Obama's uncle arrested in Massachusetts

  • Thread starter The Rated R CMStar
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The Rated R CMStar


Narrator: What separates them from us? What is that set them apart from the rest of us normal? Maybe is their willing to succeed, their search for that one defying moment.
*Video of Jeff Hardy swanton bombing on DDP while lying on the barbed wire table
They spent their entire lives looking to shine among everybody. They sacrifice everything, and sometimes not receiving anything.
*Triple H footage with him attacking Christian and then ripping Orton’s contract
But once in a while, some of them reach the top and get a chance to obtain what they always wanted.
*Videos of every participant of the Hell in a Cell match.
They will drop sweat, tears and sacrifice their lives to obtain it. But even with that, they might fail.
*Video of Samoa Joe getting injured.
But at the end, one man, one single man will get everything he dreamed off, no matter the sacrifices, he will get that important moment, not mattering even if he gets…Busted Open
*Video shows the BTW World Heavyweight Title

And now BTW presents…………. Busted Open!

Pyro explodes through out the stage going to the ceiling and ending in the ring.

JBL: Are you ready Joey; this is going to be brutal. We are live at the Staples Center as we present Busted Open

Styles: Yeah, tonight there will be three championships defended, as Jeff Hardy defends the BTW Extreme Title against MVP, the Continental Champion Test defends against Rhino and Rikishi in a Triple Threat Match.

JBL: And in our main event, we have the most grueling match is sports entertainment, a 6man Hell in a Cell!

Styles: And don’t forget about the Sadistic Madness Match and the Flaming Tables Match. But let’s get underway, first we have the Battle of the Rookies match, when youngster CMS faces the Experienced One, Elijah Burke

1st Match: CMS vs Elijah Burke

They both make their entrances. Nothing spectacular as they like it. They enter in a staredown as they began throwing punches. CMS gains control as he gets the upperhand with right strikes. Burke fells only to quickly return to his feet and get more punches.

Burke finally blocks it as he then rolls out the ring to take a break. CMS doesn’t looks really happy about that, so he dashes to the ropes as he hit a flying plancha over the top rope.

Both men are knocked down outside the ring but they slowly begin to get to their feet. Finally they return to the ring. They get close to each other and the first to hit is Burke that connects a serious of boxing punches. CMS returns the attack with a headbutt that makes Elijah back down, but the Experienced Superstar retaliates with a clothesline. Burke makes the cover: 1…, CMS quickly kicks out.

CMS does a valiant effort to return to his feet but Burke continues the attack bouncing his skull to the turnbuckle. CMS gets groggy and Elijah takes advantage and hits a DDT. He then smiles as he remove his knee protector, dashes to the ropes and hits a knee drop on CMS’s face.

Burke then, looking extra cocky as he locks his opponent in a headlock. He locks it powerfully and trying to cause some more pain he places CMS’s arm between his legs modifying the headlock into a crossface. You can hear CMS screaming in pain as he is about to tap out.

The crowd starts slowly to cheer for CMS, then almost yelling and then the entire arena was on their feet cheering for CMS to escape the move. He tries to get to the ropes but Burke pulls him back to the center of the ring. CMS then starts to get to his feet placing first one knee on the mat, forcing Burke to release the arm breaking the crossface, but Burke doesn’t let go the headlock, he then changes it into a sleeper hold and then tries to hit the Elijah Experience, but CMS turns around before he can apply it and he connects a split-legged jawbreaker. Both men are down as the ref starts the count : 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8, CMS gets to his feet and he lifts Burke.

CMS starts his attack as he looks for a grapple, that Burke blocks pushing him to the corner, then showing his quickness dashes to CMS hitting the Elijah Express. CMS then, groggy, approaches Burke that hits a powerful rolling neckbreaker, he makes the cover: 1…2…, CMS reverses the pin and does an inside cradle: 1…2…, he pull tights, 3.

Result: CMS defeats Elijah Burke

JBL: I can’t believe it, he stole the damn match.

Styles: C’mon, if CMS didn’t do that I’m sure that Burke would do the same thing.

We go backstage with a reporter being accompanied by Samoa Joe.

Reporter: Ladies and Gentleman standing with me is the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. Joe, how does it feel that thanks to the actions last week of Mr. Kennedy you are missing the greatest match in the past years?

Samoa Joe: How do I feel? I feel like shit, this night was going to be the one in which I claim what is rightfully mine, the World Title. But a coward like Kennedy did that because, I understand him in some way, he knew he could never be I in the same league as me.

Reporter: How bad is your injury?

Samoa Joe: Apparently the assault of that platinum sumbitch broke my arm, so I will be out a month, then you gotta add the time of my rehab and working on my ring skills, so I am definitely going to be out for a while.

Reporter: Do you have anything to say to Mr. Kennedy?

Samoa Joe: Oh man, so many things are on my head about Mr. Kennedy but none of them has anything to do with talking, so I am going to let the people in attendance to give my message to Kennedy.

The entire arena says: “Joe is going to kill you

Styles: Man that was direct.

JBL: The hell with him, on fact Kennedy did all of us a favor as he remove the trash and gave us a real competitor on tonight’s main event, Brock Lesnar.

Styles: Yeah, but that’s happening later, as for now we have our first title match, as Jeff Hardy defends the BTW Extreme Title against Montel Vontavious Porter in a Lumberjack Match.

2nd Match: BTW Extreme Championship Match: Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP Lumberjack Match.

First all the Lumberjacks come out with the BTW theme music playing, we can see as Lumberjacks Colt Cabana, Muhammed Hassan, Orlando Jordan, Thrilling Stevie, RadioHead, Maven, Albert, Ricky Banderas and five rookies that have yet to debut.

We then see lots of people on stage running dress like MVP installing the tunnel.

“I’m coming” plays as MVP comes out of the tunnel. He’s wearing his typical outfit only that his costume this time is golden and blue. He then does his taunt letting out tons of yellow and blue pyro. He then advances to the ring, inside he does his ballin’ taunt followed by the taunt in which he open his arms. When he opened his arms a column of fire came out from all the turnbuckles. He jogs as all the lights turn dark blue.

“Loaded” plays as the stage gets filled by smoke. Hardy comes out with the title around his waist and soon begins highstepping, letting white pyro out. He shakes hands with some fans as he goes to the ring. In the ring he gives the title to the referee as the match gets underway.

Jeff and MVP jog and begin to trade punches. Jeff gets the advantage in the exchange as he throws MVP over the top rope. Banderas showing his power catches him in mid air and returns it to the ring.

MVP struggles to get up and Jeff dashes to the ropes hitting Porter with a wheel kick. He quickly goes to the top rope; MVP again gets up only to get connected by a Whisper in the Wind. Jeff goes for the cover, 1…2…, MVP reverses into a roll-up, 1…2…, Jeff reverses into a bridge with a pin, 1…2…, MVP reverses it again into a Boston Crab. Jeff is about to tap but showing his flexibility he stretches his upper body to reach Montel’s head and hitting a neckbreaker.

JBL: This is definitely a give and receive match.

Styles: You have said it; no one has got the advantage as for now.

Hardy continues his recovery hitting his extreme leg drop on Porter’s crotch. He then dashes to the ropes but gets his foot grabbed by Orlando Jordan. MVP takes profit of that hitting a tremendous kick that knocked Hardy while Jordan gets punished on the outside.

MVP gives a cocky smile to the audience as he goes to the top rope. He does the title taunt, but Jeff gets up and pushes MVP to the outside. Muhammed Hassan, Orlando Jordan, Thrilling Stevie and some of the rookies try to help MVP to get up, but all of the other Lumberjacks quickly throw MVP to the ring as they start to brawl with the others.

In the ring MVP gets to his feet smiling cockily to the brawl outside the ring, Jeff taunts as his back. MVP turns around and gets kick in the gut, and then he suffers a Twist of Fate. Jeff climbs to the top rope and announces the Swanton Bomb.

A man comes running down the stage and pushes Jeff, that luckily fells on top of MVP, The ref counts: 1…2…3.

Result: Jeff Hardy wins and retains his title.

JBL: Who that man is?

Styles: I can’t believe it. Look, is the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry.

Mark Henry grabs Jeff Hardy and hits the World Strongest Slam. He climbs to the top rope and hits a demolishing Splash. All the Lumberjacks storm to the ring but Mark Henry cleans house, knocking down every Lumberjack. “Some Bodies Gonna Get It” plays as we then see an Apocalypse PPV promo.

Styles: Apocalypse, live on PPV. Check your local listings.

JBL: I cannot believe it. Jeff Hardy retained but thanks to that man debut, Mark Henry.

Styles: But right now we will get a taste of what Extreme really means, as we see two of its best exponents face off in a Flaming Tables Match

3rd Match: Flaming Tables Match: Rob Van Dam vs Sabu

Sabu's theme starts playing as Sabu comes out holding a table and a bottle of flammable liquid.

“One of a kind” starts playing, a veil of fire covers the stage as Rob Van Dam crosses it and points himself as the crowd chants his name: Rob…Van…Dam.

Both commentators point the fact that none of the wrestlers are wearing their Tag Titles.

Sabu goes for a quick dropkick to the knee. RVD jumps it and he does a wheel kick on Sabu. He gets up very quickly and gets dashed to the ropes. RVD jumps him but Sabu stops and hits a DDT.

He then goes to the outside of the ring and grabs the table he brought at the beginning of the match. He enters the ring and sets it as RVD recovers. RVD gives some punches to his opponent before Sabu reacted and connected some knee smashes.

RVD does not fell and dashes to the ropes and hits a body splash. He quickly goes to the top rope and hits a split-legged moonsault.

Rob goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He tries to give a shot to Sabu but he blocks it and connects a facecrusher to RVD on the chair. Sabu goes to the top rope with the chair. RVD is trying to recover, but Sabu throws himself in a leg drop to RVD neck putting the chair in the middle.

RVD is out cold, as his opponent grabs the bottle of gasoline and sprays RVD with it. Sabu goes and gets the matches. He turns one on and we see RVD on fire. But Sabu has also remainings of the sprayed gas on his tights, and when he came close to Van Dam he also catch on fire.

The ref is forced to call a No Contest as both men are on fire. The medical staff rush to the ring.

Still to come:

Mistico vs DDP

Test vs Rhino vs Rikishi

Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C No holds Barred

6-man Hell in a Cell match


Hey man good show so far.It's turning out good part 2 should also be good....Looking frward to HIAC!Keep it up and MAKE SURE yo check/review rumble time new Raw...cya

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
nice show... keep it up... I'll check Part 2 .... meanwhile.. check out HEW... I have a new show...


Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
great first part to busted open, cant wait for part 2

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
that is a great start to the show. Lovin the pics on the show. Check out Warzone and place your predictions for Out of time

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
nice idea with the ppv pics never thought of that and you have a great ppv so far can't wait for part 2 keep up the good work...

The Rated R CMStar

We go backstage with our reporter.

Reporter: Now with me we have, the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry! Could you please explain why did you attack Jeff Hardy?

Henry: I ain’t explaining anything to anyone. I am a man that let his actions speak for himself, so if you want any comments, you can see my debut tomorrow at Monday Night BTW.

Reporter: So is this…

Henry: Shut the hell up. No more comments.

JBL: That’s making a statement. Henry is all about his actions.

Styles: Actions? He attacked a distracted man. But that doesn’t matter. Up next is the last match for two superstars, Diamond Dallas Page and Mistico.

4th match: Diamond Dallas Page vs Mistico

They both enter through the crowd saluting every fan they can. They both finally enter the ring and shake hands in a form of respect. They jog looking at each other as the match starts.

Mistico looks for some quick offense dashing to the ropes and trying to hit some clotheslines, but DDP ducks them all. Mistico goes for another clothesline, but Page grabs him and connects a flapjack. He celebrates but Mistico gets up very fast.

They both get in an offense position but then relax as the crowd chants for both. Page elevates one hand and Mistico grabs it, followed by the other hand and entering in a comparison of strength. DDP pushes Mistico away but he returns and hits a dropkick to the knee. Mistico climbs to the top and goes for a 450 leg drop, but DDP surprisingly moves out of the way and Mistico complains about his tailbone.

DDP sees it and looking his chance to win the match he starts focusing his attacks to Mistico’s injured body part, hitting kicks and a atomic drop. Diamond Page drags Mistico near to the corner, he goes to the top rope and hits a destroying knee drop to the tailbone.

Mistico starts complaining not only about his tailbone but apparently his lower back also starts aching.

DDP sees the completely destroyed Mistico and locks a Camel Clutch to punish Mistico lower back. He locks it tight and for a moment it appears like Mistico was going to tap out, but slowly he return to his feet breaking the Camel Clutch and attempts a Floating DDT, but DDP reverses it and hits a Diamond Cutter, he goes for the pin, 1…2…3.

Result: DDP pins Mistico

Crowd cheers for both men as DDP helps Mistico get up.

JBL: This is unbelievable, these men put a hell of a match and sorrily for all of us it will be their last one.

Styles: Yes, but we are not losing; as I am sure some new blood will feel their gasp. But here at Busted Open we don’t lose any time, as we have a new match next.

JBL: Yes indeed, as the No Holds Barred match between BTW GM Crushing C and WWE chairman, Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon.

Styles: Look, there it is Crushing C.

5th Match: No Holds Barred: Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C

Crushing C quickly makes his way to the ring. He gets a huge BTW chant.

“No Chance in Hell†plays as the crowd immediately boos him. Vince comes out wearing a long-sleeved shirt and his bandana. He enters the ring and enters in a stare down. Vince starts insulting Crushing C as he throws a violent punch.

Crushing C looks back at Mr. Mcmahon looking really angry and begins throwing punches to him, knocking Vince down. Crushing C angrily begins to stomps him and throwing some savage punches.

C looks to the crowd and mumbling something he goes to the outside of the ring and starts looking for something down the ring. He finds a chair. Crowd also cheers when they see it.

Vince is fighting to get up and when finally gets up he sees Crushing C in front of him with a chair hold in tall. He tries to hit Vince with the chair but Vince backs down and runs all the way to the outside of the ring. He also grabs a chair and enters the ring and they both stare at each other with the chair both in hand.

The crowd starts chanting “Holy shit, holy shitâ€. They both hit each other with the chair. Both men are knocked down. C tries to move and puts an arm on top of Vince making the cover: 1…2…, Vince lifts his shoulder. Crushing looks shocked but he then begins to look frustrated. He goes to the outside and grabs a bat from under the ring, he enters the ring as the crowd chants “Come on do it, come on do itâ€.

He stares at Vince and gives a cocky, twisted smile. Vince Mcmahon starts to get up and surprises everyone with a hard low blow to Crushing C. Vince smiles as he sees Crushing C twirling in pain. He taunts for the crowd receiving tons of heel heat.

JBL: What a devastating match!

Styles: Yeah, but I think this match is far from over.

Vince grabs the bat and looks at him with an evil expression in his face. Crushing C returns to his standing position only to get hit by a powerful shot by the bat.

Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

Vince goes for the cover: 1…2…, Vince releases the pin. He gets up and starts calling someone from the back.

“Burn in my light†plays as Randy Orton comes to the ring looking firmly at the ring. Vince starts calling him more anxious. Orton finally gets to the ring. Vince tells him to RKO Crushing C. Randy tries to get him up but C is practically unconscious. Orton then lets Crushing C fell and do not move for a moment then hits a surprising RKO on Vince Mcmahon from out of nowhere. Randy drags Crushing C and puts him on top of Vince. The ref starts the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Crushing C defeats Vince McMahon

JBL: What does this mean?

Styles: Well it’s obvious that Randy has without a doubt separated himself from WWE.

JBL: And I bet he is BTW new superstar.

We go to a video promo of the 6man Hell in a Cell while Randy Orton taunts for the crowd.

JBL: One championship has already been defended, and its now time for the second defense.

Styles: That’s right. The BTW Continental Champion Test defends his title against Rhino and Rikishi.

6th Match: BTW Continental Title Match: Test© vs Rhino vs Rikishi

Three men enter the ring receiving their usual crowd reaction; Rhino getting a huge crowd reaction, Rikishi with a mixed reaction from the fans and the BTW Continental Champion Test receiving tons of heat and boos.

As the bell ring sounds Test starts talking to Rikishi, trying to make a society. Rhino seems angry as all of this happens, and starts throwing angry punches to Test. Rikishi tries to save his suppose partner but Rhino also unleashes his fury against him. Rhino knocks both men down and celebrates to the crowd, but Test hits a low blow on Rhino, then gets up and dashes to the ropes, connecting later a powerful clothesline. Rikishi also sees an opportunity to attack and hits a devastating leg drop.

Rikishi turns his head and realizes his left in the ring alone with Test. Kishi looks angry and ready to attack as Test tries to calm him down. The Impact Player apparently convinces Rikishi to calm down and double team Rhino. Test lifts Rhino and tells his partner in crime to help him. They hit a double suplex on the ManBeast.

Rikishi grabs Rhino and Irish whips him powerfully making him fell to the outside of the ring. Test looks a little worried as he also realizes that he is alone in the ring with Rikishi. Rikishi advances dangerously toward Test that tries to back down, but Rikishi dashes toward him hitting a clothesline, Test quickly gets up but gets the same hit by Rikishi.

Rhino starts making his recovery and finally returns to the ring. Rikishi rapidly detects him and starts saying no by moving his head. Rikishi once again dashes to the ropes but this time gets hit by an unexpected wheel kick of Rhino. Rhino makes the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi gets his shoulder up.

Test is once again on his feet and starts trading blows with Rhino. Meanwhile Rikishi crawls to the corner of the ring and starts getting up using the ropes. The ref is distracted with the brawl between the Impact Player and Rhino, and that gives Rikishi the time so that he could remove the protector from the turnbuckle.

As the ref notices Rikishi is back at the ring, Rikishi gets away from the uncovered turnbuckle and gets back in action.

Rhino is controlling Test. He Irish whips Test to the ropes, then he ducks letting him pass but Test gets caught by Rikishi and gets connected by a destructing Samoan Drop. He attempts the pin: 1…2…, Rhino breaks the cover with a kick. He then starts working on Rikishi’s head and finally leaving him groggy. He then dashes him to the ropes and hits himself in the head announcing the Rhino Driver. He goes to the top rope and places Rikishi in position. Test starts moving and Rhino sees it. He, in a signal of revenge, lets Rikishi fall staying him in the top rope, Test return to his feet but he hasn’t regained his notion, and Rhino throws himself toward him hitting a Gore from the top rope. He celebrates but gets hit by a Samoan Drop performed by Rikishi.

Rikishi goes to make the cover: 1…2…, Test miraculously gets his shoulder up.

JBL: Uff, he is still our champion.

Styles: That was close.

Rikishi looks concerned as he decides to go against Rhino. He approaches him and gets him up. Rikishi then pulls away a little from Rhino like taking impulse and hits a sidekick to Rhino’s mouth.

The Samoan wrestler looks really focused as he waits for Test to get up. Test is doing a big effort but still gets enormously booed by the crowd. Test finally gets up and gets hit by a destructing Death Valley Driver, an unusual move in Rikishi’s repertoire. Rikishi then looks as if was going to do the cover, but the regrets and locks a Boston Crab.

Rikishi is holding it tight, but Test is too unconscious to tap out. He doesn’t care and applies more pressure to the submission maneuver. Rhino is forcing to get up, he accomplishes it and then sees the referee letting Test arm fell to test if he can continue the match. He finds the force inside of him and dashes toward the ropes, hitting a Gore to Rikishi.

Rhino sees happy as he thinks he has the match won but Test pulling his last effort locks Rhino in a roll-up and the ref starts the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Test pins Rhino to retain his BTW Continental Title

JBL: He did it; he pulled a hell of a match and remains our champion.

Styles: As much as I hated him I have to accept it, he showed a spirit of a champion and retain his title.

JBL: Look at him, he is not moving, yet he had the will to pin Rhino.

We go backstage with every superstar participating in the Hell in a Cell jogging and getting ready for their match.

JBL: We are so close to the greatest main event in all wrestling history.

Styles: Yes but first we have another hell of a match, Triple H facing Christian Cage in a Sadistic Madness.

(Video shows promoting the match:
Narrator: Two men have lived their lives as they please, making with them whatever they wanted, but know, they will enter a world like no other, falling victims of game, a game known as… Sadistic Madness!!!)

7th Match: Sadistic Madness: Triple H vs Christian Cage

“Just Close your Eyes†plays as the lights go out and Captain Charisma Christian Cage enters the arena. He’s wearing his typical entrance jacket but with a logo that says “Sadistic Madmanâ€, he does his full entrance but when he reaches to the ring he mocks HHH and copies his water bottle taunt. He cockily expects Triple H to make his way to the ring.

“The Game†starts playing as Triple H makes his way to the ring with the crowd giving him a huge ovation. He does all of his entrance taunts and finally enters the ring and faces Christian inside of the ring as the bell rings marking the beginning of the match.

They both circle each other jogging around the ring looking for their spot, they finally attack each other but they only manage to get into a comparison of strength. Triple H releases it and passes beneath Cage’s arm, when Christian turn around The Game began unloading punches.

Obviously he is trying to make Christian bleed as he hits his knuckles to his opponent’s forehead. Christian finally manages to block the attack of Triple H by connecting a double-armed low blow. He gets up and connects a DDT to the Cerebral Assassin.

Christian goes to the outside of the ring wasting no time grabbing a steel chair. He reenters the ring and hits a brutal shot with the steel chair to the Game’s head, but he looks frustrated as Triple H is not busted open. Cage looks a little frustrated but then his facial expression changes as he lifts up Triple H. He grabs both of his opponents arms and rotates him, he finally has it lock and hits the Unprettier on the steel chair.

But to the amazement of Captain Charisma, that isn’t enough as Triple H is not bleeding, there for he cannot pin him. Christian looks more than frustrated and starts hitting savage shots to Triple H. The referee forces Christian to back down because if he continued to gave this attack The Game was not going even to be able to stand.

The crowd cheers enormously for Triple H waiting for a miracle. Christian gets The Game up and mocks him as he cannot stay on his feet. He dashes to the ropes but gets hit by an unexpected spinebuster by Triple H.

Triple H looks pretty weak as he rolls out of the ring. He incorporates with the help of the announce table. He drags himself near to the ring and starts searching for something under the ring. He smiles when he finds what he was looking for, a table and his trusty equalizer, the sledgehammer.

The Cerebral Assassin is obviously not in his 100% percent as he is still a little dizzy. Christian gets up really angry and confronts Triple H. They both start trash talking the other until Christian pushes The Game almost making him fell, but Triple H remains on his feet and then dash angrily and hits Christian with the sledgehammer. The Game now fells to his knees and grabs Captain Charisma head showing that he is bleeding. He gets up with Christian and hits the Pedigree. He now can make the pin because his opponent is bleeding. He goes for the cover: 1…2…, Christian kicked out from the Pedigree at two and a half. Triple H is almost knocked out himself to realize what’s happening. Christian pulls his final effort and gets up. He sets the table and places Triple in it. He goes to the top rope and looks cockily to the crowd. He goes for a splash, The Game moved and Christian breaks the table with nobody under him. Triple H now gets Cage up and hits the Pedigree. He makes the cover: 1…2…3

Result: Triple H defeats Christian Cage

Only Main Event missing

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
What a great second part man the HHH and Christian Cage match was excellent. Rep added.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
second part was great keep up the good work...

The Rated R CMStar

JBL: Can you feel it Joey?

Styles: Hell Yeah. The moment that we have all been waiting for: The Hell in a Cell. Let’s see the history.

(Video airs showing the discussion of the first show between Punk, Goldberg, Samoa Joe, Big Show, Kennedy and Edge. Then we see the tag match to determine the main event. We see important moments of all competitors. We finally see Kennedy attacking Samoa Joe and Lesnar winning the Battle Royal. The video ends with Goldberg saying: “Busted Open, 6man Hell in a Cell)

JBL: You have seen the background. But before you live the experience, we have a special presentation of a band, Saliva!

(One, Two, One…Two…Three, Ladies and Gentleman please, would you bring your attention to me…)

Saliva plays Ladies and Gentleman with incredible special effects. While they sing the Hell in a Cell starts being lowered.

Styles: And we have another surprise. For the announcing of the competitors of the match, we have invited the historical, Howard Finkel!!

Finkel: This match is the Hell in a Cell match, there are no disqualifications and you can win by either pinfall or submission, and it is for the BTW World Heavyweight Championship.

“Kennedy!†plays as Mr. Kennedy makes his way to the ring. He enters the ring and as Finkel disposes to announce him, Kennedy throws him away.

Kennedy: Now that I have everybody’s attention; I just want to remind you that tonight I weight 243 lb. I hail from Green Bay Wisconsin; Misterrrrrrrr Kennedyyyy!!!, KENNEDYY!!!

“Here Comes the Pain†plays as Brock Lesnar enters accompanied by Paul Heyman. He starts his jumping on the stage.

Finkel: And making his way to the ring, from Minnesota: Brock Lesnar!

Lesnar jumps to enter the ring making lots of pyro come out from the corners of the ring. You can hear Heyman cheering for him.

“The Show†starts playing with boos from the crowd. The Big Show comes out looking imposing.

Finkel: Introducing now, the Largest Athlete in the World, weighting 500 lb and being 7 feet tall, The Big Show Paul Wight.

“This Fire Burns†starts playing with a huge crowd pop.

Finkel: Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, weighting 222lbs, C..M..Punk!

Punk does his cross arm taunt and climbs to the top rope as he feels the love from the crowd.

All the lights come out. “Metalingus†starts playing with Edge walking straight to the ring.

Finkel: And their opponent, hailing from Toronto, Canada, he’s the Rated R Supestar, Edge!!!

Edge makes his way to the ring and does his rope taunt. The crowd starts chanting huge for Goldberg. The titantron shows a locker room and then we see Goldberg coming out and walking all the way to the arena then making his intro. The Cell in then completely lowered and the ref rings the bell

Lesnar and Goldberg enter in a staredown and began badmouthing each other. CM Punk also wastes no time and goes for the Largest Athlete in the world. Edge and Kennedy look at each other and decide to attack Goldberg and Lesnar taking advantage that they were too distracted insulting each other, but they both react in time and Lesnar hit a powerslam on Kennedy and Goldberg a spinebuster on Edge. They look at each other really fired up as they lift Edge and Kennedy and throw them outside of the ring. They take a final look at each other as they go outside of the ring for their respective victims. Punk and Paul Wight have the ring for themselves and began trading punches. The Showster rapidly gains the upperhand and connects a headbutt on Punk. CM Punk shows his resiliency and gets up showing no marks of pain and begins hitting kicks on the Show trying to knock him down. On the outside Lesnar is throwing Kennedy to Cell’s wall and Goldberg is shoving Edge’s face all over the cage.

Punk is still on the ring hitting kicks trying to knock the Show. The Show reacts and blocks one kick from the Straightedge superstar; he grabs one of his legs and hits a capture suplex. The Show then hits a leg drop and attempts the pin on CM Punk: 1…2…, Punk gets his shoulder up.

Lesnar is controlling Kennedy outside of the ring still throwing him viciously to the cage. Mr. Kennedy, in an act of survival, blocks Lesnar and throws him to the cell. He then goes and helps Edge escape from the attack of Goldberg. Both Edge and Kennedy began double teaming Goldberg. In the ring CM Punk is being squashed by the Big Show who is hitting powerful punches. Paul Wight grabs Punk and throws him to the corner. He follows him and shuts the crowd, hitting the World Strongest Chest Slap. Lesnar now returns to the ring and grabs a distracted Show hitting a suplex. The Big Show quickly gets up but gets hit again by a Belly to Belly.

On the outside Edge and Kennedy are completely dominating Goldberg. They hit a double clothesline and Edge looks Kennedy with his psychotic look. He then points something under the ring. Kennedy nods and searches under the ring and grabs one chair. Edge shakes his head in sign of disapproval. He then grabs another chair and taunts for a con-chair-to. Kennedy himself places Goldberg on top of the chair. Edge grabs the other chair and lifts it, but Kennedy betrays him taking the chair out if his hands and when Edge turned around Kennedy hit him with the chair busting him open.

Styles: OH MY GOD!

JBL: I am speechless, this match is just awesome. Samoa Joe is probably kicking himself about missing this one.

Styles: I’m sure Joe is wanting to kick something else, or may I say someone else.

Kennedy gives a shot with the chair to Goldberg that was trying to make a comeback and enters the ring leaving a bloodied Edge and an unconscious Goldberg outside of the ring. Lesnar is distracted hitting shots in the back of the Big Show. CM Punk is trying to get up, but Kennedy is in front of him and tries to hit him, but Punk ducks it and kicks Kennedy in the gut making him drop the chair, he then hits a DDT on the chair. Lesnar is controlling the Extreme Giant and Irish Whips him to the ropes, but CM Punk is on the way and the Showster hits him with a big boot. He then hits a series of clotheslines on Lesnar. The Big Show lifts Lesnar and hits a side slam.

Show raises his arms in a signal of celebration. He then approaches CM Punk, with a single hand he grabs Punk’s skull and lifts him.

JBL: Look at that! Punk looks like a muffin standing next to the Angry Giant.

The Show grabs Punk and raises him on top of his shoulders attempting a military slam. He then walks toward the ropes and throws Punk all the way making him hit the cell. He again raises his arms celebrating but when he turned around he got hit by a spear from the opportunistic Edge that had return to the ring.

Edge, still a little dizzy, is able to walk giving a cocky smile to the audience. Kennedy reacted and hit a low blow on Edge. He then hit a rolling neck breaker on Edge, he goes for the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg breaks the count hitting Kennedy with a chair.

Goldberg seems angry as he hits savagely with the chair Edge and Kennedy getting his revenge. Brock Lesnar returned to his standing position and hits a shoulder block on Goldberg. Punk returns to the ring making an incredible effort. Lesnar taunts for the end but nobody is up. He then sees Punk and grabs him putting him the Fireman position. He hits the F-5.

Goldberg outside of the ring invites Lesnar out. Goldberg takes impulse and hits a shoulder block breaking the Cell’s door. He comes out and starts climbing the cell. Lesnar accepts the invitation and began climbing also the cell. Edge rolls out of the ring and follows Lesnar and Goldberg to the top of the cell.

Kennedy looks really angry and yells: “You are mine Edge†and goes after him. CM Punk and The Big Show are left in the ring. The Show points to the top off the cell and says no. He lifts CM Punk and chokes him. He then goes for the Showstopper but Punk amazingly reverse it into a DDT on a chair. They both are knocked down and none of them are moving.

On top of the cell Kennedy acts really cocky. He comes close to Goldberg and pushes him. Goldberg return pretty aggressive but Kennedy tries to hit him. Goldberg ducks it and hits a jackhammer on Kennedy. He goes for the cover: 1…2…, Lesnar breaks the count.

JBL: Lesnar is great. Thanks to him this match is still going.

Styles: Are you kidding me? Goldberg was about to become our champion but Lesnar showing envy screwed him out of the victory

Lesnar pulls a frustrated Goldberg up and moves his finger saying no. He then hits a powerful clothesline kocking Goldberg down. He taunts showing his strength but when he turned around he received a spear by Edge. Edge goes for the pin: 1…2…, Edge pull tights, 3.

Result: Edge pins Brock Lesnar to become the first ever BTW World Heavyweight Champion.

JBL: Yes, he did it. Edge is our new world champion.

Styles: But he cheated! He stole the damn match.

JBL: It doesn’t matter; he has gold around his waist. Edge smells like smoke because he's been through fire. And now BTW will live under a new era, a Rated R Era.

We are shown a video recap of the entire show as the scene fades with Edge celebrating with his World Championship.