"I will see all of u again, SOMEWHERE! And now its time to make an impact and spike someone else's ratings! U know me, I'd rather be in Dixie"
"I love the wrestling business, and maybe its time to take that next step into the danger zone, brazzers are u hiring??? Haha"
"CeNation. Hyundai headed west. Torched top sit it is a convertible now. Its also covered in steel beams and chain link for the...Elimination chamber. All week u guys are asking me bout the rock. I was gonna let him slide. But now I don't know? What u guys think? Holy response! Well then. Looks like this will be another very memorable week in the WWE."
"Wow good to be back in front of a live ppv crowd & the @wweuniverse! What did u think of my new catchphase?" She later added, "Note to self: always pack wrestling boots when u go to a WWE event-cause u just never know."
If Cena goes Dr. of Thuganomics on Rock I'll be very happyWWE star John Cena has Tweeted the following concerning The Rock and tonight's WWE Raw show: "CeNation. Handled business last night. Tonight I will see what we do about the rock. If he wants some...come get some."
"This could be very interesting."
"Ps..grabbed a spare steel chain and lock off the elimination chamber just in case...gotta go now. Big peek a boo tournament b4 raw"
I agree with JR about King, and I also agree with him saying he is varsity level while Cole is junior high level. The Trips/Taker thing goes w/o saying.
I thought Cena's response to Rock was one of the best Cena promos in ages. Really enjoyed it.
I was very uncomfortable with Cole invoking Jerry's late mom into Cole's presentation. He didn't have to go there.
Getting 'knocked' by the Raw annoucners monday night was like a junior high kid knocking the varsity. It doesn't matter.
Cole is like a yapping dog. One just tunes it out. Thought the 'Presidents/THQ' line was funny...not original but funny.
Really enjoyed Raw. HHH & Taker sold PPVs w/ their eyes & their earned legacies. Cole was a mega nerd. Sic em King. WM27 feeling special.
"I can gladly say I took a whoopin' from @trishstratuscom...doesn't happen often, BUT at least it came from the best. LayCool shall prevail![]()
Yes people my foot is torn up....it's a walking boot & I have to wear it for while!but like said, better on 1 foot than most r on 2....