WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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CT Styles

Best Match: The Main Event was great. It had good use of superstars and I liked how it flowed and the end with Goldberg making a massive statement on Triple H. I love how you're using Evolution and it's sure to be a great match at the 3-Hour Show.

Worst Match: Maybe the Squash Match with 3MW and Jericho or the Womens Match, just because I hate womens wrestling. None were really that bad, all at least decent.

Best Promo: I felt they were all pretty on par this week. They were all decent and none really outshine any. If I had to pick one it would be the Evolution one, I just really like how you use them and they're always in character.

Worst Promo: Read above.

Additional Comments: Good show, not amazing but not horrible. It was a decent show and creates great hype for the 3-Hour Show with some great statements made. I like how everyone is used, it's like the real RAW. Keep it up.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Maven vs D'Lo Brown: I was really surprised here. With Maven turning heel, you gave him much more offense, and really had him do something. There was some nice chain wrestling at the end, but it all came to a close with Maven getting DQ'd, which makes sense if you look at the new attitude of Maven. Good match here booking-wise.

Eric Bischoff promo: I really liked this, as it kept some heat on Bischoff (with the little Stone Cold mention), and you had him announce some big matches for your 3 hour special. Good promo.

Christian/RVD promo: Very, very good promo. Maybe we shall see Christian vs RVD at the 3 hour special, then kane vs RVD later on. IDK. Great promo.

Jazz vs Victoria: Maybe a little short, but the object of the match was to shopw the upset of Victoria beating Jazz, and it acheived that. Jazz dominated all match, and it's cool to see you actually trying to build Victoria up as a credible challenger. Although I don't think there is any chance of her being able to beat Jazz, come the 3 hour special.

Gail Kim promo: Maybe Gail will get frustrated to the point where she turns heel? IDK. I'm interested to see though.

Triple H/Goldberg/Eric Bischoff promo: Triple H was very well written here. He was in character well. Pretty good promo altogether, as Goldberg was his kickass self.

RVD/Kane promo: The turn is coming! RVD vs Kane = awesome.

Chris Jericho/Booker T promo: Nice promo, you always have great promos with these two. 3MW attacking them adds some heat to the feud, which it needed.

Christian vs RVD: A bit shorter than I expected, especially considering the match these two could put on. I guess they won't feud, as Christian went over clean. It's a nice way to make Christian look good though. The finish was basic, but good. Christian vs King (which I forgot about) looks like it'll happen the way King was commentating. Kane coming down and helping RVD was a bit of a surprise, I thought he would scare Christian off, then cream RVD himself. I guess it's only a matter of time.

Evolution promo: Good promo, this is exactly how the old Evolution were. With Triple H's closing line, it makes me wonder if Evolution will jump Goldberg later. We shall see.

Chris Jericho/Eric Bischoff promo: Jericho came out, and was pissed as he should be. Bischoff played the classic heel character, which impressed me. Great work adding heat to this feud with the match announcement.

Chris Jericho vs 3 Minute Warning: Well, I'm not going to really comment on the match, but it was a great, great way to build up not only the feud, but also make Bischoff look very heelish. The aftermath is great, as it builds 3MW like absolute monsters. Powerbomb through the table ftw.

Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels vs Evolution: With the amount of people in this match, it's ahrd to fit them all in, so I applaud you for doing as well as you did. It's a real pain in the ass to write. I'm really surprised that you had Goldberg pin Tripper, I thought you'd have Flair be the victim, while Triple H looks on. Anyway, nice long main event, where everything moved along nicely.

AC: Great show xba, your hype for feuds is actually quite amazing. There are no better on the site. Keep it going, as we get around to the business time of the wrestling year (BTB-wise).


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Raw Review

D-Lo vs. Maven- Holy crap there were a lot of near falls. Good match, I liked the ending. I like that Maven might be getting a push now.

Bischoff promo- Good promo to set up for the 3 Hour Spectacular.

RVD/Christian promo- I liked this. These two could have a good feud.

Victoria vs. Jazz- Good match, I was suprised that Victoria picked up the win.

Bischoff/Gail promo- Gail just got owned by Bischoff. lol

HHH/Goldberg promo- Good promos from both men, sets up this feud nicely.

RVD/Kane promo- Odd promo.

Booker/Y2J promo- Funny as always. The 3MW attack after was written good.

RVD vs. Christian- Pretty good match. I didn't expect Christian to win.

Evolution promo- Flairs part of it was the best.

Christian promo- Very good promo.

Y2J/Bischoff promo- Desent promo, not bad.

Y2J vs. 3MW- It's never good to see Jericho get squashed.

Main Event- Good match, but about half way through I got kinda bored.

BM: Main Event
WM: 3MW squash
BP: HHH/Goldberg promo
WP: RVD/Kane
AC: Not a bad show, but it almost felt like a filler just to set up for the 3 Hour show.
Plug: If you get the chance leave a review for POI this sunday.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

WWE Raw rolls into New Orleans this Monday Night for another action packed Monday Night on Raw!

Last Monday Night on Raw, Evolution went into an 8 man tag team match against the likes of Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner and Goldberg. In a brutal 8 man war, Evolution got bested by the quartet of superstars finishing with Goldberg getting the Jackhammer on the World Heavyweight Champion, himself, Triple H. Triple H went into this match as confident as possible and to see all of Evolution fall in just one night, after seeing Evolution all victorious at Unforgiven, what mindset will the Game be in this coming Monday Night?

Evolution’s Animal, the Intercontinental Champion, Batista has waged war with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner for awhile now. These two behemoths clashed in two previous encounters all seeing Batista keep his championship gold one way or another. This Monday Night both men will collide one more time for Intercontinental Championship gold. Will Scott Steiner finally be able to slay the Animal and take the gold or will Batista’s reign continue in the ranks on Raw? Tune in this Monday to find out!

Confirmed Matches
-Kane vs. Christian
-Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner
-Tables Match
Booker T. vs. Jamal
-World Heavyweight Champion Triple H main events Monday Night Raw

All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
2 Weeks away!




The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Nice preview, XBA. I think Triple H will be pretty pissed this week on Raw. And hopefully Batista keeps the Intercontinental Championship. The confirmed matches look pretty good. I can see some interference in the Booker/Jamal Tables Match and Kane vs. Christian should be a good match as well. As always, I'll be checking out the show.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Kane vs. Christian

Via DQ. Kane snaps. RVD then rusn in and tries to calm him down.

Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner

Tista already beat the big piece of shit.

Tables Match
Booker T. vs. Jamal

Just to make 3MW look even bigger and better.

Looks pretty good xba, I'll check it out. I guess we'll see Triple H vs Nash for the main event.

Moonlight Drive

Tables Match
Booker T. vs. Jamal
He better get a gimmick change to Umaga sometime. but yeah, Y2-Jeezy and B-Teezy will lose this week, get the heels back next

Kane vs Christian
We'll see a sicker kind of Kane, who won't 'snap' yet though

Big Dave vs Big Scott
Who would give a belt of any kind to...Steiner~!

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Tables Match
Booker T. vs. Jamal

Interference from Rosey. Booker T goes through a table, and Y2J comes out for the save.

Kane vs Christian
Get Kane over as the beast he his, and as HBK said.. To hype him up for 'the snap'.

Big Dave vs Big Scott
Just 'cuz Big Poppa Pump is hungry!

Got my predictions up. Go predict when you get the chance. Will review next show in full!


WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another jam packed Monday Night Raw LIVE from New Orleans! We have a great show planned for you tonight there’s no doubt about that, listen to these matches…tell them King!

King: Right here tonight we are going to have a little preview of the World Tag Team Championship match next week as one half of 3 Minute Warning, the number one contender’s to the World Tag Team titles, Jamal takes on one half of the World Tag Team Champions Booker T in a tables match! This all resulted from last week’s backstage beating, let alone 3 Minute Warning’s handicap match Booker’s partner Chris Jericho, but we’ll fill you in more on that later this evening. Also tonight, Batista, the Animal of Evolution puts his Intercontinental Championship on the line one more time against Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner! Do you think Scott will be able to take the title once and for all JR?

JR: I am not sure about that one King, but I know thing is for sure and that is going to be one hell of a slobberknocker! Also tonight, Kane is taking on Christian. Both men have been having their little mood swings as of late, but Kane is defending Rob Van Dam here and he is sure to bring the fight to Captain Charisma!

Evolution’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H comes down the ramp with Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and the Intercontinental Champion Batista.

Here are four gentlemen that I imagine aren’t too happy right now. Evolution took on Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, and Scott Steiner last week in the main event on Monday Night Raw and came up just a tad short when the Champ himself got Jackhammered by the Number one contender Bill Goldberg!

King: Judging by this ovation, I don’t think New Orleans are Evolution’s biggest fans!

JR: Couldn’t have said it better myself!

HHH: Let’s get things straight right off the bat. Don’t believe what you heard or saw about last week, Evolution did not lose. Evolution doesn’t lose, Evolution is unstoppable. We are the greatest unit running in professional wrestling today, hell, maybe ever. All that I know is that last week, we were cheated, we were robbed, and we were played by Bill Goldberg. Everyone knows that Bill Goldberg is nothing but a fraud in this business. Goldberg is not a professional wrestler; the guy is an unsuccessful athlete who couldn’t make it in the NFL. Face it Bill, these fans know it, I know it, Evolution knows it, hell, I bet even you even know it, but since you are a little slow, I am not expecting that much so don’t worry. As far as I am concerned, you are not worthy of being number one contender. In my eyes, you are just as qualified as Maven, and that punk hasn’t even won a single match! The record books say that you pinned me 1…2…3 last week, too bad that wasn’t the case. I was concerned for Ric. I was distracted; I wanted to know if Nay-tch was okay. The ref didn’t understand me when I was trying to get to Ric, that’s when you took advantage Bill. That’s sort of the story of your career, you jump in at the most inappropriate time and cash in on whatever or whoever you can. Well congratulations Bill, another mission is a success. You are the number one contender, I might not like it or agree with it, but the match is set for next week Goldberg. You vs. Me! The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line, what are you going to do…

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate and stands at the top of the ramp.

: Looks like Goldberg has heard enough from the Game!

King: So he doesn’t like the truth? That’s what Triple H is saying JR, the straight truth.

HHH: Hey look boys; it’s the man of the hour, Bill Goldberg himself!

Goldberg: TRIPLE H! I came out here to tell you one thing and one thing only.

HHH: Let me guess…let me guess…I am next right? Listen Bill, you have to think of new material jack, that’s getting pretty old. You told it to me last week, I have heard it all before, so save it for someone who cares.

Goldberg: Game, that’s not what I came out here to tell you. I think you heard the stories of my reputation in WCW. I hold the record, I was unbeaten. I beat wrestlers day in and day out, and I have to say I think every single one of them can beat your ass any day!

HHH: You are going to start bringing up WCW? Is this guy serious? Goldberg, WCW went out way before it actually went out of business and as soon as WCW went out the window, so did you. I said it earlier; you are a fraud, just like WCW!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff comes down the ramp.

: What is Eric Bischoff doing out here JR?

Bischoff: Excuse me? Triple H did I hear you correctly? WCW a fraud? Listen here “jack,” I beat Vince McMahon’s WWE Raw 82 consecutive weeks in a row, I just didn’t beat Raw, beating Raw means I kicked Vince McMahon square in the ass, I beat guys like the Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind, and yes, even you Triple H! Goldberg was my number one guy, despite what I might think of him now, I will back WCW through thick and thin, and I think, despite our disputes, me and Bill can agree on that. Let me make myself crystal clear, I can dismantle Evolution like that Triple H! Tonight Batista defends his Intercontinental Championship against a WCW Original, Scott Steiner. That leaves Batista off Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, but Randy Orton and Ric Flair seem to be left off, so I am making the match Randy Orton and Ric Flair taking on the team of Shawn Michaels and another WCW Original, Kevin Nash! Let’s not forget Triple H, you are taking on the king of WCW Originals, Goldberg next week for that title. So, what I am trying to say is that you shouldn’t be out here bitching and moaning and making jokes about WCW because within 7 days Evolution can be over! Evolution can sure pass superstars by, but what happens when Evolution gets passed by huh? I suggest you take my advice, but to keep your skills sharp Triple H, you are taking on someone you know very well right here tonight, let’s see, tonight Triple H is taking on…Kevin Nash! You better put your game face on, because after Nash, you got Bill next week, so Triple H, one last piece of advice, even though I despise the man, you better believe the hype!

Triple H stares daggers at Eric Bischoff and Goldberg at the top of the ramp.

: Wow! HHH vs. Nash tonight? What a main event! I can’t believe I am actually liking an Eric Bischoff decision!

King: Listen here JR, you hate Eric Bischoff, I personally like that guy! He is a great GM!

JR: As long as the show is on the air, he is a great GM besides his personality. Piece of advice ladies and gentlemen, never bring up WCW in front of our GM!

RVD is stretching in the locker room while Kane is lacing up his boots.

RVD: Hey Kane, you know I never got to thank you for saving me last week, but we still didn’t get to talk after the show about Unforgiven or that whole locker room incident, do you…

Kane: There is nothing to talk about Rob. I am completely…sane. Tonight I am going to go out there and show that little punk Christian just who he is dealing with. He is dealing with Rob Van Dam and the Big Red Machine, it looks to me like is the one way over his head. Rob, I know you are still a little bent out of shape from last week’s match, so just let me go out there. You have him next week in a rematch, so I will soften him up a little, or a lot…

Kane walks out.

RVD: But! Kane! Wait! Ahhh, forget it. I guess it is not a big deal…

RVD pouts and sits down and takes a deep breath, shaking his head.


Goldberg is talking to a stage manager backstage when Eric Bischoff walks up to him smiling.

Bischoff: So…

Goldberg: …so what?

Bischoff: I think someone deserves a thank you Bill.

Goldberg: What have I ever done for you?

Bischoff: No, Bill, it’s not getting through to your head. I think you owe me some gratitude. Didn’t you see how I backed you up out there?

Goldberg: Listen Eric, I don’t owe you squat. I didn’t need help with Evolution and I never will. Trust me, no offense, but you would be the last person I would ever ask for help from. Enjoy your night Eric…

Goldberg walks away and Eric Bischoff has a mischievous look on his face.

REPLAY: Christian is about to “Con-Chair-To” RVD, but Kane saves the day from last week.

Christian’s music hits as Captain Charisma comes down the ramp. The crowd boos the hell out of him as Christian walks down the ramp with a big grin across his face.

: I really can’t stand this little worm JR! He is a virus infecting the entire Raw roster, let alone Trish who is back in the hospital thanks to this ass clown, as Chris Jericho would say.

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

: This is a changed man King. I can’t seem to figure him out, but he sure isn’t the same Big Red Monster we used to know. He had a little flip out session at Unforgiven and then the next night, after he lost his match at Unforgiven, RVD and Kane’s locker room was mysteriously destroyed! Kane wasn’t anywhere to be seen, do you think…

King: Do I think Kane did it? Yes, plain and simple, I wouldn’t trust this guy as far as I can spit.

JR: Well, trust him or not, he is defending Rob Van Dam here which is a plus, there is no purer person on this roster than Mr. Monday Night, so Kane is alright in my book!

Christian vs. Kane
Christian stands in his corner cockily smiling while Kane stares daggers at Captain Charisma. Kane charges Christian and goes for a big boot, but Christian quickly ducks and dodges out of Kane’s aim. Kane turns around and Christian starts unloading shots onto the Big Red Machine. Christian hits him with rights and lefts then kicks him in the knee. Kane shrivels up and Christian puts him in a front face lock. Christian nails Kane with shots to the back and goes for a DDT, but Kane quickly counters and hurls Captain Charisma up and over his back. Christian cringes, but gets to his feet quickly. Kane turns around and clocks Christian with an uppercut. Christian stumbles backwards and off the ropes straight into a hip toss by the Big Red Machine. Christian gets up and charges Kane, but Kane plants him with yet another hip toss. Christian gets up holding his back and charges Kane again and Kane grabs him and lifts him up for a sidewalk slam following up with the cover 1…2…kickout! Kane gets up and kicks Christian in the ribs. Kane picks Christian up, but Christian counters with a jaw breaker. Kane teeters as Christian gets to his feet and doubles back off the ropes. Christian charges the Big Red Machine and clocks him with a running dropkick. Christian quickly covers up Kane for the cover 1…2…kickout! Christian picks up the Big Red Monster and drags him over to the corner and slams his skull off the turnbuckles. Christian places Kane in the corner and unloads with back elbows to the face. Christian then goes to the second rope ready to shovel out mounted punches. Christian hits him 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…Kane grabs him by the tights and lifts him up and off the second rope then drops him with a powerbomb countering Christian’s mounted punches. Christian tries crawling in pain over to the ropes, but Kane bends over and grabs him by the tights. Kane drags him up and clocks him back down with a back clothesline. Christian tries to get to his feet on the mat, but Kane kicks him in the skull. Kane flips Christian over and Kane covers him 1…2…kickout! Kane stands up and gets that crazy look in his eyes.

JR: Wait, wait a minute folks! You see that look in Kane’s eyes? That’s the very same look he had at Unforgiven! You better watch out! Kane starts screaming and he grabs Christian.

Kane hurls Christian to the ropes then charges him taking him and Christian over the top rope. Kane picks up Christian and hurls him into the steel steps. Christian hits it flush with his shoulder. Christian screams in pain. Kane flips the ring apron up and grabs a steel chair. Christian squirms on the floor. The ref tries to calm Kane down, but Kane shoves the ref out of the way. The ref has seen enough and calls for the DQ.
WINNER: Christian by DQ

JR: It might not have been the result I was looking for, but nothing is worth serious injury, good call by referee Nick Patrick!

King: Oh come on JR! Knock his brains out Kane!!!

Kane is about to swing at Christian, but…

RVD runs down the ramp and emerges behind Kane.

RVD yanks the chair out of Kane’s hands. Kane turns around and is very violent towards RVD. He screams at him, but RVD tries to calm him down. Kane screams at him saying he was only trying to help. RVD says this isn’t the right way to do things. Kane seems confused. Kane starts holding his head in confusion. He agrees with RVD. Kane walks up the ramp with his head down. RVD drops the chair and is about to go help Christian. Christian grabs the chair. RVD turns around and Christian clocks Rob Van Dam with the chair. Christian smiles and laughs.

JR: Oh come on! What a sneaky no good bastard!

King: Where is Kane?

JR: He is long gone, he went up the ramp, this is terrible timing! Looks like some more fuel has been added to this fire, what will happen next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular as RVD and Christian collide one on one? This is getting heated quick!

Coach is standing by with the Number one contender for the WWE Women’s Championship, Victoria.

Coach: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time is the very Diva who defeated the WWE Women’s Champion Jazz last week, the first woman to ever get the 3 count on Jazz in quite some time. Victoria, going into this huge title match next week, what are you thoughts?

Victoria: Well Coach, f or one, I think it’s about damn time some other Divas are getting recognized on this damn show besides “Gail Kim.” I have had to sit on the sidelines watching her get title match after title match while I sat in the locker room, unable to do anything about it. Well Gail, I got the title match now, and you know what the difference between you and me are? I am going into a title match with Jazz already having a win over her, something you have never done! If you ask me Coach, the odds are solely in my favor. Come next week, you will see a new Women’s Champion.

Victoria walks away. Gail Kim walks up behind Coach.

Kim: Was that Victoria? Can you believe she is getting a title match? What has she done lately to get that match? Get a cheap win off Jazz? I have done nothing but break my back for Monday Night Raw and I don’t even get the rematch I deserve. Coach, ugh, forget it. I will show Victoria and Jazz, you’ll see!


Kevin Nash walks into Shawn Michaels’ locker room. HBK turns around and greets Nash.

HBK: Hey Kev, what’s goin’ on?

Nash: Well I don’t know if you heard or not, but tonight I got Triple H one on one, finally, once again in that ring. You know as well as anyone you can’t trust the Game or Evolution…

HBK: Don’t I know it…

Nash: I just wanted to know if you can watch my back tonight since we got Orton and Flair at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular next week.

HBK: No doubt about it Big Man, you know I always got your back. I have been fighting Evolution for months now, they are pretty predictable, so let’s see what goes down tonight and we’ll play it by ear. Don’t want to do anything to risky right?

Nash: Yea good idea, the Game is mine tonight, it’s just the rest of Evolution is what I am worried about.

HBK: No problem Kev, considered your back under full surveillance. See you later.

JR: Well that is good strategy on Kevin Nash’s part because you can never be too sure about Evolution King!

Maven’s music hits as Maven comes down to the ring.

: Here comes a man with the very worst record here on Raw. This man came back from injury a couple months back and he hasn’t won a match yet! It’s unbelievable JR!

JR: Last week he had a very good back and fourth type of match with a lot of near falls, but his opponent D-Lo Brown was just too much for him so Maven chose to get DQ’d bringing in a garbage can! Believe that!

Maven: For those who don’t know me, let me take this chance to re-introduce myself. My name is Maven. I am one of the youngest, most gifted athletes on this roster today. I am the very first Tough Enough Winner in all of the WWE! I am a former Hardcore Champion! I survived WrestleMania X8 still holding my Hardcore Championship around my waist! That’s what brings me to tonight. I wanted to come down this ramp and officially declare to all of you that “Maven’s Losing Streak” officially ends next week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular! That’s right! For the past few weeks, I was still getting back into my groove getting rid of the ring rust from my injury, and now that I am back into my niche, there’s nothing stopping me. Plus, to top it all off, my match next week is a Hardcore Match! How appropriate! My specialty! D-Lo Brown wants to make his “Big Comeback” using me as a stepping stone, well D-Lo we aren’t too different because I am looking to use you as a stepping stone to get back into the limelight of Monday Night Raw! For those of you who aren’t really aware…RAW is MAVEN!!! Yea! Awesome! Maven! Raw is Maven!

JR: You have got to be kidding me…

D-Lo Brown’s music hits as D-Lo comes running down the ramp.

D-Lo runs into the ring and goes for a clothesline on Maven, but Maven quickly ducks and makes a B-Line for the ropes. Maven slides under the bottom rope and out of the ring leaving D-Lo in the dust.

JR: Well it looks like Raw isn’t Maven tonight! From my view it looks like Raw is D-Lo King!!!

King: I like Maven confidence JR, he has great potential!

JR: I might agree with you King, that’s if he can only win a match first

PROMO: Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular Hype.

Eric Bischoff is pacing in his office with 3 Minute Warning sitting behind him.

Bischoff: Ugh, I am not too happy right now. My whole world, Monday Night Raw, is crumbling right before my very eyes. I have Triple H blatantly disrespecting MY WCW, I have Goldberg being ungrateful, and on top of it all Vince McMahon, the chairman of the WWE, is coming here next week with a huge announcement! Guys…what do you think I should do?

3 Minute Warning shrugs their shoulders at him. Gail Kim walks into his office. Bischoff turns around and sees Gail staring him in the face.

: …Gail?

Gail: Mr. Bischoff, please, I am begging you, please put me into the Women’s Championship mix next week! You know I deserve that match, I didn’t get my rematch, and who the hell does Victoria think she is anyway? I mean…

Bischoff: Enough. First off, I don’t think you deserve a damn thing Gail, and second, I think Victoria is a prime contender for the Women’s Championship and Victoria would probably agree with me. This is just another scenario of blatant disrespect! You know what? The disrespect stops right now. Gail, you want to compete so much, I am going to give it to you…

Gail: You mean I get the match?

Bischoff: You are getting a match alright, but not the Women’s Championship match next week. I say you are competing right here tonight, as a matter of fact right now!

Gail: Um…alright…against who?

Bischoff: Hey boys…which one of you are fighting Booker T tonight?

Jamal: That would be me boss.

Bischoff: Alright, then Rosey, get over here…Gail…meet your opponent.

Gail: Wait…what?

Bischoff: Now get on out there, these people want wrestling and that’s what they are going to get!

Gail runs out of his office. Rosey runs out chasing her. Bischoff stands there laughing and Jamal is smirking in the back.

JR: Oh come on, is he serious King? Rosey out weighs Gail Kim by over 300 lbs! How can Bischoff do this?

Gail Kim is seen running down the ramp with Rosey in quick pursuit.

: Gail! Run Gail! Don’t stop! Get the hell out of here!

Gail Kim vs. Rosey
Gail reaches the ring and slides in, but Rosey catches up and reaches in and grabs her by the ankle. Rosey pulls her out of the ring with one arm and Gail flies out landing chest and stomach first on the outside floor. Rosey smiles and laughs as he drags Gail up by the hair. He lifts her up off her feet dangling her in mid air. The crowd boos. Gail slaps Rosey square in the face. Rosey doesn’t like that. He hurls her up and then catches her in a bear hug. Rosey starts swinging Gail back and fourth like a rag doll. Rosey laughs throughout this whole thing then whips Gail to the floor. Rosey steps on Gail’s stomach and walks right over her. Rosey picks Gail up and hoists her up on his shoulder. Rosey throws her into the ring then slides in himself. Rosey stands over a motionless Gail Kim then doubles back off the ropes and connects with a huge bodysplash on a defenseless Gail Kim. Rosey hooks the leg 1…2…3!

JR: Eric Bischoff you son of a bitch! How can you do something like this! I am sorry but something has to be done about this! First Christian lays his hands on Trish Stratus and now Eric Bischoff orchestrated this destruction of Gail Kim by a 300+ lb man! This is a disgrace to our business!

Rosey laughs and rolls out of the ring as EMT’s rush into the ring ready to help Gail Kim. Eric Bischoff is seen watching this in his office and he smiles to himself.

JR: Let’s go to a commercial break ladies and gentlemen; I am sorry you had to witness that…


Batista’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

: Well let’s try to switch gears here, we hope to get an update on Gail Kim’s condition, but for now let’s try and focus on this huge title match!

JR: Alright King, good plan. Here comes the Animal Batista, the reigning Intercontinental Champion here on Monday Nights. He has been reining champion ever since being awarded that title the first half of August a couple months ago. He has been an impressive champion despite who he might roll with.

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

: Eric Bischoff made this match earlier this week; I imagine that if Steiner loses this match, he might not get another title shot for awhile.

Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner
Batista and Scott Steiner meet front and center in the middle of the ring as the ref holds up the Intercontinental Championship gold. They lock up. Batista starts to push Scott Steiner back, forcing him towards the corner, but Scott Steiner starts to fight back pushing the Animal towards the opposite corner. Batista pushes back as both men arrive back where they started in the middle of the ring. They unlock and look each other dead in the eye. Scott motions that he is going to be the next Intercontinental Champion and Batista decks him with a right. Batista nails him with another right then pushes him towards and off the ropes. Steiner flies across the ring but latches on and hangs onto the ropes. Batista charges Big Poppa Pump, but Steiner gets the boot up and nails him in the face. Batista stumbles back holding his face. Steiner charges the Animal and nails him with a shoulder block. Steiner doubles back off the ropes then drops a huge elbow drop on the Animal. Steiner covers Batista 1…kickout! Steiner gets up and drags Batista up. Batista starts shooting off blows to the midsection of Steiner and Big Poppa Pump loses his grip on the Animal. Batista starts firing off rights onto Steiner. Batista goes for a clothesline, but Steiner ducks then hooks Batista from behind and goes for a German Suplex. Batista quickly responds with a block then shoots back elbows to the head of Steiner. Steiner loses his grip on the Animal yet again. Batista turns around and gets Steiner in a front face lock. Batista sets Steiner up for a suplex and lifts him off his feet. Batista lets him dangle for a couple moments then drops him with a perfectly executed suplex. Batista gets up and roars at Steiner. Batista steps back and raises his arms like he already won the match. Steiner flips over and does three pushups then jumps to his feet. Batista seems like he has seen a ghost. Steiner charges him and takes him down reigning blows onto the Animal. Steiner gets up and stalks Batista. Batista gets up with his back turned to Steiner. Big Poppa Pump runs up from behind the Animal and nails him with a bulldog. Steiner rolls Batista over and hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Steiner rolls over next to Batista and starts cranking out even more pushups. Steiner gets up and grabs Batista. Steiner connects with shot after shot onto the Animal backing him up to the corner. Batista quickly reverses and throws Steiner in the corner. Batista connects with shoulder thrusts to the gut one right after another to the mid section of Steiner. Batista grabs Scott by the arm and hurls him across the ring. Steiner flies across the ring and lands in the opposite corner. Batista runs across the ring and charges Steiner. Scott ducks out of the way and Batista crashes sternum first into the turnbuckles. Steiner re-emerges behind Batista and hooks him then nailing him with German Suplex. Steiner runs across the ring and covers Batista once again 1…2…kickout! Steiner can’t believe it. He gets up and grabs the Animal yet again. Scott Steiner hoists Batista on his shoulders and begins to twist and contort his back with a Torture Rack. Batista screams in agony. Scott keeps bending him in half then follows up with a huge Shock Treatment dropping the Animal. Batista cringes on the mat as Steiner covers him yet again 1…2…kickout at the last second! Steiner begs the ref that it was three, but the ref repeatedly tells him it was two. Behind Steiner, Batista rises to his feet. Batista could barely stand, but as soon as Steiner turns around, Batista fires out of the corner and spears him out of his boots. Both men lie motionless on the mat as the ref begins the double count out 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…Batista rolls over…8…9…Batista puts his arm over Steiner covering him 1…2…kickout! Batista gets up to his feet and pulls Steiner up. Steiner pulls Batista’s legs out from underneath him and Batista finds himself on his back on the mat. Steiner grabs his legs and then slingshots him towards the corner. Batista flies to the corner, but lands on the second rope. Batista hops off and turns around. Steiner charges the Animal for a big splash in the corner. Steiner leaps for it, but Batista dodges. Steiner then also lands on the second rope. Batista sneaks in from underneath and gets him on his shoulders setting him up for the Batista Bomb. Batista lifts him off the rope and walks to the middle of the ring and drops him with the Batista Bomb. Batista covers Scott Steiner 1…2…3!
WINNER: Intercontinental Champion Batista

JR: Good lord! The term “car crash” doesn’t even begin to describe what we have just witnessed King!

King: These two always manage to put on a great match, but that was beyond anything they have ever done in the past! What a match!

Batista raises his arms in victory and holds up the Intercontinental Championship.

Triple H is clapping watching the monitor in his locker room along with the rest of Evolution.

HHH: You see boys, that’s the sort of thing I want to see, unlike last week’s debacle. Batista is what Evolution is all about…talent…looks…dominance…money…championships! That’s what we are all about. Alright, Randy, Ric, tonight I got a match with Kevin Nash. Now, knowing Nash he will try and take the easy way out, so expect him to be trying to dupe Shawn into coming down to the ring with him. So, we plan strategically got me? You guys are going to accompany me to that ring tonight, I wouldn’t put anything past Kevin Nash. Although he isn’t too bright all the time, Kev has one thing that most people underestimate most of the time and that’s experience.

Orton: You don’t have to worry about a thing Hunter, we got you, and I expect that when Batista comes back here, he will be right there along with us.

HHH: Good work Randy, Ric, you have taught him well. I got a something I need to take care of again, so I will see you guys out there later tonight.

Flair: Woo! No problem Game!

Orton: See you out there champ.


REPLAY: Jamal powerbombs Chris Jericho off the ring apron through the announce table.

JR: We know that was some brutal footage we just showed you ladies and gentlemen, but we had to show you that footage to make it known just how dangerous 3 Minute Warning has become, even more so than before.

King: If you don’t believe us folks, just look what Rosey did to poor defenseless Gail Kim earlier tonight!

REPLAY: Rosey’s unnecessary beatdown of Gail Kim.

JR: For the record folks, I hope Booker T beats the living hell out of Jamal here folks.

King: By the way, I hear that Chris Jericho wasn’t even able to be released from the hospital as far as I know. Y2J isn’t here tonight, nobody can back Booker T!

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as Jamal comes down the ramp along with Rosey. They stop halfway down the ramp. Jamal tells Rosey that he has it under control. Rosey goes back up the ramp and Jamal comes down to ringside.

: Good, if Rosey was going to be ringside this whole match, Booker would have never had a chance…

Booker T’s music hits as one half of the World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: Booker has quite the challenge in front of him. Let’s remember Y2J wasn’t the only one taken out last week. Prior to Y2J’s beatdown, 3 Minute Warning ambushed our champs backstage taking out Booker T, that’s why Booker wasn’t seen helping Y2J later on that night.

Tables Match
Booker T. vs. Jamal

Booker grips his bandaged ribs and puts his game face on. He gets in his fighting stance and begins to more to the middle of the ring towards Jamal. Jamal and Booker circle the ring then meet and Booker kicks Jamal in the gut. Booker starts unloading combinations of backhand slaps, chops, and rights hands to the massive Samoan and follows through with another kick to the gut. Booker bounces off the ropes early looking for the Scissors Kick, but Jamal quickly ducks. Booker turns around and Jamal clocks Booker with a huge clothesline. Jamal smiles and then laughs. Jamal peels Booker off the mat and knees him in the gut and places him into the corner. Jamal nails him with shots to the chest and then head-butts him. Jamal grabs Booker by the hair and whips him up and out of the corner. Booker cringes on the mat at Jamal runs up to him and drops a huge elbow onto the back of Booker T. Jamal gets up and watches Booker scurry to his feet. Jamal waits for Booker to get up then pulls him into a headlock. Booker starts nailing him with shots to the back then pushes Jamal forward. Jamal goes up and off the ropes then flies back towards Booker. Booker goes for a spin kick, but Jamal ducks and goes back off the ropes one more time. Jamal flies at Booker and knocks him down with a shoulder block. Booker goes down as Jamal goes off the ropes again and drops a huge leg drop on Booker T. Jamal rolls out of the ring onto the outside floor. He flips up the apron and looks underneath the ring. Jamal slides out a table and slides it into the ring. Booker gets up and runs towards the ropes and nails a baseball slide onto Jamal. Booker gets out of the ring and starts stomping the hell out of Jamal on the outside floor. Booker starts screaming at Jamal as he continues to stomp him down. Booker goes to the apron and flips it up. Booker pulls out another table, but Jamal has gotten up behind Booker’s back and ambushes him. Booker drops the table and Jamal hurls him into the steel steps. Booker hits them knees first and flips up and over the steel ring steps. Jamal grabs the same table Booker brought out and carries it over by Booker. Jamal sets up the table on the outside floor next to the ring and then goes after Booker T. He grabs the 5 time WCW champion and slams his head first off the wooden table. Booker stumbles back away from Jamal. Jamal charges him, but Booker gets him with a drop toe hold, grounding the big man. Booker grabs a monitor off the announcer’s table and takes aim at Jamal. Jamal gets up and turns towards Booker. Booker charges Jamal with the monitor, but Jamal ducks and Booker misses. Jamal grabs Booker from behind and gets him in a Full Nelson then follows through with the Full Nelson Slam. Jamal grabs Booker and puts him on the apron. He sets him up for a powerbomb standing on the apron. Jamal hurls Booker up and is about to slam him off the apron through the table.

JR: Oh good lord! Not this King! This is what he did to Chris Jericho last week!

Chris Jericho runs down the ramp to a thundering ovation.

: Wait! Is that? That is! It’s Chris Jericho! I thought he wasn’t here tonight!

Jericho runs into the ring and towards the ropes. He pulls Booker down by the ankle. Jamal doesn’t know what is going on, he turns around. Jericho doubles back off the ropes and then nails a running dropkick to Jamal. Jamal flies off the apron and through the table. Jericho gets on his knees and aids Booker T.
WINNER: Booker T

JR: Wow! What a surprise, Chris Jericho arriving here on Raw from being dismantled by 3 Minute Warning last week!

Rosey runs down the ramp making a B-Line for the ring.

Jericho gets up and is ready for Rosey. Rosey runs into the ring and goes for a clothesline on Jericho, but Jericho ducks. Rosey turns around and Y2J plants Rosey with a huge double knee face buster onto one half of 3 Minute Warning. Jericho grabs the table that was slid into the ring earlier by Jamal and sets it up vertically in the corner. Booker gets up to his feet and he nods to Y2J. Booker T and Chris Jericho grab Rosey and hurl him head first into the wooden table breaking the table. The crowd goes nuts.

JR: What a surprising turn of events. 3 Minute Warning seemed to have the champs’ numbers last week, but this week they bounced back! This must not make Eric Bischoff too happy! Not one bit!

Triple H is walking backstage. He walks up a narrow hallway asking everyone if they have seen Bill Goldberg around. Triple H gets to the end of the hallway in the arrival entrance of the building. He breathes heavily.

HHH: Damnit. Where the hell is Bill Goldberg? How can those “losers” not know where he is, what kind of people does Eric have working here…

Goldberg walks up behind Triple H.

Goldberg: Looking for me?

HHH: Yea, you know what Bill I am looking for you. I didn’t get everything out that I wanted to earlier tonight, and I just had to find you to tell you this one little thing.

Goldberg: Well Triple H, I am listening, what is it?

HHH: Come next week Goldberg, your whole image, your reputation, your career won’t mean a damn thing because once you fall, like all the rest, to me, there is no going back. I beat Shawn’s ass at Bad Blood earlier this year, do you see him getting anymore title shots? No. I just want you to know that once you lose to me, it’s over. There is no way out Goldberg. You are on a runaway train that is about to make an unexpected stop! I hope…

Goldberg: I hope you have a rematch clause in that little contract of yours because once I beat your ass for that belt, I don’t think one match will be enough to shut your mouth, let alone I would love nothing more than to beat your ass two times in a row. You go out there and have your little match with Kev, he shouldn’t be a problem for you right? I mean…he did “fall to the great Triple H” before, right? Ha, I’ll see you next week…Champ.

Goldberg walks away and Triple H feels disrespected. He shakes his head and grips his championship on his shoulder watching Goldberg walk away.


Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Sexy comes down the ramp.

Get ready folks! Get ready for an all out brawl! Kevin Nash and Triple H have waged war for the past month or so here on Raw ever since Kevin Nash answered the Game’s open challenge the night after Summerslam. For the record, no, Kevin Nash has never beaten the Game, but the past means nothing tonight because Big Sexy has got one more chance tonight!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

: What makes you think Kevin Nash could beat the Game here tonight JR? Kevin Nash has had one of the worst records on Raw for the past month and a half, well, next to none other than Maven of course…

Kevin Nash vs. Triple H
Triple H stands in his corner holding his World Championship belt smirking across the ring at Kevin Nash. Nash looks extremely focused staring at the Game. The bell rings and both men come out of the corner and circle the ring. They pause then lock up in the middle of the ring. Kevin Nash out powers the Game and pulls him into a side headlock. Triple H tries to shake him off, but he can’t. The Game tries pushing his forward, but Nash puts the brakes on and puts more pressure on the Cerebral Assassin. Triple H starts shooting off shots to the kidney area of Kevin Nash. Nash starts losing his grip. Triple H nails a forearm to the spine and then pushes Nash forward. Nash flies to and off the ropes and back towards the Game. The Game goes for a clothesline, but Nash ducks and goes off the ropes again. Nash goes back off the ropes and goes for a high risk running big boot to the Game, but the Game ducks quickly. Nash misses and puts the brakes on. Triple H stays on him and drills him with a chop block. Nash gets down on one knee and the Game starts beating the hell out of him. The Game grabs his head and starts nailing shots to the skull. He hits him 1…2…3…4…5…Nash blocks the sixth shot and hits the Game back. Nash hits the Game with shots 1…2…Nash gets to his feet…3…4…5…Nash grabs the Game and hurls him to the ropes. The Game bounces right back and Nash sends him up with a huge backdrop. The Game lands flush on his back onto the mat, but gets up and shakes it off. Triple H stumbles around and Nash hits him with another right. Nash shoves the Game back and Triple H finds himself in the corner. Nash extends his leg out and puts it across the Game’s throat choking him in the corner. The ref tries to get Nash off, but he can’t so he counts 1…2…3…4…Nash lets go. Nash steps back, but goes for a back elbow. Nash goes for it, but the Game dodges it and pins Nash in the corner this time. Triple H starts stomping the hell out of Nash in the corner. He grabs Nash and runs his face along the top rope scratching it. He hurls him off the ropes and across the ring. Nash bounces off the ropes and Triple H plants him with a flying knee to the gut. Nash flies up and over his knee and onto the mat. The Game covers Kevin Nash 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets atop Nash and starts unloading mounted punches onto Big Sexy. He hits him 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…Nash shoves him off. Nash gets on his hands and knees and starts crawling to the ropes. Triple H gets right back up and nails a running elbow drop onto the kidney area of Nash. Triple H flips Nash over and drags him to the center of the ring by the ankle. He nails an elbow drop to the knee into a knee bar on Big Sexy. Nash screams in pain due to his history with bad knees. Nash falls shoulders flat on the mat in pain as the ref counts 1…2…Nash gets up. Triple H puts more pressure on Nash. Nash falls back first on the mat again and the ref counts 1…2…kickout! Nash reaches and pulls on Triple H by the eyes and the hair. Triple H lets go and tries to regain himself. Nash uses the ropes to get up to his feet. His legs are damaged at this point. Triple H charges Big Sexy, but Nash uses his ring presence and pulls down the top rope and Triple H flies up and over the top rope and spills onto the outside floor.

Randy Orton and Ric Flair come down the ramp slowly staring at Nash.

: Well folks, we all saw this coming! Randy Orton and Ric Flair, Triple H’s Evolution lackeys have arrived and are now ringside!

Nash walks over to the ropes and bends over warning Flair and Orton to stay out of his business. Triple H rolls back into the ring behind Nash’s back and clocks him with another chop block. Nash grasps his knee again. Triple H grabs Nash by the ankle and drags him to the middle of the ring again. He goes for a Figure Four Leg Lock and gets it singed in on Big Sexy. Nash screams in pain. Triple H puts more pressure on. Kevin Nash tries reaching for the ropes, but he realizes they are too small. Nash uses his reach and grabs Triple H’s head and hits him with a right, then another right. Triple H loosens his grip and Nash is free. Nash rolls away and out to the outside floor. Randy Orton and Ric Flair stalk him on the outside.

King: Well, this doesn’t look good for Kevin Nash right now JR!

HBK’s music hits as Shawn Michaels runs to the ring and fends off Evolution until Nash can get back into the ring.

Nash rolls back into the ring. Triple H goes on the offense again with kicks to the gut. Triple H whips Nash across the ring, but Nash counters and hurls the Game across the ring. Triple H bounces right back into a huge sidewalk slam by Kevin Nash into the pin on the World Heavyweight Champion 1…2…kickout! Kevin Nash gets up and signals for the Jackknife. He grabs HHH and sets him up for the Jackknife. Randy Orton gets on the apron like he is going to interfere. The ref runs over to him and tries to get him down. Shawn Michaels runs over to him and trips him up. Ric Flair runs into the ring. Triple H low blows Big Sexy. The Game and the Nature Boy rendezvous behind Nash and nail him with a double chop block to both knees of Nash. Ric rolls out of the ring just as the ref gets back to the action. HBK runs around the ring and Ric Flair hightails it up the ramp with HBK in hot pursuit. Triple H drags Nash to his feet and kicks him in the gut then plants him with the Pedigree. Triple H pins Nash 1...2…3!
WINNER: Triple H

JR: Oh come on! What an abrupt ending! Another unfair ending thanks to Evolution? This is getting ridiculous!

Randy Orton grabs the World Heavyweight Championship and slides it in to Triple H. Triple H screams at Randy that he wants the sledgehammer. Triple H turns his back to Orton and starts trash talking a fallen Nash. Orton grabs the sledgehammer on the outside then turns to his right.

Goldberg hops over the barricade and crouches next to the steel steps.


Goldberg runs at him and spears Randy Orton on the outside. The crowd goes nuts. Triple H still has his back turned and he screams…

HHH: Where’s that hammer Orton?

Triple H turns around only to see Goldberg standing behind him holding the sledgehammer. Triple H looks like he has seen a ghost. Triple H walks backwards slowly grasping his World Heavyweight Championship. He walks out of the ring and up t he ramp not taking his eyes off Goldberg. Goldberg points the sledgehammer at Triple H…

Goldberg: YOU’RE NEXT!!!!

JR: Good lord! I can’t imagine what will happen next week when these two titans collide one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship! It’s a 3 Hour Raw Spectacular next week folks all headlined by Goldberg vs. Triple H! Be sure to tune in, I will! For JR and the King, good night everybody


WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
Next week!!!





The Rated R CMStar

BM: I am going with HHH vs Kevin Nash. IMO the Tables Match could have gone longer, and that's why I am putting the main event as the best match, even though I didn't have high hopes for it. Batista vs Steiner was also good. Lol at JR saying that they always put good matches. I could only imagine that match in real life.

WM: Gail Kim's squash. Altough I enjoyed every single bit of it. Bad Kim, thinking she's worthy of even talking to Bischoff.

BP: Triple H and Goldberg backtage. Their opening promo was also going good, but the WCW lovefest turn me down, so when they went back to it backstage the hype really picked up.

WP: None, maybe Maven and D'lo segment, that could have gone longer.

AC: Good show, and specially go show before the 3hour show. I suspect that Vince's announcement next week is either an update on Steve Austin, or, call me crazy, something with WCW. This discussion of WCW could be just random, or part of a big plot and storyline.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: I'm going with Tista and Steiner. The ME was good too, but I just liked the Tista match more and I'm not quite sure why.

WM: Gail Kim getting her lunch eaten, ROFL.

BP: Goldberg and Trips backstage as well for me. Your promos are so in character as always. Good job, again, and again, and again.

WP: None.

AC: Great show as usual, even with some (to me) uninteresting sounding matches. You pulled off some stuff I thought was gonna suck. I know how sometimes you have to throw a couple yuckier sounding matches in, but even those don't throw XBA off track. Kudos. Come check out XCW: Full Throttle when you get a chance. Last show before the second pay per view and its a doozie!




WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III
A LIVE 3 Hour Edition of Raw FREE on SpikeTV!
Official Preview Guide​

WWE Raw returns with the third installment of "Raw's 3 Hour Spectacular" this Monday Night. Raw has treated it's fans with a 3 Hour Special and the superstars of Raw look to awe their fans once more. Raw goes LIVE and FREE, a 3 Hour Spectacular this Monday Night on Raw!

For the greater part of 2003, two men have defied the odds and emerged Raw’s two top stars thus far. One man is the current holder of the World Heavyweight Championship, the leader of Evolution, the Game Triple H. Triple H has entered every battle and still walked out with his Championship gold around his waist no matter who he fought, whether Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Kevin Nash, it didn’t matter because the Cerebral Assassin always emerged victorious. The other man who has made a path of destruction would be Bill Goldberg. Goldberg has done nothing but destroy everything in his path ever since coming to the WWE back in April. He has taken down everyman big or small. Goldberg has gotten wins over Kane, Rodney Mack, Mark Henry, Batista, and more recently the Undertaker. Goldberg waged war with the Deadman since June and both men had two matches, coincidently, in a span of two days. The Undertaker got the three count at Unforgiven, but it was Goldberg who would have the last laugh when he defeated the Undertaker the very next night on Raw not only winning the number one contender spot, but also banishing Big Evil thanks to the Undertaker’s very own “Loser Leaves Raw Stipulation.†Triple H doesn’t think much of Goldberg despite his accomplishments for one reason and one reason only; he never won the big one. Goldberg hasn’t given up yet and shows no signs of slowing down until he gets the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. For the past 3 weeks Goldberg has been a monster sending messages one way or another, besting the Game Triple H. Will Goldberg finally win the big one this Monday Night FREE on SpikeTV at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular III? Tune in to find out!

Shawn Michaels’ history with Evolution runs deep, more recently especially with Randy Orton and Ric Flair. With the help of the Nature Boy, Randy Orton was able to secure a victory against HBK at Unforgiven. The beatings from Evolution to the Showstopper continued for the past couple weeks until HBK’s former partner in crime, Kevin Nash, came in to aid Michaels. Kevin Nash is no stranger to Evolution either, taking on the Game Triple H at Unforgiven for the World Heavyweight Championship. However, Kevin Nash came face to face with the rest of Evolution after the match getting a 4 on 1 beatdown from the stable. Nash has chosen to side with HBK to take on the likes of Evolution’s Randy Orton and Ric Flair at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, what will happen when HBK and Nash get their hands on Evolution once more?

The World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T, often referred to as Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie, won their championship gold from 3 Minute Warning back in August in a 2 in 1 championship match. Not only did Booker and Jericho win the World Tag Team Championships, but they also secured their Elimination Chamber spots for the World Championship Elimination Chamber at Summerslam. 3 Minute Warning was side tracked with the Dudley Boys, unable to pursue their gold. Now, with the help of their boss Eric Bischoff, 3 Minute Warning get another shot at the World Tag titles at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Jamal and Rosey ambushed the champs backstage at Raw injuring Booker T by putting him through a table. Jericho tried fighting back later that night in a match with Jamal, but Jamal ended up powerbombing Y2J through the announcer’s table. The following week Booker T returned to try and get revenge against Jamal, in coincidently a tables match. Booker showed heart, but it wasn’t until Jamal was about to make Booker suffer the same fate as his partner from the week before, that Chris Jericho came to the rescue. Booker and Jericho teamed up to send Jamal through a table, then a few minutes later managed to get Rosey through a table as well. The World Tag Team Champs showed 3 Minute Warning that they aren’t going to give up that easily, but what will happen when these two teams square off the Tag title gold?

Maven and D-Lo Brown have much in common, they have both returned to Raw in the past couple weeks, and both men have their sights set on the other as an easy win. Maven might be biting off a little more than he can chew by considering D-Lo Brown an easy win because Maven has yet to win a match since coming back to Raw. He has fallen or come up short in every contest he has been a part of, one against D-Lo Brown himself. Maven has had a fire lit under him using hardcore weapons to maim his opponents after the match. He brutalizes his opponents with a garbage can, a steel chair, or even the steel steps. General Manager Eric Bischoff declared that Maven take on D-Lo Brown at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular in a street fight since Maven liked using weapons so much. Will Maven pick up his first win in his style of match or will D-Lo Brown rack up another win on Monday Night Raw?

Jazz captured the WWE Women’s Championship a month ago at Unforgiven destroying Gail Kim in the process to capture the vacated title. Gail Kim has never gotten a rematch and now missed her chance by losing to Victoria two weeks ago on Raw. Gail has begged Eric Bischoff to be put in the match, but he refused. Victoria gets her shot at championship gold this Monday Night, will she capitalize? Plus, will Gail Kim be far behind?

Christian is public enemy number one on Monday Night Raw ever since nailing the Unprettier on his former girlfriend Trish Stratus. RVD was first in line to get a piece of Christian, but with not that great of luck, RVD came up short. Post match, Christian destroyed RVD with a chair. Kane tried getting revenge on Christian, but due to his new bipolar behavior, Christian still came out on top. RVD looks for revenge in this rematch this Monday Night on Raw.

The chairman of the WWE returns with a rare appearance on Monday Night Raw. He claims he has a huge announcement, what can this be?

Witness history in the making as Goldberg and Triple H finally collide for the gold...plus a little surprises along the way...

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Triple H vs. Kevin Nash- This match was written greatly. I really enjoyed reading it. I thought the chaos at the end was expected and I cannot wait to see Goldberg going against Triple H at the three-hour special. It should be great.

Worst Match: Gail Kim vs. Rosey- Obvious reasons. It was a squash but it was actually entertaining lol...But still worst match of the night.

Best Interview/Segment: Triple H/Goldberg Backstage- The opening segment was good but it started to bore me somewhat with the repetitiveness of "WCW Originals". The opening promo was bad at all, I just started to lose interest which is actually surprising. I thought the opening promo was good but the backstage one between Goldberg and Triple H was a lot better because of the tension which was built between the two growing more. I thought it was great.

Worst Interview/Segment: I would say the opening segment was the worst for the simple fact, I lost interest in it with the WCW lovefest. Not a horrible promo, I just lost interest halfway through Bischoff's speech.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a pretty solid show. I may have lost minor interest in the opening promo but the rest of the show more than made up for it. This was a very well put together show before the three-hour special. I have no idea what Vince's announcement is going to be. It can be anything! The preview for the three-hour special looks great and as always, I'll be reviewing.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Raw review

I really should have dropped this review awhile ago, but oh well.

Evolution/Goldberg/Bischoff promo- I really liked this promo. The part that Bishoff played in it was perfect.

Kane/RVD promo- Good promo. Their promo styles work well together.

Bischoff/Goldberg promo- I expected Bischoff to put him in a match against someone like 3MW.

Kane vs. Christian- Good match. I think that the ref called for the DQ a bit too early, but I guess it doesn't matter.

Coach/Victoria/Gail promo- Two very different view points. I'm thinking that Victoria's right on this one.

Nash/HBK promo- Good promo. Nash really doesn't have the most exciting promos.

Maven promo- LOL, this one was pretty funny.

Gail/Bischoff promo- Wow, Bischoff's taking no prisoners tonight.

Gail vs. Rosey- Epic squash.

Batista vs. Steiner- Great match. The ending was pretty cool.

Evolution promo- Good, but I wish that Flair would speak up more often.

Tables match- Pretty good. The run in by Jericho was unexpected, as was the domination of 3MW.

HHH/Goldberg promo- Great promo. These two have had a good feud so far, but I think that the Goldberg/Undertaker one was a bit better.

Nash vs. HHH- Great match- IMO it might have been batter than ther PPV match. Neither man looked bad at the end of this one. Match of the night.

Attack by Goldberg- Great was to end the show.

AC- It's sad that this series is going away, but hopefully it'll be back soon.

Evil Austin

Here are my predictions for the event. Looks great and once again you are most likely going to deliver.

Goldberg vs. HHH
(Its the game, come'on what else is there to say)
Randy Orton and Ric Flair vs. Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels
(Shawn with his old body guard I really think they are going to pull something off and win it)
3 Minute Warning vs. Y2J and Booker T
(I see a miss comunication happening between Booker and Jericho, this also leads to a Jericho and Booker T feud which I would like to see)
D Low vs. Maven Street Fight.
Not really to confident about this one, not fans of either man but like Dlow slightly better then Maven so thats my reasoning.
Victoria vs. Jazz
Christian vs. RVD
Caption Charisma!
Vince's Big Announcement
I have a feeling this is either signing of a superstar to the raw roster or maybe a new GM to shake things up I have no idea but Ill be reading.

If you have the time please check out my thread I have a PPV up myself.Thanks and all the best of luck.