Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of it being called a Supershow?
... So stop calling it a supershow
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of it being called a Supershow?
Pretty much. But I think he means cancel the "SuperShow" aspect. I assume.Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of it being called a Supershow?
Del Rio as well. Does he do anything that isn't bullying? For realz.Mark Henry standing up against bullying... KAYFABE IS DEAD!!
I love this B.A. Star campaign but the heartbreaking thing is that it won't work. You can't just end bullying. It's always gonna go on. It makes me so mad
Del Rio as well. Does he do anything that isn't bullying? For realz.
I love this B.A. Star campaign but the heartbreaking thing is that it won't work. You can't just end bullying. It's always gonna go on. It makes me so mad
I love the BA Star thing, whether it works or not, the important thing is they try. Besides, they bring joy to some inner city kids lives, that's a big deal and certainly noteworthy.
And as for bullying going on forever, having a defeatist attitude like that is the main part of the problem. Instead, you should begin to believe that things can change. After all, if the seasons change four times a year, there's always a chance people can change once in a lifetime.
That is a sad fact and I don't care if nobody agrees bur sometimes fighting can be the answer.
If you fight back to the person/people that are bullying you, its very possible that they will just leave you alone.
No, I know it goes on, but I'm saying there's always a chance it will change. I prefer to remain positive about things. Then again, if someone bugged me in school I kicked the crap out of them, but things were different when I was a kid.How can you just stop it. Some kids will never get the message. Some will but some wont. It's not a lack of faith it's just the truth. My school has had school meetings about bullying. You think it doesn't go on anymore
No, I know it goes on, but I'm saying there's always a chance it will change. I prefer to remain positive about things. Then again, if someone bugged me in school I kicked the crap out of them, but things were different when I was a kid.
Not sure if it's true, but...
I heard Paul Heyman is coming back tonight.