Xbox One

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Mar 25, 2007
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Used games will still be around, Borrow games won't but you will still be able to buy used, as stated in the article I linked; Further details are still needed.


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Mar 25, 2007
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LOL, yea thats not how its going to work, If you Read the points in the article the way I see it working is as followed:

The disc id that is attached to your account will be linking also to the bar code of the box. Since you can play your games without the disc in your xbox because its attached they clearly need a way to tell if you trade it in or no longer have it. You bring it to the store it scans and then moment its in gamestops system, its detached from your account making it so the next person, isn't paying the additional fee.

This stops borrowing not used games, but keep your head up your ass, thats cool to.
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Feb 13, 2012
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To everyone who is mad about the used games, I don't think Microsoft would be so dumb to alienate most of the market. Sony is probably going to be doing a similar thing or else Microsoft is just digging a grave for themselves. We still don't know all the details and everyone's jumping to conclusions. If you could buy a $20 used game for PS4 or the same game for $50 on XBox One like people THINK, why would Microsoft even bother?
Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Microsoft did make Vista, so them doing something like that is certainly a possibility.

Anyways, I'll probably get a Playstation 4, after the failure that was Gears of War Judgment, I see no need to have an Xbox anymore and any video game I do play I play it on the PS3, the quality of the games are far greater than the Xbox.

John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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Dude, you NEED to connect your Xbox One to the Internet once a day just to play on your account. If you don't, it'll probably give you an Error message.

I'm glad you can see the positives in the Xbox One, because many others can't, but blindly ignoring the horrendous implementations isn't going to make the system any better. At the end of the day, 60% of my games are pre-owned. I've probably saved upwards of $300/$400 in doing so. They're taking out an aspect of gaming that has been around since its inception. People won't be able to play games before they buy them unless they play it on somebody elses Xbox. It's all so ridiculous. Get's me frustrated.

I see some issues not a big fan of the whole used games thing. But soem people are blatantly ignoring the facts coming in here and spouting things that have either been disclaimed or just making shit up all together. And most of those people are claiming well the PS4 isn't .... Well the Sony people haven't said shit yet have they? So it's likely the features that some people are complaining about are going to be on both systems, so it really irritates me when they bring up what Sony is doing when they have no clue. And as far as your post Xbox has said that it requires no connection to the net for the Xbox One itself (so no connection error) they do realize that some people in this world are still without internet and they wouldn't alienate those people. But like I said One seems to have everything I need. As I don't game much anymore I'd buy those few must have games and use it as a bluray player more than anything else. I'm glad you can see all of it's downfalls and none of it's positives just wait for PS4 to actually describe what they're doing most likely it'll be similar.


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Jun 8, 2011
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Seriously, put down your fucking torches and pitchforks, people.

Calm the fuck down lol. Let's go thru this:

1) OMG! I has to connect to the internetz!

Who gives a shit? Outside of a power outage or random ISP downtime, I haven't disconnected my 360 (and PS3 for the matter) from the internet in 6 years. SIX YEARS. If you live on a military base (Thank you for your service, btw.), I understand your frustration. Otherwise, are you on AOL? Shit, get a smartphone with a Wifi hub and connect via 4g if you have to. Still better than Dial up.

Online is the Present and the Future of gaming. Deal with it.

2) OMG! I can't borrow my buddy's game. OMG NO MORE USED GAME SALES!

Not being able to borrow a friends game without a fee? That sucks. But these things aren't mutually exclusive. MS will have to address how the Digital Rights are reversed on resale, but they've specifically stated that rentals aren't gone. (Source: Go fucking google it lol)


E3 is in a couple weeks. Microsoft has built a VERY KEEN interest in what games they're going to have at launch, and in the First few months of the console's life. These will be (mostly, hopefully) answered in a couple weeks. I've heard the nerdrage "OMG I am buying the PS4! At least I know it'll have gamez!" ...Seriously, take a fucking Xanax and shut the fuck up.

They announced the system THREE DAYS AGO.. and I've read IN THIS THREAD "Nails in the coffin." Mass.Hysteria.

Microsoft has centered the Xbox experience around Xbox live since they launched the big ugly black bastard a decade ago. That hasn't changed. Sony, thus far, hasn't given two shits about their online experience. That's why PS3 online is so vanilla and generic, barebones if you will, while the 360's offering is catered to an Online Social Hub experience. Truly, if you have a 360 and aren't a Gold member, you're missing most of the fun of the system. I spend as much time bullshitting with my buddies in party chat while we all play single player games as I do playing multiplayer with them.

PS4 is going to step up it's online offering. They have to, so they don't get whipped again in this generation. And yes, you PS3 players that migrate will need to get used to the idea of a paid online service. It's coming lol. :)

So TL:DR Version: Shut up. Stop reading other people going crazy on the internet, and stop reacting by posting crazy shit on said internet. Give Microsoft time to show their hand, and same thing for Sony, for that matter. We've got quite a while left until that Late October-Early November Release window (My personal guess - 1st Week of November). Sit back, relax (Seriously: RELAX) and enjoy the ride. These are GOOD TIMES my friends. GOOD TIMES.

Shit. lol

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
I have both systems, and I honestly don't get why there is such a war between both systems. PS3's online isn't as terrible as everybody makes it out to be. At least when I play Call of Duty on the PS3 I don't have to listen to some kid talking shit. Or some lonely virgins going apeshit when they get a M.O.A.B. I enjoy Xbox for their chat, that's about it. The multiplayer itself doesn't make a difference to me as I barely play online as it is. I also live in the middle of nowhere so the internet is a constant thorn in my ass. Still not a big fan of having to pay to play online. In my opinion it's stupid and shouldn't exist.

The main thing I dislike about Microsoft is that they blatantly do anything to make more money than Sony. They've bribed game companies to ensure that the game they are currently making works better for the 360. A prime example would be with Mafia 2. Got it for both systems, but it freezes at the end of the game for the PS3 where as it's all good on Xbox. They could have fixed that problem by now, couldn't tell ya, but that's what Microsoft is reportedly notorious for. This seems no different. A lot of people don't need to have that live television, or a lot of the things included in this new system. I myself just want a console I can simply play games on and occasionally watch movies on. I have a TV with satellite, I have my laptop to browse the internet. If I get all this shiny shit with Xbox One, those things will have been a waste of money.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I'm basically done with gaming at this point, so I really doubt I even get a next gen system, at least for a couple years after they come out. I'm just as likely to play some San Andreas on my PS2 than anything on my PS3 and a PS4 or Xbox One when they come out if I were to get one.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
I'm basically done with gaming at this point, so I really doubt I even get a next gen system, at least for a couple years after they come out. I'm just as likely to play some San Andreas on my PS2 than anything on my PS3 and a PS4 or Xbox One when they come out if I were to get one.

GET GTA V FOR PS3! We'll kill cops and hookers together!


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Jun 25, 2012
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Tromaville, New Jersey
There are people believe it or not that cannot get access to anything better than dial-up. This alienates an audience of potential buyers.

As it currently stands, the only people who make profit off resale games is the store selling them, not the developers, not the hardware companies. Does this explain why Microsoft is trying to figure out a way to make money off of these? I have also been keeping up with IGN's updates about the announcements, and most are contradictory, the one thing that remains from all the statements is having to pay for a licence to play a game connected to any other gamertag(and it has been announced this could be as high as MSRP $60-$70), it is completely plausible that these licenses could be void on games sold directly to a rental service(like RedBox/GameFly), or that Gamestop may have an agreement with Microsoft that will allow them to erase the license on a previously owned game, but this will not extend to local "Ma & Pop" type stores that again a certain group of potential consumers may be limited to(it may shock you but Gamestop is not in every city or town, I personally rely on my local comic book shop for used games).

I do agree about the games part. No console has ever had a stellar launch line-up, and most great games come a year after launch. Don't agree about Gold memberships. I had one before I got my PS3, but after seeing the offerings from PS+(like FREE games, and highly discounted prices) for my money PS+ is the better deal.

And this is a forum, a place for people to voice their opinions. You don't have to agree with their opinions, but everyone in this thread is entitled to voice it.

Twist of Fate

Apr 12, 2013
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South Australia, Australia
What some people are forgetting is that when unveiling a new product, you're meant to make a positive impression with it. All they've pretty much done is given people a list of negatives, specs (quite useless to anyone that isn't overly tech savvy) and told us about its entertainment capabilities. If we're all meant to wait til E3, then Microsoft should've also. And maybe i'm wrong here, but when a new Xbox is announced, who do you think it is that will be paying attention in the first place? Gamers! And most gamers didn't like what they saw. An Xbox is seen as an Xbox. While PS3 has won non-gamers over with its simple Blu Ray feature, I'm not convinced this "all in one entertainment" (hence Xbox ONE) crap is going to necessarily convince people on the same level. And yes, there are people that will NOT like that internet only restriction (I know a lot of my friends that have moved out wouldn't while they were fine buying PS3). And a mandatory Kinect? What does THAT do for non-gamers? Voice activation and gesturing? Whoopty freakin' doo. I see that as being yet another reason to turn off the non-game consumer (many gamers already aren't keen on it being compulsory as is) even with that argument of all-in-one.

I don't care if E3 is around the corner and announces a stack of games. It's not the games at this point that are even an issue for me. There are people wanting to hear that part, and good for them. But people have to remember that a console is an investment. In my situation I bought the Wii later in its life and for its exclusives, but til now I focused on 360. Even if there are exclusives, that's not going to win me over. I feel the console is fundamentally flawed. This is potentially the console I buy all games (exclusives AND cross compatible) and i'm not liking it. Unless E3 addresses what I feel are the more important aspects then they can make all the gaming announcements they want and they'd have a hard time convincing me to get the console. And if I do, it'd be down the line and it performing a role similar to the Wii (for exclusives and otherwise collecting dust). As far as i'm concerned, the many negatives already discussed are too much of a price to pay for the sake of a few games. I didn't go out of my way for PS3 despite some good exclusives there mind you and I may not here.

I'm glad so many people are upset and making it known though. There's still time for Microsoft to hear and consider the complaints. Given that it's Microsoft in the first place and they had the audacity to announce things in the way they did in the first place, it might mean nothing - their priorities are clear. But I see this as being one of the best ways for us all to be heard. These complaints (maybe not so much tucked away on a forum like this, but just in general) ARE constructive. At the very least, even if people "don't care" or are "satisfied" with what Microsoft are putting out, is it really a bad thing for people to want the console to be the best that it can be, one way or another?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2010
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Seriously, put down your fucking torches and pitchforks, people.

Calm the fuck down lol. Let's go thru this:

1) OMG! I has to connect to the internetz!

Who gives a shit? Outside of a power outage or random ISP downtime, I haven't disconnected my 360 (and PS3 for the matter) from the internet in 6 years. SIX YEARS. If you live on a military base (Thank you for your service, btw.), I understand your frustration. Otherwise, are you on AOL? Shit, get a smartphone with a Wifi hub and connect via 4g if you have to. Still better than Dial up.

Online is the Present and the Future of gaming. Deal with it.

Yes, my Xbox stays online too. What I'm saying is, if you want to take that Xbox somewhere you can't, or if for some reason your internet cuts out and you can't use it for a few days (God forbid) you can't even play your bloody Xbox to compensate. It's just ridiculous, I can't even fathom how stupid the idea is.

2) OMG! I can't borrow my buddy's game. OMG NO MORE USED GAME SALES!

Not being able to borrow a friends game without a fee? That sucks. But these things aren't mutually exclusive. MS will have to address how the Digital Rights are reversed on resale, but they've specifically stated that rentals aren't gone. (Source: Go fucking google it lol)

There is in no way, shape or form you can possibly defend this. I'm sure at one point after you buy the X1 you might just want to slip in a friends disk but you won't be able to because of this new, ludicrous, idiotic idea. It doesn't even favor Microsoft either, it favors the publishers. They are creating a detriment in their system so their publishers can earn a little extra cash.


E3 is in a couple weeks. Microsoft has built a VERY KEEN interest in what games they're going to have at launch, and in the First few months of the console's life. These will be (mostly, hopefully) answered in a couple weeks. I've heard the nerdrage "OMG I am buying the PS4! At least I know it'll have gamez!" ...Seriously, take a fucking Xanax and shut the fuck up.

They announced the system THREE DAYS AGO.. and I've read IN THIS THREAD "Nails in the coffin." Mass.Hysteria.

Yes, and not single game was shown that day. How can you announce a GAMING CONSOLE and not show off any games? I don't give a shit if E3 is in a few weeks, you're supposed to show off the system's capabilities NOW. If they had shown some games, people who watched the reveal would tell others and the hype would spread like wildfire. The Xbox reveal will be watched more than Microsofts E3 Press Conference.


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Mar 25, 2007
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Yes, and not single game was shown that day. How can you announce a GAMING CONSOLE and not show off any games? I don't give a shit if E3 is in a few weeks, you're supposed to show off the system's capabilities NOW. If they had shown some games, people who watched the reveal would tell others and the hype would spread like wildfire. The Xbox reveal will be watched more than Microsofts E3 Press Conference.

Actually quite a few games were shown, the EA set, Forza, Quantum Break, so hey pure bs right there.
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John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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What some people are forgetting is that when unveiling a new product, you're meant to make a positive impression with it. All they've pretty much done is given people a list of negatives, specs (quite useless to anyone that isn't overly tech savvy) and told us about its entertainment capabilities. If we're all meant to wait til E3, then Microsoft should've also. And maybe i'm wrong here, but when a new Xbox is announced, who do you think it is that will be paying attention in the first place? Gamers! And most gamers didn't like what they saw. An Xbox is seen as an Xbox. While PS3 has won non-gamers over with its simple Blu Ray feature, I'm not convinced this "all in one entertainment" (hence Xbox ONE) crap is going to necessarily convince people on the same level. And yes, there are people that will NOT like that internet only restriction (I know a lot of my friends that have moved out wouldn't while they were fine buying PS3). And a mandatory Kinect? What does THAT do for non-gamers? Voice activation and gesturing? Whoopty freakin' doo. I see that as being yet another reason to turn off the non-game consumer (many gamers already aren't keen on it being compulsory as is) even with that argument of all-in-one.

I don't care if E3 is around the corner and announces a stack of games. It's not the games at this point that are even an issue for me. There are people wanting to hear that part, and good for them. But people have to remember that a console is an investment. In my situation I bought the Wii later in its life and for its exclusives, but til now I focused on 360. Even if there are exclusives, that's not going to win me over. I feel the console is fundamentally flawed. This is potentially the console I buy all games (exclusives AND cross compatible) and i'm not liking it. Unless E3 addresses what I feel are the more important aspects then they can make all the gaming announcements they want and they'd have a hard time convincing me to get the console. And if I do, it'd be down the line and it performing a role similar to the Wii (for exclusives and otherwise collecting dust). As far as i'm concerned, the many negatives already discussed are too much of a price to pay for the sake of a few games. I didn't go out of my way for PS3 despite some good exclusives there mind you and I may not here.

I'm glad so many people are upset and making it known though. There's still time for Microsoft to hear and consider the complaints. Given that it's Microsoft in the first place and they had the audacity to announce things in the way they did in the first place, it might mean nothing - their priorities are clear. But I see this as being one of the best ways for us all to be heard. These complaints (maybe not so much tucked away on a forum like this, but just in general) ARE constructive. At the very least, even if people "don't care" or are "satisfied" with what Microsoft are putting out, is it really a bad thing for people to want the console to be the best that it can be, one way or another?

And the PS4 reveal showed what?

The half the people bashing xbox aren't even being able to cite real facts. I'm all for debating the better system but when only one system as actually given any real details it's just not possible.