WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM: ME by far,. I really got into tis match more than the others tbh

WM IMO there was no worst match but if I had to choose it would be the womens match

BP Opener by far. I just loved the writing of this promo.

WP: Even though the Hardy promo was short it was still great.

AC: Another greatr show man. I wonder which side HBK will join and how the fued with HHH and Jericho will turn out. You really have me intrigued.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: ME of course..im pretty sure that Jericho wont win the title b ut he is getting a hell of a rol..and the HBK mystery is heating up

WM: Womans match...boring even though stacy is hot

BP: The Jericho promo by himself...really showed intensity and heart from Y2J

WP: Trish's...tad out of character

AC: Really great show...sorry for the late review but i was really out of it this week...but Backlash is going to be amasing and i think Jericho is goin defeat Flair next week..

CP: Check out My Raw over at WWE: Era of '08

CT Styles

At some point down the line I would like to do a BTB set in this time, You have really inspired me I guess. Keep up the good work.

PS Check out Big Time if ya want, CWA is up.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

WWE Raw comes to you LIVE from Seattle, WA this Monday Night. With just 6 days until WWE Backlash this Sunday LIVE on PPV, tempers flare and all hell will break loose!

Y2J Chris Jericho returns with the most controversial segment in WWE history, Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel, this Monday Night and word is that he needs answers from a certain Showstopper.

The dominating Goldberg takes on yet another challenge as he takes on Test with only 6 days before his huge Handicap Match at Backlash.

Eric Bischoff is on a rampage and you can only guess who his target is.

La Resistance presents their case against America.

Trish Stratus seeks vengeance on the Diva that almost put her out, Victoria.

Jeff Hardy battles RVD and don’t think Christian won’t be watching.

That plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


I can't wait for the highlight reel. Should be a great segment. With the actions of Flair trying to get HBK to join Evolution, I can't help but think he wont get involved. Great preview, looking forward as always.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw Theme plays.

JR: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw, JR Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler coming to you LIVE from Seattle, WA! With just 6 days to Backlash this Sunday, we have a jam packed crowd in the house tonight King, there is an electricity in the air!

King: No doubt about that JR, they know what they are in for tonight! Listen to this JR, after Shawn Michaels turned his back on both Evolution and Chris Jericho last week, maybe tonight we will get some answers. JR, I know you have been waiting for some answers from HBK, tonight Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel returns with special guest, none other than Shawn Michaels!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes out of the gate.

: Well King, looks like my questions are about to be answered!

King: Well JR, I am anxious to hear what Y2J has to say about last week, being left high and dry by HBK, this is going to be very interesting!

Y2J: Welcome everyone to Raw is Jericho!!! More importantly, give a warm welcome back to the only segment of this program where the real questions are asked, and that would be Chris Jericho’s very own Highlight Reel!!! You know I come out here week after week, no matter how much pain, or anguish, I am in, to entertain you with the best of my abilities, but I have to admit, I am not in the mood tonight. Chris Jericho, well, right now, Chris Jericho is feeling pretty Y-2-Jacked up. Last week, after I just got done kicking Evolution’s ass for the third straight week in a row, I got my ass handed to me by that sore bunch of losers. However, there was still a little beacon of hope, just a little prayer that came down from the heavens, no pun intended, which was HBK Shawn Michaels. You see HBK was ringside for practically the whole match after Evolution was playing by their typical rules. After I pinned Batista’s juiced up ass to mat 1…2…3, I was in a handicap situation, me vs. Evolution. I just couldn’t understand why Michaels came out to save me during the match, but wouldn’t help me after the match. It’s kind of a little déjà vu from 2 weeks ago, once again me getting the crap beaten out of me by Evolution and everyone’s hero Shawn Michaels didn’t lift a finger. Shawn, I know you are back there, so can you please come down and enlighten me, let alone all of these fans right here in Seattle, because I know you would do anything for your fans Shawn…

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as HBK comes down the ramp.

: There he is King, HBK once again the center of attention here in the WWE, this man has always been controversial, but even now, I think he raised the term “controversial†to an all new level!

Y2J: Alright Shawn now…

HBK: Alright boys and girls, now I know I haven’t been the talkative type for the past couple weeks, and if the fans, and you Chris, would give me a chance I would like to get some stuff, off my chest…

Y2J: Alright Shawn, you are my guest after all, but I must admit I am curious to see what comes out of that mouth, whichever side it comes out of as well, because it looks to me, just like there’s two sides of a coin, there’s been two totally different sides to Shawn Michaels for the past few weeks.

HBK: Chris, last week, was a total misunderstanding. My demons were conflicted; I was in trouble, but not to worry Y2J, because HBK, is on the same page with you now. Chris, you are a hell of a competitor and a friend and I wouldn’t want to risk it all…

Y2J: Risk it for what exactly, just what have you been up to the past couple weeks, particularly with Nature Boy Ric Flair?

HBK: Listen Jericho, it’s strictly business, nothing more nothing less, and certainly nothing too important to concern you. Especially now, because don’t you have that little, hmm, World Heavyweight Championship match with Triple H at Backlash to worry about?

Y2J: You know I am not falling for that trick HBK, first Triple H, and now you, are telling me to worry about my World title match, and try to take my eyes off of what is really going on here! I am on top of my title match this Sunday, and I think other people should not stick their nose where it doesn’t belong! I ask the tough questions here Michaels, and I am just going to say it right now, are you joining Evolution?

JR: What? HBK in Evolution, King? Could it be?

HBK: (laughs hysterically) Listen, Jericho, you should know more than anyone, considering my history with Triple H, I could never be in Evolution. Chris, maybe you should stop sticking YOUR nose where it doesn’t belong…

Y2J: Spare me Michaels! Shawn, once again you have two sides just like the fateful coin toss, the side that waged war with Triple H for months, but then the other side, the Shawn that traveled with, hung around with, hell even had Christmas dinner with, the Shawn that used to best friends, with coincidently, the leader of Evolution, with Triple H.

HBK: Jericho listen, I am going to tell you this one more time, what is going on with me and Ric is strictly business, I am not joining Evolution, never even thought about it, now if you keep getting on good old HBK’s backside about it, heads are going to roll and you are going to end up with a boot down your throat just like at WrestleMania!

Y2J: Is that right Michaels? Quick tempered there aren’t you, or maybe you are just a little jealous of who is getting the title match at Backlash…

HBK: Chris that is a completely different story, let’s save that for another time okay, but I am laying it out right now, whether you or Triple H win this Sunday, the winner, better be all mine after Backlash.

Shawn Michaels drops the mic and walks out of the ring. Jericho shakes his head in anger as he watches HBK walk up the ramp.

: Well King, I don’t know about you, but I am still quite hesitant in believing that whole story, it doesn’t fit together to me…

King: Well JR, you heard it right from the horse’s mouth, HBK is not joining Evolution, if you still don’t believe it, quit announcing and become Sherlock Holmes to get to the bottom of this, because I am sick or your conspiracy theories!


Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg blasts to the ring.

Well King, like it or not, this man has sure showed his dominance over the past couple weeks. Goldberg stormed into the WWE and has toppled giants left and right. He has taken out both Rodney Mack and Mark Henry, this man has sure been on a roll!

King: JR, I am sick and tired of you drooling over Goldberg! This man is dominant? My eye JR, all this guy is, is a bully! JR, did you or did you not see this man last week? He threatened our boss, he threatened Eric Bischoff, this man shouldn’t even have a job in this company! Thank God, because come this Sunday Goldberg will be lucky if he can stand on his own two feet than worrying about his job, Mark Henry and Rodney Mack are top notch athletes and when it comes down to a 2 on 1, Goldberg’s flaws will rear their ugly bald heads!

JR: Well King, don’t be too sure, Goldberg did get the best of Henry and Mack last week during their tag match with the Dudleys, I am pretty sure Goldberg can hold his own in the ring with those two.

Test’s music hits as Test makes his way to the ring.

Goldberg vs. Test

Goldberg and Test start inching closer to one another and they lock up. Test uses his brute force and pushes Goldberg back, but Goldberg answers and starts to push Test back. Goldberg breaks the lock and delivers a huge knee to the gut. Goldberg pushes Test back into the corner and starts reigning punches to the stomach of Test. Goldberg walks out of the corner and then runs in for a running shoulder thrust to the gut, but Test dodges it and nobody was home for Goldberg. Test goes on the offensive and hammers Goldberg across the back. Test grabs him from behind and back drops him. Test covers Goldberg 1…kickout! Test gets on top of Goldberg and hammers him with mounted punches. Goldberg grabs him by the throat with both hands and shoves him onto his back and now Goldberg has control mounting punches on Test. Goldberg gets up and Test gets up right after him. Goldberg runs at him looking for a clothesline, but Test quickly counters, ducks, and nails a neckbreaker on Goldberg. Test covers Goldberg 1…2…kickout! Test gets up and grabs Goldberg by the head. Test grabs Goldberg and puts him on his shoulders. Test starts bending Goldberg in half with the torture rack. Goldberg hammers Test in the side of the head with elbows and Goldberg sneaks out of the back and pushes Test towards the ropes. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and collides with Test sending him to the mat with a shoulder block. Goldberg runs to the ropes and bounces off, but Test jumps up and clobbers Goldberg with a big boot. Test falls on top of Goldberg pinning him 1…2…kickout! Test gets up and starts taunting the crowd. Goldberg gets up behind him with a pissed look on his face which slowly turns to an evil grin. Test turns around and Goldberg grabs him by the throat. Goldberg roars and hoists Test above his head. Goldberg drills Test down with a Gorilla Press. Test squirms on the mat as Goldberg pulls him back up. Goldberg swings him up on his shoulder and drills him down yet again with a running Power Slam. Goldberg signals for the Jackhammer, but Teddy Long, Rodney Mack, and Mark Henry appear at the top of the ramp.

JR: Oh come on, what the hell are they doing out here? They have no business being here!

King: Just like Goldberg last week in their match JR? It’s all fair in love and war!

Mack and Henry walk down the ramp with their sights set on Goldberg. Test slowly gets up behind Goldberg, but Goldberg snaps back and breaks Test in half with a Spear. Goldberg pops up and says Bring it to Teddy’s Goons. Mack and Henry stop when they reach the ring. They are hesitant to enter the ring as Goldberg picks Test up and sets him up for the Jackhammer. Goldberg smiles and lifts him up and plants Test down with the Jackhammer. He pins Test 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: Well King, looks like Goldberg reigns triumphant again!

King: He might have won the match, but with those two on the outside, I don’t think Goldberg is getting out of that ring alive!

Rodney Mack and Mark Henry circle the ring. They stand both on opposite sides of the ring closing in on Goldberg. Goldberg paces in the ring waiting for either of them to make the first move. Mark Henry jumps on the apron, but Goldberg runs towards him and Henry jumps off. Mack comes into the ring behind Goldberg’s back, but Bill turns around and Mack runs out of the ring.

JR: Well King, looks to me like Teddy’s henchman have the advantage here, but neither of them wants to make the move! If I am not mistaking, I would say that Henry and Mack are afraid of Goldberg.

King: Oh JR, can’t you be quiet, they are plotting their next move, they don’t need you blabbing in the background distracting them!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw GM comes down the ramp.

: Hold on, hold on just one damn second! Mark Henry, Rodney Mack, come on back, you guys don’t need to be down there!

JR: What? I am not following this at all King.

Eric Bischoff walks down the ramp and stops when he reaches the ring.

: You see, why would Mark Henry and Rodney Mack waist their time beating the holy hell out of you Goldberg when they have all the time in the world to do that this Sunday? However Goldberg, don’t think I just got you out of the beating you sure as hell deserve, because you’re night is far from over my friend, because tonight you are going to be in action…again! Don’t bother untying your boots because you aren’t quite done yet Bill, have a great night…

King: Eric Bischoff is so generous JR…

JR: Generous my ass King, this is punishment plain and simple. How can a General Manager put one of it’s top stars in 2 matches in one night, this is absurd!

King: I think it’s perfectly logical JR, Goldberg said himself he wanted more competition and he is getting what he wants! I congratulate Eric Bischoff, great decision!


PROMO: Backlash Hype advertising the Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat match

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Raw’s Daredevil comes out of the gate.

Here he is King, Raw’s Resident Daredevil, none other than Jeff Hardy. Jeff is set to compete in a triple threat match this Sunday at Backlash for the Intercontinental Championship with Christian and the man he is facing here tonight, Rob Van Dam!

King: Oh come on JR, we all know Christian is going to win that match, he is captain charisma, compared to Jeff Hardy, it’s like night and day, Jeff Hardy is terrible at charisma, and his wrestling ability is pretty lack luster!

JR: You have got to be kidding me, although Hardy is a man of few words, he makes up for it in the ring doing things that most guys wouldn’t even dream of, this man is going to go places in this business and getting the Intercontinental Championship back is step 1!

RVD’s music hits as Rob Van Dam comes down the ramp.

Jeff Hardy vs. RVD

Jeff Hardy and RVD circle the ring, shake hands, and then lock up. Hardy gets RVD into a side mounted headlock. Jeff Hardy puts the pressure on and then takes him down with a side headlock takedown. Jeff Hardy keeps the headlock locked in, but RVD counters putting a head scissors submission on Jeff Hardy. Hardy swings up into a cradle pin on RVD 1…kickout! Both men shoot up to a huge ovation. They lock up quickly once more. This time RVD gets the better of Jeff Hardy and sets him up for a suplex. RVD gets Hardy up, but Hardy counters the suplex in mid air and takes RVD down again with a side headlock takedown into another headlock on the mat. RVD shifts around on the mat and gets up, Hardy still locking in the headlock. RVD gets his leg up and connects with a huge heel kick to the skull of Hardy. Hardy stumbles and RVD connects with as spin kick. Hardy goes down and RVD nails a backsplash onto Jeff Hardy. RVD gets up and runs to the ropes and rolls onto the mat going for Rolling Thunder, but Jeff Hardy gets the knees up and RVD crashes spine first onto the knees of Hardy. Hardy gets up and grabs the legs of RVD and plants him with the double leg drop to the mid section and groin of RVD. Hardy gets up again and grabs the legs from the other side and brings them down with his legs connecting with a modified bridge like pin pinning him 1…2…kickout! Jeff Hardy quickly picks Van Dam up and whips him towards the ropes, but RVD counters and hurls Hardy towards the ropes and Hardy bounces off and RVD goes for a hip toss, but Hardy counters and slams RVD down with a hip toss of his own. RVD gets up and Hardy nails him with an arm drag, but RVD springs right back up and nails an arm drag on Hardy. Hardy gets up and RVD nails him with another spin kick. RVD connects with a double leg drop to the throat of Hardy then slaps on a head scissors on Jeff. Jeff rolls up backwards breaking the hold and sitting RVD up and Hardy connects with a double drop kick to the mug of Van Dam. Hardy grabs the legs of Van Dam and slingshots him into the corner. RVD counters and lands on his feet on the second rope. Hardy gets up and turns around only to get greeted with a springboard spinkick off the second rope. RVD covers Hardy 1…2…Hardy gets the foot on the rope. RVD pulls him into the center of the ring and runs off the ropes and rolls onto the mat and connects with the Rolling Thunder on Jeff Hardy. RVD covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! RVD shoots up as well as Hardy. RVD goes for a kick, but Hardy catches it and pulls him down and RVD falls onto his back. Jeff takes both legs and nails the double leg drop to the mid section of RVD. Jeff Hardy gets up and pulls RVD up. He kicks him in the gut and goes for the Twist of Fate. He swings for it, but RVD pushes Hardy to the corner and Hardy runs up the corner and connects with the Whisper in the Wind onto RVD. Hardy goes for the pin on RVD 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and goes to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. He signals for the Twist of Fate.

Christian comes running down the ramp.

Jeff Hardy turns his head and sees Christian on the floor. Hardy shoots and nails a cross body on to Captain Charisma. The ref calls for the bell.
WINNER: Draw due to interference

JR: By Gawd King, Air Hardy just made an emergency landing on Captain Charisma!

Hardy picks Christian up and they start brawling on the outside. RVD gets up and bounces off the ropes and suicide dives onto both Christian and Jeff Hardy. RVD gets up and the fans cheer him chanting RVD! RVD! RVD! RVD goes under the ring and pulls out a chair. Christian gets up and RVD hurls the chair and it wraps around Christian’s skull. RVD turns around and picks the chair up once more and Jeff Hardy appears walking on top of the Barricade. He gains speed, but RVD hurls the chair at him and it whacks him in the head and Hardy comes crashing onto the floor.

JR: RVD has had enough King, after loosing to Christian a couple weeks ago, and then coming to a no decision last week, RVD has just about lost it! He just took out both of his opponents this Sunday at Backlash with that steel chair! We just might be taking a look at the new Intercontinental Champion!

King: JR, listen, the only man out of these three men that is even capable of winning that belt is Christian, he is my pick this Sunday for sure…

JR: Well King, it appears to me that RVD sure has the momentum going into Backlash now, these three men have all had their moments in the past weeks, but who will be the new champ!?!?

A limo pulls up and the camera zooms in on who gets out. Out comes, Triple H, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and Batista. They begin walking towards the arena as Jonathan Coachman walks up for a quick word.

Coach: Evolution, guys, what are your thoughts on what Shawn Michaels has said earlier tonight in the Highlight…

Triple H shoves Coach to the side and continues walking with Ric Flair to the arena as Randy Orton and Batista begin to beat the hell out of Coach. Batista slams him into the car, and then Orton whips him into some trash cans. Orton and Batista laugh as they catch up to Flair and Triple H.

JR: Oh King did you see that? Evolution just destroyed the Coach, I think we need some medical attention for Coach, we’ll be right back! By Gawd!


Terri with WWE Women’s Champion Trish Stratus.

Terri: I am here with the WWE Women’s Champion Trish Stratus. Now Trish, last week while you were home rehabilitating in your home in Toronto, you sent a message to Molly Holly and Victoria. Trish, you have Molly Holly for the Women’s Championship this Sunday, but tonight you have Victoria, what are your thoughts about tonight’s match?

Trish: Well Terri, you will probably understand since you’re a Diva yourself, that we don’t take crap from anybody! I am sick of Divas like Victoria and Molly going around that locker room like bullies just to get their way. You don’t see me going around beating up Divas left and right almost putting them out of action, but that’s what Victoria almost did a couple weeks ago, taking a steel chair and crashing it on my knee. Well, I got a message for Victoria, Molly you listen too, I am not at the top of this business by acting like you, I do it with skill, athleticism, knowledge, and just a tad bit of Stratusfaction, and tonight, you will know why I am the WWE Women’s Champion!

JR: Big words from the WWE Women’s Champ, can she back it up? Trish is in action here tonight against Victoria!

King: Oh I can’t wait JR, I am so happy Trish is in the house this week, I don’t know how I got through last week’s show!

La Resistance’s music hits as Rob Conway and Rene Dupree comes out of the gate.

Oh great JR, look who’s here, La Resistance…

JR: Well King, I am not a fan of their heritage, but I am a fan of these guys’ athleticism they are some of the hardest hitters on Raw today!

Dupree: Bonjour, we are La Resistance, the most dominating Tag Team to ever grace this pitiful land you call the Land of the Free! Why do they call this the Land of the Free anyway, you have to buy everything here! I had to pay just to get my boots shined! If you ask me everything is over priced, over emphasized, and over rated in this god forsaken country!

Conway: Everyone is greedy in America, you all want it all, but don’t give an inch to anyone else, you are all selfish and power hungry if you like it or not!

Dupree: Hey Robert, you know what time it is?

Conway: No Rene, what time is it?

Dupree: Time to give these people a taste of sophisticated culture; let’s sing the French National Anthem!

Conway: You know what, superb proposal Rene, let’s do it!

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as Bubba Ray and Devon come out of the gate standing at the top of the stage.

: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that’s all we ever hear out of you two, that and how much you want our Tag titles. What the hell is the matter with you two loons? We might be close to Canada here in Seattle, but all of these great fans are full blooded Americans am I right?

The crowd starts chanting USA! USA! USA!

Damn right, God Bless the USA!

Bubba: You are talking about how “greedy†America is? What America wants? The only thing we want right now is for you two foreign bastards out of our ring! You will have enough camera time this Sunday when we beat the holy hell out of you two at Backlash. You’ll be on TV for awhile, because the beating me and my Brother Devon got in store for you is so bad, we’ll be beating the hell out of you all over the damn Arena!

Rene: Huh, huh, we you big fat American slobs, that’s easy for you to say when you are up there, I bet you can’t even muscle up the strength to walk down that ramp.

Bubba: Huh, Devon, do you have enough strength to go down that ramp?

Devon: Oh my Brother!!! Testify!!!!

The Dudley Boys run down the ramp and slide into the ring. Conway grabs the French flag and breaks it over Devon’s head. Bubba comes in and Dupree clotheslines him. La Resistance starts stomping the hell out of Bubba Ray and Devon. Rene puts Bubba Ray in a Camel Clutch, but starts choking him with the French Flag. Rene lets go and La Resistance starts taunting the crowd. They lay both Bubba and Devon side by side and throw the French flag over them to a huge ovation of boos.

JR: This is disgusting King, how the hell can they do that?!?!

King: This is really turning my stomach JR, I hope La Resistance cherishes this, because this Sunday, it will be a different Story!


Evolution is in their locker room.

HHH: Can someone please tell me just what in the blue hell is going on? Someone, anyone, please? Ric, what the hell am I hearing about Shawn Michaels? Flair, I thought you took care of it, last week you said HBK was out of our hair…more importantly…out of my way!

Flair: Listen Champ, last time I spoke with him it was a different story from what he said out there believe me!

HHH: Then what the hell was Michaels blabbing out there how he wasn’t with us? I don’t need this Ric, I got a World title match to think about this Sunday, I don’t have the time to be dealing with this bullcrap! You have Jericho tonight Ric, it’s on your shoulders now, Chris has went 3 straight against Evolution, if you lose you’ll make it 4-0, and we don’t want that now, do we Ric? Nay-tch, I am going to tell you once, just one more time, take care of it, because if you don’t I will, and I don’t think anyone wants to see that!

Triple H walks out in a fit of rage.

Flair: Randy, Dave, I got a way to make it up to Triple H, number one take Jericho out tonight, and two, Shawn Michaels, he is mine at Backlash!

Orton: Ric, are you serious, taking out HBK?

Flair: That’s the only way to know if he is with us, or against us! It’s time to pay the piper boys for HBK! WOOOO!!

JR: Is he serious King? HBK and Flair this Sunday?


JR: Well King before the break it was a heated confrontation between La Resistance and the Dudley Boys finishing with La Resistance burying the Dudleys under the French Flag, well King, straight from Eric Bischoff I am getting word that it will be the Dudley Boys defending the World Tag Titles against La Resistance in a Flag Match this Sunday at Backlash!

King: Well La Resistance better be ready to face the stars and stripes at Backlash, because after what we saw, the Dudley Boys are far from happy about this!

JR: Let’s hope Old Glory is going to run wild at Backlash!

Trish Stratus’ music hits as the WWE Women’s Champion comes down the ramp.

King: Oh JR, Trish is the hottest Diva here in the WWE, but tonight it’s not about being hot, well for it is, but for Trish it’s all about…

JR: Revenge. Trish was put on the shelf for 2 weeks by Victoria and tonight she wants vengeance, but Trish has got to watch herself because she has to defend that strap this Sunday night at Backlash!

Victoria’s music hits as Victoria walks down the ramp.

: This right here King is jezebel, if it were up to me, if you aren’t as pretty as Trish Stratus, you aren’t allowed on Raw, go to SmackDown!

JR: Now that’s not fair King, this isn’t a beauty pageant!

King: Maybe not to you JR, but to me beauty is 99% of this match!

Trish Stratus vs. Victoria
Trish runs at Victoria and nails a Thesz Press into repeated mounted punches. She fire away at Victoria until the ref has no choice but to pull her off. She tries to break away from the ref’s grip and does. Victoria gets up stumbling and Trish spears her into a takedown and starts clobbering her with punches again. The ref pulls her off of Victoria once again and starts screaming at her, but it’s hard to hear because the fans are on their feet. Victoria sneaks out under the bottom rope and begins to walk up the ramp. The ref still screams at Stratus, but Trish pushes him out of the way and runs out of the ring after Victoria. Trish nails Victoria in the back of the head with a vicious forearm. Trish stomps the hell out of Victoria. She has a crazy look on her face and drags her by the hair back to the ring. She picks Victoria up and brings her to the steel steps and attempts to slam her face first onto the stairs, but Victoria blocks and clocks Trish’s head off the stairs. Trish crashes onto the floor.

King: Oh man not to Trish’s pretty face! This is a tragedy!

JR: Well King, talk about a momentum killer if I have ever seen one!

Victoria drags Stratus up and rams her spine first into the ring apron. She turns Trish around and slams her face first off the apron and slides her into the ring. The fans continue to boo Victoria as she slides into the ring and picks Trish up. She throws her into the corner and Trish hits the turnbuckles hard. Victoria goes for a hard chop, but Trish ducks and pulls the switch-a-roo. She gets Victoria in the corner and starts nailing her with repeated hard chops. Trish starts kicking the hell out of Victoria. Victoria falls onto the mat in the corner. Trish walks backwards and points to the crowd to a huge reaction. Victoria gets up and charges Trish. Trish turns around and ducks Victoria’s clothesline. Trish quickly turns Victoria around and pulls her legs out from under her and Victoria goes down. Trish goes for a sharpshooter, but Victoria pushes her away with her legs. Victoria gets up and Trish hunches over in pain. Victoria runs up and knees her in the temple. Trish flips back and Victoria grabs her and plants her down with an inverse DDT. Victoria covers Trish 1…2…kickout! Victoria gets on top of Trish Stratus and slams her head off the canvas over and over. She starts choking Trish with a forearm to the throat. The ref pulls Victoria off Trish this time and starts to warn her. Victoria pushes him aside and Trish drop toe holds her into the turnbuckles. She pulls Victoria up and places her in the corner. She pauses, points to the crowd and then nails the Stratusphere. Trish gets up and signals for the Stratusfaction. She pulls Victoria up, but Victoria throws her to the ropes, but Trish counters and hurls Victoria to the ropes. Victoria bounces off the ropes and goes for a big boot, but Trish counters with the MaTrish. Victoria turns around and Trish nails the Chick Kick clobbering Victoria. She covers Victoria 1…2…3!
WINNER: Trish Stratus

JR: Toronto’s Gift to the WWE gets the pin on Victoria! Trish Stratus defeats Victoria with her signature Chick Kick!

King: Oh JR, who knows what would have happened if Victoria would have nailed the big boot on poor Trish!

JR: Well talk about momentum going into Backlash King, Trish Stratus is on a roll!

Trish stands in the corner holding up the Women’s Title as Molly Holly appears at the top of the stage and both Divas stare daggers through one another.


Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate for the second time tonight.

Well King, here he is, the hottest thing going in the WWE, Bill Goldberg!

King: JR, for the record, I want Goldberg to get destroyed here, he doesn’t deserve a job here, he is just a has been that is living off his lack luster reputation in…what was that company called again???

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as The Raw GM hits the stage.

First of all let me just say the destruction of Bill Goldberg here tonight is not the main event, who would want to see this piece of garbage the main event anyway? Tonight’s main event is, yes, it is true, Chris Jericho will attempt to go 4-0 against Evolution as he goes against the Nature Boy Ric Flair, plus, the other rumor is true as well, as the Nature Boy will represent Evolution this Sunday as he goes one on one with the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels! However, that’s at Backlash, as for tonight. Well Bill, I got to tell you, I am really sorry I have to do this, but you give me no other choice. I warned you last week, but I guess words don’t comprehend with you easily. This Sunday you will be going against Theodore Long’s top notch competitors Mark Henry and Rodney Mack, however, I don’t think you should worry about Backlash just yet, because you have an even bigger hurtle to climb right here tonight, let me introduce you to your partner…good luck…

Kane’s music hits as Kane walks through the flames walking to the ring.

: By Gawd King! Through Hell Fire and Brimstone! It’s the Big Red Machine Kane!

King: Kane vs Goldberg? Right here tonight? This is going to be great!

Goldberg vs. Kane
Goldberg stands dead center in the middle of the ring while Kane stands motionless in the corner staring at Goldberg. Goldberg tells Kane “You’re Next,†and Kane walks over to Goldberg and gets in his face. Kane grabs Goldberg by the throat and starts choking him, but Goldberg slaps a choke on Kane as well. They continue choking each other, but Kane breaks free of Goldberg’s hold and throws Goldberg into the corner by the throat. Kane runs towards Goldberg and big boots him across the face. Kane nails a right hook to Goldberg in the corner and starts choking him with his forearm. Kane is forced to break the hold after the four-count by the ref. Kane takes Goldberg and swings him across the ring. Goldberg hits the ropes and holds onto the top stopping in his tracks. Kane runs towards Goldberg, but Bill shoots him above his head and over the top rope and Kane crashes onto the floor. Goldberg exits the ring under the bottom rope and grabs Kane. He attempts to swing Kane into the barricade, but Kane counters and shoots Goldberg into the barricade. Kane runs towards Goldberg going for a clothesline, but Goldberg catches Kane and throws him above his head again and Kane flies over the barricade, but lands on his feet in the audience. Goldberg turns around and Kane jacks him with a right hook. Kane grabs Goldberg by the throat with both hands and whips him over the barricade into the crowd. Kane grabs Goldberg by the head and they brawl through the audience. The camera shifts backstage and Goldberg and Kane emerge in the hallway of the arena. The ref tries to get them back to the ring, but it’s no good. Kane takes Goldberg and slams him into the wall. Kane drags Goldberg to the backstage hallways and slams him face first onto a table. Goldberg shows life as he nails Kane in the ribs with elbows. Goldberg connects with some shots and slams Kane’s head off the table. Eric Bischoff appears at the end of the hallway and starts screaming at Goldberg. Goldberg slams Kane against the wall and starts walking towards Bischoff. Eric Bischoff runs down the hallway and Goldberg runs after him, all of a sudden Mark Henry and Rodney Mack come out from opposite sides of the hallway and ambush Goldberg. Mark Henry holds him and Rodney Mack connects with shots for a two on one combo. Eric Bischoff starts talking trash to Goldberg and slaps him across the face.

Bischoff: Long night huh? See you piece of garbage, I am always right, you should always listen to me! Never ever threaten me you bastard, I run this show, and I own you! I swear if somehow you worm your way through this Sunday, don’t think I won’t be there, because as of now, I am going to make your life…a living hell!!!

JR: Come on! This is disgusting, what kind of boss puts his employees through this King?!?!? This is disturbing!

King: Well JR, he is Eric Bischoff, the higher power, and that’s exactly what he is doing, flexing his muscles around the locker room, there is nothing wrong with that!

JR: Oh King, wake up and smell the roses, this was a straight up ambush by Bischoff! Can’t you see that?

Bischoff: The only thing I see JR is smart tactics and strategic planning…


Evolution’s theme music hits as Ric Flair comes out of the gate accompanied by Randy Orton and Batista.

: I have gotten word that Triple H, the World Heavyweight Champion, refused to come out here tonight due to Ric Flair’s “incompetence.†Looks to me like because Ric Flair didn’t get what Triple H wanted him to accomplish, Triple H doesn’t have much faith in him tonight!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Well JR, I for one sure hope Chris Jericho enjoyed his streak over Evolution because it all ends here tonight, Jericho will not go 4-0 against Evolution and he sure as hell won’t go 5-0 this Sunday over Triple H becoming World Champion, there is no chance in hell!

Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair w/ Randy Orton and Batista
Ric and Chris circle around the ring and both men appear to lock up, but Ric Flair doubles back and slicks his hair back messing with Y2J. Jericho laughs then both men lock up. Ric gets the best of Jericho and twists his arm behind his back. Jericho struggles, but counters and twists Ric’s arm behind his back. Ric twists out of it and snaps back with a hard chop. Flair hurls Jericho across the ring. Jericho bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline to Flair, but Flair ducks. Jericho bounces off the opposite side of the ring and Flair goes for a hip toss, but Jericho blocks and nails Flair with a hip toss of his own. Flair gets up and Jericho nails him with an atomic drop. Jericho clobbers Flair with a clothesline. Jericho uses his mat tactics and nails some knee drops onto the arm of Flair. Y2J then slaps on an arm lock on the Nature Boy. Ric rolls out off the lock and delivers a kick to Jericho. Jericho gets up and Ric nails him with a hard chop. Jericho backs into the corner. Flair has him right where he wants him and unloads hard chops over and over. After numerous chops, Jericho reverses and flips Flair into the corner and nails him with hard chops of his own. Jericho starts stomping Flair and Flair falls into the corner. Jericho runs to the adjacent corner and nails a running foot across the face to Flair. The fans chant Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! as Jericho pulls Ric up and shoots him across the ring. Flair bounces back and Jericho sends him up then down with a back drop. Flair staggers back up to his feet and Jericho takes him down with a body slam into a pin 1…2…kickout! Jericho takes Flair up and Flair delivers the straight eye rake. Flair bounces off the ropes and nails Jericho with a shoulder block. Ric Flair struts his stuff and bounces off the ropes and then drops a huge knee drop onto Chris Jericho. Flair goes to Jericho’s legs and signals for the Figure Four. Ric twists the legs, but Jericho powers out and pushes Flair into the ropes. Jericho gets up and charges Flair and both men fly over the top rope. Jericho gets up and is greeted with Randy Orton and Batista on each side of him. The ref screams from the ring for them to stay back.

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as HBK comes down the ramp.

Well King, it’s Déjà vu all over again, it’s Shawn Michaels! Once again coming out to the aid of Chris Jericho!

HBK rushes ringside and stands up to Orton and Batista like he wants to throw down right there, but Orton and Batista mysteriously back off. The ref concentrates on Orton and Batista backing off while Ric Flair delivers a straight low blow to Jericho. He takes Y2J and throws him shoulder first into the stairs. Flair rolls back into the ring to break the ring out count and then slides back out after Jericho. Jericho delivers shots to the mid section of Jericho. Jericho rises and slams Flair’s head off the canvas and slides him into the ring. Jericho springboards off the second rope into a leg drop on Flair. Y2J covers Ric Flair 1…2…kickout! Jericho gets up and signals for the Lionsault. He goes to run over Flair towards the ropes, but Ric grabs Jericho’s boot stopping him in his tracks. Flair gets up and pulls on the boot of Y2J and Jericho falls onto his back. He goes for the Figure Four and locks it in on Chris Jericho. Ric is right by the ropes and Orton starts pulling on Flair’s arms to put more pressure on behind the ref’s back, but HBK runs over to Evolution and Orton and Batista high tail it up the ramp with HBK is hot pursuit. Jericho manages to finally flip the Figure Four over putting the pressure onto Ric Flair. Flair panics, but grabs onto the bottom rope. Jericho breaks the hold and Flair rolls out of the ring crashing onto the floor. Flair gets up and Jericho springboards over the top rope with a flying cross body onto Ric Flair. Jericho gets up to a huge ovation. Y2J picks up Flair and tosses him in the ring. Jericho runs into the ring and springboards off the second rope nailing the Lionsault onto the Nature Boy. Jericho grabs the legs of the Nature Boy and attempts to lock in the Walls of Jericho. Jericho finally flips Flair over and locks in the submission.

Triple H appears out of the gate with a sledgehammer in hand. He stands at the top of the ramp shaking his head in disgust.

: Well King the Game finally decided to show up, but he might be too late!

King: Well JR, when you have such a failure like Ric Flair, you aren’t in that much of a rush to help him out.

Flair looks at Triple H at the top of the ramp screaming in pain and taps out.
WINNER: Chris Jericho

JR: By Gawd Chris Jericho did it! Y2J has beaten Evolution 4 straight weeks in a row! I can’t believe it!

Triple H walks down the ramp carrying the World title and the sledgehammer. He walks into the ring as Jericho celebrates. Triple H drops the World Title and helps Ric up. He stands Ric on his own two feet and begins to walk away. Triple H gets to the ropes and starts to turn around like he is going to hit Flair with the sledgehammer, but Jericho gets in the way stopping the Game from hitting the Nature Boy.

JR: Thank God for Chris Jericho! Triple H is power hungry, if you can’t help him, he’ll drop you in a second!

King: Well JR, Triple H told Ric Flair that if Flair couldn’t get it done, the Game would do it himself!

Jericho starts talking trash to Triple H and the Game screams at Jericho to get out of the way, but from behind Ric Flair delivers a low blow to Jericho. Triple H’s angry grin turns to a smile. Flair gets up with a smile on his face. Flair and Triple H hug in the ring and raise each other’s hands. Flair kicks the hell out of Jericho and sits him up. Triple H grips the sledgehammer and drills it into the spine of Y2J and Chris Jericho crumbles to the mat.

JR: NO! NO! NO! Triple H has just destroyed Chris Jericho with that sledgehammer! Triple H plays dirty, Ric Flair is the dirtiest player in the game, but I think these two men have just reached a new low! Well, King, do you still side with these creeps now! They have crippled Y2J! Crippled, King!

King: …

JR: That’s what I thought!


WWE Raw Presents WWE Backlash
LIVE! on PPV from Milwaukee, WI at 8e/7c

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho

Rodney Mack and Mark Henry vs. Goldberg

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Christian vs. Rob Van Dam

Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus defends against Molly Holly

World Tag Team Championship
Flag Match
Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance​


BM: All of them were very good


BP: I would have to go with the backstage segment with Evolution


Rating: 9/10

Comments: Once again, your matches, even for a non-PPV are still very well drawn out and worked very well. That is definitely one of your top strengths imo. The deal with Evolution and Jericho/HBK is getting better and better each week, as if I haven't already said that...lol. The Bischoff/Goldberg situation is drawing closer and closer each week and should be very exciting. I wonder who Bischoff will hire as his henchman since I doubt he will go at Goldberg himself. The IC Title situation is also very solid. No complaints. I pretty much ROFL'd at the La Resistance promo. Great stuff there will all promos. Another amazing strength. I honestly haven't really seen a weakness. I will say one thing though. I don't think you've opened a show yet with a match. Maybe try starting out with a match and the big promo in the opening 2nd hr of the show in one of your next shows. Just a thought.

Overall, another solid show and an bit of an improvment over last week. (If that is even possible) I'm definitely looking forward to the PPV, and I know if it's as good as your weekly shows, it's not going to disappoint.

Here's my predictions:

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

BTW, those match cards OWN. I wonder who made those for you? :wink_5:

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: HBK vs. Flair, this is really a best way to hype the title match at Backlash

Worst Match: Goldberg vs. Test, it's still a good match but I think this is the least enjoyable match of tonight.

Best Promo: Highlight Reel

Worst Promo: Terri/Trish

Additional Feedbacks: What a nice show before Backlash. The HHH/Jericho match will be totally off the hook and I believe, we are going to see HBK around the ringside as an enforcer of this match. Looks like Goldberg is stealing some spotlight and at Backlash, this handicap match will totally be a squash for his opponents. I can't wait for Backlash and here are my predictions:

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

BTW, Check out HEW if you want to


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event, but all were really good


BP: Evolution backstage



Comments: Your matches are good and your promos are amazing. Still in my eyes the best promo writer on this site. I can't wait for backlash, it looks like a good PPV. Ill keep reviewing. KEep it up, im glad you returned. Review for Review cause my ONS PPV Part One has been posted. Thanks


Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

PPV looks great

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Flair vs Y2J, great way to end the build up of HHH hiding behind Evolution and Y2J fighting all the odds against him.

WM: The Women's match, you know the reason

BP: Evolution backstage. The opening promo was good, but for some reason I just didn't like Jericho's part.

WP: None.

AC: Awesome show and way to end the buildup going to Backlash. Good way and decision of a feud for Goldberg and keep him away from main event. His feud with Bischoff has been entertaining. The whole Evolution/HBK/Y2J thing has been great.

CP: Check out the first part of No Way Out on WWE vs ECW and BTW Show posted. Also don't forget to vote for CyberSlam

CT Styles

BM: Y2J/Flair, great match.


BP: I liked Y2J's Highlight Reel.

WP: ...lol as if.

AC: Good SHow and a great show to go into Backlash with. I look forward to Backlash wiht great matches like HBK/Flair & Y2J/HHH (That is in my Backlash too lol) The Evolution/HBK angle is good to. Great show

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : The main event of course, the involvement of HBK and the rest of Evolution add some excitement.

WM : Goldberg vs Test, wasnt into it at all, hate these two guys

BP : Eric Bischoff. The way you make him feud with Goldberg is pretty good, and I liked how you brought Kane for his second match o the night, that was surprising, I like that angle

WP : all were good but I'd say trish stratus interview

Ac : wha a great show, the build up to Backlash has been almost perfect for every matches !


Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance
I think the french guys will find a way to win that match

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly
I just can't see Trish losing by now, that feud needs more time

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian
hard to predict, three men have their chances. I'd go with the heel, Christian.

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels
tough one more time, flair could be helped by Evolution, but this is my feeling, hbk is going to win this match

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack
you put Goldberg huge, I dont see why he should lose this match

Triple H vs Chris Jericho
quite hard, HHH was the last man standing at the last show, that could mean Jericho will win the title...But Y2J is 4-0 with evolution, so here we go with hhh, and why not a intereference of Shawn Michaels ?


WWE Raw presents
WWE Backlash
LIVE this Sunday only on PPV from Milwaukee, WI!

One month ago the biggest night in sports entertainment happened, WrestleMania XIX, but this Sunday, the WWE Raw superstars return to PPV, let the backlash begin!


Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Christian vs. RVD

Late last year the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H battled the, then, Intercontinental Champion Kane in a unification match which saw Triple H defeating Kane thus unifying the Intercontinental Championship and the World’s Heavyweight title. This Sunday at WWE Backlash, the WWE reinstates the Intercontinental Championship. Over the past few weeks there have been qualifying matches to see which superstars will land a spot in this history making match. We saw Jeff Hardy defeating Christian to become the first. Then, Christian went for another shot battling RVD, but both men wanted the chance so badly, the match ended in a double count out. Jeff Hardy, the risk taker that he is, challenged Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff to make it a triple threat match, in response, Eric Bischoff made it official. Thus, this Sunday night, the first Intercontinental Champion in 7 months will be crowned as Jeff Hardy battles RVD and Christian in a triple threat match!

Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus defends against Molly Holly

Trish Stratus is the most dominant Diva in WWE history. As the current Women’s Champion, Trish has many obstacles in her path of remaining the champion. As of the past couple weeks Trish has had a target on her back, not just one Diva is after her, but two. Molly Holly and Victoria have both set their sights on the WWE Women’s Championship, but after Trish defeated Victoria on a past Raw, it knocked her out of title contention. The following week, Raw GM Eric Bischoff awarded Molly Holly the No. 1 Contender’s spot at Backlash. With no other options, Victoria decided to align herself with the No. 1 Contender and try to take out the Women’s Champ. After brutal beatdown by Victoria using a steel chair against Trish Stratus, almost taking Trish out of action, the Women’s Champ showed why she’s the title holder firing back at Victoria defeating her on last week’s Raw. Trish surely has the momentum in this match, but will that be enough to take down the former Women’s Champion Molly Holly at Backlash?

World Tag Team Championship
Flag Match
Dudley Boys defend against La Resistance

Raw’s Tag Team scene has heated up as of late. The Dudley Boys and La Resistance have had some heated matches, as well as some heated words. La Resistance verbally destroyed America and everything it stands for, but the Dudley Boys wouldn’t take that lying down. Over the past few weeks both teams have beat the hell out of each other back and fourth, but this Sunday, in a rematch from a couple weeks ago, the Dudley Boys will defend their World Tag Team Championships against La Resistance in a Flag match at Backlash!

Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels

Over the past month, Ric Flair has been talking backstage with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Nobody really has had any answers as to what this is about, but some have speculated if the Nature Boy tried to get HBK to join Evolution. In a match a couple weeks ago pinning Chris Jericho vs. Batista, we saw a 4 on 1 beatdown of Chris Jericho vs. Evolution. HBK’s music hit as HBK came down the ramp, but he looked confused. Jericho gasped for air waiting for the Showstopper to save him, but Ric Flair motioned for HBK to help beat the hell out of Jericho. Distraught, HBK turned his back on the situation and went up the ramp. Last week, Shawn Michaels was Jericho’s guest on the Highlight Reel where he distinctively said that he is not joining Evolution. However, this angered Evolution. Triple H expected Ric Flair to get the job done with HBK, whatever that might mean, and with Ric Flair trying to secure his spot in Evolution, he challenged Shawn Michaels at Backlash. Will Shawn Michaels play by his own rules, or go back on his word and side with the Nature Boy? Looks like it’s “Put up or Shut up†time for the Showstopper this Sunday.

Goldberg vs. Rodney Mack and Mark Henry

The most explosive man in Sports Entertainment, the biggest acquisition in WWE history debuted on Monday Night Raw with a bang and has been destroying superstar after superstar in his path. He plowed through Test, Mark Henry and Rodney Mack, but his domination didn’t settle with one man, Eric Bischoff. Eric Bischoff has had a long history with Goldberg over the years in the old WCW and their rivalry resurfaced. Eric Bischoff vowed to make Goldberg’s life a living hell after Goldberg said to Bischoff’s face that Eric’s roster was not tough enough, and that’s how this match originated. Bischoff even went as far as to book Goldberg in two matches last week, one against Test, the second against a mystery partner which turned out to be the Big Red Machine Kane. Kane lured Goldberg backstage into a 2 on 1 beatdown by Mark Henry and Goldberg. With Goldberg being 3-0 walking into Backlash, will his streak continue?

World Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho

Long time rivals Chris Jericho and Triple H will lock it up once more for the World Heavyweight Championship. The night after WrestleMania Triple H was very confident after his victory after he defeated Booker T and issued an open challenge to any superstar who wanted piece of the Game. Chris Jericho answered the Game’s call and took him on in the main event. Chris Jericho emerged from the ashes making the Game submit to the Walls of Jericho. Eric Bischoff made the announcement, after Jericho’s victory, Raw’s GM named Chris Jericho the new number one contender for Backlash and ever since then, Chris Jericho has taken on and defeated every member of Evolution, which really must be a thorn is the Game’s side. However, after Chris Jericho defeated his 4th straight member of Evolution, Ric Flair, the Game clobbered Jericho in the back of the head with a Sledgehammer. Each competitor has huge momentum going into this match, can Jericho go 5-0 against Evolution, or will Triple H retain his Championship once again? Order WWE Backlash to find out!

With pride, honor, and gold, on the line, who will benefit or suffer the Backlash of WrestleMania?​

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
A great detailed preview for Backlash, XB. I'm really looking forward to this pay-per-view and here are my predictions.

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Trish Stratus vs Molly Holly

Jeff Hardy vs RVD vs Christian

Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels

Goldberg vs Mark Henry/Rodney Mack

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

This looks like a real good card and I can't wait to check it out! All of the matches have potential but I'm still a bit skeptical about Goldberg versus Mark Henry and Rodney Mack. By the way, nice graphics, man.