WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Jericho/hhh. Of course, cheers for the Jericho's surprising victory, that was very well done.

Wm : Goldberg / Rodney Mack. A squash, but it had a purpose, that put Goldberg over for his return.

BP : I would say HHH when he ade his open challenge at the end

WP : Trish / Victoria. It was out of character IMO. And the "period" line was bahhhhh

AC : It was a good show, i want to see where the Jericho / HHH will go

CT Styles

BM: HHH/Jericho, Awesome.

WM: They were all good but if I had to pick one, HBK vs Test, I just couldn't get into it as much as the other ones, it seemed really mechanical if you see waht I'm saying.

BP: Evolution/HBK. I hope there is a feud coming up with them, maybe Y2J/HBK vs Orton/HHH?

WP: All were good.

AC: Good debut show, it seemed like a real RAW. I look forward to future shows by you. Hopefully it can be like iMPACT and last ages.

Rating: 8/10


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: Christian/RVD. That match was a great example of how things work when you pair to superstars with their ability together.
WM: Trist/Victoria
BP: Bischoff/HHH
WP: Jeff Hardy interview, it was ok, nothin' amazing though.
Additional Comments: Glad to see you back and as Peepshow said it wasn't an amazing first show back but it still done it's job. Nice show!


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Had to be the Main Event...Jericho winning was a surprise and i beat HHH is going to let his temper get the better of him next week about Jericho...i also liked the RVD/Christian match, you really surprised me with the Christian win...i see him in the IC title hunt with the win

WM: I would have to say the Goldberg/Mack. it was a squash and served its purpose but Henry might of been a better choice for the first win unless u are saving that for next week...also 1-0

BP: The opening promo was excellent and really set up the all-evolution night...however dont turn HHH into the 2006 Cena...please don't please

WP: I would have to say the woman's promo...it was ok but seemed a little confusing to me...but the period line was funny

AC: Your first show was pretty awesome...i liked the Evolution night and some of your victories were very surprising to me

CP: Check out WWE vs. ECW...both shows have been posted



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

This Week WWE Raw rolls into San Diego, tempers flare and egos collide on our way to Backlash LIVE on PPV!

After a huge victory over World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, what is next for Y2J Chris Jericho?

The Intercontinental Championship will be re-instated at Backlash and this week Christian and Jeff Hardy collide and the winner advances to the Intercontinental Championship match at Backlash.

La Resistance continues their quest for the World Tag Team Championships as they collide with the Dudley Boys once again this week in a non title match.

Goldberg defeated Rodney Mack last week, but this week his path of dominance continues as he faces Mack’s tag team partner Mark Henry. Will Goldberg’s return be cut short at the hands of the World’s Strongest Man?

WWE Women’s Champion Trish Stratus will be in action.

...all that plus more when Raw comes to you LIVE from San Diego!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Really liked the main event match by giving HHH a loss to Y2J.

Worst Match: Godlberg vs. Rodney Mack

Best Promo: Bischoff's intro with the Evolution

Worst Promo: Your promos are great just like the same

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show, I haven't catch up watching Raw during that year but I remember that Y2J is a heel during that time and he just loss from HBK. Oh well, nice show, I wonder who will be the no. 1 contender for HHH's title, will it be really Y2J? I'll check it out.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw, LIVE from San Diego, California! JR Jim Ross and Jerry “the King†Lawler at ringside, what a show we have got for you…

Eric Bishoff’s music hits as the Raw GM comes to the ring.

Well JR, looks like you have just been interrupted by our GM!

JR: This wouldn’t be the first time King…

Bischoff: Ladies and gentlemen, you probably know, being Raw GM, presents very many difficult tasks that are put on my shoulders, to be able to communicate, to compromise with the WWE superstars, mainly make all of the tough decisions. That’s why I stand before you today, because I had to make a difficult decision, mainly pertaining to the World Heavyweight Championship, and its holder Triple H. Last week I told Triple H, that I would have a number one contender for his World Heavyweight championship match at Backlash and I indeed found one. Now due to that outcome of last week’s main event, I am proud to say that the new number one contender to Triple H’s World Championship is Y2J Chris Jericho!

Triple H’s music hits as the Game walks down the ramp.

Now with all my years of experience in this business, there are still some things I will never understand for the life of me. For instance, why Hulk Hogan found his way onto the WrestleMania card this year? Why do I find myself in crappy towns like San Diego, California? Here’s another, how can SmackDown! Get a sexy GM like Stephanie, while we get stuck with this little weasel? What puzzles me the most is, where in the hell do you get off naming Chris Jericho number one contender? Bischoff, I thought you were on my side? What the hell is going on here Eric!?!?

Bischoff: Now Triple H, calm down, and for the record I will let the weasel remark go, but as far as Chris Jericho and the World Championship goes, he made Triple H tap out last week if you like it or not!

HHH: Eric, you know as well as I do that was a cheap win, he should have been disqualified, he sent me through the announcer’s table, how can you tell me that’s anywhere near legal? Jericho isn’t even in my league! It’s like pitting WCW to WWE, there was just no comparison…oh, sorry Bischoff, bad comparison. I am the Game, the Cerebral Assassin, the World’s Heavyweight Champion, and you are going to try to sell Backlash, by having me fight…Chris Jericho?

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J breaks the walls down and walks down the ramp into the ring.

: Are you done Triple H?

HHH: No Chris I’m…

Y2J: Shut the hell up! Triple H, I can’t believe what I am hearing out of your mouth, I am not in your league? You got to be kidding me, if anyone isn’t in a league, you are damn sure not in my league. As a matter of fact, there’s only one person in my league, and that’s me, Y2J, the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah, the Sexy Beast, the first ever Undisputed Champion, the man of 1,004 holds, the one and only Chris Jericho!

HHH: Those are real great nicknames and catchphrases you got there Chris, if you wrestling ability was nearly as good as your mic skills, maybe you would be the one holding the championship, and, by the way Chris, don’t take that as a complement, because in this business, the professional wrestling business, you can have the biggest yap in the world, but having good mic skills doesn’t earn you squat!

Y2J: Well Triple H, if my memory serves me correctly, those so called wrestling skills, or lack there of, managed to beat your ass last week! I bet I can do it again too Triple H, because as all of these great fans heard just moments ago, Jericho and Triple H are going to go at it one more time at Backlash! Triple H, and at Backlash, I history will repeat itself one more time as I make your ass tap one more time and hold the World’s Championship above my head over your motionless body!

HHH: Chris, the only thing you will be holding is your head right after I bash your brains out at Backlash, because Jericho, You will never be in the same league as me no matter what outlandish thoughts pop up in that little head of your’s.

Y2J: We’ll see Triple H, we’ll see.

Chris Jericho’s music plays as Jericho begins to walk away.

: Well Chris Jericho sending a message to Triple H here tonight, he wants the World Heavyweight…

Triple H runs behind Jericho and cracks him in the back of the head with the World’s Heavyweight Championship. Triple H flips him over and starts mounting punches on Y2J’s skull. Triple H gets up and picks Jericho up by the hair and nails him with the Pedigree. He gets up and holds the World’s Heavyweight Championship above his head.

: Well JR, Triple H got that message quick, and he replied, Y2J just got put down by the Game JR. I am not surprised, did you see that way Chris Jericho disrespected our champion? Horrible.

PROMO: Backlash Hype

The Dudley Boys’ music hits as Bubba Ray and Devon come down the ramp.

: Well King, getting on a better subject, after that horrible display by our World’s Champion, you see it on your screens, Bubba Ray and Devon Dudley, the World Tag Team Champs, are coming down to the ring!

King: It isn’t no surprise La Resistance asked for a rematch JR, they are cowards, they couldn’t get the job done the first time and now all of a sudden they want another chance, hope they don’t choke this time!

JR: Let’s remind out viewers, unlike last week, this is a non title match, but if La Resistance could defeat the Dudley’s here tonight, that might catapult them into contention for the World Tag Titles!

La Resistance’s music hits as Conwayand Rene Dupree come down the ramp.

Dudley Boys vs. La Resistance

Devon and Rene Dupree start the match. Rene goes for a straight right, but Devon blocks and connects with right hands. Devon doubles back and bounces off the ropes and shoulder blocks Dupree. Devon runs and bounces off the ropes, jumps over Dupree, bounces off the other side, Dupree gets up, Devon charges Dupree, and Rene Dupree drills Devon down with a huge Samoan Drop. Dupree covers Devon 1…2…kickout! Dupree gets on top of Devon and starts mounting punches on Devon. The ref tries to separate the two, but Dupree starts slamming Devon’s head up and down on the canvas. Dupree gets up and bounces off the canvas and nails a huge knee drop on Devon Dudley. Dupree drags Devon to his corner and tags in Sylvan. La Resistance puts Devon on the third rope and both climb up top along with him. They look for a double superplex, but across the ring, Bubba Ray has seen enough. Bubba Ray Dudley storms in and pulls Conway down from the top and nails him with an elbow to the face, followed by a headbutt, then clotheslines the Frenchman over the top rope. Dupree jumps down to the mat and goes after Bubba Ray, but Bubba catches him and scoops slams him. Bubba signals for it, and opens the legs of Rene Dupree with Devon still on top. Devon signals for the flying headbutt, but Conway emerges back on the apron and shoves Devon off the top rope and Devon goes flying into the barricade wall on the floor. Bubba rushes Sylvan, but Conway jumps back down to the floor and grabs Bubba’s head hanging him up on the ropes. Bubba bounces back and Dupree nails him with a DDT. Conway runs back into the ring and both members of La Resistance starts stomping the hell out of Bubba. Rene Dupree does his signature French Tickler dance as Conway picks up Bubba Ray. La Resistance shoots Bubba Ray across the ring. Conway and Rene bend over looking to launch Bubba up for the back drop, but Bubba bounces off the ropes, stops in front of La Resistance, delivers a straight kick to the mug of Sylvan, and connects with a huge swinging neckbreaker to Rene Dupree. Devon re-emerges on the apron and scales the turnbuckles. Bubba spreads Dupree’s legs and Devon launches off the top rope and delivers the signature flying headbutt to the groin of Rene Dupree. Bubba Ray gets out of the ring as Devon covers Dupree 1…2…Conway lunges and breaks the pin at the last moment. Conway grabs Devon and belly to belly’s him. He drags Rene Dupree and throws him on Devon as Conway goes back to his corner. The ref counts 1…2…kickout! Dupree doesn’t even know where he is, but realized Devon just kicked out, both men get up and Devon cracks him across the forehead, jumps and tags in Bubba Ray. Ray runs in and goes for a clothesline to Dupree, but Dupree counters and Ray keeps going straight into a big boot by Conway who just ran into the ring, crumbling Bubba Ray. Dupree jacks Devon off the ring apron with an elbow, while Conway grabs Bubba Ray and with the help of Rene Dupree, hit the Au Revoir. Dupree pins Bubba Ray 1…2…3!
WINNER: La Resistance

King: What a disgrace! This is a tragedy in America JR! La Resistance has just beaten our World Tag Team Champs!

JR: What it looks like to me is that La Resistance has just avenged their loss last week and they just might have a World Tag Team Championship match in the future!

King: I sure hope not, Frenchman don’t deserve to hold any gold in the WWE, it’s unheard of!


Coach with HBK

Coach: I am standing here with the Showstopper, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. Now Shawn, earlier tonight Eric Bischoff revealed that the number one contender to be Chris Jericho, the same man whom you defeated at WrestleMania just mere weeks ago. How is this registering with you right now?

HBK: How is this registering Coach? How is this registering? Well Coach, I got to tell you, I am just a little bit angry right now, no disrespect to Chris Jericho, he is one hell of a competitor, but when you, Eric Bischoff, looked through the Raw Roster, and mistakenly passed up the Heart Break Kid, there could only be one reason for that little coincidence. The thing is Eric Bischoff has had it in with Triple H since the start, ever since I lost that World Heavyweight Championship, Triple H never wanted to face me ever again, and I don’t blame him, whoever steps into the ring with the Heart Break Kid, be prepared to have your teeth, kicked straight down your throat. Just ask Test, kicked his straight down his yap, oh wait, you can’t ask Test because I got that kid eating through a straw! However, back to your question Coach, the Showstopper lives and breathes to be the absolute best in the business today, but I can’t be the best unless I am the World’s Heavyweight Champion, Triple H, watch your back…

Ric Flair walks into the picture.

Woa, woa, woa, Shawn, what’s with all the hostility man? You are talking about Triple H watching his back, Game doesn’t need to watch his back, that’s what Evolution is for. Plus, if you wanted the World Title so bad, maybe you should have stopped your so called respective opponent, Chris Jericho, from beating Triple H last week. I don’t know if you age is catching up to you, but maybe if you started hanging with Evolution, maybe you would have that title shot sooner than you think, just a thought there Shawn. Woo!

Ric Flair walks off as Shawn Michaels has a reassuring look on his face.

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Hardy comes out to a rockstar ovation.

: Well King here is the young daredevil, one half of possibly the greatest tag team in professional wrestling history, the Hardy Boys, yes, this is the one and only Jeff Hardy! I like this guy King, I like his style, his attitude, and most of all his heart!

King: JR, you have got to be kidding me, any nut job can walk out to that ring and jump off of stuff nearly killing himself, it doesn’t take a wrestler to do that!

JR: Are you calling Jeff Hardy not worthy of being in the WWE?

King: I am just saying, maybe Jackass would be a much more suited profession for this young man and let the wrestlers who actually care about the business be here!

JR: Well King, wrestlers want to win championships, although this match is not for a championship, whoever wins this match advances to the IC title match at this year’s Backlash!

Christian’s music hits as Captain Charisma comes to the ring.

Jeff Hardy vs. Christian

Christian taunts Jeff Hardy and tries to get the fans behind him, but they destroy him with boos. Hardy smiles and starts clapping and the fans get behind him as they lock up. Christian gets behind Hardy and hammers him with forearm shots. He pulls Jeff Hardy back by the belt and clobbers him with a back clothesline. Christian gets cocky and walks right over Hardy stepping on his back. He turns around and goes for a cover, but Jeff Hardy gets a roll up out of nowhere 1…2…kickout! Christian realizes he almost lost and exits the ring by crawling over to the ropes and getting out of there. The fans laugh at Christian as Jeff Hardy stands tall ready to fight in the middle of the ring. Christian runs back into the ring and goes for a clothesline to Hardy, but Hardy ducks and catches him with a neckbreaker. Christian gets right back up, and so does Hardy, and Hardy clobbers Christian with a clothesline. Hardy picks Christian up and knees him in the face and whips him towards the corner. Hardy runs towards Christian, but Christian runs out of the corner towards Hardy looking for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks and runs to the corner, scaling the turnbuckles, and connects with the Whisper in the Wind on Christian. Hardy pins Christian 1…2…kickout! Hardy grabs Christian’s legs and goes for the double abdominal leg drop, but Christian uses his legs and pushes Hardy away. Christian gets up and Hardy charges him, but Christian using his last bit of strength gets the Samoan drop on the Charismatic Enigma. Christian picks Hardy up and nails a huge double knee facebuster on Jeff Hardy. Christian drags Hardy into the middle of the ring, sits him up, and locks a headlock in deep on Hardy. Hardy seems to be fading, but in a flash Hardy begins to rise and plants a chin buster on Christian. Hardy picks Christian’s legs up and nails the double leg drop to the mid section of Christian. Hardy gets up, smiles, then goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope. Hardy signals for the Swanton, but Christian gets up, kind of slumped over. Hardy shrugs his shoulders and launches connecting with a huge top rope leg drop onto the back of Christian’s neck. Hardy gets up and signals for the Twist of Fate. Christian rises, with Hardy behind him. He looks for Hardy, but doesn’t see him. He turns around and Hardy kicks him in the gut and plants him with the Twist of Fate. He covers Christian 1…2…3!
WINNER: Jeff Hardy

JR: Jeff Hardy is going to Backlash! Jeff Hardy defeating Christian right here tonight has catapulted him to the Intercontinental Championship match in just less than 3 weeks at Backlash!

King: Oh come on JR, haven’t you learned by now, even if Jeff Hardy dazzles and excites you one day, he’ll let you down the next!? He always pulls some high risk maneuvers that might impress the fans, but it always costs him the match, JR if you want Hardy to ever get that vacated Intercontinental Championship, you better pray he doesn’t let the fans get to him!

Victoria is in her locker room and Molly Holly walks in.

Victoria: Hey Molly, what brings you here?

Molly: Well Victoria, I came here with a proposition for you that you might be interested in.

Victoria: Well, I am not giving you any promises, but my ears are open…

Molly: Listen, you lost to Trish Stratus last week right? Well, it’s common sense that you aren’t going to challenge her for the title at Backlash, but, I know someone who will.

Victoria: Let me guess, the amazing Molly Holly, if you came to brag I don’t want to hear…

Molly: Hey, Victoria, let me finish. I just came from Eric Bischoff’s office and yea, he did give me the title match at Backlash, but, if I can get some insurance for my match, there might be a little reward…

Victoria: You know what, I kind of like where this is going…

They walk farther into the locker room and the door closes.


Teddy Long’s music hits as Mark Henry comes down the ramp accompanied by Rodney Mac and Teddy Long.

: Now King, here is a tandem of superstars who are not that happy. Last week here on Raw, we saw the biggest debut in WWE history, that of Goldberg, one of the most dominating forces in sports entertainment. Goldberg squared off with that man on your screen Rodney Mac, part of Teddy Long’s Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises, but tonight Da Man, takes on Da World’s Strongest Man!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes into San Diego with a huge ovation.

: Listen, JR, there’s such thing as luck, but it’s very rare in this business that lightning strikes twice! Goldberg in the WWE is a one hit wonder, and that hit came last week, and the only hit we are going to see today is Mark Henry derailing Goldberg here tonight!

Goldberg vs. Mark Henry w/ Rodney Mac and Teddy Long
Goldberg looks at Mark Henry with a focused look as Mark Henry motions that he is going to snap Da Man in half. They meet face to face, Henry getting cheered on by Teddy and Rodney on the outside. Goldberg starts quick with reigning blows onto the World’s Strongest Man. Goldberg keeps blasting Henry until he backs Mark Henry into the corner. The ref backs Goldberg up and Goldberg roars. Mark Henry runs towards Goldberg and Goldberg ducks, Henry turns around and both men exchange blows back and fourth. Mark Henry starts over powering Goldberg with kicks and blows, and then he follows up with a huge chop to the skull toppling Goldberg. Mark Henry steps on Goldberg’s chest covering him 1…kickout! The fans cheer as Goldberg gets up and starts shooting Henry. Goldberg hurls Mark Henry across the ring, but Henry counters and whips Goldberg across the ring and Bill bounces off the ropes and flies into the brick wall that’s Mark Henry. Henry peels Goldberg off the canvas and picks him up and body slams him. Mark Henry follows up with an elbow drop. Mark Henry gets up and signals for the body splash, he bounces off the ropes and jumps for it, but Goldberg slides out of the way and nobody is home for Henry. Henry gets up and Goldberg clotheslines him, but not taking the World’s Strongest Man down. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Mark Henry again and Henry falls onto the ropes. Goldberg runs across the ring and bounces off the ropes and clotheslines himself and Mark Henry over the top rope. Goldberg starts stomping the hell out of Mark Henry on the floor. Rodney Mac grabs Lillian’s chair from ringside and runs towards Goldberg. Goldberg turns around and spears Rodney Mac out of his boots. Teddy runs over and Goldberg roars at him and Teddy runs the opposite way. Bill turns back around and Mark Henry delivers a huge headbutt. Goldberg stumbles and Henry whips Goldberg into the steel steps. Goldberg crashes into the steps shoulder first. Mark Henry pounds his chest in dominance. Mark Henry walks over to Goldberg and throws him back into the ring under the bottom rope. Mark Henry signals for the World’s Strongest Slam. He grabs Goldberg and picks him up, but Goldberg shifts his weight up and his legs go up and over Henry’s shoulder and Goldberg lands behind Mark Henry. Goldberg kicks Henry in the back of the knee several times and gets Henry down on one knee. Goldberg sets him up and nails a double under hook suplex on the World’s Strongest Man. Mark Henry lands in the middle of the ring and Goldberg squats down in the corner looking for the Spear. Mark Henry gets up and turns around only to get speared by Goldberg. Goldberg covers Mark Henry 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: Well King, looks like lightning does strike twice, like that was ever a factor to begin with. Goldberg once again showing his dominance over Teddy’s Thuggin’ and Buggin’ enterprises!

Teddy Long runs into the ring and checks on Henry. He looks up and Goldberg raises his arms and roars with a huge crowd ovation.

: Look at that JR, he is literally threatening poor defenseless Teddy Long! What a disgrace to the WWE, just because his company closed down doesn’t mean he can come here and bully our great talent!

Evolution’s Locker Room.

HHH: Alright, now tonight, we have to work as a unit, alright guys? We are Evolution, we are the past, the present, and the future, what happened to me earlier shouldn’t have happened, Chris humiliated me out there, Evolution doesn’t get humiliated, Evolution stays at the top of the food chain, we make the rules jack, we don’t play by them! Eric Bischoff made it up to me though, because tonight, Evolution gets revenge! Because right here tonight, Evolution’s own Randy Orton, the Legend Killer, and the Big man, Batista will take on the number one contender for my belt, Chris Jericho, and a partner of his choosing.

Orton: Don’t worry Triple H, tonight me and Batista will represent Evolution the only way we can, by beating the hell out of Chris Jericho, and placing you on that pedestal that you deserve to be on. Evolution will get Revenge here tonight, we promise you that!

HHH: Good, now go out there, your match is coming up…

Orton and Batista walk out.

: So Nay-tch, any update on the HBK situation?

Flair: Champ, I can work my magic, I am the Nature Boy, Woo! It’s taken care of.

HHH: Good, I don’t want him interfering, that’s the last thing Evolution needs, first Jericho, now we have to worry about this mystery partner, I am not that concerned because Chris Jericho isn’t really a great guy to everyone, but good thing HBK is out of our hair…

Teddy Long, Mark Henry, and Rodney Mac storm into Bischoff’s office.

Long: Hey, hey, holla, holla, holla, playa, what kind of show you running here dog?!?!

Henry: What the hell was that out there?

Mac: That bastard speared me, and I wasn’t in the match!

Long: What are you going to do Eric!!??!?

Bischoff: Hey, wait a minute, where in the hell do you get off barging into the Raw General Manager’s office like that? Who in the hell do you think you are!

Long: Sorry Mr. Bischoff, we just had a little problem and hoped you can solve it for us.

Bischoff: Okay, apology accepted, what’s the problem Teddy, I am very busy so make it fast.

Long: Goldberg. He single handedly decimated my boys 2 weeks in a row, what are you going to do dog, this playa is drinking massive hater-ade here Eric!

Bischoff: I thought I could have avoided dealing with Goldberg, but apparently, I can’t, Teddy, I will deal with Goldberg next week, for now, go help your boys, face it, they’re a mess, all of you got the rest of the night off okay? Now go, I am very busy!

Bischoff sits down and wipes the sweat off of his forehead and breathes out heavily.


Trish Stratus’ music hits as the WWE Women’s Champion comes to the ring.

: Alright King, go ahead…

King: Puppies JR! Puppies! Oh Trish is so beautiful; she is the hottest Diva in the WWE right now!

JR: Let’s not forget, she is not only the hottest, but the most dominant in that squared circle that’s why she is the Women’s Champ, but I don’t know for how long. We all saw that deal that Molly Holly was proposing to Victoria backstage, maybe there’s something going on that we might not know about here King.

King: Oh I don’t care JR, it’s all about Trish, when I see Trish, everything else is blocked out of my mind, I am kind of in a trance.

JR: Wow, if you are in a trance, I don’t think I have ever seen you out of that trance King!

Molly Holly’s music hits as Molly walks down that ramp.

: I wouldn’t trust Molly as far as I could spit King, she is bad news!

Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly
Trish circles the ring as does Molly. Molly looks like she is ready to lock up, but she backs up. Trish shakes her head in disgust. Molly starts stretching her legs on the ropes, but when she turns her back, Trish comes and kicks her other leg right out from under her causing her to almost do a complete 360 degree fall. The fans cheer for Trish as she taunts them with the signature point to the crowd. She turns around and grabs Molly. She sets her up and picks her up for a delayed mid air suplex. She lets the blood rush to Molly’s head for a few moments then drills her down with the suplex. Trish starts favoring her other knee because of the damage done last week by Victoria, but she presses on. She picks Molly up and puts her in the corner. Trish connects with 3 hard chops and follows up with a huge kick to the gut. Trish puts Molly on the top turnbuckle and climbs up there with her. She connects with 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10 punches to the head then drills her down to the mat with a top rope hurricurana. Trish pins Molly 1…2…kickout! Molly gets up and Trish grabs her for a suplex, but Molly turns it around and twists Trish’s arm behind her back and hammers her across the back of the head with a forearm. Molly bounces off the ropes and connects with a bulldog on Trish. Molly pins Trish 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Trish up and puts her in an abdominal stretch. Trish struggles, but gets her leg out and swings behind Molly and gets her in a roll up 1…2…kickout! Trish grabs Molly’s legs, but Molly struggles. Trish slingshots Molly into the corner turnbuckles. Molly bounces back off the turnbuckles and Trish connects with and inverted DDT. She covers Molly Holly 1…2…kickout! Trish picks her up and goes for the Chick Kick, but Molly ducks and swings Trish over the top rope onto the floor. Molly slides under the bottom rope and goes after Trish. Trish tries to get up, but Molly delivers a straight kick to the mid section while she is down. Molly picks her up, but Trish drop toe holds Molly and she goes chin first onto the outside floor. Trish picks Molly up by the hair and whips her back into the ring. Trish slides into the ring and grabs Holly up and signals for the Stratus Faction, but Victoria comes running down the ramp and onto the apron. Trish lets Holly go and goes after Victoria, but Victoria jumps off right as Trish gets to the ropes. She turns back around and Molly plants her with the Molly Go Round. She pins Stratus 1…2…3!
WINNER: Molly Holly

Molly grabs the Women’s championship from the ring announcer’s area and holds the belt up. Victoria walks into the ring and meets Molly face to face.
JR: Molly Holly has just defeated the Women’s Champion! What a fluke, the only reason Trish Stratus lost is because of Victoria, this must have been part of that deal that Molly and Victoria has backstage earlier!

King: Oh poor Trish, do you think she needs some tender love and care?

Molly Holly smiles and shakes Victoria’s hand. She motions that Trish is all her’s. Victoria starts stomping the hell out of the bad knee of Trish Stratus. She nails knee breakers and follows up with a half Boston Crab. Victoria lets up and slides out of the ring and picks a chair up from under the ring. She runs into the ring and raises the chair above her head and clobbers Trish’s knee with the chair.

JR: Oh lord no! What brutality! This is disgusting King! Victoria, destroying Trish’s already bad knee, which was due to Victoria also! We need medics out here, just as an observer King, Trish is in bad shape!

Victoria starts pulling her hair out as she stands over an almost crippled Stratus.

Terri with Chris Jericho

Terri: It’s almost time for tonight’s main event Chris Jericho, it’s Evolution’s Batista and Randy Orton taking on you, Chris, and a partner of his choosing, my question Chris is, after Triple H’s comment about you earlier, did you find a partner for tonight?

Y2J: Terri, let me ask you something, does the Sexy Beast really need a partner? When facing two assclowns like the pretty boy Randy Orton and the Meat Head Batista, does one really need a partner? Hell I was the first ever Undisputed Champion, it doesn’t take that much skill to fool a couple puppets. That’s all Batista and Orton are, they are puppets all controlled by the snotty sleazy hands of Triple H! Triple H cares only about himself, but what happens when things don’t go his way? Well, we all seemed to get a taste last week, when I made his Game playing ass submit to the Walls of Jericho! Well, to answer your question Terri, I did find a partner, and yes, Triple H’s plans will be foiled, yet again, at the hands of the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah! Chris Jericho!


Evolution’s music hits as Triple H and Ric Flair escort Randy Orton and Batista to the ring.

: JR, take a good look at greatness, because that is what is coming down that ramp, Evolution! Triple H has built one of the most dominant, historical, and fashionable stable we have ever seen here in the WWE and I personally think it’s great!

JR: King, we all know that is a bunch of poppy cock! Evolution is dominant, but they don’t do it the proper way! They get their way and win matches simply by manipulation and intimidation, I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to meet any member of Evolution in a dark alley on a hot day in Oklahoma City King!

King: Oh you don’t have to worry about that JR, Evolution wouldn’t go anywhere near that crappy town, they live life in the fast lane, they are paid, laid, and made, just like their t-shirts say!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Cut the music monkeys! Triple H, tonight, will be the downfall of your little jerking circle you got going on in the ring there, because I would like to introduce you to my partner for tonight…

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as the Heart Break Kid comes out of the gate.

: Why, that’s Shawn Michaels King! Triple H and Ric Flair thought they got rid of Michaels earlier tonight, but Jericho was right, Triple H’s plans folded once again, it’s HBK and Y2J taking on Evolution!

King: JR, do you really think Y2J and that has been can take down two bright young stars such as Randy Orton and Batista? I don’t think so!

Ric Flair looks at Shawn Michaels with a questionable look on his face, Shawn smiles and waves to the Nature Boy out of cockiness.

Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton and Batista w/ Ric Flair and Triple H

Chris Jericho and Randy Orton start it off. Orton and Jericho lock up and Orton pushes Jericho back, but Jericho fights back and pushes Orton back in response. Jericho nails kicks to the knees of Orton. Jericho runs back and off the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Orton, but Orton ducks low and Jericho bounces off the other side into a halting uppercut to Jericho. Jericho crumbles down and Orton starts to stomp him. Orton connects with several shots and drags him over to his corner. Orton tags in Batista and the big man comes in and continues where Orton left off nailing Jericho with several stomps. Batista stomps Jericho into the corner and sits Jericho up. Batista starts choking Jericho with his boot on Y2J’s throat. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Batista breaks the hold. Batista backs up and nails a running knee to the face of Jericho. Triple H and Ric Flair starts laughing on the outside taunting Jericho. Batista peels Jericho out of the corner and hoists him up on his shoulder and powers Jericho down with a running powerslam. Batista covers Jericho 1…2…kickout! Batista picks Jericho up by the hair and kicks him in the gut and sets him up, then overpowers him once again executing a perfect fisherman’s suplex on Y2J into the pin 1…2…kickout! Batista gets up and stalks Jericho. Jericho gets up and Batista goes for the clothesline, but Jericho counters and nails him with a spin kick. Both men go down as Orton and Michaels both extend their arm for the tag. Batista roles and gets the tag to Orton while Jericho leaps and gets the tag to HBK. Orton charges in towards HBK, but HBK stops him flat with a flying clothesline. HBK springs up with a huge pop from the crowd. He finds himself in Evolution’s corner after he popped up, and Batista is talking trash right behind him, he snaps out a huge superkick straight on Batista’s chin and the Animal falls off the arpon. Triple H and Ric Flair can’t stand it on the outside. Orton gets up and HBK nails him with an Atomic Drop. HBK follows up with a scoop slam, but suddenly Orton escapes out the back, twists Michaels around going for an RKO, but HBK shoves him towards the ropes and Orton bounces back right into the scoop slam by Michaels. Michaels points to his corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Jericho tags Michaels right before HBK jumps off the turnbuckle planting the big elbow drop on Randy Orton. Jericho storms in and springboards off the second rope, nailing the Lionsault on Orton. Jericho covers Orton 1…2…Batista pulls Jericho out of the ring from the outside. Shawn Michaels runs on the apron and jumps onto Batista with a cross body. Orton slides out of the ring after Y2J. Orton picks Jericho up and whips him towards the ring post, but Jericho counters throwing Orton towards the ring post, but HBK gets up and snaps Orton down with Sweet Chin Music. Jericho and HBK stand outside the ring and smile to one another. They turn around only to get crumbled by a double clothesline by Batista. Triple H smiles and Ric Flair cheers on Batista. Batista pick HBK up on his shoulder and rams him spine first into the steel ring post. Batista keeps hold of him and slides him back into the ring. Orton gets up and slides in after him. Orton pounds the mat signaling for the RKO. HBK gets up and turns around and Orton attempts the RKO, but HBK counters and pushes Orton to the ropes and HBK nails Orton with the superkick. Batista re-emerges in the ring and spears Shawn Michaels. Jericho slides into the ring and stalks Batista. Batista turns around and Jericho nails him with an Insuguri. HBK gets up and Ric Flair emerges on the apron and Jericho bounces off the ropes sending Flair flying onto the floor. Triple H gets on the apron and tries to distract the ref, but HBK delivers Sweet Chin Music and Triple H flies off the apron as well. Orton charges Michaels, but HBK nails Sweet Chin Music on him as well. Orton stumbles around and Jericho takes him down, grabs his legs, and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Orton taps out to the Walls.

JR: What an ending King, that was a great tag team match with Y2J once again getting the best of Triple H and his top guys, with a little help from the showstopper.

King: JR, I can’t stand this anymore, Y2J isn’t in the Game’s league!

JR: Well smart guy, how come Y2J made Triple H tap out last week, and this week he made Triple H’s right hand man Randy Orton tap?

HBK gives Y2J a round of applause as HBK exits the ring and goes up the ramp. Y2J celebrates in the ring as Batista emerges in the ring and blindsides Chris Jericho. Batista and Randy Orton start beating down Y2J. Ric Flair and Triple H come in and Triple H taunts Jericho with the title as Orton hits him with an RKO. Batista comes in and lifts him up and drills him down with the Batista Bomb. Triple H laughs and hands Flair the World’s Championship. He lifts Jericho up and plants him with the Pedigree. Triple H gets up and Evolution stands tall in the ring raising each other’s hands in victory.

: We have just witnessed the utter destruction of Chris Jericho here King, but where was Shawn Michaels? Did he leave Jericho to get destroyed by Evolution?!?!


WWE Raw Presents WWE Backlash
LIVE! on PPV from Milwaukee, WI at 8e/7c

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H defends against Chris Jericho

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. ?

Women’s Championship
Trish Stratus defends against Molly Holly

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main event. I am really enjoying seeing Evolution ruling Raw and Y2J being the opposite force against them.

WM: Women's match. It was good but I don't get inside women's wrestling

BP: The opening one. Awesome HHH promo going from his heel arrogance to his little jokes.

WP: Victoria and Molly. Same as the match

AC: Nice show, I liked the first one more but this was a hell of a show, with HHH and Y2J now on a clear feud. I am curious on the development of the Evolution/HBK storyline


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Main event by far. The after match was very smart...Michaels didnt help jericho, There is something in the making...

WM : Goldberg / Henry, I don't like both guys. But it was an ok match

BP : Evolution all night long. Your hhh is great, but Jericho, HBK were great too.

WP : Molly-Victoria. I didnt really like the interaction between these two.

line of the night :
King: I sure hope not, Frenchman don’t deserve to hold any gold in the WWE, it’s unheard of!
=====> as I a french guy, i just have to protest lol

AC: Another great show, Backlash should be awesome, especially for your main feud.


BM: The ME

WM: Hardy/Christian

BP: Triple H in the opening segment.


Rating: 9/10

Comments: I love how you make us wonder how the HBK situation will be playing out in the coming weeks with Evolution and Jericho. Should be interesting. I think you could have done more with the Christian/Hardy match. It was a bit short, not to mention the fact that it looked like you were going to give Christian a push last week with the win. Didn't really make much sense imo. I loved Triple H's opening promo on Bischoff. The fact that you brought in Steph in it made it even better. Great stuff man. Keep it up with the promos.

Overall, I thought the show was a bit better than the first. It made the stories get more broader and it gave a more in depth part this week. Good job heading into the first PPV.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Best Match - Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton and Batista it was a great match I love how your pushing Jericho and I jsut can't see him losing.

Worst Match - Trish Stratus vs. Molly Holly like CMS said I can't get into written Women's wrestling.

Best Promo - The opening promo was gold it was perfect it is the best I've seen in a long time.

Worst Promo - Teddy Long's with Bischoff it seemed kind of pointless since he acheived nothing from it.

Overall Thought - Great show simply amazing all the matches were great all of the promos were great and I can't wait for your next show.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Y2J/HBK vs. Evolution, yet how ironic Y2J teams up with the guy he just got low blowed at Wrestlemania, the match is great and it adds in hyping up the fued between HHH and Jericho

Worst Match: Women's match

Best Promo: Y2J/HHH/Bischoff

Worst Promo: I think the Henry/Mac/T.Long promo is my least fave at your promos, but it also gives curiosity on what will Bischoff do to Goldberg next week.

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show and as the Y2J/HHH starts to fued, I am also curious on what will happen on the HBK/Evolution angle. The promos are nicely done once again, that's why I loved reading your shows because of the promos. I am looking forward to the next show.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: ME...i kinda figured that Shawn would be the partner but the match was excellent.

WM: Goldberg match

BP: Opener, perfectly in character and was just awesome

WP: Teddy/Eric...was jsut Meh..and not that good

AC: Really good show, liked the Hardy win, but i will give you some advance i have been given, don't have the entire show revolve around Evolution and re-read the show before you post it

Rating: 8.5/10

CP: Check out ECW in the WWE vs. ECW thread


BM - The Tag Match was great. Seeing Evolution rule and Y2J and HBK being the force against them.

WM - If I had to go with one it'll be the Womens match.

BP - Opening One was great.

WP - Well..... none

AC - Great Show can't wai for Backlash

Rate- 9/10

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