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  • Haha well I need some direction! I thought you'd be starting it?! I've got no idea what the story is meant to be, I'm just the representation :p get me a starting point or something and I'll smash out what I can. As I say though I won't be able to finish anything until Thursday dawggggg
    I think they had to a lot of refinancing (see: sell players) to do the stadium switch without borrowing too much. Now it's been paid off (I believe) we might start to see more like this from them. They have to smash their wage structure apparently to sign Ozil so maybe it's turnaround time. They're in a better long term position than most to do it!
    I don't know, I compare them to upper midcard wrestlers. Fans want to win things but consistent challenging/cup runs/top 4 finishes and all without being a single penny in debt? It's really quite incredible as a business model. I think they are a BIT soft for the premier league but I bet they'd take a great european run and a top 4 finish again right now. I would haha
    Haha I really do like the Arsenal team; mostly because of the structure of the actual club! The way they spend their money and run their club puts everyone else to shame.
    Yeah mainly because who WOULD like writing for him? :') he's a beast but super slow and has no real moveset...that's why he has a little partner! who also doesn't have much of a moveset...just do what ya can haha
    I KNEW you wouldnt :p I know you too well..don't be burying him now y'hear ;) or just hand him off to he wonderful UWF assistants <3 or just have me squash everyone! Possibilities are endless. I look forward to a PM.
    haha, I was actually looking at guys who are available when you sent me that message but I got sidetracked. I'm gonna see if I can handle three guys but if I can I'll shoot ya a quick message bro.
    Hahaha perhaps not quite. Although a "no limits not weight limits" style of X-div might work ;) or you know just main eventing. Whatever. I'm writing what I consider to be one of the better promos I've done as we speak and trying to work on some images. Will PM when I'm done and we can talk some shit out
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