WWF/E's Raw, Smackdown & PPV's 2002

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
She may not have been the best GM ever but I did enjoy Steph/Bischoff trying to out do one another.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
She may not have been the best GM ever but I did enjoy Steph/Bischoff trying to out do one another.

I though Steph was great as the GM, who knew she could play the face authority role so well.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
I though Steph was great as the GM, who knew she could play the face authority role so well.

She was okay think she became quite bland after awhile but will revisit some shows from that era before making my mind up. The saddest part was that they didn't really build on the promise of Steph/Smackdown VS. Eric/Raw feud.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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She was okay think she became quite bland after awhile but will revisit some shows from that era before making my mind up. The saddest part was that they didn't really build on the promise of Steph/Smackdown VS. Eric/Raw feud.

I think they really wanted to move away from a brand wars after summer and just focus on the "Respected" shows.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
I think they really wanted to move away from a brand wars after summer and just focus on the "Respected" shows.

Maybe but they didn't really do that after awhile there was very little to tell the two shows apart.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
Maybe but they didn't really do that after awhile there was very little to tell the two shows apart.

I have no idea what that means, but I could totally tell apart. One show was all about comedy and Blue angles, while the other was jam packed with talent and having at least one or two ***+ matches a show.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
I have no idea what that means, but I could totally tell apart. One show was all about comedy and Blue angles, while the other was jam packed with talent and having at least one or two ***+ matches a show.


Yeah but that was in the short term post-summer not long term. I really liked SD when Heyman was booking it, sadly it was short lived.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 08/01/2002
Charlotte, North Carolina

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Rey Mysterio vs. Tajiri
This match was great; I loved Rey being aggressive before the match even starts. As Tajiri is coming down the ramp Rey hits him with a baseball slides on Tajiri a moonsaults from the second rope. Back in the Rey hits him with this sweet headscissors off a springboard. AWESOME! From that they do some counter moves until Tajiri hits him with a beautiful superkick and takes over with a mixture of kicks, power-moves and just stretching him out. Man these two are awesome together. At one point in the match Rey goes to springboard off but Tajiri delivers the great kick sending him to the outside. Then later on Tajiri kills him with a sitdown powerbomb which only gets a two count. Rey wins after a top rope hurancanrana. ***1/4

Kurt Angle cones down to the ring, and he gets on the mic. He says he would like to start off by saying he is sorry to everyone who though he was jumping last week, and says that the loyal Smackdown fans would have no reason to watch if he wasn't on it. Angle then says last week was just a mix up and he had to leave the arena to let off some steam because of the actions of a snot nosed punk named Brock Lesnar. Kurt then says Lesnar is the next big, and a former NCAA champion. Angle says he has been winning NCAA championships since Lesnar was playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos. :lmao He then says "where is his gold medals" Angle says last week Lesnar came down to the ring and got him DQ’ed then Lesnar had the audacity to tell Angle that his days as the number one guy are over. Angle calls Lesnar a cave beast and then says that if Lesnar thinks he is the number one guy then he should come down to the ring. Instead, Hulk Hogan comes out mocking Kurt and pretending to cry then tells him to shut the hell up. The crowd begins Hogan chants. Hogan says seeing how Kurt missed most of last week’s show he needs an update, while Kurt was out crying Hogan was trying to regain his tag team titles and F-5ed him in the ring. Hogan says that Angle should leave the ring now because if anyone is going to wrestle Lesnar tonight it is going to be Hogan. Kurt then tells him this must be a joke then asks what Hogan's going to do, challenge him in a game of "shuffleboard?!" :lmao Kurt tells Hulk that if he has a problem with it, to come down and bring it, so Hogan makes his way to the ring and goes face-to-face with Kurt. Until Steph appears on the stage she says that is what separates her show from Raw because the most athletic superstars are on Smackdown. She says that is why Lesnar signed with Smackdown, to fight Angle and Hogan. Stephanie says tonight there will be a match between Hogan and Angle and the winner will face Lesnar on next week on Smackdown. Kurt says he is okay with that because he already made Hogan tap out once before, and he promises to make it quick.

In the back, Stephanie is walking to her dressing room and she enters to find Eric Bischoff sitting on her couch. Steph tells Eric get the hell out of here. But Eric says that just because we're competitive, doesn't mean they can't be friends, and he is worried that Steph is too upset. Eric then says that he first thought he'd be at a disadvantage because she is a McMahon, but he says that he has 5 of her guys and she only has 1. Stephanie yells for security. Eric says he is leaving. Stephanie tells the security guard to get Eric out now. Eric asks what the main event is. Stephanie tells him is Edge vs. the Rock and it is too bad Eric won’t be around to see it.

Mark Henry vs. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
Mark got more offense in than i expected and BROCK's selling of it was great, I like that match was kept short and both men were trading big moves instead of boring rest holds. I did pop for Mark telling BROCK to run the ropes and he looked like he was going to but gave him a clothesline instead. Later in the match Mark gave him a delayed vertical suplex, i think he had him in the air for at least 8 seconds. The match ends with BROCK GIVING HIM A FUCKIN' BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX THEN ENDS IT WITH THE F-5 right after AWESOME! **1/4

In the back, Heyman tells Lesnar that he's gonna be the next Undisputed Champion. They walk into the trainer’s room where Hogan is and Brock tells him he hopes he beats Kurt tonight because he really wants to fight the Hulkster next week. BROTHER! Brock and Heyman walk off past Billy 7 Chuck who argue about why they even team with no tag titles on Smackdown. Rico tries to break up the fight. Rico says he understands that the tag titles are on RAW but everything is going to work out. Billy and Chuck continue to argue and walk away. John Cena comes up to Rico smiling. Rico asks what he is smiling at, Cena tells Rico that his boys look like they're in trouble. Rico says that the only one who's in trouble is him and makes fun of Cena's hair and attire. Cena then makes fun of Rico's "look" with terrible Cena one-liners. Rico attempts to slap Cena but Cena stops him, Cena pretends to take a swing at Rico, who ducks in fear and stomps away in a fit. Rico then bumps into Kurt and Kurt tells Rico to watch where he's freakin goin'! As Angle walks away but he bumps into BROCK and Brock tells Kurt that he hopes he wins tonight, and Kurt walks to the ring. (This was totally a Heyman booked Segment)

Kurt Angle vs. Hulk Hogan
Kurt's bumping made this a lot better than it really was as he was making Hogan look like he still belonged in the ring. Hogan was in full control for the first 4 minutes until Kurt took over and was ruthless with his attack with shoulder blocks and punches, but that didn't last long as Hulk had 3/4 mini-brief flurry of offenses before Kurt cut him off. The match ends when after the ref takes a bump Kurt goes outside the ring and gets a steel chair and comes back into the, he takes a run towards Hogan, but Hulk boots the chair into Angle's face. Hogan hits the leg drop and goes for the pin, but no referee! So Brock Lesnar runs down and Hogan punches him off the apron, Angle picks up the chair again and whacks Hogan in the back with it but the referee sees it, and DQ's Kurt. Post-Match Angle's so upset that he almost starts crying AWESOME! he then begs the referee not to disqualify him. But the decision still stands so Kurt attacks Hogan, but Hulks recovers and boots him in the face and then tries the Leg Drop but Brock reaches in and trips him up, then gives Hogan the F5! ** - **1/4

Rikishi vs. Reverend D-Von (w/ Deacan Batista)
Terrible match here, nothing clicked I was more focused on what to order for dinner than this. I do know that Rikishi gives DVon the stinkface after the match. And Batista comes into the ring again, and gives Rikishi a spine buster, D-Von then hits a headbutt from the top rope. 1/4*

Backstage Stephanie finds Stacy getting her make up done. And she gets mad at her for allowing Eric Bischoff into the arena. Stacy says she had no idea. Steph then says if Bischoff ever gets into a Smackdown arena again or if Stacy betrays her, she will regret it. Stephanie leaves, and Stacy smiles. :hm:

Jamie Noble and Nidia are in the ring, and Knoble says that he won the Cruiserweight title so they could say they were better than all "ya'll rednecks!" :lmao He then says that Nidia keeps the neatest trailer in all the Carolinas, but now they have money so she doesn't have to worry about it and that people still say they are trailer trash and he says he might as well be a Tar Heel. Noble & Nidia go outside the ring and confronts Michael Cole. Noble accuses Cole of checking out his woman. Noble says it's Cole's lucky day, and tells Nidia to 'give him some sugar' So Nidia crawls over the announce table and straddle Michael Cole's lap and tries to lick and kiss him. Noble tells Nidia to ram her toung down his throat! :lmao Noble says to get off, and she does, and Noble says all these perverts were liking it too much. Noble says to Cole to start talking good about them and she'll come back and give him some good loving. HOLY SHIT THIS WAS AWESOME!

Stephanie catches Kidman, Holly & Awesome watching a tape of RAW, she tells the trio to take a little more pride in their own show, Smackdown!

John Cena vs. Rico
This was some squash match dark match shit, right here. Rico's offense is very kick heavey and LAME! He is no Tajiri. Post-Match: Cena goes after Rico. But Billy and Chuck come in for the save. Chuck puts Cena on his shoulders while Billy gets on the tope rope and hits Cena with flying bulldog. NEXT!

Eric Bischoff is making his way through the crowd through the audience with a 'back row' ticket. He then Pays a front row fan to trade seats with him :lmao He proceeds to start a “Watch RAW” chant. Stephanie McMahon comes out and points out Eric Bischoff sitting in the front row. Stephanie says Eric is clever for buying a front row ticket. Stephanie says that she may have confused Bischoff earlier about the main event. She clarifies that the new main event will be Edge and the Rock vs. her newly acquired RAW talent. EDDIE "FUCKING" GUERRERO AND CHRIS "FUCKIN'" BENOIT, Bischoff runs towards the ring and Stephanie orders the security to remove him from the building.

Edge and The Rock vs. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit
13 minutes of straight up AWESOMENESS! All 4 guys were smooth on offense and amazing with bumping/sell for the other team when needed. Benoit and Eddie was straight up "Ruthless" here their punches, forearms and suplexes everything had a purpose and nothing was wasted. For the first 1/3 of the match it was Benoit and Eddie just pounding away on Rock and Rock, selling but would have mini-flurries of attacks to ensure they don't lose the crowd which was AWESOME! But eventually he would get the how tag in to Edge and that ruled as he was just all over the place with spears, flying forearms and even hit a monkey flip on Eddie but that didn't last long as Eddie and Benoit regained control and started even longer and more brutal heat segment on him, working the mid-section and lower back. They didn't do double team moves but instead they would use cheap heel tactics which might have been better. I should also add some of the cut-offs spots for the hot tag were phenomenal and it was AWESOME! seeing the crowd get their hopes up that much just for Benoit or Eddie to be like fuck it not yet, so buy the time the hot tag did happen it could of been the biggest JOBBER in the word the crowd would of popped for their shit, but luckily it was Rock getting the hot tag and it was so energetic and great, especially with Benoit and Eddie bumping for him. The match ends when Rock is about to give Benoit the Rock Bottom, but Brock walks down to the ring and Benoit catches him in the Crossface out of nowhere as Brock watches on. Rock tries his best to not tap and eyeball Brock at the same time but has no choice to tap. ****1/4

Post-Match: Lesnar backs up the ramp not taking his eyes off of Rock, he stops on the stage and motions at the WWE Championship but Suddenly Hulk Hogan comes out and nails Lesnar in the back with a steel chair and hits him 2/3 more times.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 08/05/2002
Baltimore, Maryland

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Tag Team Champions: The Un-American's
WWE Hardcore Champion: Bradshaw

We start with video of Triple H Pedigreeing HBK, while we hear audio of his speech last week which was interrupted by news of Shawn's apparent attack. After viewing the bloodied Shawn, we see his previous encounters with Booker T, Big Show, and the Un-Americans, in addition to Bischoff's implication that Triple H was behind it.

Chris Jericho comes down to the ring, and gets on the mic. And welcomes everybody to "Monday Night Jericho" He the biggest star in WWE's SmackDown, come to Raw to work for Bischoff? Because Eric Bischoff is a certified genius, who knows the difference between a superstar and a loser. For example, Jericho is a superstar, and the fans are losers. But most of all, Bischoff knows the difference between a superstar like Jericho and a has-been like Ric Flair, who even in his prime didn't have half the talent of Jericho. Suddenly Tripe H's music hits and Triple H marches to the ring, he goes face-to-face with Jericho. Before getting a mic and saying he doesn't care why Jericho is on RAW. There are two things he knows: Shawn Michaels was attacked by someone in the parking lot last week, and that Jericho and he have hated each other since the day Jericho arrived. Jericho is a bitter little man, and ever since WrestleMania when Triple H took the Undisputed Title, he's sure Jericho has been dying to get even with The Game. And what better way, than to attack his best friend Shawn Michaels? Jericho says he has no idea who attacked HBK, and wasn't it Triple H who Pedigreed his so-called "best friend" Isn't it Triple H who has a history of attacking people in the parking lot, in the name of being a Cerebral Assassin? Triple H points out that he was in the ring when Shawn was attacked. He Pedigreed Shawn for his own good, but still considers him his best friend. Triple H then says he believes that Jericho didn't attack Shawn, because Jericho doesn't have the balls to do it. If he says he didn't do it, that's fine, but Triple H isn't leaving the arena until he finds who did it. And he leaves, Jericho then says this is his show, but is interrupted again, but this time it's Rob Van Dam's music that hit's and he comes down to the ring. Jericho screams "No!" and demands to know what Van Dam is here for, since he never says anything anyway. :lmao RVD welcomes Jericho to RAW. RVD then says he was in the back when he heard Jericho say he owns the show, and between that comment and Jericho's clothes, what has Y2J been smoking? :lmao :lmao RVD says that why doesn't Jericho prove that he's the best by taking in on tonight, Jericho accepts the match.

Tables Match: Bubba Ray Dudley vs. The Big Show
This was alright, both men was trying but the problem is it's a tables match so we've seen this all before even if it was two bigger sized men in the match. Late in the match, Trish runs in and tries to seduce the Big Show to distract then slaps him, this allows Spike who is wearing a Baltimore Ravens helmet, to spear in the mid-section of Show. Show bounces off the ropes, where Bubba hits him with the One-Man flapjack through the table! *3/4

In the back, Footage is shown of the Un-Americans attacking Undertaker last week. Terri says what they did to the Undertaker last week was absolutely deplorable. Lance Storm says it's a pleasure to be here, 60 miles removed from the nation's capital, home of the President. Our President, who couldn't defend his own nation, is from the same hometown as the Undertaker, and just like the President, Undertaker can't defend himself either. Our President can send planes around the world and kill innocent civilians, but soon he will be seen as the despicable killer he is. And just like the Undertaker, he will be seen as a bully who no one should respect. Test notices someone off-screen and asks if they have a problem with it? Sgt Slaughter comes on-screen and gets in Test's face and says he did not like what he just heard. Test asks if he's going to do anything about it, Slaughter says he will if Test has the guts to do anything about it.

JR & the King talk about Mae Young & Moolah being attacked last week. JR says that the two ladies suffered internal injuries.

WWE Hardcore Championship: Bradshaw vs. Tommy Dreamer
Dreamer is preparing for the match backstage when Bradshaw approaches him with a singapore cane. AND THE MATCH IS ON! They brawl out to the arena, through the crowd and down to the ring. And at one point Bradshaw throws him into the stage and breaks part of the plastic. After that is was just the standard spots and weapons, sticks, trashcans and the bullrope. The best spot of the match was Bradshaw hitting the Fallaway slam, from the second rope and Dreamer landing on the cow bell. Eventually Dreamer wins after DDT'ing Bradshaw on the ringsteps on the outside. *1/2

William Regal & Chris Nowinski are talk about Dreamer & Bradshaw and how they are a couple of "barbarians" They bump into Molly and Molly introduces the two to her friend, Victoria. Molly says that she and Victoria have been training all week and they can't wait for their match against Trish tonight. Molly leaves and Nowinksi stops Victoria and asks her a question. Chris asks Victoria if it's true that Molly is still a ‘virgin’. And Victoria says that it is true. Chris looks at William Regal and says "Not for loong!" AWESOME!

Best thing going on RAW

Eric Bischoff is on the phone with Sony Pictures, saying that he's glad to be able to debut the new XXX trailer. Fink comes in and tells him that he was the very first employee of this company. Ever since Bischoff came in, he’s been moved to show some ruthless aggression. He wants to have a match with Lillian Garcia to see who gets Raw. :lmao :lmao :lmao Bischoff says he doesn't have time for that, so they should just alternate and have the fans decide. Fink agrees, and then says that he has a letter for him. Bischoff tells Fink to read it, and Fink reads Stephanie's invitation to Bischoff to watch such Smackdown Superstars as Chris Benoit, Brock Lesnar, and Eddie Guerrero, all former Raw Superstars. Bischoff tells Fink to get out.

Test vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Test beat the shit out of him before the match even starts.

Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Christopher Nowinksi
This was really fun, it wasn't amazing but it was really well put together with Regal and Chris weathering the storm from the fired up Booker and Goldust, then worked on Goldust's arm. With quick tags, Chris was mostly using basic moves but he did hit this AWESOME! Awkward looking double arm take down. While Regal was a fuckin; beast he was using these ridiculously amazing takes downs just by using the arm of Goldust and was even setting up easy team moves for Chris. At one point did drop toe hold Goldust, then floats over and locks in an arm submission. I also loved Booker and Goldust being to amped up that they had to swear. E.G Godly was selling the arm and just yells out "SHIT!" and moments later Booker gets the hot tag and goes to work he hits Chris with a spinkick and goes for the cover but he sees Regal coming to break it up so he gets off the pin cover and punches him. Then yells "FUCK YOU, YOU PUNK BITCHâ€:lmao Anyway the match ends when Booker hits the scissors kick on Regal. Post-Match: Booker goes to leave the ring but Goldust stops him, Goldust wants Booker T to do the spinneroni! And he does. **3/4

Triple H is walking around with a sledgehammer, he walks up to the Un-Americans. Triple H says that they don't have to worry about him; they have to worry about the Undertaker. He then says that he knows the trio said they had "unfinished business" last week. Christian says that they WERE going after Shawn, but somebody got to him first. Triple H says he believes them, but if they're lying... He smashes the table with his sledgehammer.

Victoria vs. Trish Stratus
Molly joins JR & the King on commentary; man this was pretty fun Victoria was flipping around and moving AWESOMELY! Then like 2 minutes into the match Victoria flips over the turnbuckles and comes down hard. And it appears she suffers a knee injury, she waves for Trish not to continue and starts grabbing at her ankle. The ref checks on her and calls for some help. Two more refs come down and help her up. Trish holds the ropes for her, but Victoria kicks her off and pushes the refs away, revealing that she FAKED! It AWESOME! Outside, Victoria drops Trish on the apron. Back in the ring, which I don't get I’m why would you FAKE AN INJURY MID-WAY THROUGH THE MATCH? Anyway the match eventually ends when Victoria rolls her up and grabs the ropes for the win. Post-Match: Victoria attack Trish and Molly comes down attacks here, Victoria spears her. Then a minute later Trish fights back, booting Victoria down and hitting Molly with a bulldog. *3/4


In the back, Big Show is waiting. But Triple H taps him on the back with the sledgehammer. Show says he's waiting to settle the score with Trish because of what she did earlier. Triple H says if anyone has a score to settle, it's Triple H. Speaking of settling scores and Shawn Michaels, wasn't it Shawn who called Show a lazy piece of crap and then kicked him in the head? Show says he knows what he's trying to get him angry so that he'll blurt out that he did it, but he didn't do it.

WWE Tag Team Championships: The Un-American's (Christian & Lance Storm) vs. Hardy Boyz
Solid tag action here, Lance and Christian were good. But the heat segment on Jeff was too short and he was sloppy as fuck. Matt was good though. The match ends when Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Storm, then Jeff hits the Swanton 1-2-Christian pulls the ref out and nails Matt with the belt, causing the DQ. Post-Match: Test runs down and BIG BOOT's Matt, but Undertaker runs down and attacks Christian and Storm with a steel chain, Test escapes before Taker could catch him and they all run to the back and get in the car, driving off before Undertaker can catch up to them. Taker looks around and steals a police motorcycle to chase after them. **

Eric Bischoff comes out on stage and says that he's going to settle the ring announcer issue in a moment. But first, a message for Triple H: later tonight, he has a big surprise that will hopefully answer all the questions. Now, onto Howard & Lillian. They've both done an outstanding job, so he's going to debut the new trailer for Sony Pictures' XXX. After that trailer, each of them will have the opportunity to add their own tagline. Whoever Eric thinks is best will get the job. The trailer plays, and we come back to the ring. Fink says "See XXX staring Vin Diesel and Samuel L Jackson, starting this Friday everywhere!" Lillian says: "XXX, a non-stop thrill ride that will keep you hot!" Eric says that they both have a tremendous amount of experience. Fink says that unless you have a bunch of sailors doing what sailors do, Lillian has no more experience than he does. Speaking of sailors, Lillian says that she hears he has a hard time getting his sail up. :lmao Bischoff says that this has gone on too long. About three minutes too long :mark: Suddenly 3 MINUTE WARNING show up behind the two. Fink pushes Lillian into them and runs away. I LOVE THIS GUY! They hit this AWESOME! Double team move where Rosey pushes Lilian to Jamal and he throws her up in the air and flapjacks her YES! Jamal then heads up top and splashes here.


We come back with the EMTs strapping Lilian to a stretcher.

Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam
The normal goodness between the two that was a lot better than the KOTR match was Jericho wrestled more aggressive and they didn't try a slow style. The first 2 minutes was completely awesome as Jericho tried to keep him grounded but that didn't last long and RVD just went all crazy with flips and dives. At one point in time Jericho gave him a realese German Suplex and RVD land right on the back of his head and neck. I remember watching this and being shocked at the bump bit then i remembered RVD does that all the time with the German suplexs. The match ends when Hebner gets knocked down, and Jericho gets a chair. Jericho ducks the Van Daminator and nails RVD in the ribs. He hits Van Dam in the back with the chair, but Ric Flair runs down with a chair of his own and hits Jericho with a chair for revenge. This allows RVD to hit the five-star frog splash and pin Jericho. Flair mocks Jericho from the stage, WHOO!ing and strutting. ***

Eric Bischoff is in the ring. He asks for Triple H to come down, but before he can finish the sentence, Triple H wastes no time coming to the ring. Triple H says that this better be good, and Bischoff says that he has a surprise. He has a satellite hooked up with San Antonio so we can talk to Shawn right now. Shawn appears on the Tron, with a beaten up and bruised face. Triple H asks how Shawn is doing. Shawn says he is doing okay for a guy who got his head thrown through a car window; Triple H says that he feels bad about what happened. Shawn then says that he and Triple H are "cool" and still best friends and he's heard what Triple H has been saying, and that he is right and he understands. Bischoff says that this isn't cheap, but Triple H dismisses him. Triple H asks Shawn if he saw who through him through the window, but Shawn says that all he knows is that they jumped him from behind and he woke up in the hospital. Triple H says that he'll find out who did this, and when they did, it'll be them in the hospital. Shawn says that the guys gave him a security video that they need to see. The tape is played, but we get no picture of the attacker whatsoever. Triple H says that that doesn't really explain anything, and that Shawn isn't safe, whoever did this can strike again at any time and he needs to be very careful. Shawn says that they have technology that can clear the footage and zoom and slow down. He asks for that footage, and after the accident, we see a figure standing over Shawn's body, we see that it was, in fact, Triple H, standing over Shawn Michael's bloodied body! HOLY SHIT! SWERVE! Shawn looks straight down at Triple H from the big screen and says "It was you, Hunter!" We then get this 20 seconds of silent pause before Triple H says “Your damn right it was me†He was trying to prove a point. The point is that Shawn is weak. That's why Shawn needs Triple H, so he can protect Michaels. He could have protected Shawn, but no, his pride wouldn't let that happen. He could have crippled Michaels, but he stopped. No one else would have stopped. They would have crippled him. Then what would Shawn do? What would he do if he couldn't walk anymore? Michaels says that the doctors have told him that he'll make a full recovery, and that he'll be at 100% soon. In fact, he'll be ready by SummerSlam. Triple H laughs and then asks if that is some kind of a challenge? Shawn replies with "Your damn right." Triple H asks what Shawn is gonna do? Talk him to death? Face facts. He can't wrestle anymore, his career is over. "HBK is DEAD!â€:mark: Whether anyone likes it or not, there's a new game in town, and this time he won't stop. If Michaels goes through with this match, he will finish the job. He will cripple Shawn's ass. What if, when it's all over, Shawn can't walk anymore, can't pick up his two year-old son anymore, and can’t hold his wife anymore? What if he can't satisfy his wife anymore as a man? Shawn tells Triple H to stop talking about his wife and kids. He can't wrestle like he could; he's no longer the Show Stopper. But he can still fight.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 08/08/2002
Richmond, Virgina

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Kurt Angle vs. John Cena
On the same level if not better than their first match together, due to Kurt knowing he's wrestling Cena tonight so he was more prepared. And had counters to what Cena threw at him in the first match when he tried to use them in this one. I also liked that Kurt was still pissed at losing to Hulk last week and has to face a rookie this week so he was more aggressive with moves, but Cena did get his moves but Kurt would cut him off and it was always at the perfect time. The match ends when Cena throws Angle outside the ring and waits in the middle of the ring, but Chris Benoit appears out of nowhere and puts Cena in the Crippler Crossface. Rey Mysterio runs down and hits Benoit with a hurancanrana out to the floor. But Eddie Guerrero runs in when he comes in from the crowd to take out Rey with a spinning backbreaker. Suddenly, Edge runs down to make the save, hitting the Edge-cution on Guerrero followed up with a spear on Angle, knocking him off the ring apron. Edge, Rey & Cena celebrate in the ring. ***

Backstage, Mark Lloyd asks Benoit & Guerrero why they left RAW for Smackdown! And Guerrero says that they are the 'homies' who were beating Hogan & Rock last week. Guerrero calls Benoit the "master of submission" Angle comes over and says he's the master of making people tap and ask what the deal was out there. Kurt then calls himself the "master of submission" and says that he was about to make Cena tap if Benoit & Guerrero didn't butt in. Benoit says Cena had him beat, and he was about to get counted out. Benoit then says that that is why he and Guerrero like Smackdown, because of the competition. Angle challenges him to a match, but Eddie keeps the peace and saying the three of them should team up tonight against Cena, Edge & Rey. All 3 men agree and Kurt says "master of submission"

Mark Henry vs. Reverend D-Von (w/ Deacan Batista)
Standard stuff here, Mark was throwing him around for a bit and D-Von was bumping like he wanted that IC title. Mark wins with a Running Powerslam. Post-Match: Batista and D-Von attack Mark, but Rikishi runs out for the save. D-Von holds Batista back, and Rikishi gets on the microphone and tells D-Von to "let him go"! So he does and Batista hits the ring and we have a match! *

Rikishi vs. Deacan Batista (w/ Reverend D-Von)
Batista didn’t look impressive at all here, his rookieness was on full show here and Rikishi was AWFUL! The match ends when D-Von tries to interfew but accidentally punches Batista, which allows Rikishi to hit a superkick a pin him, giving Batista his first loss in the WWE. Post-Match: Rikishi leaves the ring and celebrates and Batista confronts D-Von. DUD!

Backstage, Brock tells Heyman that he's going to Hulk Hogan's dressing room. But Heyman tries to talk him out of it. Brock charged into Hogan's locker room and asked if he really wanted his career to end tonight. Hogan says that Brock is still very young and if he was Brock, he'd put his title shot on the line tonight to prove a point, and Brock accepted. Heyman goes nuts yelling at Brock for letting Hogan "play him" Brock yells back suggesting Heyman has lost confidence in him, so he leaves and Heyman storm through a set of door. On the other side of the hallway, Nidia and Torrie were fighting and Noble and agents pulled them apart. Billy Kidman runs in an attack Noble. The fighting continues until refs break it up.

The Hurricane & Shannon Moore vs. Billy & Chuck (w/ Rico)
I refuse to watch a match that involves that piece of shit Shannon Moore and those two fuck faces Billy & Chuck.

Cena, Edge & Rey talk about their match tonight. Edge says the three of them are called the future of SD, but he says the future is now. Edge says he wants Guerrero and Benoit after last week, and as for Angle, Rey stops him there and says he's got Angle tonight. Rey walks off, and they're like "lolwat".

Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, and Eddie Guerrero vs. John Cena, Edge, and Rey Mysterio
Benoit and Eddie have a theme mix :mark: It starts off with the "LATINO HEAT!" line then goes into the Benoit theme song. YES! This got maybe 10 at max and it fuckin' ruled, Benoit, Eddie and Kurt's heat segments on Cena and Rey was AWESOME! Just brutally beating the shit out of them and with every heel tag during the heat-segment the next heel in would try and be more brutal and physical than the last guy, it was like they were playing a game with whatever you-can-do-I-can-do-more violenter. Edge's hot was great too as he's really coming into his own at this point and was just on fire with everything just connecting smoothly. This match also had a ridiculously hot stretch, with. Edge back body dropping Benoit then spears Guerrero. Angle goes for a suplex but Edge counters it. Edge receives a German suplex from Benoit. Guerrero delivers a delayed suplex to Mysterio. Angle hits the angle slam on Cena. Mysterio hits a 619 on Angle then a hurracanrana and pins Angle for the win. ***1/2 - ***3/4

Heyman enters Stephanie's office and tries to convince her to overturn the 'title shot' stipulation in Brock vs. Hogan, but Steph says that she thought it was a great stipulation and makes it official.

Mark Lloyd meets up with Kurt who is outraged. He asks Kurt about the "unexpected outcome" Kurt says that he can't believe he just got pinned by a 12 year old, and that referees have been screwing him left and right lately. Mysterio was the illegal man not to mention and illegal immigrant. Angle says Mysterio should have the integrity to forfeit the match. And he's going to break Rey's ankle!

Mixed Tag Match: Jamie Noble and Nidia vs. Kidman and Torrie Wilson
Noble and Nidia come over to the announcers and Nidia flaunts herself to Cole. The match on lasts for a minute and the match ends when Nidia whips Torrie into the ropes, Noble grabs her leg tripping her up which allows Nida to cradle pin her. *


Backstage, Dawn Marie enters Stephanie McMahon's office and finds Stacy Keibler. She asks her where Stephanie is. Stacy says she has been looking for Dawn. Stacy says for Dawn to give the papers to her. Dawn says no because they are important legal documents. Stacy mentions that Vince is in the Presidential suite at the hotel. Stacy tells Dawn "don't even think about it!" Stacy she says she has screwed up lately but she wants to take the papers and give them to Stephanie. Dawn gives the papers to Stacy and makes her promise to give them to Stephanie. Dawn leaves the office as Stacy hides the papers under the couch.

Stephanie comes into the office and asks if Dawn was here? Stacy tells Steph that Dawn was here and said something about meeting Vince at the hotel. Stephanie apologizes to Stacy for yelling at her last week and says she has been doing a good job, and that she appreciates Stacy's efforts around here. Steph leaves the office again, with a grinning Stacy on the couch still. Suddenly Eric Bischoff comes out from behind a fake tree asks if she's got'em? Stacy hands the papers over to Eric Bischoff, who opens it up and laughs in approval. :lmao

Mark Lloyd interviews Hulk Hogan; Mark asks if Hogan thinks he has what it takes to beat Lesnar. Hogan says Lesnar maybe a bit stronger than he and Hogan says Lesnar might be 25 and he may be older. But Hogan says that there are 15,000 Hulkamaniacs ready to cheer for him. He says the Hulkamaniacs brought him from the bottom to the top. Hogan says that it’s Hulkamania that is unstoppable not Lesnar. He says he will need the Hulkamaniacs to help him beat Lesnar tonight for a chance to get his title back. Hogan says that if he has what it takes to beat Lesnar is not the question that needs to be asked. Hogan asks what Lesnar is gonna do when 15,000 Hulkamaniacs run wild on him.

Hulk Hogan vs. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
This was all BROCK! As he was good on offense and sold all of Hogan's awful shit, but the real problem with this match was Hogan kept no-selling the offense, so when get got to the finish of him bleeding out of the mouth due to the bear hug it was pretty anti-clinical. Post-Match: Brock & Heyman start to leave, but Brock decides to come back, he gets a steel chair from ringside and enters the ring again. Hogan struggles to his feet only to have Lesnar smash the chair over his head. Hogan is busted open and bloodied by the chairshot, as the crowd chants for the Rock. Heyman gets into the ring and tries to get Lesnar to leave the ring and they do, Brock leaves again, and then returns to the ring to grab Hogan's bloody head and yell at him! Brock whips Hogan's blood across his own chest as a sign of AWESOMENESS! **1/4

Last edited:


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 08/12/2002
Seattle, Washington

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Tag Team Champions: The Un-American's
WWE Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar came down the aisle to find their seats in the front row. Brock Lesnar is wearing a Hulkamania shirt AWESOME! Bischoff yells at the security people to throw Heyman and Lesnar, but their too scared.

Triple H comes to the ring who seems to be in "Need to impress my hero Ric Flair because he's on RAW now. And I want to be him" Mode by wearing a polo shirt and dress pants. He gets on the mic and says; he has heard people say how upset and disappointed in him they were, after he attacked his best friend Shawn Michaels. To set the record straight: they were never best friends. He used Shawn to get to the top, just like Shawn used him to stay at the top. He's held more titles, and headlined more PPV that Michaels ever could have and he's better than Shawn Michaels was even in his prime. Triple H then says that the chant of “TRIPLE H!†over the months has made him sick! He heard everyone erupt when they came out as DX three weeks ago, and that's why he did it. It's those same cheers that have eaten away at him, made him soft and weak to the point where he could be beaten by a piece of crap like Hogan. The reality is: the fans used Triple H. He gave them a little bit of himself, and they ate it up. Every day he gave more of himself, and every day he became weaker. That's why today, it all stops. Triple H then says “you’re pissed off, it's because he's telling the truth. Just like he told Shawn the truth" He's coming to SummerSlam not to win, not to fight, but to maim Shawn Michaels. He has ended careers in this ring, and Shawn's will be no different. Shawn wants to show his son how to be a man? Well when this is all done, Shawn can pick up his son, put him in his lap in the wheelchair, and point at Triple H. Suddenly the Rock's music hits and he comes to the ring, and asks if Lesnar wants to come here and play mind games with his big fat walrus cheerleader? Brock may have a front row ticket, but he also has a ticket for a Brahma Bull Asswhoopin. And that ticket isn't for yesterday, it's for tonight! Triple H cuts in and asks Rock who the hell he thinks he is? Rock says that he's the guy that will tie up his shoes and whoop some ass if he keeps getting interrupted. But The Rock is the most electrifying man is sports and entertainment, the Brahma Bull, the People's Champ. And he's one thing Triple H isn't: Undisputed Champion, bitch. :lmao Triple H says that Rock left out one fact, that Rock is the guy who's going to get his ass kicked in that ring! Rock enters the ring and asks Triple H if he wants to "go"? Triple H vs. The Rock one more time? And Triple H says he would looooove to "go" Triple H attacks Rock, the two exchange punches until Rock starts getting the best of him. All of a sudden Brock Lesnar jumps the rail and gets on the apron, distracting Rock. Which allows Triple H attacks Rock and nails him with the Pedigree? Brock leaves through the crowd and Triple H goes up the ramp.

In the back, Rock is in Bischoff's office. Rock is demanding Eric to give him Brock Lesnar, but Eric says Brock has already left the building and he doesn't even work for RAW. Rock says that if he can't have Brock then he wants Triple H! Bischoff says that's a PPV quality match and he doesn't want to do it, but Rock convinces him to think long and hard about it.

Trish Stratus & Spike Dudley vs. Molly Holly & Chris Nowinski
Trish Stratus comes out for an intergender tag match, but before anyone else can enter, she asks Fink for the mic. She says she has something for him, and with that, slaps Howard out of the ring. That, she says, was for Lillian. As Spike comes out, we get video of earlier today when Nowinski asked why Spike was never able to "finish the job" with Molly. Spike walks off and Nowinski tells a worker that Molly will soon be his vale-DICK!-torian. :lmaolmao This match was pretty bad but could have been way worse. The match ends when Nowinski counters the Acid Drop and hits a double under hook reverse DDT. *1/4

In the back, Goldust approaches Bischoff and says that if Booker can beat Lance Storm tonight, how about they get a Tag Title Shot at SummerSlam. Bischoff agrees, and finds 'mini-dust' humping his leg!


Eric Bischoff is talking with RVD and the Hardyz. Bischoff says that RVD is going to get his Intercontinental Title shot at SummerSlam that was guaranteed to him. Matt says that since RVD lost the Title, he wants a shot. Bischoff says that RVD was guaranteed the shot, so Matt asks for a shot at the guaranteed shot. Bischoff says he could just as easily give it to Jeff. So he flips a coin and claims that Jeff won, so Jeff will face RVD for an IC Title shot at SummerSlam.

Lance Storm vs. Booker T
Good, fun wrestling match, I just wish it would have gotten more time. Everything was just solid and well put together with no wasted moves. The match ends when Booker hits the Spinaroonie and goes for the scissors kick, but Christian pulls him down. Storm rolls him up 1-2-kickout, sending Storm into a Goldust punch. Christian attacks Goldust, allowing Booker to hit the scissors kick for the 3 count. Post-Match: Test runs down and attacks Booker T Goldust tries to help but they are outnumbered until The Undertaker runs down and helps Booker & Goldust chases them off. Goldust jumps the rail and chases Christian through the crowd, but Mini-dust tries to follow Goldust but cannot get over the guard rail! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! **1/4


Back from the commercial break, and Bischoff has Mini-dust in the ring with him. He says he has an announcement that concerns his friends. Tonight's Raw will see a huge main event: an eight-man tag. The Un-Americans & Triple H vs. the Undertaker, Booker T, Goldust & the Rock. And says that's why Raw is better than Smackdown, because the people get what they want. And the people want Mini-Dust. He tells Mini-Dust to entertain the fans, so he does a cartwheel then a spinerooni. Bischoff says Mini-Dust's 3 minutes are just about up! SO Rosey & Jamal hit the ring and stand opposite him, then run towards each other, sandwiching him AWESOME! they each grab the hands and legs, lift Mini-Dust up and then violently slam him back down to the mat. DOUBLE FUCKIN' AWESOME! Jamal then goes up to the top rope with Mini-Dust over his shoulder and hits a Super Powerslam. Bischoff says that they are out of control and should go to their rooms, leaving poor Mini-Dust motionless in the ring. As Bischoff reaches the top of the ramp, he says he has the real entertainment. Let him introduce his newest acquisition: Stacy Kiebler! Stacy comes out on the stage and quickly strips off her skirt, revealing some bright red panties. King calls her over and she begins dancing on top of the announce table. FUCK YEAH!


Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Ric Flair & Bubba Ray Dudley
Show was pretty awful here, when he wasn't in the match it was super fun and entertaining bit as soon as he got it he slowed it down and was just bad. The Jericho/Flair interactions was great, Flair was really on his game here and was really bumping like crazy for both men. Show whips Flair into the barrier, but Flair flips Show over that same barrier. Jericho low blows Bubba and locks on the Walls, Bubba has no choice to tap out! Post-match: Jericho begins to attack Flair, but the Nature Boy takes Jericho down and pulls his pants off. He starts to apply the Figure Four, Show gets on the apron and Flair leaves the ring. **1/2

In the back, Jericho says in addition to his band Fozzy playing at next week's Raw, he wants to show how talented he is by kicking the absolute hell out of that "has-been" Ric Flair at SummerSlam. He will show to everyone that he is the King of the World.

Shawn Michaels' Tribute Video.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy
This winner of this will face Chris Benoit at SummerSlam. They do their usual crazy bumping but this time no ridiculous weapons. At one point in the match Jeff runs the rails, but RVD trips him up and causes him to fall off, he then Jeff runs the rails, but RVD trips him up and causes him to fall off. The match ends when RVD climbs the ropes, so he and Jeff are both on the top rope but Jeff punches RVD down into the referee. Jeff attempts to do the swanton bomb, Matt Hardy comes into the ring, helps his brother up, and then hits him with the TWIST OF FATE!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What is this the 3rd time this year Matt has turned on him, anyway Matt leaves and RVD hits the Frog Splash to win. *1/2


In the back, Terri asks the Un-Americans about having to defend the Titles against Booker T and Goldust. Christian says it turns their stomachs to see a "jive-talkers and freaks" become the role models for children. It just shows why they are the United States of Embarrassment. Test says that he talked to Bischoff and he gets Undertaker at SummerSlam.

In the production truck, Eric Bischoff yells at Kevin Dunn for running a Smackdown! Promo, but Dunn says they didn't air it. It was a paid commercial advertising their main event. Bischoff says that if they want to advertise a main event, they should try next week's Raw, when the Main Event will be The Rock vs. Triple H!

The Rock, The Undertaker, Booker T & Goldust vs. The Un-Americans & Triple H
I totally forgot how great this was, hell I even forgot the match even existed. This is quite possible Triple H's best showing so far, and I've said this numerous times he work as a heel is a million times better than when he does that babyface stuff. The crowd was super into this and it made everyone in the match work that extra hard to get it over. The action was fast-paced and jammed with great mini-stories. Like the history between Taker/Triple H and Rock/Triple H, this even had great action between Triple H and Booker T during Booker’s heat segment which was really good and it lead to Taker's hot tag, which fuckin' ruled too, as he's just like Triple H but opposite. He works a million times better when he's a babyface and not a heel. At one point everyone began to brawl! And the finish happens when Taker tries to choke slam Test but Triple H hits a low blow on Taker, Test sets up for the pump handle slam, but Booker breaks that up. Taker tries to slam Triple H, who reverses it into an attempted Pedigree which was broken up by Rock. He knocks Triple H out of the ring and rock bottoms Test in the middle of the ring, Rock goes to cover Test but Triple H pulls Rock out of the ring and Taker gets back up and blocks Lance Storm's superkick. And hits Storm with a chokeslam, Taker then goes to powerbomb Christian, but Test kicks Taker in the face and covers him for the win. ***1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 08/15/2002
Seattle, Washington

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come down to the ring, and Heyman gets on the MIC. While BROCK! is wearing the "Hulkamania" t-shirt again. Lesnar ripped off the Hulk shirt in a Hogan like fashion as Heyman began to speak. Heyman says he guess that saying prayers and taking vitamins didn’t do much good for Hogan. Heyman gave us a dramatic run down of the match between Lesnar and Hogan then they replayed the footage from the match where Lesnar delivered the F-5, gave Hogan a shot to the head with a chair then wiped Hogan's blood on his chest. Heyman recounts after the match that Hogan refused help to stand with video of Hogan struggling to stand with using the ring ropes. He says nobody has been man enough to end Hulk Hogan's career, until now. Hulk Hogan was merely a 'stepping stone' in Lesnar's career and that Brock did that to send a message to the Rock. Heyman then says that "the blood of Hulkamania is on Brock Lesnar's hands, just like the people's blood will be on Brock's hands at Summerslam". Lesnar gets on the mic and says just like he ended Hogan's carrier, he will end the Rock's title reign at Summerslam. Suddenly Rikishi's music hits and he comes to the ring. :lmao Heyman tries warning Rikishi to not get into the ring but he doesn't listen and he get onto the ring apron. Heyman says that their match is scheduled for later and he won't let them fight now, he continues to insult Rikishi until he rips the mic from his hands. Rikishi says that tonight in Seattle, Rikishi is gonna back that ass up and the make Heyman kiss it. Rikishi then enters the ring and Lesnar attacks Rikishi but Rikishi fights back and throw Brock out of the ring. Rikishi turns his attention to Paul Heyman, and sets Heyman up for the stinkface but Lesnar pulls Heyman from the ring.

Shannon Moore, The Hurricane and Hardcore Holly vs. Billy & Chuck and Rico
Refuse to watch this, I dislike 5 of the guys and really hate the 6th. FUCK YOU! MOORE! I watch the Post-Match: when Matt Hardy's music hits and Matt runs down to the ring to help out. He hugs Hurricane & Shannon Moore and shakes Holly's hand.

Backstage, Stephanie McMahons is with Dawn Marie in her office. Dawn apologizes to Steph for screwing up last week, Stephanie tells her to shut up because she doesn't know what she is even apologizing. She says the papers Dawn lost to that "mole" Stacy, last week was Rob Van Dam's contract for the rematch of the Intercontinental Title. She said she was going to shred the papers so RVD would never see them and now she can’t because Dawn screwed up. And now Chris Benoit has to give RVD a title shot at Summerslam. Stephanie says at least she signed Matt Hardy and outsmarted Bischoff by buying commercial time on Raw. She then tells Dawn to start dressing more professionally, and if she ever screws up again, SHE'S FIRED! She then tells Dawn to bring Chris Benoit to her office.

Matt Hardy, Hurricane, Shannon Moore & Hardcore Holly are celebrating backstage. Matt Hardy is excited about his appearance on Smackdown. He says he is glad to be with Moore and Hurricane again and will always be there for them and there is no thanks needed. Matt says that Smackdown is definitely ready for Matt Hardy. Version 1! :mark:

Benoit comes in Steph's office; she says she can't believe how her staff screwed up with the title match papers. She says that she knows that he will win the title battle with RVD at Summerslam. She says she knows that Benoit will make RVD tap. Also, she says that tonight Benoit will face the Rock and she knows that he will make him tap as well. :mark:

Mark Lloyd interviews Kurt Angle. He asks Mysterio about pinning him last week. Angle says that just because Mysterio clocked him from behind doesn't mean anything. Rey is a cheater, and cheaters never win, so the pin doesn't count! Rey Mysterio enters and Kurt says that you gotta be 'at least this high' to talk to him :lmao Rey says if his win last week didn't count, then to wrestle him at Summerslam so Rey can make it count! Angle laughs, and then realizes that Mysterio is serious. He asks what Mysterio will take him on in, he suggests dwarf tossing. Mysterio says he wants to show Angle that he can beat him. Angle makes a few more 'little man' jokes at Rey's expense. Until Mark Henry enters and asks who Angle is calling a little man. Angle asks if Henry is the world’s strongest man in weightlifting or body order. Angle says he wants to take Henry on in a match tonight. Henry agrees.

Kurt Angle vs. Mark Henry
The match starts with Mark overpowering Kurt so Kurt tries to out wrestle him and once that doesn't work he resorts to punches, but Mark still overpowers him and has Mark against the ropes he gets cocky and hits this running ass leap but he "lands wrong" on the ankle and this allow Kurt to take over with some violent chop blocks and leg work. At one point in the match Mark goes for a black bear hug but Kurt counters with a drop toehold and into the Ankle lock. But Mark gets out the match eventually ends when he gets him in the Ankle lock again and Mark taps. Post-Match: Angle keeps the hold on for a few additional records. Rey Mysterio runs down and hits a top rope hurancanrana on Angle he flips over awkwardly, splitting the top of his head open Hard-way! Rey then hits a 619 on Angle. **1/2


Eric Bischoff does a Subway and RAW commercial :lmao

Rikishi vs. Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman)
Rikishi got way too much offense in against a guy who just KILLED "HULKAMANIA" last week and has a Title shot against the Rock on a major PPV. Brock's arm work was pretty fun while it lasted. I love how he worked it for like a minute then realized FUCK THIS! I'M BROCK LESNAR! And just started throwing him around, of course Rikishi no sold any of this during his shitty comeback. The match ends when Rikishi gives Heyman the stink face and Heyman selling it before and after it happen is GOAT worthy and the crowd pop for it was huge. Anyway this allows Lesnar gets in the ring and F-5 him for the win. **

Torrie Wilson is stretching for her match :homer: Then a hype Summerslam video airs to show all the matches.

Backstage, Funaki is attempting an interview with Nidia but she keeps trying to hit on him. He tries to ask about her thoughts on the match she has tonight with Torrie Wilson. Nidia says that she knows Funaki isn't there to talk about Torrie but to talk about hot she is. Nidia would rather talk about her own breasts & butt. In the background we hear a major argument going on, Nidia forces Funaki to touch her breast! Suddenly D-Von comes flying through a door followed by Batista. Batista looks down at D-Von and says "There's your respect!" That didn't last long :(

Torrie Wilson (w/Billy Kidman) vs. Nidia (w/Jamie Noble)
Torrie was hawt, Jamie is hilarious, and that is all. Oh Nidia has quite the rack on her too. Noble hits a clothesline on Torrie and covers her for the win. Suddenly, Kane's pyro and music hits but Kane does not appear. WHAT?


Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge and Rey Mysterio
Really fun tag match, it was really text book with Eddie being magnificent and Chavo trying to be him but it wasn't working, the mini-Heat segment on Edge was alright but Eddie wasn't the brutal fuck he normally is. Rey's hot tag was really fun while it lasted but Eddie managed to turn it around with a sweet powerbomb, which lead to a better heat segment on Rey and an even better hot tag by Edge. The match ends when Mysterio hits the 619 on Chavo. Angle comes out of nowhere and gets the angle lock on Mysterio. The ref calls for the DQ. Edge comes over for the save but Eddie attacks him, Edge Irish-whips Eddie into the ring barricade then Spears him into it. Angle throws Mysterio in the ring and gets the Angle lock in again. Chavo kicks Mysterio s head. Edge gets back in the ring and takes out Chavo with a Spear then gives another to Edge. **3/4

The Rock vs. Chris Benoit
This was just the normal Benoit/Rock AWESOMENESS! The chemistry is just off the charts. Benoit wasn't in "KILL, KILL, KILL" mode here he wrestled a slower and more methodical pace, like he just wanted to make it last for as long as possible. But Rock kept cutting him off with maybe 3/4 moves of awesome energy comebacks but Benoit would hit a huge suplex, backbreaker and take over. Benoit did decide to work the arm tonight with was nice as he said in an interview earlier he wanted to make him tap. But that didn't last long I think he only got in an arm bar but Rock got out of it. He even busted out the FLYING HEADBUTT the first time he's used it since he's been back :mark: Late in the match they do some really good back and forth, wrestling and had some real nice counters. The match ends when Benoit knocks down Rock with a running back elbow to the jaw, but he NO-SELLS it and kips up to his feet and hits a Spinebuster and goes for the people s elbow but Lesnar comes out. And Rock jumps out of the ring and has a faceoff with BROCK! This allows Benoit to attack him from behind and roll him into the ring, and apply the Crossface, but now Rock got the ropes. (AWESOME PLAY OFF THE MATCH 2 WEEKS AGO) Benoit gives him some violent elbows but Rock recovers and hits the Rock Bottom for the win, fuckin' awesome 11 minute match. ***3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 08/19/2002
Norfolk, Virginia

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Tag Team Champions: The Un-American's
WWE Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer

The Undertaker comes out to open the show and he gets on the mic. And says that he's never been one to make his political opinions public. And he may not be the poster child for the All-American boy, but just like his country, he doesn't take “NO SHIT" LIVE on air :lmao That's why he's proud to be a man, and proud to be an American. Only in America can a man like him be a man like him. If he wants to be a tattooed fire-breathing dragon, he can do it. He can do what he wants and say what he wants as long as he can back it up with his fists.

Then all of a sudden the tape cuts to the X-men animation show for like 6 seconds :lmao then if finally changes over and Taker says he has a problem with people who come into our country and abuse our freedoms. He's talking about people who aren't even citizens of the United States: The Un-Americans, especially Test. He isn't afraid to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. He's also not afraid to take Test and make an example of him, not just for the fans, but for people around the world. He's going to show everyone what happens when you screw with America. Taker then says that he's not the "all American boy" but he is an "AMERICAN BADASS" Taker's music hits again, but Test comes out on a sport bike with the upside-down flag stuck to the back. Test gets in the ring and gets right in the Undertaker's face. He takes the mic from Taker and says that not only does America suck, but Undertaker does too! Taker hits him, and Lance and Christian run down for a 3-on-1. But, Booker T and Goldust run out to save. Booker stops them and says that they aren't through. Everyone knows that SummerSlam is Sunday night, but the way he sees it, they might as well start tonight. How about a little six-man tag, if they can dig it.

Hardcore Battle Royal
Jeff Hardy is coming down the ramp, but already in the ring are Terri, Bradshaw, Bubba, Johnny Stamboli, Tommy Dreamer, Shawn Stasiak, Steven Richards, Crash & little Spike are in the ring. Eric Bischoff comes out and says that he called them out to tell them that the 24/7 rule is history. Everyone in the ring is a previous Hardcore Champion, including Terri. So whoever is Champion at the end of the next six minutes will be the final 24/7 Champion. Terri immediately runs away :lmao :lmao Anyway this was a fun little Hardcore Battle Royal, this thing was too clusted to call, I think the title changed hands 12 times. Time runs out and Tommy Dreamer is your WWE Hardcore Champion! Suddenly, Kane's pyro hits and it says MY PATH IS CHOSEN on the tron. LET’S MOVE ON!

In the back, Stacy says that she thinks Eric is going to give her a title shot. Bischoff comes in and says that no one really cares about women's wrestling. They do, however, like T&A. So tonight, they will have a bra and panties match in the mud. They better go get dressed or undressed rather, because they're next. :lmao

Bra & Panties-Mud Wrestling Match: Trish Stratus vs. Stacy Keibler
Best match Mud wrestling match I've ever seen, 69 STARS! Post-match: Trish shoves Howard "The Coward" Finkel in the mud.


In the back, A female crew member runs up to the Rock with a package. She says that it's a package from Paul Heyman. Rock asks what it could be. Viagra, Rogaine, Twinkies? Ass Fetish Weekly? Then Rock realizes it is from Paul Heyman and not to Paul Heyman. Rock introduces himself to the worker, and his leg starts shaking. She stares, and the Rock says it has a mind of its own and starts rubbing his crotch. The woman walks off and Rock opens the package, but throws it down immediately. He walks off, and the camera sees that it was just pictures of Brock KILLING! Hogan.

Triple H comes to the ring and gets on the mic. He's wearing a salmon polo :mark: but now he has a clipboard. He says nine times out of ten what takes place in the ring is strictly business. That's the way he does it. It's all about business, except for this time. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H? It's personal, very personal. But as much as he wants to fight Shawn at SummerSlam, unless Shawn finishes up the paperwork, there won't be a match. He sent these papers to Shawn, but he hasn't gotten a single one of them signed. And until they're finished, there won't be a match. You see, these papers hold him harmless. They say that when, not if, Triple H leaves Shawn in a bloodied mess in the ring and in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, he cannot be held legally responsible. In short, he can do whatever he wants to Shawn without fear. So if Shawn wants his chance to shine, he had better sign the papers. Tonight, he knows Shawn is watching, and he knows Brock Lesnar is watching as well. He's sure Brock is watching with great anticipation, waiting to see the two greatest franchise players in the industry go up against each other. Tonight it is Triple H and the Rock, The Game and the Great One. But the Title is not on the line. But you know what is? The Rock's ass, and that's what entices Brock. Triple H then says that Bischoff has made his match with Rock a NO DQ match. Triple H is going to send Shawn Michaels a message through the Rock; he will leave just a little bit for Brock Lesnar. And so when Brock shows up on next week's Raw as the new Undisputed Champion, he should know one thing: Triple H is waiting. Tonight, Brock and Shawn need to watch, but if he were Shawn, he wouldn't let his wife or kid watch. Suddenly Chris Jericho's music hits and he comes out on the stage. Jericho says he's sorry for interrupting Triple H's speech, saying it must not feel very good. Triple H says it doesn't feel too good, but it feels better than getting your ass kicked at WrestleMania. Jericho feigns laughter, saying it must be Hunter Hearst Hilarious. Jericho says he came out here to of all things, agree with Triple H. They share an intense hatred for each other. They're both going into SummerSlam to face opponents who are just washed-up old has-beens. In fact, they're almost exactly alike, except that Jericho has a lot more talent, and he'll prove it when his band Fozzy plays live tonight. Actually, maybe they don't have much in common. Jericho has a much easier opponent at SummerSlam. Flair has one-tenth of Jericho's talent, one-tenth of his charisma, and one-tenth of his legendary status. At SummerSlam, it's going to be Flair, the washed-up loser, against Jericho, the Undisputed King of the World! With this, Flair comes out with a garbage can, which he empties out, nails Jericho in the head with, and the puts over Y2J's body. Flair then pushes Jericho down and watches as he starts to roll down the ramp. Flair says it's only fitting, for all the trash Jericho is talking. :lmao

The Un-Americans vs. Undertaker, Booker T & Goldust
Really fuckin' short, I think it was like 4 and half minutes long, Taker was barely in it. The Heat-Segment on Booker was alright, when Lance and Christian was working on him, Test still sucks but the match really got fun when Goldust got the hot tag. The match ends when Christian hits Goldust with a title belt and picks up the win. **1/4

Backstage, Eric Bischoff tells RVD how important the IC Title is and that he has the chance at SummerSlam to take the Intercontinental Title from Benoit and Smackdown and bring it back to Raw. Big Show steps in and says he should be getting the IC title shot! RVD says it's because he's a tool. Show says he's 7'4 and 500 pounds; he's a giant. RVD counters and says that it just makes him a giant tool. Big Show wants a shot at RVD for the title shot. RVD said he'd do it! Bischoff then says that RVD is the one who has the title shot clause, and RVD isn't going to wrestle tonight because he wants him to be 100%. RVD says that he wants a tune-up match anyway. So Bischoff gives them the match but the title shot is not on the line and the match had better be completely clean. WHAT?

Terri asks Ric Flair what his announcement was three weeks ago. Flair says that whatever it was, it's put on the back burner; he says he is focused on Chris Jericho now! Flair then gets hit with a trashcan and Jericho appears, ramming Flair into the interview set. Jericho screams at the bloodied Flair how it feels to embarrass him.

Rob Van Dam vs. The Big Show
Really fun Big-Man vs. Little-Man match with RVD using his quickness to piss off show, which lead to him playing dirty and using what's outside of the ring was weapons, E.G. Throwing RVD into the barrier and ringpost. The match ends when Show brings the steps in, but Bischoff comes out and yells what the hell Show thinks he's doing and says his THREE MINUTES! Are up, so Jamal & Rosey come out of the crowd and attacks Big Show for the DQ.

In the back, Coach asks Rock about the match becoming No DQ. Rock says he and Triple H go way back. He's beaten the Rock before, but Rock has beaten him even more. They go back to the nursery, when Baby Triple H would say that his diaper was that damn wet and Baby Rock would stick his rattle up with saggy-diaper wearing ass. Back to colonial days when George Rockinton went to Benedict Helmsley and said "I cannot tell a lie: you are a monkey's anus," and stuck the Constitution up his ass. Back to caveman days, when Caveman Triple H said "Fire Good" and Caveman Rock said "Club turned sideways stuck straight up your candy ass even better" Coach says that Paul Heyman sent a video that he wanted Rock to see. Rock says it's probably that walrus Heyman naked on the beach and that's why Coach wants to see it. The video is played, of all the times Lesnar has planted people with the F5. Coach says that there's a rumour that Heyman and Lesnar are here tonight, but it's just a rumour. Rock says he only deals with facts. Fact: Rock is the Undisputed Champion. Fact: Rock told Lesnar to just bring it, and Lesnar has brought nothing. And until Lesnar brings something, he will not be the Next Big Thing, but the Next Big Bitch. Fact: Just bring it, if ya smell what he's cookin. (FUCKIN' AWESOME PROMO)

Triple H enters Bischoff's office, and Bischoff tells Triple H that Michaels faxed the papers over. The release is granted. Bischoff says that even with the release, he's still responsible. Who will Vince go to when the WWE gets sued instead of Triple H? Bischoff. And so he's not going to sanction the match. As far as the WWE goes, formally, the match will not go on. Triple H says that it will go on, sanctioned or not.

Fozzy perform one song and is about to do another, but Flair runs out and chases the band off the stage. Jericho runs into the ring. And Flair is a bloody mess, but he proceeds to destroys Fozzy's equipment. Then runs down to the ring with a guitar! But Jericho escapes through the crowd. Flair smashes a guitar over the ringpost and it LEGIT hits a fan of the rebound.

In the back, Rock's phone rings, but he is too busy to answer it. In the arena, we see that Brock and Heyman are coming to their seats, and Heyman is on the phone. He says that he's on the People's Voicemail, so he might as well tell him that he and Lesnar have a strong interest in the match tonight. As we come back, Bischoff and a group of security are telling Lesnar and Heyman that if they even think about interfering in this match, they'll be thrown out.

NoDq Match: The Rock vs. Triple H
This wasn't HHH/Rock at all, something just felt off, I only real thing I liked about it was HHH's rib work and Rock's selling of it, But other than that It was just a vintage go-home Main Event match, at one point Triple H low blows Rock and tosses him out of the ring. Rock stumbles around while Triple H gets the stairs and rams them into Rock's face. Triple H rolls Rock back into the ring and then goes and pulls out his trusty sledgehammer. At the same time, Lesnar jumps the barrier, causing all security to turn towards him. Triple H tosses Hebner out of the ring and is about to hit Rock, when Shawn Michaels rushes the ring and knocks the sledgehammer out of his hands! Michaels knocks Lesnar off the apron, but Triple H clotheslines him down. Rock attacks Triple H and they battle into the corner while Lesnar runs in the ring, only to be Superkicked back out by HBK! Rock takes Triple H out and then gets on the turnbuckle to call for Lesnar to come back into the ring. Lesnar keeps walking through the crowd, so Rock jumps the barrier and chases after him. Meanwhile, the security guards help Triple H up off the floor. Michaels runs and leaps over the ropes, taking out The Game and the security guards. He attacks him up the ramp and then Superkicks him back down. **1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 08/22/2002
Fayetteville, North Carolina

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come down to the ring, Heyman says he would like the fans to consider the fact that Rock is the number 1 box office attraction in WWE history, the biggest star in Smackdown, the most sought after commodity in Hollywood, on the cover of people, featured on entertainment tonight, his fan following is without question second to none. Heyman says the people may think he is talking about the Rock, but those things used to apply to Hogan, whose career is now dead because of Lesnar. And Brock will do the same thing to the Rock at Summerslam. Heyman says before tonight is over, Lesnar and the Rock will collide. Brock says he feels the same way he felt the night he fought Hulk Hogan, and he's gonna make Rock cry like a little BITCH! Suddenly the Rock's music hits and he out comes out on the stage. Rock says that night after night he told Lesnar to bring it and so far Lesnar has brought nothing. He says tonight will be a night like no other. For tonight the Rock is gonna bring it to Lesnar. The crowd begins a Rocky chant. Rock says that as far as he is concerned about colliding with Lesnar tonight before the night is over, the night is already over, he then rushes towards the ring. Benoit and Guerrero attack from behind. Benoit puts Rock in the cross-face while Guerrero kicks at him. Lesnar mocks the Rock, telling him to just bring it.

Backstage, Edge arrives at the building but is attacked by Benoit and Guerrero.

The Hurricane and Shannon Moore vs. Tajiri and Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia)
FUCK! Now I have to watch a Moore match, AHHHHH! And what do you know Tajiri & Noble carry the shit out of this, Tajiri was on with everything his kicks and dickness was good. Knoble was great when he was wearing them down and he also took some, really, really good bumps. Hurricane looks like he's taken a step back as his shit isn't over like it was a year ago and he hasn't found that comedy timing like he would the next month when he was back on RAW. FUCK SHANNON MOORE and his flips. The match ends when Noble goes for a power bomb but Moore counters with a sunset flip and pins the champ. WHAT? Who’s booking this shit? Post-Match: all 4 men start brawling and Hurricane clears the ring by himself! Matt Hardy runs down to 'make the save' but his help is not needed, so he celebrates with Hurricane & Moore like he had something to do with it! YES! **1/2

Backstage, Stephanie yells at Benoit and Eddie for jeopardizing the main event at SummerSlam, and says that if the Rock can’t compete on Sunday, then they will have a dramatic pay cut. Benoit says that last week she wanted him to make the Rock tap; Stephanie says that he is right, but that was last week to send a message to RVD about the Intercontinental title. She then goes on about Guerrero attacking Edge. Suddenly Edge attacks both Benoit & Guerrero from behind and demands a match with Benoit/Guerrero against him and the Rock. TONIGHT! Stephanie agrees.

Matt Hardy is bragging about the reaction he got when he hit the ring to Hurricane and Moore. Hurricane calls Hardy the home town boy. Hardy says he gets that reaction everywhere and if he goes out now his reaction will be twice as loud. Matt Hardy goes out to the ring again to a decent reaction. Chavo Guerrero then comes out and challenges him to a match.

Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero
Really solid stuff here, nothing was over the top just well put together. Both men didn't waste moves, the selling was good. IDK what to say apart from it was good. The match ends when Hardy hits the second rope leg drop. And he goes for the twist of fate. But Kane s music hits and the "my path has been chosen" is on the tron, well this distracts Hardy long enough for Chavo to roll him up for the pin fall victory. Post-Match: Matt confronts the referee and says that "everybody knows when an explosion goes off in the building, the match stops! and Matt Hardy losing in North Carolina is the biggest travesty since Hebner screwed Brett Hart in Canada" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Heel V.1 Matt is great. **1/4

Backstage Funaki says after the commercial, he will go into the Woman's locker room!


At the announce table, Tazz says he’s rooting for Nidia tonight. Rey Mysterio joins them from backstage to talk about his match with Angle at SummerSlam. Rey says he pinned Angle two weeks ago, proving he can hang with the Olympic Hero. Angle says that Mysterio should grab a high chair or a booster seat or something and watch the match Angle requested against Mysterio’s fellow cruiserweight Billy Kidman to show Mysterio what he is in for at SummerSlam. Angle then says that if he sees Mysterio s mask during his match tonight, at SummerSlam he will not only beat Mysterio, he will also break his ankle.

Kurt Angle vs. Billy Kidman
This was actually really good and with every passing minute it got better until the Blue "GO-HOME" booking. They really did a good story in this match having Rey Mysterio pop up from under the stage, which distracts Kurt long enough to almost get him counted out. They continue with that story, which is Rey is in Kurt's head which allows Kidman to almost being able to pick up the win with a ton of close near falls. The best coming off a cradle pin. This also had some sweet counters and transitions, like when Kurt broke out of Kidman's attempt at a victory roll and countered it into the Anklelock. Then later in the match Kidman goes for the shooting star press, but Angle belly-to-belly's Kidman off the top rope! The match ends when Angle brings a steel chair into the ring, but Kidman drop kicks it into Angle's head, which gets a 2 count. Angle then hits the Angleslam. But Rey Mysterio comes out of nowhere and hits Angle with a Senton, so he chases Rey around the ring and backstage. The ref begins to count Angle out and he does eventually get to 10 giving Kidman the win. Post-Match: Kurt comes back to the ring and argues the call, but the ref doesn't want to hear it so Kurt goes after Kidman again, repeatedly punching him in the face and hits a German suplex. He then finishes Kidman off with an Angleslam over the top rope. ***

Backstage, Rock getting medical attention and Edge comes to check on him. Edge tells him that Benoit and Guerrero attacked him as well. Rock tells Edge that his ribs are sore but he would still compete even if he lost a testicle and nothing is going to keep him from taking on Lesnar at SummerSlam.

John Cena & Rikishi vs. Reverend D-Von & Deacon Batista
Angle advancement match as it looked like everything was good between D-Von and Batista but D-Von kept yelling at Batista; Batista eventually turns on D-Von, giving him the spinbuster in the middle of the ring. Batista then leaves the ring and goes backstage, leaving D-Von to get Bonzai dropped. 1/2*

Noble & Nidia are talking about Nidia's match. They see a big elderly man backstage. So Noble asks him if he wants a sneak peak of what the world will see later tonight, the man says yes, of course! And Nidia lifts her shirt and flashes the guy for several second.

WWE Women's Championship: Molly Holly vs. Nidia (w/ Jamie Noble)
Both girls tried, it wasn't very good. LET’S MOVE ON!

Stephanie McMahon comes out on the stage, she welcomes everybody to the greatest show on TV and it will be the all-time greatest Summerslam. And Smackdown superstars will STEAL THE SHOW!

Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit vs. The Rock and Edge
This wasn't on the level of their first match, but still a damn good match. All 4 men are just too AWESOME! And it really pisses me off that Rock decides to leave now especially with all the talent Smackdown had around this time. Anyway Eddie and Benoit working on Rock ribs was great and everything was pinpoint and violent. But was the star of this match and dare I say it, out main event babyface’ed Rock from his hot tag which was phenomenal and his bumping along with selling during his heat-segment, he has transformed himself into this ridiculously great babyface whose hot tag action is borderline MAIN EVENT level good. The match ends when Edge spears Guerrero and covers him for the pin. Post-Match: Brock Lesnar runs down and enters the ring, Edge & Rock stand face-to-face with Brock. But Rock signals for Edge to leave the ring, so he does but first he pats Rock on the back. The two yell at each other but their words, then they come to blows :mark: Lesnar drives his shoulder into Rock's ribs. Lesnar runs towards the Rock, but Rock battles back and Rock nails Brock, sending him over the top rope! Heyman grabs Lesnar to prevent him from going back into the ring. ***1/2 - ***3/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE SummerSlam 2002
Long Island, New York

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock
WWE Women's Champion: Molly Holly
WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
WWE Tag Team Champions: The Un-American's
WWE Hardcore Champion: Tommy Dreamer
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble

Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio
This was Rey's first WWE PPV match, and boy was it good. I love that booked it so Kurt was so pissed at Rey so Rey outsmarted him and hid under the ring and catch Kurt with a springboard head scissor from behind to start the match, from that we get a series of Mysterio flying around and just non-stop action for the entire 9 minutes which really brought the crowd to life. The match ends when Rey goes up to the top rope for a huricanrana, but Angle holds him and somehow manages to get the ankle lock on the way down, causing Rey to tap. ***1/2


Backstage, Stephanie McMahon sent a messenger to tell Eric Bischoff to “top that!†As she walks into her office she finds Bischoff in there. Eric says this is the only office and we should share. Stephanie agrees and they both try to outdo each other.

Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho
This didn't do anything for me, the match technically fine but Flair was just chops and attempting the figure-four all match. As for Jericho he has seemingly an "off-night" They didn’t play up the Jericho trying to out-cheat and show up the "Has-Been" Flair like he's been saying for the past 2 Raw’s. The crowd was dead for most of it too, which really hurt. The match ends when Flair chops Jericho right into the referee, allowing Flair to hit him with a low-blow and then apply the Figure Four, Jericho taps. **1/4

Lesnar is warming up, and Heyman asked if he saw something that. Paul Heyman is telling Lesnar that Hogan's career is dead thanks to Brock. He then tells Brock to murder The Rock’s title reign, Tonight, the Next Big Thing arrives.

Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero
Fuck yeah, this was good. But you know this wasn't the best match they would have. Eddie's arm work was beautiful, and Edge's selling of it was pretty awesome too. At one point in the match Eddie gives Edge the frog-splash on the arm because he's been working on it for the entire match to stop Edge from giving him the SPEAR, what a genius. The only thing that really bothered me about this was Eddie has been working on the arm with brutal and text book heel work, but Edge beats him with a single spear and it was the bad arm too. I'm so pumped for the NoDq Smackdown match coming up soon. ***1/2


The Un-Americans cut a promo saying they were unresponsive to world class athletes. Lance Storm said that the crowd would probably sit on their hands the entire match.

WWE Tag Team Champions: The Un-Americans (Lance Storm and Christian) vs. Booker T and Goldust
Textbook tag wrestling here at its finest, Storm & Christian used all the tricks in the book to keep the isolation period interesting and build up anticipation for the hot tag by Booker was extremely well done and Goldust selling well pretty epic too, man he was so underappreciated during this time I think everyone just remembers the comedy segments but this guy could work with the best of them when called upon 2002-2003 Goldust was the GOAT but some of the stuff he was doing during his last WWE run 2008-2010 on superstars with the young talent was pretty AWESOME too, you should really check it out. The match ends when Test does a run-in and boots Booker in the face, allowing Christian to pick up the win! ***

At WWF New York: Jamie Knoble makes Nidia makes out with some guy as he cheers her on. Elsewhere Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon talk about the interpromotional match coming up right now and who's gonna win.

WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit vs. Rob Van Dam
This was brutally good with RVD doing what he did against Eddie at Backlash, which is nothing and just Benoit to throw, chop, punch, suplex and beat the shit out of him for 3/4 of the match. Benoit was just brilliant throughout, controlling the match and working the shoulder hitting shoulderbreakers and he even hit the sweetest Northern Light Suplexes ever he hit maybe 3 in a row and just kept floating over the hit another one, and another FUCKIN' AWESOME! this that happen was Benoit applying the Crippler Crossface, and it looks like RVD is gonna grab the bottom rope, so what does Benoit do? Flips over and locks in a Dragon Sleeper. I LOVE THIS MAN! The match ends when RVD counters a top rope suplex into a cross body, he then goes up top again and hits a Five Star Frog-splash for the win. ***3/4

Backstage, Eric Bischoff is celebrated RVD’s bringing the Intercontinental title back to RAW. But Stephanie McMahon NO-SELLS it and laughs it off, leaving Eric confused.

The Undertaker vs. Test
Much better than I remembered it. When Test was motivated and was in the ring with the "right-person" he could be a really good big guy, I like that they didn't do the typical slow-big man vs. big-man route and do a bunch of rest holds to waste time, but instead keep it fast pace and add in some fun spots. Taker wins with the Tombstone. **1/4

Unsanctioned Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
This match still holds up, and is still my favourite HHH/HBK match. Every time Triple H hit a backbreaker or spinebuster or chair shot or whatever to Michael's back it was borderline cringe worthy even to this day. Because they told such a great story that anyone of these shots could be the last one, and Michaels wouldn’t walk out or even worse walk again, this was quite possible Triple H's best heel performance of all time and JR's commentary on this was magnificent. I even give credit to the GOAT Earl Hebner for selling everything, every time Triple H would get a weapon he would be freaking out and even if the match was "Unsanctioned" he didn't want to see another man get crippled in the middle of the ring. He even drops the line “KNOCK IT OFF! I’M SICK OF IT! I’M SICK OF EVERYTHING! THE CHAIR! THE HAMMER! KNOCK IT OFF!†:lmao As for Michaels what can i say love or hate the guy the man knows how to bring it when needed, the fact that he had the crowd in the arena and everyone watching at home in the palm of his hands for the full 30 minutes of this was phenomenal, from him selling the back and making the crowd feel sorry for him for ever coming back to the comeback with the kip-up and pulling out the ladder and pulling out the tables for spots and make the crowd believe HE'S NOT DONE! HOLY FUCK! The match ends when Michaels jumps off the ladder for the elbow and does for some sweet chin music, but Triple H would counter to attempt a Pedigree, then Michaels countered that into a roll-up and stole the win. Post-Match: Shawn celebrates but Triple H drills him in the back with the sledgehammer! Michaels is on his knees now and The Game drills him in the back again! He tells Shawn to suck it, Michaels gets stretchered out of the ringside area and JR is awesome here, as he really puts over how much of a DICK/ASSHOLE/SON-OF-A-BITCH! That this Triple H is. So yeah just an absolutely amazing match and story being told here…Considering HBK was gone for four years; this match was as close to perfect as you can get. ****3/4


Howard "THE COWARD" Finkle wants to get a few things off of his chest. This is the first pay-per-view that he has announced in this arena since WrestleMania 2. WWE fans will always have The Fink. Trish Stratus is out to interrupt. Trish apologizes for slapping him two weeks ago. And she has a surprise. Trish wants to start off with a hug but then Lillian Garcia comes out and slaps him then kicks him in the balls.

WWE Undisputed Champion: The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
This match still holds up too, the transformations in this match rules. From Rocking coming in as the huge babyface but then mid-match Rock did some questionable moves and the crowd realized well Rock is gonna be gone again, and that pisses us of so lets BOOOOOOO! This man and from that Rock began to work heel and start talking to himself, it was so AWESOME! But I wouldn't say this was all Rock as Brock was great here too, with every power move and bursts of exciting offense the crowd would get behind him more. This isn't Bret/Austin double turn level but its top 5, that's foreshore. This also has a ton of great spots and moments the first being the Rock being so pumped and wanting to get his hands on BROCK! so bad that he sprints to the ring and starts with punched but Brock catches him and nails him with a huge belly-to-belly to start, then minutes later both men get knocked down but do an EPIC double kip-up:mark: Heyman got involved way too often in the match, another awesome bumping moment for Brock was when Rock catapults Lesnar right into the ring post and bump/sell job was hilarious. Anyway that took Brock out of the match for a while allowing Rock to Rock bottom "THE GOAT" Heyman THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE! :mark: The ending happen when Rock goes for the people's elbow, but Brock pops up and hits the clothesline! F5-NO! Rock lands on his feet, goes for the Rock Bottom, Brock elbows out, misses a clothesline, Rock goes for the Rock Bottom again, Lesnar spins out KILLS HIM WITH THE F5! 1-2-3 YES! ****
