I feel like the shop area of the forum should be changed.
Which is to say, probably replaced? locking things like private groups and basic profile custimization behind a fake curency paywall, while cute, can be mildly annoying, espacially when most other places just let ya do that stuff for free.
Letting people make groups or pick what colors they want should just be a base options everyone has, and lets say if you do become a legend member, you get fancier versions of those things like gradients, so instead of it being one color its a mix, or maybe animated, add some flair to it if people are gonna pay for it, but dont lock away simple options that, it need to be behind a kind of paywall.
its mildly annoying that since last year the only colors you can choose from, as a normal member is green and a more green green, and...well thats it.
Pretty lackluster options, so i think that part of the forum shoudl either be completely redone, maybe scrapped, or just altered t be more...convient, and less of a annoyence.