ask. I'm only 250 words into this one and I'm already enjoying it. :p
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