WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Triple H vs. Goldberg vs. The Undertaker

I can see this being a very good match and I predict this will end in a no contest and/or The Game barely escapes with the World Heavyweight Championship prompting Bischoff to make a rematch at Summerslam only it may have some kind of stipulation added to it.

Kane vs. Y2J

Well, since Kane accepted the challenge with a chokeslam to Jericho, I see Jericho cheating to pick up the victory.

Jeff Hardy vs. Batista

This match should be pretty good but for some reason I have the feeling that Batista may walk away the champion.

Booker vs. 3 Minute Warning

I have a feeling some tag team is going to come in to help Booker. Not quite sure who it will be, possibly a new tag team or the returning Dudleys. But I see 3MW picking up the victory with ease only to assault Booker afterwards prompting some tag team to come out and help him.

Christian vs. Mark Henry

I think Christian is going to be picking up the victory here. But there’s also a part of me that says there will be a twist in this match that builds to the Trish/Christian storyline. I’m not quite sure what it is but something tells me there will be because to be honest Henry vs. Christian wouldn’t be too appealing to me because Henry isn’t any good in the ring. So I think there will be some kind of twist during the match that builds up the Christian/Trish storyline. Maybe Trish aligns with Henry? Christian sides with Henry? I don’t know what but something tells me there will be a surprise of some kind. lol…Not sure what but I think there will be one.

This looks like a real good card. I’m curious to see what happens with Flair and Michaels and the Texas Rattlesnake returning to raise hell should kick ass. I’ll be checking out the show as always.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Sorry for this brief review. I really need to start doing match-by-match, promo-by-promo reviews, because this BTB sure deserves it. But anyway here is a quick review.

Best Match: Undertaker vs. Goldberg is my favourite from the show. It really sets up the 3-Way at the 3 Hour Spectacular really well and I can imagine Triple H ruining the match.

Worst Match: Not a bad one writing quality, but the tag-team match could have been better.

Best Promo: The opener with Michaels and HHH was in character and worked really well. Special mention goes to the Highlight Reel as well.

Worst Promo: None.

Additional Comments: Sorry for this review being really late. In another thread you said you wanted to set the standard really high for BTBs now that your Mod and you've done it really well. Keep it up.

Cheap Plug: RAW 21-07-2008 is up, as well as Preview for Smackdown 25-07-2008, Backstage News and RAW WOTW.

Oh and once someone has posted after me I'll post my Predictions for the Upcoming 3-Hour Raw.



WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II
LIVE on SpikeTV

VIDEO: Highlighting the history between Goldberg and the Undertaker and the Number One Contender’s Match last week between the two. Then show highlights of Triple H’s destructive path over Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, and the Undertaker over the past month.

Pyros go off as the Raw theme plays.

: Good evening and everyone and welcome to the second annual Raw 3 Hour Spectacular! We are here LIVE on SpikeTV in a red hot jam packed house in Cincinnati, OH! King, two months ago I thought the first 3 Hour Spectacular wasn’t going to be outdone, but tonight just might give it a run for it’s money!

King: No doubt about it JR, I mean look at the main event, you cannot get any bigger than Triple H defending his World Heavyweight Championship against Goldberg and the Undertaker in a triple threat match! Can you?

JR: I just might King, how about the return of the Rattlesnake? That’s right folks, for the first time since WrestleMania XIX, the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin will be LIVE in the house tonight in Cincinnati!

Christian’s music hits as Captain Charisma comes down the ramp.

Looks like we are kicking off tonight with Captain Charisma! Christian has had a very emotional 2 months in the WWE, well, ever since he hooked up with Trish Stratus.

King: That’s correct JR, and 2 weeks ago on Monday Night on Raw, Mark Henry put his hands on Trish severely injuring her, I hoped that Trish would accompany Christian to the ring tonight, but it appears she couldn’t be here.

JR: If you can remember King, Christian had this whole “planned announcement†that he was going to drop on Trish tonight, he had that planned for weeks, but it all got messed up thanks to Tuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises!

Theodore Long’s music hits as Teddy Long and Jazz accompany Mark Henry to the ring.

: I can’t even look at this guy JR, he disgusts me, how can he even think of putting his hands on a defenseless young lady let along plant her with the World’s Strongest Slam?

Christian vs. Mark Henry w/ Jazz and Theodore Long
The bell rings and Christian jumps the gun and charges Henry. Christian jumps onto Henry, but Henry catches him and pushes him back. Christian falls onto his back, but spring backs up and charges Henry once more. Henry stops Christian in his tracks with a huge clothesline. Mark Henry picks Christian up and throws him into the corner. Mark Henry connects a huge back hand chop to the chest of Christian. Mark Henry grabs Christian by the head and hurls him up and over his head out of the corner and Henry crashes on the mat. Christian cringes on the mat as Mark Henry approaches him. Christian fires shots up to the gut of Henry. Christian nails a chin breaker on the big man and Henry stumbles back. Christian bounces off the ropes and goes for a mid air cross body. Mark Henry catches and nails him with a tilt away sidewalk slam. Teddy Long cheers on Henry from the outside and Jazz has no expression as usual. Christian intelligently rolls out of the ring holding his stomach in pain. Mark Henry screams at him from the ring and the ref holds Henry back. Christian hangs on the fan barricade for support and courageously tells Mark Henry to bring his worst. Mark Henry gets pissed and pushes the ref out of the way and pursues Christian. Mark Henry walks over the rope and onto the apron and Christian nails him with a forearm to the back of the knee and then pulls his foot off the apron and Mark Henry tumbles onto the floor. Christian stomps the hell out of Mark Henry on the floor, but Henry makes it back up to his feet and manages to push Christian away. Christian charges Henry again, but Henry catches him and puts him in a bear hug type hold. Mark Henry turns towards the ring post and charges it ramming Christian spine first into the steel post. Mark Henry chucks Christian to the floor and raises his arms cockily to a horrible ovation.

Henry: You gunna end up in the same hospital room as your bitch boy!

JR: Oh lord King, did you hear that JR?

King: I did JR; I sure don’t like it that’s for sure! Someone better do something before it’s too late!

Henry picks up Christian and walks him over to the announcer’s table. The ref slides out of the ring and gets in front of Mark Henry. Mark hurls Christian to the floor and chases the ref around. The ref high tales it to the other side of the ring and Mark Henry focuses back on Christian. Mark Henry grabs Christian, but Christian nails a cheap thumb to the eye. Christian tries to run away, but Mark Henry uses his long wingspan and grabs Christian’s head and pulls him back in straight into a headlock. Henry grabs Christian’s head and slams it against the announcer’s table. Christian bounces off the table and onto the floor. Mark Henry picks Christian up and slams him skull first off the stairs and into the ring.

Henry: You ain’t no challenge boy, this is like beating up a punk in grade school boy!

Henry slides in the ring and covers Captain Charisma 1…2…Henry picks Christian off the canvas and laughs. Mark Henry slams Christian’s head off the mat repeatedly over and over. Mark Henry gets up and bounces off the ropes and goes for the Big Splash. Christian suddenly rolls out of the way and nobody home for Mark Henry. Christian keeps rolling and falls off the side of the apron and spills onto the outside floor. Christian squirms on the floor in pain and rolls back and fourth as the crowd gasps in concern. Mark Henry slowly wobbles back and fourth on the mat as Teddy cheers him on. Mark Henry slowly teeters up to his feet and hangs over the top rope reaching for Christian, but Christian suddenly appears holding a steel chair and swings it up and cracks Henry over the skull with it. The ref didn’t see it because Mark Henry’s mass was so big it blocked the shot. Mark Henry backs up holding his skull wobbling. Christian jumps on the apron and springboards off the top rope up and over Henry hooking the shoulders of Henry with his legs into a quick roll up bridge 1…2…kickout! Christian sits up and can’t believe it. Mark Henry stands up behind Christian and casts a shadow over him. Mark Henry shakes his head and Christian slowly looks up at him. Mark Henry grabs Christian by the head and pulls him up. He gives him a massive headbutt and hurls him across the ring. Christian bounces back and Mark Henry hurls him up and catches him then sets him down with a World’s Strongest Slam. Mark Henry covers Christian 1…2…3!
WINNER: Mark Henry

JR: Oh thank the dear lord that car wreck is over!

King: I am not sure how much longer I could have sat here and watched this JR, I don’t know what Christian was thinking in the first place challenging Mark Henry to a match, he must be nuts!

Mark Henry whispers something to Christian and then walks up the ramp with Jazz and Theodore Long. They all raise their arms in victory at the top of the ramp.

JR: Oh yea, you guys are real tough; Mark Henry alone makes up 4 normal men, that was almost a handicap match!

King: Well JR, all I have to say is Christian kind of brought that onto himself!

JR: He had no other choice; he had to stand up to Henry, for Trish Stratus! He had to be a man for once!

Coach is standing by with Big Evil the Undertaker.

Coach: I am here with the Deadman himself, the Undertaker. Now Big Evil, last week right here on Raw we witnessed one of the greatest back and fourth styled match-ups we have ever seen in years between both Goldberg and yourself, now despite Triple H’s interference, do you think you would have won that match if the Game didn’t interfere?

Taker: Coachman, let me ask you a question boy, who kicked the holy hell out of Bill Goldberg for a solid half hour last week? Who is the new “undefeated†superstar on Raw? I’ll cut you a break kid, it’s the Deadman. I have been dominant since coming to Raw, nothing stood in my way between me and the belt. I was this close to getting what I wanted until you entered my yard Bill. You see Goldberg, I am the biggest dog in this yard, I make the rules, I decide who comes in and doesn’t come back out, and ever since you came back here to Raw after Vince reinstated you, you have been nothing but a little bitch running back and fourth on Monday Nights. After I defeated Chris Jericho at Bad Blood I put my seatbelt on because I knew I was on the road to my title shot, that’s until you came along Goldberg. The way I see it is, you took my spot. I would have had the World Heavyweight title around my waist if it wasn’t for your scrawny little ass. Tonight Bill I get what I want, but don’t think the World title is the only thing on my mind, sure it might be number one, but you are a close number two. Goldberg, tonight, you better watch your ass because you have spent too much time in Big Evil’s yard, and your time is just about up…

Undertaker walks away.


Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here comes the reigning and defending Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy! This next title match is a two out of three falls match ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for one hell of a slobbknocker!

King: I hope Jeff Hardy is ready for the JR, Batista has been craving that title for months, and I think he is really going to win it this time, I can feel it JR, he is part of Evolution afterall.

JR: Let’s not forget King Jeff Hardy has defeated Batista 1…2…3 twice in a row, which must give some sort of edge to the champion.

Evolution’s music hits as the Animal Batista comes down the ramp.

: Look at the physique on this guy JR, he is incredible!

Intercontinental Championship
2 out of 3 Falls Match
Jeff Hardy* vs. Batista
The ref holds up the Intercontinental Championship and signals to ring the bell. The bell rings and we are underway as Hardy and Batista circle the ring. Hardy claps his hands to get the crowd behind him as Batista lunges in and locks up with Jeff Hardy. Batista gets behind Hardy quickly and nails him with a hard elbow to the spine. Hardy pulls away, but Batista pulls him back in by his belt and nails another elbow. Hardy pulls away again, but Batista pulls him back in once more this time delivering a huge clothesline to the back of the head and Hardy goes down. Batista raises his arms and roars to horrible ovation. Batista turns and grabs Hardy up by the hair. Batista hoists Hardy up on his shoulder looking for a powerslam, but Hardy slides out of the back and runs off the ropes. Batista turns around and Hardy nails him with a clothesline. Batista doesn’t go down and Hardy doubles back off the ropes again for another clothesline. He nails it, but Batista still doesn’t budge. Hardy runs back off the ropes one more time looking for yet another clothesline, but Batista fires off a huge clothesline back at Hardy turning him inside out. Batista picks Hardy up and sets him up for a suplex. Before Batista shoots him up, he nails some forearm shots to the spine and rib area then hoists him up. Batista lets Hardy dangle awhile then sends him back connecting with the suplex. Batista snaps back up and Hardy squirms on the ground. Batista covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista gets on top of Hardy and starts bludgeoning him with mounted shots. One by one he picks Hardy apart until the ref tries to separate them. The ref can’t get Batista off and the ref counts 1…2…3…4…and Batista finally gets off of him. Batista picks Hardy off the canvas and Hardy nails a quick kick to the gut of the Animal. Batista flinches and Hardy kicks him again. Hardy goes for another kick, but Batista catches it this time. Hardy spins out of it and connects with a huge spin kick and Batista stumbles back into the corner. Hardy charges Batista and clotheslines him in the corner. Batista falls down to the mat sitting up in the corner. Hardy doubles back and then charges the Animal. He uses the ropes and sends his body up and then shoots back down with a dropkick like maneuver straight to the chest of Batista. Hardy rolls out of the corner and screams at Batista to get up. Batista uses the ropes and gets up rather quickly. Hardy charges Batista and clotheslines the Animal over the top rope and onto the floor. Batista gets up quickly on the outside and Hardy bounces off the ropes and nails a suicide dive over the top rope and onto the Animal Batista. Hardy rises to a huge ovation. Hardy turns and hops the fan barricade and points to Batista. Batista staggers up and Hardy stands on the barricade balancing in mid air. Hardy runs along the fan barricades and lunges at Batista, but Batista counters and breaks Hardy in half with a spear crushing his momentum. Batista gets up smiling. He catches his breathe and pries Hardy off the outside floor and rolls him in the ring. Batista gets up and jerks the top rope up and down signaling for the Batista Bomb. Batista turns towards Hardy and picks him up. Batista sets him up and sends him up for the Batista Bomb, but Hardy follows through with a tremendous victory roll out of the Batista Bomb pinning Batista 1…2….3!

1st Fall: Jeff Hardy

JR: By God King! Jeff Hardy scored yet another pin over the Animal!!! Can Batista ever pin the Intercontinental Champion???

King: I don’t know, but Batista needs to get his head back in the game! Come on Batista!

The ref signals that Hardy got the first pin and Batista almost blows his top. He gets up and grabs the referee by the shirt and tells him it was 2 but the ref consistently tells him 3. Hardy sneaks behind Batista and goes for the quick roll up 1…2…kickout! Hardy continues the onslaught on Batista and nails shots all over Batista, but Batista lifts Hardy off his feet and drills him spine first into the corner. Batista grabs Hardy and whips him out of the corner into the opposite corner. Batista charges Hardy and nails a running shoulder thrust into Hardy’s gut. Batista follows up with repeated shoulder thrusts to the gut over and over. Batista lets up and backs up. Hardy stumbles forward out of the corner and Batista connects with a hip toss. Batista screams at Hardy to get up. Hardy stumbles to his feet and Batista whips him to the ropes. Hardy bounces off the ropes and Batista nails him with a huge spinebuster. Batista covers Hardy 1…2…3!

2nd Fall: Batista

King: That’s what I am talking about JR! Now Batista is showing his true power, he has this match wrapped up; do you see the state Hardy’s in? He can barely feel his legs!

Batista grabs Hardy up and chokes him with his hands and screams in his face. Batista pulls him to his face and continues to scream at him, but Hardy rebels and spits in Batista’s face. Batista lifts Hardy up in anger with both hands and nails a double handed chokeslam slamming Hardy back first onto the mat. Batista walks off a tweak in his knee and then goes down to cover Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista picks Hardy up and Hardy nails the sudden chin breaker. Hardy gets up and kicks Batista in the gut and signals for the Twist of Fate. Batista quickly counters and pushes Hardy forward. Hardy bounces off the ropes and Batista sends him up and over with a huge backdrop. Batista turns around and waits for Hardy to get up. Hardy staggers to his feet and Batista charges him. Hardy pulls down the top rope and Batista flies up and over the top rope yet again, but this time Batista lands on his feet onto the apron. Hardy turns around thinking Batista crashed on the floor, but Batista nails a shoulder thrust to the gut between the second and third ropes. Batista gets out of the ropes and sets Hardy up for a suplex out of the ring and onto the floor. Hardy suddenly blocks and goes for a suplex on Batista, but Hardy can’t bring the big man up. Batista follows through and hoists Hardy up for the suplex, but Hardy escapes out the back and lands on his feet behind Batista on the outside floor. Hardy pulls both of Batista’s feet out from under him and Batista crashes face first onto the ring canvas and apron. Hardy turns Batista around and nails some head shots. Hardy whips Batista forward towards the announcer’s table. Batista slams spine first onto the edge of the announcer’s table and Hardy charges him and takes him up and over the announcer’s table onto the laps of JR and King.

JR: Good lord, look at the carnage, spilling out right in front of us, what a slobberknocker King!!!

King: This is breaking down JR!!! I can’t believe this match!

Jeff Hardy and Batista exchange blows on the floor behind the announcer’s table. Hardy gets up to a huge pop. Batista gets up and Hardy slams Batista skull first off the fan barricade. Hardy throws Batista onto the announcer’s table. Hardy gets out of the announcer’s area and lifts up the ring apron. He slides out a huge ladder and gets a huge pop. Hardy sets up the ladder as the fans go crazy. The ref slides out of the ring and gets in Hardy’s face and stands between him and the ladder. Batista slides off the announcer’s table and clocks Hardy from behind. Batista backs Hardy up and Irish whips him into the ladder. Hardy falls on top of the ladder onto the outside floor. Batista walks over to Hardy and pulls him up by the hair. The ref gets back in the ring thinking Batista and Hardy will come back into the ring. The ref starts the count 1…Batista hurls Hardy onto the announcer’s table this time and then climbs up there himself…2…3…Batista lifts Hardy up and signals for the Batista Bomb…4…Batista sets him up…5…6…Batista hurls him up and drops him onto the adjacent Spanish Broadcast table smashing the table to pieces. The ref is up to 7 as the fans go crazy. Batista topples off the table and onto the floor at 8. Batista crawls towards the ring as the ref hits 9. Batista slides into the ring and the ref counts the final 10.

3rd Fall: Batista by Count Out
WINNER: Batista

Evolution’s theme music hits as Batista raises his arms in victory. Hardy is motionless on the floor as the ref goes to Lillian and retrieves the Intercontinental Championship. Batista gets on his knees basking in the moment as the crowd boos. He wonders what takes the ref so long in bring the belt and he finds out he gives the belt to Jeff Hardy. Batista springs up to his feet and argues with the ref.

Lillian: The winner of this match is the Animal Batista! However, due to the third and final fall, with it being a count out, Batista did not win the Intercontinental Championship, therefore still the Intercontinental Champion…Jeff Hardy!!!

JR: Would you look at that King? I don’t know how fair that is, but the rules are rules!

King: Are you kidding me JR? Batista didn’t break the rules, he had Hardy beat all match, he deserves that belt! We need a higher official out here!

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as the Raw GM comes out of the gate.

: What the hell is going on here? Earl, Lillian, are you two blind, the Intercontinental Champion isn’t Jeff Hardy, it’s that man right there, the Animal Batista!!!

Lillian hands the mic off to Earl Hebner.

Hebner: With all due respect Mr. Bischoff, the rules state a title cannot change hands to due a disqualification or count out, in which the third fall was a count out. Rules are rules sir.

Bischoff: What the hell are you disrespecting me? Hell, I guess that’s what the rules say, but since I am the General Manager of Raw, I don’t think my “loyal fans†wanted to see Hardy keep the belt, and since Batista utterly destroyed Hardy in this match, I don’t think Hardy deserves that belt, so as of now, I am hear by stripping Jeff Hardy of the Intercontinental Championship!!!

JR: What??? He can’t do that!

Bischoff: As a matter of fact, Earl, I didn’t like your tone you were using with me, so guess what? YOU’RE FIRED!!!!

JR: Now come on, what the hell is this guy thinking? Earl is one of the best damn refs I have ever seen, someone should set that bastard straight!

King: I don’t think you should though JR, he might fire you next!

Chris Jericho walks into Booker T’s locker room. Booker is tying his boots and then turns to speak with Y2J.

Y2J: Booker T! The 5 time WCW Champ, how’s it going man, haven’t chit chatted in awhile, how you been Book?

Booker: Well Chris, not too good man, that punk, our supposed General Manager, Eric Bischoff is drunk with power, putting guys like you, and guys like me, into these bull crap handicap matches with 3 Minute Warning, what the hell is that dog? I am Booker T, the 5 time, 5 time, 5 time…

Y2J: Yea I know, 5 time, 5 time, WCW Champion, I know who you are Book, but do you know who I am? I am the first ever Undisputed WWE…

Booker: …Champion, you beat Stone Cold and the Rock in the very same night, yea I know Chris, Booker T is up on the times. So what’s up with Bischoff dog?

Y2J: I really don’t know Book, he put me in the very same situation a couple weeks ago, but I pulled through and I am here today, it’s no big deal Book, just another match right?

Booker: You damn skippy boy? It’s 3 Minute Warning, they are the World Tag Team Champions, I don’t need this dog, but I have to put up with this crap and now that I think of it, I know who to blame for this, it’s not Eric Bischoff’s fault…no…

Y2J: What do you mean?

Booker: It’s all your fault sucka!!!

Y2J: My fault? What? Book?!! C’mon!!

Booker: No…no…it really is your damn fault. You lit that fire that I am hearing about a lot lately under Eric Bischoff, what are they calling it? “Cutting Edge†TV, is it?

Y2J: Oh you are going to pin that on me? Huh? Well maybe if you weren’t so over confident about your abilities and bitching and moaning about never getting your WrestleMania rematch against Triple H, maybe Eric Bischoff wouldn’t have gotten so pissed at you!

Booker: Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be? You siding with that sucka Jericho? Who the hell do you think you are? You know what, get the hell out of my locker room son, I have to get ready for “just another match.â€

Y2J: Fine.

Chris Jericho walks out in a fit of rage.

: Who the hell he think he is, busting up in Booker T’s locker room and…

JR: Wow King, looks like there was a little tension there!

King: No lie JR, but both have huge matches tonight, maybe it’s just pre-match jitters!



HBK’s music hits as the Showstopper Shawn Michaels hits the stage and comes to the ring.

JR: Here comes Shawn Michaels, you know why he is coming out here isn’t that right King?

King: Oh I know oh too well JR, he is coming out here and going to lay it all out on the table with Ric Flair. They have called it “clearing the air.â€

JR: HBK and Ric Flair have been going non stop, at each other’s throats at one point or another for the past 4 months, these two have to settle it right here right now, and I think that’s what is exactly going to happen!

HBK: Alright boys and girls, it isn’t a secret why I am out here, it’s been advertised on WWE TV for weeks now, I am here for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to call out the one and only, Nature Boy Ric Flair! The Heartbreak Kid has a problem and all I want to know is where we stand Nay-tch, so if you please, Ric…

JR: Well where’s the Nature Boy?

Ric Flair’s music hits as the Nature Boy Ric Flair comes down the ramp.

: There he is, and not an Evolution member in sight JR!

HBK: First off, Ric, thanks for coming…

Flair: Not a problem Michaels…

HBK: Flar, let me tell you something, I don’t need you to sugar coat this like you do everything else in your career okay? I know why I am out here, and you know why you are out here…

Flair: Sugar coated career? HBK? What in the hell do you think you are talking to???

HBK: I know exactly who I am talking to, I am talking to a guy that I used to respect, I am talking to a guy that I used to idolize, but within the past few months Flair, you aren't the man you used to be. Face it Flair, we both hold ourselves on that high pedestal. We think we our immortal, we think we are the best! However, news flash Nay-tch, only one of us is right on the dot with that statement. You know who it is?

Flair:..Oh, it’s the Wheelin’, Dealin’,

HBK: …Showstoppin’,…

Flair:…Kiss Stealin’,…

HBK: …Main Eventin’…

Flair:… Limousine Ridin’,…

HBK:…Heart Breakin’,…

Flair:…Jet Flyin’,…

HBK:…Son of a Gun,…

Flair: Ric Flair.

HBK: HBK Shawn Michaels...Woo.

The fans go crazy.

HBK: If you think you are better than me just because you got it good with the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, you got another thing coming buddy boy!

Flair: Shawn, I am great with or without Triple H, I was selling out stadiums before you could lace up a pair of boots buddy boy!

HBK: Alright Ric, listen, I am going to lay it out on the table…you and me…one on one…Summerslam.

Flair: You want me one on one? Ha, kid, like that’s going to happen! Who was the one that got hit in the throat with a damn hammer last month huh Shawn?

HBK: We all saw you running up and down dancing a couple weeks back Ric, you’re fine!

Flair: Nevertheless, Shawn, I am in no condition to compete…

HBK: Come on Ric!! We all know you are…

Flair: The answer is no. Shawn, no.

Ric Flair walks out of the ring and up the ramp to a horrible ovation.

: Oh come on Nature Boy, you were itching to get in the ring and screw HBK out of the World title, but you won’t do it for a match? That doesn’t sound like the old Ric Flair!!!

King: He has made his decision JR, you have to respect that, and for what it’s worth, I think Flair made the right decision, he knows what he’s doing…

Terri is backstage with the WWE Women’s Champion Molly Holly.

Terri: I am standing here with…

Molly takes the microphone and shoves Terri to the side.

: Like those morons don’t know who I am, get out of my face bimbo. You see I have a little problem, I want to know why I don’t get as much airtime as the guys around this place! I am the WWE Women’s Champion! I am a pioneer in this male dominated sport, but I can’t even get a match, I can only get a promo, not even a promo in the ring, compare this 2 minute interview with Triple H’s 1 ½ of airtime per week! This is ridiculous!

Triple H walks into the picture holding the World Heavyweight Championship. He stares at Molly and Molly shuts up. Triple H puts his hand out and Molly gives him the microphone. Triple h continues to stare at Holly and then points off camera. Molly nods her head and runs away.

: Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get back to my “hour and a half of airtime.†I have been hearing all week long that the odds are stacked against me in my World Heavyweight Championship match tonight. I have been hearing from you stupid fans out there that “Triple H will either get the Jackhammer or the Last Ride and will lose his title either way.†I got one questions for you idiots out there, what the hell are you thinking? If you think I am not walking out of here with the World Heavyweight Championship, you got another thing coming. Didn’t you see last week? I crippled both Goldberg and Undertaker’s asses with my sledgehammer, as if that isn’t proof enough that I can easily get the job done! In case I need to remind you, I am the Cerebral Assassin, I am the Game, I am the World Heavyweight Champion, I am Triple H and maybe the sledgehammer to Undertaker and Goldberg last week jogged their memories, but I will make them remember who the hell I am in that ring tonight, because I am that damn good!!!


Kane’s music hits as the Big Red Machine comes down the ramp.

Here we go, are you ready for a slobberknocker King?

King: Well I am, but Chris Jericho might not be after being chokeslammed by Kane last week on Raw!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: I’ll tell you JR, Jericho really has his hands full tonight. A month ago at Bad Blood, he had to go one on one with Kane’s Brother the Undertaker, which he came up short, and he has a high chance of coming up short yet again here tonight against Kane!

Chris Jericho vs. Kane
Jericho and Kane stare at each other from across the ring. Jericho and Kane walk to the center of the ring and meet face to face. Jericho and Kane start where they left off and continue their war of words and Kane grabs Jericho by the throat. Kane pushes Jericho back gripping his throat but Jericho kicks Kane straight in the gut and nails him with numerous rights. Jericho grabs him and hurls him towards the ropes, but Kane counters and whips Jericho to the ropes. Jericho bounces back and Kane bends over for the backdrop, but Jericho counters with a running swinging neckbreaker. Jericho quickly covers Kane 1…kickout! Jericho gets up and Kane sits up. Jericho doubles back off the ropes and connects with a dropkick to the face of Kane. Jericho puts his foot on Kane’s chest covering him…

Y2J: I’m the King of the World!!!

…1…2…kickout! Kane hurls Jericho’s foot of his chest and gets up. Jericho nails Kane with forearm shots to the back while Kane gets up. Kane fights back and lifts him up and runs him into the corner backfirst. Kane walks backwards and then points towards Jericho. Kane charges Jericho, but Jericho ducks out of the corner and just as about Kane is going to crash in the corner, he quickly blocks himself from crashing and burning. Kane cautiously turns around and is greeted with a huge insuguri by Chris Jericho. Kane goes down and Jericho covers him 1…Kane has his legs under the bottom rope. Jericho gets up and runs across the ring. Jericho bounces back and goes for a baseball slide to Kane, but Kane quickly dodges and Jericho slides under the bottom rope and lands on the floor. Kane gets up and Jericho grabs Kane’s ankles and pulls them from underneath him. Jericho pulls Kane out of the ring and hangs him on the apron and nails him with a hard chop. Jericho grabs Kane and hurls him towards the fan barricade, but Kane counters and shoots Jericho straight into the fan wall. Jericho hits it hard and stumbles back away from the wall and Kane drops him with a running big boot to the face. Jericho gets leveled and falls to the floor. Kane walks over to Jericho and pulls him up by the hair. Kane hoists Jericho up on his shoulder and turns towards the ring post. Kane charges the ring post looking to long dart Jericho into it, but Jericho escapes out the back and pushes Kane face first into the ring post. Kane falls to the mat and Jericho slides into the ring breaking the count. Jericho slides back out of the ring and then he walks towards Kane. Jericho picks Kane up and slides him into the ring and hangs his head over the ring apron. Jericho starts to walk away, but Kane swings his arm up while lying on the apron and grabs Jericho by the throat. Kane gets onto his feet and stands on the apron and drags Jericho onto the apron as well. Kane swings the arm over his shoulder and signals for the chokeslam. Kane hoists him up, but Jericho slips out and over the top rope and lands in the ring. Kane turns around and Jericho pulls his head down and hangs Kane up on the top rope. Kane falls backwards and lands on the apron. Jericho reaches and rolls Kane into the ring and covers him 1…2…kickout! Jericho smiles and runs towards the ropes. He springboards off the second rope and goes for the Lionsault. He fires off, but Kane quickly counters and gets the knees up. Jericho crashes and burns off the knees of Kane and squirms around the ring in pain. Kane takes a breather and then sits up. Kane gets up onto his feet and signals for the Tombstone. He walks over to Jericho and picks him up. Kane whispers something to Jericho, but Jericho suddenly fires back with the double knee face-buster out of nowhere. Kane goes down and Jericho lies motionless on the mat. Jericho shows signs of life and rolls over and covers Kane with his arm pinning him 1…2…kickout! Jericho sits up slowly and pushes his hair back in exhaust. Kane sits up quickly right along side Jericho and turns towards him staring him right in the eyes. Kane swings the arm over and grabs Jericho by the throat. Kane stands up and drags Jericho up with him. Kane swings the arm over the shoulder and hoists Jericho up, but Jericho escapes out of the back and pushes Kane forward to the ropes. Kane bounces back and Jericho hooks the roll up pinning Kane 1….2…kickout! Jericho and Kane shoot up at the same time. Jericho charges Kane and hits him with a running spinning leg lariat. Kane gets up and Jericho charges him for a clothesline, but Kane gets him by the throat, hoists him up, and finally nails the chokeslam on Y2J. Kane signals that it’s over and goes to hook the leg on Jericho for the cover 1…2…kickout! The fans pop as Jericho shows a last sign of life. Kane gets up and pulls Jericho up with him and starts choking him with both hands and screams in his face. Jericho fires off a huge headbutt into the mask of Kane. Kane lets the choke go and stumbles back. Jericho charges Kane, but Kane grabs Jericho and plants him with a huge sidewalk slam. Kane looks down at Jericho and could easily get the pin but he looks over to the corner and nods his head. He walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Jericho quickly gets to his feet while Kane positions himself on the top rope. Jericho charges Kane and runs up the turnbuckles and connects with a top rope arm drag hurling Kane out of the corner. Kane crashes and burns onto the mat. Jericho runs across the ring, over Kane, and springboards off the second rope and perfectly lands the Lionsault onto the Big Red Machine. Jericho gets up and holds his gut, but fights through the pain. Jericho grabs Kane’s legs and begins to turn him over. Kane fights it, but eventually gives in and Kane turns him over locking in the Walls of Jericho. Kane fights it, but he taps out to the Walls.
WINNER: Chris Jericho

JR: By God King what an ending! Jericho makes the Big Red Machine tap out to the Walls of Jericho!

King: Wow, talk about Cutting Edge TV JR! Theirs is the guy in charge, Chris Jericho, who seems to be on quite the roll now, who knows what’s next for this guy!

JR: I see big things in Jericho’s future that’s for sure, but what about what Booker T said backstage, could Jericho really be siding with Eric Bischoff???

King: I don’t know, let’s worry about that down the road, we still got half the show to go JR! It’s Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular!!!


Still to Come on Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II




Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Awesome. That Intercontinental Title match was brutal. Nice finish with Batista winning the third fall by countout and Hardy remains the champion, until Bischoff strips him. Will be interesting to see who becomes champion. HBK and Flair clearing the air was great and we might get a match for SummerSlam out of it. The promos were very good and in character and the matches were good as well. Can't wait for the second half.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Review of the first half of the show.

BM: Hardy vs. Batista. It was written very well and I liked the ending. Batista went over, but he really didn't beat Hardy so that leaves the feud open.
WM: Henry vs. Christian. I was a glorified squash.
BP: Flair/HBK
AC: I look forward to the second half of the show.

Evil Austin

awesome show so far man.. Ill give you a proper review once its all up and feel free to check out my BTB if you can.. thanks

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Henry vs Christian: Henry absolutely dominated this match, and it looks like you are really trying to get behind him. It was a good way to start off the show.

Undertaker promo: Good promo. Based on the way Undertaker is really ripping into Goldberg, I see HHH retaining later, and Taker vs Goldberg going onto Summerslam. Anyway, Taker was very in character.

Jeff vs Batista: A very good match, and I liked the way neither man used his finisher to get the first or second fall, therefore building the hype for a big move. Intesting finish, with Bischoff on his power trip.

Flir/HBK promo: Very interesting. The match will obviously happen eventaully, but this does well in making Flair seem like a piece of chicken shit, Nice exchange in the middle lol.

Molly Holly/HHH promo: HHH was vey good, and Molly was .... well Molly was just in there to put HHH over. HHH was vey in character and a great read.

Jericho vs Kane: Really in character for both of them, with Jericho I feel being used perfectly in this match. Awesome match.

Review the rest when it gets put up.


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
good first part....i think i kno what Austin is going to come back as...should be good with your promo skills if i am thinking right.

Check out my EWA show...second show and a stable is formed



WWE Raw presents
Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular II
LIVE on SpikeTV

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as World Tag Team Champions come out of the gate.

: I have to admit JR, these two men scare the heck out of me! The World Tag Team Champions, Jamal and Rosey, collectively known as 3 Minute Warning, have been the most dominant team in WWE that I think I have ever seen. They ran the Dudley’s out of town with the help of their ring leader Eric Bischoff. Within the past couple weeks, they have destroyed the likes of Shawn Michaels, RVD, and Chris Jericho, and now they look to add Booker T’s name to that list! Booker has quite the fight ahead of him in a few moments.

JR: I might not like the way they do business King, but I have to agree with you that these two men have been the most dominant tag team here on Raw to date!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 Time WCW Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here is one of the most respected men in the locker room, it’s Booker T, he is a 5 time WCW Champion you know!

King: He might be respected, but I am pretty sure that Chris Jericho didn’t show the utmost respect for Booker backstage earlier tonight.

JR: Like we said before King, that’s an issue for another time, let’s get back on track to this handicap match!

Booker T vs. 3 Minute Warning
Jamal and Rosey stand in the corner and discuss who is going in first as Booker runs across the ring and ambushes both of them. He nails Jamal with a hard chop then turns to Rosey and nails him with a hard chop. Booker turns to Jamal and nails him with a shot then turns to Rosey and does the same. Jamal spins Booker around, but Booker counters with a huge spinkick. Jamal stumbles backwards to the ropes. Rosey charges Booker and both men brawl out into the middle of the ring. The ref forces Jamal onto the apron and the ref calls for the bell for the match to start. Rosey drills Booker with a knee to the gut. Rosey follows up with a hard forearm to the back and Booker falls to his knees. Rosey picks him up and hoists him up on his shoulders. Rosey charges the corner and shoots Booker face first into the corner and Booker’s chin knocks off the steel ring post. Booker stumbles backwards out of the corner and Rosey catches him and jacks him back with a huge German suplex. Rosey walks over to Booker and covers him 1…2…kickout! Rosey drags Booker up by the dreads and hurls him into 3 Minute Warning’s corner. Rosey charges and bulldozes Booker in the corner. Rosey tags in Jamal and 3 Minute Warning double stomps the hell out of Booker T in the corner. Jamal pulls Booker T out and drags him to the middle of the ring. Jamal locks up with Booker and gets behind him. Jamal sends Booker up and drops him with a huge backdrop suplex. Jamal gets up and bounces off the ropes and back then pauses right in front of Booker T then jumps and goes for a body splash, but Booker gets enough energy and dodges it by rolling out of the way. Booker gets to his feet and Jamal gets up and Booker levels him with a spin kick. Booker picks up Jamal and nails him with a hard chop. Booker pulls Jamal and goes to hurl him to the ropes, but Jamal counters and hurls Booker to the ropes. Booker bounces back and nails a flying clothesline knocking the big Jamal off his feet. Booker gets up and Rosey runs in from the apron. Rosey goes for a clothesline, but Booker counters and sets him up for the Book End and drills Rosey to the mat.

JR: Booker T is cleaning 3 Minute Warning’s clock on his own, where is this coming from King?

Jamal gets up and Booker turns around and bulldozes him and Booker crumbles to the mat.

King: Well whatever it was JR, it sure isn’t there anymore that’s for sure!

Jamal gets on top of Booker and beats the hell out of him unloading multiple shots to the face of Booker T. Rosey gets up and walks over to the action and 3 Minute Warning picks up Booker T. Jamal whips Booker to the ropes and Booker bounces back. Jamal shoots Booker up and Rosey grabs him by the head and they nail the Dudley’s Boys signature 3-D. Jamal covers Booker T 1…2…3!
WINNER: 3 Minute Warning

JR: Now that’s not right King!

King: What’s wrong JR? 3 Minute Warning winning their match?

JR: No King, 3 Minute Warning is insulting the Dudley Boys, you don’t see what’s wrong with that?

King: I see nothing wrong with that JR, the Dudley’s are gone, and their move, how I see it, is up for grabs!

Rosey slides out of the ring and smirks. He lifts the ring apron and pulls out a table. He slides the table into the ring to an ovation of boos. Jamal sets up the table and positions it dead center in the ring and laugh as they signal for the 3-D to Booker through the table.

JR: Now this is disgusting, I suppose you see nothing wrong with this either right King??? They are going to 3-D Booker through that table!!!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Jericho runs down the ramp holding a steel chair.

: Hey! Come on, what the hell is this Ass Clown doing out here!

Jericho storms into the ring and chases 3 Minute Warning out of the ring. Jericho watches as 3 Minute Warning walks up the ramp holding up their World Tag Team Championships. Jericho drops the chair and turns back towards Booker T and Booker T has a look of anguish on his face as he stares back at Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho extends his arm out to help Booker up, but Booker suddenly gets up by himself and is eye level with Jericho. Booker nods his head at Chris Jericho and Jericho finally puts his hand down. Booker walks right past him holding his ribs and Booker walks up the ramp.

JR: Well King, we have been talking about that little interaction between Jericho and Booker backstage earlier tonight, what is your opinion on that matter as of now?

King: I have no idea JR, the only thing I know is that 3 Minute Warning just might have found another victim, in that man Chris Jericho!

PROMO: Main Event Hype


PROMO: Summerslam Hype

JR: Well King, still to come tonight we have the World Heavyweight…

Stone Cold’s music hits as the Texas Rattlesnake comes out of the gate to a rafter shaking ovation.


King: He’s Baaaaccckkkk!!!

JR: Hold on just a damn minute, business is about to pick up, it’s the Texas Rattlesnake! The Baddest son of a bitch to ever grace a WWE ring is LIVE in Cleveland!

King: Do you hear the ovation in here JR, this is incredible!

JR: I can’t even hear myself think, whenever the Texas Rattlesnake comes to town, you’ll definitely know it!

Austin: Damn it sure feels good to be back in this ring…(WHAT!) The last time Stone Cold Steve Austin was in this very ring was…(WHAT!) hell, I would say WrestleMania XIX. (WHAT!) Now, not to put myself down (WHAT!) I did in fact lose (WHAT!) …to the Rock. (WHAT!) However, Stone Cold didn’t come here to wine and complain about that match, (WHAT!) Stone Cold came to Cleveland to do what he does best, (WHAT!) and that’s raise some damn hell! Now, Stone Cold knows there is a roster full of superstars back there (WHAT!) just waiting to get their ass whooped by the Texas Rattlesnake! (WHAT!) Come on, I know you’re back there! Hell, if you want to see Stone Cold Steve Austin whoop somebody’s ass, let me get a hell yea! (HELL YEA!) I think it’s unanimous!

JR: I wouldn’t mind seeing Stone Cold give someone the Stunner here tonight King, but if I know Stone Cold, he isn’t a patient man, if he wants a fight, he wants it now, bottom line!

Austin: Hell kid, I am not going to wait all night, (WHAT!) Stone Cold has a lot on his plate! (WHAT!) I got to feed the dog, (WHAT!) clean the windows, (WHAT!) drink a couple beers, (WHAT!) go out hunting, (WHAT!) drink a couple more beers, (WHAT!) and hell, I don’t think I got the time to…

Evolution’s music hits as the Legend Killer Randy Orton emerges out of the gate and walks down the ramp with a disgusted look on his face.

: Uh oh, I don’t think anyone told Randy Orton who Stone Cold Steve Austin is…

JR: King, if Randy Orton doesn’t know who Stone Cold Steve Austin is, I think he should be fired on the spot, but apparently Orton is not intimidated by Stone Cold!

Orton: Austin, listen here…

Austin: Excuse me son, are you lost? (WHAT!) Did you separate from your mommy or something? (WHAT!) Did anyone in this arena here in Cleveland lose a little boy? (WHAT!) Son, we might have to take you up to the front desk or something…

Orton: Ha, that’s real funny Austin, but the fact of the…

Austin: Excuse me son, did you just interrupt Stone Cold?

Orton: You are damn right I just interrupted Stone Cold, listen Steve, I didn’t come out here to aid you in your little “ass whooping†gimmick, I came out here to state my opinion, and many other stars’ opinions in the back! Steve, you get all the marketing, you get all the air time, you get all this hype, and you don’t even wrestle when most guys in the back who have big and bright futures, like myself, stand behind that curtain and can’t even get booked on Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sit well with me Steve!

Austin: First of all son, (WHAT!) don’t call me Steve, second of all, if you are pissing and wining about not getting a match, I am sure there’s someone back there that can help you, I mean, wait, who are you again?

Orton: Austin, hell, everyone in this building, I deserve way more respect then I am getting right now. Steve…

Austin: Eh-eh!

Orton: …Stone Cold, just in case you don’t know, I am Randy Orton! 3rd Generation Superstar! The biggest and brightest superstar! I am a member of Evolution, Austin…I am the future!

Austin: Well Randy, if that is your real name, (WHAT!) you might be the future son, but you are living in the present as of right now, and right now you are standing right in the middle of my ring. (WHAT!) In addition to that, you are staring straight into the beady little eyes of the World’s Toughest Son of a Bitch!

King: He is turning red JR, this is when the Rattlesnake’s bite is the most lethal!

Orton: Is that right “Steve?â€

Austin: You’re damn right that’s right you stupid little bastard!

Austin and Orton stare face to face and each man’s temper rises as the seconds pass. Orton starts to walk backwards, he turns his back ever so slightly and then twists back quickly and goes for a right, but Austin blocks and then unloads with right hands. Orton fights back and goes for a clothesline, but Austin ducks. Austin spins Orton around and plants him with the Stone Cold Stunner.


Austin gets up and gives Orton the finger as he signals for some beers. Lillian throws him a couple beers from the outside and Austin cracks them open standing on the second rope in the corner. He slams them together to a huge ovation.

JR: There is the Rattlesnake is all of his glory, what a night this has been King!

King: Oh and what a night we still have to come, it’s almost main event time, in just a few moments the Game Triple H is set to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against both Goldberg and the Undertaker in a triple threat match for the World title! I can’t wait!

Austin gets down from the corner. He cracks open a few more beers and then pours them on Randy Orton. Austin gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp. He turns around at the top and gives the one finger solute to Orton in the ring and toasts the crowd.


VIDEO: Highlighting the past weeks leading up to the World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Triple H’s theme hits as the World Heavyweight Champion the Game comes down the ramp.

: He is the Cerebral Assassin, he is the current World Heavyweight Champion winning it back for the ninth time last month at Bad Blood from Shawn Michaels. He makes his first title defense right here right now against two of the most intimidating opponents we might ever see in the WWE, Goldberg and the Undertaker!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil rolls out of the gate and down the ramp.

: Here he comes JR! The Phenom of the WWE, the Undertaker! He believes he should have had the first crack at the World title, at Triple H, but, in his mind, he thinks Goldberg stole his spot, so what does Bischoff do? He throws all three men in one ring, this is going to be a great match!

Goldberg’s music hits as the camera pans to the backstage area and Goldberg marching out of his locker room and down the hallway through the gate. Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation and walks to the ring.

: This man right here is a ticking timebomb. Most fans believe Undertaker deserves the World title shot, but in my mind, Goldberg deserves the strap more than the Undertaker. Goldberg was undefeated for 2+ months here on Raw and never got a World’s title shot, and tonight might be his night, King, I have a funny feeling about this man I tell you what!

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H* vs. Goldberg vs. Undertaker

Triple H hands the belt to the referee and the ref holds it up and then calls for the bell. Undertaker stands in his corner staring daggers through Goldberg. Goldberg and Taker walk to the center of the ring and start to talk trash to each other. Triple H is confused and continues to stand in his corner not moving a muscle. The fans start chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Undertaker continues to stare at Goldberg and Goldberg feeds off the energy of the crowd and buds heads with the Undertaker with their eyes locked on each other.

JR: Looks like Goldberg and the Undertaker wants to finish what they started last week King!

Triple H starts to inch out of his corner and up to his competitors. Triple H walks up to Goldberg and Big Evil who are still arguing and Triple H nudges their shoulders turning them towards him. Goldberg and Taker break their stare and stare right through Triple H. Taker and Goldberg turn their heads towards each other and then back at Triple H and Big Evil teams with Goldberg to nail the Game with a double clothesline. Undertaker and Goldberg stop the hell out of HHH to the mat. Goldberg and Taker pick up Triple H and bounce him off the ropes. Triple H comes back off the ropes and both Taker and Goldberg crumble him with a double big boot to the face. Triple H holds his face and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Undertaker chases him away and kicks the bottom rope and then turns around and once again locks eyes with Goldberg. Taker and Goldberg meet face to face in the center off the ring again and then lock up. Undertaker pushes Goldberg back towards the corner, but Goldberg fights it off and begins to push the Deadman back and pushes him back to the corner. Goldberg goes for a right with Taker in the corner, but Taker blocks and grabs Goldberg by the throat with both hands and reverses and throws Goldberg into the corner. Big Evil unloads his famed soup bowl shots to the gut of Goldberg. Undertaker backs up and Goldberg stumbles out of the corner and Undertaker hoists him up on his shoulder and signals for Snake Eyes. Undertaker walks out of the corner with Goldberg, but Triple H grabs Taker’s ankle from the outside and Taker drops Goldberg and focuses on Triple H. Undertaker reaches over the top rope and grabs the Game by the hair and pulls him up onto the apron. Triple H counters and pulls Taker’s head down hanging him up on the top rope. Taker springs back holding his throat and is greeted by Goldberg. Goldberg grabs him by the throat and hoists him over his head. Goldberg holds Taker up for a few moments.

King: Oh my JR! Look at the strength of Goldberg, that’s 300+ lbs he is holding over his head!

Goldberg drops the Deadman with a huge Gorilla Press. Goldberg goes to cover Undertaker 1…2…kickout! Goldberg picks the Undertaker up and whips him across the ring. Undertaker counters and whips Goldberg to the ropes. Triple H re-emerges on the apron and pulls the top rope down and Goldberg flies up and over the rope and spills onto the floor. Triple H runs into the ring and Taker charges him. Triple H nails a clothesline and clobbers the Deadman. Undertaker gets right back up to his feet and then trades hands with Triple H. Triple H whips Taker to the ropes, but Taker counters and whips the Game to the ropes. Triple H bounces back and then Taker catches him and nails him with a sidewalk slam. Taker follows through with the hook to the leg 1…2…kickout! Undertaker picks up the Game and hoists him up on his shoulder. Taker charges the corner and hurls Triple H face first onto the top turnbuckle. Triple H bounces off and Taker shoots across the ring for Snake Eyes. He goes to the ropes, but Goldberg holds on his leg from the outside. Triple H charges Taker, but with Goldberg still holding Taker’s leg, launches Triple H up and over the top rope and he spills onto the floor once again. Undertaker kicks Goldberg away and backs up to the center of the ring and tells Goldberg to bring it. Goldberg slides in the ring and charges the Undertaker. Taker goes for a clothesline, but Goldberg ducks and bounces off the ropes. Taker turns around and Goldberg charges him and clobbers him with a shoulder block. Goldberg runs across the ring and off the ropes. Undertaker turns over and Goldberg bounces off the ropes and jumps over Taker. Goldberg bounces off the ropes again and Taker gets up and lifts the boot and gives Goldberg a huge big boot to the face. Triple H runs into the ring and Taker spots him. Taker charges him, but Triple H counters with the face buster. Triple H doubles back and off the ropes and clobbers Taker with a clothesline. Goldberg gets up and goes for a quick shot on Triple H, but HHH blocks and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. Triple H sends Goldberg up and drops him perfectly with the suplex. Triple H quickly pins Goldberg 1…2….Taker drops an elbow onto the Game breaking the pin. Undertaker pulls Triple H up and hurls him into the corner. Undertaker charges the Game and hits him with a running back elbow shot. Undertaker grabs Triple H’s arm and twists it and then climbs the corner looking for Old School. Undertaker walks the ropes and then jumps connecting with his famed Old School Maneuver. Undertaker gets a huge pop, but then turns towards the corner and Goldberg fires out of the corner and levels the Deadman with a huge Spear. Goldberg gets up and roars to the crowd. Triple H stumbles to his feet and Goldberg sizes him up. Goldberg charges the Game, but Triple H connects with a Double A Spinebuster to Goldberg. Triple H follows through with the pin 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets up and Taker runs towards the Game and Triple H stops him in his tracks with a kick to the gut. Triple H sets him up for the Pedigree, but Undertaker flips Triple H over and the Game flies over the top rope and onto the floor. Goldberg staggers to his feet and turns around only to get a massive choke by the Undertaker. Taker has him by the throat and swings his arm over his shoulder to lift him up for the chokeslam, but Goldberg sneaks out of the back. Goldberg hooks him for a German Suplex, but Undertaker counters with back elbow shots to the head. Taker turns around and gets him in a front face lock. Undertaker raises his hand and signals for Goldberg’s Jackhammer. Undertaker lifts Goldberg up ready to drill him with the Jackhammer, but Triple H emerges back in the ring and delivers a straight chop block to the back of Taker’s knee. Undertaker falls backwards and connects with the suplex on Goldberg. Triple H quickly covers the Undertaker 1…2…Undertaker gets his foot on the rope. Triple H gets up and pulls Taker to his feet. Triple H turns around and Goldberg charges him for the Spear, but Triple H dodges him and Goldberg hits Taker with yet another Spear. Taker goes down hard screaming in pain and rolls out of the ring. Goldberg gets up and shakes his head. The ref tries to communicate with Undertaker from the ring and Goldberg goes after Triple H behind the ref’s back. Goldberg goes for a clothesline, but Triple H ducks and low blows him. Goldberg gets hit hard and Triple H spines him around and kicks him in the gut. Triple H sets him up for the Pedigree and nails it on Goldberg. Triple H pins Goldberg 1…2…3!
WINNER: World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

JR: Oh come on! Open your damn eyes ref!

King: JR, as I always say, it’s never cheating unless you get caught! Triple H retains! What a night, what a match!

Triple H nabs the World title away from the ref and runs out of the ring and up the ramp getting out of dodge. Undertaker holds his ribs coughing on the outside as Goldberg cringes in pain after the low blow from the Game.

JR: Triple H stole that win, what a cheap way to keep the title. World Heavyweight Champion my ass!

Triple H holds the World title up at the top of the ramp taunting Goldberg and the Undertaker.

: Despite the result of this match, we thank you for joining us on this very special night ladies and gentlemen, tune in next week for Raw, there are so many unanswered questions, maybe we will find some answers next week! Good night everybody!

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Here's the end of my review.

3 Minute Warning vs Booker T: The match was interesting, with Booker seemingly on top, but then just getting suddenly beaten. The ending makes me wonder when Bubba and D-Von will return.

Stone Cold: Really good promo and it should set up one hell of a feud with Orton. I really loved the commentary throughout this, and it was a great promo.

Triple Threat: Classic start to a triple threat. The match was alwyas at a fast pace, and you kept me hooked. The ending was basically what I thought would happen, but there was a great sequence of moves before then. Great match.

AC: I liked the IC Title match as your best of the show. This was a great event, and is defintely one of the better shows I have ever read.

Evil Austin

here is my review...

BM - Main Event.. head and shoulders above the rest.
WM - probably christian and mark henry one.. I am going to be honest it wasn't short match but I just didn't get into it..
BP - Austins was good, in character and imo best of the night.
WP - none..

Good show.. Ill be reading the next.. also if you get a chance please check out my show.. I have a new ____ ending and has been left un read...


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event andyou kno the reason
WM: Handicap match...seemed rush and ended suddenly....did like the 3D
BP: Austin...will discuss in the A/C
WP: It's XBA.....NEXT
A/C: I thought Austin would be coming back as Sheriff Austin as he was in i think 04. That would be awesome with Biscoff being so power-hungry and your promos would of been golden...maybe after the Orton fued..which will be awesome
CP: Check out EWA....Second show posted


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Part 2 review

BM: The main event. I didn't really like the end because to me it kinda felt like a cop-out. IMO the 2 out of 3 falls match was better.
WM: Booker vs. 3MW. I'm not a fan of handicap matches at all and for the most part it just flet like a squash to me.
BP: Austin coming back. I actually expected Orton to hit the RKO, but I was wrong.
AC: Overall a good show. There were somethings that I would have done differently booking wise, but that really doesn't matter. The graphics that you use are really good. With Kane being on the poster I expected him to do something in the main event (wrong again on my part). Keep up the good work.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Hands up the main event, it was an awesome match and the Triple Threat contest was nicely done. I enjoyed how the interaction between The Undertaker and Goldberg was handle.

WM: None, if any, Christian Cage vs Mark Henry, as it was a glorified squash

BP: Hands down Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair cleaning the air. They had a nice back and forth and all in character. Going back at 2003 I don't recall a such confident an arrogant HBK(in face mode obviously), but I still can picture this persona on him, so it worked.

WP: Stone Cold one. It was very good, but I felt that some things that he said were out of character. Randy's part of the promo was nicely done.

AC: Great 3Hour show. I think last one was good, but I liked this show as well. It set the bases for a Booker T vs Chris Jericho feud or alliance, for an HBK vs Flair match and it gives a turn to the main event picture. Nicely done.

BTW Show has been posted, if you want, go and drop a review

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
I normally use the proper template but for this show I feel I should review match by match.

Cage vs Henry: A match I really liked. Maybe not for others but I really enjoyed this match.

Taker Promo: I don't know much about the Big Evil Gimmick So I cant really comment.

Hardy and Batista: Well this match was my second favourite match of the night. I felt it had good chain wrestling as well as fitting both superstrars. Good ending with Bischof as well.

Booker and Y2J: Very good Promo. I enjoyed it. I would not say it was the best but it was good...

HBK and Flair: I loved this promo. Plain and simple. I liked how they did the thing with trading their catchphrases:thumbup:

Kane and Y2J: This match was half and half for me. On one point I liked it but on another it but the ending let it down. More descriptive would of beebn better for the ending the rest was good.

Booker and 3 Minute Warning: Didn't really keep my attention but did not really help that I know nothing about the superstars. So well yeah.

Stone Cold: Some out of character stuff by Stone Cold but Randy was good but still all good.

Main Event: My favourite match of the night. Loved the ending and it seemed to flow really well. So well done.

AC: Very good show and sort of reminded me of some of the stuff from TNA Impact. So well done there man. Your promos where pretty much perfect as well. :thumbup: