Obama's uncle arrested in Massachusetts

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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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that was a great show...I also liked the contract on a pole match and the main event...the show was done very nicely...keep up the good work...

The Rated R CMStar

BTW rumors brought to you by PWInsider.com

As reported before, Samoa Joe is still getting tons of management heat and now its taken in consideration removing him from the Hell in a Cell match while doing an angle next show

MVP is scheduled to debut against Brock Lesnar in a Number One´s contender match.

Writters are considering that even though Goldberg was the first option to be the World Champion, now its being taken in consideration making him lose the match so that he can feud others like Brock Lesnar, CM Punk or Triple H.

The reason why the contract on a pole match ended in a draw is because Rikishi announced management in Saturday his desire to be traded to WWE.

Big Show is vowing for Booker T and rookie Gunner Scott backstage.

The Legend Killer Randy Orton has apparently signed a precontract with BTW, and might make a special appearance sooner than later.

Last show had a 4.2 in ratings.

Marcus Cor Von, Umaga, Booker T and Chavo Guerrero from WWE and Rikishi, Test, Mistico, DDP and Orlando Jordan from BTW are said to be involved in an upcoming trade, altough is said that Crushing C wants the trade to happen but he wants Rikishi to stay so he can have the awaited feud Umaga vs Rikishi

The Rated R CMStar


Busted Open 2007 card(one Monday Night BTW missing)

BTW World Heavyweight Title 6man Hell in a Cell
Goldberg vs Edge vs CM Punk vs Ken Kennedy vs Samoa Joe vs Big Show

Sadistic Madness Match
Triple H vs Christian Cage

"Battle of the Rookies" Singles Match
CMS vs Elijah Burke

WWE vs BTW No Holds Barred
Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon vs Crushing C


Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
not too shaby

nice touch withthe pwi rumors

good matches too


Havent seen your show in awhile sorry about that, but I look and I see one of the greatest main events ever, a 6 man, including Punk, Joe, and my favorite Goldberg, can't wait, check out iMPACT! btw

The Rated R CMStar


After weeks of rumors, the first WWE BTW trade has been confirmed. WWE has traded Mark Henry and Umaga for Mistico and DDP. Apparently WWE wanted DDP to make a WCW related angle and they wanted Mistico for the making of a tag team with Rey Mysterio. Is still unknown when they will be debuting.

The Rated R CMStar

This are Monday Night BTW quick results, coming soon Busted Open PPV, you can post predictions after this show.

1st Match: Lesnar vs MVP Extreme Title Number One Contender Match

MVP defeats Lesnar as Brock ignored a count when chocking him with the ropes and got DQ.

Hardy announces Lumberjack Match with everybody not in Busted Open PPV against MVP.

2nd Match: CMS vs Ricky Banderas
Ricky Banderas squashed CMS and then Elijah Burke attacked CMS.

Handicap match: Test vs Rhino and Test with the man scoring the pinfall would get a Continental Title Shot at Sunday PPV

Both Rhino and Rikishi pinned at the same time Test making a Triple Threat Continental Title match.

Thrilling Stevie vs RVD with Sabu as a Special Referee

Thrilling Stevie beats RVD when Sabu betrays his tag partner.

Crushing C announce an Flaming Tables Match(The ECW way) between RVD and Sabu.

Samoa Joe cuts a promo but gets attacked by the Mr. Kennedy injuring him.

Video recap of Goldberg and CM Punk problems

Goldberg vs CM Punk

Goldberg pins CM Punk after a spear and jackhammer combo.

Crushing C announces a last chance Battle Royal with the winning man taking Samoa Joe's spot at the Hell in a Cell match.

6th Match: HHH and Crushing C vs Christian Cage and Vince Mcmahon

Goes to a No Contest with all man being knocked out after a brutal match with chairs and the sledgehammer being involved.

Main Event: Last Chance Battle Royal: Brock Lesnar vs Muhammed Hassan vs Albert vs Maven vs Orlando Jordan vs Colt Cabana vs Radiohead vs Thrilling Stevie vs Ricky Banderas

Brock Lesnar last eliminated Muhammed Hassan to get Samoa Joe's spot and enter the 6man Hell in a Cell

The Rated R CMStar

Busted Open 2007 card


6-Man Hell in a Cell BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs Edge vs Mr. Kennedy vs Big Show vs CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar

Sadistic Madness Match
Triple H vs Christian Cage

"Battle of the Rookies" Singles Match
Elijah Burke vs CMS

WWE vs BTW No Holds Barred Match
Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C

Lumberkack Match BTW Extreme Title
Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Triple Threat BTW Continental Title Match
Rhino vs Rikishi vs Test

Flaming Tables Match
RVD vs Sabu

Last BTW appearence Singles Match
Mistico vs DDP

Please post your predictions

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Here's my predictions....

6-Man Hell in a Cell BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs Edge vs Mr. Kennedy vs Big Show vs CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar

Sadistic Madness Match
Triple H vs Christian Cage

"Battle of the Rookies" Singles Match
Elijah Burke vs CMS

WWE vs BTW No Holds Barred Match
Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C

Lumberkack Match BTW Extreme Title
Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Triple Threat BTW Continental Title Match
Rhino vs Rikishi vs Test

Flaming Tables Match
RVD vs Sabu

Last BTW appearence Singles Match
Mistico vs DDP

pls. check out HEW....

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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results look good here are my predictions:

6-Man Hell in a Cell BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs Edge vs Mr. Kennedy vs Big Show vs CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar

Sadistic Madness Match
Triple H vs Christian Cage

"Battle of the Rookies" Singles Match
Elijah Burke vs CMS

WWE vs BTW No Holds Barred Match
Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C

Lumberjack Match BTW Extreme Title
Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Triple Threat BTW Continental Title Match
Rhino vs Rikishi vs Test

Flaming Tables Match
RVD vs Sabu

Last BTW appearence Singles Match
Mistico vs DDP

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
6-Man Hell in a Cell BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Goldberg vs Edge vs Mr. Kennedy vs Big Show vs CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar

Sadistic Madness Match
Triple H vs Christian Cage

"Battle of the Rookies" Singles Match
Elijah Burke vs CMS

WWE vs BTW No Holds Barred Match
Vince Mcmahon vs Crushing C

Lumberkack Match BTW Extreme Title
Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Triple Threat BTW Continental Title Match
Rhino vs Rikishi vs Test

Flaming Tables Match
RVD vs Sabu

Last BTW appearence Singles Match
Mistico vs DDP