WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Moonlight Drive

BM: I really liked the Hardy/Taker ME. Jeff might be in line for a huge push now as others have said since he really held his own

WM: Stacy/Jazz is tied with Steiner/Batista. Stacy got squashed, and well, I hate Steiner. And it's not secret what I think of Batista

BP: That one with Goldberg/Taker/Coach was pure awesomeness in a can. I think that's your best feud going on right now. Also the ones with Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie are ALWAYS classic


AF: Unforgiven is sure to be a blockbuster. I have a strange feeling that Goldberg is going to be in the title picture after his feud with 'Takers done. And NEVER break up the Y2-Jeezie/B-Teezie team. I command you, NEVER



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

After one of the most chaotic Raw’s in WWE history, along with 6 days before WWE Unforgiven on PPV, what will happen as the Raw Superstars roll into Kansas City?

Last week we saw Goldberg emerge on Raw, still in possession of Undertaker’s motorcycle. He wanted the Deadman to come out and reclaim what is his, so Big Evil came out, but stayed at the top of the ramp. Taker wouldn’t come down so Goldberg tried pushing his buttons by destroying Undertaker’s motorcycle the same way Undertaker destroyed Goldberg’s car 2 weeks prior. Goldberg smashed the headlights and mirrors with the very same baseball bat Undertaker used on Goldberg’s car, he ruined the paint job by spray painting the chopper, and as a last resort pulled out a container of lighter fluid. Taker was ready to fight, but Co-GM Eric Bischoff came down the ramp along with security and calmed down the madness. He was about to make a huge announcement, until Stone Cold Steve Austin came down and officially announced Goldberg vs. Undertaker at Unforgiven. Eric Bischoff was angry about Austin interrupting him, so he made Undertaker vs. Goldberg this Monday Night on Raw in PICK YOUR POISON matches. Undertaker and Goldberg get to choose each other’s opponents this Monday Night. It is a rare in action appearance by both the Undertaker and Goldberg, this is sure to be a treat for the Raw fans.

Triple H’s rivalry with Kevin Nash has steamed to a whole new level now that the team of Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels defeated the champ and the rest of Evolution in a 3 on 2 handicap match last week, how will Evolution react to Nash with only 6 days to Unforgiven?

Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton are set to collide in a one on one match at Unforgiven. Randy Orton is on a quest to get revenge over Shawn Michaels for defeating Ric Flair at Summerslam, in his opinion Steve Austin handed the victory to HBK on a silver platter. Ever since Summerslam, these two have been knocking heads and this Monday Night there will be an official contract signing between Michaels and Orton. This is a can’t miss Monday Night Raw!

Confirmed Matches
- Maven vs. Hurricane
- 3 Minute Warning in action
- Goldberg vs. Undertaker’s Chosen Opponent (give prediction)
-Undertaker vs. Goldberg’s Chosen Opponent (give prediction)

All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!





Moonlight Drive

- Maven vs. Hurricane

- 3 Minute Warning in action
They'll lose to RVD/Kane or Y2-Jeezie/B-Teezie

- Goldberg vs. Batista
Scotty will cost Tista the match followed by an after-match brawl

-Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy
Let the push begin

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Maven vs. Hurricane

I think we will see Tripper come down and attack both men. No contest.

3 Minute Warning in action

They'll squash someone. Not sure who though.

Goldberg vs. Undertaker’s Chosen Opponent (give prediction)

I guess we will see Jeff Hardy after last week's effort against Taker.

Undertaker vs. Goldberg’s Chosen Opponent (give prediction)

Taker vs Kane, Taker getting the win.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

VIDEO: Goldberg tries to get Undertaker to fight him and results to destroying Taker’s motorcycle right in front of Big Evil. Right before Goldberg is ready to set the bike on fire, Eric Bischoff comes out and stops the madness. Stone Cold Steve Austin then interrupts Bischoff and announces Goldberg vs. Undertaker at Unforgiven. Bischoff fires back at the Co-GM by announcing PICK YOUR POISON for next Monday Night.

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! I am JR Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler and boy what a show we have for you tonight. Tonight you are in for a treat ladies and gentlemen, it’s a very special occasion, Eric Bischoff calls it PICK YOUR POISON Undertaker vs. Goldberg. Now, don’t get confused, these two colossus athletes square off this Sunday, but each man will choose the other’s opponent for tonight, that’s right Undertaker and Goldberg will be in action LIVE here tonight, oh I could barely keep my hat on for this one!

King: I don’t know JR, this night is going to be unpredictable I can feel it!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Co-Raw GM Eric Bischoff and 3 Minute Warning come down the ramp.

: Wait, this isn’t scheduled tonight, what the hell is Eric Bischoff doing out here?

Bischoff: Ladies and gentlemen, I have some, rather bad, news for you tonight. It appears that “Co-GM” Stone Cold Steve Austin is not here tonight. I have called him, numerous guys in the back have called him, there has been no answer. From a professional standpoint, this is not too good, not showing up at work and all, but lets face it, from my standpoint, this is tremendous! Austin was terrible at this job anyways, sure the only thing he did was make a couple big matches for Unforgiven, like I wasn’t going to do that anyways…

The fans boo Eric Bischoff out of the building.

Bischoff: Come on, we had some fun times right? The main thing is we will continue to have fun times here on Monday Night Raw without Stone Cold Steve Austin. May I stress again, without Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes out of the gate.

: Looks like Evolution has something to say here tonight King.

King: I am not surprised, they are probably overjoyed Austin isn’t here tonight; I know I would be…

Triple H leads the pack applauding Eric Bischoff. The crowd boos.

: You know Eric, let me be the first to say that I am personally glad Stone Cold Steve Austin is no here tonight, because that means one thing…our glorious ruler has returned to his throne, ladies and gentlemen…Eric Bischoff.

The crowd continues to boo then chants “BISCHOFF SUCKS.”

: Eric, now you know me, I don’t kiss anyone’s ass especially the boss’, so let’s get down to business. You see, Steve made a match last week that I really didn’t appreciate, you see he made Triple H vs. Kevin Nash at Unforgiven for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now, since Austin isn’t here tonight, nobody can stop you from canceling that match.

Bischoff: So you want me to cancel your World Heavyweight title defense at Unforgiven?

HHH: Quite frankly, yes, and while you are at it, Batista isn’t too into his title defense either against Big Poppa Cry Baby, so if you can scratch that match off too that would be great…

Bischoff: Hmm, you are asking me to risk PPV buys just to make you guys feel better? I think this deal needs to be two sided. How about, I cancel your matches at Unforgiven, say, if you two wrestled right here tonight?

HHH: Hmm, let’s see Eric, just as long as you don’t throw us to the wolves and have us face Undertaker or Goldberg, I think we can make that work.

Bischoff: Alright, you two will team up tonight in a tag team match against your two opponents that might await you at Unforgiven…Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner!

HHH: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eric? “May” await us at Unforgiven? What the hell does that mean?

Bischoff: I am adding a little stipulation to your match tonight guys, if you can defeat them here tonight, your matches at Unforgiven will not happen, but if Steiner and Big Sexy Kevin Nash defeat you tonight, your matches are still on for this Sunday! Good luck gentlemen.

JR: Wow, what a match, HHH and Batista taking on Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash? If Triple H and Batista win, their matches at Unforgiven won’t happen! Major stipulation there, but how about this?

GRAPHIC: Pick your Poison Undertaker vs. Goldberg TONIGHT

King: That’s right, Undertaker and Goldberg have some decisions to make, and they will have to choose each other’s opponents here tonight! I can’t wait!

Terri is backstage with Evolution’s Randy Orton.

Terri: I am here with the Legend Killer Randy Orton. Now Randy, with the announcement of Stone Cold Steve Austin not being here on Raw tonight, do you…

Orton: I am going to cut you off right there because you can’t ask the proper questions Terri, beat it.

Terri walks away.

Orton: I had an opportunity moments ago to get out of my match with Shawn Michaels this Sunday along with Triple H and Batista, but I didn’t want to get out of it. You know why? I want to punish Shawn Michaels and teach him a lesson this Sunday at Unforgiven. You see Shawn, you and Stone Cold alike, are cry babies and cowards. Shawn you ran your mouth for months about how you wanted Ric Flair in that ring at Summerslam and what happens? You have Steve Austin help you out to get the “easy win.” There were fans worldwide who wanted to see Flair vs. Michaels at Summerslam, they all thought you were on their side, but typical Shawn Michaels always wants and gets the big matches, but lets everyone down just to benefit his own ego! You see Shawn, this Sunday I am giving you the benefit, the big one on one match on PPV, but too bad it won’t benefit your ego worth a damn because the Legend Killer will kill the Legend of Shawn Michaels this Sunday. So Shawn, right here tonight I made it my personal priority to make an official contract signing tonight Michaels, you better show, or are you going to take the coward’s way out tonight as well?

JR: You heard it from the Legend Killer folks, right here tonight, there will be a contract signing for Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton this Sunday at Unforgiven, I wonder if Flair will be in the ring as well? That is sure to be unforgettable!

The Hurricane’s music hits as the Hurricane zooms onto Monday Night Raw.

: Here is Raw’s “superhero.” Personally, I can’t stand Hurricane, he rubs me the wrong way. He thinks he can fly, but the thing is, humans can’t fly, unless your name is Clark Kent and I don’t think Hurricane’s secret identity is Clark Kent!

Maven’s music hits as the Tough Enough Champion comes down the ramp.

Here is a man that tries so hard to play with the big boys here on Raw. A couple weeks back he had a match with Scott Steiner, he fell victim to the Steiner Recliner, then the following week he took on the Animal Batista, came up short again. However, tonight, he faces the Hurricane, too, a former hardcore champion much like himself, let’s see if Maven can pull himself out of this losing streak he seems to be having!

Maven vs. Hurricane
Maven and Hurricane circle the ring and lock up. Maven gets behind Hurricane and sets him up for a German Suplex, but Hurricane slips out and emerges behind Maven Hurricane sets him up for an inverted DDT, but Maven spins out of it and clocks Hurricane with a clothesline. Maven covers Hurricane 1…kickout! Maven sits Hurricane up and then charges off the ropes and back landing a dropkick to the face of Hurricane laying him back out. Maven covers him again 1…kickout! Maven picks Hurricane up and hurls him towards the corner, but Hurricane counters and hurls Maven into the corner. Hurricane runs and jumps onto the second rope in front of Maven and starts landing punches to the skull, but Maven pushes him off. Hurricane lands on his feet and charges Maven again, but Maven hurls him up, but Hurricane lands safely on the second rope. Maven turns around and Hurricane jumps off the second rope with a moonsault connecting on Maven into the pin 1…2…kickout! Maven gets up looking surprised and the Hurricane does his signature pose right in front of Maven. Maven slaps Hurricane out of frustration. Hurricane gets distracted and Maven goes on the pounce pummeling Hurricane with rights and lefts backing him up to the ropes. Maven bounces Hurricane off the ropes and hurls him across the ring. Hurricane bounces back and Maven scoops him up for a Scoop Slam. Maven follows through with a cover 1…2…kickout! Maven sits Hurricane up and slaps on an arm lock. Maven puts pressure on and Hurricane tries to break out of it. Hurricane gets to his feet and breaks out of the arm lock then plants Maven with a Russian Leg Sweep. Hurricane gets up and flies over to the ropes and bounces back straight into an elbow drop to the sternum of Maven. Hurricane covers Maven 1…2…kickout! Hurricane gets up and drags Maven to his feet. Hurricane nails a couple rights then sets Maven up for a suplex, but Maven comes out of nowhere with a Northern Lights Suplex into the quick pin on Hurricane 1…2…kickout! Maven gets up and Hurricane does as well. Hurricane turns around and Maven clotheslines himself and Raw’s superhero over the top rope. Maven gets up to major heat from the crowd. Maven climbs on the apron and walks to the end of the ring. He turns back around and runs and jumps off the apron nailing a flying clothesline on Hurricane. Maven gets up and has a determined look in his eyes. Maven grabs Hurricane and hurls him back into the ring. Maven points to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. Hurricane gets to his feet and Maven jumps off and nails a top rope clothesline onto the Hurricane. Maven stalks Hurricane. The Superhero gets up and Maven goes for a clothesline, but Hurricane gets out of the way and emerges right behind him and Hurricane rolls up Maven 1…2….3!
WINNER: Hurricane

JR: Wait a minute! Even the Hurricane got a win over Maven! Never trust a superhero King! Never lay your guard down because that roll up could become very sneaky!

King: Haha! Maven lost to Hurricane? Are you serious?

Maven starts pounding on the canvas as Hurricane gets up and celebrates. Maven gets up and clocks Hurricane across the back of the head with a forearm. Hurricane goes down and Maven stomps the hell out of him. The crowd starts chanting LOSER! LOSER! LOSER! Maven tells them to shut up and puts Hurricane throat first on the bottom rope and starts choking him. Maven gets up as Hurricane pulls himself up by the ropes. Maven charges Hurricane and clotheslines him over the top rope. Maven starts throwing a fit in the ring kicking the turnbuckles in frustration.

JR: Looks like Maven is a little PO’d King.

Maven walks out of the ring and up the ramp to a terrible ovation.


Chris Jericho and Booker T arrive at the arena with the bags and World Tag titles in hand. They are greeted by Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff: Gentlemen, glad to see you dropped by, a little late aren’t we? You were supposed to be here before the show began. It’s already 8:30, where have you been?

Y2J: Whoa, whoa, whoa, who put the potato up your tailpipe Bischoff, calm down jeez. We are the World Tag Team Champions, Chris Jericho and Book…

Booker: B-Teezie and Y2-Jeezie Dog!

Y2J: Listen Eric, you actually have all your puzzle pieces together this week, glad to know you’re out of your depression, but let’s remember one thing, you don’t have full control of this show, Stone Cold has half, where is Austin anyway, he can solve this.

Booker: Yea dog, look here, World Tag Team Champs can be late if they want son!

Bischoff: Well Booker, I am sorry you feel that way, as for Stone Cold, for reasons unknown he isn’t here tonight.

Y2J: Are you serious? Austin isn’t here tonight?

Bischoff: No, you might have wanted to think twice before disrespecting me tonight. Go get ready…

Y2J: Ready? Ready for what?

Bischoff: You are in a match tonight.

Booker: A match? Oh hell no Dog! We can’t wrestle tonight we got the title defense this Sunday dog, we can’t…

Bischoff: You are facing 3 Minute Warning. Good luck.

JR: The World Tag Team Champs vs. 3 Minute Warning? He can’t do that, what if the champs get injured tonight? There can be 3 matches off the Unforgiven card this Sunday? What the hell is going on?

King: We JR, it’s about to get a little crazier, right now is the official contract signing! This is going to be great!

Coach is standing in the middle of the ring right next to a table with two chairs.

: Alright ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the official contract signing for the huge Unforgiven match this Sunday between Evolution’s Legend Killer Randy Orton and the one and only Showstopper Shawn Michaels! Without further a due, let’s bring out our competitors…

HBK’s music hits as the Showstopper Shawn Michaels comes out of the gate and down the ramp.

: If there isn’t any more of a definition to a legendary superstar! Shawn Michaels is one of the most well known superstars in the sport today; he has history, skill, and a basket full of charisma. However, he seems to attract the drama everywhere he goes, everyone wants a piece of the Showstopper in that ring.

Evolution’s theme hits as Randy Orton comes down the ring accompanied by the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

: Well JR, when you talk about legendary figures, how can’t you say the name Ric Flair? The man is a sure fire hall of famer, and if Stone Cold didn’t interfere at Summerslam, I bet you Ric Flair would have defeated Shawn Michaels.

JR: Everyone has their theories, but Randy Orton looks to set the speculators straight this Sunday with a win over Shawn Michaels in defense of his mentor Ric Flair.

Coach: Gentlemen, if there is anything you would like to say to the other, please do it now.

There is one microphone on the table and Randy Orton reaches for it, but Shawn Michaels grabs it away quickly.

: I am sorry Randy, but much like you did earlier tonight, I have something to get off my chest. Listen Randy, if you haven’t noticed by now, I am going to remind you of one small little piece of information. I am the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels.

Huge pop from the crowd.

Michaels: Listen boy, the only reason people actually watch you on their TV screens and here in the audience is, one, you travel with the Nature Boy Ric Flair, and two, to see who beats the hell out of you from week to week. The thing about you Randy is, you are young and talented, you have a bright future, but that doesn’t mean a thing in the present boy. Randy, you are going to regret wanting a match with me because, quite simply, I am going to kick your teeth down your throat this Sunday and everyone is going to order the PPV to see me do so.

Orton gets pissed off and grabs Coach’s microphone and shoves Coach aside.

: Listen Michaels, listen to what I have to say and shut your mouth for once!

JR: He wants HBK to shut his mouth? Maybe he should try some of his own advice.

Orton: This Sunday Michaels, you are finally going to get what you deserve. Your whole entire career…is a fraud! You walked through this company doing as least as you can and end up getting lucky, one time after another. Summerslam is a prime example; Stone Cold has been pissing me off since he returned last July, and he didn’t disappoint me at Summerslam when he planted Nay-tch over here with a Stone Cold Stunner handing the victory over to you on a silver platter!

Michaels: I will stop you right there Randy. That’s all I hear out of your, and Ric’s mouth these days. Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Sorry JR, no disrespecting you, but that’s all that these clowns speak of. I don’t have the in’s with Stone Cold, never have, never will. Maybe Randy if you didn’t piss him off, maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t have gave Ric the Stunner, nor even assert himself in the match as referee. Listen, we can stand here and talk about Stone Cold, eventhough he mysteriously isn’t here tonight, or we can sign this contract finalizing our match this Sunday. I don’t know what you want to do, but how about you boys and girls, do you want to see HBK and Randy Orton sign on the dotted line making it official for Unforgiven?

Huge crowd pop. Orton sets the microphone down and tells Shawn to go first. Shawn smiles and grabs the pen, but then shoves it pressing it against Orton’s chest and tells Orton to go first. Orton starts laughing and takes the pen and the clipboard and pushes it to HBK and shoves it up against his chest. HBK finally gives in and signs it. HBK drops the clipboard onto the table and tells Orton to sign it. Orton puts his hands out cockily and wants HBK to hand him the clipboard. HBK smiles and picks up the clipboard and holds it out to Orton. Orton tries grabbing it and HBK pulls it away. Orton gets angry and slaps HBK.

JR: That’s not too good for your health Orton! You don’t slap Shawn Michaels!

HBK runs and jumps over the table and takes down Randy Orton. He nails mounted shots on Orton on the mat. Ric Flair steps in and pulls Shawn Michaels off of Orton. HBK turns around and grabs Ric by the collar and starts screaming in his face. Orton comes up from behind and low blows HBK. HBK falls in Flair’s arms. Ric turns HBK around and Orton grabs him planting him with an RKO.

King: See what happens if you mess with Evolution JR?

Orton grabs the pen and clipboard and signs it right on HBK’s motionless body. He whispers to HBK.

Orton: I will see you at Unforgiven

JR: Well, looks like this has the potential to steal the show this Sunday King! Well folks, as we head towards the Women’s Championship this Sunday, Gail Kim vs. Jazz, we have a special interview via satellite with the former WWE Women’s Champion, who was injured at the hands of Jazz at Summerslam, this forfeiting her gold, Molly Holly. Molly, first of all, how’s the leg healing?

Molly: Well JR, my leg is healing slowly but surely. Unfortunate it happened, but what can you do?

JR: Well Molly, glad to hear it’s getting better. Have you been watching Raw for the past couple weeks?

Molly: Oh, yes I have JR, very closely in fact. I know what is going on. I am not a big fan of Eric Bischoff, but not giving the title to Jazz was a good move not only for the Women’s division, but for Raw in general. Jazz is not a deserving champion, not in any instance.

King: So does that mean you are picking your arch enemy Gail Kim to win the belt at Unforgiven?

Molly: Unfortunately yes. I am not a fan of Gail Kim, but she wasn’t the one who put me on the shelf. Jazz did something that no other Diva in this company has been able to do, I don’t know if that makes me respect her more, or fuels my craving for revenge. We will just have to see when I come back.

JR: Thank you for joining us Molly.

GRAPHIC: 1st of 2 PICK YOUR POISON matches up next.


Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil walks out of the gate without a motorcycle, thanks to Goldberg last week.

: Excuse me Fred Durst, but it looks like the Deadman isn’t “Rollin’” here tonight in Kansas!
King: Thanks to that animal Goldberg, Undertaker’s most prized possession is now history, I hope Undertaker destroys Goldberg this Sunday. Goldberg will get what’s coming to him!

Goldberg appears on the Titantron with a huge crowd reaction.

JR: Well Bill, what’s the verdict, who is Undertaker going to face here tonight?

Goldberg: Hey Taker, I picked the perfect opponent for you here tonight. Before you find out who your opponent is, I pulled some strings and this match is now a Hardcore match, and you opponent is pretty familiar with hardcore matches, as a matter of fact, he is pretty familiar with going one on one…with you…

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Jeff Hardy runs down the ramp with a steel chair in hand.

: Wait? Again? Hardy just won’t give it a rest!

JR: Batista at Summerslam Falls Count Anywhere, Randy Orton a couple weeks ago in a Hardcore match, Undertaker last week, then on top of it all he is going to face Big Evil again in a hardcore match? Is this kid serious? Regardless, Bill Goldberg might have to replace Eric Bischoff in the booking department because this is going to be one hell of a match!

Hardcore Match
Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy
Hardy slides into the ring with the chair in hand and hurls it at Undertaker’s face. Taker stumbles back a little as Hardy runs and starts unloading on the Deadman. Hardy backs Taker up to the ropes and Taker pushes Hardy away. Hardy doesn’t quit and charges back at Big Evil, but the Undertaker sends Hardy up and over the top rope with a back drop. Taker stumbles forward with his back turned to Hardy as Hardy lands feet first on the apron. Taker turns around and Hardy springboards over the top rope into a seated senton onto the Deadman. Taker catches him and looks to be going for the early last ride, but Hardy counters into a head scissors takedown into the pin hooking the leg 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and Taker sits up thinking to himself how this is happening. Taker turns towards Hardy, still sitting down, and Hardy nails a running dropkick to the Deadman. Hardy springs up as the Deadman rolls away underneath the bottom rope and out to the outside floor. Hardy grabs the chair and stands on the apron facing Taker’s back. Taker turns around and Hardy throws the chair at Taker, but Big Evil catches the chair, and holds it in front of his face. Hardy runs along the apron and nails a running dropkick to the chair hitting the Deadman. Hardy gets on Taker covering him on the outside as the ref counts 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and picks the Deadman up with him, but Taker fires back with a thunderous uppercut. Taker grabs him and locks him in a bear hug. Taker puts pressure on then rams him spine first into the steel ring post. Hardy screams in pain as the Deadman regains his senses after the chair shots. Undertaker walks over to Jeff Hardy and pulls him up by the hair. Taker lands a huge right and Hardy stumbles over to the fan barricade. Taker grabs Hardy’s head and slams it off the barricade. Taker grabs Hardy by the arm and hurls him towards the steel steps. Hardy jumps onto the third step then attempts a moonsault onto the Deadman as he has done in previous hardcore matches, but the Deadman catches him. Taker has Hardy up on his shoulder and turns around and charges the ring post looking to long dart Hardy face first, but Hardy counters last minute squeezing out of the back and pushes Taker skull first into the ring post. Undertaker is busted open from the shot. Taker stumbles over to the fan barricades and leans on it holding himself up. Hardy charges the Deadman, but Taker gets his boot up last minute and nails a big boot to Jeff Hardy. Hardy teeters then gets clotheslined by Big Evil. Undertaker walks over and grabs the steel chair. He throws it into the ring and then grabs Jeff Hardy. The Deadman throws Hardy into the ring then climbs into the ring himself. Hardy gets on his knees and tries to get up, but Taker picks him up. Taker hoists Hardy on his shoulder and then hurls him onto to the top turnbuckle head first. Taker runs and bounces off the ropes, then Hardy turns around and Big Evil plants him with Snake Eyes. Taker raises his arm signaling the Last Ride to a terrible ovation. He grabs Hardy by the head, but Hardy counters into a jawbreaker. Hardy gets up and screams…

Hardy: Come on Deadman! You won’t break me Taker! You sure as hell haven’t broken me yet!

Taker does his signature sit up and then locks eyes with Hardy. Taker swings his glove up and grabs Hardy by the throat. Taker gets to his feet and starts trash talking Taker. Hardy kicks Taker in the mid section and sets him up then drills him down with a patented Twist of Fate. The crowd erupts as Hardy covers Taker 1...2…kickout! Hardy can’t believe it. Hardy gets a shot of adrenaline and points to the corner. Hardy runs to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. Hardy signals for the Swanton, but Taker gets up quickly, grabbing the steel chair, and smacks Hardy, square on the skull. Hardy teeters as Taker grabs him by the throat. Taker gets on the second rope and sets Hardy up for a chokeslam. Taker choke slams Jeff Hardy off the top rope and onto the ring mat. Hardy cringes in pain as Taker looks towards him. Taker gets off the rope and goes onto the outside. Taker flips up the ring mat and pulls out a baseball bat. Taker gets into the ring and eyes up Hardy pointing the bat at him. Taker pushes Hardy down with the bat on his spine. Hardy pulls himself up by the ropes and Taker drops the baseball bat. Taker runs up to Hardy and lands blows to the skull. Taker puts Hardy in between the ropes locking him in so Hardy can’t move. Taker bashes Hardy with some more soup bowls to the skull and now Hardy is, too, busted open. Taker walks back and grabs the bat. He walks over to the ropes and asks for a mic.

Taker: You see Bill, you see what happens when you think you are smart? You put me in a hardcore match thinking you pulled one over on the Deadman, well, Bill, you are just putting this kid through hell, like last week wasn’t bad enough. Bill, I am going to beat the hell out of this kid worse than what you did to my bike last week…

Taker drops the mic and charges Hardy and blasts him off the skull with the baseball bat. Hardy has no choice but to take it because he can’t move. The ref is trying desperately to break him free, but Taker runs after the ref with the bat and the ref runs out of the ring. Taker grabs Hardy by the throat and starts choking him. Taker lets go and looks over at the announcers table. Taker grabs the bat and charges Hardy and clocks Hardy so hard, he flips up and over the top rope unhooking him from the ropes. Hardy lies motionless on the outside floor. Taker hops over the ropes and grabs Hardy on the outside. The ref tries to reason with Taker, but Undertaker won’t have any of it. He drags Hardy over to the announce table and slams him skull first off the table. King and JR clear out of the way as Taker breaks the black cover off the announcer’s table. Taker picks up Hardy and throws him onto the announce table. Taker gets up and grabs Hardy. The Undertaker hoists Hardy up on his shoulder and positions him for the Tombstone. Taker drops Jeff Hardy onto the announcer’s table with a tombstone. Taker covers him and screams for the ref to come over and count. The ref is hesitant but makes the count 1……2……3!
WNNER: Undertaker

JR: What a disgusting site folks, we are sorry you had to see this. The Undertaker is a bad, bad, man and tonight he showcased why in fact the WWE is his yard.

King: He sure sent a message to Goldberg here tonight JR, there will be no cars, no motorcycles, no nothing at Unforgiven except two bulls ready to lock horns.

Taker grabs the mic and then walks over to JR.

JR: You tell Bill Goldberg…he did a good job trying to score one over on the Deadman with the “hardcore” match, but tell Bill he isn’t the only one that has strings to pull…

Undertaker walks away and up the ramp. The medics run down the ramp and tend to Jeff Hardy

Coach is standing by the number one contender for Triple H’s World Heavyweight title, Kevin Nash.

Coach: Wow, what a hardcore match we just witnessed, and don’t go anywhere Goldberg will still be in action tonight as the Deadman will decide who Big Evil’s opponent will be, however, right now I am joined by Big Sexy, Kevin Nash! Kevin, coming up later tonight you have a match where you will team up with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner to take on Triple H and Batista, but if you and Steiner lose tonight, your title matches at Unforgiven, won’t happen, your thoughts?

Nash: Listen Coach, I am here on Raw for one reason and one reason only, that’s to beat the crap out of Triple H. I don’t care if they take my match away at Unforgiven, not like we are going to lose tonight, but my match at Unforgiven could have been a non title match, I don’t give a damn, I would beat the crap out of Triple H without the title on the line, hell I would beat the crap out of Hunter for free, but the title on the line is icing on my cake. Me and Scotty have a huge stipulation tonight, Steiner wants Batista just as bad as I want the Game, so I think we are pretty set for tonight. However, god forbid we lose tonight, Batista and Triple H won’t make it out of here alive to enjoy being off this Sunday…


The Undertaker is pacing back and fourth on the phone.

Taker: So you can be here right? Awesome, I’ll be waiting, you have to get here in the next half hour, trust me, this is going to show old Bill that he isn’t the only one that can “pull some strings.” Talk to you when you arrive…bye.

Taker closes his phone and walks off.

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as the former tag team champions Jamal and Rosey come down the ramp.

: Here are two very, very, bad men King. They lost their World Tag Team titles to the team they are about to face tonight right before Summerslam last month and haven’t regained them since, but tonight they might turn their luck around. A win over the tag champs could put them right back under the spotlight!

Y2J’s music hits as Chris Jericho comes down the ramp.

: There is one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Y2J, Chris Jericho!

JR: First ever Undisputed Champ, but his partner has an equally great resume!

Booker T’s music hits as “B-Teezie” comes down the ramp sporting the Y2J+Booker T t-shirt.

: The 5 time WCW Champion is in the house, there is Booker T!

King: Might I say he wasn’t lying last week when he was talking about the new Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie T-Shirt JR, it’s great! I bought one off Shopzone yesterday, I can’t wait to wear it!

Chris Jericho and Booker T vs. 3 Minute Warning
Jericho and Rosey kick off the match. Jericho claps his hands and the crowd gets behind him. He locks up with Rosey. Rosey singes in a side mounted headlock to kick things off and Jericho struggles to break free, but Rosey has it tight. Jericho gets his strength up and pushes Rosey forward to the ropes. Rosey bounces off and charges Jericho. Jericho bends over for a backdrop on the gigantic Rosey, but Rosey stops in front of Y2J and kicks him in the mouth. Jericho springs back and Rosey lands a right hook. Jericho teeters and Rosey whips Jericho to the ropes. Jericho bounces back and Rosey bends over for the backdrop, but Jericho mimics Rosey and stops right in front and kicks Rosey in the mouth. Rosey springs back and Jericho grabs him and nails him with a double knee facebuster. Jericho covers Rosey early 1…kickout! Jericho grabs Rosey but Rosey nails an uppercut. Rosey unloads rights and lefts to Jericho backing him up to the corner. Rosey pulls Y2J out of the corner and hurls him to the opposite set of turnbuckles, but Jericho tries to counter and hurl Rosey to the corner, but Rosey pulls Jericho right back in and drills him to the mat with a spinebuster. Rosey covers Jericho 1…2…kickout! Rosey drags Jericho over to 3 Minute Warning’s corner and tags in Jamal. Jamal comes in and picks Jericho up and hard chops him. Jericho stumbles back and Jamal charges him for a clothesline, but Jericho counters with a drop toe hold on the big man, grounding Jamal. Jericho rolls over and tags in the 5 time WCW Champion Booker T. Booker T storms in and Jamal gets to his feet. Booker connects with back hand chops, right and left, then follows up with a spin kick clobbering Jamal. The fans get behind Booker as B-Teezie grabs Jamal. Booker knees him in the gut and pushes him off the ropes. Jamal comes back and Booker goes for another spin kick, but Jamal ducks and bounces off the ropes again. Booker turns around and Jamal nails him with a huge shoulder block. Jamal runs off the ropes and back and goes for a big body splash on Booker, but the 5 time WCW champ rolls out of the way last minute and nobody home for Jamal. Jamal gets on his knees and cringes as Booker nails him in the face with a strong knee. Booker grabs him by the head and drags him over to his corner and tags in Y2J. Booker holds Jamal as Jericho kicks him in the gut. Jericho sets him up for a DDT but nails him with a swinging neckbreaker instead. Jericho covers Jamal 1…2…kickout! Jericho goes up top to the third rope. Jamal gets up and turns around. Jericho shoots off the top rope for a flying crossbody, but Jamal catches him in mid air. Jamal talks smack to Booker than hurls Y2J with a fall away slam. Jamal walks over and steps on Y2J’s chest covering him 1…2…Jericho gets his boot on the bottom rope. Jamal grabs him and whips him towards his corner. Jamal tells Booker to bring it. Booker tries running in, but the ref holds him back. While the ref is distracted Rosey ties the tag rope around Jericho’s neck and starts choking him. Jamal doubles back and charges Jericho sandwiching him in the corner. Booker stays on the apron and the ref returns to the action. Jamal tags in Rosey and 3 Minute Warning bounce Jericho off the ropes. Jericho bounces off the ropes and 3 Minute Warning goes for a double clothesline, but Jericho ducks and bounces off the ropes again. Jamal and Rosey turn around and Jericho bounces back straight into a double clothesline taking down 3 Minute Warning. Jericho rolls over and tags in Booker T. Booker storms in. Jamal gets to his feet and Booker charges him and nails him with a superkick. Jamal flies up and over the top rope onto the outside floor. Rosey gets up and goes for a clothesline on Booker, but Booker counters and plants Rosey with a Book End. Jericho runs in and springboards off the second rope and nails Rosey with a Lionsault. Booker gets on one knee and signals for it and nails a Spin-a-rooni, dead center in the ring. Rosey gets to his feet and Booker kicks him in the gut then bounces off the ropes, following through with a patented Scissors Kick. Booker covers Rosey 1…2…3!
WINNER: Booker T and Chris Jericho

King: They beat 3 Minute Warning? This must be a mistake JR!

JR: No King, you saw the 1…2…3 yourself, the World Tag Team Champions’ victory over 3 Minute Warning a month ago wasn’t a fluke, they are really the World’s Greatest Tag Team! I think this match shut the doubters’ mouths for sure!

Jericho and Booker celebrate in the ring as 3 Minute Warning recollects on the outside.

RVD and Kane are sitting in their locker room after watching Y2J and Booker T defeat 3 Minute Warning. RVD looks surprised.

JR: I feel the same way Rob that was an impressive victory; maybe you boys have your hands full this Sunday.

King: After beating 3 Minute Warning, who knows what they are capable of. Complete opposites, sometime fuse to be equals I guess.


Eric Bischoff is in Stone Cold’s office sitting in his desk drinking his beer.

Bischoff: You know, Steve said it himself last week; this job does get easier every week.

Jamal and Rosey walk in and Bischoff stares at them.

: Alright…

Jamal: Listen Boss, we are sorry we lost, they got the…

Bischoff: Hey, hey, guys, guys, I don’t care that you lost…

Rosey: You don’t?

Bischoff: No, can’t you see I am in the BIG office, with this BIG beer cooler, and this awesome BIG screen TV, why would I want to get mad over a petty loss? Come on guys, pull up some chairs, we got 2 great matches coming up, all thought up by my genius, what more can you want?

Jamal and Rosey pull up chairs cautiously questioning Bischoff’s mood. Bischoff picks two beers out of the cooler and gives them to 3 Minute Warning. They watch the rest of the show.

Evolution’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and the Intercontinental Champion Batista come down the ramp.

: This upcoming tag match has huge stipulations for this Sunday. Since Steve Austin isn’t here, Eric Bischoff put his two title matches he made last week on the line mostly to spite the Rattlesnake, if HHH and Batista can defeat Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner here tonight, those matches will be erased from Sunday’s Unforgiven card. However, if Nash and Steiner defeat Evolution, the matches stand, and you know what that means JR?

JR: Evolution will not be happy King!

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Sexy comes down the ramp.

These guys used to travel the roads together in WCW and tonight they are tag teaming it up right here on WWE Monday Night Raw!

Triple H and Batista vs. Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner and the Game start off the match. They stand face to face in the middle of the ring and Steiner starts flexing his guns in the Game’s face. The Game laughs and starts flexing in front of Steiner. Steiner quickly jacks the Game with a right hand. Steiner kicks the Game in the legs then puts him in a front face lock. Steiner sets Triple H up for a suplex then jerks him back with a snapmare. Triple H gets up and charges Steiner for a clothesline, but Steiner ducks. The Game turns around and Steiner hooks him in and shoots him across the ring with a belly to belly suplex. He flies into Evolution’s corner. He looks across the ring at Steiner who has his eyes locked on Batista. Triple H hurries and tags in the Animal. The Animal charges in, but Steiner charges the Animal. Both men look for shoulder blocks, but Steiner gets the hit on Batista. Steiner runs to the ropes and bounces off then plants a knee drop onto the Animal Batista. Steiner covers Batista 1…kickout! Steiner grabs Batista up, but Batista fires off a forearm uppercut. Batista tucks him away in a front face lock and sets him up for a suplex. Batista goes for it, but Steiner blocks and jacks Batista up with a fisherman’s suplex into the pin on the Animal 1…2…kickout! Steiner gets up and stomps the hell out of Batista. Steiner grabs Batista and drags him over to his corner and tags in Big Sexy Kevin Nash. Nash steps in and cracks Batista with a headbutt. Batista falls and rolls backwards. Batista uses the ropes to get up and finds himself standing in the corner. Kevin Nash runs towards him and sandwiches him in the corner. Nash steps back and Batista falls out of the corner and Nash whips him to the ropes. Batista hits the ropes but hangs on. Nash charges him, but Batista pulls the top rope down last minute and Nash hangs his leg up on the top rope. This gives Batista time and Batista runs over and tags the Game. Triple H runs in while Nash is trying to get his leg up and off the top rope, but Triple H nails a chop block tripping up Nash. The Game gets on top of Nash and unloads mounted punches left and right. The ref tries to get him off, but he can’t, so he starts to count 1….2…3…4…Triple H lays off of Big Sexy. Nash gets up and the Game kicks him in the ribs. The ref backs Triple H up warning him, while Batista sees an opening. Nash tries to get up using the ropes and finds his head on the outside. Batista runs along the apron and delivers a huge knee to the temple. Nash steps back and wanders into the middle of the ring right into the Game who delivers a facebuster to the already injured skull of Big Sexy. Triple H doubles back off the ropes and clotheslines the hell out of Nash. Triple H covers Nash 1…2…kickout! Scott Steiner starts clapping to get the fans behind him and sticks his arm out for the tag. Triple H stalks Nash, but doubles back and nails Steiner with a forearm, knocking him off the apron. Nash gets up. The Game turns around and charges Nash, but Big Sexy gets his boot up and nails the Game, then both men collapse on the canvas. Nash crawls over to the Game and hooks the leg 1…kickout! Steiner gets off the outside floor and runs into the ring. The ref cuts him off and tries to get him back on the apron. Batista runs in behind Nash, who is up on his feet now, and nails him with a forearm to the back of the head. Batista turns Nash around and nails him with a huge Spinebuster. Batista slides out of the ring as the ref gets Steiner back on the apron and turns back towards the action. Triple H crawls over and drapes the arm over Nash pinning him 1…2…kickout! Triple H grabs Nash up and kicks him in the gut setting him up for the Pedigree, but Nash counters and hurls the Game up and over his head with a backdrop. Nash runs and tags in Scott Steiner. The crowd goes wild. Triple H gets up and Steiner hooks him again and launches him with a belly to belly suplex. Triple H hits the mat, but gets up again. Steiner grabs him and hoists him over his head. Steiner drops the Game with a military press. Steiner goes for the cover 1…Steiner gets off of the Game and starts doing pushups next to him. Batista runs in off the apron. He charges Steiner, but Steiner whips him towards Nash’s corner. Batista flies into the corner and Nash nails him with a huge right forearm to the face. Dave staggers backward right into Steiner who nails him with a German Suplex. Triple H gets up and Steiner nails him with a big boot. Steiner leans over and tags Nash in. Batista gets up, but Steiner charges him and clotheslines himself and the Animal over the top rope. Nash grabs Triple H and kicks him in the gut. Nash sets him up and plants him down with the Jackknife Powerbomb. Big Sexy hooks the leg 1…2…3!
WINNER: Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, have no fear, Unforgiven is saved! Both title matches will happen thanks to those two men Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner!

King: Oh man, look at Triple H’s face, he is not happy!

Nash and Steiner reunite at the ramp and raise each other’s arms in victory smiling at Triple H and Batista.

: I tell you what, those two men in the ring, their gold is in serious, serious, jeopardy come this Sunday night at Unforgiven! On that note, coming up next, Goldberg will be in action, but who is his opponent going to be? Who was Undertaker on the phone with?


VIDEO: Highlights of the feud between Goldberg and the Undertaker.

Bischoff is still sitting in his office along with 3 Minute Warning.

Bischoff: So boys, who do you, think Undertaker has in store for Goldberg? I got to admit, my creative genius sometimes blows me away, I am such a…

D’Lo Brown walks in.

: Hey! D’Lo Brown, just the man I wanted to see.

D’Lo comes up and shakes Bischoff’s hand.

: Hey Eric, how’s it going bro?

Bischoff: How’s the injury?

D’Lo: Well Eric, I came here to break the news man, I am cleared to wrestle! I can come back to Raw, bring back the Low Down to Monday Nights!

Bischoff: Wow, great to hear it D’Lo, I will pencil you in for a match next week, how does that sound?

D’Lo: Wow Eric, that would be great thanks…you know…you’re not as bad as everyone thinks you are…

Bischoff: Thank you D’Lo.

D’Lo walks out.

JR: Don’t be fooled D’Lo! He is only smirking because Stone Cold isn’t here tonight!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate.

: Well JR, who do you think Undertaker has chosen for Goldberg here tonight?

JR: I don’t know, it blows my mind as to why Undertaker was on the phone, who could he be calling?

Undertaker appears on the screen.

Taker: Well Bill, your time has come, its execution time for “The Unstoppable Bill Goldberg.” You see, you made a mistake by making my match a hardcore match, not like I lost though, because I didn’t. Never the less Bill, tonight, we’ll see what kind of “badass” you really are, you want to destroy my bike, hell kid, where I come from you have to face the consequences for your actions…so let me introduce to you, your judge, jury, and executioner. I present to you an old friend, and enemy, from the SmackDown brand…

Big Show’s music hits as the 500 lb Giant comes down the ramp.

JR: Oh good lord…it’s SmackDown’s Big Show!

King: The Big Show? Is he serious??? Goldberg vs. the Big Show????

JR: Well, waking up this morning, I had no insinuation that this match was going to take place tonight, nor ever! I can’t believe it!

Goldberg vs. Big Show
Goldberg actually looks shocked as he stares across the ring from the 7ft, 500 lb, Big Show. They both move to the center of the ring and Big Show looks down at Goldberg. Goldberg looks up at the 500 lb Giant. The fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Big Show raises his hand doing his signature pose in front of Goldberg. Goldberg just shakes his head. Big Show does a little shove to Goldberg. Goldberg smiles, then shoves Big Show and Big Show actually takes a few steps back from it. Big Show can’t believe it. Big Show goes for a head chop, but Goldberg ducks to the side and emerges behind Big Show. Goldberg spins Big Show around and unloads right hands to the 7ft Giant. Big Show teeters with every shot, but then grabs Goldberg by the head with both hands and nails him with a headbutt. Goldberg stumbles back to the corner. Big Show walks over and knees him in the gut repeatedly. Big Show tells the crowd to quite down and goes for the slap on the chest, but Goldberg spins out of the corner and pins the Big Show in the corner. Goldberg unloads shoulder thrusts to the gut as the crowd keeps chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg pulls Big Show out of the corner and gets him in a front face lock. Goldberg jacks him up with a knee to the shoulder then powers him to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker. Goldberg flips Big Show over on his stomach and delivers knee shots to the head and shoulders of Big Show. Goldberg gets up and walks around the ring watching Big Show get back to his feet. Big Show gets back to his feet and Goldberg charges him but the Big Show clobbers Goldberg with a clothesline. Big Show grabs Goldberg by the head and whips him across the ring. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and the Big Show gets him on his shoulder. The crowd boos as the Big Show contorts Goldberg’s back with a backbreaker like submission folding him in half on his shoulders. Big Show follows through with a torture rack. Goldberg falls to the mat and Big Show covers him 1…2…kickout! Big Show can’t believe he kicked out. Show grabs Goldberg and throws him in the corner. He tells the crowd to quite down yet again and then nails the back hand chop to Goldberg’s chest. Big Show grabs Goldberg by the neck with both hands. Big Show lifts Goldberg off of his feet choking him. Goldberg nails Big Show in the head with a right and Big Show loses his grip and Goldberg counters into a huge DDT on the Big Show. The crowd goes insane as Goldberg covers the Giant 1…2…kickout! Goldberg gets on Show and slaps on an armbar. Big Show cringes in pain, but manages to get on his feet while Goldberg still has it locked on. Big Show lifts Goldberg then drops him on his head and Bill loses the hold. Big Show bounces off the ropes then plants Goldberg with a leg drop. Big Show covers Goldberg again 1…2…kickout! Big Show just shakes his head as he grabs Goldberg. Big Show grabs Goldberg by the throat and signals for the chokeslam. Goldberg kicks Show in the gut and then signals for the Jackhammer. Goldberg gets Big Show in the front face lock…

JR: Bill! No! Don’t risk yourself! It’s not worth it!

King: Can he do it JR? Can he Jackhammer the Big Show?

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil walks out of the gate.

There’s Goldberg’s opponent this Sunday at Unforgiven! It’s the Undertaker!

Goldberg drops the Big Show to the ground and screams at Taker to bring it. Taker paces back and fourth at the top of the ramp with eyes locked on Goldberg. Big Show gets up behind Goldberg, but Goldberg sees him on the titantron screen. Big Show starts walking towards Bill behind his back, but Goldberg springs back and Spears the Giant out of his boots. Goldberg gets up and roars. Goldberg roars to the crowd and picks up Big Show. Goldberg tells Taker to bring it as Goldberg hoists Big Show onto his shoulder then quickly drills him to the mat with a huge powerslam. The crowd erupts and the rafters shake as Goldberg picked the Big Show up and off of his feet. Goldberg hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: Oh good lord! What brute force from that man Bill Goldberg! He just lifted 500 lbs onto his shoulder and drop the Big Show with a powerslam! I can’t believe my eyes!

King: Well maybe the Undertaker is getting more than what he was expecting this Sunday! After what Goldberg has done here tonight, who knows what he is capable of at Unforgiven!

Undertaker and Goldberg lock eyes from the ring and the ramp.

: Ladies and gentlemen! It doesn’t get any bigger than this! It’s Goldberg vs. the Undertaker this Sunday at Unforgiven! Don’t miss it! Good night everbody!


WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!





Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Undertaker vs. Hardy was brutal. These two have incredible chemistry in the ring despite being on opposite sides of the style spectrum.

WM: Hurricane vs. Maven was a glorified squash. I wonder how long Maven's losing streak will last.

BP: It's a tie between the opener and the contract signing. Both added alot of heat and build to their respective matches.

WP: None

AC: I'm going to repeat what I said about CMS here. You don't seem to have any transitional PPVs. Every show can stand out as a huge show. The way you built Kevin Nash up to world title contention in just 4 weeks is incredible. Same goes for Scott Steiner. Unforgiven will be incredible, I can feel it.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: How could it not be Hardy vs. Taker. This was just a great match. As spiralshock said these two have incredible chemestry in the ring.
WM: Triple H and Batista vs. Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash- it wasn't bad, but about half way through the match I started to get bored with it.
BP: Contract signing- This played up the intensity of this feud. Both men were in character and it set up for the PPV match very well.
WP: "JR: Excuse me Fred Durst, but it looks like the Deadman isn’t “Rollin’” here tonight in Kansas!" I really doubt that JR knows who Fred Durst is. lol
AC: Overall very good show. IMO the Hardcore match should have been on last, but it really doesn't matter. Unforgiven has shaped up to have a very strong card.
Plug: The POI PPV War Zone has been posted, check it out and drop a review if you get the chance.


BM: Undertaker Vs Jeff Hardy without a doubt! This was a one of the best matches from you I have read on RAW lol. You used the Hardcore match to its advantage and it payyed off well, great read.

WM: LOL at Hurricane beating Maven, I hope Maven just goes crazy next time he loses, that would make it worth the read.

BP: The opening promo was a great way to start the show, my favourite promo was the contract signing though, it really adds to there feud and Unforgiven will be great just for their match imo lol.

WP: Is there ever a bad promo? my answer is: NO

AC: Great show, your matches seem to be improving as well not that their is much to improve on but that Hardcore match was GREAT. All promos were good as usual and the PPV is shaping up nicely the only match that will bore me is the battle of the roids (batista and Steiner) but thats coz I hate them lol. I will try check out your other shows but I haven't been reviewing to much as of late, Great show!


BM: Undertaker Vs Jeff Hardy for sure man. You wrote one hell of a match here my friend. You used the Hardcore match perfectly, loved it!

WM: hahaha sorry, im going to say Maven and Hurricane lol

BP: Contract signing promo was good

WP: There were and never are any, so nope... no worst promo's here

AC: This show was great man... loved the read. When you can write, you can write, but you my friend, you have a special talent for writing shows. You should forget about any future dreams you have and apply for a writing position at WWE man... you'd make a trillion amount of people happy with one little thing, I promise you that... keep up the awesome work, it never fails to displease me... im always impressed at your work man, if WWE Raw was like this, this would be the highest watched show ever


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Hardy Taker a match worthy of being on a PPV I would love that match for free on a very good RAW show.

WM Maven v Hurricane it wasnt terrible but it was the worst on the show.

BP: Contract signing awesome promo loved how they were so in character

WP Bishoff Dlo Brown

AC I will be ordering Unforgiven just for Goldberg and Taker and Orton Michaels.



WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!

Official Preview Guide

The superstars of WWE Raw return to PPV this Sunday Night as WWE Raw presents Unforgiven LIVE at 8e/7c from Hershey, PA!


Goldberg vs. Undertaker
The conflict between the Undertaker and Goldberg has run deep for the past several months on Monday Nights. It all started last June as Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff fired Bill Goldberg after laying his hands on the GM. Eric Bischoff came out the following week and announced that Raw had a new acquisition following the departure of Goldberg from Monday Nights, and later that night none other than SmackDown’s Undertaker debuted in the Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho. Undertaker took on Y2J in his first official match on the Raw Brand at Bad Blood. After defeating Jericho, the Deadman had his sights set on the World Heavyweight Championship, however, Vince McMahon came out the night following Bad Blood and reversed the decision of Eric Bischoff’s and reinstated Bill Goldberg, but that wasn’t all. Vince McMahon placed Goldberg in a one on one match with the champ, Triple H, that night. This didn’t sit well with Big Evil, he felt like he got tossed aside. Goldberg went into the match with his unbeaten streak on the line and took on the champ, but thanks to interference by the Deadman along with a lead pipe, Triple H got the pin and broke Goldberg’s winning streak. Goldberg and the Undertaker would cross paths at numerous times from that point on until colliding with one another in a match to determine the number one contender spot on Raw. The two would put on a wrestling clinic until the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H would come down the ramp and bludgeon both men with his sledgehammer. It was then decreed that Triple H would defend his World Heavyweight Championship against both the Undertaker and Goldberg at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II. Although, both Goldberg and the Undertaker’s quests for gold proved to be unsuccessful, they’re conflict did everything but go away. Both men would then be forced to compete in the Elimination Chamber 1 month later at Summerslam again for Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship. After Kane, Chris Jericho, and Booker T all got eliminated, it was down to only Triple H, Goldberg, and the Undertaker. Big Evil nailed Triple H with a Last Ride, but then got Speared by Goldberg. Goldberg then nailed the Deadman with a Jackhammer to eliminate him. Goldberg then was about to nail the Game with a similar fate, until the Undertaker rushed back into the ring with a lead pipe he slipped out of the side of his boot and clocked Goldberg in the skull. Goldberg was then Pedigreed by the Game and getting eliminated. The following night on Raw, following destroying Mark Henry, Goldberg waited for the Undertaker, then saw him on the titantron pulling up right next to Goldberg’s $80,000 Porsche sports car. Undertaker pulled out a baseball bat and smashed the windshield, head and tail lights, and mirrors. Goldberg rushed to the parking lot, but wasn’t there in time as the Deadman sped away. The next week Undertaker came out to “apologize†to Goldberg, but took it upon himself to verbally bash “Da Man.†Goldberg came out and chased the Deadman out of the ring. Big Evil ran out through the crowd, but Goldberg stayed behind. Goldberg then walked over to the Deadman’s motorcycle and rev’d it up and took off up the ramp with it. The following week, the Undertaker said that he would get back what was his, however, Co-GM Stone Cold Steve Austin instructed the Coach to call out Bill Goldberg before the Undertaker could. Coach went out to the ring and called out Goldberg, Bill came out riding Taker’s motorcycle. Goldberg speared Coach out of his shoes then called out the Deadman. Undertaker answered, but refused to come down to the ring. Goldberg took it upon himself to destroy Taker’s bike to try and get him to fight. Goldberg bashed the mirrors and the lights with the very same baseball bat, he defaced the bike with a new paint job, then doused it in lighter fluid. Just as about Goldberg was going to light the bike on fire, Eric Bischoff came down and stopped the madness. He was about to make a major announcement until the Texas Rattlesnake came down to the ring and announced Goldberg vs. Undertaker at Unforgiven. Bischoff, couldn’t stand being outshined, so he then announced PICK YOUR POISON for the following week on Raw. Last Monday Night, Goldberg and Undertaker picked each other’s opponents. Goldberg pulled one over on the Deadman by making him face Jeff Hardy one on one for the second week in a row, but made it a hardcore match. Goldberg said he pulled a couple strings to make it happen, well after Undertaker defeated Hardy, Big Evil pulled some strings of his own and called up SmackDown’s Big Show to face Goldberg one on one. Goldberg took the fight to the Big Show winning with an unbelievable powerslam, lifting up the 500 lb Giant. Both men proved that they can take any challenge either man can throw their way, but what will happen as the two best in the business lock up LIVE on PPV? Order Unforgiven to find out.


World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H* vs. Kevin Nash
What started as a simple open challenge has escalated into something that is on an entirely new level. The night after winning the Elimination Chamber match at Summerslam, the Game came out and issued an open challenge for later that night, much like he did after defeating Booker T at WrestleMania XIX, but his challenger was far from a push over. Kevin Nash returned to Monday Night Raw to answer the Game’s challenge, however, not before long the Game would choose to take the easy route and get himself disqualified. The Game brutalized Kevin Nash in the ring with his sledgehammer sending a message to Big Sexy. Kevin Nash’s determination wouldn’t stop as the next week he found himself fighting the Game’s right hand man, Ric Flair. This match was déjà vu for Nash as once again he won by DQ thanks to the likes of Triple H’s Evolution, but this time he wasn’t going to suffer without a fight as HBK Shawn Michaels came to his aid. Through a meeting with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Big Sexy said he wanted Triple H one on one. Stone Cold just didn’t give him what he wanted, he said because of all the hardships Nash had to deal with, he was going to make it for the World Heavyweight title at Unforgiven. Nash was astounded, but last Monday Night his title chance could have slipped through his fingers. With Austin mysteriously absent from Raw, Eric Bischoff was in charge and the Game had a declaration to make. The Game said since Stone Cold made the World title and Intercontinental title matches for Unforgiven, he wanted Eric Bischoff to stick it to the Texas Rattlesnake by canceling the matches, but Eric Bischoff knew both matches could draw PPV buys, so he made a tag match Triple H and Batista vs. Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner. The stipulation was if Evolution could win, their matches at Unforgiven wouldn’t happen, but after the dust settled, Nash and Steiner prevailed securing their championship matches at Unforgiven. Nash has been on a roller coaster for the past 4 weeks, but is there a World Championship at the end of this ride?


Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels
The rivalry that has seemed to take Raw by storm has been Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels. According to Randy Orton, the only reason Ric Flair lost his match with Michaels at Summerslam is because of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the same man whom he has been having a war of words with for the past 2 months, so Randy Orton has taken aim at the Heartbreak Kid ever since. Randy Orton stalked HBK for weeks trying to get him in the squared circle until Shawn Michaels laid the challenge out to Randy Orton and challenged him to a match at Unforgiven. Last Monday the rivalry got even uglier as they had the official contract signing in the center of the ring. It escalated far enough, but Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton ended up brawling it out in the center of the ring. Ric Flair pulled HBK off of Orton, but HBK was about to go after Flair, but Orton low blowed HBK. Evolution reigned supreme in the battle last Monday Night, but who will win the war this Sunday?


World Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Booker T* vs. RVD and Kane
Ever since Chris Jericho and Booker T won the World Tag Team Championship, they have been the hottest entity in sports entertainment. Y2J and Booker T have not lost a tag team match together ever since becoming champions. Their opponents at Unforgiven will be the team of RVD and his old friend, the Big Red Machine Kane. For months Kane has been the most feared and hated man on the roster, but RVD is trying to make him turn his leaf because that will be the only way to win gold at Unforgiven. Chris Jericho and Booker T both have singles victories over RVD and Kane, but can they defeat them as a team on Sunday?


Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner
The battle of the gladiators is set to take place this Sunday at Unforgiven as Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner battles with Evolution’s Animal Batista for Batista’s Intercontinental Championship. Scott Steiner looks down at Batista for being a rookie in the business, but Big Poppa Pump just might be a little over his head. Can Scott Steiner stop the Animal Dave Batista and take the Intercontinental Championship away? Find out this Sunday!


Women's Championship
Jazz vs. Gail Kim
Last month at Summerslam, during the triple threat Women’s Championship match, we saw Jazz hoist the Women’s Champion Molly Holly up over her head and throw her over the top rope shattering her leg. Molly is out for 3-6 months because of that, but that doesn’t stop the show from going on. Eric Bischoff had no choice but to strip her of the Women’s Championship. Jazz made it her personal quest to get that title, she went as far as threatening the Raw GM and putting her hands on him in order to intimidate Eric Bischoff to hand over the Women’s Championship, but for good business and in all fairness, Eric Bischoff has made the match Jazz vs. Gail Kim, the 3rd Diva in that match at Summerslam, to decide who the rightful Women’s Champion really is. Which Diva will reign supreme this Sunday?


Trish Stratus calls out her former boyfriend Christian
After Trish Stratus was taken out a couple months ago at the hands of Mark Henry, her boyfriend Christian suffered the same fate. Christian got back on his feet way before Trish did. Christian has been seen backstage last month, but he started no showing events as soon as Trish came back to work. Trish has been looking up and down the arena every week looking for him, saying Christian never bothered calling her or visited her in the hospital, plus Christian wouldn’t answer her calls. All Trish is looking for is answers, will she finally get to speak with Christian at Unforgiven?

To get the answers to these questions plus much more, be sure to order WWE Unforgiven this Sunday Night presented by WWE Raw!

Moonlight Drive

Goldberg VS Undertaker
By cheating or DQ, I want you to continue the feud :)

Triple H VS Kevin Nash
Trips is a much better champion than Big Sexy

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels
Interference from Flair, you said it wasn't the last we would see of him

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane
Make them win or I shall hunt you down!

Batista VS Scott Steiner
There's no point in giving the belt to Scotty, and Batista just won it

Jazz VS Gail Kim
She'll bust up that bitch

Christian answers Trish
Interesting one, I have no idea what'll happen

Check out World Wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming, Raw has been posted


wow... great preview dude, here are my predictions:

Goldberg VS Undertaker
I see a win by DQ, just so this can go on for a while

Triple H VS Kevin Nash
I just dont like Kevin Nash and Triple H would crush him

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels
Interference from Flair causing a DQ or an RKO with a quick rollup

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane
You give them good nicknames.. now give em a title lol

Batista VS Scott Steiner
Batista cant lose the title that fast

Jazz VS Gail Kim
This has nothing to do with it, but Jazz is butt ugly... make her BLEED lol

Christian answers Trish
Interesting idea here.... I hope somethin good comes out of this

I shall be ordering this ppv and reading it/watching it lol when its posted, I cannot wait


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Goldberg VS Undertaker

Triple H VS Kevin Nash

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane

Batista VS Scott Steiner

Jazz VS Gail Kim

The Rated R CMStar

Goldberg VS Undertaker
Goldberg clean. I see a rematch soon with Taker evening the score and you then give us the climax.

Triple H VS Kevin Nash
Nash by DQ. I see Goldberg vs Taker continuing so does HBK vs Orton, so I see no other challengers, that's why I see this feud continuing. Besides, since this will not be the main event you'll be able to pull it off.

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels
The Legend Killer gimmick started in real life in this event against the very same man. Orton is winning this, prob with Flair interfering so we can start the build up for the rematch between HBK vs Flair at Survivor Series, or Team HBK vs Team Flair or something like that.

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane
No Way they are losing their momentum

Batista VS Scott Steiner
Scotty doesn't deserve the belt. Plain and simple

Jazz VS Gail Kim
Haven't paid attention to the angle and buildup