WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: HHH vs. Chris Jericho

Worst Match: HBK vs. Flair, but eventhough, it's still a great part to me. I think Flair give HBK some kind of a drug to get rid of HBK from helping Jericho to his match tonight.

Best Promo: HBK and Jericho and HBK and Flair is really the best promos of the night.

Worst Promo: n/a, all promos are pretty good to me.

Additional Feedback: What a show, that one with Flair and HBK is a pretty shocker to me. I wonder what's next for HBK and Evolution. I am seeing HBK as Trips new contender for the title. Plus, Goldberg is also around after he finished his business with TLong's troops. I am looking forward to your next show.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: HHH vs Jericho, altough I do was expecting HBK to do a run in to follow up him lying down to Flair.

WM: HBK vs Flair, I just couldn't believe when he lie down to Flair. Wasn't one of his mottos "HBK doesn't lie down to anyone", oh wait, that was just in 2005, lol.

BP: HBK vs Flair, great hype to their "match" and situation.

WP: N/A great promo writing.

AC: Excellent show. Good shockers on the midcard with Christian becoming the IC Champion, the HBK/Evolution relationship continues with now more focused on HBK and the world title. I just wonder when will Goldberg enter the main event, but as for now it appears his feud with Bischoff will continue

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM I really liked the opening IC title match but the ME just edges it out

WM: IMO all the matches where great because I dont think you could really count HBK and Flair as a match so noone that really stand out.

BP Jericho and HBK really did it for me

WP: Personally there were no worst promos for me and I wouldnt expect anything less from you.

AC Great PPV XBA. I thorughully enjoyed it. I am really looking forward to Raw mainly for the aftermatch of HBK Flair. You really have mme interested



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

Just mere 24 hours after Backlash, WWE Raw comes to you LIVE from Madison, WI. The Backlash of WrestleMania was tough, the superstars of Raw shed blood, sweat, and tears, and only the tough survived, catch the Aftermath of Backlash this Monday night!

The World Heavyweight Championship stayed around the waist of the Game Triple H after a brutal hard fought match against Chris Jericho. Now that the Game has knocked off Chris Jericho, will Jericho keep fighting for his quest to the World’s title or does Triple H’s future hold something even worse?

Possibly the most controversial moment in professional wrestling occurred last night at Backlash, when HBK Shawn Michaels laid down for the Nature Boy Ric Flair in their match. With the strange relationship that has been building between the two over the past weeks, one has to wonder, what was HBK’s motive behind this?

The fate of the vacated Intercontinental Championship was decided last night when Christian stole the title in the triple threat match against RVD and Jeff Hardy. Captain Charisma will roll into Raw with the Intercontinental Title on his shoulder, be prepared for Captain Charisma, but with the volume turned way up.

Next to Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels’ debacle, the most unpredictable occurrence happened as Molly Holly defeated Trish Stratus to regain the Women’s championship. Think a couple weeks back a s Molly put her deal together with fellow Diva Victoria, when Molly Holly regained the Women’s Championship Victoria would be the first to get a title shot, will we have a Women’s Championship match this Monday night?

Finally, now that Goldberg destroyed Mark Henry and Rodney Mack last night at Backlash, Eric Bischoff has proclaimed war on Goldberg, what could this mean for “Da Man?†Find out this Monday Night!

That plus Randy Orton, the World Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boys, and Teddy’s boys Mark Henry and Rodney Mack all in action, plus much, much, more!


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Jericho vs HHH, even if I would have prefered an interference to end this match

WM : HBK-Flair, more an angle than a match, I would have loved to read this match

BP : Probably the one with HHH, it was short, but really effective

WP : All were good even if I think that Jericho seemed to be a little more focused on HBK than HHH

AC: It was a great show, all matches were PPV level quality, it's good to see Christian and the Dudleyz becoming champions, and can't wait to see what's next now for the world heavyweight championship

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

bm: y2j vs hhh
wm: hbk vs flair, but i know its leading to something
bp: michaels and flair
wp: n/a
af: goldberg predictably comes ut strong, and know i find myself wondering when it will be his turn for a shot

CT Styles

BM: HHH/Y2J & Maybe IC MAtch a close second


BP: HBK/Flair


AC: Awesome PPV, The Flair/HBK match is setting up something, I just know it and the ME was great! Another awesome show from you XBA keep up the good work!

CP: WWE: Big Time's Clash of the Companies is up, check it out iof ya want to



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Shawn Michaels arrives at the arena. Coach approaches him.

: Excuse me, Shawn, care to say a few words? The world is dying to know what actually went down last night at Backlash with you and Ric Flair…

Shawn Michaels keeps walking with a blank stare on his face almost like Coach wasn’t even there.

: Well ladies and gentlemen, hopefully I will be able to get a few words with Shawn Michaels by the end of tonight’s show.

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw! We are live in Kansas City, JR Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler here and King what a night Backlash was last night King.

King: I got to agree with you JR, Backlash was a great event, mainly because of one group, that’s right JR. Evolution ruled Backlash last night, Triple H retained his World Championship, plus Ric Flair defeated…

JR: Don’t you dare mention that debacle King, don’t you even murmur a word. We all know something was fishy going on and I want some answers, yes King, that’s right, I am still looking for answers because this has been unfolding for awhile. As a broadcaster, and a fan myself, I think we all deserve some answers here tonight!

RVD’s theme song hits as Mr. Monday Night comes down the ramp.

: Well let’s switch tunes for the time being King and take a look at RVD, now last night he came so close to capturing the Intercontinental Championship in that Triple Threat, but just couldn’t get the job done.

King: That’s right JR, Christian rolled him up to get the 3 count and the previously vacated title and I couldn’t be happier for Captain Charisma, I mean the guy is a main event waiting to happen!

JR: King you are starting to sound like a broken record…

Evolution’s music hits as the Legend Killer Randy Orton comes down the ramp.

: Now JR, you want greatness, don’t look farther than the Legend Killer himself, Randy Orton is the future of this business, I am expecting great things out of this kid.

JR: Orton sure does have all the tools one needs in this business, three generations worth!

Randy Orton vs. RVD
Randy Orton paces back and fourth and he finally locks up with RVD. Orton gets him in a side headlock, but RVD pushes out of it and delivers straight kicks to the back of Orton’s knees. RVD bounces off the ropes and nails a bulldog on the Legend Killer. RVD quickly covers Orton 1…kickout! RVD sits him up and delivers a kick to the spine and then a kick to the sternum. RVD bounces off the ropes and nails a huge dropkick to the mug of Orton. RVD signals for the Rolling Thunder. Orton shoots up before RVD could go for it and delivers a forearm uppercut. Orton bounces RVD off the ropes and RVD flies off the ropes and Orton connects with a back drop. RVD gets up and Orton clotheslines him. Orton twists RVD’s arm behind his back and delivers a huge knee drop to the arm then puts on the pressure to RVD’s arm locking an arm lock submission. RVD struggles, but Orton swings his knees up once more and nails another huge knee drop onto the arm of RVD. Orton releases the hold and starts to nail several stomps onto RVD. The ref tries to get Orton away, but Orton ignores him. Orton picks RVD up and puts him in the corner. Orton climbs the ropes and starts to nail RVD in the skull with several punches to the skull. He hits him 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…RVD grabs his tights then nails Orton with a huge powerbomb off the second rope. RVD crashes onto Orton covering him 1…2….kickout! RVD nails a spinning leg drop onto Orton’s throat and covers him once again 1…2…kickout! RVD picks him up and sets him up for a suplex. RVD almost gets him up, but Orton counters and gets Orton up for his own suplex. Orton switches it up in mid air and then throws RVD front first on the stomach onto the ropes. RVD hangs on the ropes and Orton delivers a huge foot to the face and RVD flies backwards off the apron onto the floor. Orton slides out of the ring onto the floor and picks up Van Dam. Orton throws him into the corner of the barricades. Orton walks over to him and starts choking him with his boot. The ref pulls Orton off of Van Dam, but Orton shoves the ref out of the way. Orton stomps the hell out of RVD while the fans don’t give him a warm reception. Orton grabs RVD and crashes his head onto the announcer’s table. Orton delivers a huge big boot to RVD and Van Dam crashes into Lillian and the time keeper. Orton puts his arms up for his signature taunt to the audience then turns towards RVD. RVD springs out of the mess with a steel chair and hands it to Orton. RVD then connects with the Van-Daminator. Orton goes down and RVD stumbles around and leans on the announcer’s table. RVD picks up Orton and slides him into the ring. RVD bounces off the ropes and then nails the Rolling Thunder onto Randy Orton. Van Dam rolls through with the Rolling Thunder and lands in the corner. He climbs the turnbuckles looking for the 5 Star Frog Splash, but Orton springs up and nails the RKO on RVD from the top rope. He covers Van Dam 1…2…3!
WINNER: Randy Orton

JR: By Gawd what a performance by that man Randy Orton! What a top rope RKO by Randy Orton. Orton representing Evolution here tonight with a victory over RVD!

King: This is icing on the cake for Evolution after what happened last night JR!

Eric Bischoff is sitting on the couch in his office holding his head. Teddy Long walks in.

Long: Eric, my deepest apologies dog, I thought my boys could have gotten the job done last night, I know we let you down, but how you holding up Dog?

Bischoff: Well Teddy I have a blistering head ache, I have a show to run, I got Shawn Michaels in limbo, and on top of it, I am in fear of my life tonight Teddy, Goldberg said after Backlash I would be next, I hear he is in the arena right now. By the way, how you feeling, you took a bit of a hit from Goldberg and Rodney Mack, what was that about?

Long: Don’t worry about that playa, I talked it over with the Mack, that’s for real. Well Dog, as for your dilemma, you know what I would do if I was GM?

Bischoff: What?

Long: I would throw that playa hater in a match tonight, show him you aren’t afraid, you are Raw’s GM, sure the road gets bumpy sometimes, but the boss can’t let the inmates run the asylum!

Bischoff: You know what Teddy? You are damn right! What the hell am I doing? I am Eric Bischoff God damn it! Goldberg will be in a match tonight, and I got the prefect opponent. You see last week on Raw, I kind of robbed this man of a match, he didn’t get the job done, but tonight I will give him the opportunity to really show me what he’s got. Tonight, Goldberg will take on Kane!

Long: That’s what I am talking about Dog, glad to help, holla if ya need me playa…


Terri with World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and Ric Flair

I am standing here with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H and the Nature Boy Ric Flair, Evolution, whom were both victorious, one way or another, last night at Backlash…

Flair: Hey, hey, hey, what did that mean by that babe? What happened last night in both mine and the Game’s matches, was just a pure example of Evolution. You might call it breaking the rules, but when you make the rules, they are pretty hard to break. The Nature Boy Ric Flair did what you call in this industry, “business.†I handled business the only way Space Mountain knows how. Isn’t that right Game?

HHH: If you ever had a doubt Nay-tch. Listen, I don’t know what the hell is going on with HBK, Ric handled the situation, I quite frankly don’t care because HBK is out of my hair finally, he doesn’t even know his damn name, but if you have anymore questions Terri, they will all be answered in that ring later tonight…

Christian’s music hits as the New Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

King: Oh JR, you should take your hat off, you are in the presence of greatness, this is Captain Charisma! Show respect where it’s due…

JR: King, you know my views on Christian, sure he deserves credit as champ, but you can only get so far by playing dirty.

King: Well how far did Ric Flair get by playing dirty? That’s right, 16 World title reigns.

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the Charismatic Enigma hits the stage.

: King, Jeff Hardy, in my opinion anyways, should be the Intercontinental Champ; he really impressed me last night.

Intercontinental Championship
Christian* vs. Jeff Hardy

Christian taps his chest and recognizes his peeps, but gets a horrible ovation, then locks up with Jeff Hardy. Christian knees Hardy in the gut and snaps him back with a suplex. Hardy gets up and Christian throws him against the ropes. Hardy bounces off the ropes and Christian bends over for a back drop, but Hardy stops right in front of Christian and kicks him in the face. Hardy bounces off the ropes and nails a running DDT onto Captain Charisma. Hardy grabs Christian’s legs and nails his signature double leg drop to the mid section. He gets up still holding Christian’s legs and nails a bridge like covering pulling Christian’s legs up by his head covering Christian 1…2…kickout! Hardy picks Christian up and attempts to slam his head off the top turnbuckle, but Christian blocks and clocks Hardy’s skull off the turnbuckle. Christian grabs Hardy and attempts an inverted DDT, but Hardy spins out of it and kicks him in the gut. He signals for the Twist of Fate. He twists, but Christian pushes him away. Christian grabs Hardy by the hair and hurls him over the top rope. Hardy flies over the top rope, but lands on the apron. Christian runs up to Hardy, but Hardy nails him with a shoulder thrust between the top and second ropes. Hardy springboards off the top rope and nails a mid air Hurricurana onto Captain Charisma. Hardy pins Christian 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up as does Christian. Hardy goes for a spin kick, but Christian catches it and pushes Hardy onto his back and flips Hardy over locking in a Boston Crab. Hardy starts screaming trying to get to the ropes. Hardy manages to turn back over and push Christian away with his legs. Hardy pulls himself by the bottom rope and Hardy slides under the bottom rope and emerges on the apron. Christian charges Hardy once again and Hardy springboards off the top rope and over Christian maneuvering into a cradle roll up pin on Christian 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and attempts to whip Christian into the corner, but Christian counters and whips Hardy into the corner. Hardy runs up the turnbuckles and goes for the Whisper in the Wind. Christian sees it coming and dodges it and Hardy crashes in burns. Christian runs over to Hardy and covers him 1…Christian puts his feet on the ropes…2….the ref sees his feet on the ropes and stops his count. Christian gets up and starts arguing with the ref. Jeff Hardy sees an opening and pulls Christian down from behind by the tights with a roll up covering him 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and grabs Christian. He kicks him in the gut looking for the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes for it, but Christian slides out the back and hooks the arms and nails the Unprettier on Jeff Hardy. Christian covers Hardy 1…2…Hardy gets his leg on the rope and the ref breaks the count. Christian gets up and pushes the ref. The ref threatens to disqualify him and Christian laughs. Christian exits the ring and grabs his Intercontinental Championship. He runs in and the ref stops him. Christian argues with the ref and throws the belt down. The ref throws it out of the ring while Christian conveniently low blows Hardy, behind the ref’s back. He turns Hardy around and then nails the Unprettier once again. Christian covers Hardy 1…2…3!
WINNER: Intercontinental Champion Christian

King: Yes! Christian is still Intercontinental Champion, I knew he would win that match the whole time JR!

JR: King, sure you can win if you cheat, anyone can, but this business isn’t about cheating King, it’s about honor and respect, and Christian lacks that in both departments!

King: Well, anyways, rack up another win for Captain Charisma, congratulations Champ!

Chris Jericho enters HBK’s locker room. Shawn Michaels is lacing up his boots with his back facing Jericho.

: (coughs) Oh that’s fine Shawn if you don’t feel like talking, but if you don’t mind I have something to say. I am going to tell you a story Shawn, about a young boy. You see, this boy had an addiction that started at a very young age. His addiction was wrestling and he was heavily influenced by the same guys he used to watch week in and week out. He was especially influenced by this one guy that he idolized, you know who that guy was Shawn? It was you. The young boy would walk like the Showstopper, dance like the Heartbreak Kid, and have the same heart and passion that the one and only Shawn Michaels could. The boy soon became a wrestler himself hoping he would be the next Shawn Michaels. You know this story all too well don’t you Michaels?

Shawn stops lacing his boots still not saying anything with his back still facing Jericho.

: You know what that boy’s name was, it was Chris Jericho. All my life Shawn, through good times and bad, I always knew that HBK would be the man to come to if I had a problem. Even though we aren’t always best friends Shawn, we always had a respect for each other, but after last night, I don’t really know anymore. The old Shawn Michaels that I knew and loved would never lay down for anybody, hell, you even told me that last night. Shawn, I can’t believe to the lows that you sunk to, are you having that big of problems Shawn? Can’t take it anymore? I don’t know what the hell is going on, but if I would have known this back then, that HBK was a fraud, maybe I wouldn’t even be here today, because the old Shawn Michaels is why I am here today, not the man with his back turned to me…

Jericho shakes his head and walks out the door. After Y2J leaves, HBK raises his head with a blank stare on his face.


Dudley Boys’ music hits as the World Tag Team Champions comes down the ramp.

: Well when the dust settled last night after the World Tag Team Championship flag match, the Dudley Boys emerged still holding the titles defeating La Resistance.

King: …and I couldn’t be happier, the Dudley Boys finally shut those Frenchmen up once and for all!

Teddy Long’s music hits as Teddy Long accompanies Rodney Mack and Mark Henry to the ring.

: Backlash wasn’t a good night for any of these men, even Teddy Long, who got big booted by his very own teammate Rodney Mack!

King: JR, we all knew that was an accident, plus earlier tonight, Teddy said himself that it was all taken care of, don’t dare think a little accident can tear the bright future of this team apart!

JR: Bright future? King, did you see how bad Goldberg made them look last night? Goldberg destroyed them, but maybe they can redeem themselves here tonight against the World Tag Team Champions.

Dudley Boys vs. Rodney Mack and Mark Henry
Bubba Ray and Rodney Mack start off this match. Bubba and Mack lock up. Mack nails a huge forearm to the spine of Bubba Ray. Mack grabs Bubba’s head and delivers a huge forearm to the back of the head. The ref warns him and Mack grins. Rodney Mack tosses Bubba to the ropes then connects with a huge Samoan drop onto Bubba Ray. Long cheers him on from the outside and Mack covers Ray 1…2…kickout! Mack picks Bubba up and puts him in the corner. Mack connects with several shoulder thrust into the gut of Bubba Ray and whips him across the ring, but Bubba counters and whips Mack into the corner across the ring. Bubba crumbles to the mat and starts crawling towards his corner. Mack springs out of the corner and grabs Bubba’s leg. Bubba turns over and pushes Mack away with his legs. Bubba jumps and makes the tag to Devon. Devon storms in and clotheslines Mack. Rodney Mack gets up only to eat another clothesline to from Devon. Devon picks Mack up and knees him in the gut then connects with a body slam. Devon nails a huge elbow drop to the heart of Rodney Mack and pins him 1…2…kickout! Teddy starts screaming negatively towards Rodney Mack and Mack rolls his eyes. Devon connects with a hard chop and whips him into the Dudleys’ corner. Devon nails some back elbows to Mack and tags in Bubba Ray. The Dudley Boys launch Mack across the ring and Mack bounces off the ropes and Mark Henry makes the blind tag. The Dudley Boys double clothesline Rodney Mack while Mark Henry runs in and double clotheslines the Dudley Boys. Mark Henry grabs Devon and whips him out of the ring. Bubba Ray gets up and Mark Henry kicks him in the gut. Mark Henry picks up Bubba Ray then nails him with the World’s Strongest Slam. Mark Henry covers Bubba Ray 1…2…Devon pulls Henry out of the ring by the legs and starts nailing him with shots. Rodney Mack comes around the bend from behind and attempts to clothesline Devon from behind, but Devon ducks and Mack nails Mark Henry hard. Devon grabs Mack from behind and nails a backdrop onto Mack right onto the outside floor. Devon grabs Mark Henry and slides him into the ring. Bubba picks him up and Devon slides into the ring. Mark Henry stumbles around and Devon whips him against the ropes and the Dudley Boys nail the 3D onto Mark Henry. Bubba Ray covers Henry 1…2…3!
WINNER: Dudley Boys

JR: Wow, I am damn sure that’s not how Teddy Long wanted this match to go at all. Never the less a huge victory for the World Tag Team Champions, but I am sure Teddy Long isn’t happy about this one. Rodney Mack cost Teddy’s Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises the win last night, and tonight a little bit of miscommunication between Henry and Mack with that clothesline, looks like Teddy will need to have another “talk†with Rodney later tonight King!

The Dudley Boys hold up the World Tag Team titles to a huge ovation by the crowd.

PROMO: Booker T returns to Raw

King: You see that JR?

JR: I sure did King, the 5 Time WCW Champion Booker T is returning to Raw, of course that last time we saw him was WrestleMania last month, he has been out with a minor sprain, but watch out because Booker T is coming back!

Evolution’s music hits as Ric Flair and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H come down the ramp.

: Well King, you heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, Triple H said all of our questions would be answered tonight. You know I have been waiting for these questions to be answered more than anyone, and tonight, Good Ol’ JR is stepping into that ring with Ric Flair and Triple H, it’s time to get down to business…

King: Good luck JR!

JR walks into the ring and meets with Triple H and Ric Flair. JR shakes both of their hands in the ring.

: I am here with Evolution, or course the Nature Boy Ric Flair and the World’s Heavyweight Champion, the Game, Triple H. Now gentlemen, if you have been listening to Jerry and myself talk over the past few weeks, and the fans have been questioning too, we want to know just what the hell is going on here?

HHH: Let me take this one Nay-tch. JR, I am going to switch this up for just a second and I am going to ask you a question. What makes you think people listen to you in the first place? I sure don’t, I don’t know about you Nay-tch. I listen even less to the fans Ross, I didn’t become the superstar I am today by listening to these morons…and trust me there’s a lot of morons in…Ric, where the hell are we?

Ric whispers something to him.

: Oh yea that’s right…in Kansas City. Plus Ross, I am not quite sure just what in the hell you are talking about. Nothing is going on here except for the fact that I beat Chris Jericho’s ass 1…2…3 last night to once again retain my World title.

JR: Well Triple H, that much is true, but what I am trying to get at here is…

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Well looks to me like JR still won’t get his answers tonight.

Y2J: Triple H, just what…

Flair: Let me take this one Game, shut the hell up Jericho. You come out here like you want something? You want another round with the champ again don’t you? Huh? Or better yet, how about another round with the Nature Boy? Is that what you want? Dirtiest Player in the Game, Space Mountain, The Nature Boy and Y2J one more time? Huh? Is that what you want?

Y2J: Calm down Ric, you forget to take your meds this morning or what? Ric if I wanted to beat the crap out of you again, I would come right down here to your face and ask, because I wouldn’t break a sweat, I proved that one last week. However, you are right about something, that being that World Heavyweight Championship, and a rematch against Triple H.

HHH: Did I hear that right? Ric? JR? I don’t know how good your hearing is, but did you hear that too? Did Y2J Chris Jericho just challenge the Game one more time?

Y2J: That’s right you ass clown. The Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah took your ass to the limit last night and you know it, I deserve a rematch more than anything, and don’t think I forgot about you Nat-tch, I will beat your ass right here right now…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw General Manager stands at the top of the ramp.

: Stop it right now, all you guys shut your damn mouths, I don’t want this going on another damn second! What I see is Chris Jericho wanting a piece of Ric Flair and Triple H, so I am going to do this. Since Jericho wants a fight so bad he has one, it will be Triple H teaming up with the Nature Boy Ric Flair to take on Y2J Chris Jericho and any partner he can find! How’s that sound?

HHH: (laughs hysterically) Like Chris Jericho has any friends back there. If I were you Chris, I wouldn’t touch any of that trash with a ten foot pole!

Y2J: Hunter, I will have a partner, just like a couple weeks ago. We took your boys Batista and Randy Orton to the damn limit! Tonight, my partner will be none other than the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!

King: HBK? Is he serious? Looks like HBK isn’t the only one going crazy!

Triple H and Chris Jericho meet face to face with Ric Flair with a sadistic smile on his face in the background


King: Well JR looks like you didn’t really get your questions answered did you?

JR: Well King, no I didn’t I am not happy with this, and I am really concerned about HBK, I just don’t know what to do anymore!

King: One has to think, Y2J must have lost his mind if he seriously thinks HBK will tag with him tonight though.

JR: Maybe Jericho’s speech to him in HBK’s locker room earlier tonight had an effect on Michaels nobody knows, we’ll have to wait until later tonight!

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

The camera shifts backstage to Eric Bischoff watching this match on his monitor in his office.

: Well King after last week on Raw, Kane lead Goldberg backstage to a beatdown, but Bischoff never really put any trust into Kane that he could take Goldberg down, but Kane will get his opportunity to break the winning streak of Goldberg’s here tonight!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a huge fan reaction.

King: I for one hope Kane destroys Goldberg, ever since Bill Goldberg came to WWE I haven’t seen anyone give this guy the beating he deserves, but I think Kane might be the one!

Goldberg vs. Kane
Goldberg and Kane meet face to face in the center of the ring. Kane looks into the eyes of Goldberg, while Goldberg looks straight into the masked monster’s eyes. Kane slaps his glove onto the throat of Goldberg attempting to choke him, but Goldberg counter with a choke of his own. Both men strangle each other, but Kane gets the advantage and breaks Goldberg’s grip and whips him by the throat into the corner. Kane charges Goldberg and bulldozes him in the corner with a clothesline. Kane bounces Goldberg off the ropes and lifts his leg up for a big boot, but Goldberg hits the ropes and grips them stopping him from bouncing off. Goldberg charges Kane and attempts a shoulder block. The two men crash, neither one falling. Goldberg nails a left shot, then a right shot, he attempts to whip Kane against the ropes, but Kane counters and whips Goldberg into the ropes. Goldberg bounces off the ropes and Kane sends him up with a back drop. Goldberg gets up and Kane body slams him. Kane bounces off the ropes looking for a leg drop. He goes for it, but Goldberg slides out of the way and nobody is home for Kane. Kane gets up and Goldberg goes on the offensive. Goldberg gets behind Kane and gets his arm between his legs and nails Kane with a Pump Handle Slam. Kane gets up and Goldberg gets him in a side mounted headlock into a side headlock takedown. Goldberg keeps the hold on while Kane begins to rise. Kane pushes Goldberg forward against the ropes and Goldberg bounces off right into a big boot by Kane. Kane walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Goldberg struggles getting up and Kane jumps off the top rope nailing Goldberg with a top rope flying clothesline. Kane gets up quickly and raises his glove looking for a chokeslam. Goldberg gets up slowly and turns around. Kane slaps his glove onto Goldberg’s throat, but Goldberg counters and lifts the 300 plus pounder onto his shoulder and drills him down with a running Power slam. Goldberg crouches in the corner signaling for the spear. Kane rises and Goldberg lunges out of the corner and spears the Big Red Machine. Goldberg shoots up to a huge crowd ovation and signals for the Jack Hammer. Goldberg pulls Kane up by the hair and kicks him in the gut. He shoves his head under his arm and shoots him up. He lets the blood rush to Kane’s head then he drills Kane down with the Jack Hammer. He pins Kane 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: Well King Goldberg very impressive here tonight, continues his dominance here on Raw!

King: Don’t rub it in JR, one day, just one day, this guy is going to meet his match and I feel that day coming very, very, soon. This must really be a thorn in Eric Bischoff’s side!

Eric Bischoff has a pissed off look on his face after watching that match.

: I hate you Goldberg, I really, really, do.

Bischoff turns around and is scared by the Dudley Boys standing behind him.

: AH! What the hell? Jeez, who gave you permission to come in here, don’t scare me like that!

Dudley Boys: Sorry…yea…

Bischoff: What the hell do you want anyways?

Bubba: Well Bischoff, we just came in here to say hi, can’t we be nice, you treat us like that?

Devon: Maybe Goldberg is getting on his nerves a little too much Bubba.

Bubba: Yea Bischoff, what the hell is your problem, can’t you just let the guy be?

Bischoff: Who the hell are you talking to me like that? I am the GM of Raw, if I have a problem, I just can’t forget about it! As a matter of fact, I have a problem with you two, you come in here and scare me like that, I got a big problem with you! I am going to solve that problem, you guys will be in for quite a surprise next week.

Bubba: Yea? What kind of surprise?

Bischoff: Oh don’t worry, nothing the “World Tag Team Champs†can’t handle…

Bischoff walks out of his office leaving Bubba Ray and Devon puzzled.
Devon: See what happens when we try and be nice?

Terri with Trish Stratus

: I am standing here with former Women’s Champion Trish Stratus, now Trish you requested this time, what’s on your mind?

Stratus: Terri, I think both you and everyone watching know what is exactly on my mind. Last night at Backlash I lost something of mine and I want it back. I was robbed of my Women’s Championship last night and I want to say right now, that next week right here on Raw, I am enforcing my Women’s Championship rematch against Molly…

Molly Holly walks into the shot polishing her new Championship belt.

: Oh, hey Trish, did I interrupt something? I am sure it wasn’t important, but I don’t know why management gave you time when this interview should really be being conducted with the new Women’s Champ, but I hear you want a rematch last week, well you are on, it will be a pleasure to kick your slutty ass LIVE on Raw next week…

Victoria walks in, in a rage.

: Excuse me? Hey Molly, what about our deal? I help you win the title, I get the first shot! What the hell is going on?

Molly: Ha, how quickly we forget Victoria, I didn’t see you last night, I won this title fair and square!

Victoria strikes Molly and Molly drops the belt and both Divas crash onto the nearby make up table. The camera then moves back to Trish and Terri. Trish picks up the Women’s Championship.

: Next week Terri, the gold is coming home….


King: Wow JR, did you see that? Molly and Victoria, and Trish?!?!? It was getting pretty hot back there!

JR: Well King, next week it is official, Trish Stratus battle Molly Holly for the Women’s Championship in a rematch from Backlash!

Ric Flair’s music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes down the ramp.

JR: I have lost all respect for this man King. He played HBK like a fiddle, last night Ric Flair’s mind games finally paid off, HBK laid down for the Nature Boy!

King: JR, we don’t know the full story, nobody does…

JR: I am damn tired of this King, this is disgusting, and I just want answers! Where does HBK stand in all this!?!?

King: Well he is supposedly in this match, so maybe we will find something out!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes to the ring.

: JR, now here’s the man who single handedly decimated Chris Jericho last night at Backlash to retain his World title!

JR: Decimated my ass King, Chris Jericho had Triple H’s number last night, and if it was up to me, I would definitely give Jericho his rematch no questions asked. Chris Jericho is the kind of man who really represents everything this company stands for: Heart, Determination, Aggression, and Athletic Ability. Chris Jericho should be the one holding that belt and not Triple H.

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes out to a huge fan reaction.

: Well King, it’s do or die for Shawn Michaels. I don’t know if Jericho talked to HBK backstage, or if HBK even knows he is in a match, but I guess we will find out!

Chris Jericho stops at the foot of the ramp and points to the gate.

Shawn Michaels’ music hits but after a long pause, no one comes out.

: JR, it looks to me like Shawn isn’t coming out!

Chris Jericho looks at his feet and shakes his head. Lillian Garcia gets whispered something by the production manager.

Lillian: I have just been informed that General Manager Eric Bischoff has come to a decision that now that Shawn Michaels has not come to the ring, this match will now be a handicap match.

JR: Handicap match? You have got to be kidding me!

King: JR, you heard Jericho earlier tonight, this is in a sort what he wanted, he wanted a piece of both Ric Flair and Triple H, now he will get the whole thing, not just a piece!

Chris Jericho vs. Triple H and Ric Flair
Chris Jericho stands in his corner still looking towards the ramp for Shawn Michaels, but no one comes out. Ric Flair starts strutting his stuff as Triple H goes to stand on the apron. Jericho turns and concentrates on Flair. Both Y2J and the Nature Boy lock up. Jericho backs Flair up to the ropes and Flair moves his upper body under the top rope and out of the ring forcing the ref to break the hold. Jericho backs up and Flair gets back into the ring. They circle the ring and hook up. Jericho gets Flair into a side mounted headlock and nails him with a headlock take down. Flair counters with a head scissors, but Jericho shifts his weight up and hooks the leg pinning Flair’s shoulders to the mat 1…2…kickout! Flair gets up and Jericho nails him with a kick to the gut. Jericho goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Flair pushes Jericho forward against the ropes and Triple H nails him with a forearm to the back of the head. The ref goes to Triple H and gets in his face. Jericho stumbles away from the ropes and then Flair low blows Jericho. Flair sets Jericho up and nails him with a DDT. Flair covers Jericho 1…2…kickout! Flair picks Jericho up and nails him with repeated hard chops over and over backing Jericho into the corner. Flair turns his back to Jericho and starts strutting his stuff. Jericho runs out of the corner towards Flair and nails him with a huge Bulldog. Jericho walks over to Triple H and wants him to bring it. Triple H storms into the ring and the ref runs over and holds him back. Ric Flair emerges behind Jericho and goes for another low blow, but this time Jericho was ready and caught it. He grips the wrist of Flair and then fires off with a double knee face buster. Jericho covers Flair 1…2…kickout! Jericho gets up and kicks the bottom rope in anger. Jericho goes back to Flair but Flair, on his back, kicks Jericho in the gut. He runs and tags in the Game. Jericho stares at the Game walking into the ring. They meet in the middle of the ring, Triple H with a smirk on his face, and Jericho just trying to catch his breath. Triple H nails Jericho with a right. Jericho crumbles to the mat but gets back up. Triple H lays him out with another right and Y2J goes down. He gets right back up and Triple H whips him off the ropes. Jericho comes back and Triple H attempts a spinebuster, but Jericho follows through over Triple H and connects with a sunset flip pinning the Game 1…2…kickout! Jericho gets up and drop kicks the Game. Jericho spreads his arms taunting both Triple H and Ric Flair. Ric Flair runs in and the ref tries to stop him, but Flair gets past him towards Jericho, but Jericho nails him with an atomic drop. Triple H attempts to clothesline Jericho from behind, but Jericho dodges and the Game nails Flair. Jericho spins the Game around and kicks him in the gut. Jericho plants the Game down to the mat with the Pedigree.

JR: Pedigree! Triple H’s finisher used against him! Jericho just got revenge for the Game using the Walls last night at Backlash! Jericho has this match won, pin him Chris!!!

Chris Jericho pins the Game 1…2…Ric Flair pulls Jericho by the boot off of Triple H and starts stomping the hell out of him. Triple H picks up Y2J and whips him towards the ropes. Jericho bounces back and the Game nails him with a facebuster. Triple H kicks Jericho in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree. He stares at the fans and Flair motions to put him down…

Shawn Michaels’ music hits as the Heartbreak Kid comes down the ramp running into the ring to a mixed reaction.

: It’s HBK! JR, he is here! Shawn Michaels decided to show up after all!

JR: By Gawd! HBK is here King! But what side is he on???

HBK storms into the ring. Triple H breaks the position and throws Y2J off to the side. Jericho props himself up using the ropes staring at Michaels. Shawn walks over to Ric Flair staring him down. Ric Flair looks a little hesitant and Triple H emerges behind HBK looking at Flair worried. Ric Flair slowly extends his hand towards HBK. HBK shoots a superkick backwards and nails Triple H right in the chin. HBK stands straight up and still looks into the eyes of Flair. Ric Flair doesn’t know what to do. Jericho gets up and walks towards HBK, but HBK fires a superkick onto Y2J as well. Jericho falls atop Triple H and the ref counts 1…2…3!
WINNER: Chris Jericho

King: What the hell was that?!?!? Chris Jericho should have been disqualified! HBK interfered!

JR: It’s all legal King, Shawn was supposed to be in this match in the first place, it’s all fair here, but that’s not the issue. Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels have not looked away from one another, I have no idea what’s going on here!

Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels stare face to face with Ric Flair’s hand still stuck out as the show ends.


WWE Raw presents
Raw's 3 Hour Spectacular!
4 Weeks Away!

Card Soon To Be Announced​

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The Handicap match, it let me intrigued on what could happen next

WM: N/A, good match writing.

BP: I am going with the whole Y2J/HBK thing during the show, great buildup toward the end of the show

WP: Bischoff and The Dudleys, I just couldn't get into it.

AC: Amazing show, good buildup toward the final boom and now the whole HBK/Y2J/Flair thing gets even more complicated.


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Chris Jericho v. HHH/Flair, the tension between them and then the inclusion of HBK kept this match interesting through out.

WM: None, each match seemed to get a fair share of time put into them.

BP: Y2J/HBK, helped build up the main event rather nicely and kept Michaels's loyalties in question.

WP: Eric/Dudleys, it was just a rather odd confrontation between them.

AC: This was the first BTB I've read on this forum and it was very easy for me to jump into it and not be lost whatsoever which is always a plus. I'll be sure to keep a eye on this one.


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : I'd go with Orton/RVD, i was really into and that put Orton over very well. The main event was very good too.

WM : Dudleyz vs henry and mack. Nothing special in it, we may see a Rodney face turn ?

BP : Jericho all night long, especially when he talked to HBK, that was very well done.

WP : Trish-Victoria-Molly. I don't really like this feud.

AC : HBk is the main focus of your show and that's a good thing. It's really exciting , I can't wait for the next show. Too bad you don't do Smackdown too lol



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

WWE Raw rolls into Cleveland, OH this Monday Night on the road to Raw’s 1st ever 3 Hour Spectacular LIVE in 3 weeks. Be prepared for action like only the Raw Superstars can give you!

For the first time since Backlash, The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels will speak LIVE in the ring, after lying down for Ric Flair on Backlash, this is must see TV!

Intercontinental Champion Christian takes on Goldust.

The WWE Women’s Championship will be defended as the champion Molly Holly takes on the former champion Trish Stratus in a Backlash Rematch!

The Women’s Championship isn’t the only Backlash rematch, in an effort to continue to stack the deck against Goldberg, Raw General Manager has booked Goldberg to take on Mark Henry and Rodney Mack once again in a handicap match!

What is Eric Bischoff’s surprise for the Dudley Boys?

Also the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, and much, much, more this Monday Night!


BM: Christian and Hardy were pretty good together, and the heel ending was pretty good as well, the rest were good but this one stands out imo. The Handicap match between Jericho, HHH/Flair was well written. Good job!

WM: Worst match... in XBA's show? :disgust1:

BP: Jerico and Shawn, is was just amazing brother!

WP: Dudley Boyz/ wasn't too realistic!

AC: Use other colours as well, only red and black make the show a little bit hard to read. But hats off to your great writing on matches! Do check out XWA and keep up the good work on this brother!


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event...no questions about it

WM: The Goldberg/Kane match..was Meh

BP: Jericho/HBK...told a story and thats wat a promo is supposed to do

WP: Dudleys....just a set up for next week

AC: Another great show....check out WWE:Era of '08...Raw is posted

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Backlash Review:

Best Match: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho- World Heavyweight Championship Match: Like others I was expecting an HBK run-in to follow up him lying down for Ric Flair. Very good match and the IC title match was up there as well but the main event was slightly better.

Worst Match: N/A- I wouldn’t really consider Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair a match but if I did then I would say that was the worst match.

Best Interview/Segment: It’s either between Michaels and Jericho or Michaels and Flair. Both were great segments and both built major curiosity.

Worst Interview/Segment: N/A- All segments delivered and each had a point to them.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was without a doubt a great pay-per-view. Each of the matches delivered as did the promos and the curiosity as to what is going on with HBK is at an all-time high. Each of your rivalries are moving along nicely. Good work!

Raw Review:

Best Match: Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair and Triple H- Handicap Match: This match was a very good read and the reason that it was the best match is that it was not only a great read but it also added even more speculation and curiosity as to what is going on with HBK. The ending with Flair offering his hand to Michaels topped it off. I’m real excited about next week.

Worst Match: The Dudleyz vs. Rodney Mack and Mark Henry- This wasn’t a horribly written match but it wasn’t the best either. There’s nothing much you can really do with this choice of teams put against each other but it was a good effort nonetheless.

Best Interview/Segment: Jericho and Michaels backstage segment- This segment was very well written. I loved the way you used Jericho’s idolization of Michaels and worked it into your storyline to question Michaels’ loyalties. Again, very well-written segment. Nice work!

Worst Interview/Segment: The Dudleyz and Bischoff backstage segment- This wasn’t a bad promo but it was a basic promo setting up for next week. There was a bit of comedy at the end with Devon saying, “See what happens when we try and be nice?”. I kind of chuckled at that (I’m easily amused...lol) but again this was a basic promo setting up something for next week and it did just that but I didn’t really get into it that much either.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a solid show and the Michaels/Jericho/Evolution storyline gets more interesting each week. I really don’t have the slightest idea where this Jericho/Michaels/Evolution thing is going but I’m very curious to find out. Orton vs. Rob Van Dam was a great opener and a Five Star Frogsplash countered into an RKO!? DAMN! Sounds pretty sick. Anyway, I’m looking forward to your next show to find out more on the Jericho/Michaels/Evolution situation. Your preview looks great, dude!