WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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CT Styles

Nice preview, I changed my mid about my prediction too, I think Y2J will win via DQ by Evolution interfering and breaking up the WoJ. But this looks like a great card and I look forward to reading:)


Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

Evil Austin

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H
vs Chris Jericho

can't wait your work was always the best around here - By the was if u can check out my mania ppv part 1 is up...


My Predictions-
Dudley Boyz vs. La Resiatance
Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly
Jeff Hardy vs. RVD vs. Christian
Ric Flair vs. Shawn Miachels
Goldberg vs. Mark Henrey
Triple H vs. Chris Jericho

Looks like an Awesome Card Cant wait to read!!!
Check Out WWE: A Fresh Start when you get a chance XBA!!
It would mean alot to get a Review from yu!!!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Great Preview. I am really looking forward to the main Event and Flair vs Michaels. Also the IC title match


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Nice preview, very in depth and I'm looking forward to the show. Here are my predictions:

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

I would also like to add how great your booking is for this and some of the matches such as, Christian, Jeff and RVD are the type that makes you wonder "Imagine if this match happened now compared to when they were midcarders back then".

EDIT: Check out WWE: Era of '08 too if you have any time!



WWE Raw Presents WWE Backlash
LIVE! on PPV from Milwaukee, WI at 8e/7c​

VIDEO: Highlights of Eric Bischoff and Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises’ feud with Goldberg, Shawn Michaels’ back and fourth heel/face turn, and Chris Jericho and Triple H’s war of words.

Pyros go off as the Backlash Theme plays.

: Welcome everyone to WWE Backlash! JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler here ringside in a sold out Milwaukee, WI! King, I can’t wait for tonight, we have a stacked card, top to bottom, ladies and gentlemen, what about you King?

King: Oh definitely JR, our great GM Eric Bischoff really pulled out all of the stops on this one and I have a feeling that tonight it going to be Evolution’s Night JR!

JR: You have got to be kidding me King, you are still for Evolution after what they pulled last Monday Night on Raw? Well, it’s your opinion, not mine, I don’t want to get this show off on the wrong foot, so I am dropping this right now. We have many great matches for you this evening, so let’s send it to the ring for our first contest…

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the Charismatic Enigma comes down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

: Now King, I don’t know about you, but Jeff is my odds on favorite to capture the vacated Intercontinental Championship, this kid has been on one hell of a roll for the past few weeks.

Christian’s music hits as Captain Charisma comes to the ring.

: JR, you want to talk odds on favorites? Let’s talk about Christian, this guy is a main eventer waiting to happen.

RVD’s music hits as Mr. Monday Night comes to the ring.

: Well King, he might not be in the limelight, but RVD sure put on one hell of a show last Monday Night as he took both Christian and Jeff Hardy out, it was pretty impressive, and he made one hell of a statement to both of these men!

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. RVD vs. Christian
All 3 men stand in their respective corners waiting for another to make a move. Christian cockily walks into the center of the ring and starts trash talking both Jeff Hardy and RVD. Christian pounds on his chest and acknowledges his peeps, but gets an ovation of boos. RVD stands on the second rope and does his signature R-V-D taunt and the crowd explodes. Jeff Hardy smiles and looks at both RVD and Christian and then looks at the fans. He starts doing his signature dance he does in his entrance. Jeff Hardy stops and signals he wants to fight. Christian locks up with Jeff Hardy. Christian twists Hardy’s arm behind his back but Hardy quickly counters and twists Christian’s arm behind his back. RVD storms into the match and hammers Jeff across the back breaking his hold. RVD delivers a high heel kick to Hardy then a spin kick to Christian. Hardy gets up, but RVD kicks him in the gut and goes for a DDT, but Hardy spins out and goes for the Twist of Fate, but RVD counters his and positions him for the DDT again, but Christian pops up and delivers a huge flying clothesline to the throat of RVD and both RVD and Christian go down. Christian gets up turning towards Hardy and Hardy goes for a kick, but Christian catches it, but Hardy counters him and nails him with a spinning heel kick. RVD runs across the ring and then nails his signature Rolling Thunder onto the chest of Christian. RVD shoots up and gets a huge pop right before Hardy clotheslines him over the top rope. Hardy shoots his mouth off at RVD, but from behind Christian rolls him up and Christian puts his legs on the ropes for leverage covering him 1…2…kickout! Christian gets up and delivers several stomps to Hardy, but RVD rises on the outside and pulls Christian by the leg and pulls him out of the ring. RVD lands numerous shots on Christian and then goes for a suplex on the outside. Christian counters and goes for a suplex of his own, but RVD blocks it. They break the hold and then lock up again. Hardy gets up in the ring and suicide dives from the ring over the top rope onto both Christian and RVD. Hardy gets up to a huge pop. Hardy picks RVD up and walks him over to the barricade. Hardy slams his head off the barricade and hangs him on it. Hardy delivers numerous shots to the skull of RVD. Hardy backs off and turns around only to see Christian running towards him. Hardy dodges Christian and Christian runs towards Van Dam, but RVD shoots him up with a back drop and Christian crashes into the audience. RVD looks at Christian and starts trash talking him. RVD crosses the barricade into the audience and picks Christian up. Jeff Hardy stumbles around ringside for a second but then climbs the turnbuckles to a huge ovation. RVD and Christian battle it out at ringside while Hardy signals for something big. Hardy lunges off the top turnbuckle over the ringside area and barricade into the audience onto RVD and Christian. Hardy quickly gets up and stands on the barricade taunting the audience to a huge pop. Hardy runs into the ring and breaks the ring out count. Hardy goes back to the outside and as he goes over the barricade, Christian pops up from the floor, and delivers a huge uppercut. Christian crosses back onto the outside floor and guides Jeff to the apron. He slides Hardy on the apron with his head hanging off. RVD springboards off barricade, Christian turns around only to get nailed with the flying clothesline by Van Dam. RVD goes onto the apron and nails a spinning leg drop onto the throat of Jeff Hardy. RVD rolls Hardy back into the ring, slides in, and covers him 1…2…kickout! RVD signals for another Rolling Thunder onto Hardy. RVD bounces off the ropes, but Christian pulls his leg and drags him out of the ring. Christian slides in and climbs the turnbuckles. Christian launches off the top rope and nails a Frog Splash on Jeff Hardy. Christian slowly covers Jeff Hardy as RVD climbs the turnbuckles. Christian covers Hardy 1…2…RVD nails a 5 Star Frog Splash onto Christian breaking the count. RVD rolls over and cover Christian 1…2…kickout! RVD then rolls over and covers Jeff Hardy 1…2…kickout! Hardy and Christian both get up and RVD clocks their heads together. RVD goes for a swipe kick to the back of the knees of Christian and Christian goes down. RVD backflips into a splash onto Christian. RVD gets up and stalks a stumbling Jeff Hardy. RVD goes for a kick, but Hardy counters and spins him around. Hardy goes to throw RVD into the corner, but RVD counters and whips Hardy into the corner. Christian gets up and turns around right next to RVD and Hardy shoots up the turnbuckles and nails the Whisper in the Wind onto both RVD and Christian. Hardy gets up and stalks Christian. Christian gets up and Hardy kicks him in the gut and signals for the Twist of Fate. Christian spins out of it and goes for the Unprettier, but Hardy slides out and pushes Christian towards the ropes. Christian bounces off the ropes right back into the Twist of Fate by Hardy. Hardy plants him down and covers him 1…2…RVD breaks the count. RVD picks Hardy up by the hair, but Hardy kicks him in the gut and nails him with a Twist of Fate as well. Christian rolls out of the ring in pain. Hardy signals for the Swanton and climbs the turnbuckles. RVD shoots up and climbs the turnbuckles as well and starts exchanging with Hardy up top. RVD sets up for a Superplex, but Christian rolls into the ring and sets RVD up for a Powerbomb. He nails the powerbomb which makes RVD connect with the top rope superplex, Hardy and RVD crash to the mat. Christian pats himself on the back for playing possum as he goes towards Jeff Hardy. He kicks him in the gut and cockily mimics Hardy and attempts to Twist of Fate. Christian goes for it, but Hardy pushes him away last minute. RVD is in front of Christian and goes for a Spin kick on Christian, but Christian ducks and RVD nails Hardy. RVD gets up and stares at Hardy while Christian gets the back door roll up onto RVD pinning him 1…2…3!
WINNER: New Intercontinental Champion Christian

JR: What a hell of a match! Incredible!

King: Yes! Christian is the new Intercontinental Champion! JR I can’t believe this! Someone get me a crystal ball because I think I just predicted the future!

JR: Ok King, I have to hand it to you, no, I have to hand it to Christian, what the hell am I saying? Christian did win the match, even though it was by dirty tactics, but he did play it smart and picked his spots just right, but if you think Christian has it made, that’s far from the truth. It’s one thing being champion, but defending it is another thing!

King: Oh JR, stop trying to rain on our parade, I am going to talk to Christian later, you know me and him are good friends, and we are going out on the town tonight, this is going to be great, do you think Trish could join us? Ohhh!

Shawn Michaels walks into the arena with his bags and automatically runs into Chris Jericho who was waiting in the hallway for him all night.

: Hey Chris, how you doing, how’s your head, you had that little mishap last week with Triple H and that hammer, plus…

Y2J: Michaels, I have to admit I am surprised…

HBK: Gee, why’s that Chris?

Y2J: Well for 2 weeks now, I have been getting the snot kicked out of me by Evolution, and during matches when you’re supposed to have my back, after the match you are nowhere to be seen…

HBK: Hey, Chris, don’t go giving me that, you know as well as I do that I saved your neck last week, if I would have never chased Orton and Batista from ringside on Raw, it technically would have been a 3 on 1 in that match!

Y2J: That is true, and I do thank you, but I have to ask you something, do you love seeing me get the crap kicked out of or something? I just can’t get it through my head, you say right to my face that you aren’t with Evolution. “Oh, I am with you Chris, don’t worry about that…†but when push comes to shove, you won’t defy Evolution by saving me neck, what is up with that Michaels?

HBK: Chris listen, I am not with Evolution that much is true, but I am not risking my neck to save yours when it’s a 4 on 1, even if I were to come out, that would have made it 2 on 4, which really isn’t too appealing to me, you know as well as I do that in this business, it’s every man for himself, and it looks to me like you are just on the wrong side of the fence, but hell, you have a chance at the World title tonight, I know people have been telling you this, but you shouldn’t fill your mind with this garbage, me, you, Evolution, it doesn’t matter, tonight is your night, it’s your time, if I were you, nabbing that World’s title is the first thing on my mind, first and only, I have a match tonight, I got to get settled. Chris, tonight, the Heartbreak Kid doesn’t lay down for anybody, tonight is no exception. However, if you still don’t believe me Chris, tonight, I will make it crystal clear, what side I am on, you can hold me to that…

Shawn starts walking away, but turns back towards Chris Jericho.

: By the way Chris….good luck.

Molly Holly’s music hits as Molly Holly comes down the ramp.

: Well King, I would ask your predictions for this match, but I am afraid that I already know.

King: You know it JR, I hope Trish beats Molly Holly right here tonight as sits atop that pedestal she rightfully deserves to be on, the is the greatest Women’s Champion we have ever had in this company you know.

Trish Stratus’ music hits as the WWE Women’s Champion comes down the ramp.

: I will tell you right now King that Molly Holly is no easy feat to climb here, Trish has her work cut out for her heading into the match, I mean Victoria almost put her on the shelf a couple weeks ago and she might not even be 100% King!

King: JR, you have to believe, if you don’t think Trish can win this, I just might have to find a new commentator partner!

WWE Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus* vs. Molly Holly
Trish runs towards Molly, but Molly slides out under the bottom ring onto the floor dodging Trish while the fans boo Molly. Molly throws her hands in the air and walks around the ring. Trish slides out of the ring and chases Molly on the outside around the ring. Molly slides in the ring and Trish follows. Molly hammers Trish across the back with a double sledge. Molly twists Trish’s arm behind her back and puts the pressure on looking for a submission. Trish swings out of it on the mat and stands up. Trish twirls Molly’s arm and Molly flips over onto her back and Trish gets on the mat and slaps on a headlock on Molly Holly. Molly finally gets up to her feet still in the headlock and connects with a backdrop onto Trish Stratus. Molly gets up and kicks Trish in the ribs. Molly bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but Trish rolls out and nobody’s home for Molly. Molly gets up holding herself in pain as Trish bounces off the ropes and connects with a flying clothesline on Holly. Holly gets up and Trish connects with another clothesline on Molly. Holly gets up and Trish dropkicks her and Molly falls through the second and third ropes onto the floor. Trish stands on the apron on the opposite end of the ring. Molly gets up on the floor and Trish runs along the apron and nails a flying clothesline to Molly Holly. Trish gets up and points to the fans for a huge reaction. She turns and Molly nails her in the gut with a right. The takes Trish by the hair and slams her head off the apron. Trish stumbles, but regains herself, she charges Holly again, but Molly Holly nails her with a drop toe hold and Trish goes face first into the steel steps. Molly laughs and takes a bow to the crowd to an ovation of boos. Molly starts stomping the hell out of Trish between the steps and the apron. She pulls Trish up by the hair and sits her on the apron. She repeatedly blows Trish’s skull with forearm shots. She moves the steel steps out and places Trish’s lower leg in between the steps and the apron lodging it so Trish can’t take it out.

JR: Oh no, Molly, don’t do it! That’s Trish’s bad leg!

King: JR, this has bad news all over it, get out of it Trish!

Molly grabs Trish by the hair and begins to talk trash to Molly. At the last second Trish uses her other leg and kicks Molly in the gut. Trish steps onto the floor and wedges her leg out from between the stairs and the apron. Molly wanders away from Trish. Trish slides into the ring breaking the ring out count and slides back out. Trish charges Molly and connects with the Air Canada, a Thesz Press followed by mounted punches, onto Molly Holly. Trish gets up and drags Molly and throws her back into the ring. Trish stalks Molly as she gets up. Molly turns towards Trish and locks her in for the Stratusfaction, but Molly pushes her towards the ropes. Trish bounces back and Molly drills her down with a spinebuster. Molly covers Trish 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Trish up and whips her into the corner. Molly charges Trish, but Trish gets her legs up, maneuvers around and gets a cradle roll up on Molly 1…2…kickout! Both women get up and lock up. Trish gets behind Molly, but Molly grabs Trish’s head and whips her over her shoulder into a headlock on the mat. Molly releases the headlock and bounces off the ropes. She delivers a huge running boot to the face of Stratus then pins her 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Trish up. She swings her onto her shoulder and goes for a running powerslam. Trish counters and slips out of the back. Molly turns around, Trish goes for a Chick Kick, but Molly ducks. Trish turns around and Molly sets her up and executes a perfect Molly Go Round. Molly pins Trish 1…2…3!
WINNER: New WWE Women’s Champion Molly Holly

JR: Oh my Gawd King, Molly Holly has just pinned Trish Stratus winning the Women’s Championship! That match sure was a slobberknocker in its own right, but Trish sure showed the heart of a champion!

King: That was a fluke! Molly cheated! The ref should be fired! Trish should still be champion! JR, you saw it, Molly cheated!

JR: King, I am sorry, but I feel worse for Trish, after over coming a possible injury, she has lost the Women’s title, this is devastating to the former champ’s morale! King, I have to say it, Molly Holly is once again Women’s Champion…

Eric Bischoff is in his office. Coach walks in for an interview.

: Excuse me Mr. Bischoff; have time for a few words?

Bischoff: Sure Coach, hell yea, I have time for a few words, by the way, how the hell are you after that Evolution beatdown in the parking lot, heard they got you pretty bad, hope you are doing okay.

Coach: Why thank you Eric, I am healing, and might I say you are in a great mood tonight!

Bischoff: Well Coach, when you are right about to crush a annoying fly with a rolled up newspaper and finally rid yourself of that agony, sure you are in a good mood, and that’s exactly why I am happy tonight. Goldberg, the greatest champion in WCW history, is about to get destroyed all thanks to the genius of myself. You see, Bill came to Raw thinking he would dominate, sure he won a few matches, undefeated to be exact, but it all ends tonight. Due to that “unexpected†blindside to Goldberg by Mark Henry and Rodney Mack, Goldberg, I have heard isn’t in that great of shape tonight, plus he has a handicap match with those gentlemen coming up, so I would presume he is not in the greatest boat as of now.

Coach: Well do you have any predictions for this match? What if Goldberg has something up his sleeve?

Bischoff: Coach, this is a plan by the genius that is Eric Bischoff, it’s full proof, nothing can go wrong tonight, nothing.

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as the World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: Here come the 2 men, the World Tag Team Champions, the Dudley Boys, who will represent Old Glory here in this Tag Title Flag Match at Backlash!

King: JR, I must say, I cannot wait to see La Resistance get the beating they deserve here tonight!

La Resistance’s music hits as Rob Conway and Rene Dupree come to the ring.

World Tag Team Championship
USA vs. France Flag Match
Dudley Boys* vs. La Resistance

Bubba Ray and Devon meet face to face in the ring with Conway and Dupree. They start talking trash to one another while the fans chant USA! USA! USA! Bubba Ray points to the American Flag hanging in their corner and the USA chants get even louder. La Resistance covers their ears in disgust. Bubba and Devon unload shots to both members of La Resistance. Bubba clobbers Dupree back into a corner as does Devon to Conway. Bubba manhandles Dupree and puts him throat first onto the second rope and starts choking him. Conway reverses Devon and throws him into the corner and head butts him. Rob Conway runs away from Devon and hammers Bubba Ray from behind breaking the choke on Dupree. Dupree gets up and both members of La Resistance hammer Bubba Ray. They whip him across the ring; Bubba bounces back and double clotheslines La Resistance. Devon walks over and picks up Rob Conway. He hard chops him and whips him against the ropes. Devon drills him with an Atomic Drop followed by a Bubba Ray clothesline. Devon stomps the hell out of Conway as Bubba goes on the assault towards Dupree. Dupree rakes Bubba’s eyes and nails him with an elbow to the forehead. Dupree scales his turnbuckles and reaches for the French flag. Devon runs towards Dupree and grabs him by the tights. He drills him down to the mat off the top rope with a powerbomb. Conway gets up and kicks Bubba in the gut and whips him into his flag’s corner. Bubba Ray bounces off the turnbuckles and Conway charges him. Bubba catches him, shoots him up, Conway reaches for the flag, but Bubba drills him back first onto the mat with a spinebuster. Devon picks up Dupree and goes for a sidewalk slam, but Dupree powers out, lands on his feet, then slams Devon with a Russian Leg Sweep. Dupree exits the ring and drags Devon by the legs over to the corner. He positions him so the ring post is right between his legs. Dupree pulls Devon slamming him groin first into the steel ring post. Bubba spots him and runs out to the floor chasing Dupree. Dupree rounds the ring while Conway exits the ring and hides behind the apron. Dupree rounds the corner of the ring with Bubba chasing after him as Conway pops out and nails Bubba with a clothesline. Dupree stands by Bubba laughing as he does his signature French Tickler. Devon appears in the ring scaling the turnbuckles reaching for the American Flag. La Resistance storms the ring and climbs the turnbuckles where Devon is. They hammer him with forearm shots to the back, but Devon starts fighting them off. Devon clocks Dupree with a back elbow and Dupree falls to the mat. Conway nails him once more and connects with a huge top rope backdrop onto the mat. Bubba re-emerges in the ring and Conway charges him, but Bubba dodges and throws him over the top rope onto the floor. Dupree gets up and Bubba drills him to the mat with a Bubba Bomb. Bubba goes to help Devon up as Conway storms back into the ring holding the World Tag Team Title belt looking to clock Bubba in the back of the head. Bubba turns around, Devon gets up, Bubba ducks the belt shot, Conway bounces off the ropes and lands right into a 3D by the Dudley Boys. Bubba goes to his corner and climbs the turnbuckles. He reaches and grabs the American Flag and waves it in the air.
WINNER: World Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boys

JR: You can hear the crowd alive and well here in Milwaukee chanting USA, that’s right the Dudley Boys defend America successfully here tonight and keep their World Tag Team Championships, congratulations!

King: Oh man JR, this night is going so great, well of course for the whole Trish Stratus debacle! I still have to comfort her backstage…

JR: For God’s sake King, the Dudley Boys just retained their World Tag Titles and all you can think about is Trish! I have to admit King, you just might, just might, be obsessed.

King: Oh I am way ahead of you there JR…

The Dudley Boys hold the American Flag and their World Tag Titles as Bubba screams at Devon to get the tables! Devon goes to the outside and grabs a Table. He slides it into the ring and Bubba Ray sets it up. Devon kicks Rene Dupree in the gut and drags him up. Devon whips Dupree against the ropes then sends him up and the Dudley Boys drill Dupree with a 3D through the table.

JR: What a devastating 3D through that table! They sure sent a message to those two Frenchman by way of the good old USA! God Bless America!

Terri with Theodore Long, Rodney Mack, and Mark Henry

Terri: I am standing here with Teddy Long's Thuggin' and Buggin' Enterprises whom in just moments will go 2 on 1 in a handicap match with Bill Goldberg. Now gentlemen, given Goldberg's win over both of you in the past few weeks, do you think that gives him the psychological advantage in this match?

Long: Terri, baby girl, the only thing Goldberg has in this match is his reputation and the hope that he can back up his talk. Billy Goldberg is 2 things, big talk and big hype. Tonight he gets put to the test when he goes against Mack and Mark, my boys, tonight.

Terri: Well, hypothetically speaking, if Goldberg happens to defeat you here tonight, what might Eric Bischoff...

Long: Terri, listen up girl friend, loosing ain't really an option tonight, I have gone over it with the big guys, nothing will go wrong here tonight, we are fighting for Eric Bischoff, great GM in the world, so if something happens out there tonight, there's no one to blame but us, but nothing's gonna happen like that, holla, holla, holla!

Teddy Long, Rodney Mack, and Mark Henry walk away past Terri giving her dirty looks.

: Well King looks like Teddy's boys are ready tonight, but will they be able to stop Bill Goldberg?

King: Goldberg is an animal, and tonight, for the first time in WWE, Goldberg will be put down by those two men, Goldberg has too big of a mouth, he asked for this JR and he is going to get what's coming to him!

Still to come on WWE Backlash...

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs. Rodney Mack and Mark Henry

World Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho

Evil Austin

ill drop a review when it all up - looks good so far, be sure to check out mania.


Good stuff so far. Great to see Christian get the push to become the new IC champion. A bit surprising to see Molly Holly some on top as well. Good first part.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Great show so far and if I have to choose the best match was the IC title match and I couldn't beleive it when Christian won, I thought Jeff had the title before I read but I guess I was wrong. The other two matches were great and I'm surprised to see Molly beat Trish and I'm also glad to see the Dudley's pick up the win. God work man looking forward to part 2!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This was a very good first part. I really enjoyed reading the IC title match and while reading it I wasn't quite sure who was going to win. The women's match was good as was the tag team title match and I'm surprised that Trish lost to Molly. The HBK/Y2J segment added more curiousity as to what HBK is going to do. I have the feeling that he may cost Y2J the championship whether it's intentional or not, I don't know but I feel like he might cost Jericho the match. I'm looking forward to part two which should be a hell of a read.

The Rated R CMStar

Great first part. Great shocked seeing Christian with the belt, I really thought Hardy had it. I also think that HBK will cost Jericho the belt, tonight unintentional, then in a rematch intentional getting ourselves a Wrestlemania X9 rematch.

BTW, check out CyberSlam Part 1 at BTW and NWO Part I and Part II at WWE vs ECW

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
I liked the first part, my first taste of this BTB. The 2 Title matches were great, and having title changes is good, more feud matchups. The next parts should be good too, I'm looking forward to HBK/Flair.


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Very good part one. I liked how Christian got the belt and HBK and Y2J segment was good. Can't wait for part two, ill review once its up

CP: Check out my ECW One Night Stand PPV.



WWE Raw Presents WWE Backlash
LIVE! on PPV from Milwaukee, WI at 8e/7c​

Shawn Michaels is lacing up his boots in the locker room when Ric Flair walks in.

: Hey champ what’s up man?

HBK: I think you are calling the wrong man champ Ric, I think you mean Triple H…

Flair: Hey come on, you know what exactly is going on here, we have played all of our moves to a tee, come on, all we have to do tonight is…

HBK: Hey! Taking Chris out last week was not part of this Flair! I came into this thinking if anyone was going to get hurt it was going to be me, I never meant for anything to happen to Chris, sure a beat down or two is nothing new, you pay your dues around here, but there was nothing in this that involves a sledgehammer! Ric, the man’s got kids, he has a family!

Flair: What? Who exactly am I talking to here? Silly me, for a minute there, I thought I was talking to Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, the Showstopper, the man who is notorious for turning on every opponent he has ever had, and you decide to start caring after 15 years in this business? Listen HBK, you might have been in this business for 15 years, hell, I have been in this for nearly 30, and if anyone knows the ropes it’s me. If you want what we talked about, you better start listening to me better, or maybe you don’t want that World’s Title shot? Maybe you care about Chris Jericho more, the man who kicked you right between the legs at WrestleMania. Maybe you care more about friends than your career. So what is it going to be Shawn?

HBK: …I am not happy about this, but let’s do it Ric.

Flair: (smiles) Wooo! That’s the Shawn Michaels I know, now you know what the plan is right?

Both Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair walk out of the locker room talking.

: Wait, King, what the hell was that? They are opponents here tonight! This is getting more and more complicated!

Theodore Long’s music hits as Teddy Long accompanies Mark Henry and Rodney Mack to the ring.

: Well King here is a group of gentlemen, in addition to Eric Bischoff, who aren’t that big of Goldberg Fans. In the first two weeks of Goldberg’s presence on Raw, he knocked both Mack and Henry off. In response to this, and a little bit of jealousy, GM Eric Bischoff made this handicap match, with the cards stacked against Goldberg, he will try to stay undefeated here tonight, but with that match against Test, then the match against Kane, and then the beatdown last Monday Night, one has to wonder what kind of shape Goldberg is in tonight!

King: I hope Goldberg learned his lesson last Monday Night, and that lesson is not to mess with Eric Bischoff, he has all the power here on Raw, and he should be aware of that.

JR: If that was his punishment, what do you think this match is King?

King: Goldberg said it himself, he wants tougher competition, this is nothing but a simple match JR, and since Goldberg wants special treatment, I guess he is getting what he wants.

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes onto the ramp standing in pyros to a huge ovation.

Goldberg vs. Rodney Mac and Mark Henry w/ Teddy Long

Goldberg stands in his corner stretching on the ropes keeping his eyes on Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises. Rodney Mack steps forward as the legal man and Goldberg meets him in the center of the ring. Mack starts trashing Goldberg and Bill hammers him with a right hook. Mack staggers back as Goldberg keeps nailing him with shots. Goldberg backs him up to the ropes then hurls him across the ring. Mack bounces back and Goldberg catches him and shoots him up with a belly to belly suplex. Mack springs up and hangs on the ropes. Goldberg nails a running boot to the face and Rodney Mack crashes into the corner. Goldberg destroys Mack with several repeated shots to the gut. Goldberg sits Mack on the top turnbuckle. He signals for a superplex, but Mack kicks him away. Goldberg staggers back and turns around. Mack goes for a flying clothesline off the top rope, but Goldberg stops him with a shot to the stomach in mid air and Mack goes down once again. The fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! as Goldberg raises his arm in pre victory. Goldberg picks up Rodney Mack and hurls him up on his shoulder looking for a running Powerslam, but Mack sneaks out the back and runs to tag in Mark Henry. The crowd boos as Mark Henry runs into the ring and clotheslines Goldberg. Mark Henry bounces off the ropes and nails Goldberg with a huge front body splash into a cover 1…2…kickout! Mark Henry picks him up by the head and head butts him. Goldberg staggers away from Henry, but Henry pulls him back and slams him head first off the top turnbuckle. Henry sticks Goldberg in the corner and hammers him with back elbows. Henry whips Goldberg across the ring and into his corner. Henry runs and bulldozes Goldberg into the corner. Henry tags in Rodney Mack and both men bounce Goldberg off the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and Henry and Mack go for a double clothesline, but Goldberg ducks, bounces off the other side and nails a double flying clothesline. Mack shoots back up and Goldberg lays him out with a right. Henry gets up and Goldberg jacks him with a back kick. Goldberg picks up Henry. He sets him up for a suplex, but knees him in the gut and transfers into a swinging neckbreaker. Mark Henry rises and Goldberg body slams him.

JR: By Gawd! That’s 400+ lbs King!

Goldberg roars to the crowd to a huge ovation. Rodney Mack rises on the opposite side of the ring and Goldberg spears him out of his boots. Mark Henry gets up on the other side of the ring and Goldberg lays Mark Henry out with another Spear. Goldberg walks over to Rodney Mack and sets him up for a Jackhammer. Teddy Long jumps onto the apron and starts screaming at Goldberg. Goldberg nails Mack with a double under hook suplex and proceeds to walk over to Teddy Long. Teddy really gets up in Goldberg’s face and Goldberg throws Teddy over the top rope into the ring. Teddy cringes in pain and puts his hands up begging Goldberg to stop. Mark Henry gets up and charges Goldberg, but Goldberg nails him with a big boot. Goldberg grabs Teddy by the throat and Teddy continues to beg for mercy. Rodney Mack rises behind Goldberg and charges him. Goldberg turns around and dodges the big boot, but Rodney Mack ends up nailing Teddy Long with the big boot. Mack can’t believe what he did, he turns around and Goldberg kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Jackhammer. Goldberg hoists him up and drills him to the mat with the Jackhammer followed by a pin 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: Goldberg decimates Rodney Mack and Mark Henry here at Backlash! King, there are no excuses this time…

King: Are you kidding me JR? Didn’t you see that blatant interference by Teddy Long? Poor Teddy was almost torn to shreds by that animal! This match should have been stopped and Goldberg should have been DQ’d!

JR: Disqualified my ass King, Goldberg did what he had to, Teddy was trying to interfere which jeopardized his victory, Goldberg did what he had to, and I applaud him on doing so, regardless of what happened to Teddy Long, he had no business on that apron!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw GM hits the stage.

: Yes! Thank god, someone to rescue us from this ruthless animal!

Bischoff: Goldberg, I must admit, I am surprised, I didn’t think you can do it, but I came out here with a simple message. Goldberg, if you think it’s over, it’s not. This right here…is far from over.

Goldberg stands in the ring smiling.

Coach with Triple H.

: I am standing here with the World Heavyweight Champion, the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H. Now, Triple H, we are moments away from you defending your World Heavyweight championship against the man who has gone 4-0 against Evolution in the past weeks, that man being Y2J Chris Jericho, what are your thoughts going into this match?

HHH: I have said it before, and I will say it again, Chris Jericho isn’t the brightest guy around. He is one of those guys who don’t know what they got until it’s gone. Before Chris Jericho knows it, it will be tomorrow morning, he will be without the World’s Heavyweight Championship, and he will have no one to thank, but himself. All that guy has on his mind is “Oh Shawn Michaels screwed me, Shawn Michaels this, Shawn Michaels that,†well tonight it’s only about two men, and Shawn Michaels isn’t one of them. Tonight, it’s only about Chris Jericho and the Game Triple H. Chris Jericho pulled one over on me last month, but tonight, he will learn why I am called the Game, and why I am that Damn Good.

Ric Flair’s music hits as Ric Flair comes down the ramp along with Randy Orton and Batista.

: Well King, this match has been much anticipated ever since last Monday.

Ric Flair stops at the top of the ramp and tells Randy Orton and Batista to walk back to the locker room.

JR: Wait what is this King? Ric doesn’t want his Evolution teammates with his at ringside? This is so bizarre.

King: Ric Flair is a 16 time World Champion, he doesn’t need help to defeat Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as HBK comes out of the gate and to the ring with a depressed look on his face.

: Well King, I am sensing this isn’t the usual HBK we know and love.

King: I got to agree with you there JR, he doesn’t have that glow about him…maybe because he is about to lose to Ric Flair, he should have joined Evolution; he wouldn’t be in this predicament right now if he would have.

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels
The referee pats down Ric Flair’s tights, knee pads, and boots looking for any foreign objects. The ref walks over to the opposite side of the ring to Shawn Michaels. The ref then pats down HBK’s tights looking for any foreign objects. Shawn leans on the turnbuckles and rubs his face looking like he is severely stressed out. He gazes over to Ric Flair at the other end of the ring with a gigantic smirk on his face. Shawn Michaels shakes his head and looks down at his boots. The fans chant HBK! HBK! HBK! Shawn Michaels looks around at all the screaming fans chanting his name and lets a little smile out, he looks back at Ric Flair and his smile soon turns back into a frown. Ric Flair slicks back his hair and lets out a huge WOO! The fans all boo Ric as Ric laughs at HBK and struts his stuff around in the corner. The ref tries to get these two to meet in the center of the ring and does. Ric Flair walks to the center of the ring with a spring in his step looking at Michaels who is still leaning in the corner. The ref and Ric Flair motion for HBK to come into the center of the ring. HBK takes one last glance at his screaming fans, and then Michaels begins to walk to the center of the ring. Ric Flair smiles as HBK looks depressed. Flair whispers something to Michaels and points to the canvas. HBK looks puzzled and closes his eyes shaking his head and looking towards the ceiling. HBK gets down and lies on the mat. Ric Flair laughs and gets on the mat and hooks HBK’s leg to an ovation of boos. He pins Shawn Michaels 1…2…3!
WINNER: Ric Flair

JR: Why? What the hell? Am I seeing this correctly King? Did the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, the very best in the business today, just lie down for Ric Flair?

King: I don’t know JR, I think he did, or else, he just fainted in the center of that ring, other than that I would say HBK just laid down for the Nature Boy!

JR: I have never felt so ashamed ladies and gentlemen, however, I know the Showstopper King, and he would never lie down for somebody! There must be something we don’t know King!

Ric Flair gets up and forces the ref to raise his arm in victory as Shawn Michaels continues to lie on the canvas staring up at the lights. Ric Flair struts his stuff over Shawn Michaels motionless body.

JR: I have no clue what is going on here King, was this part of their plan? Judging by HBK’s expression before this match and his attitude all through the night, I would say he knew about this all along!

King: Nothing is for sure JR, stop assuming things!

JR: For God’s sake King, open your eyes, what the hell do you think is going on here?!?! Shawn Michaels is lying on his back staring at the lights with a troubled look on his face King. The good old Shawn Michaels that we know would have never done anything like this! HBK wouldn’t lay down for anybody! What would cause him to do this is beyond me!

Ric Flair walks up the ramp and lets out one big WOO!

Terri w/ Chris Jericho

: Chris we are just moments away from your World Championship match with Triple H, what are…

Y2J: Terri, with all due respect, Shut the Hell Up! Didn’t you just see what happened out there? Shawn Michaels, one of the most respected athletes in the history of our business, has just lie down to one of the biggest scum bags this industry has ever produced! Shawn told me earlier, I guess I should have believed him, he told me he would show his true colors, and for the first time in my career, I truly believe, now I have proof, that Shawn Michaels, is nothing, nothing, but a fraud! The Show stopping, the Main Eventing, the Icon Shawn Michaels has plagued my mind again and again for the past few weeks, but now, now I can open my eyes wide and finally get that guy out of my head and focus on what’s important, the World Heavyweight Championship. Terri, it’s my time, excuse me.

King: I for one am happy for Jericho finally, you know why JR?

JR: Oh jeez, why is that King?

King: He finally took Triple H’s advice, and that’s to stop worrying about Shawn Michaels and start worrying about Chris Jericho. However, even though he took the advice, it might be just a little too late…

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Well King, like him or hate him, Y2J Chris Jericho sure has gotten the best of Evolution for the past few weeks, defeating all 4 members of Evolution either by pin fall or submission. If anyone has momentum going into this match it would be Y2J.

King: Well don’t forget JR, Triple H has momentum of his own after brain scrambling Y2J with that hammer shot to the back of the head last Monday Night, never count out the Game, because if anyone can find a way to win the Game, it’s the Game, the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H.

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here he comes, the World’s Heavyweight Champion Triple H, leader of the, well, now corrupt more than ever, group, Evolution!

King: Don’t be silly JR, Evolution is not corrupt, they are just…

JR: Not corrupt?!??! Did you, or did you not see the Shawn Michaels debacle a few moments ago? Don’t tell me that had nothing to do with Evolution, because that had Ric Flair and Triple H’s name all over it! I dare you King, check Triple H’s hands, they are blood red, even though he wasn’t caught red handed…yet.

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H* vs. Chris Jericho
Triple H and Jericho walk to the center of the ring and start trash talking each other. Triple H smirks and slaps Jericho across the face. Jericho staggers back, but walks right back up to Triple H and slaps him back. Triple H fires back with a right. He connects with another right, then another, then he whips Jericho off the ropes, Jericho bounces back and Triple H connects with a flying knee. Triple H taunts the crowd, but gets an ovation of boos. The Game picks up Chris Jericho and nails him with another right hook. Jericho stumbles back into the corner. Triple H lands numerous shots onto Y2J crippling Jericho further and further into the corner. Triple H starts choking him across the throat with his boot. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Triple H releases the choke and walks away with a bad reception from the crowd. Jericho storms out of the corner and nails Triple H with a clothesline, but Triple H remains on his feet. Jericho doubles back, bounces off the ropes, and nails Triple H with another clothesline, yet still not breaking the Game down. Jericho bounces off the ropes one more time, but Triple H catches him and goes for a sidewalk slam, but Jericho counters, gets his legs up, and nails him with a spinning head scissors. The Game twirls onto the mat and gets up quickly looking at Jericho who is smiling. Triple H gets up and locks up with Jericho. Triple H gets Jericho in a side mounted headlock. Jericho props him up looking for a backdrop, but Jericho switches it up in mid air and flips Triple H forward face planting him and the Game goes chin first onto the mat. Jericho sees the opening and runs, springboards off the second rope, and goes for the Lionsault. Triple H plays possum and rolls out of the way, but Jericho saw it coming and lands on his feet. Triple H shoots up and clocks Jericho with a clothesline. Triple H covers Jericho 1…kickout! Triple H gets on top of Jericho and starts clocking him with mounted punches. Jericho flips him over and nails him with mounted punches. Triple H gets the cheap rake to the eye and Jericho gets off of him holding his eye. Triple H gets up and runs towards Jericho looking for a clothesline, but Jericho is a step ahead of him and pulls the rope down and Triple H flies over the top rope onto the floor. Jericho gets a huge pop. Triple H staggers on the outside as Y2J springboards over the top rope and nails Triple H with a flying cross body onto the floor. Jericho gets up and smiles. He picks up Triple H and swings him into the barricades, but Triple H counters and whips Jericho. Triple H doesn’t let go, jerks Jericho back and nails him with a spinebuster on the outside floor. Triple H does his signature pose to a horrible ovation. Triple H drags Jericho by the hair to the ring post and picks him up. Jericho nails Triple H in the ribs with elbows then slams Triple H’s skull off the ring post. Jericho slides Triple H back into the ring. Jericho gets on the apron and springboards over the top rope with a backsplash onto Triple H. Jericho drags the Game by the legs into the center of the ring and covers him 1…2….kickout! Jericho gets up and shakes his head. He grabs Triple H’s legs going for the Walls of Jericho, but the Game quickly pushes him away with his legs. Triple H gets up and Jericho charges him, but Triple H nails him with the face buster on the knee. Triple H kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree, but Jericho pulls him legs and the Game goes down. Jericho keeps hold of the legs and goes for the Walls once again. Triple H realizes he’s in trouble and scurries to the ropes and holds them tightly before Jericho could lock in the hold. Triple H slides out of the ring catching his breath, but Y2J doesn’t give him much time as Jericho connects with a baseball slide onto Triple H. Jericho grabs Triple H, but the Game rams him spine first into the apron. Triple H walks away and up the ramp escaping Jericho attempting to get counted out. Jericho quickly chases him down and grabs him by the hair and Triple H falls backwards crashing the back of his head against the metal ramp. Jericho kicks him in the ribs and Triple H rolls down the ramp back to ringside. He picks the Game up and slides him into the ring. Jericho slides into the ring and covers the Game 1…2…kickout! Jericho picks the Game up, but Triple H pushes him away. Jericho charges the Game again and Triple H looks for the spinebuster, but Jericho rolls out of it and behind Triple H rolling him up 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets up and goes for a clothesline to Triple H, but Jericho ducks and hooks the arms and goes for a bridge pin 1…2…kickout! Jericho picks Triple H up and goes for a suplex, but Triple H counters and sends him up for a suplex of his own. Jericho maneuvers out of the back and hooks Triple H’s shoulders with his legs for a pin 1…2…Triple H shifts the for the pin 1…2…Jericho shifts it back pinning the Game 1…2…kickout! Both men get up and Triple H nails Y2J with a sidewalk slam. The Game picks Jericho up and whips him towards the ropes, Jericho counters, whips the Game towards the ropes and Triple H bounces back and Jericho clobbers him with an Insuguri. Jericho runs, springboards off the second rope and lands the Lionsault onto the Game covering him 1…2…kickout! Jericho grabs the legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho. He rolls the Game over and locks it in. Triple H struggles to get to the ropes, but he is in the middle of the ring.

JR: By Gawd King, Jericho once again has the Game right where he wants him. The Walls of Jericho! This is what beat the Game a couple weeks ago! Jericho is sheer seconds from winning the World’s Title!

King: Come on Game! Get to the ropes!

Triple H begins to crawl towards the ropes, but Jericho singes in the Walls even deeper. Triple H pushes himself up with his arms and still crawls to the ropes. Hand by hand, he finally gets within reaching distance of the ropes. With one last gasp of air Triple H grasps the ropes. Jericho breaks the hold and takes a few steps back, but lunges for the Game’s legs again and pulls him into the center of the ring. Triple H gets up, but Jericho still has one of his legs. Jericho spins the Game around and goes for an Insuguri, but the Game takes a few steps back and nobody home for Jericho. Triple H grabs the legs of Jericho on the mat and turns him over locking in the Walls of Jericho on creator Chris Jericho. Jericho screams in pain as Triple H has an evil grin on his face. Jericho begins to crawl towards the ropes and is just a couple inches from them and he motions like he wants to tap out. Jericho grids his teeth and begins to push his legs out, breaking the hold and sending Triple H forward. Jericho rolls on the mat in pain, but gets back up. Triple H gets right back up and both men exchange shots. Left and right, they exchange blows, but Jericho gets the advantage and nails Triple H one after another. He backs him up to the ropes and shoots him across the ring. Triple H counters and Jericho bounces off the ropes right into a knee to face buster. Jericho pops up and Triple H kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree. Jericho flips Triple H back, but the Game lands on his feet. Jericho turns around and Triple H kicks him in the gut and nails him with the pedigree. The Game covers Jericho 1…2…3!
WINNER: World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

JR: What an effort by Chris Jericho! Y2J got the best of Triple H the whole match, it’s a damn shame to see Triple H get the win here tonight King!

King: You have got to be kidding me JR, the only thing Jericho deserves coming out of that match is nothing but what he has, broken dreams. Sure Jericho was impressive in that match, but nobody remembers the loser, all they remember is the winner…

JR: Well we sure know who the winner is and still World’s Champion, that man right there Triple H….

Triple H holds up the World’s title barely able to stand as his music plays.

JR: Well thank you all for joining us, we will see you right here tomorrow night for Raw, for Jerry the King Lawler and good old JR, good night everybody!