On Gail Kim's twitter @gailkimITSME the last couple days she's been responding to people questioning what happened in the Divas battle royal where she just dropped to the mat and rolled out of the ring immediately out of nowhere. And she admits to doing just that on purpose saying she was "just checking 2 see if any1 was paying attention".Asked if anyone did she said, "haha no, no one did. Sad right? Verrrrry amusing".
When someone called her "unprofessional" and "her own biggest mark" her response was "oh and also on the contrary, I wasn't being a mark 4 myself I was being a good employee when ur told to get out of the ring in less than a min.I just did it the fastest way possible

so really I saved some time!"
When someone commented that the women's division in WWE sucks but to stick around a little longer she responded "do u think it will change?" When the same person said it was a shame WWE doesn't respect true women wrestlers with talent her response was "Yes it is a shame I agree. I know it's a man's world but the women are just as important!"
She also tweeted "Nooooo I'm not doing my best to get fired."