WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: HHH/Taker/Goldberg and the Batista/Hardy are the best matches for this show imo.

Worst Match: none

Best Promo: Stone Cold/Orton and HBK/Flair

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great to see some of the stars are having a push like the 3 min. warning, looks like we are going to see a brutal Table's match with the Dudleys at the end. Too bad Batista didn't win the Intercontinental title. I also liked the Orton/SCSA face off, I hope it's not a one time thing though.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Triple Threat Match: World Heavyweight Championship- Goldberg vs. Undertaker vs. Triple H

This match was without a doubt the best match on the card. The interaction between Goldberg and Undertaker was orchestrated to perfection. The flow of this match was on-point throughout. The pace of the match was steady and on-point throughout. I have no complaints whatsoever about this contest.

Worst Match: Christian vs. Mark Henry

This wasn’t a horrible match-up but it was, in my opinion, the worst match. Out of each of the matches, this one just didn’t do it for me and the only reason is because it’s Mark Henry. If it was any good “big” man then it probably would’ve been more enjoyable for me but I just don’t like Mark Henry in the ring at all so this was the worst match for me.

Best Interview/Segment: Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels

Bar none, this was THE best segment of the night. I absolutely loved the interaction between the two. They went back and fourth and the way they did the catchphrase at the same time was cool.

Worst Interview/Segment: There aren’t ever any.

Additional Comments/Feedback: I had a feeling Kane would’ve involved himself in the main event in some way since he was on the poster but he wasn’t. I really don’t know for sure where you’re going with the main event picture; maybe Goldberg is out of the main event or possibly we’ll get another Triple Threat match. Flair vs. Michaels should be a good match and I’m curious about the IC title situation. Who will become Intercontinental Champion? I liked the Austin/Orton segment and hopefully it leads to a match.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

After a 3 Hour Spectacular that won’t soon be forgotten, WWE Raw returns LIVE this Monday Night on SpikeTV!

Last week at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II, the Game Triple H went into a triple threat match against Goldberg and Big Evil the Undertaker where he would defend his World Heavyweight Championship and he somehow pulled off a miracle and walked out still holding the gold. Triple H escaped the grasp of Big Evil and Goldberg last week, but now the WWE is on the road to Summerslam, will the Game be able to dodge more oncoming bullets?

After a barnburner of a 2 out of 3 falls match for the Intercontinental Championship, the dust settled and saw Batista walk out with the victory, by count out that is. Jeff Hardy got the first fall with a victory roll and just minutes later Batista got the second fall after a dreaded spinebuster. Batista sent Jeff Hardy throw the announcer’s table on the outside with a Batista Bomb and with seconds to spare Batista got back in the ring winning the third fall. Batista celebrated in the ring but later saw the ref handing a fallen Hardy the Intercontinental Championship. This decision didn’t just sit well with Batista; it also didn’t make General Manager Eric Bischoff too happy either. Eric Bischoff then stripped Jeff Hardy of the Intercontinental Championship and on top of that fired referee Earl Hebner for making that decision. What will lie in the future for the Intercontinental Championship? Tune in this Monday Night to find out!

Last Monday Night at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II, The Nature Boy Ric Flair and The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels did what they said they would do and that’s “clean the air.†HBK and Ric Flair couldn’t agree on anything and then HBK put it all on the table and challenged the Nature Boy to a match at Summerslam. These two men haven’t went one on one since Backlash, where it wasn’t technically match. Ric Flair thought about it for a couple seconds and then said, without delay, no. HBK couldn’t believe it as Ric Flair then excused himself and left the ring. What will HBK have to do to get a match with the Nature Boy?

-Gail Kim takes on Jazz one on one
-Now that Mark Henry has taken out both Christian and his girlfriend Trish Stratus, what is next for the World’s Strongest Man?
-Chris Jericho will kick off this Monday Night with his very own Highlight Reel.

All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

VIDEO: Highlights from Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II last week including Jeff Hardy being stripped of the Intercontinental Championship, the Return of Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Triple H retaining the World Heavyweight Championship.

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Monday Night Raw, it’s Good Old JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler here at ringside calling the action, and boy King, what a show we got planned for tonight!

King: I know JR, tonight is going to be historic for sure!

JR: Why is that King?

King: I was talking to General Manager Eric Bischoff tonight and he said he had one hell of a blockbuster announcement planned for tonight!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the entrance ramp.

: Here comes WWE’s first ever Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho. King, did you see the miscommunication between Y2J and Booker T last week?

King: Yea JR, it was getting pretty heated backstage between those two, since Booker got put into that handicap match with 3 Minute Warning and Booker thought it was Jericho’s fault since Jericho literally lit the fire underneath Bischoff to get him in gear, sort of speak.

JR: Later that night last week, although, Jericho came out with a chair and saved Booker T from the grips of 3 Minute Warning, I don’t know what’s going on here King!

Y2J: Welcome one and all to Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel! More importantly, welcome to Raw is Jericho!!! Now right here tonight, I was personally requested to conduct the Highlight Reel this evening by our General Manager, pompous ass that he is, he also wanted to be the special guest, so now that I ruined the surprise for everybody, why not bring him out? Ladies and gentlemen…Eric Bischoff!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw GM comes down the ramp along with the Big Red Machine Kane.

: That’s sure not a damn surprise, Bischoff won’t graciously give anyone extra airtime except for himself…typical!

Y2J: Welcome to the Highlight Reel Eric Bischoff…but looks like we have an uninvited guest!

Bischoff: Thank you Chris, I am glad to be here, and yes, sorry for this such short notice, but this man right here, the Big Red Machine Kane, is vital in my huge announcement. Now I know, I know what you are thinking, but I didn’t come out here just for my own benefit. You see, now that I got that whole 3 Hour Spectacular out of the way, I kind of have a clean slate with everyone, I was going…

Booker T’s music hits as Booker T comes out of the gate, and out of the ramp.

: What the hell are you doing out here!?! Booker…

Booker: Bischoff, let me get one thing straight with you. If I have ever disrespected you in the past, I am sorry, but I have to get something off my chest. Listen here dog, I am a 5 time, 5 time, 5 time…

Bischoff: Oh my god Booker, how many times have I heard this before, let’s get on with the damn show, I am giving you time to talk, and you fill the air waves with that crap?

Booker: Bischoff, you and me have been through a lot, but listen here dog, what I am trying to say is that I want a World title shot, I haven’t even got my rematch from WrestleMania XIX against Triple H and I am long over due!

Y2J: Booker, how long are you going to live off that excuse, if anyone here deserves the title shot, it’s me Y2J!

Booker: You don’t deserve squat sucka!

Y2J: Hey you wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me saving your tail last week!

Booker: You know me better than that Chris, I could have taken those two chumps with my…

Y2J: Oh yea, well atleast I won my match last week…

Bischoff: Stop your damn bickering, you two, I am sick of it! Only I can choose who gets the damn title shot at Triple H! You know what? It will be for the World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam, Triple H defends against…

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil rolls out of the gate and down the ramp.

: What in the hell do you want Deadman? Can’t you see I am busy out here?

Taker: Sorry boy for interrupting you, but I hear something about a title shot? If any of these hacks deserve a title shot, you can call me the pope Bischoff. Big Evil is undefeated here one on one right here on Raw, I have never gotten a World Title shot one on one with the Game unlike you Jericho, unlike you Booker T, what I am trying to get at here Bischoff…is…I am your man for the job!

Booker: Holdup here son, didn’t you lose your damn title match last week?

Y2J: Yea Taker, back of the line jackass!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg comes down the ramp and into the ring.

: Oh boy, looks like business is about to pick up King!

Bischoff: Oh please…not you!!!

Bischoff looks to Kane and Jericho for help, but Kane takes a step back and Jericho smirks and steps back as well.

: Hey Eric, I didn’t do anything to him in the past, that’s your department…

Goldberg: I hear you are handing out a meal ticket here tonight, I want it.

Booker: Holdup sucka, you in the same boat as the Deadman, back of the line boy, you even further than him, you’ze got pinned last week son!

Goldberg turns towards Booker T and locks eyes with him.

: I am sorry; did I hear something come from your skinny little ass Booker?

Bischoff: Alright, alright, stop it, just stop! I can’t give all of you the one on one title shot okay? However, Jericho, you inspired me awhile back with the Cutting Edge TV concept correct? Well, this is going to be the peak of it all come this year’s Summerslam. This year at WWE Summerslam, in just a month or so away, the World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, the Game, will take Y2J Chris Jericho…the Big Red Machine Kane…the 5 time WCW Champion Booker T…Big Evil the Undertaker…and as much as it kills me to say…Goldberg, and this match won’t be your average six way match, this match will be my baby, the second ever in this company’s history, at Summerslam, it will mark the return of the Elimination Chamber!!!

JR: Oh lord, the Elimination Chamber? I thought that match was outlawed due to its destruction! I can’t believe this!

King: Well JR, everyone wants Cutting Edge TV right? That’s what you are getting for sure!

Bischoff: However, for the next couple of weeks, all of you will be put into matches, one way or another, because you have to prove yourself to me, and to this audience that you deserve to be in the Elimination Chamber match, so don’t think you have it made until Summerslam because I will be watching you! I call it Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bust!â€￾ It all starts tonight because in the main event tonight, Goldberg…you will be in action right here tonight, your opponent will be kept a secret until bell time. Good luck Bill…as to all of you in the coming weeks, thank you for your time

Coach is standing by with Randy Orton.

Coach: I am Jonathan Coachman standing by with the Legend Killer Randy Orton. Now Randy, you just witnessed Eric Bischoff’s blockbuster “Boom or Bustâ€￾ tournament here tonight, where all 5 of those possible title contenders will be facing each other or past rivals, now with your history with those men, will you be ready for combat at anytime here tonight?

Orton: Coach, let me ask you just who in the hell you are talking to okay? I am Randy Orton, 3rd Generation Superstar, the Legend Killer, as a matter in fact I am a little sick of having to remind everyone of that around here! As far as tonight goes, the Legend Killer is ready for combat no matter who it is. I will trade hands with the Goldberg, I will kick Booker T’s ass yet again, hell, I will even stop Undertaker’s undefeated streak right here tonight! I will do anything to outshine anyone if it means getting a shot at the most prestigious prize in our industry, the World Heavyweight Championship. However, that’s not the only thing on my plate Coach, as if some of you weren’t tuned into Raw last week, fortunate for you, I was on the short end of the stick getting a Stone Cold Stunner from…Steve Austin. Listen Steve, let’s get one thing straight, that little stunt you pulled last week, don’t cocky, that was a cheap shot. As a matter in fact, how about you try that one more time huh? How about next week Steve? I want you live in that ring one more time and let’s see what happens when you don’t catch me off guard!

Orton storms off camera.


Steven Richards stands in the ring ready for the next match.

The arena goes dark.

JR: What the hell? Lights out here in Anaheim!

Sirens go off.

King: Are the cops here JR? Was Booker T “holdingâ€￾ back there or something?

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

: By God King! It’s Scott Steiner! He is back? I thought his contract ran up?

King: What a surprise JR! Big Poppa Pump is back! This is great!

Scott Steiner vs. Steven Richards
Scott Steiner stands in his corner and flexes the largest arms in the world taunting Richards. Steiner moves in and closes in on Richards in the corner. Richards tries to escape and dodge Big Poppa Pump, but Steiner catches him and pushes him back hard into the corner. Steiner pummels Richards with back elbows to the face repeatedly. Steiner drags Richards out to the center of the ring and picks him up and body slams him. Steiner flexes his guns to the crowd again and the crowd surprisingly cheers. Steiner picks Richards up and headbutts him. Richards stumbles off and Steiner follows him. Stevie stumbles to the ropes and hangs on the top rope as Steiner comes in for the kill. Steiner bounces Richards off the ropes, but Steven Richards tries to counter and hurl Steiner across the ring, but Steiner counters again and pulls Richards back in and clotheslines him. Steiner picks up Stevie off the canvas and grabs him into a bear hug. Steiner changes it up mid stream and hurls him with a belly to belly suplex. Stevie hits the mat and cringes in pain as Steiner walks over to pin him 1…2…Steiner gets off him and starts doing push ups in front of Richards, taunting him. Steiner gets to his feet and yanks Stevie up. Steven Richards fires off a quick slap to the face of Steiner and Scott looks towards the crowd cheering his name and Steiner lifts him up and nails a running powerslam onto Steven Richards. The fans go crazy as Steiner gets on Richards’ back and locks in the Steiner Recliner. Stevie tries desperately to get out of it, but he gives up and taps out.
WINNER: Scott Steiner

King: That was a literal devastation JR! Big Poppa Pump can sure dish it out!

JR: Dish it out? He can bring home the bacon, fry it, and then go out for a second trip, this guy has some impeccable skills and I think he has already gotten right back where he left off with only one match King! Wow!

Steiner flexes his arms to the crowd to a huge ovation.

Eric Bischoff is sitting in his office on the phone when he hears a knock on his door. He hangs up the phone.

Bischoff: Come in! Bring it in here guys!

Two security guards come in holding a huge box covered with a cloth and put it on a stand right next to Bischoff’s desk. Bischoff gets up and puts his hand on the box.

Bischoff: Thank you gentlemen…

The guys walk out of his office, and all of a sudden Jeff Hardy walks in and starts screaming at Bischoff.

Hardy: Hey man, what’s the deal with stripping me of the title? Eric, I have defended that time after time against Batista, I have more wins over him than he does on me…

Bischoff: That’s enough Jeff, let me explain myself. Right here under this cloth…

Bischoff reveals the vacated Intercontinental Championship Belt in a glass case.

Bischoff: Jeff, here is the Intercontinental Championship, the belt you possessed just last week, before you screwed up, of course, and here lies the belt that you can hold once again, but…

Hardy: Uh, but what?

Bischoff: Just like the contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship, you too, have to prove to me that you are worthy! Listen Jeff, you scratch my back, I scratch yours, that’s how the wrestling business goes, so what I need from you is a match tonight, alright?

Hardy: Fine, what do I have to fight Batista again? I am undefeated in a one fall match against that guy, do you think that’s “Cutting Edge TVâ€￾ Eric?

Bischoff: Hey, great idea, you’re right, I like your spirit kid, you just might get this title quicker than you think, buttttttttt….you have to win this match first.

Hardy: Alright Bischoff, lay it one me, what is it?

Bischoff: Picture this…Jeff Hardy…tries to regain his contention for the Intercontinental Championship…starting…in maybe a couple minutes or so…going against…the World Tag Team Champions…3 Minute Warning!!!

Jeff Hardy’s face turns pale and can’t believe it. He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out.

Bischoff: Again, thanks for that idea Jeff, really, now get along, you got a match…

Hardy mindlessly walks out of the office. Bischoff turns around and Batista comes out from the closet door.

Batista: Is he gone?

Bischoff: Oh yea…and he totally bought it, he actually thinks he is getting a title shot! Ha, that little creep thinks he only has to beat 3 Minute Warning and he’ll get a title shot…you should have seen his face…

Both continue talking as we go to commercial.


3 Minute Warning’s music hits as Jamal and Rosey, the World Tag Team Champions come down the ramp.

: Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize in advance for what is about to take place in just a few moments, I just don’t know sometimes, does Bischoff have rocks in his head King? Why does he keep making these match-ups!!!?!?!

King: Well JR, he must have a good reason, I mean he has been doing this for awhile now…

JR: Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Booker T, and now Jeff Hardy, I can go on for hours King, this is getting ridiculous!

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the former Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

: This is one man who is saturated with fear at this moment King, just imagine what is going through his mind!

Jeff Hardy vs. 3 Minute Warning
Rosey comes into the center of the ring and stares at Hardy who stays in his corner with a look of fear on his face. Hardy comes front and center and faces off with Rosey. Rosey shoves Hardy a little and Hardy looks at his feet. Rosey starts screaming at him and shoves him again. Hardy has no response and Rosey shoves him once more and suddenly Hardy explodes and jumps on Rosey and clobbers him with rights and lefts. Rosey pushes Hardy off of him. Hardy lands on his feet and charges Rosey again. Rosey counters and follows through with hurling Hardy up and over the top rope. Rosey turns around because he thinks Hardy crashed on the floor, but Hardy landed on his feet onto the apron. Rosey turns around and Hardy springboards off the apron, onto the top rope, and nails a huge seated Senton onto Rosey. Rosey goes down and Hardy springs up and charges Jamal and nails him with a forearm to the face and Jamal falls off the apron. Hardy turns back and Rosey starts to get up in the ring. Hardy charges him and dropkicks him. Rosey stumbles towards the ropes and holds himself up on the second rope. Hardy bounces off the ropes and nails a running dropkick to Rosey and he flies between the second and third ropes onto the floor. Rosey gets up quickly and Hardy suicide dives over the top rope onto Rosey. The crowd goes crazy as Jeff Hardy gets up and screams. Hardy turns around and gets blindsided by Jamal with a vicious clothesline. The crowd boos as Jamal yanks Hardy up, but Hardy counters with a chin breaker. Hardy slides back into the ring and signals for another suicide dive. Rosey gets up and hangs on Jamal to keep him up and Hardy bounces off the ropes and back and shoots for the suicide dive. Hardy glies over the top rope and is caught by 3 Minute Warning. Rosey holds Hardy by the legs and Jamal holds him by the arms. 3 Minute Warning hurls him up and Hardy crashes back down onto the outside floor. Rosey picks up Jeff and slides him back in the ring and Jamal follows him. Rosey picks Hardy up, but Hardy connects with a forearm to the face and Rosey stumbles back. Jamal goes for a clothesline to Hardy, but Hardy ducks and Jamal clotheslines Rosey. Jamal turns back and Hardy charges him. Jamal goes to clothesline him, but Hardy ducks and runs towards the corner. Hardy runs up the turnbuckles and nails the Whisper in the Wind onto Jamal. Hardy gets up to a thunderous ovation. Rosey charges Hardy and goes for a clothesline, but Hardy ducks and gets behind Rosey and plants him with an inverted DDT. Hardy covers Rosey 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and signals for the Swanton. Hardy runs to the corner and scales it. Hardy is about to go for it, but Jamal shoots up and runs to the corner. He grabs Hardy and throws him up and off the corner. Rosey gets up and joins Jamal and stalks a fallen Hardy. Rosey drags him up by the hair and hurls him across the ring. Rosey shoots Hardy up and Jamal catches his head connecting with the world famous 3D, shades of the Dudley Boys. Rosey covers Jeff Hardy 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: What the hell, was that necessary!? For the second week in a row 3 Minute Warning uses the 3D, you already got the Dudley Boys fired, why add insult to injury?

King: JR, that might very well be the most dominating tag team I have ever seen in my 25+ yr career! Incredible!

JR: Incredible? Incredible? My ass King, you saw Jeff Hardy was on one hell of a roll in that match and you call them incredible? When was the last time they defended their belts? When was the last time they had a 2 on 2 tag team match? That’s right, it’s not yesterday, it wasn’t last week, hell I can’t even count using both hands how long it’s been, these guys need to stop doing Eric Bischoff’s dirty work and focus on actually embodying what a tag team should be, not security for Eric Bischoff, an actually tag team!

King: Don’t say that to Eric Bischoff JR, you might end up like Earl Hebner last week and the Dudley Boys as well…FIRED!

3 Minute Warning goes on the outside and flips the apron up and looks under the ring. Rosey pulls out a table and Jamal laughs. They slide the table into the ring and then slide back into the ring as well. Rosey sets up the table.

JR: Oh Lord No! We saw this last week, 3 Minute Warning is going to 3D poor Jeff Hardy through that table!

King: Booker T was going to suffer the same fate, but Jericho had to come out and ruin the whole show!

JR: King, this isn’t a time to joke around…oh Lord!

3 Minute Warning hurl Hardy to the ropes and Hardy bounces back right into the 3D through the table by 3 Minute Warning. Jamal and Rosey hold up their World Tag Team Championship while the crowd boos

Coach is standing by with World Heavyweight Champion Triple H.

Coach: I am here with the World Heavyweight Champion, the Game, Triple H. Now Champ, come Summerslam you will officially be defending your World Heavyweight Championship in an Elimination Chamber match. Earlier tonight we heard from all 5 of your opponents in the chamber, but I hoped to get your views on this match.

HHH: Well Coach, it goes like this, Eric Bischoff sets up the pins and I knock them down every single time. Sure, he might set up only one pin, Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood, knocked that one down. Then he goes and sets up 2, Goldberg and the Undertaker last week, knocked both of those chumps down without breaking a sweat. This time around he sets up 5, 5 different superstars and one massive steel structure that is known as the Elimination Chamber. I don’t care about Eric Bischoff’s match making, I don’t give a damn that I am walking in that chamber against 5 other guys, the Cerebral Assassin has walked into even worse situations. Come this year’s Summerslam, I will be walking in the World…Heavyweight…

Triple H loses focus and stares to his left. Stephanie McMahon walks into the shot and Triple H is confused.

HHH: What the hell are you doing here?

Steph: Well Hunter, I have a little business to attend to, eventhough I am the SmackDown! General Manager, there is no rule that says I can’t be on Raw right? No if you’ll excuse me…

Stephanie McMahon starts to walk away, but then stops and turns around towards Triple H.

Steph: Hey, it was real nice talking to you again Hunter, we should do it again sometime…you are lookin’ good…maybe you should think about jumping ship, there is much…much more I can offer you…on Thursday Nights…

Steph walks away and Triple H blushes. He turns back towards Coach who is smiling and looking towards Triple H. Triple H looks back towards the Coach and drops his smile. The Game shoves Coach aside and walks off.


Eric Bischoff is once again talking on his phone next to the Intercontinental Championship in his office.

Bischoff: I know, did you see Jeff Hardy get destroyed just now, it was perfect, 3 Minute Warning 3D’ing him through that table, reminds of those losers that used to work here, what was their names? Oh, it doesn’t matter, now that 3 Minute Warning uses that move, I think we should rename it, the 3MW sounds good, yea, that’s a perfect move for wrestling’s most dominant tag team…

Bischoff turns around and Stephanie McMahon walks into his office.

Bischoff: What the hell? I’ll call you back…Steph, what the hell are you doing here, who let you in here???

Steph: A little someone I like to call Dad let me in here Eric. Now calm down, I didn’t come here to criticize you, I came here to conduct some business. You see, I have been watching Raw the past few weeks and I haven’t approved of what you have been doing…

Bischoff: What I am doing? How about you concentrate on yourself and your show Steph, and get off my…

Steph: Eric, I didn’t really want to come here tonight, like I would really try to change the set mind of Eric Bischoff, Vince McMahon, my father, told me to attend Raw and have a little chat with you. You see, my dad really doesn’t like how you are using your superstars, mostly the likes of your World Tag Team Champions, coincidently the same team I have been hearing much about. So my Dad said, “Go in there and show him who’s Boss.â€￾ Now, he didn’t really explain what he meant by that, but I am going with my gut feeling and I have a little proposition. In a couple the WWE will present Summerslam on PPV and I thought we can have some brand vs. brand warfare.

Bischoff: Wow Steph, you are walking into a hornet’s nest…

Steph: Shut up and listen to me, your World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning, representing Raw of course, taking on a SmackDown! Team of my choosing? Deal?

Bischoff: Where is the dotted line, I’ll sign it, I am totally in, Steph it would be my pleasure to humiliate you on LIVE PPV without me having to lift a finger, this is going to be great, but I respect your effort of trying to outshine…me, Eric Bischoff. You know what, I am so anxious to humiliate…I mean…to see what you can bring to the table, how about you bring a SmackDown! team right here to Raw next week and we will get it on a little early? Deal?

Steph: Oh Mr. Bischoff, that is a deal. Have a good night Eric, I will see you next week, and then…of course…Summerslam.

JR: Brand vs. Brand at Summerslam? This is going to be a Slobberknocker, if I have ever seen one!

Gail Kim’s music hits as Gail comes down the ramp.

: Oh it’s time for my favorite part of the show! The Divas JR!

Jazz’s music hits as Jazz comes down the ramp with Teddy Long.

: Well, more so before Jazz came out of course!

JR: This is going to be a great contest, we have seen Jazz wrestle here on Raw in the past and is a power house without a doubt, but one can never look past the heart of Gail Kim!

Gail Kim vs. Jazz w/ Teddy Long
Gail and Jazz circle the ring and lock up. Jazz quickly gets behind Gail and locks her in for a German Suplex, but Gail blocks it with her leg. Gail slips out and slides behind Jazz. Gail sets Jazz up for a Russian Leg Sweep, but Jazz powers out with an elbow to the face of Kim. Gail stumbles away and Jazz pulls her in by the hair straight into a headlock. Jazz connects with a side mounted headlock takedown. Gail tries to get out of the headlock on the mat but can’t so she counters Jazz with a leg scissors to the head and neck of Jazz. Jazz gets up with Gail’s choke still singed in and Jazz picks Gail up and drops her right onto the mat neck first. Gail breaks the hold and holds her neck on the mat. Jazz pulls Gail up by the hair and sets her up for a suplex. Jazz gets her up and drops her down with a picture perfect suplex. Jazz goes for the quick cover 1…2…kickout! Jazz gets up and lands some hard stomps to Gail. Jazz tells Gail to get up and Gail tries to get up, but Jazz yanks her up and hoists her up on her shoulder. Jazz charges the corner looking to drop Gail into the corner, but Gail slips out of the back and connects with the roll up pin on Jazz 1…2…kickout! Gail sits Jazz up and locks in a headlock. She singes it in deep and puts the pressure on, but it doesn’t seem to affect Jazz. Jazz gets right to her feet lifting Gail Kim off her feet. Gail still has the hold locked and Jazz runs towards the corner and turns around sandwiching Gail into the corner. Jazz gets a horrible ovation as she lands a right onto Gail in the corner. Jazz picks up the tag rope and begins to choke Gail Kim with it. The ref tries to break the hold and counts 1…2…3…4…Jazz lets the rope go. Jazz connects with knee shots to the gut of Gail Kim and then sits her up on the top rope. Jazz goes up to the top rope and plants Gail Kim with a huge Hurricurana.

King: Wow JR! What athleticism! I had no idea Jazz could pull of something like that! Amazing!

JR: I am not going to argue with your King, that was one hell of a Hurricurana, by a woman of Jazz’s stature!

Jazz gets up and flexes her guns and crawls over to pin Gail Kim. She hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Jazz gets on top of Gail and starts shoveling out mounted punches to the face. One after another she pummels Gail. Suddenly Gail gets a shot of adrenaline and turns the table. She flips over and gets on top of Jazz. This time Gail starts unloading punch after punch to the face of Jazz. Gail gets up and screams at Jazz to get up. Jazz staggers to her feet and Gail bounces off the ropes and nails a huge bulldog. Gail runs up and covers Jazz for the pin 1…2…kickout! Gail gets up and runs to the corner. She scales the turnbuckles looking for an aerial maneuver. Jazz slowly gets up and Gail launches going for a cross body. Jazz catches her and counters into a scoop slam into a pin, but Gail follows through and shifts the weight on Jazz pinning her 1…2…kickout! Both women get up quickly and charge each other. Jazz goes for a clothesline but Gail ducks and bounces off the ropes again. Gail bounces back and both women go and nail a clothesline on each other toppling one another. Teddy screams at Jazz to get up from the outside as the fans are screaming being really into this match. Jazz gets on her knees and crawls to Gail Kim and swings the arm over for the cover 1…2…kickout! Gail gets up using the ropes and Jazz gets up as well. Jazz walks towards Gail. Gail swings her legs up while hanging on the ropes and gets her legs around Jazz’s neck. Gail connects with a head scissors up and over the top rope throwing Jazz out of the ring onto the floor. Gail swings back over the rope and lands on her feet in the ring. Gail runs and climbs the turnbuckles. Teddy helps Jazz up on the outside and runs away when he spots Gail on the top turnbuckle. Gail jumps off the top rope with a huge cross-body, but Jazz dodges it last minute and Gail crashes and burns onto the fan barricade. Jazz gets up and takes a breather. She walks over to Gail who is holding her nose after banging it on the barricade and throws her back into the ring. Jazz comes back into the ring and covers Kim 1…2…Kim gets her foot on the bottom rope. Jazz starts getting angry and yanks Kim up and sets her up for her dreaded Powerbomb like finisher. She shoots Gail up, but Gail slips out of the back into a roll up on Jazz pinning her 1….2…3!
WINNER: Gail Kim

JR: Wait a minute! Gail Kim just got the roll up on the towering Jazz! What an upset King!

King: I just blinked my eyes and all of a sudden Gail wins? Wow! I need that on replay, what an upset, your right JR!

Gail runs out of the ring and up the ramp with Jazz right behind her. Gail continues up the ramp and gets to the curtain, but Molly runs out of the gate and clotheslines her at the top of the ramp.

JR: Oh come on! This is a disgrace, that’s our Women’s Champion, what a terrible thing to do! Come on!

Jazz and Molly meet up at the top of the ramp and stomp the hell out of Gail Kim. Jazz picks her up by the hair and sets her up for the powerbomb. Jazz gets her up and then drills her down to the solid steel ramp with a thunderous Powerbomb. Gail is motionless as Molly and Jazz raise their arms in victory.

King: This is serious JR, that’s solid steel, this isn’t looking good, we need someone out there to check on Gail…I’ll be right back JR.

King runs out of the announcer’s position and runs up the ramp to check on Gail along with the EMT’s.


JR: Well folks, we are waiting on an update from the back on Gail Kim, we are sorry you had to witness that, it was very graphic, I just hope Gail is alright.

HBK’s music hits as the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp.

: Welcome back King.

King: Thanks JR, I was up there and Gail, you could tell, was in tremendous pain, I don’t know, it looked pretty serious, that’s what the EMT’s were saying. She can have a concussion, broken neck, it was a nasty landing JR.

HBK: Now I know what all of you are thinking, it’s probably the same thing I have been wondering for the past week or so, and that little quandary is…why would Ric Flair turn down a challenge? Now boys and girls, let’s have a little history lesson. Ric Flair is, as everyone knows, a 16 time World Heavyweight Champion. He sold out every arena he has ever set foot in, hell, he even sold out the Tokyo Dome believe it or not. Ric Flair has had brutal wars with legends such as Dusty Rhodes, Rick Steamboat, Harley Race, Sting, among others, but the Nature Boy Ric Flair never had that classic with the Showstopper. Now I know Ric Flair probably thinks he rolls with the finest and how he would wrestle a “country boyâ€￾ like myself is beyond me, but listen Ric, this friction between will never settle, it will continue to rise Nay-tch until one of us breaks, and I have a feeling Ric, it is going to be you. Now the Showstopper isn’t that patient of a person, but Ric, if you need time to think about my offer just give me the heads up. Ric, just to refresh your memory, you…me…Summerslam. One thing is all I want Nay-tch, and that is the Nature Boy I grew up and loved, the man who would take any challenge head on, the Stylin’ and Profilin’ Ric Flair, one night at his best. If you do except Ric, this time I sure as hell won’t be lying down for you!

HBK drops the mic and walks out of the ring and up the ramp.

Undertaker walks up to Goldberg who is lacing up his boots in his locker room.

Taker: Hey Bill, you got a minute.

Goldberg says nothing and stands face to face with Undertaker.

: Listen here, you and me will never be on the same page, I think we can agree on that, but one thing we damn sure can agree on is that we got unfinished business with Triple H. That punk faked both of us out last week, and how the hell Bischoff can give those 3 other losers a spot at Summerslam for the title is beyond me, but Bill, I think we need to form a pact. You and me, we are the most dominant guys here on Raw, well, that’s right, you aren’t undefeated anymore, so I guess you would have to settle for second place on that one Bill…

Goldberg fires off a huge right and decks the Deadman. Taker goes down. Goldberg stomps the hell out of him backstage as security rushes in and pulls them apart. They do their best at holding both men back and they start pulling Undertaker out of Goldberg’s locker room.

Taker: You made a huge mistake boy, mark my words, you’re going to pay Bill, you hear me?!!!???

Taker gets pulled out of the door and Goldberg shakes his head in anger.


JR: That was sure a very hostile situation, backstage moments ago, ladies and gentlemen. It seemed as if Undertaker was trying to form a pact with the Deadman, but Goldberg wouldn’t hear of it and threw down with Big Evil right then and there!

King: They have quite the tension building between themselves JR, but we are just about ready to watch the first match in Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bust.â€￾ Now here are the rules, every superstar Eric Bischoff announced would be in the Elimination Chamber will all compete in matches over the next couple weeks. Bischoff said that they have to prove they are worthy of that match so if they do lose, the man who beat them will land themselves in the chamber come Summerslam. Guess who’s first JR?

JR: Well I sure know who’s first, my question is, who’s next?

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate through the pyros to a thunderous ovation.

: You said it JR, who’s next is right? Who’s Goldberg’s next opponent right here tonight.

JR: I wonder who it is, I think Goldberg is wondering too…

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw General Manger comes out of the gate.

: Alright Bill, you know the drill right? Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bustâ€￾ means you win or go home! Unfortunately, you may be going home because right here right now, you are going to face a man you know oh too well…if you’d be so kind and come out…

Mark Henry’s music hits as the World’s Strongest Man comes down the ramp.

: Oh boy, get ready for the rivalry reborn here! Goldberg battled for months with Mark Henry and Rodney Mack, but now that Mark Henry has dropped Rodney Mack, the World’s Strongest Man has been on a roll!

JR: You call beating up a defenseless woman and her fiancé a roll? What is wrong with you King?

Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bustâ€￾
Goldberg vs. Mark Henry
Goldberg stretches on the ropes as Mark Henry stares daggers at him from the opposite side of the ring. The fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! early on. Goldberg gets out of the corner and meets Mark Henry face to face in the middle of the ring. Mark Henry starts talking down to Goldberg and Goldberg turns away from Mark Henry. Mark pulls Goldberg back in and Goldberg fires off with rights and lefts pummeling Mark Henry. Goldberg keeps firing off shots backing Mark Henry up to the corner. The ref forces Goldberg back and Goldberg retreats to the center of the ring. Mark Henry runs towards Goldberg and looks for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks and spins Henry around. Goldberg nails a right hook and then pulls him by the arm and goes to whip him towards the ropes Henry counters and hurls Goldberg to the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and Mark Henry shoots him up and plants him with a back drop. Goldberg gets right back up to his feet and Henry pummels him with forearms across the back. Mark Henry attempts to hurl Goldberg across the ring, but Goldberg puts the brakes on and pulls Mark Henry into a straight knee to the gut. Goldberg holds him and shoots a couple more knees to the gut and rib area and then walks Henry to the corner and plops him into it. Goldberg nails some back elbow shots to the face of Henry and then Goldberg follows through with repeated shoulder thrusts to the gut. Goldberg backs off and then hurls Mark Henry out of the corner straight spine first into the opposite corner. Mark Henry bounces out of the corner holding his spine and Goldberg charges him and nails a huge shoulder block. Goldberg gets up and roars then pulls Mark Henry up. Goldberg drags Henry to the middle of the ring but Henry breaks out of Goldberg’s hold and delivers a huge headbutt. Mark Henry pulls Goldberg in and locks him in a bear hug. Mark Henry whips him around like a rag doll back and fourth and then lets him go crashing to the mat. Mark Henry walks towards and on top of Goldberg. Mark Henry goes to pin Goldberg, he hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! Mark Henry picks Goldberg up and shoves him. Goldberg fights back and shoves Henry. Mark Henry won’t back down and pushes Goldberg right back.

JR: Oh lord, this is like two pit bulls barking at one another, who barks the loudest wins!

Goldberg pushes Henry. Mark Henry throws a clothesline but Goldberg ducks. Henry turns back towards Goldberg and Goldberg grabs him by the throat. The crowd goes crazy as Goldberg attempts a body slam, on the World’s Strongest Man. He gets half way and then gives out and drops him. Goldberg holds his back in pain and Mark Henry throws him into the corner. Mark backs up and charges Goldberg like a freight train into the corner. Goldberg waits until last minute and dodges the big man. Mark Henry runs sternum first into the turnbuckles. Mark stumbles backwards towards the center of the ring and turns around only to meet Goldberg. Goldberg lifts up the big man and bodyslams him to a thunderous ovation. The crowd goes crazy as the fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG!

JR: By God King, what power, what brutality! Goldberg just lifted up Mark Henry and bodyslammed him, I can’t believe my eyes!

King: A little throwback to Hogan and Andre isn’t it JR?

Goldberg holds his back in pain and swings the arm over for the cover on Mark Henry pinning him 1…2…kickout! Goldberg gets up and signals for the Spear. He walks over to the corner and crouches down. The crowd goes crazy as Mark Henry lies motionless. Goldberg gets antsy and awaits Henry to get up. Mark starts to rise to his feet, but then falls to his knees. Mark tries again and gets to on of his feet while on the other knee. Mark finally gets up with his back turned to Goldberg.

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil rolls out of the gate and parks at the top of the ramp looking at Goldberg from the stage.

Goldberg stands up and screams at Taker from the ring turning his back to Henry. Goldberg keeps screaming at Taker from the ramp while Mark Henry runs and bulldozes Goldberg in the corner. Henry backs off and Goldberg falls onto the mat. Taker sits at the top on the ramp laughing. Mark Henry peels Goldberg off the mat and lifts him up and drills him with the World’s Strongest Slam. Mark Henry smiles and pins Goldberg 1…2…kickout at the last second! Undertaker gets off his bike and gets angry. Mark Henry can’t believe it and covers Goldberg again 1…2…kickout! Mark Henry nails Goldberg with a shot to the face and covers him a third time 1…kickout! Goldberg sits up and blasts Henry with shots to the face. Both men get up exchanging blows. Mark shoots a right at Goldberg, but Goldberg blocks and throws him to the ropes. Mark bounces back and attempts a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks and bounces off the ropes. Henry bounces off the opposite side and both men charge each other. Goldberg gets the advantage and nails Mark Henry with a huge Spear. Goldberg gets up and roars at Undertaker and then covers Mark Henry 1…2…3!
WINNER: Goldberg

JR: What a devastating Spear! Good lord! Mark Henry has to take a taste of his own medicine, the guy has been running ramped taking out superstars and divas, thank god for Goldberg for shutting this guy up!

King: Well looks like you’re happy JR, so much you can say for the Undertaker up there!

Undertaker starts walking down the ramp with his eyes locked on Goldberg. Undertaker stops and raises his fist in the air.

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

: Wait a minute King! It’s Kane, the Big Red Machine is here!

Undertaker and Kane charge the ring. The Brothers of Destruction beat the hell out of Goldberg in the ring stomping him down. They pick him up and Undertaker grabs him by the throat and then Kane grabs him by the throat as well setting him up for the double chokeslam.

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

Jericho runs down the ramp and into the ring and takes down the Big Red Machine. Goldberg kicks Taker in the gut and then sets him up for the Jackhammer. Jericho gets up and then looks at Goldberg. Goldberg signals for the Jackhammer but Jericho charges him and nails him with a running Insuguri. Jericho gets up…

Booker T hops over the barricade and slides into the ring behind Jericho.

Booker ambushes Jericho from behind and stomps the hell out of him. He picks up Jericho and kicks him in the gut. Booker bounces off the ropes and delivers a huge Scissors Kick to Y2J.

JR: It has broken down out here, someone needs to stop this! Summerslam has come early for these five individuals for sure!

Triple H’s music hits as the Game stands at the top of the ramp holding the World Heavyweight Championship.

: Oh JR, there he is, it’s Triple H, he must be beaming after seeing his opponents for Summerslam destroy each other here tonight!

JR: That you can be sure of King, another thing you can be sure of is Goldberg has officially locked in his spot at Summerslam, Taker, Kane, Booker, and Jericho still have to survive their “Boom or Bustâ€￾ matches, don’t miss Raw LIVE next week on SpikeTV, good night everybody


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!

World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
Triple H* defends against Goldberg, Undertaker, Kane, Booker T., and Chris Jericho

Raw vs. SmackDown!
Raw’s World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning vs. to be announced SmackDown! Team

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I am going with Goldberg vs Mark Henry. Not many high profile matches in this card, still, it delivered.

WM: The Steiner squash. I wasnt looking forward for his return lol, so this doesn't excite me.

BP: Hands down, the opening one. All promos were good, but the opening one was amazing, altough it felt a little too obvious that you were going toward an Elimination Chamber.

WP: None, all delivered.

AC: Great show, altough with all the feuds you are running on your brand and all worthy of a PPV, and considering SS is two branded, I do not know how all of that will play down, but I am waiting for the rest of the card with anxiety. Great work.

Check out BTW, show has been posted

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Yeah, as CMS said, this show's matches are not that good and I am going to pick the Goldberg/Mark Henry match.

Worst Match: the squash with the Big Poppa Pump himself and Stevie.

Best Promo: There are lots of promos I enjoyed, I liked the HHH/Steph one. HHH showed his comical side eventhough he's a badass heel but I definitely enjoyed reading the opening promo, It really hyped the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam and I think it is better than the real Elimination Chamber in 2003, lol...

Worst Promo: none at all

Additional Feedback: It's a good show but not your best. Summerslam is pretty interesting. I wonder if you're going to post some Smackdown matches as well. I am checking your next show and see who will go with the Boom or Bust match.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BM: Gail Kim vs. Jazz- this was a really good match.
WM: The Steiner squash
BP: The opening promo- I really liked having all of the title contenders coming out wanting a title shot
WP: Goldberg/Taker promo- To me it felt odd for Goldberg to do suck a heelish thing by attacking Taker.
AC: I didn't like the fact that Hardy was so afraid of 3 Minute Warning, it just seemed out of character to me... The 3 Minute Warning handicap matches are becoming kind of annoying... The HBK promo was very good, but not good enough to be best... I didn't really like the main event, it was pretty obvious who would win... I enjoyed the brawl at the end of the show.
Plug: POI Episode 16 has been posted, please check it out and leave a review.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Goldberg vs Henry was good, you were able to make a match with them entertaining with the Boom or Bust Stipulation.

WM - Steiner vs Stevie just becauseof the squash nature of it.

BP - THe opening promo was so in character and in depth, I could picture it happening in my head when I read it. It really was in character, and was amazing.

WP - You never have a bad promo.

AC - This was a good show with OK matches, but the promos are what made the show. It set up the feuds lots, and they all did way more than a real promo would do.


BP: The opening highlight reel promo was really good, they were all in character esp Booker and Jericho and it was a great length and also interseting...The other promo's were all good but the opener beat them (I like how you made Bishoff bring the chamber back and all the participents are great).

WP: none, I liked them all and they were all good in character promo's

BM: The main event, it was better then the rest of the matches and quite good...

wm: the worst match would have to be the Scott Steiner squash lol, I don't like Steiner and him squashing Richards doesnt help lol.

AF: A good show, I really enjoy your promo's they are probably the best I have ever read or definatly up their, the matches werent long matches and they werent exciting but hyping the fueds is all you really need to have a goos show to save up for the PPV. I liked the opening promo for many reasons but also because it brought back the elimination Chamber which will be a huge match for SummerSlam, im looking forward to it :yes:

CP: Check out TNE if you want, I have posted both parts of my PPV and it is huge! (my best work ever) :p



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

This Monday Night, the superstars of Monday Night Raw roll on into the town of Memphis, TN. With a few weeks to go until the biggest event of the Summer, WWE Summerslam, tempers soar and all hell will break loose!

Last week on Raw, General Manager Eric Bischoff announced the main event for this year’s Summerslam from the Raw Brand. It will feature Triple H defending his World Heavyweight Championship against 5 other superstars in an Elimination Chamber match. Eric Bischoff announced Goldberg, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Booker T, and Kane would be the other 5 superstars in the match, but they would all have to prove themselves in what Eric Bischoff called “Boom or Bust” matches. In the first “Boom or Bust” match Goldberg took on his former rival Mark Henry, the very same man whom took out Christian at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular. Mid way through the match Undertaker rolled out of the gate and observed Goldberg’s match. Big Evil and Bill Goldberg had a massive run in which turned into a backstage brawl earlier that night and their business was far from over. Goldberg made short work of the World’s Strongest Man crumbling him with a Spear. Undertaker proceeded down the ramp, this time accompanied by Kane. Both Brothers of Destruction took apart Goldberg until Y2J Chris Jericho came out beating up both Kane and Big Evil. This was followed by Booker T who assaulted Chris Jericho. Triple H emerged out of the gate laughing watching his Summerslam competition destroy themselves. Who will be featured in the next “Boom or Bust” match on the road to Summerslam? Tune in this Monday to find out!

At Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular Randy Orton crashed Stone Cold’s return to the ring. However, after the dust settled Randy Orton didn’t get the last laugh, Stone Cold planted him with a Stone Cold Stunner and followed by a beer bath. Last week on Raw Randy Orton called out Stone Cold for this Monday. He wants to see lightning strike twice with Austin. Will Austin answer Randy Orton’s call? Find out this Monday!

Last week on Raw, the SmackDown General Manager Stephanie McMahon made a surprise appearance and confronted the Raw GM Eric Bischoff in his office. She claimed by order of her father Vince McMahon, she had to put a stop to Eric Bischoff’s tyrant reign. She proposed a little SmackDown vs. Raw warfare at Summerslam in the form of a Tag Team match. Eric Bischoff without hesitation chose his World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning while Steph refused to name her team, instead she wanted a little preview, so come this Monday Night, Eric Bischoff’s 3 Minute Warning will collide with a SmackDown tag team to give the fans a preview of Summerslam! Who will Stephanie McMahon choose? Tune in this Monday to find out!

-Shawn Michaels attempts to get an answer out of Ric Flair for a match at Summerslam
-What is the future of the vacant Intercontinental Championship?
-The Women’s Championship match for Summerslam will be announced
-The second “Boom or Bust” match

All this plus much, much, more this Monday Night on Raw!

SmackDown! News
For all of you Raw fans that missed WWE SmackDown! last Thursday Night, here’s what you missed!

In the main event Kurt Angle defeated both Eddie Guerrero and the Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit to be named the number one contender for Brock Lesnar’s WWE Championship at this year’s Summerslam. The show closed with Brock locking eyes with the Olympic Gold Medalist in the middle of the ring anticipating the rematch from WrestleMania XIX back in April where Brock first won the title from Angle.

After taking down many superstars on the SmackDown! Roster such as A-Train, Nathan Jones, and Rhino, the Doctor of Thuganomics John Cena sent a message to the current United States Champion the Big Show by attacking him backstage while the Big Show was in an interview hyping his upcoming match with Matt Hardy. Cena jacked him across the jaw with his signature lock and chain wrapped around his hand. Big Show pulled through and went through with his match with Matt Hardy, but if the backstage attack wasn’t a big enough message, Cena ran down the after Big Show won by a Chokeslam to Hardy, and ambushed the 7ft Giant. John Cena held up the United States Championship to a thunderous crowd ovation.

Last week on SmackDown! Hulk Hogan finally got rid of his problems with Team Angle. Hulk Hogan’s partner Edge was put on the shelf a couple weeks back by the WWE Tag Team Champions and Hogan went into a handicap match against Angle’s minions. Hogan nails Shelton Benjamin with a big boot then cracked Charlie Haas off with a leg drop securing the victory. What will be next for the Hulkster now with Team Angle in his rear view mirror?


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!

World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
Triple H* defends against Goldberg, Undertaker, Kane, Booker T., and Chris Jericho

WWE Championship
WrestleMania XIX Rematch
Brock Lesnar defends against Kurt Angle

Raw vs. SmackDown!
Raw’s World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning vs. to be announced SmackDown! Team


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome preview XBA. I like how you've started to do Smackdown news as well. Looking forward to the show, I already can't wait for Summerslam.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice Preview, I am looking forward to Stone Cold's answer and the Smackdown team who will face 3MW at Summerslam. Good to see some news on Smackdown. This means that we are also going to see some Smackdown matches at Summerslam. This is going to be great and I'll try to check it out.


I can't wait for Raw XBA, it looks good, I can't wait to see if Austin is going to show up or not! I'm liking the SmackDown news. Keep up the great work.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night Raw. Good old JR Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler right here ringside as we are only 3 weeks away from WWE’s Biggest Event of the Summer, that’s right Summerslam! We have a jam packed crowd in Memphis, TN! I can’t wait to start the show!

King: You know why we are sold out in Memphis tonight JR?

JR: Because nobody puts on a wrestling show like WWE?

King: Well, I didn’t think of that, I thought we were sold out because everyone came to see me! Memphis is my town JR!

Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

: Well King, we are going to kick off Monday Night Raw with the second installment of Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bust!â€

King: That’s right JR, now if you aren’t familiar with the rules, everyone of the 5 challengers for Triple H in the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam will have to compete in matches over the next couple weeks in order to prove themselves to General Manager Eric Bischoff. If the superstar wins their match, they keep their spot in the chamber, as Goldberg did last week against Mark Henry. However, if they lose their match, their opponent who defeated them, well, they find themselves in a World Heavyweight Championship match inside the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam!

Eric Bischoff appears on the screen.

: Alright Kane, it’s your time my man to show that you deserve a spot in the Elimination Chamber match, so let’s bring out your opponent shall we? He is a very old friend of yours Kane, someone you even held championship gold with…

RVD’s music hits as Rob Van Dam comes out of the gate.

: Oh wait a minute! It’s RVD King! As we can all recall Kane was once World Tag Team Champions with Mr. Monday Night, this is sure as hell going to be a great match judging by both competitors’ histories alone!

King: I sure hope Kane beats the hell out of RVD, what the hell has RVD done lately to actually get a World title shot? I will answer that for you…jack squat! RVD shouldn’t even be here JR!

JR: Now that’s not fair King, we all know RVD was out with an injury, he deserves just as much as the next guy.

King: Sure JR, just as long as the next guy isn’t the Big Red Machine!

Eric Bischoff’s “Boom or Bustâ€
RVD vs. Kane

RVD stretches his legs on the ropes as Kane tightens his glove in his corner. The ref calls for the bell and both men circle the ring. They approach the center of the ring and lock up. Kane delivers a huge knee to the gut of RVD and then locks him up. Kane sends Van Dam up for a suplex. RVD dangles in mid air, but slides out of the back and lands on his feet behind Kane. RVD goes low and nails a spin kick to the legs of Kane and the Big Red Machine is grounded. RVD runs and bounces off the ropes and comes back towards Kane and lands a spinning leg drop to the back of Kane’s neck. Kane goes down and RVD pins him 1…kickout! Kane gets up and RVD doubles back and off the ropes charging Kane. Kane stops RVD in his tracks and grabs him by the throat. Kane puts the choke on, but RVD gets a high kick to the ribs of Kane and then breaks out of the choke. RVD nails some kicks to the knees and legs of Kane and then follows up with a big boot to the mid section of Kane. Kane goes down to one knee. RVD runs and bounces off the ropes. RVD bounces back and Kane springs out with a huge clothesline. RVD gets turned inside out at Kane gets the momentum going. Kane yanks RVD up by the hair and then hurls him into the corner. Kane charges Van Dam and then clocks him with a major clothesline in the corner. Kane backs up and RVD falls forward right into Kane. Kane holds RVD up and then knees him in the gut several times. Kane drags RVD out into the middle of the ring and then body slams him. Kane runs and bounces off the ropes and lands a huge leg drop onto the neck and head of RVD. Kane covers Van Dam 1…2….kickout! Kane gets up and flips his hair back in frustration and then lays the forearm across RVD’s throat and chokes him. The ref tries to get Kane off, but Kane puts the choke harder on Van Dam. The ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Kane finally let’s go. Kane gets up and drags RVD up with him. Kane hurls RVD to the ropes and Van Dam bounces back and Kane takes him and then drills him with a sidewalk slam. Kane follows through with the hook to the leg 1…2…kickout! Kane gets up and raises his hand signaling for the chokeslam. RVD staggers back up to his feet and turns around. Without hesitation RVD goes low and nails a drop kick to the knees. Kane goes down again. RVD doubles back, and off the ropes, then plants Kane with a huge running Insuguri to the face.

JR: Wow King, what fight RVD has in him, he would want nothing more than to steal that Elimination Chamber spot away from the Big Red Machine here!

King: Oh I know JR, RVD has been sitting on the sidelines for months, it would be good for him if he can land a spot in the chamber, but I don’t want him to, because why have RVD when you can have Kane? Let’s be serious!

Kane lies on his back after the Insuguri and then the fans chant RVD! RVD! RVD! Van Dam runs and bounces off the ropes and then tumbles on the mat and then plants Kane with RVD’s patented Rolling Thunder. RVD regains himself and pounces on Kane for the cover 1…2…kickout! RVD kneels up and can’t believe it. Kane sits up quickly and is now eye to eye with RVD. RVD slowly turns towards Kane and grabs him by the throat. Kane gets up and drags RVD up by the throat. Kane grabs RVD with his other hand and whips him up and over his head by the throat. RVD cringes in pain on the mat as Kane walks to the corner. Kane climbs the turnbuckles. RVD gets to his knees and then staggers to his feet and turns towards Kane. Kane jumps off the top rope going for the mid air clothesline, but RVD counters and plants Kane with a mid air dropkick to the ribs and both men crash to the mat. RVD squirms in pain but quickly crawls over to Kane to make the cover and hooks the leg 1…2…kickout! RVD gets up and walks the pain off. RVD does his signature RVD taunt and then points to the corner. RVD climbs the turnbuckles. With his back turned to Kane, the Big Red Machine sits up and quickly gets to his feet and makes a B line to the corner. RVD gets on the top rope, but Kane is already there and grabs him by the throat. Kane hurls him off the top rope and crashes onto the mat. Kane signals for the Tombstone and picks RVD up. The fans boo as Kane hoists RVD on his shoulder. RVD starts to squirm and slips out of the back and maneuvers into a roll up on the Big Red Machine pinning him 1…2…kickout! RVD and Kane get up at the same time and RVD goes for a kick, but Kane catches it. Kane spins RVD around and RVD follows through with a spin kick, but Kane ducks and dodges it and RVD turns around and Kane gets him by the throat. Kane slings the arm over his shoulder and lifts him up to drill him down to the mat with a huge chokeslam. Kane covers Van Dam 1…2…3!

JR: By God King! What height on that chokeslam! That can incapacitate any competitor!

King: You aren’t lying JR, with the chokeslam Kane has just catapulted himself into staying in the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam for the shot at Triple H’s World Heavyweight Championship!

JR: Well RVD, better luck next time, it’s not your time kid, your time will come soon enough, but this time belongs to Kane as he joins Goldberg and the Game Triple H in the Elimination Chamber.

King: Let’s remember JR, the Elimination Chamber match is made, all 6 competitors have been announced but they all have to win their “Boom or Bust†matches in order to prove to Eric Bischoff they deserve to be in it!

Coach is backstage with Chris Jericho.

Coach: I am here with the Human Highlight Reel himself, Y2J Chris Jericho! Now Chris, last week in your very own Highlight Reel General Manager Eric Bischoff announced a huge main event for this year’s Summerslam. Triple H will be defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Goldberg, Undertaker, Kane, Booker T, and yourself, Chris. However, in order to keep that spot you will have to win Bischoff’s “Boom or Bust†match as Kane just did minutes ago, what are your thoughts on this?

Y2J: Look here Coachman, the Ayatollah of Rock N’ Rollah is on a high that I don’t want to come down from. For the first time since Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, the first one of course, Y2J Chris Jericho has the World Title right in the palm of his gorgeous hands. Summerslam is right around the corner Coach, 10 tons of steel, 2 miles of chain, that’s what the main event is Coach, it’s the Elimination Chamber. The Sexy Beast was in the first chamber last year at Survivor Series, one of the most grueling matches in my career, I didn’t necessarily come out victorious, but I have a second chance, Chris Jericho will…

Booker T walks into the picture.

: Look at yo punk ass. Chris Jericho already thinking he has the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. Sure you have experience in the chamber Chris, but news flash boy, so do I…Booker T…the 5 time, 5 time,

Jericho starts walking away.

: Call me back when he’s done…

Booker: …5 time…hey, don’t turn yo back on me sucka!

Jericho comes back.

: All I got to say is Jericho, your “Boom or Bust†match is next week sucka, you better get yo ass ready if you want that spot in the Elimination Chamber…

Y2J: Wait…wait…what? My match is next week?

Booker: That’s what the word going around is sucka, sure as hell it is.

Y2J: Ha, that’s real funny Booker T, because I hear that your match is next week.

Booker: Say that again? What you talkin’ bout!

Y2J: Well now Book, looks like we might get each other’s hands on one another sooner than later, looks like you are me are locking it up next week.

Booker: You know what, that’s fine with me punk, I’ll knock you out with the Scissors Kick and then do a Spin-a-Rooni all on yo lifeless ass in that ring, now can you dig that?????

Y2J: …Sucka.


Eric Bischoff sits in his office right next to the glass case holding the Intercontinental Championship.

Bischoff: Now, the question here is what to do with the vacant Intercontinental Championship belt…hmmm…maybe I can…

His phone rings and he pulls it out.

: Hello…Oh….it’s you, are you ready, are your guys here yet? I got a show to run here babe and I can’t be waiting on you, I am on a tight schedule…well…I will tell you what, when you arrive, bring your losers to my office and then I’ll get my guys and we will have the match? …alright, no, good luck to you Steph.

He closes his phone.

: This is why I am the superior GM, I know how to manage my time on my show…Now, back to the Intercontinental Championship…

JR: That was Stephanie McMahon King!

King: Oh I know JR, it’s 3 Minute Warning taking on a SmackDown! tag team later tonight, I can’t wait!

JR: What do you think he was going to say about the Intercontinental…

Evolution’s music hits as Batista comes to the ring.

: ….speaking of the Intercontinental Championship, here comes a man who thinks he deserves the title. In my mind, this guy doesn’t deserve a damn thing. Batista cannot beat the former Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy in a one on one single fall match, it has been proven King!

Batista: Alright, I came out here to issue a challenge. Eric Bischoff still has the Intercontinental Championship held up. I am here to show him that I am a true Intercontinental Champion, a perfect superstar to be the face of this brand, so right here, right now, I am issuing a challenge to you…Jeff Hardy! I want to show Eric Bischoff I CAN kick your ass once and for all!

JR: Well I certainly admire Batista’s fight, but he doesn’t have that great of a track record against Hardy in the past!

Batista: Come on Jeff, I don’t have all day!

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Hardy comes down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

Batista vs. Jeff Hardy

Batista and Hardy circle the ring as Hardy claps his hands to get the crowd behind him. The fans start chanting HARDY! HARDY! HARDY! Hardy locks up with Batista. Batista quickly gets behind Hardy and goes for a backdrop suplex. Hardy flips over and lands on his feet behind Batista. Hardy grabs him and goes for an inverted DDT, but Batista spins out of it and twists the arm of Hardy and follows through with a devastating clothesline. Batista makes the cover on Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista picks Hardy up and nails him with an elbow to the face. Batista whips Hardy to the ropes. Hardy clings onto the ropes. Batista charges Hardy, but Jeff pulls the top rope down and Batista flies up and over the top rope and Batista crashes and burns onto the outside floor. Batista slowly gets back up to his feet and Jeff Hardy springboards over the top rope and crashes onto Batista with a suicide dive. The crowd chants HARDY! HARDY! HARDY! Jeff gets up and starts clapping along with the crowd. Jeff Hardy picks up Batista, but Batista lifts him off his feet and drives him back first into the ring apron. Batista starts nailing Hardy in the face with shots and Hardy falls to the floor and Batista stomps the hell out of him. Batista picks Hardy up and hoists him up on his shoulder. The crowd boos and Batista runs and long darts Jeff Hardy skull first off the steel ring post. Batista rolls in and out of the ring to break the referee’s ring out count. Batista slides back out of the ring and goes on the assault. The Animal grabs Jeff Hardy and slams him off the apron. Jeff Hardy stumbles away from Batista, but then turns back towards him and the Animal nails him with a big boot. Jeff Hardy lies motionless on the outside floor as Batista raises his arms in an early victory. The fans boo him as Batista goes after Hardy. Batista grabs Hardy and throws him back into the ring. Batista slides into the ring and peels Hardy off the canvas. The Animal hurls Hardy into the corner. Batista takes a breather and charges Hardy going for a huge shoulder thrust in the corner. Hardy counters and gets his legs up and Batista goes shoulder first into the solid steel ring post. Hardy lands behind Batista and goes for the quick roll up 1…2…kickout! Batista crawls away from Hardy holding his shoulder but Hardy runs up and nails an elbow drop to the lower back of Batista. Hardy gets up and bounces off the ropes and lands a leg drop to the back of the head. Jeff follows up with grabbing both of Batista’s legs and planting his patented double leg drop to the lower mid section of Batista. Hardy covers the Animal 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and stalks Batista looking for the Twist of Fate. Batista gets up and turns around. Hardy kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Twist of Fate. Hardy goes for it, but Batista counters and pushes him forward. Hardy bounces off the ropes right into a huge Spinebuster by the Animal Batista. Batista falls on top of Hardy and hooks the leg for the cover on Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista shakes his head in disgust and walks over to the top rope and jerks it up and down signaling for the Batista Bomb. He turns around and Hardy charges him looking for a clothesline, but Batista ducks and Hardy follows through charging the corner and scales the turnbuckles to unload a huge Whisper in the Wind. Batista turns around and quickly dodges and Hardy crashes and burns. Hardy cringes on the mat and Batista picks him up. He sets him up for the Batista Bomb and hurls him up and drills him down with his finisher. He covers Hardy 1…2…3!
WINNER: Batista

JR: Good lord King what a Batista Bomb!

King: That can knock off any opponent I tell you JR, I wonder if this opened Eric Bischoff’s eyes and he can finally give it to a deserving competitor like Batista!

JR: Who said anything about “giving†King?

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw General Manager comes down the ramp.

: Oh looks like he is going to do it JR! Batista is our new Intercontinental Champion!

Bischoff: Well, well, well, looks like all of the doubters to that man right there have just been silenced. Let me, Eric Bischoff, be the first to congratulate you, Batista, on a job well done. I knew you had it in you the whole time, luck comes to very few and Jeff Hardy just happened to be the lightning rod for luck, but all of that is in the past. As for the future, alright boys….bring it out!

Two security guards come down the ramp carrying a big box draped in a red velvet cloth. They bring it into the ring and place it on its stand right next to Eric Bischoff. Bischoff rips off the cloth and reveals the Intercontinental Championship belt. He lifts the cover and pulls out the belt.

Bischoff: Batista, here you go sir, you deserved it!

JR: What? He is handing the title to Batista?

Bischoff puts the Intercontinental Championship around the waist of Batista as the crowd boos.

Batista: I don’t know what to say Mr. Bischoff, I…I…

Batista sheds a tear and hugs Eric Bischoff and Bischoff raises Batista’s arm in victory to a horrible ovation from the crowd

Terri is backstage with Shawn Michaels.

Terri: I am here with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Now Shawn, last week you laid all your cards out on the table for Ric Flair and as far as we know you haven’t gotten your answer correct?

HBK: No Terri, I haven’t, Good Ol’ HBK doesn’t know what he has to do to get Nature Boy Ric Flair to answer a simple yes or no question. That’s why I am here tonight Terri, once again I am going out to that ring and I am going to call out Ric Flair, I already know he isn’t the man he used to be, but I hope the man he is now, isn’t that big of a coward as I think he is.


Goldberg is lacing up his boots and warming up in his locker room when Undertaker walks in. Goldberg gets up and looks Undertaker face to face.

Taker: Listen here tough guy; I don’t think you knew who you were messing with last week. I didn’t like the way we left things last Monday Night, so I came here to kind of sooth the wounds.

Goldberg: Sooth the wounds?

Taker: Yea, make peace, because every man in that chamber will need all the help they can get and I think with the power of both of us, we can be strong allies…

Goldberg: Allies?

Taker: Hell Bill, at Summerslam, either of us can win the World Heavyweight Championship, that’s 33% of either Big Evil or Goldberg walking out with Triple H’s strap, after that, who knows what’s next.

Goldberg: Who know what’s next huh? It’s not what’s next Undertaker, it’s who’s next, and I have a feeling you’re next if you don’t get your scrawny little ass out of my locker room or you are going to suffer the same ass beating you got last week!

Taker: Is that right?

Goldberg: That’s damn right.

Triple H walks in holding the World Heavyweight Championship sipping on a cup of coffee and butts in between both men.

: Guys, guys, guys, you’re both smarter than that right? I mean, 33% did you say Big Evil? Hell, it’s more like 15% considering my track record alone. Bill, I defeated you a couple weeks ago on Raw, and I can’t even count how many times I whooped your ass Taker, let’s face it, I am the odds on favorite for the Elimination Chamber, the Game, the Cerebral Assassin, not Goldberg or the Undertaker. Hell Taker, you still didn’t even win your Boom of Bust match, how the hell do you even know if you are going to make it to Summerslam?

Taker: Well Triple H…

Goldberg: Listen here Triple H, I got no plans tonight, you want to brag about beating me a couple weeks ago, how about we have a rematch right here tonight!

HHH: Calm down there Jack, I am the Game, I don’t make the matches here, but if the opportunity presented itself Goldberg, I would be more than willing to beat your ass for a second time right here tonight. Yours too Deadman, don’t thing I forgot about you, hell I will take you both on right here right now!

Eric Bischoff walks in along with the new Intercontinental Champion Batista.

: Dave, what’s going on man? Intercontinental Champ huh? When did this happen, I just got to the arena, where’s Ric, let’s go get some champagne and…

Bischoff: Hold it right there you two, you as well Goldberg and Undertaker, I heard your whole conversation from the other end of the damn building, but I also smelled something, I smelled ratings, and I have just thought of a fantastic main event this evening. On one side it will be Evolution, the World Heavyweight Champion, the Game Triple H, teaming up with the new Intercontinental Champion Batista, to take on the unlikely teaming of Goldberg and the Undertaker!!! Good luck gentlemen, I have a SmackDown! tag team’s rear end to kick in just a few moments, so play nice children.

JR: Triple H and Batista vs. Undertaker and Goldberg tonight? Oh boy King what a match that is going to be!

King: What about coming up next JR? It’s SmackDown! vs. Raw…a Summerslam Preview!!!


PROMO: Molly Holly will defend her WWE Women’s Championship at Summerslam in a Triple Threat Match against Jazz and Gail Kim!

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as the Raw World Tag Team Champions and Raw’s General Manager Eric Bischoff come down the ramp.

Here we go ladies and gentlemen, last week Stephanie McMahon took it upon herself by order of her father Vince McMahon to come to Raw and challenge Eric Bischoff to a little SmackDown! vs. Raw competition at this year’s Summerslam. Bischoff said sure and even though Steph has yet to announce her tag team for this competition to face 3 Minute Warning, the SmackDown! General Manager has brought another tag team of her own to fight 3 Minute Warning here tonight!

Bischoff: Alright Steph, I know you’re back there, so come on out, the sooner you lose the better!

Stephanie McMahon’s music hits as the SmackDown! GM comes to the stage.

: I have to admit Bischoff, just when Raw couldn’t get any worse, you literally hand Batista the Intercontinental Championship, good call there, but that’s beside the point. Tonight I have brought a SmackDown! Tag Team to the building tonight to slaughter 3 Minute Warning. Boys…

Funaki’s music hits as SmackDown’s Number 1 Announcer comes down the ramp along with Brian Kendrick.

: I hope 3 Minute Warning didn’t bite off a little more than they can chew Eric!

Funaki and Kendrick stand facing 3 Minute Warning face to face with Eric Bischoff in the middle of it all.

Bischoff: Ha…ha…hahahahaha, are you serious Steph? Come on, is this a joke, and I being Punk’d? Man, I didn’t think in a million years you would pull off something this bad, oh well, let’s do this ring the damn bell!

3 Minute Warning vs. Funaki and Brian Kendrick
Kendrick and Jamal start off the match. Kendrick charges Jamal, but Jamal automatically catches him and locks him into a bear hug. Jamal whips him around like a rag doll a couple times then hurls him back across the ring. Kendrick lands back in his corner, and makes the tag to Funaki. Funaki climbs the turnbuckles and goes for a cross body. He launches off the top rope and Jamal catches him as well and then flips him around with a spinning sidewalk slam. Stephanie McMahon watches with a look of confidence on her face as she watches her tag team getting dismantled by 3 Minute Warning. Jamal yanks Funaki up and whips him across the ring. Funaki bounces back and then Jamal plants him with a huge Samoan Drop. The fans boo as Bischoff cheers them on. Funaki crawls to his corner and tags in Kendrick. Kendrick walks to mid apron and then springboards off the top rope and goes for a seated Senton onto Jamal. He goes for it, but Jamal catches him. Jamal lifts him up and drills him down with a powerbomb. Kendrick squirms on the mat and Jamal tags in Rosey. They signal for the 3MW, 3 Minute Warning’s version of the 3D.

Steph: Alright, alright, Eric, I give up, I don’t want my superstars to get injured here, so you win…

Bischoff: What? I just win, I win? I win! Yes! Ha, what the hell kind of superstars to you have working for you Steph?

Eric Bischoff keeps talking and begins to walk up the ramp towards Stephanie McMahon leaving 3 Minute Warning in the middle of the ring.

Bischoff: Steph I really got to hand it to you, how stupid can you be challenging my World Tag Team…

Bubba Ray and Devon Dudley hop the barricades to a huge pop from the crowd and emerge behind Jamal and Rosey.

Bischoff: Steph, leave it to beaver and some little Japanese import? That’s all you got? Who can you possibly get for Summerslam?

Steph: Actually Eric, good thing you asked…

Bischoff: What the hell are you talking…

Bischoff turns around and can’t believe his eyes. Jamal and Rosey turn around, and then the Dudley Boys pounce on them. Bubba charges and clothesline Rosey and Devon nails a huge big boot to Jamal. The crowd erupts as Bischoff runs to the ring and hops on the apron. Bubba charges Bischoff, but the Raw GM hops off as he realizes all he can do is watch the carnage. The Dudley Boys stomp the hell out of 3 Minute Warning. Bubba picks up Rosey and Devon picks up Jamal. The Dudley Boys whip 3 Minute Warning off the ropes and Jamal and Rosey collide knocking heads and both men crash onto the mat in the ring.


Devon slides out of the ring and pulls out a table. Eric Bischoff runs up to Devon and tries to get him to drop the table. Devon slaps him away and then Bubba smiles. Devon rolls Eric Bischoff into the center of the ring. Bubba kicks Rosey and Jamal out of the ring under the bottom rope as Devon sets up the table. The fans go crazy as Stephanie screams at the Dudley’s from the ramp. Devon picks up Eric Bischoff and hurls him across the ring. Bischoff bounces back and Devon hurls him up and Bubba catches him and the Dudley Boys send Eric Bischoff through the table with the 3D. The crowd goes insane.

JR: Hell yea! He deserved every damn bit of that 3D if you ask me King!

King: Shush up JR, don’t go against Eric Bischoff, he might be through a table right now, but just imagine when he gets up, Raw will never hear the end of it!

Steph: Oh by the way Eric, I am officially naming the Dudley Boys as my newest acquisition to SmackDown! and 3 Minute Warning’s opponents for Summerslam!

JR: What a huge match, remember these two teams’ rivalry earlier this year King, the Dudley Boys have a second chance to put 3 Minute Warning, and what better of a place than Summerslam!?!!??!?

The Dudley Boys raise their arms to a standing ovation


JR: Well King what a night it has been. We kicked off Raw with an Eric Bischoff “Boom or Bust†Match where the Big Red Machine secured his spot in the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam, now he officially joins Goldberg and Triple H in that match. We heard earlier tonight in a conversation with Chris Jericho and Booker T that both men heard each other’s “Boom or Bust†Matches would be next week, but Eric Bischoff said there was only one match per week heading up to Summerslam! Could that mean they would be facing each other?

King: I don’t know JR, but there has been some heat between those two, I wouldn’t be surprised if they would lock horns next week here on Raw!

HBK’s music hits as the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp to a standing ovation.

: Let’s see if HBK can get anywhere this time around with the Nature Boy ladies and gentlemen!

HBK: Alright boys and girls, the Showstopper is out in this very ring for the very same reason I was last Monday Night right here on Raw. My purpose…to get a simple answer from the very same man whom I idolized growing up and the very same man whom I laid down in front of in our match last April at Backlash, ladies and gentlemen, right here right now, the Showstopper isn’t asking, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels wants the Nature Boy Ric Flair in this ring right now!

JR: Well looks like HBK isn’t wasting any time!

The crowd starts Woo-ing for the Nature Boy.

Evolution’s music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes out of the gate and down the ramp.

: It’s him JR! Ric Flair is here! Stylin’ and Profilin’ down the ramp!

Flair gets in the ring and stares down HBK in the center of the squared circle.

HBK: Ric, that last thing I want to do is waste both yours and my time, so I am cutting to the chase Nay-tch, you…me…Summerslam, what do you say?

Flair: Shawn, I have traveled in this business for 30 years now and if I had a dime for every time some punk challenged me to a high profile match like this at one of the biggest events of the year, hell, I would be richer than I am right now. Michaels, I am going to give you the same answer I gave you two weeks ago at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular…no.

HBK: Ric, I have been following you for all those 30 years, and for the first time in those thirty years, you are refusing the challenge from that “punk.†Ric, I am sure not a punk and I sure as hell am not satisfied by that answer, Ric, I want you at Summerslam, one on one Nay-tch.

Flair: I don’t know if your ears are plotted Michaels or you are just stupid, I said no.

HBK: Oh I am sorry Ric, I forgot, I am not asking a question anymore Ric. Do you know what you put me through for the past couple months? Do you know? Ric, I don’t think you do. Let me tell you…

Randy Orton hops the barricade and runs into the ring behind Michaels. Orton nails Michaels with a clothesline to the back of the head.

JR: Wait, what the hell? That’s Randy Orton!

Orton and Flair double stomp the hell out of Michaels to the mat.

Orton: Michaels, the man said no! Ric! Help me get this piece of crap out of my ring…get him up…I got some business to attend to! Wait…better yet, let’s take care of this pest once and for all, the only way Evolution knows how!

Flair picks Michaels up and Orton signals for the RKO.

Stone Cold’s music hits as Steve Austin comes down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

JR: Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! The Texas Rattlesnake is rattling the rafters here in Memphis!

King: What the hell is Austin doing here JR?

Austin runs into the ring and chases Flair and Orton out of the ring.

Austin: You wanted me here on Raw didn’t you Randy, (WHAT!) hell kid, here I am! (WHAT!) Hell, I didn’t know Shawn was invited to the party! (WHAT!) You’re pretty scared to get into this ring now aren’t you boy? (WHAT!)

Ric Flair runs and grabs a microphone.

Flair: Damn you Austin! What the hell are you doing here! We had Michaels right where we wanted him and you ruined it you stupid redneck!

Austin: Maybe Shawn’s ears aren’t plotted, (WHAT!) mine maybe though, (WHAT!) can you repeat what you just said there “Space Mountain.â€

Randy takes the microphone from Ric and calms him down.

Orton: Listen Austin, this isn’t how I wanted our meeting to go, another place….another time Steve…

Orton and Flair walk up the ramp as Austin helps up Ric Flair in the ring.

JR: Well looks like both Ric and Randy’s plans were foiled here tonight King, Ric didn’t get the beatdown of HBK I guess he was planning and Orton didn’t get to call out Austin because Austin arrived a little early, but just in the nick of time for Shawn.

King: Well we haven’t heard the last from these four men that’s for sure!

Coach is backstage with the new Intercontinental Champion Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, ½ of Evolution.

Coach: Alright ladies and gentlemen, your main event is moments away, if you would please welcome my guests at this time they are the two men that will be facing Goldberg and the Undertaker in a few minutes, the new Intercontinental Champion Batista and the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Guys, what are your thoughts on the match coming up next?

HHH: My thoughts Coach? What exactly are you asking? Do you think we are going to lose or something? We are Evolution, the most dominant stable to ever grace this company, we…

Coach: Well since Batista had a great, but grueling match earlier tonight, I just thought that…

HHH: Yea, you thought, next time don’t think out loud so you interrupt me when I am speaking! Coach, we have two of the most prestigious titles in this industry around our waists. Batista and I are on the top of the wrestling world and tonight we go to war with two men who can’t even say one word to each other without a damn fight breaking out. If you ask me the odds of winning this match are in the hands of Evolution…again.

Batista: Do you think I am tired Coach since I have had a match earlier tonight? I can face that punk Jeff Hardy 10 times and still not break a sweat. Me and Triple H have nothing to worry about going into this match, isn’t that right Hunter?

HHH: You’re damn right Dave, let’s get out of here!


PROMO: Christian returns to Raw next week!

Evolution’s theme hits as the Intercontinental Champion Batista comes down the ramp.

: I don’t know how this man can do it, going through with 2 matches in one night, if Batista can do this and win both of these matches he will definitely be moving up in the world of WWE that’s for sure!

King: I agree, even though Batista has been battling Jeff Hardy of the Intercontinental Championship, he has more or less been under the radar of wrestling fans, but now look at what has happened in just one short night JR!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp.

JR: Here is the man that will defend his Championship inside the unforgiving steel structure known as the Elimination Chamber, Triple H. The Game came in second place last year at Survivor Series in the Elimination Chamber, he looks to retain his Championship and become the second only man to ever win this type of match.

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil rolls out of the gate and down the ramp.

: I don’t know how well Taker and Goldberg will get along here JR, this is going to be something to see I tell you what!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate and down the ramp.

: Well King, we are about 30 seconds into this match and Taker and Goldberg haven’t taken their eyes off one another, that can’t be a good sign!

Triple H and Batista vs. Goldberg and Undertaker
Batista and Goldberg start off the match. Undertaker pulls back Goldberg and turns him around and tells him he wants to start the match. Goldberg and the Undertaker argue back and fourth as Batista jumps in and ambushes Goldberg from behind. Taker smirks and goes on the outside apron. Batista wails on Goldberg with elbows and forearms to the back. Batista bounces Goldberg’s head off the top turnbuckle and then bounces him across the ring off the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and Batista bends down looking for the backdrop, but Goldberg stops then delivers a huge kick to the face. Batista flies back and Goldberg runs and bounces off the ropes and delivers a huge shoulder block to Batista. Goldberg gets up and picks Batista up. Goldberg delivers a huge kick to the gut and then puts Batista in a headlock. Goldberg puts the pressure on, but Batista counters and pushes Goldberg forward. Goldberg hits the ropes and bounces back right into a huge shoulder block this time by Batista. Batista grabs Goldberg and gives him a huge knee to the gut. Batista drags Goldberg and sits him in his corner and makes the tag to the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. Triple H comes out and nails Goldberg with kicks to the mid section. Triple H drags Goldberg out of the corner and sets him up for a suplex. Triple H lifts Goldberg, but he blocks last minute. Goldberg lifts Triple H up for a suplex and then drops him front first onto the mat. Goldberg roars and picks up the Game. Goldberg sets him up and then plants him with a forceful swinging neckbreaker. Goldberg crawls over and pins the Game 1…2…kickout! Goldberg gets up and takes the Game with him. Goldberg knees Triple H in the ribs and hurls him to his corner, but Triple H reverses mid stream and sends Goldberg back into the Evolution corner. Triple H runs and bulldozes Goldberg in the corner. Triple H tags in Batista and both Batista and the Game beat the hell out of Goldberg. The Animal and Triple H bounce Goldberg off the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and Evolution goes for the double clothesline, but Goldberg ducks and bounces back off the ropes and nails a double flying clothesline to Batista and Triple H. Goldberg snaps up to his feet and roars to a thunderous crowd ovation. Batista gets up and Goldberg grabs him by the throat. Goldberg hoists the Animal up above his head, but Triple H gets up and chop blocks Goldberg behind the leg. Batista falls to his feet and Goldberg goes down.

JR: Oh come on ref! Get with the program, it’s been a two on one for a couple minutes now, Triple H isn’t supposes to be in there, get him out of there ref!

Triple H and Batista stomp the hell out of Goldberg on the mat as the ref tries to break it up. The fans chant TAKER! TAKER! TAKER! in and effort to have Big Evil save Goldberg. Taker seems confused on the outside, but after a few more seconds Undertaker charges into the ring and Triple H and Batista slide out of the ring under the bottom rope. The crowd cheers as Undertaker makes Evolution back off. Goldberg gets to his feet and stumbles around a couple times. The ref continues checking on Goldberg as Bill holds his right leg.

King: Uh oh JR, looks like that chop block from Triple H might have injured Goldberg here…

Undertaker urges Evolution to come in the ring, but Triple H and Batista back off. Undertaker turns around towards Goldberg who could barely stand. Taker looks back towards Evolution and then looks back towards Goldberg. Undertaker charges Goldberg and nails him with a Big Boot to the face. The crowd goes ballistic. They boo the Undertaker as Triple H and Batista run back into the ring. Triple H barks at Batista to beat the hell out of him as Triple H and Undertaker lock eyes. Triple H smiles and Taker slowly walks out of the ring and up the ramp to a horrible ovation. Batista picks up Goldberg’s wounded body and drills him down with a huge spinebuster. Triple H signals for the Batista Bomb and the Animal nods his head. Batista lifts Goldberg up once again and positions him for it. Batista hurls Goldberg up and then drills him down with the Batista Bomb. Triple H reaches out and asks Batista for the tag. Batista tags in the Game and Triple H stalks Goldberg’s semi-crippled body. Triple H lifts him up and smirks then kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree. Triple H lands the Pedigree perfectly and then crawls over and hooks the leg for the cover on Goldberg 1…2…3!
WINNER: Triple H and Batista

JR: Oh come on! What a bunch of bullshit!

King: JR! We’re on network television!

JR: Well King, I just don’t give a damn! I know what this is and I know you know what this is! I said it before and I will say it again, this is bullshit! What the hell is wrong with the Undertaker!?!? Why would he abandon his tag team partner like that! I know they wouldn’t have Christmas dinner together, but what man would leave another man out there like that? Goldberg can be seriously hurt!

Triple H and Batista raise their arms in victory as Triple H abruptly slides out of the ring and lifts the apron up. He pulls out his signature sledgehammer. Triple H smirks and gets back in the ring.

JR: Oh come on Triple H, enough is enough! Let the man be for God’s Sake! He it trying to put Goldberg on the shelf, wipe him clean from WWE!

Triple H signals for Batista to hold up Goldberg. Batista holds up Goldberg and Triple H charges him and clocks him across the face with the sledgehammer busting him open. Goldberg falls to the mat gushing with blood as Triple H and Batista hold up their title belts as the Evolution theme plays.

JR: What the hell is going on here! Triple H and Batista have destroyed Goldberg here tonight, and there’s only one man to blame! Undertaker!

King: Wait, I hear the Coach is catching up with Undertaker backstage! Can we get a camera out there???

Undertaker is walking in the parking lot to his motor cycle and Coach is chasing him down. Coach gets up to him out of breath.

Coach: (breathing heavy) Undertaker! Big Evil!

Taker: What you want boy?

Coach: What happened out there moments ago? Turning on Goldberg? Goldberg just got dismantled by Evolution and Triple H’s sledgehammer, what do you have to say for yourself?

Taker: Listen up, this is my yard and it’s about time other people take notice. Now get the hell out of my way…

Undertaker pushes Goldberg aside and gets on his motorcycle and drives away into the night as the show goes off the air.


WWE Raw and SmackDown! present
WWE Summerslam
LIVE on PPV from Boston, MA!

World Heavyweight Championship
Elimination Chamber
Triple H* defends against Goldberg, Undertaker, Kane, Booker T., and Chris Jericho

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar defends against Kurt Angle

Raw vs. SmackDown!
Raw’s World Tag Team Champions 3 Minute Warning vs. to be announced SmackDown! Team

WWE Women’s Championship
Molly Holly defends against Gail Kim and Jazz

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Batista and Triple H vs. Undertaker and Goldberg, Taker is a heel and looks like his eye is also locked on Goldberg, this could be a good feud.

Worst Match: 3MW dominates the Underdogs, but good to see Team uhh.. I mean the Dudleys joined Smackdown. If 3MW wins Summerslam, it will definitely put them over.

Best Promo: Definitely the HBK/Flair then comes Orton and Stone Cold promo, I wanna see HBK/Stone Cold vs. Flair and Orton at Summerslam! lol...

Worst Promo: At first, I thought it will be the Goldberg/Undertaker promo since I thought Taker isn't in character when he's talking to Goldberg but it got the point at the end when he turned on Goldberg so there's none, lol...

Additional Feedbacks: Your feuds toward Summerslam is shaping up and it will be totally going to be a great PPV. I am very curious on the Boom or Bust Match of Jericho and Booker. If they will face up with each other, then that means the loser will be out of the EC match, I'll definitely check this out and btw, good to see Batista won two matches :D