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  • I felt that way about The Wire too. I enjoy Breaking a little bit more because of Walt and Jesse's relationship; nonetheless they are the greatest shows I have ever seen! Which theories did you find? :D
    I agree that if we did get members from there they would be good ones. They are the target market that we should target since I would presume that the majority of customers at BSW post on forums.
    Well they have actually advertised on here before so it would be an interesting role reversal. I have been trying to work out a deal with them to provide prizes for the Predictions contest at a discount but no luck there. I may send them an email to see if the prices are resonable.
    Are we talking about my :RUSSO: smiley on that Honey Boo Boo thread? That was an appropriate response to what was going on in that thread :lmao Thanks for the heads up though. Also, get on MSN if you can.
    I dunno, I think WWE is pretty desperate for main eventers right now. Maybe have Kane win the strap and have Ziggler beat him for it or something? Could be a decent way to get him over. I dunno honestly, he can only do so much with putting over the younger talent.
    I've always loved his monster stuff. But I can see where you're coming from. I kind of want him to have another singles run soon though. Would be awesome to see him hold the strap once more.
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