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Sep 25, 2012
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Re: UWF Money In The Bank: UWF Championship-Damien Sandow(c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The

The Miz: Y'know ladies and gentlemen I do find it amusing that I'm the one who's labeled the "big mouth". I'm the one who often gets accused of not knowing when to shut up. I'm the one who's always told that he's all talk. And I'm told that, by people like this!?

He gestures down the ramp towards Bryan and Sandow

I mean god, talk about a complete lack of self-awareness. Damien Sandow here, carries his own mic every, single, time he comes out here! Doesn't matter if he's out here for a match, to commentate or just generally to spout off like he loves to do. Hell I think he takes that mic with him when he goes to the john and gives out sermons to the urinals. This guy talks trash during his matches, he literally cannot shut his jackass of a mouth for more than two seconds. And he's out here again, claiming to be a "saviour of the masses". A saviour of... the masses. Let's just think about that for a moment, how many people have you and Bray Wyatt actually saved? Daniel Bryan and Mike Knox? Well they way I see it now that D-Bry has been through his deprogramming they cancel each other out. But I'll be generous, I'll give you Mike Knox. I think you may have a convert there. Daniel Bryan came back to his senses but I don't see Knoxy-boy here doing that. He doesn't appear to have senses to come back to. So the intellectual saviour of the masses here has managed to save one animal. In all this time ONE. I mean, you've got a worse conversion rate than the Arizona Cardinals!

But yet you're out here, shamefully peddling this crap once again. I might talk a lot and hog the spotlight Damo, but at least when I talk, people are listening. Having said all that, the blame is not solely at your door. Daniel Bryan... I wish you were a SILENT assassin. God that would be preferable. You'll strike me when I least expect it?! Daniel everywhere you go either you or all of these people are screaming "YES! YES! YES!" or "NO! NO! NO"

And with that the crowd erupt into a 'YES!' chant. The Miz pauses and lets it ride out for a few seconds before beginning again

Y'see? Y'see what I mean? It's physically impossible for you to creep up on anyone. You're not a silent assassin, you're like a 'tourettes assassin", particularly dangerous to the hard of hearing but not really anyone else. Let's cut right to the chance gentlemen, as much as you might not like to admit it. As much as it may pain you to even consider it; we're all far more alike than any of us would ever like to admit. We all love the sounds of our own voices, we all think we're better than everyone else, we've all got a dark side, we're all capable of causing considerable pain to other human beings, and we're all quite happy to do that if it means that we get to the top. There are plenty of factors which set the three of us apart, we have all taken different paths to get where we are today, but those things that I've just mentioned; that's what unites us. At Money in the Bank the three of us will step in the ring. Completely different styles, completely different backgrounds, but our motivations and ambitions are almost identical.

And that's where the fun begins. Cause I'm not going into this match underestimating either of you. I'm not going in thinking "Oh here comes Damien Sandow, he got lucky to be in this match" and I'm not thinking "Daniel Bryan? Here's a mid-carder punching above his weight". No, what I see when I look at you, is just two more of ME. Two more guys ready to do anything to get the win. But I'm better at being me, than either of you could ever be. So let me give you a piece of advice for free gentlemen; you better start getting it into your heads that this is going to be the toughest night of your life. This is going to be hell. You might be thinking that you're gonna walk into this match and rain down pain on the other two guys but that's exactly what each of us is thinking. No one is gonna escape the destruction of this match. Now I have made my peace with this. For the last 6 months, the whole of 2013, I made my peace with this life I had chosen. Going through the Royal Rumble, going to Wrestlemania, stepping into the ring with Cody Rhodes, and now coming to Smackdown and on to Money in the Bank, I have done it all and I have let nothing and no-one slow me down. Even Cody Rhodes beating me at Wrestlemania wasn't enough to stop me, all it did was spur me on. And now I am relentless. I am prepared to do anything it takes to win that title and I know that includes being beaten to a pulp by both of you guys, because... there is no other way.

Cody Rhodes told me that he'd hospitalise me and I told him I'd be glad to go there, but that I was taking him with me, and I say a similar thing to you gentlemen. You are going to throw everything you have at me and I will be taking you with me. We are going on a trip gentlemen, the three of us on a journey to the other-side, in a little three-seater. I got my map, I've packed my sandwiches, I'm ready for the journey. I'm in the driving seat, and when we finally get to our destination, only I will be left standing. Are you prepared gentlemen? Cause I am...

He fixes them with a long lingering look and awaits their reply...

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Re: UWF MITB: HBK vs. The Rock

The Rock wastes little time mounting a reply to HBK.

The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment The Rock:
The Rock is glad that you refrained from making jokes this time. You sound a bit more serious. Perhaps The Rock is finally getting through that thick skull of yours that despite you talking about The Rock making all of these sophomoric jokes you couldn’t help but try to do the same but they only fell flat. But while we were on history lessons The Rock can say that Rick Rude was a world champion… just not WCW world heavyweight champion but held the title that would eventually become the world heavyweight title but then doing that would be splitting hairs but The Rock is just showing you… The Rock knows his history. The Rock has been in this business ever since he was in diapers and whether you or the people out there want to believe it or not… The Rock will ALWAYS be in the business. Always will be a part of this business. The Rock will forever be a wrestler. Forever be linked to this business no matter what happens and The Rock guarantees you that no matter what happens… The Rock will be looked upon and will be remembered as one of the greatest to ever lace his boots inside of this ring. The Rock will be listed among the greats like Rick Rude, Curt Henning, Von Erich, Bulldog, Owen Hart, and the list goes on. The Rock will be a part of that list not because of all of the championships that he has to his name but for the electricity, for the emotion, for the heart that he put on display night in and night out. The Rock made sure that no matter what he put on the greatest show that the world has ever seen and on this final curtain call The Rock is looking to once again put on the greatest show in history.

You see… The Rock acknowledges talent when there is some. The Rock appreciates great talent and knows that UWF is full of it but The Rock also knows that he could outlast each and every single one of them. The Rock knows that he can and he will be the one that steals the show at Money in the Bank. The Rock is looking to make this match look like the damn main event of WrestleMania only bigger. You see you want to talk about being The Man and not having to hold the world title to prove that. Well The Rock hasn’t held a world title in how long? And how many people still revere The Rock as The Man to beat? How many people still look at The Rock with respect and honor? How many of them Shawn? Or is it that you don’t want to answer that question because in doing so you will have to face the true reality in that you aren’t who you think you are. You aren’t as great as you are. You are not indeed The Man in this business but still just a kid. Still just that kid looking to make another comeback. Looking to try to be everything you wish you could be whereas The Rock has been everything he ever claimed to be. The Rock has claimed to be the very best and The Rock has been the very best everywhere he has been. And you want to toss out places like ETW and CWA? Well The Rock has this to say about those places… Who cares?

The Rock looks on at HBK knowing that even just a minor nerve being struck is a good thing.

The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment The Rock:
You see BBK, The Rock wants you to bring your absolute best into this thing. The Rock wants the absolute best match he can have and unfortunately The Rock knows that you are going to be that kid that brings it and will put on a show and as a result… this will be the match that everyone will be looking at. Everyone will be watching, everyone will want to look to see who wins this epic encounter in the end. But spoiler alert… The Rock is going to win. Because The Rock isn’t going into this match just looking to put on a great show but The Rock is going into this thing with one thought and one single mindset and that is to win. A loss is not acceptable. A loss is not even an option. A loss is something that The Rock is sure that you can accept because you’ve done it so many times and gracefully. The Rock on the other hand doesn’t take that so well and in his final showing will refuse to accept something like a loss but instead will only accept victory. Will only accept the course of action that will leave you lying in the middle of the ring with the realization that you are indeed not The Man but instead nothing more than just a kid trying to play a Man’s game.

All this time that is what you have been doing. Flying around, trying to dazzle the crowd, trying to put on a show. That’s all a kid does is put on a show. A man realizes that it isn’t about just putting on a show but finishing the product. Finishing the objective that he has set forward and that objective is to be the winner. To finish first because as Nelly said in his song… two is not a winner, three nobody remembers. I am… number one. So you can be the kid that does this and that, the kid that everyone loves, the kid that everyone wants to see put on a show, the kid that everyone looks to for a good match, the kid that everyone cheers for whenever he says something that everyone is already aware of… but in the end… The Rock is and will forever be the man. The Man that you will never amount to. The Man that you will never be. The Man that you will always dream of being but as long as The Rock is breathing you will never be able to be.

Instead you will only be just that kid that looks up towards the stars wondering what it will be like to be The Man. What it will be like to be as great, as memorable, as admired as The Rock. But in the end… you will be nothing more than a statistic that will be remembered as the guy that although he put on a great show… just could not get the job done and will forever be known as nothing more than a kid.

The Rock lowers his mic staring down HBK awaiting his response.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Money in the Bank World Heavyweight Championship: Wyatt (c) vs Ambrose vs Cen

Ambrose lowers the microphone, as he releases a couple of sinister chuckles. Ambrose sits in his corner, and focuses on Cena, who shakes his head with a grin on his face. Cena raises the microphone up to his lips, as he begins to speak.


John Cena: It’s nice of you to finally join us, Bray. Now, I’m going to reflect what Dean here said, and that’s where have you been? Not only tonight, but where have you been for the past couple of weeks? Dean and I have been here all night, proving why we deserve to emerge Money in the Bank World Heavyweight Champion. For the past couple of weeks on RAW, Dean and I had been the victim of the arena lights going out, and in result, being screwed. Not only that, we’ve been increasing the hatred between us, the intensity in our feud, and the interest of all of these people. These people can’t wait until Money in the Bank, because they can’t wait to find out. They can’t wait to see out of the two of us who’s walking out World Heavyweight Champion. That leaves you, Bray, out of the thought process, because unfortunately, you just didn’t do enough to prove yourself a threat in this match.

Cena shakes his head, as he shrugs his shoulders. Wyatt isn’t all too pleased as Cena’s previous words, and Cena brushes the motion off, before continuing.

John Cena: But who knows? The preaching, the believing, the washing of sins, the praying – maybe it’s all going to help you out in the end. The ultimate surprise might happen during our match where you find some way to emerge victorious. Boys and girls, there’s a slight chance Bray Wyatt might still be the World Heavyweight Champion after Money in the Bank! Do you believe that, Bray? Because I don’t. I don’t believe for a slight chance you’ll still be champion. I don’t believe it because it’s not going to happen. I can’t allow it to happen, and I’m sure Dean won’t allow it to happen either. We can’t allow you to continue to spit on everything we’ve worked for since we first stepped foot in this company. We can’t allow you to continue to throw dirt on the legacy that championship holds. We will just not allow any of it! We can’t allow you to tear down what we’ve respectively in our reign spent building up. You might not BELIEVE that, Bray, but don’t worry, because we’ll make you believe it.

The audience explodes in boos, as Cena focuses on Ambrose, before speaking.

John Cena: Speaking of believing, whoa, Dean, what happened? I thought we built that trust up for one night only at Money in the Bank to accomplish one goal, and that’s get the World Heavyweight Championship out of Bray’s grasp. Now, you’re doing this to me? He-he. Listen up and listen good, Dean. I don’t care if you don’t trust me anymore, save the sob story for someone who cares. I don’t have any intentions on going back to your ‘good side’, because quite frankly, your good side was always your bad side. You never trusted me when we were tag team champions. I was a friend, but in the back of your head, I was still the enemy. That’s why I did what I did. That’s why I screwed you, and can’t beat you? C’mon, son, you got to be kidding me!

Cena takes a moment to reflect, as he releases a couple of chuckles, none as unstable as Deans, before continuing.

John Cena: You say you look in my eyes, and you see a man who knows he can’t beat the almighty Dean Ambrose. You’re ridiculous, you know that Dean? You baffle me, honestly. I lost once to you, and it’s all because you got lucky. Now I can’t walk down the street without some idiot asking me how it feels losing to you. I can’t get on the computer without seeing all of these nerds giving their input on John Cena never beating Dean Ambrose. It makes me physically sick to my stomach and that’s what’s going to make Money in the Bank that much sweeter for myself. I cannot wait to see the looks on everyone’s face when I emerge victorious, and make sure everyone forgets about Wrestlemania. I want everyone to stop talking about how I lost to you, and I want everyone to start talking about how I beat you. I want to avenge that loss, and I want to prove to everyone, and especially to you, that I CAN beat you. You hear me Dean? I WILL beat you!

The audience exploded in boos, as Cena’s words are intense. He’s red, and it’s pretty obvious he’s serious as he’s ever been. Cena continues.

John Cena: I’m sick of all the doubts. I’m sick of all the talk that John Cena doesn’t have what it takes to win the big one again. I’m sick of everyone telling me I crumble under pressure and doesn’t have what it takes to stay at the top of this company. I’m the European Champion, and after Money in the Bank, I’ll become the World Heavyweight Champion. Dean, Bray? You’re just obstacles on this quest to destiny, and I’m going to knock you two down just… like… that. And if you don’t believe me? Then watch me.

John Cena lowered the microphone, as he soaked in the boos, before awaiting for Wyatt to respond.​
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The Hoov

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Re: UWF Money In The Bank: UWF Championship-Damien Sandow(c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The

Daniel cuts Miz off in mid-sentence.


Daniel Bryan: Miz, the next words out of your mouth better be some Mark Twain-inspired choice of words because I'm definitely going to carve them on your impending tombstone. Am I prepared? What kind of damn question is that? I've been ready for this my entire career. For the 10 years I spent toiling on the independent circuit, hoping to one day get a job in an organization like this. I scratched and clawed my way to get here. I bled for it. Every single time I walk to this ring, to this day, I come out prepared to go to war. It's just an instinct. I will do absolutely anything that is necessary to win. You could call me Dan al Ghul in that respect. Damien, don't bother racking your brain trying to understand that. It's a Batman reference, please keep up. My point is quite simple. The point I try to make in every match I'm in and that's I'm a serious threat. No one seems to understand this yet. Whether it's you, Damien, trying to take ownership over my accomplishments or Miz trying to patronize me. Miz, I've told you before, I have no problem with you personally. I respect everything that you've done up until now. I really do but that's where my respect ends because you're now up against me and everyone who comes up against me from here on out, they're gonna lose and that's exactly what's going to happen to you. You're going to lose......and lose to me.

The crowd is going nuts cheering Bryan. Daniel looks over at Sandow and Knox and addresses them.


Daniel Bryan: Damien Sandow, the leader of what he believes "enlightenment" means. A man who cowers at his own shadow. A man who right now holds the richest prize in the industry in his possession and he's staring death right in the face at this very moment when I look into his eyes. You have the hungriest competitor knocking on your front door and you're petrified. You wake up in a cold sweat, realizing that every second of every day is closer to Money In The Bank where you will have to answer for each and every one of your sins. You're stepping into the ring with a man who should've beat you on SmackDown and you're stepping into the ring with the very man you hid behind when the going got tough, The Best Wrestler In The World, Daniel Bryan. Damien, you have something I want. Around here, If I want something, I get it. I wanted the European Championship at WrestleMania, so I took it. A few weeks ago, I wanted to punish Austin Aries, so I Regal Plexed him onto a steel chair. I wanted to be treated with respect around here, so I got it and I earned it through my actions. The only person's respect I don't have around here is yours apparently, but that will change at Money In The Bank. First, I'm going to take what's mine, the UWF Championship and then I'm going to leave you a crippled heap on the canvas.

The crowd is going insane at Bryan's promise to Sandow. Bryan pauses for a few moments to let it sink in then continues.

Daniel Bryan: As far as you're concerned, Knox, I know for a fact that you'll be at ringside, I'm just going to warn you once. If you stick your hideous beard in my match, it will be the last thing you ever do, big man, because as a man of your stature I know the human body as well and I also know a million submission holds in a million different areas of the anatomy. I could snap a leg, snap an arm, puncture a kidney, you name it, Mikey. I refuse to let Damien weasel his way out of another match. I'm responsible for way too many of them already. No, Damien, you're in this one on your own and say what you will be we all know that you need someone by your side to fight your battles. As soon as it wasn't me and Bray moved to RAW, you pulled this creature out of the Black Lagoon who thinks he's a doctor. You and your Patch Adams From Hell, you walk out here together, hand in hand almost, and you try and intimidate me? Trying to tarnish what I've done?! What I've done?!

Bryan is getting a bit angry as he continues speaking.

Daniel Bryan: I put on those 5-star classics. It was me in this ring busting my ass to be the very best and yes, I admit, Ambrose has my number but the point is, I did it on my own. What have you earned here in UWF that wasn't at the misfortune of others? Riddle me that! Even the UWF Championship came at the expense of me and my European Championship, not to even mention the fact that Miz was the one who beat down Cody Rhodes for you. God, I need to win this match to even set some kind of order around here. You have Miz doing favors for Sandow, titles switching brands, I feel bad for the bookkeepers. It's my time to shine. I'm the best that I've ever been. But it is odd, though.

Daniel pauses and then looks over at Miz.


Daniel Bryan: Some would say this match should be one-on-one. Damien Sandow vs Daniel Bryan. You even mentioned that yourself. And yet, look who's in the ring and who's up there, like an outsider. That's you, Miz. You're not in this ring because you're "too cool" to be here. It's because, deep down, you know you shouldn't be here. Not this night. This isn't your fight. This is my crusade to rid the UWF of Damien Sandow forever. I pledge to destroy what I helped build and that begins and ends at Money In The Bank. Miz, I can tell by the look of your eyes that you think I'm wrong so why don't you join us in this ring? Why don't you just walk down that ramp and climb through these ropes because if you're apart of this match, if you're truly in and you want this to be your fight, then you aren't acting like it. Come in here and look me in the eyes like a man.

Bryan lowers his mic and motions for Miz to come in. Sandow interrupts.

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Re: UWF Anarchy MITB: Ryback/Hardy/Undertaker/Rollins/Hawkins/Ziggler

Matt then lifts his microphone back up and looks over at both Ziggler and Rollins.


Matt Hardy Version 1: Umm.....excuse me. Just who the hell do you think you two are? What gives either of you the right to talk about me in such a negative light? I am truly offended. But, then again, I should've expected such acts of disrespect to be displayed men like you. A desperate man will take desperate measures. You two both said a number of things but one thing both of you failed to address is why? Why can't I waltz into Money In The Bank and take the briefcase? I happen to be undefeated on Anarchy and I plan on keeping it that way. It's my obligation to become International Champion and begin the Era of Mattitude. This ladder match is just a means to get there.

Matt pauses for a brief second as if gathering thoughts. He then glares over at Dolph Ziggler.

Matt Hardy Version 1: Dolph Ziggler, you might have soundly defeated Curt Hawkins on Anarchy, but look at the names that I've defeated. I've beaten Derrick Bateman, sure but I've also defeated Ryback. And before you say anything Rollins, I didn't face just him. I also had Monty Brown to deal with and, if you remember, I single-handedly defeated both of them because a certain SOMEONE just couldn't get the job done. But it's ok because Shannon won't be in this match, causing me a distraction. Ziggler, you talk a big game but that's all that I've seen from you is talk. You beat up Curt Hawkins, great, what else do you bring to the table? What makes me think that I deserve to be here? No, I think the real question is you. Why are you in this match? Now I remember. You're in this match for one purpose and that is so you can lose to me. That's it. There's no other scenario where this comes out in your favor. Just face facts that the "Show Off" is about to have his show turned off by a heaping dose of Mattitude.

The crowd continues to boos loudly. Matt then turns to Seth Rollins.


Matt Hardy Version 1: Don't think I have forgotten about you, Seth. Don't think your words were left unheard. No, I heard every word you said and I have a problem with each and every one of them. You think I don't deserve to be here either. Don't think for one second that you're above me. You might have been on a roll but, at Money In The Bank, consider me your CM Punk and I plan on derailing any kind of momentum you have. Unlike you, I don't live my life hiding in the dark. I bask in the glow of my radiant spirit courtesy of my own way of life, Mattitude. You might want to try it sometime. You seem like a guy who needs guidance, what with your past in the Purveyors of Poison and whatnot. I would accept you with open arms, Seth. You have potential but it's a shame that you stunt your own growth with your sheer ignorance. I am going to win the Money In The Bank briefcase. I declare it. If you defy me and get in my way, all of that pain and suffering you claim to have experience, consider it deja vu when I get my hands on you.

Seth doesn't look to pleased but Matt sure is. He then continues his speech.

Matt Hardy Version 1: Gentlemen, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when and how long because Matt Hardy Version 1 is here and ready. Anarchy just got an upgrade. It's moving on into the future with or without you and you can either get on board or prepare to get run over by it, but it will be inescapable. Mattitude will change this place for the better and with me as their champion, there's nothing we won't be able to accomplish and anyone who gets in our way, whether it you, Stone Cold or Vince McMahon himself, we will eliminate you and the first step in the right direction is Money In The Bank when the man who is Stronger Than Death meets his destiny and becomes Mr. Money In The Bank. Count on it.

Matt lowers his microphone as Dolph chimes in.

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Money in the Bank, UWF International Championship Match: Rhino vs Punk vs Ang

Rhino begins laughing at Punk’s last statement. He makes a show out of it as he begins to hold his gut and bends over before coming back up laughing even more hysterically. He finally stops dead in his tracks and looks dead set at CM Punk.


“The War Machine†Rhino:
Let’s get one thing straight here Punk, as long as I’m still Champion, you won’t be! Ever since winning the title in the Elimination Chamber I’ve been one of the best champions this brand has seen. I’ve held it for close to ninety days, which may not seem like a very long time, but in this business, that’s nearly a damn year! Not once have I claimed to not be a fighting champion, if I was booked to defend my belt against five other men, I’d simply shrug it off and say it was fine. That’s what it’s all about Punk, it’s not about the odds being stacked against you, it’s how you turn those odds around in your favour. But you have to understand the accomplishment I made of successfully defending my title against my most challenging opponent. And no, that’s not a shot at you Punk, so get that out of your head right now. Sting and I have had a rivalry of sorts for the better part of a year. Even when we aren’t facing each other, we are always trying to outdo each other. And did you even watch our match? In my opinion it was the match of the night. It was one of the more strongly contested matches of that night. This was two veterans doing everything they could to be on top. I respect the hell out of Sting and I’d gladly put my title on the line again against him.

But you, you have this self entitlement that things should basically be handed to you simply because you’re CM Punk. When has that ever been the way it worked? In all my years of wrestling never once did I get handed anything. I have always and will always fight for everything I want. You know, I’m not a big fan of either of you getting a shot at my belt right now. Even if you had a rematch clause, I don’t think you should be allowed a rematch for the title. In my opinion you’re just one of those spoiled brats from those reality shows that disrespect the hell out of their parents and still expect to get everything they want. I don’t care if you went a whole damn year of being undefeated, the fact that you feel you deserve a shot at the top because you went undefeated for months is just stupid! I will take a shot at Kurt here for a second, he’s undefeated after a few months and is handed a title shot. He’s new to the brand, yet gets a title shot so soon. In my opinion that’s wrong. He should be in that ladder match for that special little briefcase that gives people a shot at a world title. I’d sooner face Taz who I’m sure is still chomping at the bit to get a crack at me. I’d sooner face Seth Rollins, hell I’d sooner face Stone Cold Steve Austin then face you. All those men are respectable men.

But you CM Punk, you have no respect for anybody. You show me disrespect and expect me to show you respect? You have done nothing to earn my respect, and it seems you’ll continue to do nothing to earn my respect. Remember, respect is earned, not simply given at a word. You’ll go far if you remember that.

Rhino pauses for a moment and contemplates his next words. He paces around the ring as he just simply looks at CM Punk. He finally brings the microphone back to his lips.

I’ve done some questionable things in my career, most notably on this brand. I stabbed a good friend in the back simply to win this title; I don’t expect to get any respect for it. I did it because I felt I had to. I still don’t walk around here with a sense of fulfillment. I don’t walk around here expecting respect. But I walk around here knowing that I am the champion of this show, so I have to be on my game. I have to be ready to act at any moment because of this huge target on my back. I see the way everybody looks at me as I walk the halls. I am one with very friends in this business purely because I hold the prize everybody wants.

Rhino takes the belt off his waist and raises it to his eye level. He stares at it for a moment before lowering it and speaking into his microphone.

It’s because of this thing that I have to continue to fight on. It’s because of this thing that I am a marked man. It’s also because of this thing that I have to ensure that I destroy you. It’s what you want; it’s the only thing on your mind right now. I can see it in your eyes, as they follow this belt right now. It’s the only thing that matters to you, and you think that if you have it firmly in your grip that you’ll get respect. I hate to break it to you, but this only causes more pain than it does happiness. You should already know this, but you won’t admit it. You’re too stubborn for that, you have to make sure everybody sees you with the belt. Now, I’m not saying it’s not nice to have this thing, because I cherish every moment I have with it. It’s been kind of nice having this little piece of hardware. It feels good knowing you’re a world champion. Actually, it feels good knowing I’m an International champion. But if you think for a second that I’ll just hand it you, you’re more cracked in the head than Umaga!

The way I see it Punk, when we face one another in that ring at Money in the Bank, it won’t simply be a matter of defending my title. It’s about more than that, because I only have one goal heading into Money in the Bank, that’s breaking you. My goal is to make sure you understand that you aren’t the best in the world and are simply a regular run of the mill wrestler like everybody else. At Money in the Bank you will become.... Humble!

The crowd breaks into a cheer at the sheer thought of Punk being put into his place as Rhino lowers his microphone and raises the belt in front of CM Punk.​


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Re: UWF Anarchy MITB: Ryback/Hardy/Undertaker/Rollins/Hawkins/Ziggler

Rollins is quick to cut every off as he raises the microphone.


Seth Rollins:

Oh boo hoo, do you require some tissues there Matthew? Are your feelings hurt that you feel like your heart is now shattered into a thousand pieces? If not, that's what's coming to you this weekend at Money in The Bank! You should be the one respecting me, I don't need to respect anybody here at all and certainly not you. Just because you believe you know it all, you certainly don't believe in Seth Rollins and that's the problem with you and all these muppets in the audience. They do not believe. Undefeated or not Matthew, the moral of the story is I am the most dangerous man on this roster; my intentions will leave one broken. Take a look at Ryback and Undertaker for instance, since I defeated them... They've not been heard of. The Undertaker right now is resting in peace where he truly belongs and all those who come will fall in line and be with The Undertaker. You don't require to get further Matthew, you require to sink to an all time low just like your brother Jeffrey has; it's all in the name "Hardy". Don't you understand Matthew? Where you sink, I rise... I started from the bottom and now I'm here and I will continue to rise to an all-time high and there's simply nothing anybody can do about that. But quite noticably I had to hear you complain about Shannon Moore who's an absolute nobody by the way and it seems to me you've came to your senses? I don't know Matthew, you seem to be a little all over the place but that's fine because that was me in Purveyors of Poison but now I realised I don't need anybody. I'm not going to fill myself in anybody's shoes... and they're certainly not filling in mine because I, Seth Rollins don't listen to anybody no more. I've yet to accomplish a goal; my goal was to win the Tag Team Championship at first but Sting and Kane did not fulfill the needs that we truly wanted but instead they both stooped to an all-time low. As for Sting, his era... comes to an end. As for me, my era is just the beginning of one's asphyxiation.

You can forget about CM Punk defeating me; quite frankly he has managed to out-smart me and I applaud him for enabling himself to a further level but right now this is my level... This is my goal, this is what I've dreamed for so damn long and I promise you Matthew, even CM Punk backstage will be shaking his boots when I become Mr. Money In The Bank. Not only will he have to win a Championship but I will be the one de-railing him, I've been de-railed here and there and have suffered what I'd call a "Rollercoaster Ride"; but that's what you get in a business like this but only one can change that ride and allow it to soar. I'm the person to change it, when you see me... I don't live in the darkness however I attempt to go there from time to time because it allows me to frequently think about everything. It's my strength, my focus to accomplish what I have wanted to accomplish from day one. I don't need your guidance or anybody else's either; what you need Matthew is to find yourself because you're simply not the person you thought you were and it won't be long before you're sucking up to the crowd once again... Why should I accept your offer? There is nothing to be accomplished; soon... you'd be the one running to me... begging for me to take you in, to take you to new levels. It's exactly what Sting and Kane did, they used me to get further... It's now the time for me to deliver the torture and punishment they truly deserve; but first I must win this match. I must do everything in order to grab that briefcase because once I do; the landscape of Anarchy will change and not just for the time being but it will change forever.

Rollins looks at an audience member who's yelling out a bunch of stuff, this allows Rollins to address the fan.

I don't know who you are kid but your parents must be disappointed in your obscene language; is that your mother? I don't care if you're Reby Sky or some random lady. The fact I can and will change this landscape means you will continue to sit on that damn chair and continue to pay. Nobody is paying to see Matt Hardy wrestle; I am what is making money for this company and I'm quite sick and tired of being under-estimated. I will prove myself to each and every single one of you that the scenary needs a huge change. It's not a version; it's not an episode... This is reality coming to you. You'll have to deal with the truth every single day, things you don't want to hear because you know I am right. The future is right here in your hands, the future is me; there is nobody else more deserving but myself. I will climb up the ladder rungs, I will grab that briefcase and I will leave Money In The Bank as your winner. Bank on it; management can try their best but they know I am going to be the sole winner. Open your eyes; this is the reawakening.

Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF Money in the Bank, UWF International Championship Match: Rhino vs Punk vs Ang

CM Punk looks as if he was sleeping that whole time as he wipes his eyes with his hands a few times and yawns as well

CM Punk: I'm sorry, were you talking that a whole time? I was wondering when someone was finally going to have the nerve to finally speak up because I didn't want to be rude out here. I may not agree with all the things these people agree to, but I am still respectful in allowing others to speak. I mean, Kurt, he's already walked off because he got bored with whatever the hell it was you were talking about. Honestly all I heard was "My name is, Rhino, GORE, GORE, GORE". I mean really come on at least give me a challenge out here instead of boring half these people to death. You think these people realize how long you've been champion here between NXT and Anarchy, they don't and do you want to know why, it's because you're a boring champion. You're a boring wrestler, you're a boring entertainer, you're a boring champion, you are just plain boring. I'm not going to come out here and not speak the truth about you because I don't care what the writers in the back want me to say so I can at least keep this clean and give you a chance at even winning this match at Money in the Bank because that's all you have, a shot. The odds of you winning are as good as, Dwyane beating, Shawn Michaels at Money in the Bank. Not going to happen!

The crowd has a mixture of boos and cheers

CM Punk: What, I'm being completely honest out here and I told you I was. The reason that you have even kept that title in your posession for so long is, you have faced no competition. Big deal you beat, Sting at WrestleMania. Any Joe-shmo could have done that against the ageless wonder. That title you have right now already has an asterik to it. I'm not going to complain about the happenings at No Way Out, but you walking out champion was a fluke and deep down inside you know it. You didn't earn that championship and do you know why you didn't deserve it, it's because you didn't beat me to get it!

Rhino looks to the crowd on each side to see what they think

CM Punk: You want respect from me, you'll have to earn it. You've been in this business long enough and no matter what you've done, which in reality if you think about it, you haven't done much. That championship you hold onto now is really the only major accomplishment you have ever achieved, but really it doesn't even count because of the asterik to it. Beat me at Moeny in the Bank and I will gladly come out here and tell you I respect you because you would have defeated not only the best superstar on Anarchy, not only in the entire UWF, but you would have beaten the best in the world. I have nothing to worry about though because you don't stand a chance against me, but I will give you a fighters chance though. Everyone at least deserves that. I already have pinned you on multiple occasions and even used your own finishing manuever to beat you. In the eyes of, Vincent Kennedy McMahon and I don't care how much he fines me for using his whole name, but just like his theme song goes, you have "No Chance In Hell".

The crowd boos at, CM Punk for the disrespect towards, Rhino

CM Punk: All you people can shut up now, okay! This is the time when all of sudden you all cheered for me. You all cheered because you wanted to jump on the, CM Punk bandwagon. I know how the game is played and I'm not going to be fooled by it twice in a row. I allowed for it once, but I will not do it again for all you people. Just when you know I'm going to get hot in this ring and win back my World Title, you are going to cheer me on. You all know it. Come Money in the Bank when I'm standing there, all the cheers will be heard for me, but you know what, I'm just going to ignore them because they'll mean nothing to me because I'll know I earned that title just like I did the first time. That's the major difference, Rhino. I earned my title run opportunity while you, you just basked in an opportunity because you didn't have to go through me. I am the best wrestler in this company, in the country, and most in importantly and I will say it again so it can get through you, I am the BEST IN THE DAMN WORLD because I am, CM Punk and I will embarrass you in this ring much like I did five months ago at New Year's Revolution!

Rhino just shakes his head at, CM Punk for his choice of words, Punk is using

CM Punk: One thing I did notice is you saying you're going to break me. Are we stealing quotes now from the movie "Rocky IV" with Ivan Drago. Break me. Break me. Break me. What's the matter with you, Rhino, did you lose focus on where you were at here. Come up with something at least clever and hasn't been said before otherwise you're just going to keep making look like I am going into a match where I may not need to break a sweat in order to accomplish what I set out to do. In one week at Money in the Bank that tile is coming back to me. The clock is ticking on that title run of yours and it's ticking because your run is coming to an abrupt end curtiousy of, CM Punk! I told you from the beginning, I am coming back to take what is rightfully mine and I plan on making that be reality television.

CM Punk lowers his microphone and has a few choice words for some fans sitting close to the front row

CM Punk: And do not for the life of me ever and I mean ever compare me to, The Miz. He's the reality t.v. star. I'm not some fake character parading around a company I know I shouldn't be working for. Kind of like how you are doing. Your time is also coming to an abrupt end just like most the wrestlers from your generation need to. I plain on knocking some sense into this Sunday so you some common knowledge up there when speaking out in front of the public or let alone in front of thousands of people on a nightly basis. You're going to be overwhelemed when you face me because you have never faced anyone like me. And if you thought I was as good of a wrestler five months ago then you should look at me now. I'm on more fire now than when I was then. If you want to talk about an impressive streak other than your defenseless title reign you've had for ninety days or whatever. I went two months without being pinned here on this brand. You, you were pinned three straight weeks in a row. I know that title is on borrowed time and on Sunday, it's going to come back over to where it belongs, with me!

CM Punk lowers his microphone and waits for a response


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Re: UWF Money in the Bank Predictions

It is time... time for my predictions to be made.


UWF World Heavyweight Championship
Bray Wyatt [c] vs. Dean Ambrose vs. John Cena

Man we need more Wyatt. I'd say if Sam were to do another he'd get the win. Otherwise I'ma have to go with John Boy Cena winnin this one.


UWF International Championship
Rhino [c] vs. CM Punk vs. Kurt Angle

I'm feelin it. I'm feelin Punk. Punk.


UWF Championship
Damien Sandow [c] vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

I want to say that the new champion would be... AWESOME! But as of right now... it'll be my rival :p


UWF Extreme Championship
Taz [c] vs. Umaga

I never understood why people don't like voting in their own matches. I do it all the time :D... but this one is close. But I know AK had some stuff going on otherwise we would have ripped this thing up. But playing the "humble" card... I humbly vote myself to win :p


UWF Tag Team Championships
Bray Wyatt & Damien Sandow [c] vs. Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis
My and The Rock's favorite tag team... win the gold. Or The Rock is coming after you :p


Raw's Money in the Bank
AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Christian vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Edge vs. Kane vs. Kevin Nash

I'm going with myself. I mean shoot I put quite a bit into it. As did RiR and Lewb... we brought it. But I just want that win :D I want that belt. I want that briefcase. I want to finally stake claim to winning a MiTB ladder match.


Anarchy's Money in the Bank
Curt Hawkins vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Matt Hardy vs. Ryback vs. Seth Rollins vs. Undertaker

As of right now I'm going with Rollins on this one. Andrew has finally found somethin that he is good with.


Smackdown's Money in the Bank
Antonio Cesaro vs. Austin Aries vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christopher Daniels vs. MVP vs. Rob Van Dam

I like Kendrick. Double A really stood out. Like really stood out. But I'm still liking Kendrick.


#1 Contender to the UWF Championship
Batista vs. Triple H

Feelin a little batty here. Batty. Batty coo coo


Clockwork Orange House of Fun
Raven vs. Sting

I have to go with the single poster. STINGERRRRR!


The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels
Match of the night fo sho folks. And well... if I'm going out with The Rock... I'm going out in a big blazing BOOM! A win. A win in quite a tough tough match. Thanks for bringing it Shawn.


The Hoov

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Re: UWF Money in the Bank Predictions


UWF Championship
Damien Sandow [c] vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz

I want to say that the new champion would be... AWESOME! But as of right now... it'll be my rival :p



Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Anarchy MITB: Ryback/Hardy/Undertaker/Rollins/Hawkins/Ziggler

Rollins lowers the microphone, and Ziggler stares at him, with a confused expression on his face. Ziggler shakes his head, as he raises the microphone up to his lips, before speaking.


Dolph Ziggler: Now, I don’t know why you interrupted me, Seth, but let’s get this clear, no one interrupts me! Not you, not Matt over here, nobody! I’ve worked too damn hard for too damn long and I’m not going to be disrespected by some nobody like you. Get it? Got it? Good.

The audience exploded in boos, as Rollins rolls his eyes. Ziggler shakes his head, as he raises a finger in the air, signaling for the fans to quiet down. The fans deny his request, which requires Ziggler to raise his intensity a bit.

Dolph Ziggler: This is supposed to be MY moment! This isn’t a chance for you two to come out here and try to milk the fifteen minutes of fame you’re going to get in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. There’s no point in doing all of this, boys, because let’s get real, no one cares about you two. I can take both of you out right now and no one would notice you’d be gone at Money in the Bank. I, alone, am bringing all of the star power needed for this match. My name alone will make everyone order this pay per view just to watch this match. Not for you two, but for ME. Everyone knows this is my chance to prove to everyone why I deserve to be classified as not only as the Show Stealer, the Perfect Athlete, #HEEL, and most importantly, the Show Off, but Mr. Money in the Bank as well. No one in this match deserves this contract more than me! I’ve worked far too hard for far too long and it’s about damn time I’m going to be rewarded for it.

Ziggler focuses on Hardy, as he begins to speak.

Dolph Ziggler: That’s something you aren’t familiar with, Matt. You’ve never had to work hard in your life. You came up in the self-proclaimed most extreme tag team in history, the Hardy Boyz. A tag team that featured your oh so innocent, baby brother, Jeff. Jeff is known for being the wild eyed daredevil, the extreme risk taker, THE aerial innovator! Every single time you hear the music his crappy band created... The audience exploded in boos, as Ziggler releases a couple of chuckles. Hardy isn’t all too excited at what Ziggler said as well. Ziggler continued. Oh, come on, it’s no secret his music sucks! Whatevs. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted… again, the fans go crazy when they hear his music! He’s a household name. he’s the Shawn Michaels of the Hardy Boyz! Which leaves you, Matt, to be the Marty Jennetty. And, uh, no one cared about ol’ Marty. No offense. The fact of the matter is, no one cared about you when the Hardy Boyz were jumping off ladders. The spotlight was ALL on Jeff, and that’s the same exact situation you’re in right now. So, you decided to add Version 1 to your name to try to get everyone to start talking about you again. Newsflash, Matt, it didn’t work. You’re still a loser, and at Money in the Bank, everyone’s going to realize it!

Ziggler focuses on Rollins, as begins to speak.

Dolph Ziggler: I don’t understand you, Seth. You’ll complain long and hard about how badly you’re being treated in this business. You’ll whine and moan about how you’ve never won anything worth mentioning. The second you win something, which happens once a couple months, you start bragging. You start talking, and you never back it up. You defeated the Undertaker, I’ll give you that one, but you defeated an old guy who can’t even walk around without his knees blowing out. The next week, you lose again. That’s the Seth Rollins cycle, folks! You win, you brag, you lose, and you complain. It’s getting pretty old Seth. The whole Edgar Allen Poe gimmick? It needs to stop and it needs to stop now. No one’s believing in you anytime soon. No one wants to believe in you. These people have a better chance in believing in unicorns than you. So, I’m going to give you some advice. Grab your dictionary, pack your bags, make sure to stop watching the emo channel, and just go away. Get out of my ring, get out of this arena, and most importantly, get out of this company. No one’s going to miss you, Seth, so you might as well leave now before Money in the Bank so I have a better shot at doing what I do best and that’s WIN.

Ziggler outstretches his arms, as he soaks in the boos from the audience, before staring at his opponents, continuing.

Dolph Ziggler: This match comes down to Seth, Matt, myself – and who wants it more. And trust me – NOBODY wants this more than I do! It means too much to me to fail now. I will not stop until I get what I have been striving for. I will tear my way through you two… through ANYBODY… to make my dreams into a reality. Nothing can stop me, especially not you two losers! Some guys that have NONE of my talent! NONE of my passion! You two can bring everything you have but I’ll bring so much more! It’s time for everyone to finally figure out when it comes to the Money in the Bank briefcase, it isn’t about them. It’s about one man, one name, and that’s a name that does NOT need to be introduced. Because I am Dolph Ziggler, and soon… oh so very soon, I will be Mr. Money in the Bank!

Ziggler lowers the microphone, as he awaits for someone to speak up.



Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Money in the Bank World Heavyweight Championship: Wyatt (c) vs Ambrose vs Cen


Bray Wyatt: Oh trust me when I tell you now John, I will be watching you. Will I believe in you, perhaps, maybe I will. Maybe I will believe in John Cena. Or maybe not. What if I don't John?, what if I don't?. What can you do to hurt me?. What can you truly do to hurt something that feels no pain, that does not feel the anguish of a normal man in this world. I will believe. But not in your victory Cena. I will believe in your downfall. I believe that inside the conflict within you will ultimately cause your demise because you're too focused on Dean Ambrose to truly focus in on becoming World Champion. I believe that you are dealing with too many inner-demons to force the demon that faces you right now to relinquish his grip on what you once held so dear. I believe that your mind is so warped that all you think about, day in and day out is Dean Ambrose. All you think about is beating Dean Ambrose and let me tell you this John, you've never beaten Dean Ambrose, and you never will but this match is much more important than your win-loss record... the fate of the world is at hand.

The crowd listen in as Bray Wyatt lowers his tone of voice to make them listen intently.

You see this match isn't just about your revenge, or Dean Ambrose's vengeance. This match is about the fate of the entire world because I don't know if you already know but I... I am the eater of worlds. I devour which stands before me and eviscerate the land to plant the seeds of a new life on Earth, a fresh life with fresh faces, laughter and love. This is the first step in my devourment of this world John and I hope you can wrap your head around that. I really hope you can, man because you could dictate not if the world will collapse under my gaze, but when. You could, in theory, slow down the process that will lead to the end of the world. But like I said before, you are too preoccupied with your own selfish needs, with your own sinful thoughts of revenge and envy that you ignore all that surrounds you. You forget that when you are dealing with Bray Wyatt, you are dealing with a being that is ever-present, an ever-present danger, the nagging conscience in your head, the voice in your mind and the one threat you just can't seem to comprehend. But like all the non-believers and naysayers before throughout history since the dawn of the first millennia I will make a believer out of you.

John Cena seems somewhat perplexed by Bray Wyatt's words as he continues to ramble.

I will make a believer of all of you. But you both failed in making anyone believe that you two would form some sort of unit to take the Holy Grail away from my gripping arms. No sir, you did no fool anyone and I saw it unfurl before my own eyes here tonight. You two started out talking all this trash about how you were both focused on taking the belt away from Bray Wyatt. And that your only focus was showing the world that Bray Wyatt was some sort of liar, a hoax, some sort of fluke. But man, you two just couldn't keep it together could ya?. You've got Dean Ambrose threatening physical violence on John Cena, that ain't anythin' new but boy, it just showed that no matter how hard you try Dean, you're just a thug who never felt no love like the love Bray Wyatt offers. And John Cena?, well I already explained that John Cena is obsessed with exacting his revenge on you Dean, because he ain't ever beaten you and you beat him on the grandest stage of 'em all and that's been eating him up ever since. And you want me to believe that either of you can take this away from me, that you can take my crown, my scepter and usurp me from my throne as King of The World?!

Bray Wyatt holds his World Heavyweight Championship belt up for the whole world to see.


Bray Wyatt is at boiling point but soon begins to chuckle to himself before laughing maniacally as his opponents look on.

That ain't gonna happen, man, stop fooling yourselves. You two are both far too wrapped up in the other man that you can't focus on the real threat that stands before you as the champion. And that brews a very dangerous spell, man, that leaves you both open to the spiritual cleansing and the exorcism that I will perform on both of you because my evisceration and scarification of this land begins at Money in The Bank. And I find it sorta funny that this big show's gon' be called Money in The Bank because it symbolises the full circle. My mission in this world began when I became the holder of the briefcase containing that Money in The Bank contract and now I finally show the world just what my mission was. I get to show them by destroying two men who have stood in my way since the very beginning in Dean Ambrose and John Cena, two men who have been tortured by the losses they felt at Wrestlemania... two men that are so mentally focused on one another and their raw, primal and sinful lust for revenge that they forget just show the real threat is and it's that snake in the grass, that scorpion in the sand and the Angel in The Dirt. The Eater of Worlds and the true Horseman of The Apocalypse. Bray Wyatt. And with all the talk of belief and believing in John Cena and believing in Dean Ambrose all that will really happen is the fulfillment of the promise I made when I arrived here on this earth and that is that good things come to those who believe in Bray Wyatt... and those who don't?... I wouldn't want to be them looking up at us as we dance on the ashes of their world. Of YOUR world. And we will sing songs of joy, remembrance and love for the one true messiah, the one true... god... me. Bray Wyatt.

Wyatt chuckles to himself as the crowd boo loudly not willing to accept a world in which Bray Wyatt remains champion after Money in The Bank. All three men share an intense moment in-ring with a stare down as the crowd react with general loud noise as they reach fever pitch heading into the next Pay Per View event.​


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: UWF MiTB: Triple H vs Batista #1 Contenders Match

Batista stares at Triple H, while the fans continue to chant The Games name. Batista runs his hand over his head and cocks his head to the side while pointing the microphone at Hunter. Batista takes a second, before chuckling to himself, and lifting the mic back up to speak to Hunter.


Batista: Rules of the game, huh Hunter? Is that it? You're trying to tell me that I'm going to choke in this ring, my yard, and be staring up at those mighty ring lights? Let ME explain something to you, Hunter; I've waiting too damn long to put your ass down for good. I've had to deal with your backstage crap, your politicking, and every bit of that ego you think you still have the right to walk around with. I've had to play second fiddle to your ass before and I will NOT do it again! You're going to get the rudest awakening in the history of your career, and it will come at the hands of Dave Batista. I'll mop the damn floor with you Hunter. While you stand here and you pander and play the "boo hoo woe is me card", all you're doing is just making me want to hurt you more than I did before. I've got your friggin number, Hunter. It's MINE! This match is MINE. So call me a spoiled brat all you want, but I get results and in this business thats what matters! Not the rules of the game, not your whimpy little speech. Results.

Batista: Your damn right though that the cards are different in UWF, Hunter. You don't run the show, thankfully. You get to stay faaarrr away from any decision made and it will suit the company better that way. The only other thing that suits the company better is me becoming the UWF Champion. Thats the best outcome and its the only outcome. You wanna break that wall Hunter? I'm the bigger draw now. I'm the bigger superstar, and now that your dont have your finger up Vinces ass, you've got NOTHING here! Theres no way Wolfe is going to throw a pinkslip or a fine at me, because he knows damn well that Dave Batista is the face of his brand and the face of this company. I get away with whatever I want because I earn them money. Thats what matters, and thats why you don't get title shots. You are in this match as my fodder! You are a heap off flesh that I am going to pick apart piece by piece. It's the thrill of the hunt, and I am the friggin Animal here. You don't stand a chance Hunter, not a damn chance against me. And after this, you'll think twice about showing up after the pay per view. It's time for you to pack it in, and give it up. Because I will make your life a living hell if you even think about sticking around.

Batista takes another step towards Triple H

Batista: This is time for the Reevolution of the UWF. And Hunter, you just don't have the balls to hang anymore.

Batista drops his microphone at the feet of Triple H while the fans begin to boo him loudly. Batista exits the ring through the ropes after staring down Hunter briefly. He heads up the ramp briskly, and exits behind the curtain.

Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Re: UWF Money in The Bank: Raw Money in The Bank

Kevin Nash shakes his head and toys with the microphone in his hand for a moment before finally speaking.


Kevin Nash: You know what; I’m done waiting around for that irrelevant waste of space known as Christian.

The fans cheer for another cheap jab at Christian before focusing on the matter at hand, the men in the ring.

Kevin Nash: It’s a damn shame Cody, it’s a damn shame you feel that way but at the end of the day, that’s how this business works, it’s all about what spins the most money and who brings it in and you bring them in Cody, whether you like it or not the guys down in Stamford are going to be constantly looking at you and everybody else in that way and as my new job in the company is to protect you and to protect the interest of UWF and Cody, you are the interest of this Federation and if you got a problem with me and my mindset that’s fine, I ain’t expecting this to be a walk in the park and shouldn’t either kid.

Cody Rhodes still isn’t entirely sure how to take what Kevin Nash said, he scratches his ear as Kevin Nash strokes his beard.

Kevin Nash: It must be hard Cody to have some many eyes on you and you cracked under pressure but here we are and you’re still one of those guys who people want to see, who the board want to see excel; you can’t expect just to pick and choose what you want kid, you got your pie and now you’re going to have it! You were a former UWF Champion and one of the hottest prospects in UWF and you cannot accept it, then get the hell out of this ring and don’t come back just ask your old man how it is before hating on the people brought you to the top of the ladder and in my case, ensure you stay at the top.

The fans give off an unease reaction to Kevin Nash basically putting Cody Rhodes back in line but they soon enough accept his words, allowing Nash to turn his attention to Brock Lesnar.

Kevin Nash: Firstly Brock, let’s get one thing straight, Paul Heyman is not a genius in fact he’s the complete opposite and if I were you, I’d take another long hard read at your contract because you be damn sure I did and you wanna know something? He’s screwing you as much he screwed ECW, and you want to know what happened to that place, it went under because that man right there doesn’t know how to handle his money and more importantly he doesn’t know how to cash in chéques, hell just ask Rob Van Dam or perhaps Bully Ray and they’ll tell you, the cheques bounced! While you get some lucrative perks to your contract, it’s no different to mine Brock, but Paul’s? Man, he’s laughing, somehow that weasel gets a fifty per cent cut on what you do, and if you don’t believe me go read the contract and you’ll see I ain’t bluffing.

Paul Heyman begs Brock Lesnar not to listen but it’s not clear what Brock Lesnar is thinking, all Nash knows is he needs to plants those seeds of doubt into the former UFC Champion.

Kevin Nash: As for that supposed chip on my shoulder, yeah I got one because I know this industry better than the back of my hand, I’ve been here a long damn time and I’ve seen punk like you come and go, guys who think just because they are legitimate they got a right to above everyone else; people who are good money spinners but a tiny bit too green and you’re one of those guys, just a dark shade of green and when you step into this ladder much you are way out of your element. Sure, so am I but I’ve been in this industry for over twenty years where as you have been ‘wrestling’ for what, a combined time of three years over a ten frickin’ year period and you wanna walk into my house and slate me because you’re with one of the biggest weasels in the business whispering in your ear. Ain’t happening kid, not in your wildest dream, so grow a set Brock and we’ll see how much of the real deal you are Sunday.

The fans again pop loudly for Kevin Nash as he finally turns his attention to Edge and chuckles at the Rated R Superstar.

Kevin Nash: Hey Adam, if you want to mock me about injuries – how is your neck these days? Yeah that’s what I thought, yeah I torn my quad and so did Hunter, twice and he’s still a better world champion than you can ever dream to be, so if I was you Adam; I’d think through what’cha got to say to me before saying it because otherwise, you just come off as a cheap hypocrite looking for even cheaper heat but that’s you all over Adam, all about the cheap heat, nothing more, nothing less. And that isn’t going to change anytime soon and if you get that briefcase, all you are going to do is play up to the whole ideal that you are this “Ultimate Opportunist” just to get more cheap heat by teasing the cash-in constantly, killing the damn gimmick. Just get out of here man, go repackage yourself then come back and talk to me, then I might be able to market you as something more than another weasel, hell in fact, you should get some tips from Paul E. over there on being a weasel and you might actually be relevant on Raw.

Once again, the arena agrees with Big Sexy as he smirks in disain, he wipes his lips and wraps things up.

Kevin Nash: At the end of the day, only one of us out here is going to be walking out of Money in the Bank with the World Heavyweight Championship Brief-case and my main concern is to protect the business itself and out of all the guys here, there is only one, maybe two who I would trust to be able to carry this brand, who is it you might ask? Well, I’m sure anyone with a half a brain-cell has worked out by now but I’m playing my cards close to my chest and we’ll just have to see this Sunday, won’t we?
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Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF MITB: HBK vs. The Rock

HBK has a little smirk on his face by what, The Rock just said to him. Finally, HBK gets back on the microphone

HBK: I'm not saying you're not a legend or an icon in this business because I'd be lying if I said you weren't. You are one of the biggest attractions of all time in this business. But legend or no legend, I been out here to speak the truth this whole time and this will be the last time I say something to you face to face before Money in the Bank because I believe we've both said enough out here and it's now time to put up or shut up so I'm going to say what I need and want to say and I'm not going to regret any of it. Then you can have your time and that'll be that. I want, Vince to understand back there in the green room to understand that I'm going to speak out right now. When this is all over and come following Money in the Bank, you're going to go on and promote whatever new movie you have coming out. You know call me an underachiever, but the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels has no aspirations of becoming a rapper, a rocker...again, or even become a movie star. I'm an old fashion kind of guy. Me, I just want to be known as the greatest in ring performer this business has ever known. Having five-star matches, tarring down the house on a regular basis, and breaking my back, which by the way have you ever done and come back from. All that is not enough for me, but it would be for you, Rock. You see, you have been living off a reputation that you created fifteen years ago. Me, I go out there every single night and I recreate myself. Night after night, three-hundred sixty-five days a year. I don't mind earning my stripes. But what about you, Rock. I have seen your movies. The whole reason you have become who you are today is because of this business. Without this business, you wouldn't be this so called big time movie star in Hollywood. You wouldn't have all these endorsements that get you an extra few bucks in the pocket.

The Rock looks a little miffed by what, HBK has to say

HBK: Most importantly, these fans, each and every single one of the so called "people" as you may put helped you get to where you are today. But how do you repay them, by showing up from time to time when you feel you're ready. I get it, you gave it all you had in UCW and now you want a break here in UWF. You feel you have nothing left to prove and nothing left to show. But boy are you so wrong. There is everything left to show and to prove. Yeah I still want to be in this business as an active competitor. This is all I have ever known. Yeah I can go on and continue to co-star in a "reality" hunting show and not something that is acting, but rather real life stuff. But that's not who I am. I want to climb that mountain once more and continue being the show stoppa, the headliner, the main event, the icon, you name it and I still will have it. The only reason you don't see it, is because you've never experienced what it's like to be in the ring with, Shawn Michaels. I'm as real as they can get. You can have your matches with Austin, with Hunter, with The Pope, with whomever, but have never been in the ring with someone like me. Someone who can out think you, out smart you, out class you, and most importantly out wrestler you. You don't realize that because you don't know it and in five days at Money in the Bank you're going to experience what feels like to be in the ring with someone who is that much better than you are.

A mix reaction is heard as the crowd is split even between the two competitors and they don't know who to cheer for

HBK: And after all these fans have given to you to help you achieve the such goals you've accomplished, what is the best you can give to them, the same old tired stuff for the last fifteen years. The eye brow raising, the catch phrases, the jokes, the same old white tank top each week. And if you really feel up to giving back to them you'll give them that one special catch phrase "no you role and shut your mouth" or if you feel extra up to it you'll ask what their name is and come back with "it doesn't matter what your name is". You seem pretty quiet now, Rock, just like all these fans are right now because they are all realizing what you've given them. It's also pretty quiet in the back to I bet and you want to know why, because right now in the back their all having a kanipchen fit. We have people running in the back with headsets because, HBK is doing stuff out here we're not supposed to do. Vince is probably going to fine me for not only mentioning his name, but also for saying things that may hurt, The Rock or make him upset in anyway and most importantly speak out about the truth. The reason for that is, just in case down the line, Vince may need, you to come back and do a match and he knows that if someone crosses you out here, it's going to cost him a pretty penny just to get you to agree to think about a possible come back. You may say this is it for you, Rock, but you know as well as I know that if, Vince comes at you with dollar signs, then you're going to be interested. As you put it, you may be well set with your movie money, but we all know how greed can set in and if you see a figure you like, you'll take it and if not you'll ask for a little more.

The Rock is trying to not look phased by what, HBK is saying right now as there is heat coming from the ring between the two

HBK: I'm not worried about being fired for speaking out because I've been fired before by, Vince and he's going to need to deal with the fact that I'm speaking out the truth. I may be a reborn person with all the faith I now have as you constantly keep on mentioning and I am still that person. But people have always wanted the old, HBK to come back and well guess what, you got him for this one. When all this started, it was about me wanting to know what it would be like to go one on one with you. Years from now when people look back and they ask who really was the all around cowboy and with all do respect to each and every single of you in the UWF Universe, it doesn't matter what you believe. All that matters is when Money in the Bank is over, and I look into your eyes, Rock, I know that you know that I am everything I say I am out here. You're going to realize that you were wrong in underestimating me. You were wrong in thinking you didn't need to bring your best to the ring. You were wrong for thinking this was going to be a one-way show. And you were wrong in thinking that you were going to beat, the MAN! I'm not afraid to come out on this live microphone and say what I want and about whom I want. I'm unlike anyone you have ever dealt with, jabronie!

The Rock raises his eyebrow at, HBK who gets right back on to the microphone

HBK: Rock, you stood for some real moral fiber in your real life that does not exist. Yet you stood in judgment of me for just about anything you can think of. Yeah I posed for Playgirl a long time ago, but if you were as good looking as I was at one point, then you would have done the same thing. Hell, I bet all they needed to do was flash a few dollars around and it would have grabbed your attention, huh, Rocky! I know what my demons were and I have to live with them the rest of my life. Some things I'm proud of and some things I'm not so much proud of, but if there's one thing I know, it's that you can't judge a book by its cover and you certainly cannot learn anything unless you experience it. So yeah you can talk about my past all you want, but the fact remain I still stand right here in this ring as the very best in this business past and present. Rock, you're one of the biggest stars in the history of this industry and I'm telling you that again so you can understand that I do recognize it. Understand this though, it's your name that makes you who you are. What you do in this ring is a whole other ball game and when it comes to this ring, there isn't a single person in this business that can touch me. So at Money in the Bank, I want you to bring your movie star self, bring your eyebrow raising, the trash talking, jabronie self, and your chin held high because I want no excuses when I "end" and I emphasize on the word end because we all know how that works, but when I send your final match in a loss, I want no excuses. Rock, you're one move from your stardom being snuffed out.

HBK snaps his fingers in reference at the one move being snuffed out

HBK: I do realize though that you probably don't care what I have to say right now because all you're going to do is probably yawn, say "shut your mouth", and try and crack a few jokes by saying "BBK" or something irrelevant to the situation. I know how the game is played, Rock. I been actually listening this whole time to you, while I know you haven't been doing much of the same for me because that's not your style. You care about one thing and one thing only and that's, yourself. That's what is going to be your biggest crumble this Sunday. I have you all figured out, Rock. I've dealt with your likes before. Only problem is, you have a bigger name, but the same amount of in-ring talent as the other ones. I told you, when it comes to this ring, I am the very best out there. I'll leave these people wanting more and I'm sure after Sunday that these people are going to want even more, but I don't know if the same can be said for you because it's I who steals the show and not the other person. After Money in the Bank, those people will get to see more from, HBK, but once again, the same cannot be said for you as you back up the bags and head back to you house down in South Beach waiting for the next movie role or for Vince to give you a ring with some large dollar signs. You can call me a kid all you want, but this kid is going to take you to the wood chipper this Sunday and finish you off.

HBK gets closer to, The Rock as he's talking as he's not intimidated at all by him

HBK: I'm not that cocky little child anymore, but there are times when I just need to be. I don't need this match to help me define my legacy. My legacy was born years ago shortly after my return from my back injury. I just need to know what everyone else sees when they face you in the ring. I need to know, what is so special about you. Is it just your name and because of it, it helps get even more recognition with the public eye and entertainment news. Or is it that you really have raw athletic talent in this ring. You know something we have in common, we both were football players. I obviously didn't go into football after high school because of my size and my other interests, but you, you went on to have a decent career until you found the family business. I met your father, Rocky Johnson many many years ago. He was one of the few who actually believed I had the talent to succeed. He's one of the reasons I ended up wrestling for your grandmother during that tenure. They knew what they had for talent then and they can see now that they were right. You grew up in this business and were guaranteed stardom would come your way. Sure you had to work a little bit to make sure it happened. But the difference between you and I is, I didn't have the same thing. I come from a Military family and I had to work my way into this business. I know my father and mother didn't like my decision, but I knew this is all I ever wanted to be and guess what, I'm living out my dream still to this day and I'm thankful for all the good years this business has given to me and that's one of the biggest reasons why I am still here and that's to give back for all not only this business has done for me, but also for the fans and the support they have given me all these years.

The crowd gives a loud collective applause to, HBK for his kind words at the end of that statement

HBK: I don't know about you, but all this going back and forth with you is getting me even more excited for our match this Sunday. The anticipation is overwhelming as this is history in the making between us. Never done before and quite possibly never will again. You may give that big tough guy act you have when come out here each and every single time, but deep down you can't wait for this to finally start. You said it clearly, I was the guy who was trying to hold you back, back in the late 90's. So now's your chance to get even with me and show me you really are the man. The only problem with that statement you claimed to make is, I needed to hold you back, back then because guys like you just couldn't get the job done. That's why they kept calling my name even when I had a broken back to make sure that the young guys were kept in line and understood what it took to get to the top of the mountain. That mountain, Rock, it's a long one. To put it more clearly, it's like a ladder and on that ladder you have me all the way up to the top with my five-star matches and my show stealing moves. And then there's you, not at the top of the ladder. To get to the top and even surpass is it, Rock, you're going to have to beat me. Listen up so called, Great One, I'm not tickling the ivory's with you. You have your movies and paparazzi, but I am the most real thing on TV today. I don't care what it takes or what it is I have to do. At Money in the Bank, I will leave it all on the line to walk out the winner of this match. I don't care if I have to end up in a hospital bed to get the job done because I'm willing to sacrifice it all for this one match.

HBK pauses for a moment and lowers his microphone as he looks the other way for a second

HBK: This could of have all been avoided and just ended up being friendly one on one match, but you made it personal. I know I also crossed the line on something, but that's what really spiced up this feud between us. I think it's clear that neither of us are intimidated by the other and that makes for our match to be an all time classic. This Sunday at Money in the Bank, Rock, no matter what kind of match we end up having, I'm going to kick your teeth down your throat and send you all the way back to, South Beach. And I'm going to end it the way only, HBK can and that's if you're not down with that, I got two words for ya......

The crowd comes into unison with loud "SUCK IT" chant. HBK then drops his microphone and motions to, The Rock for his comeback


OOC: As I said in our conversation, it's been fun man. I'm glad we finally got the chance to TT against each other. Thanks for a chance to face your, Rock. It's your turn now to end in a bang like we agreed on. Good luck!
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