WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
Goldberg VS Undertaker

Triple H VS Kevin Nash

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane

Batista VS Scott Steiner

Jazz VS Gail Kim

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Sorry for the lateness of the review xba, but here we go now.

Triple H/Eric Bischoff promo: Great start to the show, as both men were in character. Hunter was awesome as a chicken shit type of heel, making Evolution look like a really heelish stable by not only having Triple H wanting out of his title match, but Batista too. Nice touch. Bischoff was good, as of course he would want to look like the superior GM without Stone Cold there. You showed that he wanted buyrates, which is what he should want. Thumbs up to that. I don't really like the match that you made, but that;s because I don't like Scott Steiner nor do I like Kevin Nash. Still, good opening promo.

Randy Orton promo: You really had Orton come off nice and arrogant here. I always see a possible feud between Austin and Orton with your promos which would be awesome.

Maven vs The Hurricane: Well I was told this match would have a purpose, and it served it. The match really wasn't anything, and I could never really get into it. But still, this was more about the angle, and that looks like it is going off well. Remember to give Maven a finisher lol.

Y2Jeezie/B Teeize/Eric Bischoff promo: Nice little set up promo for a match later, with Eric being the asshole that he is. Should be interesting to see who you choose to put over out of 3 Minuite Warning and your champs.

Contract Signing: I saw you said you were struggling with HBK promos in another thread, but I felt you pulled this one off pretty well. The only problems were that he said 'boy' a few times, which I don't really think comes naturally with Michaels. Orton was great however, and you keep him acting as arrogant as possible. The contract signing went down pretty well. Nice little bit with Orton and Michaels shoving the clipboard into each other. I thought the ending was great, it showed Orton's disrespect, and also had a nice brawl in the lead up to Unforgiven. Very good segment, the finish just topping it off perfectly.

Molly Holly promo: Nice little way to hint at a Molly face turn, and a big feud with Jazz. It's great to see that you pay such attention to your women's division.

Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker: Well, I was wrong. I felt the selection of Jeff would be a bit too obvious, especially considering the two had only just wrestled. I liked how you made it a Hardcore match too. Nice little touch. The problem I see with this match is that it really wreckseverything Jeff had going for him. You made him look really strong a few weeks ago, but you killed him tonight. I know that you were trying to make Undertaker look awesome, but you could have used someone else IMO. I guess we won't be seeing Jeff any time soon after that Tombstone on the announcer's table.

Kevin Nash promo: Nice way to make Nash's intentions known for Unforgiven. No chance he will win the belt though lol.

Undertaker promo: Nice little hype for the pick your poison.

Chris Jericho/Booker T vs 3 Minute Warning: Wel, this is a good match to begin with, as I had no idea who would win. That makes things more interesting from the very start. Your match flowed decently, and there was some nice teamwork from Jericho and Booker to cap it off. Interesting win, seems like you are really trying to put the champs over as a good team.

Rob Van Dam looking shock: lulz

Eric Bischoff/3 Minute Warning promo: Nice little promo showing Eric he's happy without Austin. Is it leading to something?

Kevin Nash/Scott Steiner vs Triple H/Batista: I didn't really enjoy the match tbh, probably because of two things. 1) I already knew the result. 2) I thought one of the teams was useless. From a booking standpoint, it was a smart match, and it was interesting to see Nash pin Hunter. He has the momentum going in now, which you know means he won't the title.

D'Lo Brown/Eric Bischoff promo: I really don't see any openings on the card for D'Lo, but whatever.

Undertaker promo: Nice short promo to bring out Show. Also a decent way of getting Taker one last promo before Unforgiven.

Goldberg vs Big Show: I didn't expect a really long match out of the two, rather, you had to know it would be a way to show off Goldberg's power. Smart booking here, as you made Goldberg look like an absolute beast. Definitely some nice hype for Unforgiven.

AC: Nice go home show for Unforgiven. Everything has been set out really, really well in terms of feuds, with everything amazingly clear. This should be a big PPV.


Goldberg VS Undertaker

Goldberg will get the victory over Taker. This can't go too much longer IMO, as the feud seems to have peaked. I don't think you can possibly build on it anymore.

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H (c) VS Kevin Nash

Trips will win with some interfernce from Evolution.

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels

Michaels to pick up the win here. Orton isn't up to it yet.
World tag Team Championships
Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie (c) VS RVD & Kane

The champs are having a nice long reign.

Intercontinental Championship
Batista (c) VS Scott Steiner

Steiner doesn't need the belt, and Tista only just got the belt.

Women's Championship
Jazz VS Gail Kim

All of the attention has been on Jazz for a reason.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Goldberg VS Undertaker
Undertaker has gotten the better of Goldberg, so Goldberg for the win, Undertaker wins the return match and then something like a 3 Stages of Hell to end the feud somewhere around the Rumble.

Triple H VS Kevin Nash
I don't see Nash as champion and it will make Evolution look stronger, and I don't think Nash is capable of holding the title.

Randy Orton VS Shawn Michaels
Michaels wins this match but Orton will win a rematch to put him over. Orton is a future World Champion, but I don't think he is ready to beat HBK just yet.

Y2-Jeezie & B-Teezie VS RVD & Kane
After all the momentum, there is no way that Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie are losing the titles.

Batista VS Scott Steiner
Just like Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie, Tista won't lose this title after coming out of a huge feud with Jeff Hardy. Scott won't win as the IC Title is used to further younger talent.

Jazz VS Gail Kim
I have a feeling that Jazz will win and be champ for a pretty long time.



WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!

VIDEO: Highlights of the long history between Undertaker and Goldberg. Highlights include Undertaker screwing Goldberg out of his Undefeated Streak, Goldberg screwing Undertaker out of his Raw One on one Winning Streak, Undertaker screwing Goldberg out of the Elimination Chamber by hitting him with the lead pipe, Undertaker destroying Goldberg’s Porsche, Goldberg stealing Undertaker’s motorcycle, Goldberg destroying Undertaker’s motorcycle, and both men defeating their PICK YOUR POISON opponents on Raw.

Pyro’s go off as the Unforgiven theme song hits.

: Welcome everyone around the world to WWE Unforgiven LIVE on PPV from here in Hershey, PA! I am “Good Ol’ JR†Jim Ross and alongside me is my broadcast partner Jerry “the King†Lawler! King, can you feel the electricity in this arena? It’s amazing!

King: This place is electric JR because they all want to know one question…who is better? Is it Goldberg or the Undertaker? I don’t know the answer to that just yet, but tonight we will get it as both behemoths collide one on one in that ring here tonight!

JR: In addition to that huge match, tonight ladies and gentlemen, it will be Kevin Nash challenging Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. Can Kevin Nash win the World title here tonight with only being on Raw for the past month? Nash returned one month ago answering HHH’s Open Challenge, he was this close to defeating the Game, the Game got himself disqualified, it didn’t make Nash too happy, but tonight he gets another shot at the Game, and this time it will be for World title gold! With that said, let’s send it to the ring for our opening contest!

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

: There he is ladies and gentlemen, in the flesh, the legendary Big Bad Booty Daddy Scott Steiner! He returned to Raw awhile back with an amazing two out of two victories over the World’s Strongest Man Mark Henry, now he has his sights set on the Intercontinental Championship, which is in the hands of the Animal Dave Batista!

Evolution’s music hits as the Animal Batista, the Intercontinental Champion, comes down the ramp.

: Even though Scottie beat the World’s Strongest Man 2 straight, I think tonight might be an even bigger challenge. The last time Batista was on PPV, he defended the Intercontinental Championship against Jeff Hardy in a Falls Count Anywhere match. This was one of the most brutal matches I have ever witnessed, but Batista came out victorious after beating the hell out of Jeff, Scott Steiner just might have his hands full tonight.

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Batista* vs. Scott Steiner

Batista holds the Intercontinental title up in the air in his corner to a horrible ovation. Big Poppa Pump looks at him from across the ring and signals he is going to take the title from him. Batista says something back to Steiner from across the ring, but Steiner walks to the middle of the squared circle and motions like he can’t hear the Animal. Batista shrugs his shoulders and walks up to Steiner and screams in his ear…


Steiner unloads huge right shots to the Animal then grabs him by the arm and whips him to the ropes. Batista flies back off the ropes and Steiner nails him with a flying knee to the mid section and Batista flies up and over onto his back. Batista gets up and Steiner kicks him in the gut. Steiner grabs Batista into a front face lock then sets him up for a suplex. Steiner snaps Batista off with a snapmare and then goes for the cover on the Animal 1…2…kickout! Steiner sits Batista up and puts him in a hammer lock. Batista gets up to his feet and reverses and puts Steiner in the hammer lock. Batista nails Steiner in the back of the head with a forearm. Steiner goes down to one knee. Batista drags him up and spins him around. Batista whips Scott Steiner to the corner. Batista runs to the corner, but Steiner dodges. Batista stops himself from crashing and burning then turns around. Steiner nails the Animal with right hands repeatedly. Batista grabs Steiner with both hands and reverse throwing Steiner into the corner. Batista shoots off shoulder thrusts into the gut of Big Poppa Pump. Batista keeps unloading on Steiner, but the ref pulls him back off of Steiner. Batista lets off, but Steiner shoots out of the corner and takes Batista down. Steiner gets on top of Batista and unloads mounted punches on the Animal. The ref tells Steiner to get off, but Big Poppa Pump won’t let up so the ref starts to count 1…2…3…4…Steiner gets off trying not to risk getting DQ’d. Steiner gets up and drags Batista to his feet. Steiner hoists Batista up onto his shoulder and looks for a powerslam, but Batista slips out of the back and pushes Steiner forward to the ropes. Steiner goes off the ropes and Batista flips him up and over with a back drop. Steiner gets up quickly, but Batista shoots him back down with a shoulder block. The crowd boos the Animal as Batista grabs Steiner and drags him to the center of the ring. Batista picks him up and hoists him on his shoulder. Batista walks to the ropes and pushes Steiner up and off of his shoulder and hangs Steiner up throat first on the top rope. The ref warns the Animal as Batista puts Steiner on the second rope. The Animal pushes Steiner down with his foot and pulls up on the top rope choking Steiner out. The ref counts 1…2…3…4… and Batista lets up. Batista stomps the hell out of Steiner on the mat and Steiner rolls off the apron onto the outside floor. Batista slides out of the ring and stays on Big Poppa Pump. Batista stomps him to the floor, but Steiner gets up and elbows the Animal in the ribs. Steiner fires back with right hands to the Animal. Steiner grabs Batista by the arm and whips him towards the ring post and Batista slams skull first off of it. Batista falls to the floor as Steiner walks over and grabs him. Steiner grabs him and rams him spine first into the ring apron. Steiner pushes Batista back into the ring. Steiner covers Batista 1…2…kickout! Steiner lifts Batista up and throws him into the corner. Steiner charges him and nails him with a back elbow. Steiner puts Batista in a headlock then takes him down with a headlock takedown. Steiner keeps the headlock singed in, but Batista counters and wraps his legs around Scott’s head countering with a head scissors. Steiner breaks free and emerges on his feet. Batista gets up and Steiner charges him, Batista ducks and Steiner goes off the ropes. Steiner bounces back straight into a huge spinebuster by the Animal Batista. The crowd boos as Batista covers Steiner 1…2…kickout! Batista flips as he gets up and signals for the Batista Bomb. Steiner staggers to his feet and positions him for the Batista Bomb. Steiner counters and pulls Batista’s legs out from underneath him. Steiner grabs Batista by the ankles and slingshots him into the corner. Batista smacks the turnbuckles then bounces out right into Steiner. Steiner hooks him and plants him with a belly to belly suplex. Batista hits the canvas hard as Steiner hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Steiner flips Batista over and goes for the Steiner Recliner, but Batista crawls out and away from Steiner and claws the bottom rope. Steiner is pissed as he goes after Batista. Batista turns over and kicks Steiner in the rib then the knee from the canvas. Steiner staggers. Batista gets up and Steiner charges him for a big boot. Batista catches it. Batista spins him around then nails him in the ribs with a boot. Batista sets him up and drills him down to the mat with a huge Batista Bomb into the pin 1…2…3!
WINNER: Intercontinental Champion Batista

JR: Batista beats Steiner???

King: Yes! Yes! Batista keeps his gold! You see JR, Batista can beat Scott Steiner!

JR: Well looks to me like Batista proved me wrong right here tonight, a clean victory? That’s not Evolution’s style, but it does put a W in Batista’s record, so I guess it’s good.

Batista gets up and holds up the Intercontinental Championship above his head in victory.

Batista is about to leave the ring, but he turns back towards Steiner who is lying on the mat. Batista walks up to Steiner and the ref tries to stop him, but Batista decks the referee out. The crowd boos Batista as he picks Steiner up. Batista sets Steiner up for another Batista Bomb. He lifts Steiner up and drills him again with a second Batista Bomb. Steiner lies motionless as Batista grabs his Intercontinental Championship and walks out of the ring.

Triple H walks into the arena holding the World Heavyweight Championship, he is traveling alone. Coach runs up to him.

Coach: Champ! Champ! Triple H, do you mind giving us your insight on tonight’s title defense against Kevin Nash?

HHH: Listen here Coach; do you see this gold on my shoulder? Do you know what that means Coach? You took too long, so I will tell you; it means I am the best. It means I am the top of the mountain, it means I am the Heavyweight Champion of the World, but most of all it justifies just why in the hell “they†call me the Game! Coach, I don’t know if there is a soul out there who thinks Kevin Nash will win this title on my shoulder, sure some fans might want him to win, but everyone knows that Kevin Nash will not win this Championship. Kevin Nash is too stupid to win this belt; I am champion because I am smart. Kevin Nash…he isn’t smart. Hey, don’t get me wrong Coach, Nash is an easy opponent, I could be facing Goldberg or the Undertaker tonight, I think I am in a pretty good position despite the loss last week on Raw. Sure it would have been nice to have off tonight, but what happens happens, and tonight at least Nash will be good for something…a punching bag. Now if you will excuse me, I have to join the victory celebration for Batista, and no Coach, like always, you’re not invited.

PROMO: Goldberg vs. Undertaker hype

Gail Kim’s music hits as Gail comes down the ramp.

: Here comes one of the most inspirational women I have ever had the privilege of meeting in my entire life folks. Gail Kim came in and on her first night on Raw won a number one contender’s match which instantly catapulted her into title contention, but even though she was unsuccessful in getting the gold, she still impresses me along with many fans worldwide in that very ring.

Jazz’s music hits as Jazz comes down the ramp.

: Now JR, I have been in the ring with the best of them, but I am not going to lie, Jazz literally scares the day lights out of me.

WWE Women’s Championship
Jazz vs. Gail Kim (for vacated championship)

Jazz and Gail circle the ring then lock up. Jazz instantly gets Gail in a side headlock. Gail tries going for a backdrop suplex, but Jazz puts the weight on and Gail can’t do it. Instead, Gail pushes Jazz forward to the ropes. Jazz bounces back and Gail goes for a clothesline, but Jazz ducks and bounces off the ropes again. Jazz clobbers Gail with a huge shoulder block. Jazz screams at Gail on the mat and then turns her back to her and starts screaming at the crowd. Gail sneaks up from behind and nails a roll up and the ref counts 1…2…kickout! Gail gets up quickly and smiles to Jazz, telling her she was that close. Jazz gets up and locks up with Gail once again. This time Gail gets her in a side headlock. Jazz shows her strength and lifts up Gail for a backdrop suplex, but then switches it up mid air and plants Gail face first with a face first drop onto the mat. Jazz turns her over and hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…kickout! Jazz grab Gail by the hair and yanks her over and into the corner. Jazz nails knee thrusts to the gut over and over. Jazz throws Gail’s arms over the ropes then nails her with a hard chop to the sternum. Jazz grabs Gail’s arm and hurls her to the opposite corner. Gail slams straight into the corner and Jazz charges her. Jazz goes to squash Gail in the corner, but Gail dodges last minute and nobody home for Jazz as she slams right into the corner. Jazz staggers out of the corner backwards and Gail nails her with an inverted DDT. Gail hooks the leg for the cover 1…2…kickout! Gail gets up and grabs Jazz leg looking for a submission, but Jazz quickly kicks Gail away. Jazz gets up and Gail charges her, but Jazz counters with a huge hip toss. Gail gets right back up and charges Jazz again, but Jazz drills her with another hip toss. Gail gets up again, but this time Jazz charges Gail and drops her with a big boot. Jazz gets down and hooks the leg for the cover on Gail 1…2…kickout! Jazz grabs Gail’s head and starts slamming it off the canvas over and over. Jazz drags Gail up by the hair and hoists her on her shoulder. Jazz charges the corner and hurls her onto the top rope. Gail gets hung up on the rope then bounces off and backwards right into Jazz who puts Gail into a straight sleeper hold. Gail starts to fade and then Jazz starts whipping her left and right like a rag doll. She stops and Gail starts running forward as Jazz keeps the hold in running behind her. Gail throws her legs up and goes up the turnbuckles, getting out of the hold and lands behind Jazz. Gail steps back into the ring and Jazz turns around and charges her for a clothesline, but Gail ducks. Jazz turns around and delivers a huge axe kick to the side of Gail’s temple. Jazz falls on Gail pinning her 1…2…3!
WINNER: New Women’s Champion Jazz

JR: By Gawd King! New Women’s Champion! What a slobberknocker!

King: It looked like Gail had it JR! Jazz was just too powerful…

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, in all of my 20 plus years of broadcasting, I have never seen a Diva more dominant than this woman right here, Jazz. Like it or not, I know I sure don’t, she is the new WWE Women’s Champion defeating Gail Kim with a vicious spin kick like maneuver!

Jazz walks over to the announce table holding the Women’s Championship and screams at King and JR.

Jazz: I told all of you fools that I, Jazz, would be the new champ baby! Yea!!!!

King: JR…I’m scared….

World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T are getting ready for their upcoming Tag title match in their locker room. Jericho is lacing up his boot as Booker comes up to him…

Booker: Yo dog you ready?

Y2J: You’re damn right I am ready Book. Tonight we show the world why we are the greatest tag team this industry has ever seen. Together, the man of 1,001 holds and that…other guy who was part of Harlem Heat, take the wrestling world by storm once again as we defeat that pesky team of RVD and Kane.

Booker: Yoga-lattes and the Big Red blueberry are going to get they PUNK ASSES whooped by B-Teezie and Y2-Jeezie here tonight man, I promise you that! Chris, I got to tell you something man, in all seriousness, don’t laugh…

Y2J: Alright Booker, what you got to say?

Booker: For the past few weeks man, it’s been an honor tagging with you bro, you are almost like a brother to me, which is a coincidence you brought up Harlem Heat, I just wanted to thank you for being my tag partner…

Y2J: *smirks* Well…

Booker: I told you not to laugh dog.

Y2J: I am not laughing, that’s very sweet “B-Teezie…â€

Booker: YOU DAMN RIGHT IT’S SWEET! Sweeter than my nanny’s apple pie back down south! Now come on, let’s do this!

Y2J: Right on.

Chris and Booker grab their tag belts and walk out the door.

: Just a little “sweet†moment with our tag team champions of the world King, there’s nothing wrong with that…

King: Well, good thing they did that because that might have been their last conversation as tag team champions, we are about to find out JR!

RVD’s music hits as Mr. Monday Night comes down the ramp.

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down to the ring.

: Ladies and gentlemen, if you remember back a couple months back when RVD and Kane used to tag together, they were an unstoppable force, but Kane had a minor injury which caused RVD to go after the Intercontinental Championship last April, but then he got injured right when Kane came back. A month ago they reunited and tonight they have a shot at World Tag Team gold, can they get the job done here tonight?

Y2J’s music hits as the World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T come to the ring.

: These two men have blended the tag division and the main event into one. These two guys are always World title contenders, but hold the World Tag Team Championships, these guys, Y2J and Booker T, are probably Raw’s secret weapon at the moment, let’s see how long they can stay on top though, can they retain here tonight JR?

JR: I don’t know, but we are about to find out!

World Tag Team Championship
Booker T and Chris Jericho* vs. RVD and Kane

Chris Jericho and Kane start the match. Jericho extends his arms and screams “I’m the King of the World†from across the ring to Kane. Jericho walks up cockily to the middle of the ring as does Kane. Kane and Jericho stand face to face and lock up. Kane gets behind Jericho and nails him with a forearm to the back. Jericho staggers away, but Kane pulls him back in and slaps on a side mounted headlock. Jericho counters from behind and grabs his arm and puts him in a hammerlock. Kane nails Jericho in the head with a back elbow breaking the hold. Kane hurls Y2J across the ring. Jericho bounces off the ropes and Kane goes for a clothesline, but Jericho ducks, and bounces off the ropes again. Jericho flies at Kane and plants him with a huge running clothesline. Jericho covers Kane 1…kickout! Jericho goes downstairs at the legs and tries to singe on the Walls, but Kane counters and pushes Jericho away. Jericho flies away from Kane and lands in his corner where Booker T makes the tag. Kane gets up and Booker flies in with hard chops to the chest. Booker backs Kane up to the ropes and attempts to hurl him across the ring, but Kane puts the breaks on last minute and pulls Booker into a straight knee to the gut. Kane grabs him around the waist and plants the 5 time WCW Champion with a sidewalk slam into the immediate pin on Booker 1…2…kickout! Kane pulls Booker up by his hair and drags him over to his corner and tags in Rob Van Dam. Kane kicks Booker in the gut and RVD springboards over the top rope into a leg drop on Booker’s neck. RVD cover Booker T in the corner 1…2…kickout! RVD pulls Booker by the arms into the middle of the ring and signals for the Rolling Thunder. RVD goes against the ropes and somersaults, but Booker gets his leg up and kicks RVD square in the head. Booker runs up and doubles back off the ropes then drops RVD with a running spin kick. Booker gets down and hooks the leg pinning Van Dam 1…2…kickout! Booker gets up and picks RVD up and then nails him with a bodyslam. Booker runs to and off the ropes then drops an elbow on RVD. Booker sits him up and puts him in a grounded abdominal stretch. Booker nails RVD’s ribs with shots while in the hold. Kane runs in off the apron and nails Booker in the back of the head with a boot. The ref gets all over Kane and tries to get him back on the apron. Booker rolls on the mat holding his head while RVD gets up to his feet. RVD goes to bounce off the ropes for the Rolling Thunder, but Y2J pulls the rope down from the apron and RVD flips up and over spilling onto the floor. RVD manages to get to his feet quickly, but Jericho runs along the apron and nails a mid air crossbody onto Mr. Monday Night. Kane jumps off the apron and runs around the ring to where Jericho is and nails him with an uppercut. Kane whips Jericho into the fan barricade. Kane grabs Jericho by the throat with both hands and nails him with a double handed bodyslam onto the floor. Kane goes after Jericho as Booker slides out of the ring and grabs RVD by the ponytail behind Kane’s back. Booker slides him into the ring and gets the cover 1…2…kickout! Kane hurls Jericho into the steel steps shoulder first. The ref goes on the outside and forces Kane back. Booker T goes on the outside and checks on Jericho. RVD gets up and goes to the ropes and tries to help anyway he can. Kane pushes the ref aside and runs towards Booker and Jericho. Booker rolls out of the way of the freight train that is Kane and Kane slams Jericho’s head against the stairs with his boot.

JR: No! No! How can you have done that? Damnit! Ref! Stop him!

RVD slides out of the ring and gets in front of Kane starts asking him why he did that. Kane tries to get past RVD, but Van Dam keeps pushing him back trying to calm him down. Booker goes to aid Jericho by the steps. RVD backs Kane up to the ramp and starts talking with him. Kane seems to be like he understands RVD. Jericho gets up to his feet on his own to a huge crowd ovation. Booker starts screaming at Kane from across the outside floor.

Booker: Man what yo problem? What the hell you doin?

Kane motions like he is sorry. He and RVD walks over to Booker and Jericho and Jericho says it’s alright. Kane walks back to the apron and everyone resumes the match. Booker and RVD slide into the ring and then lock up.

JR: Was that like a tantrum or something with Kane King?

King: I don’t know he got of went into a mode or something JR.

RVD and Booker lock up and Booker gets Van Dam in a front face lock. Booker sends RVD up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Booker grabs RVD’s leg and puts him in a leg lock then falls back and extends the reach to tag in Y2J. Jericho runs in and across the ring off the ropes and plants a Lionsault on RVD. Booker goes on the apron as Jericho covers RVD 1…2…kickout! Jericho grabs RVD and shoots him into the corner. Jericho builds steam and charges Van Dam, but RVD gets his legs up and around Jericho’s neck and then nails him with a twirling head scissors takedown. Jericho gets up and RVD nails him with a spin kick crumbling Y2J. RVD doubles back off the ropes then somersaults into a picture perfect Rolling Thunder on Chris Jericho. RVD covers Y2J 1…2…kickout! RVD steps over and tags in Kane. Kane comes in and bounces off the ropes and plants a leg drop on Y2J. Kane gets up and grabs Jericho by the throat and pulls him up. Kane slings the arm over his shoulder and lifts him up for the chokeslam. Jericho counters last minute in mid air into a double knee facebuster on the Big Red Machine. Jericho rolls over and onto his feet. Jericho grabs the legs of Kane for the Walls. Jericho gets him and rolls him over locking in the Walls of Jericho on the Big Red Machine. RVD cheers Kane on from the ring apron. Kane begins to crawl towards the ropes. Kane reaches and grabs the ropes and Jericho breaks the hold. Jericho goes right back to it and grabs Kane’s legs and drags him to the center of the ring. He goes for it, but Kane kicks him away. Jericho flies backwards against the ropes. Jericho bounces back straight into the choke of Kane. Booker T runs in and Kane nails him with a big boot. Kane shoots Jericho up and drops him with a huge Chokeslam. RVD leans in for the tag and Kane doesn’t cover Jericho, instead he tags in RVD. RVD goes up top and signals for the 5 Star Frog Splash. RVD jumps, but Y2J counters on the mat and gets his knees up. Kane turns his back to the match right before RVD hits it thinking he already won. Jericho gets up and runs and Lionsault’s off the second rope onto RVD perfectly into the cover 1…2…3!
WINNER: World Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho and Booker T

Kane slowly turns around after he hears Jericho’s music. RVD lies motionless in the ring and Kane can’t believe it. Jericho and Booker grab their titles and walk out of the ring and up the ramp.

JR: Jericho and Booker keep the straps in, in Kane’s mind, an upset! Kane thought he had this match secured. Maybe…just maybe if you didn’t tag in RVD Kane, maybe you would have had the match sealed with the chokeslam!

Kane shakes his head

Coach is backstage with HBK Shawn Michaels.

Coach: I am here with the Showstopper Shawn Michaels whom later tonight will collide with Evolution’s Legend Killer Randy Orton. Now Shawn, if you saw earlier tonight Evolution’s Batista came out victorious, do you think this will be any trend here tonight for the rest of Evolution?

HBK: Coach, quite frankly, in all honesty, I don’t really care about the rest of Evolution tonight, normally I would, even with Nature Boy Ric Flair at ringside tonight, might be hard to believe, but tonight I am focused on one man and one man only, that being my opponent, Randy Orton. When you go against one member of Evolution, it always seems like a 1 on 4 handicap, but uh-uh, not today. It just nags me when a little no good punk, like Mr. Legend Killer, comes up in this business and thinks he is going to get everything handed to him, much like the contract last Monday night on Raw, he also thinks HBK will hand him a victory tonight. Well Randy, sorry to break the news to you, but HBK doesn’t lay down for anybody, don’t be fooled by my past, my name is Shawn Michaels and tonight Randy, you’ll see how fast your career can go down hill, all it takes is one kick…and you’re finished. Randy, tonight, you won’t see the success that Batista had earlier, tonight I am going to stop Evolution solid by taking out their golden boy, I’ll see you out there Mr. Legend Killer.

PROMO: 3 Hour Spectacular III Hype






Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wow, great start to the PPV, here's my review...

Batista vs. Steiner
Nice little start to get the crowd pumping and put interest in the rest of the show, good opener and it was what I expected it to be, and a nice blow-off too. Just solid.
Rating = ** 3/4

Gail vs. Jazz
A solid women's match, and standard of a PPV. Short, but still sweet, and gives credibility to the Women's Title.
Rating = ** 1/2

Booker/Y2J vs. RVD/Kane
Jeez, you've really started about 3 or so angles here. With Kane going nuts, yet making the wrong move at the end, way to get him over. Very good match, and definitely better than I expected.
Rating = *** 1/2

PPV Rating so far = *** 1/2 or 7.5

I can't wait to see the rest


I was thinking of star rating it lol, here we go...

Batista Vs Scott Steiner (battle of the roids)
Pretty good way to start the show with a title match with two pretty popular stars, I personally don't like the two but it was an Okay match. I thought Batista would win!
Rating: **1/4

HHH promo: Nice little promo by Hunter, it didn't need to be long to get him over and it was done well. Nice little builder.

Womens title match
Pretty good match, there was alot of action for quite a short match which I liked, Jazz being Champ is good and her reign should be a long one. I can see some good future womens title matches coming!
Rating: **1/2

B-Teezie/Y2-Jeezie promo: LMAO, good very in-character promo. Booker was very good and Y2J was in character by saying those things (in a joking way I believe). It made me laugh for quite a while and was a good build up. Nice job on that.

Booker/Y2J Vs RVD/Kane
This was a very good match and the best match of the first half of the PPV, it flowed well and I like each wrestler in the match which made it more enjoyable to read. I really didn't know who was going to win, Booker and Y2J had a good build up but I still didn't quite know who would have the belts at the end of the match, nice seeing Book & Jericho take them. I wonder where you are going with Kane lol.
Rating: ***1/4

HBK promo: Good promo by the show stopper, he was in good character and the promo really adds to his match with Randy later in the show which should be great.

Current PPV thoughts: This PPV is GREAT so far XBA, part 2 will be even better imo and I will have to check it out!


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Batista vs. Scott Steiner: Great opening contest since Steiner is in this match, with the right person going over. It was a good match to get the crowd involved, and it is a great way to get Batista over by defeating a 'veteran'. Hopefully he has a long reign, and it was a longish match, would give it a 2 and a three quarter stars.

HHH promo: Great Triple H promo, you can tell that promo's are really his strong point. I love how he rejected the Coach, saying that he wasn't invited to the victory celebration, and he will most certainly win tonight in his match against Nash.

Jazz vs. Gail Kim: As the others have mentioned, this was a short but sweet match, and surprisingly enjoyed reading this match as I normally get bored reading Women's matches. The right person won here, and I think that Jazz will have a lengthy reign, as I mentioned in my predictions. I would give the match 2 stars.

Y2J and Booker T promo: I couldn't stop laughing while I was reading this promo, it was so funny. I love this tag team, and it was a fabulous promo that you wrote there. I loved Jericho's line "and that other guy from Harlem Heat", but maybe just because it is Jericho =].

Y2-Jeezie and B-Teezie vs. RVD and Kane:
As King Lennie mentioned in his review, definitely the best match of this half of the PPV, great action throughout the match and you still managed to incorporate comedy in the match, Booker asking him what he was doing and Kane saying sorry. Thank got Book and Y2J got the win, and I hope these guys hold onto the titles for a long while. I would give this match a 3 and a half stars, good work.

HBK promo: Intense HBK promo here, and that's what makes HBK so good, he can be serious and funny whenever he likes, take DX for an example and his feud IRL with Jericho. After this promo, I think that the odds are stacked against HBK so he will come out the victor, but I could be wrong and Orton could get the win with Flair interference.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Batista vs Scott Steiner: Well, Steiner seemed to dominate most of it, but I'm glad you had Batista pull through. batista is the future and Steiner is the past, so having Batista win is way more logical than having Steiner win. It was a decent match, and it all flowed alright, although I think you could have done more with it.

Triple H promo: Cocky as always, so a pretty good promo. Really shows the attitude he has towards Steiner.

Jazz vs Gail Kim: The expected result, at the expected length really. This was how it should have been, as it has been all Jazz going in. She is the dominant force in that Women's division right now. I can't wait to see what you have for a possible Molly/Jazz feud.

Booker T and Chris Jericho promo: Aww family moment. How sweet! I really like what you have going with these two. It has been great.

Booker T and Chris Jericho vs Kane and RVD: Once again, you made the right decision booking wise IMO. Booker and Jericho should have a nice long reign as champs, and thus far it has been good. Interesting dynamic to this match, as you used a finish that could result in an angle. I could definitely see RVD getting pissed at Kane and going heel, rather than what actually happened.

Shawn Michaels promo: Good little hype builder. This was one of your better Michaels promos IMO, as you captured him pretty much perfectly.

AC: Good start, the matches have been decent, but the booking has been very good. I'm three for three so far :shifty:

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Great pay per view XBA. I haven't read through the last match which I am currently doing. I will drop a full review once part two is up. I loved Batista's clean victory. Y2Jeezie, and Booker Teezie winning is really good booking. Like BKB said, they should hold onto the straps for quite awhile. Quick question.. Is 'Taker, and 'Berg headlining, and closing the pay per view? They come out first on the still to come thing, and all. I mean its not a big deal, its just that that means your making this one hell of a feud. Usually the title match closes the PPV, but its your call XBA. I can't wait to read what you come up with the Trish, and CHristian thing, and HBK/Orton sounds good.



WWE Raw presents
WWE Unforgiven
LIVE on PPV from Hershey, PA!


Trish Stratus’ music hits as the former Women’s Champion comes down the ramp to a huge ovation.

: Well ladies and gentlemen; here is one extravagant young woman who has had her ups and downs this year. Last April she held the Women’s Championship; she lost it to Molly Holly and never got it back. She hooked up with Christian, who had a new lease on life after an almost career threatening injury from a ladder match with Jeff Hardy, then she got a World’s Strongest Slam by Mark Henry putting her out of action for weeks. Christian never called or made in inkling to visit her. Trish has wanted some sort of answer from Christian about this, but hasn’t gotten one, that’s why she is here tonight.

King: Oh thank god JR, I was getting a little depressed because Trish’s beautiful smile wasn’t on Raw recently, but now that she is back, I feel like a new man!

Trish: I assume everyone knows why I am out here. Two weeks back, I gave a notice to Christian to be here at Unforgiven so we could actually speak face to face. When I was taken out by Mark Henry 2 months ago, I was put on the shelf for quite a long time, but Christian, my then boyfriend, didn’t seem to care. He didn’t call me or visit me when I was lying in that lonely hospital bed. It’s like he didn’t love me anymore. What I had with Christian was special, but it turned so suddenly, all I am looking for is an answer. Christian, I heard you were here tonight; can you please come out here?

JR: I wonder if Christian will show.

King: If I was Christian I would be doing a lot of ass kissing, who would want to lose Trish? Trust me; I would do A LOT of ass kissing, especially since its Trish!

JR: Sometimes I don’t know about you King.

Christian’s music hits as Captain Charisma finally shows his face and walks to the ring.

: By God! He actually showed up! Showing up is one thing kid, but words are another story, better get to talking!

Christian: Trish…Trish…calm down, calm down. Now listen, just listen. Why are you so hostile Trish? Why are you so pissed off at me? What did I do?

Trish: What? Are you serious? What…

Christian: You know what, I will answer that for you Trish, I did everything that I possibly could for you. I went after Mark Henry, but you know what happened? I got my ass kicked just like you did. Did you ever “visit me†Trish? No!

JR: She was on the shelf Christian! What a pompous self centered son of a…

Christian: You have the nerve to get on my back! Trish, maybe you should stop putting make up on, stop putting this mask on because much like everyone else, I see right through it! Trish, just because I was trying to get revenge on Mark Henry all this time doesn’t mean I still don’t care about you, but with this attitude maybe I was wrong!

JR: Trying to get revenge? Christian hasn’t been seen for months; let alone picking a fight with the World’s Strongest Man! I think he got hit in the head or something!

Trish looks to be trying to say something, but then covers her face like she is going to cry.

Christian: Oh what? Does that make you sad Trish? Does that piss you off? Well you know something, Captain Charisma gets pissed off when he got his ass kicked at your expense. I have had it with your Trish, for the past 3 weeks, everyone is telling me…â€Trish wants to talk to you†“You need to call Trishâ€â€¦I have just about had it. Trish, it’s over. I can’t deal with your bitchy-ness….

Trish slaps Christian across the face.

: How dare you…

Christian grabs her and sets her up for the Unprettier. Christian pauses and the crowd is violent. Christian smirks and plants Trish with the Unprettier.

JR: No! You son of a bitch!

Christian gets up and stares at Trish lying on the mat. Christian smirks and walks out of the ring as the refs and medics rush to the ring to check on Trish. The fans boo the hell out of Christian as Christian laughs and walks up the ramp.

King: Oh my god! I hope Trish is alright! That worm Christian!

JR: Ladies and gentlemen I am sorry you had to see that, that despicable action by that pathetic human being, putting his hands on a woman let alone hitting a woman with an Unprettier, this is disgusting. Oh good lord, can we go to something else, this is terrible!

PROMO: History of the Undertaker

Coach is backstage with Big Evil the Undertaker.

Coach: Tonight Deadman is possibly one of the most important nights of your illustrious career as you go into battle with Bill Goldberg for the first time. The last time you two were face to face in that ring, it was quickly ended by Triple H, but there is no roadblocks tonight, for tonight it will just be you and Goldberg one on one, what are your final thoughts going into this epic match up?

Taker: Coach, I am a man of few words, I am not going to stand here and repeat what I have been saying all along. Goldberg is nothing but a spot stealing fraud. He stole my spot here on Raw, you know, I know, hell, even Bill knows it. Tonight I will prove that there is no one in this business that deserves the top spot except the Deadman. After tonight, after I destroy Bill Goldberg that will put me, finally, higher than Goldberg on the corporate ladder. You know what that means Coach? It means Monday Night Raw becomes my yard once again and I get my title shot, the shot that has been due to me since June. Bill, I hope you are ready, because tonight you are going toe to toe with the Deadman, and if you try me, I’ll make you famous, but in the end, the Deadman regains what is his. Tonight after I defeat you Bill, Big Evil will reign over Monday Nights once again and you are the first step to me making it a reality. There are no cars or motorcycles tonight Goldberg, only you and me, and that squared circle, I have a reputation to keep up Bill in that ring, if you don’t know what I am talking about, how about you ask Jeff Hardy who is sitting home spitting up blood from the past 2 weeks worth of beatings I gave the kid. Let’s just hope you are a little tougher than that kid, because if you aren’t, I wouldn’t bother showing up.

JR: Big words from the Deadman, he has a lot to live up to here at Unforgiven!

Evolution’s music hits as the Legend Killer Randy Orton comes down the ramp along with the Nature Boy Ric Flair.

: Here comes my guy JR, Randy Orton, he is being called the future of this business JR!

JR: Orton has all the tools he needs, but he will get absolutely nowhere with that attitude he has towards the legends of yesterday like Shawn Michaels.

King: He respects Ric Flair though.

JR: Just because he is using him as his meal ticket to the top, just like Triple H.

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as HBK comes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation.

: Here is my guy King, the Showstopper Shawn Michaels! One of the most inspirational men in the business today!

King: Let’s see how inspirational he’ll be after Orton squashes him like a bug JR.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton
HBK starts circling the ring clapping his hands to get the crowd behind him. Orton shrugs his shoulders and then locks up with the Showstopper. Orton puts HBK into a side headlock, but HBK slips out of it. Orton turns around and HBK slaps him. Orton goes to slap HBK, but HBK blocks and gives Orton a hard chop. HBK chops the hell out of him and backs Orton up to the ropes. HBK pushes Orton off the ropes and across the ring. Orton flies across the ring and off the ropes. HBK flips him up and over with a backdrop. Orton gets up and looks at HBK from across the ring. HBK smiles at Orton. Orton can’t stand it. He gets up and walks towards HBK who is now laughing at Orton and Orton slaps HBK right in the face this time. HBK nails him with a left, and then nails him with another. Orton goes for a right, but HBK ducks and catches the Legend Killer with an atomic drop. Orton cringes and HBK levels him with a clothesline. HBK goes for the cover 1…2…kickout! Flair cheers Orton on from ringside as the arena erupts in HBK chants. HBK picks Orton up, but Orton shoots off a huge forearm uppercut. HBK stumbles back and then goes for a right, but Orton blocks and gets behind HBK nabbing him for a neckbreaker. Orton has HBK ground and bounces off the ropes. Orton bounces back and then drops a knee onto the showstopper. Orton covers Michaels 1…2…kickout! Orton gets on Michaels and starts unloading mounted punches. The ref tries breaking it, but can’t then counts 1…2…3…4…and Orton gets off of HBK. Orton steps back and HBK sits up then Orton runs right back in and nails him with a boot to the face laying him out again. Orton goes on the mat and puts his grabs HBK’s throat and blatantly chokes him. The ref counts again 1…2…3…4…Orton gets off again. Orton smiles like he is playing with the ref. Orton goes for HBK again, but HBK kicks Orton in the gut from the mat. HBK gets up and kicks Orton in the gut again. HBK puts him in a front face lock and then hurls him back with a suplex. HBK tells Orton to get up. Randy Orton gets to his feet and charges Michaels, but HBK lays Orton out with a hip toss. Orton gets right back up and HBK goes for another hip toss, but Orton puts the brakes on and counters. Orton levels HBK with a clothesline. HBK sits right back up but Orton gets on the mat behind him and singes in a headlock. HBK motions and gets the fans behind him. He gets to his feet still in the headlock and begins to elbow Orton in the ribs. HBK sends Orton up and drops him with a backdrop suplex. HBK covers Orton 1…2…kickout! HBK picks Orton up and whips him into the corner. HBK walks up to him and Woo’s at Ric Flair ringside then decks Orton with a hard chop to the chest. HBK nails him with another chop then whips him out of the corner to the opposite. HBK charges Orton in the corner but Orton dodges and HBK goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. The fans boo. Ric Flair walks over to the steel steps and screams at Michaels from the outside. HBK spits at Ric Flair.

JR: Did Shawn Michaels just spit in the face of Ric Flair?

HBK smiles and Flair gets up on the apron having a fit, but the ref runs over and stops him. HBK gets out of the corner and screams at Flair. Orton emerges behind Michaels and nails him with a low blow. Orton grabs HBK around the neck and nails him with his patented Randy Orton backbreaker. Flair gets off the apron and Orton covers Michaels 1…2…kickout! Orton can’t believe it. Orton stands up and signals for the end. He signals for the RKO as HBK gets up to his feet. HBK gets to his feet and nails Orton with a superkick out of nowhere. Both men fall to the canvas. The crowd starts chanting HBK! HBK! HBK! HBK drapes the arm over Randy Orton pinning him 1…2…kickout! HBK and Orton begin to get up at the same time. Orton charges HBK for a clothesline, but HBK ducks. HBK goes for another superkick, but Orton dodges. Orton goes for the RKO, but HBK pushes him forward to the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music, but Orton catches the kick. Orton spins HBK around and plants him with the RKO. Randy Orton quickly covers HBK 1…2…3!
WINNER: Randy Orton

JR: What a climax to this match! What a slobberknocker King!

King: I knew it! Orton did it! He puts Michaels away!

JR: Well he did use some underhanded tactics, but he did win the match folks, Randy Orton defeats Shawn Michaels here tonight…

Orton and Flair meet up at the top of the ramp and then laugh at HBK lying on his back in the middle of the ring. HBK tries to get up, but falls back down.

PROMO: History of Goldberg

Triple H and Batista are sipping champagne in their locker room when Randy Orton and Ric Flair come in and they all start screaming, shouting, and celebrating, Evolution style.

HHH: There’s my boy, hey Randy, me and Dave were watching your match and boy, and we couldn’t believe it. You made Shawn look like an absolute chump, especially that final sequence, sort of reminded me of WrestleMania XIV vs. Austin that was a stroke of genius. Here grab yourself a glass, we need to toast.

Flair: Wooo!!!

Orton: Thanks Hunter, and tonight, coming up next, excuse me, we will all watch our glorious leader take down the pathetic piece of trash that is Kevin Nash! Isn’t that right boys?

Batista: Damn right Randy…

Flair: Wooooo!!!

HHH: Ric is just full of life tonight ain’t he? Hell, good thing you brought up Nash Randy because tonight, savor the moment, because tonight will be the final night you see “Big Sexy†here on Raw. Speaking of which, let me get that image of Big Sexy out of your minds and bring back what Big Sexy means to Evolution!!

3 ladies in expensive gowns holding champagne come in and start partying with Evolution.

: I hope these ladies and keep you busy boys, I won’t be long…

Triple H grabs his sledgehammer and his World title and proceeds out of Evolution’s locker room.

Flair: Wooooooo!!!!!!!

PROMO: Raw 3 Hour Spectacular III Hype

Eric Bischoff is sitting in his office with 3 Minute Warning and a production assistant walks in and gives him a small note.

Bischoff: Thanks, I wonder what this can be.

Bischoff opens it and begins reading it.

: What does it say Boss?

Bischoff: Oh! Oh! Wow! I didn’t see this coming at all!

Rosey: What is it Mr. Bischoff?

Bischoff: It has to do with our “favorite person†Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Jamal: Is he coming back? What’s the deal?

Bischoff: That is a very, very good question my Samoan Friend, but, unfortunately, you are going to have to wait until tomorrow night, that’s when I drop the bomb shell of bomb shells, trust me, let’s just get through tonight and we will worry about this puppy later, alright?

Jamal: Whatever you say boss…

Bischoff tucks the note inside his suit jacket and keeps watching Unforgiven.

JR: Stone Cold? What could this mean King, I hope Steve is alright. We all know he wasn’t present last Monday Night for some reason, I wonder what this could be? Bomb shell? I don’t like the sound of that…

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Sexy comes down the ramp.

: Well ladies and gentlemen, the time is now! The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line, one of our two main events here this evening. Kevin Nash returned to action earlier this month, right now let’s show you the history of Kevin Nash and Triple H…

VIDEO: History between Kevin Nash and Triple H
-Triple H celebrates an Elimination Chamber Victory at Summerslam and issues open challenge
-Kevin Nash returns to Raw and answers the Game’s Open Challenge
-The Game destroys Nash resulting in getting DQ’d, Nash wins
-Kevin Nash takes on Ric Flair the following week and gets the DQ win again, then gets destroyed by Evolution
-Steve Austin feels bad for what Nash had to go through and gives him Triple H at Unforgiven for the World title.
-HBK and Kevin Nash defeat Evolution in a 2 on 3 Handicap

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes down the ramp wielding a sledgehammer.

: JR, I have a weird feeling tonight that Evolution will go 3 for 3. Batista retained against Scott Steiner to open the show, we just saw Randy Orton defeat Shawn Michaels moments ago, and now I think the Game will top it all off by defeating Big Sexy here tonight!

JR: I am not sure if Evolution can handle their “glorious leader†getting defeated here tonight King, I just don’t know…

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H* vs. Kevin Nash

Triple H puts his hammer down under the bottom turnbuckle and walks to the middle of the ring and looks Nash eye to eye. The Game hands the referee the World Title and the ref holds it up. Triple H start laughing at Nash like he is a laughing stock. The Game starts trash talking him and Nash decks the Game with a huge right hand. Triple H takes it hard and stumbles back. Nash runs after him and Triple H finds himself in the corner and Nash unloads rights and lefts on him. Nash turns around and nails back elbows to the face. Nash grabs the Game by the hair and whips him up and out of the corner and Triple H lands on his back in the middle of the ring. Triple H gets to his feet and Nash charges him and clocks him in the side of the skull with a boot. Kevin Nash bends over and picks Triple H up. The Game rakes Nash in the eyes and Big Sexy takes a step back. Triple H kicks Nash in the knee and then grabs him by the arm and whips him, but Nash counters and hurls the Game across the ring. The Game hits the ropes and flies back towards Nash who catches him for a sidewalk slam, but hoists him up further onto his shoulder and drops him with a powerslam. The Game hits the mat and rolls over to the ropes and out of the ring onto the outside floor. Triple H holds his ribs and catches his breath. Nash sits on the second rope and motions to the Game to come back into the ring. Triple H screams “no†and proceeds to walk around the ring heading for the ramp. Nash shrugs his shoulders and gets out of the ring and starts to chase down the Game. Triple H picks up speed, but slides back into the ring. Nash gets on the apron and goes between the ropes, but the Game quickly gets him with a chop block to the back of the knee. Nash goes down and the Game starts stomping the hell out of Big Sexy on the mat. Triple H doubles back off the ropes then back and drops a knee to Nash. Triple H goes over to Nash’s legs and grabs one then drops an elbow to the knee of Nash. Triple H keeps it locked and contorts Nash’s knee in a modified leg lock. Nash screams in pain as the Game puts the pain on. Nash starts to make his way over to the ropes. Nash crawls and crawls and reaches out and grabs the ropes breaking the hold. Triple H lets go and grabs Nash’s legs and pulls him into the center of the ring again. He goes for a Figure Four, but Nash pushes the Game forward. Triple H turns around and goes for a right. He lands in on Nash’s chest, but Nash doesn’t budge. He stares at Triple H like he is going to rip his head off. Triple H smiles and suddenly goes for another right, but Big Sexy blocks it and nails Triple H with a headbutt. Kev kicks the Game in the gut then brings him to the center of the ring. Nash sets the Game up for a suplex then plants Triple H with it. Nash covers Triple H 1…2…kickout! Nash picks up the Game and hurls him across the ring. Triple H flies back and Nash plants the Game with a sidewalk slam. Nash goes into the cover again on Triple H 1…2…kickout! Nash gets up and signals for the Jackknife. He picks Triple H up, but Triple H nails a thumb to the eye. Triple H runs out of the ring while the ref checks on Nash’s vision. Triple H grabs the World Heavyweight Champion belt from Lillian Garcia ringside and then rushes the ring. Triple H charges Nash with the belt, but the ref manages to get his hands on it and yanks it away. The ref goes over to the ropes to dispose of it. Triple H turns around and Nash grabs him by the throat. Triple H nails a low blow to Nash. Triple H runs over to the corner and grabs his sledgehammer. Nash turns around and the Game charges him and cracks the hammer right off of his skull. Nash is busted open and the Game throws the hammer out of the ring. Triple H grabs Nash and plants him with the Pedigree. The ref comes back to the action as the Game covers Nash 1…2…3!
WINNER: World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

JR: Damnit! Open your eyes ref that was a blatant DQ if I have ever seen one!

King: JR, if the ref would have called for the DQ anyway, Nash still wouldn’t see the gold around his waist, face it Triple H is what he says he is, that damn good!

JR: I am getting real sick to my stomach with these Evolution antics! All night, every single win by Evolution was not clean and you know it King! It’s a disgrace to Raw completely!

Triple H gets up and holds his World title high above his head. Triple H signals to the back for someone to come out. Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Batista run down the ramp and into the ring. Triple H grabs his sledgehammer and then asks for a microphone.

HHH: Earlier tonight, Nash, I said that tonight would be the last time the WWE ever sees your pathetic decrepit ass in this ring again and damnit! I meant it! Hold him boys!

Orton, Flair, and Batista pick Kevin Nash up and Triple H grabs the sledgehammer. The Game bludgeons Nash across the face busting him open ever more. Nash falls to the ground.

: Go ahead boys, the bar is now open!

Randy Orton drags Nash up to his feet and plants him with an RKO. Triple H high five’s Orton as Batista grabs him up this time. He motions to Flair. Flair walks up to Kevin Nash and gives him a big “WOO!†and then low blows him. Nash turns towards Batista and the Animal sets him up and plants him down with a Batista Bomb.

JR: This is terrible! This is the destruction of Kevin Nash right before our very eyes! I can’t watch!

Triple H tells them to pick him up one more time. The Game runs up and kicks him in the gut then plants him with yet another Pedigree. He gets down on the mat and holds the World Heavyweight title mere inches from his face.

HHH: You see this Kevin! You see this! You will never, ever, be World Heavyweight Champion, do you understand me Nash? You will never! You brought this on yourself, didn’t I warn you Nash? You brought this onto yourself!

Triple H gets up and holding the World title above his head and all 4 members of Evolution stand tall.

: Can we cut away from this, this was horrible, as if Christian giving Trish the Unprettier wasn’t bad enough, this is making me sick to my stomach!

VIDEO: History of Undertaker vs. Goldberg
-Goldberg gets fired by Eric Bischoff
-Eric Bischoff “opens a new door†and acquires the Undertaker from SmackDown
-Undertaker def. Jericho at Bad Blood
-The following night Vince McMahon reverses Bischoff’s decision and re-hires Bill Goldberg to Raw, then puts him in a match with Triple H
-Undertaker isn’t too happy, and refuses to have Goldberg take his spot
-Undertaker interferes with Triple H vs. Goldberg, causing the Game to win and break Goldberg’s undefeated streak
-Undertaker and Goldberg collide in a number one contender’s match only to end in a no contest thanks to the Game
-Undertaker and Goldberg both lose the World Title Triple Threat to Triple H at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II
-Goldberg and Undertaker win their “Boom or Bust†Matches to qualify for the Elimination Chamber
-Undertaker takes on Triple H one on one, only to have Goldberg interfere, causing Triple H to win, thus breaking Big Evil’s Undefeated One on One Streak
-Goldberg, Triple H, and Undertaker are the final 3 in the Chamber
-Goldberg eliminates the Deadman with a Jackhammer
-Goldberg is about to eliminate Triple H, but Undertaker runs back in and slips a lead pipe out of his boot clocking Goldberg in the head, causing the Game to get the pin and win the Elimination Chamber
-The following night, Undertaker destroys Goldberg’s $80,000 Porsche with a baseball bat
-The following week, Undertaker runs from Goldberg out of the arena, then Goldberg steals the Undertaker’s motorcycle from ringside
-Goldberg emerges the following week and uses the motorcycle as bait to get Undertaker in the ring
-Undertaker comes out, but doesn’t fall for Goldberg’s trap. Goldberg proceeds to destroy the Undertaker’s motorcycle with a baseball bat, then gives it a new paint job with a spray can, the douses it in lighter fluid.
-Just as about Goldberg would light the bike on fire, Eric Bischoff stops the madness.
-Steve Austin comes out, interrupting everything and announces Undertaker vs. Goldberg at Unforgiven

JR: There you saw it ladies and gentlemen, it’s a feud for the ages, and Undertaker vs. Goldberg is just moments away! These two men have been at war ever since Goldberg was reinstated back in June and now they collide one on one right here in this very ring. There will be no interference this time folks, Steve Austin said himself there has to be a winner. I can’t wait! What are your predictions King? Since you have gone 3 for 3 here tonight with Evolution?

King: Well JR, I might be physic when it comes to match outcomes, but I don’t even think I can predict this one. This is one unpredictable, unruly, car crash of a rivalry and I just can’t wait to see it!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil walks out of the gate without a motorcycle.

: There you see Big Evil still hasn’t gotten a new ride after Goldberg stole it, then destroyed it, looks like Big Evil still hasn’t forgotten about it.

King: If you owned a motorcycle and some guy trashed it, how long would it take for you to forget about it JR? I know I wouldn’t get over it so easily!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation.

: He is the toughest man to ever step foot in a WWE ring, he is the most intimidating man I have ever met, and when he is vertical, he is quite possibly the deadliest professional wrestler the world has ever seen. Goldberg is ready to go to war!

Goldberg vs. Undertaker
Goldberg and Undertaker stand in their respective corners as the building erupts chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Undertaker looks around at the crowd chanting against him. Undertaker then locks eyes with Goldberg then walks forward. Goldberg walks forward towards the Deadman as well. They meet face to face in the middle of the ring. They just stare into each other’s eyes as the crowd gets louder chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Undertaker shakes his head and shoves Goldberg. Goldberg steps back, then steps back forward and shoves Big Evil. Goldberg roars at Undertaker, and then the Deadman unloads a right to Goldberg. Goldberg takes the hit and fires back with a right of his own. Taker keeps going and shoots off another right to Goldberg, Goldberg fires back with another right, then Taker lands another shot to Goldberg, Goldberg lands another right on Taker, Undertaker goes for yet another right, but Goldberg blocks and continues to unload on Taker getting the best of the Deadman. Goldberg kicks the Deadman in the gut and hurls Taker to the ropes. Taker bounces off the ropes and flies back at Goldberg. Goldberg braces himself and Taker smacks into Goldberg for a shoulder block but neither man moves an inch. Goldberg doubles back off the ropes and goes for a shoulder block of the Deadman, he hits Big Evil, but the Undertaker doesn’t budge. Goldberg goes off the ropes one more time charging the Deadman for a shoulder block, but Big Evil gets the boot up and nails Goldberg with a big boot. Goldberg goes down and the Undertaker grabs him by the head. Undertaker puts him in a front face lock then jacks him with a knee to the chest. Undertaker sets Goldberg up for a suplex and attempts to execute, but Goldberg blocks. Goldberg nails Taker with a knee to the mid section then powers back with a swinging neckbreaker. Undertaker powers back up to his feet and Goldberg hammers him with forearms to the back. Goldberg grabs him and positions him in the corner. Goldberg unloads rights and lefts to Big Evil, but Taker suddenly grabs Goldberg with both hands and reverses throwing Goldberg into the corner. Taker unloads his signature soup bowls on Goldberg, the ref counts 1…2…3…4…and the ref backs Undertaker up. Taker charges right back and sandwiches Goldberg into the corner. Goldberg stumbles forward and Taker grabs him by the arm and twists it. Taker signals for Old School and then walks to the corner. Taker climbs the turnbuckles and walks the top rope, but Goldberg yanks him and hurls him up and off the top rope countering Old School. Taker crashes and burns. Goldberg crouches and waits for Taker to get up. Undertaker manages up to his feet and Goldberg explodes and clotheslines the Deadman. Goldberg covers Undertaker 1…kickout! Goldberg gets up and grabs Taker. Goldberg hurls Taker across the ring, but Taker counters and hurls Goldberg to the ropes. Undertaker doubles back off the ropes and as both men are about to collide, Undertaker lands a huge flying clothesline to Bill Goldberg. Undertaker gets up and screams at Goldberg to get up. Goldberg gets up and Taker kicks him in the gut. Taker grabs him and hoists him up on his shoulder. Undertaker charges the corner and hurls Goldberg face first onto the top turnbuckle. Undertaker jets across the ring and nails the big boot flying back at Goldberg, nailing his signature Snake Eyes. Goldberg goes down hard as Taker covers him 1…2…kickout! Taker rolls out of the ring and pulls Goldberg out with him. Undertaker yanks Goldberg and hangs his head over the apron. Taker sides him up and drops an elbow to the throat of Goldberg. Undertaker walks away then runs back and drops another elbow across the throat of Goldberg. Taker walks away again, then runs back again and kicks Goldberg in the side of the head with a big boot. Undertaker hops on the apron and raises his fist taunting the crowd. Taker runs the apron and then drops a huge leg drop onto the throat of Goldberg. Bill rolls out of the ring and crashes on the floor. Taker rolls into the ring to break the ring out count, then Taker grabs Goldberg and whips him towards the fan barricade, but Goldberg puts the brakes on. Goldberg pulls Taker in and nails a clothesline knocking down the Deadman. Goldberg picks Undertaker up and rams him spine first into the apron. Goldberg grabs Taker by the arm and whips him into the corner piece of the fan barricade wall. Goldberg walks up to his and starts punching the hell out of him, but Taker escapes and pins Goldberg in the corner and unloads soup bowls onto “Da Man.†Goldberg grabs Taker’s head and slams it off the fan barricade. Taker falls, but leans on the barricade as Goldberg stumbles away. Goldberg turns right around and spears Big Evil though the fan barricade.

JR: ARRRGHHHH!!!! Right through that fan barricade! Spear! Spear! What a shot! Goldberg speared Undertaker right through that fan wall!

King: Are both men even conscious? Holy…

The ref is still counting for ring out, but he exits the ring to check on both competitors. Goldberg gets to his knees then to his feet. Goldberg looks around and the crowd that’s on fire in the stands chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg smiles and spits his gun out of his mouth then grabs the Undertaker off the floor. The ref hasn’t checked on Taker fully as Goldberg pulls Taker up and whips him skull first into the steel ring post. Taker hits the post and crashes to the ground.

JR: Goldberg is a caged animal waiting to be unleashed!

King: This is him caged? I don’t want to be around when this guy's cage door is opened JR!

Goldberg walks over and grabs the Deadman and hurls him into the ring. Goldberg slides into the ring and covers Undertaker 1…2…kickout! Goldberg gets up and shakes his head. Undertaker gets to his feet and Goldberg grabs him, but Taker gets some offense in with a jaw breaker. Goldberg holds his jaw and takes a step back. Goldberg quickly recovers. Undertaker talks smack to Goldberg, but Bill shoots his hand out and grabs Taker by the throat. Goldberg talks smack to the Deadman and hoists him high above his head.

JR: By God! Look at the strength of Goldberg!

Goldberg starts losing his grip and Taker shifts his legs to the rear and emerges on both feet behind Goldberg. Goldberg quickly turns around and this time it’s the Deadman to grab Goldberg by the throat. Goldberg throws his arm over his shoulder and hurls him up and drops him down quickly with a chokeslam. Undertaker covers Goldberg 1…2…kickout! Undertaker grabs the arm of Goldberg and slaps on an armbar. Goldberg screams in pain. Goldberg gets his leg up and swings it over onto the bottom rope to break the hold. The ref counts 1…2….3…4…Taker breaks the hold. Goldberg holds his arm on the canvas as Taker bounces off the ropes and nails a leg drop on Goldberg. Taker covers Goldberg yet again 1…2…kickout! Undertaker picks Goldberg up and twists his arm. Undertaker walks to and up the turnbuckles. Taker walks the ropes and jumps off nailing Old School on Goldberg. Goldberg grasps that same arm in pain as Taker stalks him. Goldberg tries to get up but Taker kicks him in the face. Taker smiles and signals for the Tombstone piledriver by cutting his throat. He lifts Goldberg up and hoists him onto his shoulder. Undertaker positions him for it, but Goldberg shifts his weight back. Undertaker’s back starts to arch back and Goldberg emerges on his feet with Undertaker set up for the Tombstone. Goldberg lifts him back up on his shoulder and takes off nailing Undertaker with a running powerslam. The fans start chanting once again GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg walks over to the corner and crouches down looking for the spear. Undertaker squirms on the mat and starts to rise. Taker turns around and Goldberg launches out of the corner and Goldberg spears the Undertaker right in half. The crowd erupts as Goldberg springs up to his feet and signals for the Jackhammer. Goldberg yanks the Deadman off the mat and sets him up for it. Goldberg hoists the Deadman up and lets the blood rush to his head. Undertaker starts to squirm and lands on his feet yet again behind Goldberg. Undertaker spins Goldberg around and then hoists him up on his shoulder. Undertaker positions Goldberg for the Tombstone and drops him right on his head. Undertaker falls forward onto Goldberg pinning him 1…2…3!
WINNER: Undertaker

JR: What? What the hell?

King: Undertaker defeated Goldberg? I can’t believe my eyes!

JR: Oh good lord what a wrestling match! One of the best these old eyes have ever seen!

Undertaker’s music blasts through the arena as Taker crawls over to the corner and sits up smiling. Taker lifts himself up using the ropes and gets to his feet. Taker holds his back as the fans boo him. Undertaker raises both arms to a rabid crowd. Undertaker pounds his chest and then turns towards a wounded Goldberg. Undertaker points at Goldberg with his hand like a gun and pulls the trigger. Taker smiles and leaves the ring.

JR: I wonder if this has any indication who is in line for the next World Heavyweight title shot King!

King: Well if I know how Undertaker thinks, he sure hopes so. What a match!

Undertaker walks up the ramp then raises his fist at the top of the ramp.


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Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Holy shit! What a climax to a great PPV!

Here's the rest of my review...

Christian/Trish Promo
A nice promo here, definitely deserved to be on PPV and not on your average RAW. With a Christian's turn at the end, this should turn out interesting.
Rating = *** 1/2

Orton vs. HBK
Great match, and a good way to further HBK's feud with Evolution. A short but entertaining match, and a great one at that.
Rating = *** 3/4

HHH vs. Nash
Considering the wrestlers involved, this was an average match, but not a disappointing one. Definitely not worthy of the Main Event, but fun and predictable. Solid.
Rating = ** 3/4

Undertaker vs. Goldberg
WOW! Talk about world collide! And how they did! Easily the MOTN, and maybe one of the best all year!
Rating = **** 1/2

Final PPV Rating = **** 1/4 or 8.25

Great work!


Trish/Christian: Well that solves that lol. Looks like Trish will be lonely in that hospital bed for a while longer after Christian kicked her ass. Nice little encounter with Christian being in pretty good character, nice job.

Taker promo: Yet another good little match building promo this time from the Undertaker! He had some good words and this makes the match more interesting then it already was!

Shawn Micheals Vs Randy Orton: Great Match between to awesome wrestlers, this had everything it needed, good action and HBK spitting in Flair's face was a good way to carry on the feud of HBK and Evolution. This was the best match of the night so far and keeps me REALLY interested in the rest of the PPV!
Rating: ***1/2

Evolution promo: Good in character promo by them all, Flair's lines were good lol. Al round the promo was just quick, good and showed cockyness by Evolution which was good.

Bishoff promo: Good promo, I am really excited as to whats happening with Stone Cold, I will be sure to check that out in shows to come!

HHH Vs Nash: Wasn't a great match and I knew HHH was going to win and with the Sledge Hammer being taken down it was obviously going to be a faulty ending. Wasn't a terrible match but nothing great. Nice to see all the boys kick Nash's ass lol, he will be out for a while imo or this will carry on the HHH/Nash feud...
Rating: **1/2

Goldberg Vs Undertaker: OMG, What a match!!! This steals thee award of 'best match of the night'. It was AWESOME. A very up and down sort of a match and having Taker win made it even better, Great match.
Rating: ****1/4

Overall: Awesome PPV, I will have to check out the next show! The matches were good and promo's were also VERY good!
PPV Rating: **** or more lol :D
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: What can I say...two of my favorites duking it out in the ME. This was spectacular and put both guys over even more if you ask me.

WM: Um...

BP: Christian and Trish was very strong, but I have to say that Evolution was the best here. You portrayed them to a 'T' and I was really impressed. Great promo.

WP: Uh...

AC: Awesome PPV, as usual. I'm surprised you had Christian use the Unprettier on Trish. Please check out my epic XCW: Full Throttle when you get a chance. It's long, but the payoff is well worth it, I hope.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Batista vs. Scott Steiner- Good match. Much better than it'd be in real life. I was really suprised that Batista walked away still the champion.

HHH promo- a funny promo. At some times HHH came off as the cocky face character that he plays now.

Jazz vs. Gail Kim- This match was the perfect size. It didn't go overly long and it wasn't short. The sudden ending is something that I like. I find it funny that the King is afraid of Jazz.

Random Thought: "Booker: YOU DAMN RIGHT IT’S SWEET! Sweeter than my nanny’s apple pie back down south!" One of the best lines ever.

Booker T and Chris Jericho vs. RVD and Kane- The part where Jericho appeared to be hurt was very interesting, something that I wouldn't expect to happen in a BTB. I thought that we were going to see new tag champs. Really good match. A lot of good angles could come out of this match.

Trish/Christian promo- good way to turn Christian heel.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton- Very good match. Good back and forth. The end sequence made the match. Something makes me think that this feud isn't over.

Evolution promo- very good, There was one thing that I found odd. It seems weird that Orton would call HHH "our glorious leader" It just doesn't seem like something that he'd say.

Triple H vs. Kevin Nash- Decent match. To me this entire feud felt like a filler. Hopefully this was the end of Nash.

Goldberg vs. Undertaker- "JR: ARRRGHHHH!!!!" Sums up this match well. It was very good. Match of the night. Going in I had no idea who would win. One of the best matches of yours that I've read. Great job.

Overall this was a very good show. It set up for a lot of good angles and ended some good ones as well.

Plug: Check out POI Episode 27


Well my friend, I decided to read it all at once before I posted my review.. so here it is buddy

Batista vs. Scott Steiner- Good match. It was much better than it would probably be in real life. I wish Goldberg would've won though.

HHH promo- Great promo... worked out good, very funny lol

Jazz vs. Gail Kim- Not too long, not too short, good match man, I always enjoy reading your womens matches than watching them on TV lol

Booker and Y2J promo..."Booker: YOU DAMN RIGHT IT’S SWEET! Sweeter than my nanny’s apple pie back down south!" You had me cracking up man... B-Teezie lol, reminds me of Mrs. Payne (lol inside joke)

Booker T and Chris Jericho vs. RVD and Kane- You know man, I wish RVD and Kane would've won, but they wouldnt lose the titles that fast so I saw that as a minor problem there, and the Jericho injury idea there looked good in a btb man, I dont know many people that pull in injury like there in a btb man... this looks to be a great feud here

Trish/Christian promo- good way to turn Christian heel man, looking very forward to reading more bout this

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton- Very good match dude, it had a great back and forth fight which kept the match going well... but the very end of the match made it the best of it. I feel this feud is also going somewhere man... dont end it :)

Evolution promo- very good promo, love Evolution in your btb man, you portray them well

HHH vs. Kevin Nash- Not to bad, no offense though, I'm a little sick of Nash, so hopefully he's done in your btb man imo

Goldberg vs. Undertaker- Best match you've written i think. Couldnt have been any better man, easy ***** match man (5 stars is too little, can I put more lol)... Goldberg and Taker are perfect for each other in a feud like this (no homo) and this match was perfect dude

After comments.... Awesome awesome awesome ppv man, loved it alot. Your writing is an inspiration dude... couldnt get any better, it was perfect, loved it.... easily a 10/10 or *****/***** ppv man

Loved it :D